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@calsitup 3 күн бұрын
There were no photos in the 1700s. First photo in India was 1840.
@user-kt9cg9cp4v 4 күн бұрын
Да уж... А какого черта тогда ваш индус в той же самой рабовладельческой Британии премьер министр? Нравится? Что он конкретно сделал для Индии?
@PankajSingh-dc2qp 7 күн бұрын
This video is totally fake. Cameras were not invented in 1700. The first photographic camera was invented in 1816 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce, a Frenchman. So, it is impossible to take photos of 1700s. The earliest known photographic capture within India dates back to 1840. It was a lithograph based on a daguerreotype of the Sans Souci Theatre in Calcutta. While photography was introduced to India in the early 19th century by the British, it took some time for the technology to spread and be widely used. Before, 1800s, people used to make paintings...
@Dharman-it7up 12 күн бұрын
very Good SS Youtuba channal ©2024™
@unknowngba 13 күн бұрын
Please change the description. There was no photography in 1700s. It started only around 1830-40s.
@user-ho7fz5my6z 15 күн бұрын
Simple living
@mahdyghorbany9897 17 күн бұрын
Are you kidding the 50 .60 decade car were exist in 19 century in india😂
@hasinaa8790 19 күн бұрын
stop distorting India's history just like these white people do! Haider Ali defeated the British occupiers twice and Tipu defeated The British also where is the mention of that???? read history before you make a show.
@markosanto 19 күн бұрын
BLACK gods Ancient African Ruled Earth Title: Nations and Religions by Godfrey Higgins 1836 AD CHAPTER IV. Great Black Nation in Asia.- The Buddha of India a Negro.- The Arabians were Cushites.- 39 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. Digression on the Black Colour of Ancient Gods; Christ Black: an Answer to a solemn Consideration.- Other solemn Considerations.- Observations on Mr. Maurice's solemn CHAPTER VII. Hercules and Samson the same.-Etymology of the word Samson.-Muttra Hercules at.-The Meaning of the word Hercules - Hercules Black. CHAPTER VIII Black Nation of Buddhists in Asia. 1. In taking a survey of the human inhabitants of the world, we find two classes, distinguished from each other by a clear and definite line of demarkation, the black and white colours of their skins. This distinguishing mark we discover to have existed in ages the most remote. If we suppose them all to have descended from one pair, the question arises, Was that pair black or white? If I were at present to say that I thought them black, I should be accused of a fondness for paradox, band I should find as few persons to agree with me, as the African negroes do when they tell Europeans that the Devil is white. (And yet no one, except a West-India planter, will deny that the poor Africans have reason on their side.) However, I say not that they were black, but I shall, in the course of this work, produce a number of extraordinary facts, which will be quite-sufficient to prove that a black race, in very early times, had more influence over the affairs of the world than has been lately suspected; and I think I shall shew, by some very striking circumstances yet existing, that the effects of this influence have not entirely passed away. Page 40: [1] A great nation of Blacks formerly possessed the dominion of Asia, and held the seat of empire at Sidon. [2] These must have been the Cushites or Cuthites, described in Genesis; and the opinion that they were Blacks is corroborated by the translators of the Pentateuch. 3. The religion of Buddha, of India, is well-known to have been very ancient. In the most ancient temples scattered throughout Asia, where his worship is by et continued, he is found black as jet, with the flat face, thick lips, and curly hair of the Negro. Several statues of him may be met with in t h e Museum of the East-India Company. There are two exemplars of him brooding on the face of the deep, upon a coiled serpent. To what time are we to allot this Negro? The religion of this Negro God is found, by the ruins of his temples and other circumstances, to have been spread over an immense extent of country, even to the remotest parts of Britain. Page 44 Herodotus says that there were two Ethiopian nations, one in India, the other in Egypt. He derived his information from the Egyptian priests, a race of people who must have known the truth; and there seems no reason either for them or Herodotus to have mis-stated the fact. Memnon who was said to have been sent to the siege of Troy, and to have been slain by Achilles; and who was also said, by the ancient authors, to be an Ethiopian or a Black. It seems the Egyptians suppose that this Memnon was their king Amenophis. The Ethiopians are stated by Herodotus. Page 173 In all the Romish countries of Europe, in France, Italy, Germany, & c., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. The infant black. The Goddesses Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. If there ader doubt my word, he may go to the cathedral at Moulins- to the famous chapel of the Virgin at Loretto- to the church of the Annunciata- the church of St. Lazaro, or the church of St. Stephen at Genoa-to St. Francisco at Pisa- to the church at Brixen, in the Tyrol, and to that at Padua-to the church of St. Theodore, at Munich, in the two last of which the whiteness of the eyes and teeth, and the studied redness of the lips, are very observable,-to a church