Cocaine Addiction-NHS Video
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@ths3525 Жыл бұрын
The difference, however, is people noticed when you were missing. No one is going to notice the day when i go missing. I share the same birthday with someone who i was once friends with and friends with their friends, funny how they don't say happy birthday to me, but to the other person they do. Or my siblings, always being there for them during a nasty divorce my parents went through, I made sure they were ok during difficult times. But during my difficult times, not one person makes the effort to make sure i am ok.
@TenderHooligan Жыл бұрын
I don't have depression, but I'm curious as to the feeling that one experiences; can it be compared to being on a massive come-down say from MDMA and alcohol? I have experienced that and it's hell, and it sounds like what people describe a depressive episode as like being. Future is a bleak, nothingness. Sorry if this wildly innacurate bridging on totally ignorant
@brainbutter3127 Жыл бұрын
I suffered from bipolar with suicidal ideation for 15 yrs. DMT cured my depression 4 years ago and now i wake up happy each day. It seems like a miracle! Much love to anyone suffering, there are paths leading to happiness. Hang in there. ❤
@Gar96229 2 жыл бұрын
It hurts me so much that someone as erudite, kind, compassionate, and lovely as Stephen Fry can believe he is so worthless!
@bryanwhitehouse4141 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping me.
@muirbabe 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video, concise and very helpful tips.
@mccarthy5825 2 жыл бұрын
So I tried to help my depression with cutting and then heroin. Injections of heroin. Injecting heroin and crack. Injecting Dalmane mixed with heroin. Taking valium. Xanax. Drinking. Been in and out of the funny farm. Tried suicide a few times. I feel every single word he says. Every single word. I get that voice too. Only getting worse. But the weird thing is the worse it gets as the older I get the less it bothers me. Whoever reads this... I think you are a really wonderful person and I send you loads of ♥ ☀ ✌️ From 🇮🇪
@John-Doe-Yo 2 жыл бұрын
@WobblySausagewolly 2 жыл бұрын
What a beautiful man.
@erikkz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so lucky not having to live with depression. Stephen is an amazing human being, also for showing us what depression is and talking about it.
@nicktaylor5819 2 жыл бұрын
The curse of intelligence is to know that one Is insignificant
@mickeymcnaughton2555 3 жыл бұрын
I postulate on whether or not the really bad bouts of depression which many rational, reasoned (and often expressive) people have might in part be caused by something in the subconscious triggering a thought process which communicates to the person a seemingly rationally arrived at statement, which is that most or much of what a person does generally in life may as well be considered futile or without any real overall substantial purpose whatsoever. Applying afterlife concept remedy attempts on these people usually doesn't help matters either. My experiences are that churches and church groups don't appear to be able to alleviate the symptoms for those experiencing these episodes and can usually only offer the eternal damnation scenario to those contemplating suicide or offer words about "godly" love as a "lip service" solution. Many who go through these episodes appear to be compassionate enough not to want people around them to feel emotionally distraught by their self harm tendencies and so appear to relate very closely to the human condition. More's the pity that so many talented people with proven successes and/or who are widely liked, admired and respected experience these episodes when they could gain so much emotionally and possibly be fulfilled in relation to the knowledge that they are talented and of value to many. For those less successful or perhaps generally ostracized or demeaned, well, who really has an answer to their situation? Perhaps they need (for their sake alone) to disengage as often as they can from people generally (if they can), and cherish themselves as human beings. Possibly they can try to see the value of those things on this planet which aren't of human design or manufacture.
@menswear2112 3 жыл бұрын
Today it’s trendy to be anxious/depressed, it makes you « artsy » or whatnot. I think it takes away the seriousness of the disease. Because when I’m anxious, I don’t feel inspired, I feel terrible.
@John-Doe-Yo 2 жыл бұрын
It’s not trendy. Now everyone is able to broadcast it with social media, 20 years ago that wasn’t an option so it flew under the radar.
@abigailcoffey512 3 жыл бұрын
I have that voice too.
@itaylavi2556 3 жыл бұрын
@tomwright9904 3 жыл бұрын
You are wrong, judgmental and your views are damaging. To me this is a clear example of morality and control slipping into mental health advice, in a way that is additiozally potentially sexist, and which potential damages individuals. * No anger can indicate problems elsewhere or be a sign of distress * Your interest should primarily be towards a patient rather than those around them * Anger can indicate the failure of other approaches, those who are angry will not necessarily express anger, use it socially * Anger expressed assertively will not result in a loss of liberty, the lack of assertiveness is what will cause people unnecessary situations * Anger does not necessarily mean a fight or flight response, the two are distinct * I don't believe your pressure of the heart argument, the samem argument applies to exercise * "should must or ought" those are *moral* thoughts * since anger be a symptom other other problems managing anger is not necessarily the correct response
@chriscooke109 3 жыл бұрын
The wall of nothingness is the most accurate description I have ever heard. Suicide constantly plagues my mind, and cocaine and alcohol are always there to briefly fill the void; it doesn't work though. I run out of money and feel just as bad, if not worse than I did before. I do not know how to get past this, I lost my partner, my job and my whole sense of worth in the blink of an eye; but what led to this was always present since my early teens. My failure to achieve happiness is deeply rooted in the fact that i never have, nor probably ever will know what that is. It seems futile too carry on, yet I do. It is like i only carry on so the people around me are not stricken with grief.
