Het zwarte gat.
4 жыл бұрын
Steeds overprikkeld raken.
4 жыл бұрын
Terugkomen in het werkritme.
4 жыл бұрын
Zie mij.
4 жыл бұрын
Mannen en borderline
4 жыл бұрын
Stille Borderline
4 жыл бұрын
Boos op de hele wereld. #borderline
De realiteit: ik heb het even zwaar.
@GerardGrensgeval 3 күн бұрын
Dag Karlijn. Ik heb vannacht (onrustig wakker geworden in een langdurige triggersituatie, vrouwlief is drie dagen feesten op locatie en ik ben daar niet bepaald gerust op dat dat helemaal goed gaat aflopen voor mij) voor het eerst je vlogs gezien. Stuk of 10. Heel veel dank dat je jouw ervaringen deelt. Het zijn "feesten" der herkenning voor mij. Bijna letterlijk "feesten" omdat ik me eindelijk begrepen voel. Gezien, erkend, herkend. Je welbespraakheid, je zorgvuldig doordachte woordkeuzes klinken me als muziek in de oren. Nog veel beter dan hoe ik zo zorgvuldig mogelijk mijn gevoelens probeer duidelijk te maken aan de therapeuten waar ik inmiddels al jaren mee bezig ben, maar die -wat mij betreft- lang niet zo goed de vinger op de zere plekken weten te leggen als jij als ervaringsdeskundige WEL doet. Echt hulde voor je openheid, je duiding en je tips. Het zou zomaar kunnen dat jij mij zodang gaat helpen om mijn gedrag te veranderen en zo mijn omgang met mijn vrouw en kinderen te verbeteren dat het ons huwelijk en gezinsleven van de rand van de afgrond trekt en we weer verder kunnen. Je bent een heldin, in mijn ogen.
@flowersforme375 22 күн бұрын
You know what’s crazy is I was in a relationship with my boyfriend for over a year and half and he would loose his temper so much that my feelings didn’t matter. I went from Goddess to Nothing. What triggered this was his family drama and toxicity that kept attacking us as a couple. I broke up with him and he refuses to talk, text or have any communication and we are apart of the same church and organizations. He split and he is not the beautiful man I once knew. He ghosted me.
@bowzuh Ай бұрын
seeing all the negativity is so sad ❤ people with BPD are loving, sensitive, creative, have a soft spot for under privileged people and would fight for justice for those unable to fight themselves. It’s harmful to assume people with BPD should be labeled or marked. That’s abusive as well. Remember the brain is an organ that gets sick 🤢 and it’s the organ that is in charge of making choices. if it’s damaged by external factors then the output will be abnormal.
@johanbilliard1658 Ай бұрын
Ja ja😄herkenbaar, altijd van het ene uiterste naar het ander
@johanbilliard1658 Ай бұрын
Ik ben een man van 48 jaar, heb sinds enkele maanden de diagnose BPS en ADD gekregen, kan na de zomer starten met Vers therapie, ik volg al enkele dagen jouw vlogs en lees me ook steeds meer in, alles wordt steeds duidelijker voor me, het is zo herkenbaar, dank je voor je vlogs, ik voel me minder alleen, en ja, ik ben een man maar het is voor mij ook precies zo, werd altijd door iedereen gezien als een aansteller, 3 decennia aan vage diagnoses, vooral depressie en paranoia, met daarbij de anti depressiva, was de juiste diagnose destijds gesteld had dat mezelf en een hoop(ex) naasten een hoop leed bespaard, vind het nog steeds moeilijk om te accepteren maar heb ook een berusting gevonden, na een grondige verdieping in Borderline PS en onder anderen ook deze vlogs worden heel veel dingen duidelijk voor me. Dank je wel voor het werk dat je doet, ik ben er erg door geholpen👍
@johanbilliard1658 Ай бұрын
Ik heb de diagnose pas sinds januari gekregen, ik ben 48 jaar,😳😥
@johanbilliard1658 Ай бұрын
Zo herkenbaar, ik dacht altijd dat ik de enige was, heb de diagnose BPS gekregen op mijn 48ste,sinds enkele maanden, begin nu steeds beter te begrijpen waarom ik ben zoals ik ben
@faye1818 Ай бұрын
Ja echt...
@faye1818 Ай бұрын
Klopt inderdaad..helemaal klaar mee. Donder op. Diegene geblokkeerd. Nu jij dit verteld snap ik waarom ik zo heftig reageerde.
