Is Dam 51 Actually Possible Now?
Weird N64 Memories Nobody Else Has
Best. Speedrun. Ever.
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@WalkerSunriseChannel 6 сағат бұрын
There are few things like hearing about a Mandela Effect that you do not have yourself nor ever heard about but it sounds just plausible enough that you can understand where people got it.
@TheJcris87 7 сағат бұрын
Yo i definitely remember trying to knock Psyduck into that stump as a kid.
@Wourghk 8 сағат бұрын
My parents had a habit of obsessing over documentation for new products, so whenever they'd purchase a new video game, they would also purchase the corresponding Prima guide, believing it to be important. I was usually the one dispelling urban legends among my friends because of those guides. No fun allowed. Needless to say, the Pokemon Snap Prima guide did not mention any way to obtain Ninetails or Golduck.
@Mnemoniforma9.00 8 сағат бұрын
I've played Snap for as long as it's been out and not once have I heard this lark. This is absolutely a new one on me.
@franckmarki19 8 сағат бұрын
On the switch on the nso n64 i got one generator in tunnel that disapear to
@mikeveroni 8 сағат бұрын
Great video goose!!!
@ErrorlVlacro 9 сағат бұрын
It happens because we don't recall things like a library or computer file. This is why word of mouth is the weakest form of evidence. And too many people can't admit they just might be wrong. End of.
@ryanlutes9833 9 сағат бұрын
Oh man this one activated some ancient memories in me. I was big into Pokemon Snap as a kid. I don't have memories of ever seeing Golduck myself, but it was definitely something I remember hearing back in the day. Schoolyard video game rumors were rampant back then. There was no youtube, or huge communities of data miners, you just had to try things yourself and see if they worked. Balloon Pikachu and especially Pikachu riding Articuno were completely unknown to a lot of players even after snapping all 63 pokes. I think that was one of the big appeals of Pokemon Snap (and something the more recent revival understood wonderfully), the fun you could have discovering new special events, as well as chasing a higher score picture.
@JonahUniverse 10 сағат бұрын
I remember THINKING i was probably supposed to knock psyduck into the stump
@Ayy-Lmao 10 сағат бұрын
who tf thought golduck is in snap lmfao
@NateTmi 10 сағат бұрын
are there any glitches in the game & can u use a duck in such a glitch?
@mattblom3990 10 сағат бұрын
I have owned this game since 2001. I play it every few years and only on Agent because I'm "that guy" that likes to cakewalk through easy mode. I've done maybe 10 runthroughs and never knew there was that staircase leading to the gentleman's club area. THAT part of your video blew my mind as much as the ghost legend lol.
@yesidoskate 11 сағат бұрын
gonna be honest, i played that game heaps as a kid and never remember seeing golduck
@GiuseppeGaetanoSabatelli 11 сағат бұрын
Sounds like a bunch of kids who saw Golduck in Pokémon Stadium and probably printed Golduck from the Pokémon Snap blockbuster kiosk (since Stadium was compatible with it). Edit: Actually, perhaps the playground talk for some kids called the "Shiny" Psyduck, a "Gold Duck" or "Golden Psyduck." Shiny wasn't a term until Gen 2.
@A_Name_On_YT 12 сағат бұрын
I wasn't sure of the method behind it, but I remember being pretty convinced as a kid that I could evolve the Squirtles in the valley stage for a while. Don't know what made me outright stop believing but it may have just been having access to the internet by a certain point.
@GamerFolklore 11 сағат бұрын
Omg I wish! There are like 4 of them. It's a really complex high score setup. I wish you could get Wartortle!
@horrisnorris6478 12 сағат бұрын
I hadn't realised Speedlore was officially ended. Gutted!
@Bryan_Jake 12 сағат бұрын
2:26 Skip the ad
@kinghadbar 12 сағат бұрын
But how did the dead sniper get into the shower stall?
@truhhhhhhhokIII3 13 сағат бұрын
Never was
@MarMaxGaming 13 сағат бұрын
Here’s a theory… these folks loved Golduck so much that their hearts couldn’t take not seeing him where he belonged, so their minds warped an alternate reality where they took a picture of him since it turns an otherwise painful memory into something joyfully memorable.