and to the cathedral at Augsburg, w here are a black virgin and child as large as life :-to Rome, to the Borghese chapel Maria Maggiore-to the Pantheon-to a small chapel of St. Peter’s, on the right-hand side on entering, near the door; and, in fact, to almost innumerable other churches, in countries professing the Romish religion. A temple to Venus Melainis, or the black. At Corinth there was a black Venus. The Linghams in India, anointed with oil, are black: a black stone was adored in numbers of places in India. Oman Emperors, made of two kinds of stone; the human part of the statue of black stone, the drapery white or coloured. Page 174 There is scarcely an old church in Italy where some remains of the worship of the BLACK VIRGIN and BLACK CHILD are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones, and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed, but are yet to be found there. In many cases the images are painted all over and look like bronze, often with coloured aprons or napkins round the loins or other parts; but pictures in great numbers are to be seen, where the white of the eyes and of the teeth, and the lips a little tinged with red, like the black figures in the Museum of the India Company, shew that there is no imitation of bronze. In many instances these images and pictures are shaded, not all one colour, of very dark brown, so dark as to look like black. They are generally esteemed by the rabble with the most profound veneration. The toes are often white, the brown or black paint being kissed away by the devotees, and the white wood left. No doubt in many places, when the priests have new-painted the images, they have coloured the eyes, teeth, ,& c., in order that they might not shock the feelings of devotees by a too sudden change from black to white, and in order, at the same time, that they might furnish a decent pretence for their blackness, viz., that they are an imitation of bronze: but the number that are left with white teeth, & c., let out the secret. When the circumstance has been named to the Romish priests, they have endeavoured to disguise the fact, by pretending that the child had become black by the smoke of the candles; but it was black where the smoke of a candle never came: and, besides, how came the candles not to blacken the white of the eyes, the teeth, and the shirt, and how came they to redden the lips? Page 399 the ancient Egyptians, the masters of Thebes, were Negroes- or, that they were black, with curly heads. In aid of this theory, are consider at ion of the forgoing pages will show, that we have found the black complexion or something relating to it whenever we have approached to the origin of the nations. The Alma Mater, the Goddess Multimammia, the founders of the oracles, the Memnons or first idols, were always black. Venus, Juno, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, Ammon,-in short, all the wood and stone Deities were black. The images remained as they were first made in very remote times. They were not susceptible of any improvement; and when for any reason they required renewal they were generally made exactly after the former sacred pattern. I once saw a man repainting a black God on a house-side in Italy. Page 449 Some years ago I was informed, by a friend, since deceased, that he had seen a church (I think) in the Netherlands, dedicated to the Black Virgin, à la Vierge Noire. I have no doubt of the fact, though I have forgotten the place. Here we have the black Venus and Ceres. To make the thing complete, we want nothing but a church dedicated to the Black Saviour; and I we cannot show this, there is scarcely a church in Italy where a black bambino may not be seen, which comes very near it. If Pausanias had told us that the infant Jupiter which he found in Arcadia had been black, we should have had all we required; for he had before told us, that Jupiter had the title of Saviour, and Statius tells us he was black. Bacchus and Osiris are the same person, and that person has been shown to be the sun; and they were both black. Bacchus and Osiris are the same person, and that person has been shown to be the sun; and they were both black. Page 521 In the course of the work she says that the Egyptian Sphynx was black; and, what is very extraordinary, she says the same thing of the White Sow of AlbaLonga, calling her Keλavn. Jupiter is called Ethiopian or black. Page 434 The figures in all the old caves of India have the appearance of Negroes. to prove not only the extreme antiquity of the caves, but also the original Negro character of the natives. Dr. Pritchard has most clearly proved, as I have stated in Book V. Chap. XIII. Sect. 2, that the ancient Egyptians were Negroes. He observes that "the Greek writers always mention the «Egyptians as being black in their complexions. Herodotus, who was well acquainted with the Egyptians, mentions the blackness of their complexions more than once. Page 59 In my Essay on The Celtic Druids, I have shewn, that a great nation called Celtae, of whom the Druids were the priests, spread themselves almost over the whole earth from India to the extremity of Britain. An early individuals of the black nation. The learned Maurice says, " Cuthites, i. e. Celts, built the great temples in India " and Britain, and excavated the caves of the former." And the learned Mathematician, Reuben Burrow, has no hesitation in pronouncing Stonehenge to be a temple of the black, curly-headed Buddha.
