@blakeellis7417 2 сағат бұрын
Walt is legend. Couldn’t watch something with y’all. Kind of annoying.
@QueenMabx 9 сағат бұрын
"He don't give an F about nothin'!!" 😂
@silikon2 12 сағат бұрын
"I'll have the chicken salad, coffee, and AM I UNDER ARREST??"
@jamo8378 14 сағат бұрын
The "idk who you are.....I don't even know who I'm talkin to" line got me too. That is a HURT man. Shattered. He was angry but more hurt than anything. I feel so bad for Hank. Truly a good man trying to do his best.
@urborg74 15 сағат бұрын
One of the few scenes in gaming where a dude is just as likely to cry as a girl, if not more so.
@Rrz00 19 сағат бұрын
First rule of stealth: Don't throw the distraction where you are going.
@DATONEGAMER25 19 сағат бұрын
Great game you guys! I just found your channel. If you guys haven't played Red Dead Redemption 2 yet you should! <3
@Devils_Advocate423 20 сағат бұрын
These are not zombies. Zombies are the dead who have reanimated. These "monsters" are just infected. If you survive the bite you start to turn into one who the longer it lives the more the infection evolves. If you get attacked and die you stay dead.
@alexvacula877 Күн бұрын
“This graphic is pretty good for 2011.” 😂😂 First of all, this graphic wouldn’t be pretty good, but pretty unreal for 2011. 😅 And secondly, this graphics is certainly more than “pretty good” even by today's standards. I'm glad when games are commented by people who know them well. 😂
@RandallMorris222 Күн бұрын
A word or two of advice. First, you don't spend near enough effort searching for resources. Second, if your companions are standing, you can too.
@QueenMabx Күн бұрын
i just want a cup of that coffee ☕️
@JazmnHurtado Күн бұрын
55:09 I heard the sound indicator for when an enemy spots you and knew that was gonna be a good scare 😂
@LorraineVirginie Күн бұрын
Skyler really wanted Walt to just die from the cancer so that her kids would never have to know how awful their father was. Now that she knows his cancer is back that is really making her feel like there’s no reason to give him up.
@BNTEK1990 Күн бұрын
Let’s see you 2 put yourselves in Walt’s and skylers situation. So you guys telling me you would snitch on each other with ease?😁👍🏻👏🏻
@TTM9691 Күн бұрын
People are telling you Hank is the villain now?🤣 Amazing, right? Even NOW they're telling you you don't get the show! Think of how many people have tried to steer you into doubting your own eyes over the course of the series. "No, you're wrong!" "Oh no, you guys just don't understand this character!" "Kids today!" 🤣 Now you know who these people really are: Todd's uncle's gang! 💩 They gaslight you, make you paranoid for no reason........meanwhile you guys were right all along! From episode one! As I'm sure you can see now! You should go make an edit of all of your apology intros....."Some of our commenters told us last week we were being too hard on Walt and that Jesse and Skyler actually are the ones to blame for everything....." 🤣 And then at the end of the video say: "We take it all back, we ain't sorry! We were right!"🤩
@shoebeeballete1956 2 күн бұрын
little tip: there's a sort of humming sound whenever enemies/infected sees you it takes about 3 secs until they actually spot you so you got all that time to hide. i've noticed a lot of people who play this game never figure that out.
@asaashara2592 2 күн бұрын
The decency to admit your mistakes. My dear i think you missed the whole point of being a criminal 😂
@jagwolf8079 2 күн бұрын
Off course Hank is the hero of the story.
@jxsh03 2 күн бұрын
Its like how the previous boss/asac of the office had to take the fall because of Gus Fring. Being so close he "should" have seen it.
@gerhardclement863 2 күн бұрын
Hello from Germany, I was born in 1967 and am one of the older computer game fans. THE LAST OF US is great. The second part isn't bad either, but of course it doesn't even come close to the first part. For the first time in my life I cried after completing a computer game. The Last of Us 1 is simply great. 🫶🦒🦒🦒🌝👏👏👏
@JERRYBRISENO 2 күн бұрын
The thing I really hated Hank for is he wanted to bust Walt at any cost. He would of thrown Skylar in jail as well just to get Walt.