@rpgfanatic9719 13 сағат бұрын
The game doesn't require encyclopedic knowledge as there's not a lot of Pokemon in snap to begin with. The answer is no.
@earlhemmingwayt7029 13 сағат бұрын
My Golduck worked at Nintendo and said he was in the game.
@evbable 13 сағат бұрын
I don’t have a Golduck story in snap, but I remember convincing myself that Vulpix would summon Ninetales. In the beginning area with the Vulpix if you lure them near a lava stream there’s a spot where they stop walking and start clapping their paws and chanting “Vulpix.” I would painstakingly lure all three there, but nothing ever happened.
@prowler6435 13 сағат бұрын
The Golduck being found by hitting Psyduck onto the stump sounds identical to how I discovered Slowbro - which was my final Pokémon found. I only first saw it after turning around, and seeing it from a distance, and getting a poor score. Considering my story is similar to one of the commenter's comments, I think that their memory got muddled with Slowpoke into Slowbro. Makes sense considering Slowpoke is right next to Psyduck's location. Vulpix could be explained by the Charmander into Charmeleon evolution right next to it, as well as the final evolution to Charizard at the end of the stage. My theory is similar to your explanation at the 14:00 mark, but taking it one step further, by comparing what is close to both of them.
@professorplum7025 14 сағат бұрын
I owned Pokemon Snap, and I legit remember Koffing in game. He was in the Articuno stage and evolved the same way that Magneton, you had to get three Weezings in the same spot with the gas bombs, and then they combined into a Koffing. I must be crazy tho. Dont remember Ninetails, or Golduck. I do know you can evolve a Poliwhirl into a Poliwrath later in the stage, and that you can knock those Metapods into the water to get Butterfree. Please tell me I didnt imagine those too.
@GamerFolklore 11 сағат бұрын
Omg that is a crazy account, but makes so much sense! Lmao. Getting the three Koffing together would have been insane.
@jimmypfrompallettown5753 14 сағат бұрын
@pokefriend123 14 сағат бұрын
I got a good Doak
@psychologicaldream8126 15 сағат бұрын
wait what ninetails was 100% in the game i know this, i think the way i did it was with the legendy pokemon did it thats how i remember it psyduck don't remember that one.
@nigeblud99 15 сағат бұрын
There was a rumour at my school that once Trev has gone down to the platform in Cradle, you could shoot him without going down there yourself. I tried and tried, but you can't even see him until you go down there yourself
@Wintermute-088 15 сағат бұрын
This person keeps saying "straddling in the water". What do they think that means?
@sgillman16 15 сағат бұрын
Definitely not. They're thinking of Pokemon Stadium
@fuckitale6407 16 сағат бұрын
In the river level you have to lure Psyduck out of the water with apples to the stump with a hole in it and Golduck will pop out I remember this.
@auditect950 16 сағат бұрын
Every copy of Pokémon Snap is personalized.
@demiraichan 16 сағат бұрын
I rented the crap out of snap before I got my own copy. To this day I can still remember every location, stage triggers, the rainbow road sign photos. This is silly. They may of saw part of a poliwag in the water, but not golduck.
@UltimatePerfection 17 сағат бұрын
Maybe they were playing some romhack with swapped Pokémon? While not as common as in the NES and SNES era, bootleg carts and romhacks for N64 did exist back in the day.
@weebsquit347 18 сағат бұрын
I have a weird memory with Pokemon Fire Red specifically. On Mt. Ember, I remember encountering a Machamp and being pretty hyped to capture it. Unfortunately I ended up fainting the thing which bummed out. I remember i spent a good few hours on Mt. Ember, encountering Pokemon over and over, hoping to encounter Machamp again, but no. I checked the pokedex and found out you can't encounter it, so i convinced myself for the longest time that there was probably just 1 Machamp per save. Apparently no such encounter ever existed, ever. But i remember encountering a Machamp on Mt. Ember specifically. Now I'm wondering if i accidentally did some kind of glitch or something that spawned a Machamp.
