Allison Chasamba & Patricia SendOFF
Kitchen- JIKO LETU
7 жыл бұрын
@KibataDispensary 6 күн бұрын
Ameni sana mungu amtangulie
@EdesiaKatamba-wv7bu 2 ай бұрын
Alikufa akiwa na miaka mingapi?
@user-cw8zn2dn6m 5 ай бұрын
Nampenda sana huyu mtu jmn natamani angekuwa hai. Siku nilipojua amefariki dahh nililia sana!! Hadi leo nikimkumbuka nabakia nalia kwasababu Moses huyu yuko Mbinguni tayari, vp sasa kwangu mimi, naingiaje katika ufalme wa Mungu? Nalia sana!!
@derrickisanya 7 ай бұрын
Amen fungueni kituo kenya jamani!!!!
@JosephOwO-yk7vm 9 ай бұрын
8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches. 9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests. [Kc.10v1] 10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion... [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4]
@user-gb2yd6hk4v 9 ай бұрын
Leta somo tu kiukweli
@user-mq9qg4vl9b 9 ай бұрын
8 The God of Israel is different from the god of the Arabs around Israel. And our God is different from the god of the churches which are around us. And these Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, and all those that you see around us, they are Iraqis, Jordanians, Lebanese, Syrians, Pakistanis and Arabs around us. Israel, it is the valley of the prophets and a son of God follows a living prophet because the prophet is the mouth of God on earth. The Bible is the book of the books of the prophets and a child of God cannot live outside of a living prophet. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.114v20] 11 Never place those so-called representations of Jesus-Christ in your house. Even the one by Hofmann. The Apostles and the disciples opposed that. Eusebius too, the one who chose the 27 books of the New Testament amongst 62, opposed the depiction of Jesus. It was at the Constantinople Council in year 692 that the depiction of Jesus was authorized. 🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google and App store or or go to: Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
@gnagneblaiseessoh2040 9 ай бұрын
16 And it was to this method that the chapter Kacou 156 was devoted, with the aim of triggering a thirst for interpretation in you. When I gave you Kacou 155 and Kacou 156, I had seen in a vision that Kacou 155 had eight pages, while Kacou 156 had three pages, whereas, in reality, the two chapters have the same length and the same number of pages. God does not count the perfect will and the granted will together. 17 And with this standard method, you will have several possible interpretations, whereas the gift will give you the exact interpretation of what you have seen. In the standard method, a dog can make you think of a sin, whereas a dog can also be a symbol of faithfulness. And standing on top of a building, a wall, a tower, or a mountain will make you think of the ministry of a prophet. But to stand on a tent or a hut or a low house is to seek to make oneself a prophet.
@kouakoucynthia2827 9 ай бұрын
20 Maintenant écoutez les mystères de Dieu par son prophète ! Dès ce matin, Babylone la reine des reines eut des douleurs d'enfantement et voici, elle mit au monde un fils qui habitera les monastères et à qui j'ai donné pour nom homosexualité. Et de là, elle retourna à la maison mais un autre enfant tournait dans son ventre. Et dans son couvent, dans le sanctuaire de sa sainteté, au temps du soir, elle mit au monde une fille à qui je donnai le nom de lesbianisme. Et Babylone prévaudra sous un nouveau nom et ses jumeaux dirigeront le monde au temps de la fin sous de nouveaux noms mais un peuple et son chef leur résistera et les vaincra à cause de la Parole de Dieu et à cause du sang de l'Agneau. [Ndr : L'assemblée dit : « Amen !»]. 21 Au temps de Noé, c’est à cause des hommes de dieu que Dieu détruisit la terre. Regardez le monde ! Il y a déjà des lois, des tribunaux et des prisons pour les meurtriers et voleurs mais qu’en est-il des prêtres et pasteurs et tous ces prophètes faiseurs de miracles ? C’est à cause des églises catholiques, protestantes, évangéliques et branhamistes que Dieu détruira la terre. Vous voyez ? Dieu détruira la terre parce que la parole de l’homme est appelée Parole de Dieu et la séduction est appelée miracle et les gouvernements subventionnent cela. Vous voyez ? Les gouvernements subventionnant le péché, Dieu serait injuste s’il n’y avait pas le jugement dernier et l’enfer après la mort. Regardez les papes de Rome qui meurent en paix et qui sont enterrés en paix. Regardez Tommy Osborn et Joseph Coleman et les méchants de la terre qui sont morts en paix et qui ont été enterrés en paix. Regardez Billy Graham, T. D. Jakes, Joël Osteen, Doug Batchelor, Benny Hinn et tous les prophètes magiciens récitateurs de versets qui mourront en paix et seront enterrés en paix. Et T. B. Joshua et David Owuor et Manasseh Jordan et tous ces prophètes asiatiques, européens, américains et africains qui mourront en paix et qui seront enterrés en paix. Oui, Dieu serait injuste s’il n’y avait pas le jugement dernier et l’enfer après la mort. [Ndr : L’assemblée dit : « Amen !»]. J’atteste qu’ils sont réellement sincères et que leurs miracles au Nom de Jésus-Christ sont réellement authentiques mais ce sont tous des serviteurs du diable.
