Episode #320: The Olmec Enigma
Episode #310: Assembly Theory
Episode #301: The 300th Episode
Episode #285: Mysteries of the Maya
Episode #281: Origins of Civilization
@SurlockGnomez 10 сағат бұрын
I wonder how large the 3D scanning equipment they used at the Barabar caves is and how long they take to do a scan? Maybe small enough to hide inside a rucksack and silent enough not to attract attention? I'm sure it would only be a few text messages away via Jahannah James to hook you up with those peeps to find out. Maybe even borrow them if they didn't rent them, or if they did rent them who from? If they aren't absurd amounts Ben's vase mate might be able to sort out the dollars for them.
@dustinmcclellan40 15 сағат бұрын
@eZeZBReeZY360z 15 сағат бұрын
but much love for the Snake Bros, you guys are amazing and God blesss , hope you guys continue your recovery and get back too 100 and cant wait for future content , you guys are truly great and Never stop being who you are cuz NOBODY can be you guys Better than You guys , ✊💯
@eZeZBReeZY360z 15 сағат бұрын
YOO IMAGINE IF GIANTS WERE THE ONES WHO BUILT THE PYRAMIDS and inna sense it would be easy as if a human would be playing Jenga or something , And that only makes sense conaidering no evidence for machinery
@plotholedetective4166 17 сағат бұрын
I still think the vauses are musical tools designed to resonate with materials for various effects. The difference between solid and liquid is vibration of the molecules if you introduce the proper vibrations you could soften stone or cause it to become lighter by just making it shake just right. Tools that use tone.
@dustinmcclellan40 18 сағат бұрын
@dustinmcclellan40 18 сағат бұрын
@anim8torfiddler871 23 сағат бұрын
Not expecting much sympathy from my buds and pals and mates in the Snake Community *_for MISSING a bunch of 'sodes while relocating my tail from one hidey-hole to new (and wonderful) circumstances._* ¡But it Surely is good to see all your smiling faces and see the fun Chat Replay! Just gonna take the time to say hello to everyone *_from 3 tumultuous months in the future._* Most of you are caught up by now, fully aware of all the nonsense. So I'm gonna go catch up on the 'casts I've missed and savor 'em in the proper order. Otherwise a lot of the jokes and comments make no SENSE, right?!! God Bless this Community!
@edfu_text_U_later Күн бұрын
Bro's if you can get Dr Barnhart on that would be mad. I have smashed through his Great Courses series The Lost Worlds of South America, and Mesoamerica from Maya to Aztec on Audible, its amazing. Also the Maya had at least 5 different calendars from memory, with the long count seeming to be starting from around 3100bc, which (if I interpreted it correctly) is just an ongoing calendar that is not cyclical. Then they have the cyclical ones as well.
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs Күн бұрын
The Scythian Hyksos
@MichaelMcCausland-pg6qs Күн бұрын
Stop yelling at us
@dannysisk9458 Күн бұрын
The h blocks are not identical. Watch brians puma punku vids
@Antikythera_is_Sampo 2 күн бұрын
~59:45 About sacrificing children: Aincient Inuites sacrificed babies, because they needed to control the size of the population in that harsh environment. At some point they had understand, that natures resources do not support for ever growing population, so they had to limite it's growth somehow. And the solution was to kill the new born babies, that would have risked the life of the whole population. I didn't confirm this information. I have heard this decades ago.
@joshporter523 2 күн бұрын
Richard leakey (who wrote the bad review) is the son of louis and mary leakey who discovered the trackway in east Africa.
@plotholedetective4166 3 күн бұрын
To be fair Australia also fought birds.... And lost.
@annohalloran6020 3 күн бұрын
You have no idea how much your show means to me. I’m alone out here in the forest but I have great company. Love to Laura.
@el_wumberino 3 күн бұрын
You need to look out for Crop-o-lites …
@annohalloran6020 3 күн бұрын
The bumper music after the white sands anecdote is so very beautiful. As far as those tracks go, maybe there was a custody issue. Maybe a trip to grandmother’s. Let’s think good thoughts.
