Fixing Wish, to be Amazing
21 күн бұрын
Why Lightyear Really Failed
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@utherpendrag1519 2 сағат бұрын
One of my kids had a class at school teaching them how Mario games are sexist, then they watched the Mario movie to show them how the sexism was fixed.
@gabsl1552 6 сағат бұрын
Can someone make trilogy huhuhuhu My mind can ease lol
@cindyking5035 Күн бұрын
This was much better than what we were given. I always liked the idea of the son of the light going dark, redeemed by the daughter of the dark who chose the light. Balance. That's what was prophesied about Anikin but never brought to fruition. It would've been cool to have seen that balance through the joining of Rey and Ben. Also, I think the Dyad was a fascinating concept but was poorly executed. They were supposed to have the power of life itself yet were so easily beaten by a dilapidated Palpatine. The theme throughout the series has been the search for balance, the importance of family and how love is truly the most powerful force. ALL of those themes could've been accentuated through the merging of Rey and Ben. The final defeat of Palpatine not through a battle of light sabers and lightening - but the Dyad truly showing their power and defeating Palpatine with their love and the balance they brought to the Force.
@capitanposho5227 2 күн бұрын
for me it was zuko with jin
@Akisa37 4 күн бұрын
Damn I would have loved that, all of it.
@theKdramaConnoisseur 7 күн бұрын
@edwardplothow2035 7 күн бұрын
@edwardplothow2035 8 күн бұрын
I 100% agree about the mice. Good call for the makers of the movie.
@MulchDiggums-sj5vp 8 күн бұрын
Nicholas Cage should've played prince charming... Missed opportunity. Sigh.
@_FlowTech_ 10 күн бұрын
@ender7278 10 күн бұрын
This isn't bad per say but it focuses on fixing problems that aren't there.
@zak27986 10 күн бұрын
Katara obviously chose Aang and they later got married & had 3 kids which they named Bumi, Kya, & Tenzin. End of story. Get over it you whiners.
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
Their family is literally toxic and all all kids are made of he is a bad father you should have chosen zuko
@zak27986 3 күн бұрын
@@sourov3122 Obviously no family is perfect.
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
Maybe you are right but you cannot change the fact he is a bad father
@zak27986 3 күн бұрын
@@sourov3122 I honestly cringe when some people always want to ship Katara and Zuko together when these two are obviously not in love with each other. They are just friends period.
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
You are right they don't share romantic interest but it is not the romantic interest people should come together is that romantic interest potential they have
@toadlord8594 11 күн бұрын
Honestly this feels WAY BETTER than the Original series we Also could you possibly make a “What If Korra was raised by The Red Lotus” video. Meaning what if the Red Lotus were successful in kidnapping Korra when she was a toddler and was raised under their philosophy.
@francismorris4115 11 күн бұрын
are you the same guy who did the other videos on this channel? I know voice sometimes changes with a different mic. If not, what happened to him. the zutara video was peak.
@deandredukes95 11 күн бұрын
It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.
@utherpendrag1519 11 күн бұрын
It would be interesting to do some research to see if Disney went back to the original stories for inspiration when doing the live remakes. In many cases those stories have been beloved tales for generations.
@kennethturner7124 12 күн бұрын
Awesome, I want your videos instead of the movie❤
@EsmeAmelia 12 күн бұрын
Kylo saves Han, but then he dies anyway and no one misses him and his death has no influence on anything? And no Han appearing to Ben? Not cool. And how was Luke "influencing" events? Long-distance mind-control? That sounds pretty dark side, plus why the hell didn't he bother influencing events to save Han then? You have some interesting ideas, but your treatment of Han is an even lower blow than Rey and Ben kissing and then Ben dropping over dead.