@faye1818 Ай бұрын
Zo herkenbaar..op m'n werk voelde ik dat ook. Mn lontje was heel kort en begon te snauwen. Ik heb direct m'n werk neergelegd en gezegd ik ga NU naar huis voordat ik dingen ga zeggen waarvan ik spijt krijg en morgen sorry moet zeggen..😅
@fit-wn1kx Ай бұрын
Ik heb bordeline en herken heel veel dingen niet. Het klinkt eerder narcistisch in plaats van bordeline gedrag.
@faye1818 Ай бұрын
Heel herkenbaar..ik zei het ook hardop tegen iemand toen. Ik wordt gek!! Heel naar gevoel..
@TrickyBlade Ай бұрын
Ey yo. Commenters here are insane wtf? Saying borderline people are dangerous and will torment you or will ruin you is actually crazy! 😅 Ey fk y'all lmfao. Also this content creator has zero idea what they are talking about. It's a disorder built around an unstable internal emotional state which may or may not involve outbursts and lack of empathy or manic moods. The rest of bpd are symptoms - not all symptoms are the same between borderline people. There are subtypes and then you have people like me who's disorder flirts with the commonalities between BPD and NPD. Also not all BPD is a childhood learned behavior, it's common but that does not mean it's mandatory. Please creator get educated on your own disorder before you post false statements on a disorder, your doing harm to the borderline community.
@legallycurvy Ай бұрын
they leave you because you no longer have love to give them to make them love themselves. they leave you once they've completely depleted you. ppl should not stop bpd suffers from self isolating they damage everyone else.🧿
@Behindthetruth74 Ай бұрын
Wat ik ervaar, is dat ik heel makkelijk afstand kan nemen van een vriendschap of iets. Zonder er echt last van te hebben. En ik denk ook dat dit indd makkelijker te verdragen is dan die onzekerheid in een contact. Nou merk ik zelf ook dat ik me niet hecht aan iemand. Want ik weet dat ze vroeg of laat weg gaan. En ik denk dat ik me daarom zo makkelijk afstand kan nemen.
@marcundoran1935 Ай бұрын
Yet why does this happen (e.g. you dump your friend) only when youve found a new favourite persin to hang out with
@eleojay401 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing
@nicolettebroer1319 2 ай бұрын
wauw, je bewijst voor mij maar weer eens dat ervaringsdeskundigheid de beste leermeester is. thanks
@annemariehuizing6696 3 ай бұрын
Hoe doe je dat als die reacties worden veroorzaakt door gedrag van je kind ?
@crearoosje 3 ай бұрын
En mag ik vragen welk middel je gaat slikken in dit filmpje (en dus nu slikt… als je er nog tevreden mee bent 5 jaar later)
@crearoosje 3 ай бұрын
❤bedankt voor je openheid
@almere10 3 ай бұрын
Hoe ouder ik word hoe erger het wordt de hoge emoties
@beyourself9162 3 ай бұрын
My best decision as the Ex BF was to block her number as well. I need space. I recognized that I was traumatized, even before our relationship. She just triggered all buttons with her childlike behavior. I am going to trauma-therapy, and I am on the way to heal, she is still not seeing that she also needs help…. in other words, she could have it all, but she prefers to stay in her well known anxious status, because new things scare her as well, nope, sorry everything scares her. Life is a constant threat in her mind…. I had to go, because we were running in cycles….I wish her that life presents her a person who shows her the way out of this nightmare. My trauma therapist also works with BPD clients and she told me that the story of life long bpd sentence is BS… there exist ways out of it…
@nikettabennett9006 3 ай бұрын
It is a choice when it comes to cheating and lying
@andrewwye1058 3 ай бұрын
“The feelings are real” - are they? If they do not arise as a result of an appropriate stimulus, then they cannot be accurately described as the same kind of “feelings” which do have that source. The triggered reactions Borderliners manifest come from a pre-set automatic lid release from the box of suppressed self-expression and sense of abandonment and absence of care, which delivers a completely inappropriate and uncontrollable blast of usually rage and usually directed at the partner - because of course to avoid the subsequent responsibility and guilt, there MUST be a victim to blame.
@tarugardiner4287 4 ай бұрын
Why even send me this shit You Tube ! You know Dam well know why react why I do ! It's not psychological what so ever ! No ABC or D has anything to do with it ! Too many handlers ! That are degenerates ! Simple !
