Doctor Who vs Women
7 ай бұрын
The Plastic Feminism of Barbie
The [Queer] Politics of Eurovision
Tolkien F***ed Up First
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The Lesbian Gaze
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Why Queer TV is Getting Worse
Don't be creepy, Emma Thompson
How Social Media Changes Your Mind
'00s Bisexual Chic
2 жыл бұрын
Taking Back Harry Potter
2 жыл бұрын
The Bisexual Gimmick in Reality TV
AI wrote this bisexual video essay
How Bisexuality Changed Video Games
Internalised Biphobia
2 жыл бұрын
A Bisexual History of Dracula
2 жыл бұрын
Why We Hate Bi Men
3 жыл бұрын
Why We Hate Bi Women
3 жыл бұрын
@niemand7811 4 минут бұрын
Bisexuality has never entered the gaming world. Why would it? Video games are not about sex adventures. I mean I have seen the homo erotic romances and the lesbian romances in Mass Effect. But bisexual romances? How complicated does a story have to be to fully express that without getting fully explicit with a person having sex with a man and a woman at the same time. I mean wasn't pan sexuality in video games already enough? Wait what? That doesn't exist either? Who fvcking knew? Not me. Because sexuality normally doesn't matter.
@AngelC4K3 Сағат бұрын
Gender fluid icon 😍
@marvynd6149 3 сағат бұрын
Its very problematic.
@Sheriff_K 4 сағат бұрын
The newest companion is arguably the hottest one yet. 🙊
@Sheriff_K 4 сағат бұрын
Honestly this made me realize that the Doctor is asexual quite often, so the 13th wasn’t actually the first. 😮🤯
@Tyler171819 5 сағат бұрын
Cassandra is the textbook definition of “I identify as a problem”.
@sophie_drachen 8 сағат бұрын
I can see next year's Eurovision being the one where everyone pulls out, the Netherlands are strongly considering it. I find it ridiculously hypocritical of the EBU to disqualify Russia and Belarus but not Israel due to the violence and needless slaughtering, displacement (more reminiscent of genocide) of the Palestinian people at the hands of Netanyahu. I don't hate the people of the country, I hate the governments, and how it's all been going on for six decades. The Eurovision is so hypocritical. I also want to state this: I do *_NOT_* support Russia or the war, at all. I think Putin is a very sick and evil man.
@AlyxJenkins-zj6ls 10 сағат бұрын
Sat in our flat, in. Northampton UK dying at this years later
@icangetyouatoe5781 10 сағат бұрын
this must be the dumbest thing on youtube ever and that is saying something considering there are neonazis on here
@BlackCharlotte 13 сағат бұрын
I loved Blue is the warmest colour grapghic novel. When I learned there was a movie adaptation I ordered it but didn't watch it immediately. A few months later we were planning a movie night with friends (all LGBTQ+) and I recommended the movie. I did say I loved the comic but hadn't seen the movie and we watched it together. Thank god we were all good close friends since that sex scene could've been so much more awkward than it was with them. 😂 One of us went to bathroom and CAME BACK before the scene was over. The movie also changed some character dynamics + the ending was nothing like it's in the book but hey. We endured and survived that horrible long sex scene. 😂
@m.1848 14 сағат бұрын
Is it just me, or is there a reallly high pitched noise in the middle of the video?
@Luci-vp6xt 18 сағат бұрын
Women have yaoi why can't we have some lesbians making out 😢😢
@HoodedGirl1 19 сағат бұрын
Regarding to genderless aliens and the use of he/him as a 'neutral' pronoun. The only exception I can think of is maybe the gem species of Steven Universe? As their definite uhhh what the word, "default"? pronoun is she/her
@karok120 20 сағат бұрын
What do lgbt people got to do with moisturizer? I thought it was mostly horny teenagers who need that stuff…
@testudoeratnumen5554 19 сағат бұрын
As a gay man I can say that certain parts unfortunately are very dry...
@olgierdvoneverec4135 20 сағат бұрын
Nothing that divides people (let alone contestants) into countries can truly be apolitical.
@Grubbygund 21 сағат бұрын
Thanks for this interpretation of the male gaze to females in general and lesbians who are so often misrepresented in mainstream media. Also, thanks for bringing up the BBC version of Fingersmith, since it’s such an authentic story compared to the Handmaiden or Blue is the Warmest Colour, where as a queer woman myself, I find both films uncomfortable to watch and the love between the women feels fake and unauthentic.
