Shampoo: The Silent Health Threat
What Happens If You Don't Sleep?
I Wish I'd Known This At 20
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How I Never Get SICK!
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Eating this way is ruining your life
How I Overcome Problems In Life
How I Make New Habits Stick!
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@carpii0576 21 сағат бұрын
Do not go barefoot on concrete guys.
@Strongfire06 2 күн бұрын
ungrown toenail is more caused with shoes, i have 3 surgerys because of that.
@Elyrion4409 3 күн бұрын
I’m a resident doctor and I have to work a week of graveyard yard shifts once a month. And then twice a month I work a random graveyard shift on a Saturday. Theres no way I can get consistent sleep. What’s your recommendation for us??
@borky1987 3 күн бұрын
2:57 Yeah... about that, just don't step in dog shit 😬
@ItsMido84 3 күн бұрын
You’re bloody gorgeous🫠
@yogiperogy 3 күн бұрын
Gee….showing a 17-item list for one second takes a real genius to come up with!
@nickyhomann9071 4 күн бұрын
Pretty good list- I like the dimmer switch description. You forgot making your room dark & shutting out sound, Using white or brown noise. I thought the sleep apnea guy was going to give some really good tips but that was lame- MANY people with sleep apnea are normal weight so that wasn't helpful
@user-om9be3up7q 4 күн бұрын
I am using the Hykes Pinnacle barefoot shoes and love them, best shoes I have ever owned.
@UserLhp 4 күн бұрын
Since hitting 36yrs old ( im 41 now) i went from sleeping fine to lucky to get 2 hours a night,i go over aweek sometimes without any sleep at all,im ob meds as well that arent working,herbs lavender camomile and valarian don't have any affect on me and on top of insomnia i get paralysis and cant breathe,this is terrifying,i never used to get paralysis or insomnia but since splitting up with my last partner idk why I suffered,he did too weirdly
@katshell2059 5 күн бұрын
In his book, he states overweight people shouldn’t run. I agree with him.
@Miki_big_red_machine 5 күн бұрын
I never touch that🤮🤮😂
@1951split 6 күн бұрын
I agree with most of it, but.... "I can't sleep" is definately real...
@forrest603 6 күн бұрын
I don't like Virbam--they don't support wider feet (me), and if you ask them about this, they don't care. It's like they think they know what's best for everyone LOL I found getting those on/off to be cumbersome. Vibrams also tend to get attention, which some people enjoy (I do not). I'll take a look at the other barefoot shoes you mention here!
@Hayrange 6 күн бұрын
I stopped using shampoo 10 years ago because I was getting such itchy scalp with lots of dandruff. I tried all the anti dandruff shampoos and nothing helped. At first I started with baking soda to wash and vinegar to finish (it helps make your hair more smooth and removes water impurities). However, baking soda is very abrasive. It damaged my hair over time (especially since I was growing it long at the time). Over time, I just started heavily scrubbing it with my hands under just water and bingo, I haven't turned back since. Many people would never know I don't use any hair product. Pushing 40 now and my hair is thick and lush as ever. However, to be fair, I have a good amount of genetics to thank for that.
@AyKrax 7 күн бұрын
This motivated me. To light up a fat one tn
@ElliotsM3 7 күн бұрын
I sleep for 4/5 hours but have naps during the day
@simplyblessed7036 8 күн бұрын
I used to work in construction 10 hours a day and still had insomnia at night due to high cortisol. My cortisol has been stuck in fight or flight for 14 years
@JadaKilla 9 күн бұрын
People crying about 7 bucks a month fees are next level…that’s literally nothing
@flyLeonardofly 9 күн бұрын
How much power does it consume per night?
@user-om9be3up7q 10 күн бұрын
I am using Hykes Pinnacle barefoot shoes, best shoes I have ever owned and will never go back to restricted regular shoes. My feet are so much stronger and love the feeling once you get used to them.
@julianneedsblood7091 10 күн бұрын
Not everyone can be their best when they smoke.
@williamlee7782 11 күн бұрын
I despise the subscription model and they offered me a lifetime subscription when I upgraded my 2 to the 3 so I took it (gave my titanium Oura 2 away; $300?). What I like about the Oura over others is the ability to turn bluetooth off. If they keep rolling features out, I think the subscription is worth it. Some critics say their data is not accurate while others say it is. Regardless, as long as it tracks with 'enough' accuracy, is all I need to know and where I can focus on improvement.
