Rags is Just the Worst!
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@BobbyBlackhearts666 18 сағат бұрын
Seeing the notes, I was going to exclaim, how well you write, being a good boy shiba, but then you said they are your father's notes, so that explains everything! Seriously, those alone are such cool treasure!! For a few games I kept journals, drew maps for Legend of Grimrock, and figuring out strategies for optimal levelling in Oblivion and writing journals for Sunless Sea and most recently for Elden Ring were adding a wonderful sense to already awesome experiences! I'm amazed at how the notes of your father look, they feel like out of an adventure!
@Absquatula 20 сағат бұрын
I would love to learn about the changes Jim Sterling has had over the years, but I refuse to listen to this information when its coming from you. At this point, you are both insufferable.
@BobbyBlackhearts666 20 сағат бұрын
"And when you want something to be considered an art form you need to start looking at it through the prism of politics and race and gender, that's how things become art." This is not only insane, it's also an insult to artists. I am an artist. According to Paul, what I create isn't art. I avoid bringing up politics, race and gender, in my private and professional life as well. I've heard many mind boggling statements from similar people, in your videos, Mauler's, EFAP, but this one physically upset me. My god. Your segments Rags are the only reason I could stomach Paul's ramblings. Thank you for your insightful commentary! Also, Hi from Hungary!
@ShamanKyrick Күн бұрын
29:30 FFS that broke me XD
@ShamanKyrick Күн бұрын
1:05:35 I don't know if that pause was intentional or a glitch but....,yeah exactly what you said earlier. Oh the irony
@znic1998 2 күн бұрын
Vee is the worst human I ever even seen
@Bombaclau69. 2 күн бұрын
The only fury that is cool 🗣️
@SoakedPringle 3 күн бұрын
@billjacobs521 3 күн бұрын
I dunno. Jim's insufferable and stupid in his presentation, like normal, but he's not wrong. Elden Ring is the easiest FromSoftware game, and look, sales are higher. People who obsess over preserving the purity of the difficulty do often act like being difficult is literally all the games have going for them. Like, is Elden Ring not gorgeous? Is it not a large and expansive open world? Is it not full of exploration? Does it not have a ton of weapons with different play styles to experiment with? Is it not a fantasy setting with lots of lore? There are many reasons to want to play the game BESIDES the difficulty; hell, FromSoftware themselves admitted with the original Dark Souls that the game was not INTENDED to be very difficult, that that wasn't the point, that was just something that came about while they focused on everything else. This isn't Super Meat Boy or some other very stripped down experience where balls-to-the-wall challenge is basically all there is it; it has a ton of meat to it, and I think even FromSoft would be annoyed if they were told that their games are nothing but challenging grind-fests with no other admirable qualities. There is no downside to having an easy mode--no one has to use it, but it can actually help some people "git gud" as they can gradually ramp up the difficulty instead of being thrown in the sea and forced to learn to swim immediately or give up. And honestly, this does cross over into accessibility; what if you are physically or mentally incapable of ever getting far into the game? What if you can't ever git gud enough? We all celebrate making a game playable for people with physical restrictions in every other respect, but if your physical reaction times are limited, F-you, you don't get to play this game? But no, folks will literally claim that it takes something away from them if other people can play the game on an easier setting. Don't take my word for it; go argue with them. But why is "I beat Elden Ring on Survivor difficulty," or whatever name they might give the top difficulty level, any less worthwhile than just "I beat Elden Ring"? Hell, difficulty levels would let them make their games even more brutal for those folks who already play the game with all sorts of self-imposed challenges--literally everyone wins, except irrational people who choose to be angry. Jim's intention here might just be to, once again, take a dump on his own audience (gamers) as he so often does, but here, he's right; the Soulsborne fanbase is notorious for being irritating and condescending, and do it indeed get angry at any suggestion of other people playing their favorite games with less challenge. It's why they make topics like "If you beat ER with summons, you never really beat it" and such. He just uses that as an excuse to paint with a broader brush, and also exaggerate how annoying these people are because Jim is a crybully.
@sayuas4293 4 күн бұрын
Ah if only they had known the current state of sex mods in skyrim xD
@Marines_Memelevolent 5 күн бұрын
But WHAT is my TV’s worst feature? And WHO are its enemies?
@StooDogg 5 күн бұрын
2024 here watching on an 'Irrelevant' PC - What's a Scorpio? XD
@secondswell 6 күн бұрын
What worries me is they are going to do the same crap 4 options thing with fallout 5.