@annohalloran6020 4 күн бұрын
Rile and Cuss we love you
@ras845 4 күн бұрын
You guys could be atleast a little bit bigger if you had timestamps
@CrowAzaroth 4 күн бұрын
You guys are great ! Love ya
@torrilynn 4 күн бұрын
The olmecs were black Africans. Black Africans built the pyramids. Black Africans are the original stone cutters. Black Africans started the elongated head practice. Pyramids are a black African invention. Bes is an African god. Etc. Etc. Etc. Why is it so difficult for Caucasians to admit this. Aliens? Atlantis? The greeks?? Lol anything but African. Its really pathetic how so many Caucasians can get on one accord to be intellectually dishonest
@mattnicholls5084 5 күн бұрын
very good show.
@gsgmclovin3526 5 күн бұрын
Their heads look like the Easter island heads, Olmec elongated skulls 2/3
@plotholedetective4166 5 күн бұрын
The shortest distance between Russia and America is only 55 miles or 25 miles to the island in between the two. This would be easily sailed by a people whom supposedly were building pyramids and moving large stone via boat as well as trading across the red sea which is 22 miles at the narrowest and 220 at the widest part. The Bering straight also still forms a walkable ice bridge in the winter even in modern times (2006) a man walked from Alaska to Russia. Im not saying that the Egyptians sailed across the ocean to south America, im saying the Egyptian dudes walked and maybe did some coastal sailing and went to south America. I propose that you fund me and three of my friends to travel from Egypt to south America via our feet. All we will need is three bows, 130 arrows, clothing fitting of the time period, three large pack/emergency food animals preferably goats, clay water jugs and a lot of permission forms/travel visas/hunting permits filled out and submitted to the proper authorities so we don't get arrested for poaching in Turkey or Russia or some shit as well as the initial flight to Egypt to begin the long walk. I would of course document the entire trip day by day in written journals and share weekly updates in podcast format as we go. The starting point would be the great pyramid where I would fill a replica Egyptian urn with sand and take it to the pyramid of the sun and deposit it there swapping it for a replica Mayan urn full of native black earth and then return it to Egypt as 100% proof that trade was and is possible via foot.
@plotholedetective4166 5 күн бұрын
Also I already own an insta360 so my footage would be way way better than what you can get with a go pro
@robpayne1336 5 күн бұрын
They aaint no babies
@robpayne1336 5 күн бұрын
That baby thing man nah its giants holding up man
@WildVke 5 күн бұрын
@luke, it's a 'diving' god. A comet effigy, Lucifer, the devil, etc. . @ 59:42
@plotholedetective4166 5 күн бұрын
something I had never realized is that according to the timeline of mainstream science mammoths were still around for a thousand years after the pyramids were built. Humans were building megaliths and sailing the nile at the same time they lived in thatch huts hunting fuzzy elephants walking from one continent to another over the ice bridge that hadn't yet fully melted... the early pharaohs who sent people everywhere they could to learn everything they could, could have sent people to Argentina on foot and theoretically they would have been able to walk it.
@JasonJowett 6 күн бұрын
I reckon the Olmec headwear wouldn't be discovered because its allegorical. The box on a box meaning "builder", a feather meaning something too, and the harder strapped on the stack is the more important are the 'constructive' thoughts they voice for example.
@travisg759 6 күн бұрын
Looked like thebolmec baby ssucking his thumb had one of the olmec helmets on!?!
@JimMcHugsU 7 күн бұрын
Has anyone interviewed Dr.Barnhart? I really want to know his thoughts on Olmecs, etc..
@slipknot09444 7 күн бұрын
Love hearing about new explorers
@ZeldasMask 7 күн бұрын
Love to see Luke
@Flippokid 8 күн бұрын
Great episode! And you have a song at 43 minutes, I found the artist but I can't find the instrumental version that you played.
@grasperoohla576 8 күн бұрын
@ashleyallen7138 8 күн бұрын
You should definitely have Gary Way e as a guest!
@ashleyallen7138 8 күн бұрын
Tenochtitlan was very possibly built by Cain who had a son named Enoch. There were 2 Enoch’s…descendant of Godly Sethian line and evil Enoch son of Cain.
@ashleyallen7138 8 күн бұрын
Enoch is in the name so it makes me wonder🥰
@citizensgain 8 күн бұрын
Not children Little people/dwarf
@plotholedetective4166 8 күн бұрын
Bes means cat and he is the god of good stuff and protecting the home and is depicted as a dwarf wearing a leopard skin and a feather headress. bes is the only god depicted head on and never in profile.
@pentagrammaton6793 8 күн бұрын
Your tiny American beer cans are cute! Get on the pints. 🍺🍻