@mervesevinc2377 4 ай бұрын
I am at borderline
@bobantrajkovski5411 4 ай бұрын
Great job at making people hate each other
@evanderploeg309 4 ай бұрын
Dit is heel heftig en pijnlijk. Heb het zelf niet meegemaakt op deze manier, maar wel later teruggekregen in rapportages wat emoties en hoe je alles zegt met een behandelaar kunnen doen. Is niet fijn om te horen. Andersom is wel gebeurd, dat ik zelf wegloop, omdat ik geen controle meer heb over mijn gedrag en emoties.
@evanderploeg309 4 ай бұрын
Mooie verhelderende uitleg. Helaas ben ik in mijn omgeving ook mensen tegengekomen die niet te overtuigen zijn in hun aandeel bij conflicten, gevolgen van gedrag et cetera. De ene borderliner is de andere niet, ook wat betreft het vermogen tot zelfreflectie. Zelf denk ik dat bij de groep die jij hier bespreekt in veel gevallen een comorbiditeit speelt met bepaalde andere psychische stoornissen. Er zijn namelijk diverse stoornissen, waarbij het vermogen tot zelfreflectie zwak of niet aanwezig is. Dit kan dan weer sommige kenmerken die aan borderline worden toegeschreven versterken. En zelfbeschermingsmechanismen kunnen zeer hardnekkig zijn. Lastig voor de omgeving, maar ook voor de persoon zelf.
@Pvppy_dr3amz 4 ай бұрын
Untreated no we don't have control due to lack of implusive control, extreme emotional instability like nerves on fire rage etc. That's why it's best to avoid ppl with untreated BPD and they should probably be in a psych ward
@line1980able 4 ай бұрын
Bij mijn dochter… dan zoekt ze contact en gaat het even goed en dan plots is ze weer weg… hartverscheurend is dit…. Diagnose borderline gekregen op 16jaar… is nu 21….
@macbookbackup7041 4 ай бұрын
Are you using bpd for bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Spell out the illness before the first time using the abbreviation.
@sanemt350 5 ай бұрын
You ruin people’s lives with your drama and never take accountability
@amobiel7383 5 ай бұрын
Degene zonder zonden gooie de eerste steen. Degene die nooit fouten maakt, mag de ander op zn fouten wijzen. Je hebt een goed hartje ❤
@user-kl3yl7ig6r 5 ай бұрын
Niet meer actief?????
@tugnormoustuglicous1303 5 ай бұрын
See how she said "easier for me" completely selfish, why risk months years for people with this mentality well its easier for me ro be a coward and throw you away than to deal with stuff like an adult. Wheres the empathy?? Yes what bpd people are going throw is legit but dont get into relationships knowing ur capable of throwing away people like garbage. Thats rhe least decent thing u can do
@krimbii 5 ай бұрын
Here's the thing. If BPD can't control that they do extremely immoral behavior, then they need to be in a psych ward. If you are telling the world "we can't help it" and then go out and lie, cheat, steal, etc., then how can you belong in normal society? There are definitely some things that BPD can't help. But be careful about what you say that BPD people can't control. Otherwise you're saying you are not fit for society. So the choice is yours. And yes. You do have a choice.
@Pvppy_dr3amz 4 ай бұрын
Most can't honestly I think alot of us should be institutionalized and actually we make up a very large percentage of hospitalizations for mental health. BPD also a spectrum so some might be more aware and adjusted and on the extreme very very mentally unwell and psychotic. I had severe borderline since I was 16 I don't remember most of what I did and certain had very little control but my parents and ex had me institutionalized and knew I was not all there in the head. Some borderlines are more manipulative though and are normal on the outside it's really a septrum.
@krimbii 4 ай бұрын
@@Pvppy_dr3amz I didn't say all should be institutionalized. Please, actually read what I wrote. I said IF a BPD person believes that they can't help it, then they should be institutionalized. So they should be very careful with the "I can't help it" rhetoric. If you are an adult and you believe that "you can't help it" then theoretically you are saying you need to be institutionalized. A lot of BPD rhetoric can consist of "I can't help it" and really playing into the victim mentality as much as possible. So I'm just saying that when they go down that road, they are saying they are a danger to society and have no control over their actions. I'm trying to say this as more of a wake up call to people with BPD. Don't wallow around in self pity and victim mentality, because what you're then saying is you need to be locked up. Harsh but true.
@morganrayne 5 ай бұрын
I was a BPDs favorite friend for 7 years and I regret it . Just remember it's important to be compassionate but you are not responsible for a BPDs lack of self love and its not fixable , they need to do the work on themselves . For the record my ex friend committed felonies , stealing personal property and vandalism, and she either denied doing these things or would laugh about it and this BPD was in treatment at the time and for many years, in her forties and she was only able to mask her problems with people who didn't know her well enough . She had a wall plack that said Masquarding as a normal person all day is exhausting.