@boom_boy_john1324 7 күн бұрын
I really like your point on notes, I have a note pad next to me now, which has my notes for playing, though Daggerfall. It was a lot of fun and made you feel like you were writing a journal.
@somesalmon5694 7 күн бұрын
3ds master race ftw
@dukeofdarlo5896 8 күн бұрын
Rags, your a good doggo! Get Mauler to give you a treat.
@EvieBlunt05 9 күн бұрын
What she said only proves she knows nothing about gamergate and video games.
@Marines_Memelevolent 9 күн бұрын
1) This is the third time I’ve watched this video and I’m never even bored! 2) I’m so glad Rags moved on to backgrounds more pleasant to look at than BLINDING WHITE SCREEN. He truly has surpassed Film Robert in the ability to improve editing skills.
@mastershake4145 9 күн бұрын
I find it interesting that two videos discussing Sterling's flaws are showing up under a Jimquisition video
@jamesrogers7902 10 күн бұрын
I was expecting a full in-depth analysis of how and why Jim Sterling became trans and how his channel has just ungraciously faceplanted, but alas after watching this it's nothing more than a half assed rant video that radiates the same energy as Jim's recent stuff. Shame really, because I still want to find out if the transition was entirely just for attention.
@StooDogg 10 күн бұрын
I wonder if our boi Rags is gonna cover The Fallout Show?
@ShamanKyrick 11 күн бұрын
"Holy shit, we're all black women! Oh my god, we're going to be judging each other so hard!" 10 years and 250+ EFAP episodes later and nothing has changed. Not even your voice brother. Well, I mean you're not still a black woman though....right? That still makes me laugh to this day XD
@ShamanKyrick 12 күн бұрын
30:52 Past Rags: Don't go into 2020! Get that GPU before it's too late!
@digger6843 12 күн бұрын
No, no they couldnt
@badmfinwolf8674 12 күн бұрын
Unite! i need help Right Now i need an Adult in 2024 !!!! Srs i saw a peepee on Ggx? :( and that hacked me for loling at it ? idk <-- watchers knowing ?
@badmfinwolf8674 12 күн бұрын
if you see this right here right now? what am i typing lol or go to Ggx with it From@NymN ok im going to go watch that Dr how u wont look at
@badmfinwolf8674 12 күн бұрын
Unite! i need help Right Now i need an Adult in 2024 !!!! Srs i saw a peepee on Ggx? :( and that hacked me for loling at it ? idk <-- watchers knowing ? if you see this right here right now? what am i typing lol or go to Ggx with it From@NymN ok im going to go watch that Dr how u wont look at <--- ok added next inc from time ling tings Dr.
@allansmith6412 12 күн бұрын
Idk what you mean about 7 days to die not being what I remember. It's literally almost the exact same with just a teeeeeeennnnnyyy bit better graphics. And I mean teeny. You can barely tell the difference in my opinion.
@allansmith6412 12 күн бұрын
And I just started playing again after years not playing
@Action2me 13 күн бұрын
The encounter you had with Art fighting himself was bugged. Normally you come across them in a stand-off. There are a number of dialogue choices that change how the encounter ends. However, it always ends with one of them dead and the other walking away, never to be seen again.
@Kaiyanwang82 13 күн бұрын
The part on Mass Effect made me conclude the following: EC's crew is not "hyperwoke" or brainwashed or dishonest or whatever. They are just incredibly dumb. They draw certain conclusions because they aren't intelligent enough to tackle certain complexity. Same thing with their history sub-channel. They TRY to do good research but end up misinterpreting or missing crucial elements because they are not smart enough to understand the sources they are reading.
@JHenryEden 14 күн бұрын
tropes are good when they agree with what is agreed upon. nazis are EVIL and #NotALLBlackPeople or #NotAllPitbulls it is okay to hate some people according to that logic. You can start a sentence saying "I fight for the right of indigenous people..." and reddit will shower you in epic reddit gold, but if you end it with "of central-to-west europe!" you will lose your job. there is permissible hatred and violence and no one will think of you as a lesser person for it, for as long it hits people they agree with. after this essay, i finally know with character my black friend can play in my next session of TTRPG. i will call him Gr'knuk Bombi.
@yesterdaymoon5072 15 күн бұрын
Yeah, let’s throw in a white woman with a prosthetic arm that is definitely worthy of wielding a firearm from 1938 to 1949 yeah, let’s include the modern era where anybody can be anything a man in a wheelchair can shoot an mg 42 f*cking hello?
