@Blerdy_Disposition 2 күн бұрын
As someone who adores Call of Cthulhu and horror RPGs, I am definitely interested. I am a big fan of DCC so I just might check out this kickstarter! I could see this connecting to the DCC Adventure 101: The Veiled Vaults of the Onyx Queen. Have you ran/played that one yet? Albeit the adventure mentioned above is not nearly as focused on investigation but could be a could introduction to horror gaming in general.
@wasabiburger3047 2 күн бұрын
I have not run that one but I do own The Veiled Vaults, I just haven't gotten to it yet! It's been on my list for a while
@Blerdy_Disposition 2 күн бұрын
@@wasabiburger3047 definitely get to it. It is a gory blast and really fun if you have a chance I think!
@DarkStarAdventures 4 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for the lovely review. We're extremely proud to be bringing our first adventure to print! - Jeff & Casey
@BryanSpellman 4 күн бұрын
thanks for the review. I plan on backing it.
@keithulhu 4 күн бұрын
When I see Mork Borg mentioned I always think, "Nanu Nanu, you will be assimilated"
@wasabiburger3047 4 күн бұрын
@NocturnalPeacock 4 күн бұрын
Awesome review WB!
@KingofBlades113 4 күн бұрын
This sounds like a really interesting adventure. The art is fantastic and seems quite creepy.
@stevespidey 4 күн бұрын
He cut his HAIR!!
@ericzeiger5929 5 күн бұрын
You should. It’s so much fun!
@Acmegamer 6 күн бұрын
I'm glad I limit my social media interactions. I missed out on the hatred against Shadowdark rpg I guess because of that. I did go all in on the Kickstarter for Shadowdark rpg. I only have a couple issues with Shadowdark which I can tweak easily and have to use it the way I want to. It feels like a less over the top gonzo DCC rpg as an aside. Which isn't a bad thing in my opinion. DCC rpg can be a bit too much for some, though I'm a big fan personally and own most of it as well. Basically I'm not much of a fan of D&D overall, some editions can be more fun than others but its all interesting. If I run D&D, I'd rather run a variant of it like Shadow of the Demonlord, DCC or Shadowdark. All three can be a lot of fun to run or play in. Though honestly I'm more of a skills based generic system fan, like GURPS, Savage Worlds, Basic Roleplay systems from Chaosium (CoC, RQ etc).
@elpresidente5699 8 күн бұрын
sotdl is great. there's a spell that makes someone shit themselves to death. that one's my favorite.
@brianfroeschner6644 9 күн бұрын
Food and/or water or even ammo are always great motivation to go somewhere in post-apocalyptic settings. " After a morning inventory of your provisions, you discover that your supplies have decayed... likely from the questionable no-man's land you recently crossed."
@KingofBlades113 10 күн бұрын
Shadowdark sounds like a fun little game.The torch gimmick sounds really interesting, almost like Darkest Dungeon
@wasabiburger3047 10 күн бұрын
Darkest Dungeon feels like a HUGE inspiration for this game. When people talk about wanting to do a Darkest Dungeon game, I would absolutely use this for it.
@PatrickJoannisse 11 күн бұрын
This game hits right for me and my group because I wanted something simpler than OSE, darkness being meaningful (no ancestry with darkvision) and for spells like Magic Missile and Fireball (sorry WWN). When you treat Shadowdark as a canvas instead of an entire painting it's great.
@wasabiburger3047 10 күн бұрын
I think that is a great way to put it. I also agree that it's simpler than OSE, but I also think the character builds/classes more compelling when I both played and ran the game.
@mittelz5976 11 күн бұрын
Too many bad words in this discussion. Please include more advertizer friendly words in the future like unalive.
@wasabiburger3047 11 күн бұрын
@bierthirty 11 күн бұрын
thac0 is a bit of a pain but as a way to make it easier it was just replaced with your attack bonus. If you think of it as "To Hit AC 20" instead then in modern terms, with no attack bonus you need a 20.. as you level up to say lvl 3 and get a +2 attack bonus then you only need an 18. Thinking of it that way look back at the chart and it makes it seem less complicated.. i still dont care for it though.