@db90mt 21 сағат бұрын
Noticed some mistakes in the Maltese translation. Here's a better version with a better flow. I'm a certified proofreader. Għażiż/a sinjur/a, L-EBU qalet li Iżrael se jitħalla jieħu sehem fil-Eurovision 2024, minkejja li fil-passat, pajjiżi bħar-Russja ġew ipprojbiti talli wettqu atti simili ta’ vjolenza. Għalhekk, il-parteċipazzjoni ta' Iżrael fil-Eurovision turi li l-artisti u x-xandara parteċipanti kollha jaqblu mal-vjolenza ta' Iżrael kontra l-poplu Palestinjan. Bħala telespettatur ta' TVM, ma nistax naċċetta dan. Nistidinkom titolbu lill-EBU jkeċċi lil Iżrael mill-Eurovision Song Contest. Jekk l-EBU ma tkeċċix lil Iżrael, nitlob lil TVM biex joħroġ mill-Eurovision 2024 sabiex ma jkunx kompliċi tal-vjolenza krudili ta' Iżrael kontra n-nies tal-Palestina. Dejjem tiegħek,
@flazzorb 22 сағат бұрын
For some reason, I want to buy a car from a florist now.
@krrrzzzzzz 22 сағат бұрын
When people dont understand that Tolkien was a DEVOUT catholic and said himself that LOTR is a Christian and Catholic work… you guys… there’s nothing pro queer in this story 😅
@yoshivist 22 сағат бұрын
Just a tought, but um... You know how in social media some bisexuals are like "oh my god, yes, women, am I right? Who needs men! Oh crap, I don't wanna be attracted to men, go away, you attractive bastard!" it possible that for some of them it might be caused by internalised biphobia? 🤔
@codfishface5029 22 сағат бұрын
@BoopSnootAndTroubleshoot Күн бұрын
I rather eat dirt than set foot in Israel just because it now markets itself as "gay friendly". Merketing and reality are two very different things.
@Beegyoshiking Күн бұрын
I’m gay and this pisses me off. You can’t just pretend to be an ally and that magically makes you the good guy. Fuck Israel free Palestine! 🤘🏳️‍🌈🇵🇸
@samfish2550 Күн бұрын
I dropped off by the end of the thirteenth doctor, seems like her era is over based on the end of the video, would anyone recommend giving the seasons I missed a look, did the quality go up over time enough to bother.
@snager80 Күн бұрын
I haven't watched Doctor who in like 10 years or whenever that the doctor's bride episode was. This video is like following someone from Twitter on to Tumblr. Then that person goes radio silent for 10 years. Eventually you leave Tumblr in one of the mass Exodus. Then you randomly see that first person back on Twitter again and you can't believe they've changed 0%.
@andreap9319 Күн бұрын
@samlewis6487 Күн бұрын
I also desire to have the mentality of a homosexual civil servant
@The_Fried_Piper Күн бұрын
Womp womp commies never win
@SomeGuy-gc8zs Күн бұрын
You can even see this in corporations; pandering to the queer community isn't just a tactic to profit from us, it's also to distract people from the awful shit they do and paint themselves as the good guys while their Russian and middle eastern divisions remain deafeningly silent.
@alexanderchristiansen1664 Күн бұрын
Honestly, for being impoverished, the Weasleys have a pretty big house and a flying car.
@gremblorthesackgoblin7953 Күн бұрын
..and a gay couple can get married in Isreal? No. Look at that pandering.
@user-gv5pg4ps3j Күн бұрын
Lol, help me I've always thought 'well, you KNOW your HOT if a woman/girl finds you Hot!!' Get more nervous around girls than guys but feel guilty for it I think I'm subconsciously still trying to tell myself I'm straight. Lol Heeelp x
@Zoitality Күн бұрын
Prior to 1948, not a single plot of Arab land had been "stolen" by the Jews. Prior to 1948, Jews bought land from Arabs. After the Arabs declared war on the Jews and lost (sorry to say), the victors confiscated some territory after banishing the losing side from certain zones, which unfortunately happens as a result of war. Go learn history.
@cannonbyrd1755 Күн бұрын
4:00 I feel like that's less of the show suggesting that the doctor was attracted to them, and more of the tardis trying to manipulate the current companion into being jealous, which the tardis not liking companions isn't a new thing.
@Gill-sz9hu Күн бұрын
I need to go to bed but I'm gonna watch this video again it's so good and important
@SuperHappyNotMerry Күн бұрын
this is actually kind of why i hate the kinsey scale. people try to place me somewhere on it and i just want to scream, "it's not a fixed thing!"
