Can we really suck up Carbon Dioxide?
Is Global Warming Speeding Up?
@RogueSecret 16 сағат бұрын
Nord Stream gas leaks released about 478,000 tonnes of methane into the atmosphere. Noone cared about that... Anyway, co2 and methane are low potent gasses and dont do any changes at all, and if it did a tiny change it would get colder...
@karlstone6011 18 сағат бұрын
4:17 - Methane from cows is only problematic due to fossil fuels; yet you'd go without cows? Earth is a big ball of molten rock. In 1982 Nasa/Sandia Labs demonstrated the technology to harness Magma Energy - and yet over the past 40 years vegan extremists and other eco-Marxists have ignored the prospect of a prosperous AND sustainable future powered by practically limitless clean energy from Magma, to push a wholly politicised, anti-capitalist, limits to growth agenda. Are you aware of Alan Savory's research suggesting ruminant animals are necessary to prevent desertification? Given virtually limitless clean energy to spend; ideally, you'd desalinate sea water to irrigate land, sow rough grasses for fodder, and cows would turn arid scrub into arable land. No need to drain/pollute the rivers and burn the forests given the monolithic heat energy of the earth to draw upon, yet you'd go without meat - as if to justify continued fossil fuel use? Weird!
@Jfszcjkhzxhjkjlv 20 сағат бұрын
I am indian, l with you bro.
@dennismurray703 21 сағат бұрын
Another great video on an important topic from you and your doppelganger buddy. Good luck with your move Adam.
@MyKharli 21 сағат бұрын
Cannot think of a climate or environment metric that we are winning .
@Debbie-henri 23 сағат бұрын
Glad I stopped buying rice then. I discovered that my high carbohydrate diet was ruining my health - so, out went the rice, potatoes, all grains (yep, no more bread, except on my birthday as a 'rare treat.' But still no cakes, no biscuits, no products with added wheat derivatives). Also, no more sugar either. I went into intermittent fasting, so that's now 2 meals per day instead of 3. Therefore, having cut down on food by at least one-third (without carbs, you're less likely to 'snack' too) and quitting veganism (I'd been vegan 4 years, vegetarian for 40 years), I returned to mainly vegetarian with occasional fish. My health improved greatly. I expect vegans will be critical of my return to dairy foods, but since I don't eat grains (which contributes to an awful lot of ploughing, harrowing, tilling, and spraying - this releasing even more CO2 into the atmosphere with every pass of the tractor), I think this is an acceptable trade off. I only have organic, grass fed dairy produce, and grow a lot of my own fruits, vegetables and mushrooms every year - which means zero plastic packaging waste and transport for all these items. I have never criticised others for their eating habits, and never tried to influence anyone to go vegan. Under the circumstances, I'm glad I never did so. A lot of fake vegan meats and processed products are little more than chemistry sets in fancy wrapping with the added insult of a high price tag. I went down the road of veggie burgers, sausages, fake chicken, bacon and all that jazz. Poison. All of it. When I got sick and my husband did some research into this stuff, he told me to look at the ingredients list. I did. Most vegan products in my freezer/fridge had a minimum of 3-4 dozen ingredients. One product had just over 100. 100 ingredients, and I didn't recognise most of them because they were chemical names. Do I know if those chemicals are safe in my food after long term consumption? I don't know, and likely 'you' don't either. Now, how much energy went into the processing and extraction of all those separate ingredients (including various types of vegetable oil - that necessitates industrial scale manufacturing through 'multiple' processes including heating and chemical scrubbing)? These ingredients then remanufactered to make one product again. Vegan food isn't food. It's an industrial product. And lots of people are eating this stuff thinking that it's as healthy for them as it is for the planet. But I question whether it is either. If you are going to do the best for your planet in terms of food production - eat simply, don't indulge in sugary snacks (which are designed to make you feel hungrier with ingredients such as modified starches and sugar hidden under different names), don't drink alcohol (another form of sugar and an unnecessary indulgence), practice intermittent fasting if you have the will and strength to do so (lose weight, beat diabetes 2), don't eat any fast food (fried in industrialised vegetable oil), eat as few grain products as possible (processed food, high agricultural impact on soil), eat only a little meat and/or dairy now and again (don't need it daily), buy organic as much as possible (there is no such thing as truly organic. That's a myth. All soil, air and water is contaminated. But in buying organic, not only