@choffman138 11 күн бұрын
It's fine to me. It not going to replace DCC for me ever but it's definitely got some good ideas.
@ElderGoblinGames 11 күн бұрын
Whole heatedly agree with this entire discussion.
@iPwnedMSCS 11 күн бұрын
"Let me know what you'd like to see in future episodes" I look forward to your Mörk Borg apology episode. You monster.
@martins124 11 күн бұрын
I'm with you on the number of fantasy systems and how similar some them are. I've pruned the number of games I've got on the shelf down by about half for just that reason and I'm definitely aiming to spend more time playing fewer systems. Now about THAC0...
@Blerdy_Disposition 11 күн бұрын
At 16:00 about THACO, agreed. THACO is confusing as hell!
@wasabiburger3047 11 күн бұрын
Oh shit, hey Blerdy! I've seen your stuff, it's really good! I should sub already. And yeah I am excited to see what comments I get about THAC0.
@bierthirty 11 күн бұрын
I think DC20 is the next flavor of the month. It has some neat stuff too blending pf2 and 5e together. I passed on the Kickstarter because im gonna dump my cash on Caverns of Thracia DCC stuff.
@choffman138 11 күн бұрын
That was a sound decision I think
@humantrans1529 11 күн бұрын
Firmly in the bucket of 'neat, but what else you got' for me. OSR F20 game with some ideas but a little too safe to catch my interest. Topic suggestion: turning grid map dungeons into point crawls?
@bierthirty 11 күн бұрын
I call it 5e lite with a splash of DCC.. played my group about 30 sessions and they had fun.. I run mostly DCC now though
@wasabiburger3047 11 күн бұрын
If you notice the beginning cut weird, the opening song which was supposed to be royalty free got claimed this time but not the last 3 times. Anyway, I opted to cut it to keep the video monetized.
@johnnygreenface4195 12 күн бұрын
Acting up in Lankhmar is so good. Some of the most fun I have had in any RPG module elver
@Stray_GM 24 күн бұрын
Sweet, thanks for the rec of Ragged Hollow!
@Cantankerous-Bees 25 күн бұрын
Ran Dead By Dawn last night with the intention of leading the survivng characters into a tweaked Curse of Strahd Campaign using this system. One of my players made the excellent point that the setting feels very much like the Old Diablo games.
@wasabiburger3047 25 күн бұрын
Damn, that sounds amazing. I would love to hear how that tweaked Curse of Strahd game goes with SotDL!
@Sirwilliamf 26 күн бұрын
Wonderful review! I gotta try this some time.
@michaelmullenfiddler Ай бұрын
Good review. I'm an oldtimer that has been a fan of all things Harn since about 1983. And it just keeps getting better.
@jakekimball7425 Ай бұрын
L0 Staring: Chisel - Dwarf stone mason Rudy - Human rutabaga farmer Jedidiah - Human trapper Pip - Human squire hopeful Finthap - Elf Forester Fennick - Human smuggler Dwight - Human gambler Gromnil - Dwarf ratcatcher Thory - Dwarf miner Cory - Dwarf stone Mason Jago - Halfling vagrant Gillian - Human barber Melith - Elf Forester Chrys - Elf sage Doyle - Human weaver Jan - Human turnip farmer
@jakekimball7425 Ай бұрын
Just getting into DCC as 5e has become too bloated, overpowered and the outcome a forgone conclusion. Learning a lot and really enjoy the chemistry between the players and Judge. Great job guys!
@GateKeeperPat Ай бұрын
Did you run any of the published adventures or homebrew all your quests/adventures?
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
So far I just run my own content going off of what I am in the mood for. I bought several SotDL campaigns but they didn't really get my neurons firing when I read them. Funnily, I was actually thinking of running a few to make a video on them to review a few since I like actually running stuff before reviewing it. But from the ones I grabbed none of them really made me go "Oh I need to run this right away" over my own creative ideas.