@chiselcheswick5673 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry to hear the way you feel... your words relate with me strongly. People ask me what is making me feel bad, or what scares me, but as Stephen puts it, its just a nothingness... a void of having no reason to be here or no reason to not. Drugs and booze take the pain away but then you wake up a few hours later and it hits you and the relief has worn off, and often feel worse. Not that I am religious but I pray to the universe you can find a way through it, as I do for anyone suffering. Good luck my friend.
@Leiake2604 3 жыл бұрын
This man is one of my absolute favourite people ever. So smart, so eloquent, so humble and kind. He's a pure soul, an amazing human being!
@yerdasellsavon2073 3 жыл бұрын
I feel his pain, I’ve been diagnosed with bpd and feel ashamed of myself a lot, I don’t know how to control it or what to do about it accept from hide from everyone and stay in my safe place. I wish there was better help for people like me but I feel a lot that people don’t care and we are just a hinderance. Putting on a brave face seems the only way but I also feel that’s why a lot a lot of us take our lives. I just hope there’s a better place in the afterlife is there is one
@qw-uu7em 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Stephen, same here.
@chrisbest1992 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sat here now feeling suicidal. In a minute I'll smoke a joint to blunt these feelings and keep me alive. But if you knew me in person, you would never realise I feel these things. You would never know I smoke pot to be frank. I hate my life. I only continue to exist to spare peoples feelings. I can't do it forever.
@stefanysanchez2874 4 жыл бұрын
Just wonderful, I've been looking for "chronic social anxiety definition" for a while now, and I think this has helped. Have you heard people talk about - Telaavar Anxious Amanita - (should be on google have a look )? It is an awesome one of a kind guide for removing the root cause of social anxiety without the hard work. Ive heard some extraordinary things about it and my close friend Aubrey got cool success with it.
@Chickenface12345 4 жыл бұрын
...Oh Dear! 10 to 15 days of hellish depression a year! Amateurish, really🤣✌
@adamdickson1404 4 жыл бұрын
A season in hell. You never forget it and dread its return.
@frasermorrison7155 4 жыл бұрын
There telling me IV got BPD am I'm I still heree
@omarsiddique9211 4 жыл бұрын
I do believe that to tackle the issue of depression, and I am sorry for anyone that disagrees or feels I have belittled their tragedy (I have not), is truly to acknowledge that there is a bigger power watching over us all. That everything is as it was planned, everything is guided, everything is intricately played out, and everything happens for a reason. Many consider religion to be unconditionally illogical and therefore, untenable. But interpret it as you will, those that deeply follow religion, and understand its vital purpose, do not fall into this tragic mindset. In this day and age, we cannot prove or disprove religion but we must understand that humans are biological creatures engineered to survive so we can reproduce. Our survival is heavily based on our mindset. A positive mindset is heavily influenced by the ideology of religion. Would it not make sense to believe in a higher entity if it ensures a healthy mind? Wouldn't social and emotional wellbeing prevail one's sense of logical morale? Before I leave, I want to say that what I have stated about religion being a setting of mental wellbeing is not a made up conjecture. These facts are true!
@ahmedsyed3001 4 жыл бұрын
Just remember, as much of a hell as depression seems, there are far greater hells on earth. Think of someone just recently convicted to life in prison for a crime they didn't commit, or think of someone who's experiencing amnesia and the slow and steady forgetting of THEIR OWN SOUL. The human being seeks to live as their true self, to remember and relish in their capacity for beauty, to OWN THEIR OWN SOULS. I think it is certain beliefs that lead to depression and what are beliefs? Thoughts that we accept (often without knowing) as true.
@MrHopper911 4 жыл бұрын
The best therapy is listening. To thoughts , that are just annoying energy , become the watcher . STEVIE is a big deal x
@amandamargaretbaker2023 4 жыл бұрын
I wonder if Stephen realises how much he is loved by the public.
@stearrow_3245 4 жыл бұрын
I get it. I really feel like this sometimes. I have infinite respect for Stephen for allowing everyone to observe him like this. I would be far too insecure to ever open myself to something like this Thank you Mr Fry. The sun will come up tomorrow (or at least I fucking hope so). On the off chance that it doesn't we shall persist until it does.
@Crowbars2 4 жыл бұрын
I've always thought Stephen was going through some pretty serious shit when he said he has Bipolar. But, his depression only lasts 7-10 days at a time, and only 3-4 times a year. That's a maximum of 11% of the time. The rest of the time he's feeling either normal or manic. Pretty lucky guy. I always thought I could look up to Stephen, doing so much whilst having depression. But he only has to deal with it a tiny percentage of the time. There are people who have to deal with depression for years on end, and don't have the luck of having bipolar and knowing that it will not last long before the mania sets in. I mean, depression is depression, and it's fucking awful no matter how long you have it. But still...