do you lessen the smount of pesticides and herbicides in your intake - you also help 'prevent' the production of new chemical controls in the future... Never forget, Glyphosate is bad enough. But Monsanto is corrupt enough to push something worse onto the market and pretend it's safe for years before we discover it isn't. Applying pesticides as freely as many farmers do at present is about the same as constantly handing anti-biotics to humans. It helps breed tougher, more resistant strains of the original problem). Best of all - grow at least some of your own food. Even if you are gardening-shy, you can choose one vegetable, something easy like peas or potatoes or Oca (if you live in a reasonable climate) or courgettes or lettuce, and become an expert in that one crop alone. Once you become expert in one, add another string to your bow and grow another easy crop. The main failing of all novice gardeners who jump into raising their own food is - trying too many crops at once, eithout the proper time to look after any of them properly. You only have to look after one crop really well to enjoy the experience of a glut of produce and find yourself half filling your freezer to last the winter. Gardening is not a case of having green fingers, but having the capacity to learn by your mistakes. I'm a gardener by profession, but I wasn't a good one straight away. I had to work at it, for years. But you'd trample your mother to get to my peach tree, as the fruit is many times better than anything you would get in a shop. Many people overestimate how many plants they need to make a difference. If you're living alone, a student for instance, a windowsill of lettuce, 2 courgettes and a half dozen pea plants on the balcony is enough to make a big difference to you. Unused seed can be stored in a dry part of the fridge until next year. It will last in most cases.
@simplethings3730 Күн бұрын
Some of this stuff is going to take research, investments and planning... Some of it is going to take a guy with a pipe wrench. WHEREVER should we start?
@dallasweaver4061 Күн бұрын
Not bad! However, I saw nothing about what is really being discussed is the water vapor feedback where water vapor is the dominant greenhouse gas. Sabine's comment about supercooled water vapor got partially at this point. Water as a greenhouse gas can exist both as a vapor where it behaves as a greenhouse gas or as a liquid or solid in a cloud where it changes the albedo of the planet (reflectivity in the optical frequency). A tiny change in cloud cover greatly impacts the heat input to the planet. Just a 1 % change will create roughly 2 W/M2 change in the amount of heat the earth needs to dump and we are looking at CO2 in the same energy range. To add more complexity to go from water vapor to clouds the vapor has to become supercooled and then nucleation on a microscopic nucleus is required. Having worked with supersaturation issues in liquids and oceans, and knowing that cloud formation is often aided by air pollution (source of nuclei) we are eliminating in my lifetime (the acid rain issue has disappeared as people like me solved the problem) our measured short time data may be very misleading. Lots of moving parts including massive evaporation of water by agriculture. I agree on a carbon tax as this problem is too complex for the bureaucracy to handle.
@richardallan2767 Күн бұрын
Thanks for this. I've had a quick look, So is there a good series of pie charts of both natural and man made emission proportions over time. And maybe something showing total emission amounts please? I'm thinking that tundra thaw release is something that might be increasing a lot. But i also can't think how it might be effectively measured apart from by satellite?
@user-gk1nt6sm2z Күн бұрын
Oh another climate alarmist who knows nothing about solar cycles. What flavor koolaid are you drinking?
@user-dj6hu9gq4t Күн бұрын
Ok boomer. Did you miss your meds today?
@John-se7rc Күн бұрын
Global warming my arse , have you looked out the window lately and the latest study has proved that the great barrier reef is bigger and better than ever before !!!!!!
@RaphaelMoulin-yi4zf Күн бұрын
Thanks from France ! Күн бұрын
Can US to...a video discussing Paleo-Climate Model variability That is new to me. Күн бұрын
I did not...get the impression...that Sabina suggested that Climate Science threw out the new Hot Model. All I got is that Climate Science was concerned.
@stacy6994 Күн бұрын
Shows hot as Africa ...
@stacy6994 Күн бұрын
The science is not saying this they said I wr that last 30 year nothing really has changed.
@crowx190 Күн бұрын
Women gained suffrage in the UK via arson and apartheid was ended with guns
@andacomfeeuvou Күн бұрын
Videos like this always have a dose of optimism. So if you are an optimist you will feel good because there is hope. But if you are a pessimist you will feel that we are f...And, yes, if you are a realist you will also understand that we are f....