@desireekoffi2955 9 ай бұрын
5 And those seven churches had different characteristics. And from the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the rapture, the Church of the nations would go through those seven dispensations and that’s what I wish to talk about this morning. And during each dispensation, the Lord Jesus-Christ will send one of the seven stars that He holds in his right hand on earth to fight the spirit of error. And this star, that is to say celestial angel, sent on earth, will seize a man in each generation that it will use to fight the spirit of error. And therefore, as long as this dispensation is not over, this star can use many people. You see? [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”].
@kkjh5721 9 ай бұрын
Kc.157:61 Before a long-standing illness or suffering appeared in a human's life, God had given him revelations several times, and in different ways, but he had not taken heed of them. Dreams and visions are an obligatory passage for the Church to be purified, made white, and refined according to Daniel 12:10 from our sins, but also from our fleshly sufferings. #ProphetKacouPhilippe #PKPCHANNELTV
@gnalygnaly7759 9 ай бұрын
20 An island can be Israel or the living Church. And the waters are the multitude; they are the peoples, tongues, and nations. A man in women's clothes or shoes or in a kitchen is an effeminate. To be in the same uniform as someone is to have the same role or behaviour as that person. A shoe carried away by water is zeal extinguished by the worries of the world. 21 The school class above or below your school level expresses your level of spirituality. A minor prophet is an overseer to watch over the Church, but a false minor prophet is a Chinese or soothsayer and his book is a paper of magic. And the false interpretation of a dream is like an incantation or the smoke of a cigarette or drug. You see? A Chinese expresses a counterfeit today but in five years, a Chinese person can mean the original. So, the standard method is not eternal.
@-ho4gkre 9 ай бұрын
57 Reject me and be pious in your religions, but on the day of your death you will enter into the tunnel of your religion which is the pit of the abyss with a light at its end which is Satan. You will have the impression that you are ascending to heaven in that tunnel as you descend into the depths of the pit of the abyss. You know that according to the position of the earth, you can walk with your head turned upside down without knowing it. Be pious in your religions, distribute your goods to the poor, believe in your dead prophets and your religions and all your holy books from one end to the other, and put into practice all that is in them, but on the day of your death, you will see a soft and white light at the end of a tunnel, and that light will draw you to it, and when you reach it, behold, it will be Satan, the prince of the abyss. 56 The tunnel is the path to Satan's paradise. The tunnel is the hole of the pit of hell, and the light at the end of it is Satan disguised as an angel of light. I say this to you as your prophet. You are free not to believe me but whatever your religion or belief, I am your prophet just as the president of a country is the president of all the people of that country including the opposition. Seeing visions in broad daylight with open eyes, telling people about the dreams they saw with details including what they forgot, if I am not a rasul, a maharishi or a prophet, then who am I?