@dianat.6426 6 ай бұрын
the problem with BPD affected people is that you think you are the only ones with feelings. And never care that you hurt the ones that love you or care for you immensely and even damage their mental health. The cruelty of BDP devaluing friends and loved ones is unmatched.
@tugnormoustuglicous1303 5 ай бұрын
@macbookbackup7041 4 ай бұрын
Yep !! All about their feelings nobody else’s
@Tailionis 2 ай бұрын
I disconnect when you lose interest. So only my feelings get affected. Hurt after the disconnect? Look in the mirror. You were already on the way out.
@Anxiathy 11 күн бұрын
@@Tailionis You just asserted the other person's feelings of being committed don't exist, based on your own feelings about them. That's the same as admitting that to you only your own feelings matter. Your selfishness is no one's fault but your own.
@Tailionis 11 күн бұрын
@@Anxiathy both points have nothing to do with ea other. But go on.
@anjaverelst9664 6 ай бұрын
@Vivienne2614 6 ай бұрын
How can I translate this into English please?
@dreyhonor 6 ай бұрын
You were basically surrounded by cunts and ppl who don't really want or can't understand you. That happened to me so many times, and I'm sorry that happened to you too. Because it really hurts, specially when we not have our feelings validated.
@HildeBroekman 6 ай бұрын
Herkenbaar helaas
@michalakischaralambous3786 6 ай бұрын
Godd bless you to have the courage to speak with your disorde❤❤ and try other people to understand the difficult pains you have to deal on the journey of life.❤❤ ❤❤❤
@ChrissyBerry 7 ай бұрын
I’m educated to postgrad, hold a six figure career and hold my responsibilities both professionally and towards my friends and family members and I managed them well. BPD is not something I choose to have believe me if I can choose to be mediocre/common-on how my brain makeup is, my genetics and how my childhood was. I think many folks here do not have the understanding that most of us are high-functioning and are actively seeking treatment and resources to cope. With such stigma surrounding BPD and common misconceptions being passed around, it does insinuate that we chose to have BPD like one who chose to have cancer. Worse, folks drink and smoke and vape till they get cancer, which are conscious and active lifestyle choices. But we cannot make any lifestyle choices to make BPD goes away. Hopefully people who sound holier than thou here do a more in-depth research before shooting mouths, and I’m sorry whoever put you through BPD episodes weren’t high functioning and did not actively seek treatment. But if you do care about them, advise them to go for DBT.
@krimbii 5 ай бұрын
You don't choose to have BPD, but some BPD's choose to do immoral and even illegal things. So if you're struggling with emotional control and other things, but not lying about others and manipulating, or worse, then I don't think anyone can judge you. But when BPD make the choice to follow the lazy path of doing nothing about their condition, and then lie, cheat, steal, or worse, then that is definitely a choice they made. For every person with BPD, there is a fork in the road. Either get help and confront the reality of your condition, or take the lazy route and hurt others. If BPD people want to say they don't know right from wrong and they can't help it, then they aren't fit to live in normal society. But they do know right from wrong, and many choose the wrong path. So I applaud you for being one of the ones who is getting treatment. There are many others, like my own sister, who don't choose that path.
@xenxebra2559 5 ай бұрын
@@krimbii everyone chooses to do immoral things. You dont need bpd for that.
@krimbii 5 ай бұрын
@@xenxebra2559 did i say you did?
@xenxebra2559 5 ай бұрын
@@krimbii your comment is gone. But yes.
@martingd777 4 ай бұрын
This right here. DBT and Sobriety is miraculous….
@nickolasemerson2092 7 ай бұрын
Good explanation - thank you.
@darrylgreer68 7 ай бұрын
Here here! Fuck em all
@franciscalove2778 7 ай бұрын
Hoi Tanja, ik ben wel benieuwd hoe 't nu met je gaat? Ik heb een zus van 53 jaar die geen behandeling of iets wil wat haar vooruit kan helpen. En ik als oudere zus heb 't daar best moeilijk mee. Ze zit de hele dag voor de tv te roken, heeft nauwelijks sociale contacten maar ze wijst iedereen ook af. En ze slikt veel medicatie die haar moe maken en ze slaapt ook ontzettend veel. Ik zou voor haar willen dat ze dat ze een beter leven had. Maar zij wil niets.