@SeeNickView Күн бұрын
Thank you for the video Adam! I enjoy your channel because of your Socratic delivery and priority on facts. Termites were a new one for me. Looking through the comments, it's sad that governments around the world are actively ignoring methane contributions. Our choice of ignorance will be our downfall. Hope this video reaches the audience you're hoping for!
@lukheynen2718 Күн бұрын
@LBeaudoin Күн бұрын
Very convenient for the energy sector that agriculture combines farming (like Rice) and meat production (like beef), otherwise Methane (Natural Gas) would be in FIRST PLACE as the worst Methane (CH4) source. Also convenient for the energy sector that transportation combines commercial transportation ( plane and truck), public transportation and private transportation otherwise Methane would also be in FIRST PLASE as the worst CO2 source. Depending how you classify the source of GHG ( CO2 and CH4) the governmental agency take the spot light away from the worst source which in my opinion is no other than NATURAL GAS. Love you video, they are quite accurate given the constraint on how the government classify those source to benefit the industrial complex.
@LBeaudoin Күн бұрын
Would to love to know what would the benefit be to replace all energy created by natural gas with hydro power and nuclear. Just like what we do here in Québec? Hint, we don't pay carbon tax ... and get cheap electricity.
@stud105 Күн бұрын
It's now the middle of June. No prolonged spells of hot weather as yet this year. Hopefully the weather gets better so we can continue this farce.
@ducthman4737 Күн бұрын
I am Adam just an other fool who wants to bring communism because it's the cleanest form of government. Except it is not.
@QuietlyHere666 Күн бұрын
Dude, before you call someone else a fool, make sure your comment doesn't read like a drunk toddler wrote it.
@ducthman4737 Күн бұрын
@@QuietlyHere666 As a guest I am just trying to adapt to the level of this blog.
@kimwelch4652 Күн бұрын
I think maybe you should talk about how methane breaks down in the atmosphere. It doesn't just disappear. It loses a hydrogen atom to create Hydrochloric acid (e.g., acid rain). The Methyl group that's left is highly reactive and while I haven't found a description of the reaction yet, I suspect the unbalanced hydrogens are responsible for the Ozone production while the leftover carbon becomes carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. If the volume of Methane in the atmosphere exceeds a certain amount, it's lifespan increases as there is not enough Chlorine in the atmosphere to breakoff that first hydrogen.
@HotshotWildfireProtection Күн бұрын
*He has a PhD - In Bull-Sh*t*!
@HotshotWildfireProtection Күн бұрын
*Holly Sh*t we need to tax all people a a 99.99% tax rate fund further studies!*
@ollie2052000 Күн бұрын
Wait till the permafrost goes, the millions of tonnes of methane locked in it, organised humanity will collapse.
@punditgi Күн бұрын
Hurrah for this channel. Climate science from a climate scientist. Sheer genius! 🎉😊
@azbestascetyczny8424 Күн бұрын
Hi Adam, love the work. I am anesthesiologist and we stuff we are use for anesthesia can be very unfriendly for climate. There are mostly two gases: sevofluran and much worse desflurane. I try to convince my colleagues to use the first one, but the second one is more convinient. I think it would make i good video ;) Also there Nitrous Oxide aka laughing gas. Bad stuff but rarely used nowadays.
@mohandeva1 Күн бұрын
A bunch of hallucinated people
@PhilipHood-du1wk 2 күн бұрын
Methane ice age termination event
@polandturtle 2 күн бұрын
What’s wrong with this statement: “Climate change is caused by releasing carbon previously trapped in the ground into the atmosphere in gaseous form (CO2) irreversibly changing the amount of carbon cycling between the atmosphere and the biosphere?” I think it’s true, and it reveals a fundamental distinction between FF and carbon coming from cows eating grass and farting: without adding new carbon from somewhere else, the biosphere will balance, the grass will reabsorb the carbon, and it’s a short term problem.
@brentkn 2 күн бұрын
What is the GWP of methane emitted just for today? Acccording to AMEG (Artic Methane Emergency Group) it is 155. What is the GWP of methane emitted just for tomorrow? 155. What is the GWP of methane emitted just next year? 155. What is the GWP of methane emitted ten years from now? 155. What is the average GWP of methane emitted over that time? 155.