@kouassiyvonne8538 9 ай бұрын
1 I take my text this morning from Revelation 14:6-10. I read: "And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven, having the everlasting glad tidings to announce to those settled on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people, saying with a loud voice: fear God and give Him glory, for the hour of his judgment has come; and do homage to Him who has made Heaven and the earth and the sea and fountains of waters. And another, a second angel, followed, saying: Great Babylon has fallen, has fallen, which of the wine of the fury of her fornication has made all nations drink. And another, a third, angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any one do homage to the beast and its image, and receive a mark upon his forehead or upon his hand, he also shall drink of the wine of the fury of God prepared unmixed in the cup of his wrath, and he shall be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb." ... 2 Well. The entire earth constantly prays for an awakening. And given the importance of such a request, God will answer. But the awakening comes only by the Word of restoration. The Jews were expecting an awakening but according to their taste. 3 Now let’s come back to verse 6. Where does the angel of verse 6 come from? This angel comes from the deposit of the Word that is in the Heaven according to Psalm 119:89 and not in the Bible. The Word of God comes from Heaven through an angel while the word of the devil comes from the abyss through pastoral school. This angel comes from the temple, from the model of the Church which is in Heaven and not in the book of Acts of the Apostles, in the Vatican or in the United States. God revealed It to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and to all the prophets. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v8] 4 Paul and the Apostles saw this model in the Heaven and laid its foundation on earth. 1 Corinthians 3:10-11 and Ephesians 2:20 clearly show that. Now, where is therefore the foundation of all these churches, the missions and ministries that we see on the whole face of the earth? Know that these Catholic, Protestant, evangelical, and Branhamist churches rise from the abyss and go to perdition. Death and the dwelling place of the dead accompany them. They search for supports and foundations here and there in the Bible on such and such thing but know that they rise from the abyss and go to perdition. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v5-8] 5 And today, like the other churches, Branhamists make every effort to remain in the context of William Branham, it is diabolical! They are the same Lutheran demons. In one of their assemblies, over two third, including the pastor, have changed their names like Muslims. Some say: "We believe in the seven thunders ...." Some say, "If you say, "Brother Branham says, then you are in the truth..." Some others say, "We are expecting the third pull …" And some again, "We say what the Message says... "You see? When one abandons God, that is what one becomes. 6 Well, we know that all prophet messengers received their Message from Heaven and let’s see now this Message of verses 6 and 7. This is the very first Message that says to the African for example to worship the true God who made the sky: the stars, the sun, the moon and even the fallen angels who use horoscopes, mystical orders and religions. God has never been in a religion. True Christianity is not a religion but a life. This angel calls on Haitians and Beninese to quit voodoo, fetishism, customs and any other forms of worships and invocations... God has created land for our life and we must not transform it into sacred forests or groves, into statues and masks to worship it. That was the Message of the first angel. And this first angel, it is Apostle Paul. The sea and springs of water were not created to be worshipped but it is God that we must worship; it is God who is the creator. You see? 7 Later, in verse 8, a second angel came out, not of a seminary or pastoral school but of Heaven. To announce some theology? No! To announce a forty-year-old or a hundred-year-old sermon? No! To go and reveal the Word to the teachers and trainers in pastoral schools? No! To go and give his vision about what someone said forty years ago? No! ... BUT THE TIME HAD COME TO PREACH THE GOSPEL OF ANOTHER RANGE! [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. To preach the condemnation of Babylon, the Catholic church because she had fought, killed the saints and corrupted every way of Salvation. And this is made clear in Revelation 17. It was in the 15th and 16th centuries with the Reformation. And that led to the Protestantism. 8 And after the Reformation, when Martin Luther, Ulrich Zwingli, Farel, John Calvin, John Wesley and others died, the churches smothered the true Church. Then God sent a third angel, a third messenger with a prophetic Message for all the inhabitants of the earth. God will never send a church or a group of men to bring or restore the truth on earth but a prophet-messenger. And to reject this prophet is to reject God since the prophet is the mouth of God, the spokesman of God, bearer of a message from God, an emissary from God and not someone who gives words of knowledge or who pushes people down to the floor in prayer times, with wonders and revelations of seduction, even if those revelations are always true. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”] 9 The Hebrew word for prophet is nabi and this word means: "spokesman" not miracles-bearer or anointing-bearer but spokesman. You see? The prophet messenger is the attribute and the manifestation of the Word of God for his generation. [Kc.60v24] 10 If a ministry of Ephesians 4:11 does not act, God's plan will be fulfilled. But God can neither do without nor replace the prophet messenger. Let him refuse like Jonah, God will use him ... And a prophet messenger, it’s not to have some big church but a book like Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah… And today, this Sunday, millions of sermons will be given in the whole world, in all the languages of the earth and out of these millions of sermons, only one will be maintained and hoisted forever on top of the world in all the languages of the earth. And from generation to generation, this sermon will never be forgotten. And this sermon is the one of the prophet messenger of the generation. It’s the only thing God can recognize. In the days of Jeremiah, there were many books, there were many “words of God”, there were many prophets but the words of only one prophet resisted the centuries up to us and they are the words of Jeremiah. And it was thus from generation to generation, since the foundation of the world. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]
@leblancdegesco8321 9 ай бұрын
5 Dreams and their mysteries and all the suffering involved in remembering them when waking up and understanding them is the granted will of God. It was the sin of Eve with the serpent that produced that. The perfect will is God speaking to man without riddles and symbols. 6 And there are several reasons why dreams are blurry or disappear when waking up. It is true that it comes from original sin, but it is above all due to our lack of disposition and consecration. And to this, you must add the divinations of our parents throughout the millennia up to us. And now there is the internet and the effect of the screens of telephones, computers and televisions. Then, there is the effect of the nudity of your spouse, and of the photos and videos on the internet, and badly dressed women in the streets. 7 Now, to understand a dream, rely on God's grace; think about the key events of the day before and the day after the dream. Then think about what was strongly on your mind the day before. And then, the key events in your life and at the time of the dream. 8 The interpretation of dreams and visions is a difficult thing. So let no Brother or Sister become an interpreter of dreams by pretence. God said He would speak to his prophets through riddles according to Numbers 12:6. And therefore, even if you are a prophet, until your death, many dreams and visions will always be riddles to you.