@ACommenterFromKherson 13 күн бұрын
Here's my take on Zutara: One of the things I've learned about real love is that you find your soulmate when you find someone different from you on the surface, but profoundly alike underneath. Katara and Zuko are very similar on the surface. They're both very passionate people who have lost a lot in their young lives. These similarities do draw them together and lead to a clash that seems very exciting and intense and (conceivably) romantic. But beneath that, they're remarkably different. Zuko is a taker. He took and took and took everything Iroh had to give him, and never even stopped to consider that he might need to give something back in return (at least until the very end). Basically, he draws in the energy around him and uses that to his own ends. In his position, that's not necessarily a bad thing. For his role as Fire Lord, it's almost a necessity in order to restore order and peace in the wake of the War. He takes, and transforms, and that's okay. But Katara... Katara is the ultimate giver. We've said this before. If they actually engaged in a romantic relationship, the dynamic would be way off. Katara would be giving him everything, and I don't know if Zuko would be able to reciprocate the way she needs and deserves. Worse, though, is the way Katara nurtures. She offers comfort and tries to help resolve issues in tandem. It's been shown repeatedly in canon (particularly with Iroh) that Zuko rejects this kind of nurturing over and over and over again. He doesn't respond well to it, and Katara doesn't really know any other way of nurturing. It would be an almost parasitic relationship, and Katara would be the one being drained dry. How long would it be before she got sick and tired of constantly being pushed away and violently rejected when she's only trying to help? How long would it be before resentment set in? That's why Zuko and Mai, and Katara and Aang, are such perfect fits for each other. Mai was raised to be a supportive person, giving up her own desires for the sake of her father and making her a perfect Fire Lady, but she's also not a pushover. She gives Zuko the push-back he needs in order to be challenged by his lover (at least after The Beach she does), and demands that he treat her with respect and give her the attention she never received from her family, but she also gives him that influx of supportive energy he needs to keep going without it being "nurturing" the way Katara does it. She gently, quietly supports him and distracts him from his troubles, rather than trying to help him when he obviously wants to sort it out for himself. Interestingly one of Zuko's most selfless acts in the series is his decision to leave Mai during the eclipse so that she won't be dragged down with him. And as for Aang and Katara... they're both givers. As much faith and support and love as Katara offers Aang, he gives right back. Rather than one of them receiving more from the relationship than the other, they both give of themselves equally, more interested in giving the other what they need than in taking anything for themselves (the one interesting exception being during Ember Island Players), and it's what makes them work. Even when Aang doesn't want the comfort she offers, he doesn't give her any push-back. He doesn't lash out and hurt her to make her stop, the way Zuko has done to people time and time again in similar situations. Even at his most distressed, he simply puts distance between them and lets her know that he doesn't want her help right now. That's basically what it boils down to. Aang and Katara, and Zuko and Mai, both have relationships that are healthy for both people involved. They're selfless relationships where both parties are more interested in the other person than in themselves. Katara and Zuko would have a selfish relationship, one which tears them both down and hurts them and hurts the people around them. That's not a ship I'm interested in sailing on.
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
Mai zuko bring the worst of each other and I am not even a shiper but our main protagonist character development which destroyed because of your ship and he become a plot device hero is no hero if he do not earn his victory the only one because of the plot and don't forget in legend of korra they have a pretty toxic family of air vendors zuko katara have so much potential in any other media there is 99% chance they would become a end game 🎯 and don't forget she was treated like a price an and never truly accepts her truly she is he never accept the darker aspects of her unlike zuko and you cannot be sure if their relationship cannot make a story when much better
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
Here my take on kataag first of all she is see him as a big sister or a mother figure to him at first 80% of the story she do not share any romantic feeling stores him he never accept the darker aspects of her he loves the ideal version of her I can argue katara and aang do not understand each other at all and their romantic development was literally the worst and cringe and that's why season 3 is the weakest part of avatar the last airbender and there are lots of for shadowing for zutara agar are you all day
@ACommenterFromKherson 3 күн бұрын
@@sourov3122 Say what you want about Katara & Aang, no the buildup wasn’t perfect…and yes there was rocky moments…but they were always there for each other and they were best friends…I’m glad they finally were able to beat peace with each other in the ending.
@ACommenterFromKherson 3 күн бұрын
@@sourov3122 Let's break down and address the argument point by point: Katara sees Aang as a big sister or mother figure for 80% of the story and does not share any romantic feelings towards him: While it's true that Katara initially sees Aang in a more protective role, there are several instances throughout the series where Katara's feelings towards Aang grow and change, showing more complexity than just a sisterly or motherly affection. For example, in "The Cave of Two Lovers," Katara and Aang share a romantic moment where they kiss, showing early signs of mutual romantic interest​​. Additionally, in "The Headband," Katara shows jealousy when Aang dances with someone else, indicating that her feelings are more complicated than purely familial​​. Katara never accepts the darker aspects of Aang, and he loves the ideal version of her: This point can be refuted by examining how Katara deals with Aang's darker moments, particularly when he enters the Avatar State. For instance, in "The Desert," Katara is the one who calms Aang down from his rage-induced Avatar State, showing that she can handle and accept his darker side​​. Conversely, Aang accepts Katara's desire for vengeance against the man who killed her mother, even though it conflicts with his own ideals of forgiveness and peace​​. Katara and Aang do not understand each other at all: The series demonstrates multiple instances of deep understanding and emotional connection between Aang and Katara. They often rely on each other for emotional support and guidance. For example, Katara helps Aang with his inner conflict about his role as the Avatar and his reluctance to kill Fire Lord Ozai, showing her understanding of his moral struggles​​. Likewise, Aang supports Katara through her grief and anger over her mother's death, even when it challenges his own beliefs​​. Their romantic development is the worst and cringeworthy, making season 3 the weakest part of the series: This is a subjective opinion, but from a narrative perspective, their relationship development follows a natural progression. Season 3 includes significant moments that build their relationship, such as their shared experiences and mutual support during the invasion of the Fire Nation and the journey to the Southern Raiders. Their final kiss in the series finale is a culmination of their growing bond throughout the series​​. There is a lot of foreshadowing for Zutara (Zuko and Katara): While there are moments that suggest a strong bond and mutual respect between Zuko and Katara, the series consistently builds Aang and Katara's relationship as the central romantic arc. The creators of the series have stated that Aang and Katara were always intended to be the endgame couple, and their development throughout the series supports this narrative direction​​​​. Overall, while some fans may prefer Zutara, the narrative structure and character development within the series strongly support the romantic pairing of Aang and Katara. The progression of their relationship is consistent with their characters' growth and the overarching themes of the series.