@EatYourVegs Күн бұрын
So unlike Walt, family is not his first priority.
@artistfloor9 20 сағат бұрын
⁠​⁠@@EatYourVegs Family was not the first priority for Walt either. If it was, he wouldn’t have chosen to do something that would clearly put his family in danger.
@silikon2 12 сағат бұрын
Hank's motives and actions were less extreme than Walter's, but he's every bit as willing as Walter to ignore the rules he finds inconvenient.
@kino_mir1095 2 күн бұрын
I can't wait for Ozymandias
@politicalscientist8880 2 күн бұрын
I just wish he said to Jesse 'Gustavo Fring is dead'
@Kyle-fo7li 2 күн бұрын
Walt’s the greatest character ever created. He still gives me chills
This game uses a real fungus called the zombie and fungus cordyceps it's real
@QueenMabx 2 күн бұрын
i just started bingeing your BB reactions... lol sounds like y'all watch The Office as much as me (or very recently anyway) haha
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
Hank is in the right for the most part but if you think about it he doesn't always follow the right way to do something in his job and he isn't as understanding as he could be about some situations but even though he has his bad and cut down jokes deep down he is a good guy he is actually a bit like Walt though with with his stubbornness and ego but he just directed it in a different direction
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
Skyler doesn't want him to go to jail because she doesn't want Walt Jr to find out about his father and have him die with his son hating him she knows what that would mean to him to have that bad legacy and she would have to deal with Jr knowing that both of them were involved and he would hate both his parents and that would tear her son about and she doesn't want to do that to her kid so she feels staying quiet and letting him die would be the best option.
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
He put the coordinates on a lottery ticket receipt so no one would be suspicious about what those numbers are
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
Lol no Huel was saying that he wanted to just take it all to Mexico and the red head guy said he hit 9 guys in three prisons that's all I'm saying lol Basically he is telling him we can't steal his money he will come after us.
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
Merie trying to steal the baby part of her kleptomania lol but no I get it she feels she is protecting the kids from them, but you don't go kidnapping the kids
@TheRepublican777 2 күн бұрын
Jesse is depressed about what Walt has become and everything he was involved with being with him and all the lives they ruined and how all that money is no good with all those deaths that happened just to keep cooking meth he has hit rock bottom poor dude
@baracoons.4848 2 күн бұрын
On Hard! OK! CU- enjoy it!
@Lostinorder108 2 күн бұрын
Pinkman's money went to the purchase of his Aunt's house
@voratittchunharuckchot9711 2 күн бұрын
If you force pull during the darkside activated, you will choke the enemy or crushing the droid into scrap.
@iLegendly 2 күн бұрын
did you guys recently watch Lost? or does Kailyn just randomly have Lost in her head this video?
@nerdymarriedcouple 2 күн бұрын
we always bring up lost haha
@iLegendly 2 күн бұрын
@@nerdymarriedcouple oh i must not pay enough attention normally then lol, almost got excited and thought u guys were in the middle of reacting to it
@BigLadpenguin 2 күн бұрын
A lot of people say Skylar is inconsistent in the story but I disagree. In her own words, she is a coward. Skylar lacks the courage to do what's right because of how it will affect the people most important to her (the kids). When Walt was King Meth Man, he was the biggest danger to her kids. She was against him but not willing to take action because Skylar never wants Walt Jr to find out the truth and have the image of his father destroyed. When Walt 'retired' and Hank found out the truth, the most immediate threat to her children (from her perspective) is Hank. She was also correct about Hank's priorities. Catching Walt > protecting her and the family. Also I remember telling you guys at the start you'd come around on Hank and I'm glad you have. Looking forward to the next episode.