@JeansdelmasAby-ef2zs 9 ай бұрын
28 Now, listen to this! Why do the ministry of the interpretation of the unknown tongue and the ministry of Matthew 25:6 reveal this glorious personage? You see? The same way Abraham gave Ishmael temporal goods, likewise, to these thousands of prophets, pastors, evangelists, apostles and teachers all over the world, it has only been given to perform some miracles and some healings and some sorts of deliverances as we see it on their posters: great vigil of miracles and prophetic anointing! Great healing campaign! Great vigil of thanksgiving! Great vigil of restoration! Great meeting of prosperity! Great vigil of victory! Great vigil of blessings, ... But to the glorious personage, it has been said by the Angel Himself: "...IN ORDER THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES HAS ETERNAL LIFE". Amen! And it is to this one man that God entrusts the keys of the Kingdom and the Words of eternal Life for our time, as it was also the case for each of the prophets of the Bible in their time, would he not be this personage? [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. 29 All those who pursue these miracles and blessings and others will die one day but only one thing is for ages and ages: THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE! And let the whole world know that for this season, the Angel that has troubled the water of the pool of Bethesda for our Salvation is the one of Matthew 25:6. 30 And it is this ministry of Matthew 25:6 which presents the Bridegroom to the Bride for the Bridegroom and the Bride do not know each other; but he knows Them! Amen! You see? Isaac and Rebecca do not know each other but he, Eliezer knows them! It is him who will say, "Bride, behold your Bridegroom. And you Bridegroom, behold your Bride." [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. Now we are approaching it little by little. 31 Would he who appears at the end of times be the eldest and the greatest of all the servants of Abraham? I do not know. Would he be greater than Paul who only engaged us to Christ? I do not know. Would he be greater than each of the seven messengers who have only maintained this future Bride? I do not know. Would he be Eliezer, the eldest and the greatest of the servants of Abraham? I do not know. And for an hour, he took the place of a mayor and you know that the mayor wears the symbol of the nation around his loins. Whereas the president of the Republic who comes to take his bride before the mayor takes the place of a mere citizen for an hour. It is not the president of the Republic who will wear the symbol of the nation but the mayor! [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. 32 In the beginning, John the Baptist wore, around his loins, the belt of Aaron, the symbol of the supreme priesthood and God took the place of Lamb to be slain. And at the end of times, the slain Lamb and the whole Heaven descend ... On that April 24, 1993, the twenty-four elders were there, the four cherubim were there, Daniel was there, Ezekiel, John, Moses, David, Abraham, Adam, Noah ... all were there. who was not there? I do not know. Who is the angel who was not there? who is the cherub who was not there? who is the archangel who was not there? I do not know. Who is the saint who was not there? I do not know. The whole Heaven came down to the point that there was a silence of approximately half an hour in the Heaven and the seal of redemption of Revelation 5 was set on the earth like the mayor cutting the ribbon for the opening of the wedding. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”]. 33 In the Heaven, the greatest Personage ever, God Himself, took the book and gave it to the one who, already in the virtue of the ministry of Matthew 25:6, was the greatest. [Ed: the congregation says, “Amen!”] … In Revelation 5, when the voice sounded in the Heaven saying: "Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals?" you see? It is Isaiah chapter 6 being accomplished again on the earth. And neither him, Isaiah, nor the people amongst whom he was living was worthy. The Bible says: "And no one was able in the Heaven, or upon the earth, or underneath the earth, to open the book, or to regard it." You see? Gabriel and the angels, even if they were worthy in Heaven, were not able to take the book and to break its seals because they are not redemptive relatives of man. WWW.PHILIPPEKACOU.ORG