@Waxon178 18 сағат бұрын
Will there be no more DLTK Speedlore then? It was fascinating.
@GamerFolklore 14 сағат бұрын
I pretty much covered all the levels. There might be the very occasional, random SpeedLore still.
@jakegriffin7002 18 сағат бұрын
New Pokemon Mandela Effect: Shelder in Pokemon RBY could once clamp onto Slowpoke from menu to evolve to Slowbro at any level(similar to Abra teleport to Pokemon center)
@spikedwallman 18 сағат бұрын
the mandela effect is such an irritating cop out, why is it so hard for people to just admit that they misremembered something
@GymnopedieTornado 18 сағат бұрын
This was probably obvious, but--also, the trunk/dirt mound *looks* like a hole! If you’re playing a game that centers on your aim and timing, of course you’re going to think something should go in there--especially if you‘ve seen similar results before! Same with the Vulpixes--they’re so close to the edge with the lava beneath them, and you know it works with Charmeleon…it makes sense our kid legend senses came up with those ideas. A lot of old game legends are based I think on us reading into these graphical things like this. You remember the ‘secret entrance’ at the bottom of Zora’s Domain in OoT? There’s literally nothing there, but darn it it *looks* like an entrance--you’ve spent the whole game trying to get to entrances you couldn’t before--it makes sense in a way to fixate on it like that
@dexstewart862 19 сағат бұрын
It's always interesting to hear these rumors, especially with games you're extremely familiar with, and know they're 100% not real.
@123370 19 сағат бұрын
The ninetails memory is probably conflating the random arcanine you can get in that stage. I could "see" the ninetales from stadium preening with the embers around it like arcanine when you mentioned ninetails being in the game.
@SpectraPrime 19 сағат бұрын
I swore there was a golduck at the same point, i couldnt remember the details through, but the stump did seem to be part of it, but realised it wasnt on my recent playthrough.
@FallingSloths 19 сағат бұрын
Worth pointing out for anyone still in disbelief, the lack of assets for Golduck really is the be-all-end-all. Without code to tell it what a Golduck is, a 64-bit computer with no Internet connection wasn't going to suddenly learn how to draw a Golduck and make it behave normally with the rest of the game.
@user-zk1eg4ff9y 19 сағат бұрын
I swore on Super Mario Brothers 3 I beat the first boom boom and the door that's supposed to appear after you beat Bowser was there I went through pressed up game over
@tylergilmore8906 19 сағат бұрын
I took my picture of golduck off the right side near a waterfall. I know i did. If i had the game id do it again. He had a golden glow to him. And i never got the picture so i attempted it over and over. Ive seen him 2 or 3 times. I know i did and im looking forward to someone proving this video wrong.
@mattdog1000000 19 сағат бұрын
My brother and I both have a shared Mandela Effect for Pokemon Gold & Silver, where Lapras had an evolution, and the Pokemon they evolved into was pink and had a very dressy wavy style to it, not unlike Blissey, the Chancey evolution... Later, we thought it must've been us confusing parts of Lapras and Chancey, particularly how they both have the curly ears, and simply misremembering Blissey themselves as a Lapras evolution, somehow, but man... it's still pretty vivid, this image of a larger Blissey-like Lapras evolution. And strange that my bro remembers the same thing.
@goodleshoes 19 сағат бұрын
I have a memory of evolving psyduck by hitting him with something.... Weird.
@0dayrepairs 19 сағат бұрын
Wait a minute, Ekans wasn't in Snap? I can literally picture his pose in-game in my head. You bonk him with a pesterball and he uncoils and hisses at you. I was also pretty sure you could get him in at least 2 levels (in River and Valley). Maybe humans are just super suggestible. Or trying to remember shit from 20 years ago just causes your brain to mix up games. But damn, that one got me.
@sgillman16 15 сағат бұрын
Are you sure you're not thinking of Pokemon Snap
@yokoelf1293 19 сағат бұрын
My Mandela effect is that Milktank is actually spelled Miltank.
@joeyjoseph8837 12 сағат бұрын
Onix used to be spelled Onyx for me. I still get tripped up when I see it spelled "Onix"