@user-jl7ym4en5b 4 жыл бұрын
A brilliant self aware, grounded human who is helping all by sharing his personal journey.
@youtubeenjoyer-pf3tu 5 жыл бұрын
This man was my bloody childhood in littlebigplanet. Best wishes
@mandm2054 5 жыл бұрын
I love this man
@sbeast64 5 жыл бұрын
Theory: most of Stephen's suffering came from his rejection of God. Have a good day :)
@chadwilliams9141 5 жыл бұрын
I try to constantly put up walls. In the end I’am very brash about it maybe close to killing myself but a weird predicament to want to end something that was just a natural course of living.
@ufcfighter1488 5 жыл бұрын
Lol type writer, was this shot in the mid 90s? Great points he makes though
@FlyingBisonSuperiority 2 ай бұрын
It’s cuz he was in the middle of nowhere with no signal. It’s more efficient than handwriting when a computer wouldn’t work
@wolfiehampton727 5 жыл бұрын
It makes me want to cry thinking that he thinks he’s not nice to be around and that he doesn’t like himself. He’s so important and so many people love him, but his head will keep telling him that’s not true. It’s not fair that he should have to feel that way when he’s so much more than his bipolar disorder.
@wolfiehampton727 5 жыл бұрын
It’s weird because when I was going through it I knew something was wrong but I didn’t know what was wrong and what was right
@abbyanderson4171 5 жыл бұрын
Maybe its beause you haven't repented your sins!,I can send you some notes on how to ask for forgivness...
@CannibalLecter 6 жыл бұрын
I hope he beats his cancer.
@ParadeTheGospel 6 жыл бұрын
You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You. Isaiah 26:3
@ParadeTheGospel 6 жыл бұрын
And also check out free short film on suicide and depression. It will bless you!
@CenturyChild533 6 жыл бұрын
4:26 I had a period of my life where the only reason I lived was for the next Marvel movie. The man speaks the truth.
@sanroopramesh7620 6 жыл бұрын
I think when you're in pain, you become aware of people going through the same things and you start to appreciate the little things in life.
@kybone25 6 жыл бұрын
brilliant man, glad he's feeling better and enjoying his life now
@lhpkazuha 6 жыл бұрын
I often tell myself that the episodes will come one way or another, but I will find my way out of it, because I've done it before, I can do it again. It's still fucking terrible every time it comes, but if it hasn't killed me yet then I might as well live
@WorldPreSchool 6 жыл бұрын
Nice talk
@kilroy987 6 жыл бұрын
I think depression is just trying to know and control too much. It's hard to just ride the ebbs of life, but sometimes, that's all you can do because there is so little you can control. People need stability and regularity. They need supportive people and good relationships and socialization. But we never stop being soul citizens. The more we demand something that isn't happening that we don't have the power to give to ourselves, the deeper we go into the vital rejection of the state of things, which sends our mentality to a dark place. All the commercials that talk about success, portraying only people in the middle class and establishing that a solid retirement plan is the only reasonable way to go don't help our imposed expectations of ourselves or what the world should provide. You know your heartsong, what sustains you, your recipe for your own happiness. Walk the path. Seek it. Even if you don't find it and you don't know where to find it, keep seeking. Don't just keep walking a path where it has all fallen away.
@michaelevans3766 6 жыл бұрын
kilroy987 depression isn’t quite like that for me, I have a great job, a great partner, a fabulous little staffie called Taz. I’m not driven by profits or money, but more by the brilliant job I had, and the great people I worked with and friends etc,. Then I acquired a brain injury, and depression set in. I would be talking to my partner, and explaining that I couldn’t understand why I felt so down. We all have down moments, but this was different, there was nothing wrong, yet I simply felt like bawling my eyes out all the time. At its worst I felt that I wasn’t fit to interact with other humans, and at the very lowest points, thoughts of Suicide are there. The way I think of depression is of it being an illness that causes an imbalance in the brain, so what you are feeling doesn’t necessarily have a real cause - it’s simply this imbalance making you feel so bad - so very bad.
@tanyamitchell7322 6 жыл бұрын
Hang in there dear man! There is hope. I've had severe depression twice and am doing well today.
@lazarmaria9171 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for encouragement. I am struggling now
@alexandergr7995 2 жыл бұрын
LoL. British Eric Cartman on the video did his best to remove hope from everyone with his New Atheists and plunge everyone into depression while he is having fun with his shows.He goes from being bipolar and depressed to man of reason, from atheist to jewish supporter and admirer of greek capricious gods based on his audience...Don't worry he will hang in there, he simpy plays a role...Others who have nothing left might not....
@berniestephens4506 6 жыл бұрын
Alcohol triggers my depression and anxiety massively. You need to live a very healthy life to even have a chance of controlling this shit.
@johnathanclark79 6 жыл бұрын
Depression where you have a voice to tell you you're a complete shit....and you can have a voice to tell you you're a winner.