@joshuaharrison9331 2 күн бұрын
Here in New Zealand, one largest companies - frontera (a dairy cooperative) lobbied so methane is not even included in GHG emissions.
@charlesmorschauser5258 2 күн бұрын
methane turns to co2 after about 10 years so it's a double whammy
@LBeaudoin Күн бұрын
Actually Methane (Natural Gas) when burned produce almost as much CO2 as COAL. When leaked produce CH4
@SirGeneTX 2 күн бұрын
All I need to know about this youtuber I know by looking at his fingernails.
@brianmcclure1090 2 күн бұрын
no sponsors - that's admirable.
@cormasterb 2 күн бұрын
Stop playing with the climate
@NomadicLiving 2 күн бұрын
Spent wayy too much time on food. Over population, military exercises, shipping, factories, plastics,, and power plants are the elephants in the room.
@senhox970 Күн бұрын
In methane? I mean, it's a video about methane.
@QuietlyHere666 Күн бұрын
Beyond the scope of the video. Also, "overpopulation" is just malthusian capitalist realism, the population itself isn't the problem, it's the over consuming, heavily wasteful capitalist society that had been exported globally. I.E. we have enough food and housing for everyone, we choose to let people die on the streets
@derelictor 2 күн бұрын
Global Weirding was the first KZfaq Climate-focused channel that I subscribed back in 2017. Without it, I wouldn't have reached out to your channel. Great work both of you
@VeteranVandal 2 күн бұрын
Because of capitalism, mate.
@gsilcoful 2 күн бұрын
Cow burps. Really.
@General12th 2 күн бұрын
Hi Dr. Adam! I know that _current_ rates of progress aren't sufficient to achieve the Paris goals, but about _future_ rates? When we look at how our fight against climate change is _accelerating,_ how much more hopeful should we be?
@05Matz 2 күн бұрын
I really hate the 'teach the controversy" thing KZfaq does, where anyone who mentions climate change gets the 'context' box and presumably the video deprioritized, instead of actually fighting misinformation.
@jamigaither 2 күн бұрын
That American campaign to promote daily milk intake in schools and the one on Beef: It's What for Dinner were both screwing our planet's ability to sustain human life? Got it. ✔️
@risamaeve 2 күн бұрын
why is there a transatlantic split on the pronunciation of methane? me-thane versus meth-ane.
@QuietlyHere666 Күн бұрын
The US will truly do anything to include meth in the conversation
@user-dj6hu9gq4t Күн бұрын
@PlayNowWorkLater 2 күн бұрын
Permafrost. Permafrost. Permafrost. It’s melting faster and faster with each passing year. As the earth warms up. More permafrost melts. Which warms the earth more. If satellites are tracking this wouldn’t this show up?
@Frosty294492 2 күн бұрын
The conversation we need is about the natural sources of methane release. As permafrost melts microbes get at the detritus material that use to be frozen for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years causing that carbon to be released as CO2 and methane. In other words, CO2 has warmed the planet enough to cause permafrost to melt causing methane to be released in a reinforcing feedback loop. Back in 2008 my professor warned me about this exact thing. I hope I am wrong!
@robertmarmaduke186 2 күн бұрын
@Frosty Your professor is an tidoit. The very thin humic layer A-horizon melts and then refreezes _every year since the year dot!_ Underneath is sand, gravel, clay and more ice. *No carbon*. You should have stood up in class, and demanded your tuition back. 😂🎉 $tufidö!
@Frosty294492 2 күн бұрын
@@robertmarmaduke186 So you don't know what permafrost is then. That's ok. few do.
@deathgun3110 2 күн бұрын
Not just Schmethane companys are unerreporting, schoal mines are also prone to underreport.
@Martinoconnor-du6lc 2 күн бұрын
a phd in climate change. how useful. seems you lot are just anti-farming. oh that's right we don't need farms, coles and woolies has everything we need. please explain why not one single climate prediction has happened. not one. ever.
@QuietlyHere666 Күн бұрын
Advocating for science based solutions like adding seaweed to cow feed = "You're just anti-farming" And you, my friend, are clearly anti-education