@yesterdaymoon5072 15 күн бұрын
Listen women did not partake in the war end all wars and you wanna know the funniest thing the whole reason the war started was because of a sandwich
@RHW42Archangel 16 күн бұрын
Starting to suspect this isnt his main channel anymore lol
@KILLRAIN42 17 күн бұрын
I'm streaming/uploading my mostly blind playthrough of Darkest Dungeon these days. I have been taking notes in notepad every time I find a curio or affliction and it's interactions as I discover them because I don't want to just look them up on the wikis. The idea that doing so and that whole aspect of my experience with the game would be a poor and bad detriment against my playing of the game is...an interesting take to say the least. That story about your father, Rags? That touched my heart in a lovely way that put a dumbass smile on my face in what's been an otherwise miserable day. I haven't watched this channel in quite a while but a friend mentioned an efap highlight and looking that up gave me this video as well so I said you know what, I haven't watched a Rags video in forever, why not? I'm very glad I chose to do so, it made the tractor riding this morning a better time overall. Also, always good to get a little more reinforcement that my decision to stop watching sterling years ago was an excellent choice. Validation is enjoyable, thanks again Rags.
@JeanRosa-qc3mb 18 күн бұрын
oh yeah. when i'm playing games what keeps coming to my head is the amount of wires my device has.
@megahobbit5972 20 күн бұрын
I come back to this videos here and there mostly due to how entertaining it is seeing Rags rip into Browntable and EFAP ripping into him for his really questionable takes. It hurts more since, I believe, I am as old or slightly older as Browntable and not even close to this delusional. I stand with the Don
@christophercortez7191 20 күн бұрын
The lead designer of Magic The Gathering said it best, “if everyone likes your game, it will fail. If 50% hate your game, and 50% love it, it will succeed”. Something like that. And it made so much sense. If your game is liked by all cause its a safe mediocre experience, then its going to be forgettable. But if its so polarizing but leads to passionate discussion about it, it will thrive.
@Itsfinebuddy 22 күн бұрын
I hate this argument about souls games being hard, it's only hard the first time because you're learning mechanics . It's like learning bicycle once you learn it it becomes second nature.
@jaboba69 22 күн бұрын
84. 3,000,000. What's the difference?
@omnipocket3055 23 күн бұрын
Tapping out at 30 minutes because the same argument has already been covered 10 times
@themungingrapist2463 23 күн бұрын
Holy shit I thought fate was a thing recently but even 6 years ago he was an issue 💀
@rbelljr29 24 күн бұрын
You'll be happy to know that this guy, who now just goes by "FATE", has not only not changed, but actually has gotten worse. Kudos to you to for making this video. Now i know what he means these days by saying hes always been "consistent".
@JRPGGamer451 24 күн бұрын
Just to let you know John hasn't changed for the better he still acts like he's in the right and he's been trying to take down people who made a joke about his girlfriend and his full name which is public knowledge doesn't help he's the biggest hypocrite ever he will say something messed up about you're family members or significant others but if you do it to him its bad John has a big ego and everyone is making fun of him for it he even told one of my friends to commit suicide and do the Japanese style of taking oneself own life he did that too he brought up someone's dead Grandmother and never made a public apology video of it either its a guy named MRJ 625 on you tube that John did it on.
@crxpy5809 24 күн бұрын
These 'umies is trying to get in da way of a good wagh
@awickedwolf 25 күн бұрын
I swear the guy talking about pandas and all that shit makes him sound like a furry
@tycro23 25 күн бұрын
If you don't like it, why so many reviews of it ?? Just stop playing it and do something you like (might be the $$$ that's bring you). If I don't like something for A,B,C,D or E reasons, I will end right away (like your vids). But it looks like you play the entire game just to hate it more and make more $$$ for hating it. I hate the texture of mash potatoes and I don't eat some just to hate it for views and $$$.
@tycro23 25 күн бұрын
not disagreing, but you made it Bethesda video. We get your point in the first 5 minutes. The rest is only repeating the same thnig.
@user-mg6bk2yy1g 25 күн бұрын
I thought this game was dead and then it came to Game Pass. Played for 1.5 week and are already at level 122 lol. I think it's a really good game now just like all Fallout. But yeah at release it was probably garbage I saw the reviews and stayed away. Very surprised they turned it around.
@billylee322 26 күн бұрын
Ive had the divinity games on gog for years, but never got around to trying them. I was never much for isometric or turn based games unless they were really something special. Dos and dos2 are truly something special and im hooked. I find myself trying to find the best of these types of games, but the dos series and bg3 are pretty uniquely awesome