@sourov3122 3 күн бұрын
I don't know man I feel their relationship is what is lack is development I see friends become lovers eyes I read a love stories about huge age gaps I don't have any problem with them it's maybe it's lack character development in romance I think that could handle little bit more better and one more thing not few people literally almost have the fandom ships zutara
@Foxfreeze943 15 күн бұрын
When it comes to ends in a lot of shows I've watched with an overarching narrative you should be able to see the clues that were leading up to that ending, Inuyasha is a good example of this for me. Even when I watched though Avatar again, I only saw clues that were leading to Zuko and Katara being together. Your video was great in giving examples of why that's how it should have ended.
@ldhproductions112 18 күн бұрын
The main conflict of Season 1 should’ve been between the human world and the spirit world, with Koh serving as Korra’s primary antagonist, ending with her opening the spirit portals. This leads to season 2, which is the exact same as season 3 is. Then in our new season 3, Kuvira is the main villain, but without the transformer thing. Finally, this leads to Amon wanting to end bending because of all the problems it causes for Season 4.
@edwardplothow2035 18 күн бұрын
@azuraahmad2547 20 күн бұрын
Katara is a sister more like
@Ivy2Wang 21 күн бұрын
This is awesome!
@CapedCrusader77 21 күн бұрын
Shit! I don't know what Stanford is! I meant the STANDARD finale!
@CapedCrusader77 21 күн бұрын
Stupid autocorrect.. Its Aster, not Water.. Sorry commentators! That was a mental note, nothing against you😥😥
@HannahBailey0904 22 күн бұрын
I agree! Totally missed opportunity for a potentially great story
@CapedCrusader77 22 күн бұрын
I'm currently on a second rewrite, but my first one (Tale of the Pure Wish) has Asha be the apprentice, her dad is alive, has a brother and sister, and her friends are more involved. Magnifico is insane for a sympathetic reason, but I made it so that Amaya, his wife had died in a fire, and that caused him to go insane (Both are evil), but he figures out how to bring her back. Water later comes down to help, and they soon celebrate her 18th birthday. The King and Queen arrive, he crushes the moms wish(which was to cure her only son from an illness), making her fall temporarily unconscious, Asha is attacked by him, but Aster intervenes, they escape to an island, then Aster later sees Asha try to hang herself because of what had happened lately and she found out that Magnifico wants to marry her for an unknown reason. Aster snaps her out of it and she has a meltdown, and he assures her that he'll never let her get hurt again, and the CANON version of "At All Costs" is sung. Things escalate to where everyone is captured, but Aster saves her.from getting executed, they fight the royals, but he's stabbed in the process,.making him slowly change color. The only way to save him is if Asha gives away her wish to bring back Amaya, but that would kill her since they're so powerful, so she chooses to be killed, resurrected, and then marry Magnifico if she can save the boy with the gem from his staff. They agree, but shackle him and the kingdom, so that no one can interfere. It transcends into Stanford's finale, but instead of hair, Aster crushes her wish to save her, since it powers up.the staff, and destroys it, killing Amaya. Asha attempts to save Aster, but he's almost gone. She tries the staff, freaking out when it fails to work. He gets her attention, and tells her that she's his wish, with her saying the same thing, with them both crying. He attempts to say "I love you", but he ends up going limp and dies in her arms. The ending plays out similarly to the one we got, but her brother is the one helps her with the crowd. They eventually kill Magnifico, and our couple land on the ground safely. But when it looks like he's dead, she kisses him, making him glow, and brought back to life. The epilogue is pretty much Tangled's, but its revealed that Aster was the narrator at the beginning, but it's also revealed that they're about to get married. The story ends like we know what, they kiss, having their faces be the last picture in the book, and it closes with " The End". Fade to black, roll credits!