@Sutwang 11 күн бұрын
1:50 that’s not a picture of plantar fasciitis
@dashingeduardosuarez 12 күн бұрын
I quit about 2 weeks ago, my mind works faster, I can verbalize my thoughts much more fluidly without having to pause and think it through, sex drive has gone up and I can recall my dreams from the night before. Quit while you can lads,; it's a crutch that keeps you lame.
@laughingsnoc 12 күн бұрын
Hey, I’m just gonna say this because nobody probably tells you this, but thanks for taking the time to add actual well timed subtitles. They make a video more enjoyable 😊
@skrufdy9688 12 күн бұрын
currently watching this 5 mins before bed, not the best start for me! Great video though!
@football4lyfe09 13 күн бұрын
Hey Mike! Just wondering if you are still doing this experiment?
@janetryan4612 14 күн бұрын
Omg, I love men talking to me about sleep as a post memopausal woman. Get back to me when you experience female hormonal imbalance and long term chronic stress. I've spent a 50 year old plus lifetime struggling with how stress affects my gut since early childhood. So complicated.
@sobosobolanosu3827 14 күн бұрын
Nah, I think it depends from a person to another. I personally smoke weed occasionally and I love it. I also took a six months break before and I still love weed. It's fun and safe, helps me relax my body and mind and also help me look at the things from a different perspective.. so in conclusion for some ppl may be helpful and for some not so do it only if it fits on you
@david23374 16 күн бұрын
Hello, can you please tell me who designs your thumbnails? Best regards, David.
@juddrolfe 17 күн бұрын
8 hrs is contrary to other "sleep experts" on KZfaq. What about the 90 minute cycles of ultradian rhythms? We get so much conflicting information, it's no wonder we are all f****d up!
@MannyLou 17 күн бұрын
Enjoyed the video and your energy
@cresiopereira8576 17 күн бұрын
It's amazing to see ex-stoners testimonials. All they do not have any idea that life do exists without weed. Hey, we the 70% non-stoners are people too!!
@GOHighx 17 күн бұрын
Worst video shirts on KZfaq rver
@nonoahhh 20 күн бұрын
After 23 years of heavy use. A decade working in the industry. I quit the addiction. Nearing 50 days sober 💪💪💪
@bingbong3782 21 күн бұрын
I use barefoot shoes in ma freetime because i noticed since childhood that i have pretty quick pain in ma feet. 5years now i use barefoot shoes whenever i dont need to work normal shoes for work etc. and i have waaaaay less pain in ma feet plus i can even stand longer without getting pain in them. I know its not for everyone, but if you notice you get quickly pain in your feet from walking or standing, maybe try it out, there are pretty affortables models if you just wanna use them in your freetime.
@ariel502 23 күн бұрын
@Mechacock 23 күн бұрын
The people in the comment section… he’s not dogging on people smoking weed, just saying it’s bad.
@bindair_dundat 23 күн бұрын
Regular shoes not only protect our feet from sharp stones. What about weather conditions? Walking on a cold pavement, or on hot sand, or simply stepping into a small puddle?
@HHH81 24 күн бұрын
My ring is gone is less than a year. Yet another reason not to get one. Poof💨
@avgonyma1 Күн бұрын
Gone meaning?
@ATORealty2u 25 күн бұрын
All bulshet . Not real helping advice . Im consider from 8 to 12 , 4 hours equal 8 hours sleeping I rested . All bulshet on this video . Not a real advice or information .
@ajallen212 25 күн бұрын
Awesome, cool, too bad modern life doesn't allow healthy sleep. I only get 1-2 hours away from work before I immediately have to sleep for 8 hours before work the next day.
@johhnybins6037 26 күн бұрын
Weed is awesome
@lionelthebuilder 26 күн бұрын
Man I’m on like day 14 or something I only think about smoking weed after a hard day it’s such a cheat code to not have to deal with reality but in the end it holds you back and makes everything worse anyone denying that fact is still addicted even if they can’t see it or admit it.
@feronikos 27 күн бұрын
gay shoes
@MichaelAnthony757 27 күн бұрын
My favorite review video on the sleep 8 so far. Straight forward well done video. Thank you! I’m one step closer to buying it.💯👍🏼
@leadimentoobrien1221 28 күн бұрын
It's covered by fsa/hsa
@kamil97sp 28 күн бұрын
Ultrahuman ring
@oceanlbi 29 күн бұрын
here's my question, I understand the actual hair strands don't need soap, however, what about the scalp which has natural oils, sweat, etc. It seems odd to neglect washing the scalp although I can see not washing hair.
@user-to1bq1ys1r 29 күн бұрын
how did humanity survived until now, without this great wisdom KEKW - srsly do what the fack you wanna do