@JosephOwO-yk7vm 9 ай бұрын
8 This Message says that the world council of churches, the ecumenical council of churches, associations, unions, federations and confederations of churches ... Catholic churches, orthodox churches, Methodist churches, Eckankar, the sect of Horus, Lutheran churches, Anglican churches, Mahikari, Baptist churches, Rosicrucianism, Nazarene churches, Scientology, esotericism, Anabaptist churches, Voodoo, Adventist churches, companions of Jesus, Emmaus mission, Inner Life, Jehovah’s witnesses, witnesses of Jesus, foursquare churches. 9 Freemasons, Pentecostal churches, the worship of Inca gods, Protestant churches, Krishna, the church of Christ, transcendental meditation, the Grail, spiritualists, evangelical churches, Mormons, Guru Maharaja, Islam and Judaism and all the so-called revealed or restored churches… prayer camps, monasteries, convents, missions and ministries including the Branhamists, that is to say, those who still follow the Message of William Branham, even in its purity, are purgatories and nets of Satan to send mankind to hell and the spirits that act in those churches are not the Holy Spirit, but demons of seduction. Those are the same demons that were in the rivers, creeks, masks, Voodoo, forests and sacred groves, customs and traditions and which raised up traditional fetish priests. [Kc.10v1] 10 This Message says that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. These three religions claim to be of Abraham. These three religions believe in Moses. These three religions do not believe in living prophets but each claims to be of a prophet that it did not know. Each of them has its own holy book. And all three are waiting for the Messiah. They are the three spirits of frog in Revelation 16:13. This Message says that they are the same demons that raised up Elvis Presley, Bob Marley, James Brown, Madonna, Papa Wemba that have raised up, today, those Christian groups and singers like Tabitha Lemaire, Don Moen, Exo Eclats, Yolanda Adams and Celine Dion... [Kc.59v33] [Kc.113v10] [Kc.118v11] [Kc.131v4]
@streamsofloveministries 9 ай бұрын
@ZakariaYona Жыл бұрын
Amina pastor
@kadushimediatz Жыл бұрын
@ckmsaga3949 Жыл бұрын
Namkubbali waterchilamboo
Thawabu yako ipo Mungu akulinde pastor ❤
@silasnatir7915 Жыл бұрын
Nilisikia ushuhuda kwa wachawi walio pingana naye walishudia kua nimtumishi wa mungu kweli
@gouravmisra2317 Жыл бұрын
@abrahamelias9665 Жыл бұрын
Ubarikiwe mtumishi
@nathankulola8348 Жыл бұрын
Wajukuu tupooo... 🙏
@evangelismchannel8810 Жыл бұрын
Ubarikiwe Sana Mtumishi wa Mungu kwa mambo haya tusiyoyajua kuhusu Bishop Kulola
@aaaamm9347 3 жыл бұрын
Watch Ahmed Deedat
@salminjumah4955 3 жыл бұрын
We ndio humjui sasa
@salminjumah4955 3 жыл бұрын
Mbona anakabiliwa na utakatishaji fedha huyu mchungaji sio nabii huyu n
@estermwala5738 3 жыл бұрын
Nampenda sana
@eliarichard9218 3 жыл бұрын
@martinhhary5865 3 жыл бұрын
Usiongee lolote Kwa Mtumishi Wa Mungu Yeyote Usikashif Madhabahu Usiyoyajua
@eliarichard9218 3 жыл бұрын
Mimi cja kashifu ila nime penda alivyo simulia
@zahaljamal4520 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you man of God for that wonderful massage may the lord bless you Abundately
@gracemwanjabala8073 5 жыл бұрын
matangazoo meengiii duuh
@mwambauliohai5043 5 жыл бұрын
kama uko jilani unapepo kwa sauti hiyo lazima yatoke tu
@wilkisteregesa9013 5 жыл бұрын
Mtumishi mungu amekutowa mbali na anakupeleka mbali sana katika huduma sidi kumtumainia atakuponya usimama tena
@obedidamian1576 5 жыл бұрын
Matangazo mengi sana wekeni sawa hapi
@getrudapoul385 5 жыл бұрын
Jaman mayangazo yamenichosha
@fatmafa1896 5 жыл бұрын
Amen mtumishi mungu ni mwema kweli waja mapenzi yake yatimize hapa duniani na kama huko mbinguni HALLELLAJAH kwa Jina la yesu kristo yote yatawesekana hakuna jambo lililo ngumu kumshinda mungu
@emmanueliglibert9875 6 жыл бұрын
Mungu akutangulie katika kukuza karama aliyokupa tumia kipawa chako katika jina lipitalo majina yote YESU KRISTO
@fedrickmwakyoma6663 6 жыл бұрын
@beatricetewa7662 6 жыл бұрын
Mungu akujalie mchungaj
@stephenlaroya5249 6 жыл бұрын
gud nassari umebonga fact xaana
@halimajuma3077 6 жыл бұрын
Barikiwa saana mtu wa MUNGU
@nikitumarthinne8909 7 жыл бұрын
Endelea mbere Mtumishi wa Mungu .Duh! Umetoka Mbali.Mungu akulinde,Enderea kuwaombea sana uliowaacha huko.