@Natsymir 2 күн бұрын
Interesting discussion you had about drugs historically versus today. However, it's worth noting that alcohol is actually a very very powerful and addictive drug, and due to how easy it is to manufacture, it has been the drug of choice in most historical human cultures. But it has also done extreme damage, especially to societes like the Inuit and the Native Americans, who weren't used to it before it was introduced by colonizers, and it continues to do much damage today, in many parts of the world where alcohol addiction is rampant. Islamic rulers often tried to ban alcohol for religious reasons, with mixed results - in Muslim-ruled medieval Spain, for example, most people, both muslims and christians, ignored the ban and continued to produce and drink wine. Except for alcohol, the most common drug historically was cannabis, though opium, the base of heroin, also has a very long history. Psychedelic drugs were relatively unknown in the Old World, despite the fact that psilocybin mushrooms grow naturally in Europe, but in the New World, psychedelic drugs have existed since time immemorial in the form of peyote and ayahuasca, that were ingested by shamans in order to access the spirit world.
@voratittchunharuckchot9711 2 күн бұрын
Bode's saber is red because he took Dagan's saber.
@green_eyed_enchantress 2 күн бұрын
Skyler's only priority is her kids. She hated Walted because he put them in danger, once he's out she has no reason to hate. Right now it's Hank who's willing to hurt the kids with awful truth and consequences. She rather let Walt die in peace and leave good image for his children, image of father that's gonna affect them for the rest of their lifes.
@YouMe-ru6wi 2 күн бұрын
The Last Of Us is my favorite game series of all time. I absolutely love both games Part 1 and Part 2 both are immersive, beautiful, thought provoking masterpieces. After you finish playing the main game, be sure to play the DLC Left Behind you can find it on the main menu screen. Also the HBO show Season 1 only covers the events of the first game and the DLC, so if you wanna react to the show after you get done playing this game. Another note the second game The Last Of Us Part 2 as of right now is only available on PlayStation. The PS5 Remaster of the game was just released a few months ago on January 19th. Also Season 2 of the HBO show is supposed to be released sometime in 2025. So I assume a PC release of the second game will come at some point around that time. But in the meantime if you wanna play the second game you'll have to get a PS5. Thank you both for the playthrough I always enjoy watching new people play these games.
@nerdymarriedcouple 2 күн бұрын
thanks so much for watching and for your comment!! all the best 😊
@davidokorie7349 2 күн бұрын
To explain the somewhat dislike some have for Hank: you could say him and Walt are almost the same. Of course he isn’t as evil, but he is equally as obsessed. He loves to be the guy. The pride, the blind rage, he was willing to take Walt down no matter what would happen to his family in the crossfire with the law. He has been that way the entire chase for Heisenberg. When he lost his job and was bed ridden, he couldnt be the man anymore and he took it out on Marie. Mistreated her and belittled her out of his own misery. Just like Walter wants to be the top of an empire for pride and status. Hank has the same feelings, it’s only convenient that he’s fighting on the “good side”. He loves the status of being the hero, and anytime he couldn’t hold that status his mental health crashed and he took it out on the ppl around him like his former partner, or his wife, or random guys at a bar. If you remember at the beginning of the show, he was shown to be somewhat of an asshole. Vulgar and arrogant; you just learn to love him throughout the series
@ryanratcliff2548 2 күн бұрын
Walt made the lottery ticket with the coordinates to the money. I mean it’s brilliant… enough can not be said about the writers on this show
@bleepbloop6234 2 күн бұрын
19:25 basically, if the numbers are on a device that tracks coordinates, it's obvious what they're for. So he destroys the gps, memorizes the numbers, and then buys a lottery ticket with the coordinates selected as lottery numbers. It's just a way to keep the numbers written down without anyone suspecting their purpose.
@erika5763 2 күн бұрын
Hank is like a bloodhound for Walt, he wants to get him at any costs, Skyler sensed that from their conversation when he started off by pulling out a recorder, and telling her not to get a lawyer. Then when she learned Walt's cancer came back, she realized that Walt will be dead before he's ever convicted. Skyler's ONE desire this entire time has been to keep her kids from finding out their father is a criminal. Her choosing not to speak to Hank makes perfect sense.
@BlueRainjaVEVO 2 күн бұрын
Runners can see you if you fall into their line of vision, clickers are blind like bats and will follow sound
@Notere 2 күн бұрын
"It makes her looks more guilty." And this is why you are *never* allowed to bring up someone's silence or desire for an attorney up in court because it's an instant violation of your fifth amendment rights, which is grounds for an immediate mistrial.