@GuineaPig361 22 күн бұрын
Nice video! I went with a less aggressive approach in my rewrite. I kept Rosas positive but gave it a high suicide rate and toned down Asha's adorkableness in favor of her being more proactively humorous and capable.
@utherpendrag1519 23 күн бұрын
Is the original worth watching? Still holding off after hearing the reviews
@makingthestorybetter 23 күн бұрын
The only thing you're missing is missed potential, so I don't think so. It was okay, but it's very disappointing because it could've been soooo good.
@NelsonBrookeA 23 күн бұрын
Great video
@MulchDiggums-sj5vp 23 күн бұрын
Louder for people in the back!
@yvanxander2949 23 күн бұрын
u want her white?
@Hero_Of_Old 23 күн бұрын
Would have been cooler seeing Aragorn arrive with the grey company and unfurling the banner of Gondor, like in the book. I also enjoyed how you used an excerpt of Rob Inglis audiobook. Always loved his narration (minus his singing lol)
@pragyaativity 23 күн бұрын
Yesss! I want this version to become a movieee!
@magsterkr 24 күн бұрын
I totally agree with this video! These changes would have made the movie so much more enjoyable and interesting!
@climbingamountain86 24 күн бұрын
One thing I loved about the adaptation that the original animation didn't have is *SPOILER*** the 41st division being Zuko's crew. That whole scene with Zuko passing by them and them saluting after being told through uncle Iroh the whole story was executed so well.
@climbingamountain86 24 күн бұрын
This story is better than the original indeed. It sounds simplistic but it definitely works. Would have been good as a fairytale.
@climbingamountain86 24 күн бұрын
I think they knew what they were doing when they released this movie. Bet they want us to get bored of the classics of Disney so it can incorporate new ones.
@hyenasneon7860 24 күн бұрын
DUUUDE Korra team up with the red lotus alone deserves a million views
@bbria28 24 күн бұрын
Unpopular opinion:Fans ruined this trilogy. I watched these fans rip episode 8 apart then they got mad when episode 9 was just fan service overload. Was episode 8 perfect nope but it was original and really cool. These studios have to learn to when to ignore these fanbases.
@magsterkr 24 күн бұрын
Great video and everything said makes total sense! Thanks for sharing!!
@katherinemayers6733 25 күн бұрын
Oh shut up
@vytautasmikuciauskas222 25 күн бұрын
In movie gimli says after battle " we should keep them they are very useful" or something like that
@Will.Flavell 25 күн бұрын
I hate how Peter Jackson made the Gondor Soldiers weak in the movies in the books they were more valiant fighters like the Rohirrim
@Hero_Of_Old 23 күн бұрын
Yeah they're pretty incompetent
@TheCakeIsNotLie 26 күн бұрын
Neither Aang, nor Z*ko. Haru maybe, for a laxk of better options. Poor girl.
@edwardplothow2035 29 күн бұрын
That was great!! Disney should hire you and any friends you have to direct the next star wars movie.
@br0nzepen 29 күн бұрын
Tolkien wanted to make the battle of the Pelenor fields about the triumph of man at the end of the 3rd age. There were no dwarfs or Elves to aid men. There were also no Elves present in the two towers at the battle of helms deep. Jackson just added them for visuals.
@richleising8043 29 күн бұрын
I have been saying this for the last two decades. It was complete crap. It's not like PJ did not have the source material to use. I have no idea why he thought this deus ex machina was going to improve the story. I guess this is what happens when you have a two bit director who should have stayed making B horror movies thinking he is better than the greatest writer of all time. Tolkien would have never wrote such garbage. Yes, it made the entire battle and all the sacrifice worthless. It made what should have been the greatest climax to a battle ever filmed into worthless trash. Christopher Tolkien should have flown to Hollywood the night PJ got his award and bitch slapped him across the face.
@pearcebishop1162 Ай бұрын
Strange that Peter Jackson chose to use the ghosts at Pelenor, he stated in the commentary that he didn’t like the ghosts to begin with. I totally agree with you on this video, it might have added 20 minutes or so to the runtime, but I would have watched it anyways of course. Add to that I think Halbarad dies in the book, if not here then at the Black Gate. Before anyone says that nobody cares about Halbarad, Peter Jackson did a similar thing with Haldir (who I honestly don’t care about either) yet it still shows the costs of war