@jadetea6112 Күн бұрын
Howdy! & glad to see someone else riding their bi-cycle in life during this first week of June! I find comfort in the Kinsey Scale, as 2-5 are very ambiguous by original definitions, and describe me well enough. Especially now that I am married, I feel my "sexuality doesn't have a label" since I am monogamous. But at the end of the day, I am definitely bisexual, and fall on a 2. Bisexuality is was just a wider dating pool comprised of men & women. For me, to sift through unserious women or ones I just couldn't agree with in a smaller pool, was unfortunately less valuable to me. It doesn't mean I wouldn't have married a woman. Just the chances were less likely for me at the time I felt ready to settle. I think my husband thinks my grief over the bi-cycle is a bit humorous, but I think he also sees it as trivial since we're committed. (I do too, but the never ending "what-if" is a bit melancholic.) I just dislike being rejected by my experiences & opinions regarding the current day LGT+ climate. (Left of B, because we already know how it goes most days...) It's offensive & actually hurts my feelings. I long for my nostalgic days of having queer friends, enjoying my silly hobbies, and just being allowed to be myself.
@SuperHappyNotMerry Күн бұрын
when I finally accepted that I could be bisexual, I found myself gravitating a lot more towards men. as a woman who up to this point thought my sexual attraction to men was almost nonexistent, this was a pleasant surprise until I started worrying that I was actually just straight. I often worry more that I'm a lesbian experiencing comp het so this side of the bi cycle was actually uncharted territory for me. I absolutely love being bisexual, but it's fundamentally a strained existence for me.
@flickerwizz233 Күн бұрын
Aaaaand this is why I play games with no romance options or romance plots, so I can just imagine being a bi poly disaster in my head and the game can't tell me I'm not allowed to be 😌 Also Hades, Hades is great.
@lucasmatiasdelaguilamacdon7798 Күн бұрын
This whole trial was a circus. The main issue was never abuse, but defamation. And in any case, both had a horrible past history of either abuse, familial neglect, or substance abuse. I remember the moment the trial began popping online I just said “nope”, and fully ignored it. And I’m glad I did. This was an insane trial with an insane circus dynamic of two unhinged people with issues that ought to be resolved either in therapy or more generally as a private matter. No one will be able to prove which side was the one who started it. And this should be the point where people should really understand that it is often best to not pick a side and just leave it alone for pity’s sake. A media circus is not going to solve anything. Trial by jury is just dumb and should not exist.
@bailey1117 Күн бұрын
@FortuneZer0 Күн бұрын
When you commit a crime to cover up something that isnt....
@edmundprice5276 Күн бұрын
Well, those Eastern Europeans and those middle easterners, Generally speaking are homophobic
@banditpoodle958 Күн бұрын
I remember first learning about Frida Kahlo in Spanish class from a documentary and it was the first time I heard of a figure being communist and anti-capitalist spoken about without Fidel Castro being mentioned and how all communism leads to dictatorship etc etc etc shit you hear as a Hispanic from your abuelos. Really opened my eyes.
@bubblesawesome3284 Күн бұрын
Hot take I love Barbie she was and still is a feminist I mean when she came out she had the iconic bikini which was seen as “scandalous” she was never meant to be some as a sex icon we ourselves did that. Pose girls A great role models in someway. Do you like the thing I love about Barbie is she can be whatever the hell she wants she wants to be a doctor? well she’s going to be a doctor and look damn good doing it. Where is Frida Kahlo she shows that you don’t have to be that way you don’t have to be this perfect skinny girl if you don’t want to be. Is a Mexican I love her I love her work but I also love Barbie both helped shape me. I don’t think one is better than the other.
@chistinelane Күн бұрын
The evangelion Fandom.... We LAUGH AT YOU! anyways I'm gonna take my eva bike home, my eva car is in the shop. I wish it was fixed already, I was gonna go fishing for eva lobsters using my eva fishing gear I just fixed with my eva tools. I heard eva bread make for good bait.
@rentheseer190 Күн бұрын
I mean I think she is controversial because I would find it super gross that the so called "last pure human" goes around stealing other people's bodies. being trans, I think that comes with the territory of being a body snatcher.
@Olive46 Күн бұрын
Isn’t being neither male or female different to *believing* you are neither male or female? Not once did people say that it was non binary, it was stated to be a “hermaphrodite hexapod”. Also, people likely referred to it as he as male is usually thought of as the default sex, as people say man and male before woman and female.
@risky_busine55 Күн бұрын
Coloniaers will coopt literally anything as long as it furthers their goals in the moment
@giannisleftos-uj2mu Күн бұрын
Why there is Eurovision on first place?Why do we need that homo program ?
@voodoovixen666 Күн бұрын
Barbies arent art they're there to make art. Every barbie fresh out of the store is like a raw block of marble not even finished