@GateKeeperPat Ай бұрын
@@wasabiburger3047 Nice insight! Did you use any of the tables in the Core book for the campaign? Or just used prior experience as a DM to bring it all to life?
@deProfundisAdAstra Ай бұрын
This is such a great rundown and I had such a great time following along with it. I wish I'd known about this months ago! I'm happily subbed now; if you ever feel like doing more CWN coverage I'm very here for it :D
@Finding_Arcadia Ай бұрын
Oh god i cant express how appreciative i am for this! And so happy its actually organized and has quality audio, I was afraid that this would be one of those rambling videos where a couple dudes just use their phone mic to record while theyre pretty much just hanging out. Im so glad that era of KZfaq is pretty much over lol
@bAtACt1X Ай бұрын
Thx dude! What a wonderful game! And a very nice presentation, too. Subscription more than earned.
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the super kind words <3
@Lord_Framebreak Ай бұрын
I started the hobby with DnD 3.5. We ran with it for years but my players prefer 5e for convenience, despite me building a custom playset for 3.5 with a reference sheet. Lately we got experimental and started different ttrpgs like Vampire, Lancer, and Pathfinder. I'm eager to try this one out as well.
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
Oh nice! I was looking at Lancer about 2 months ago and it felt like just a crunchier SotDL since the rule core was so similar. I hope you enjoy SotDL if you end up trying it out :)
@DavidEitelbach Ай бұрын
You sold me on it. I’ll have to pick up a copy.
@ReadingAde Ай бұрын
Cmon Wasabi. Run this again!
@kaipoh265 Ай бұрын
As a longtime Call of Cthulhu/Trail of Cthulhu Keeper, I really appreciated the purity and focus of Trophy Dark for short-term games. Great review.
@tonysladky8925 Ай бұрын
Thank you! I've been looking for a review of this game that I could send my table ever since seeing... (holy shit!) your actual play of "A Warm and Pleasant Hum", but KZfaq has been rather short on Trophy Dark reviews lately.
@mittelz5976 Ай бұрын
-1 for mispronouncing Schadenfreude.
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
I heard it back and knew I did and I actually thought of you in that moment, Mitt and left it in. As a little treat.
@pictoushead Ай бұрын
-1 for pronouns
@kraken3131 Ай бұрын
+1 for pronouns
@mittelz5976 Ай бұрын
I like pronouns. I would go so far as to say that I use them every day.
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
deep breaths, little buddy
@iPwnedMSCS Ай бұрын
Pictoushead doesn't use pronouns. Pictoushead always refers to pictoushead's self by using pictoushead's name. Pictoushead won't be subverted by the woke pronoun agenda.
@pictoushead Ай бұрын
@arglebargle42 Ай бұрын
As an oldbeard from the late 80s I am so magnificently happy that we have entered a golden age of TTRPG, glad to find your channel and subscribed. Look forward to seeing all of your back content.
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, it's an amazing time to be into TTRPGs.
@KyleMaxwell Ай бұрын
Also, I think this may be the first time I have ever experimented with slowing down the playback speed; you’re going like 1.5x or faster already. 😂
@wasabiburger3047 Ай бұрын
Haha sorry, my talking speed is naturally so fast, I am still working on slowing down :D
@KyleMaxwell Ай бұрын
I've run this game many times (disclosure, I contributed very minority to the Gold book). IMO this is one of the best derivatives of the masterpiece that is Cthulhu Dark.
@vehemetipolygoniae2197 Ай бұрын
Dan got that dracula fit 🔥🔥🔥
@KingofBlades113 Ай бұрын
I've only played Trophy Dark once and it was one of my favourite games. I love the collaborative aspects of the storytelling and the questions asked by the GM which get my brain flowing.
@therocketboost Ай бұрын
When it comes to initiative systems, SotDL is a favorite. Another would be the one used by Alien and Blade Runner where combatants just draw ranked cards but can use successful rolls to move up the initiative in later rounds by swapping cards with enemies.