@Mister_OH 25 күн бұрын
camera invent in 1836 where u find the pictures of 17th century 🤣🤣🤣
@vaishalikadam7946 Ай бұрын
@vaishalikadam7946 Ай бұрын
हमारी धरोहर मेरा भारत महान
@israrali6763 Ай бұрын
I got tears in my eyes after this video,,,, kash hum wohi ek country hote 😭😭bs hum logo ko bewakoof bnaya 1947 men
@jaskeerat1004 Ай бұрын
Is the food healthier than today?
@Melissa-vk8wo Ай бұрын
Ok ❤
@dinezrk Ай бұрын
Misleading title as the proper photographic camera was invented only during mid 1800
@parvezbhatti-ez4jx Ай бұрын
Mesmerizing images of life in the olden but golden days. Pure humans, pure air to breathe, simple times, simple humans.
@kishoresamala835 Ай бұрын
when was camera or lens invented ? if it was before 1700, ok, else u need to see DOC ASAP
@viralhunt8637 Ай бұрын
Still same corner of this country, huge manipulation, corruption, caste religion politics , Poor governance mismanagement hypocrisy propaganda against own country people
@harpuri7250 Ай бұрын
At 5:25 the photo of Kashmir 1802 shows a Maruti car on the bridge ?🤔
@pineapplesareyummy6352 Ай бұрын
Depending on your definition, the earliest photograph was taken circa 1830, and the oldest surviving photographs that show any significant level of detail were daguerrotype taken after 1836. Photography was pioneered in France. How is it possible for there to be photos of India in the 1700s?
@kennethoverton2969 Ай бұрын
All lies cameras wasn't around in the 1700s why lie about facts
@nisarkhan7091 Ай бұрын
All the photos are during british period ! In mughal perio 1700 ad india was the bird of gold , india gdp was 28℅ and very rich country in the world,so britisher came for in india purpose for trades,but after they looted india.
@deepalakshmi5890 Ай бұрын
Love my nation India and the people what you went through to get where we are today.. the pain suffering and sheer will power salute you Jai Hind
@iamananta Ай бұрын
That time health wise people were more fit than now.
@mechanicuz2027 Ай бұрын
0:33 😃
@user-rm1wn1ul3h Ай бұрын
ThanK you to give us most Knowledge about our indo-PAK History, Thanks again, From Peshawar City, PAKISTAN
@siddiqueyusuf4060 Ай бұрын
Rich history of India My parents & grand grandparents birth place
@RaitaNag Ай бұрын
How there was photos in 1700. Lies
@adityganguly4021 2 ай бұрын
Who had the camera then. Are these painting in some bodys imagination and moreover different states looked different.
@markosanto 2 ай бұрын
African brought the world civilization and religion yet are the most hated. Title: Nations and Religions by Godfrey Higgins 1836 AD CHAPTER IV. Great Black Nation in Asia.- The Buddha of India a Negro.- The Arabians were Cushites.- 39 BOOK IV. CHAPTER I. Digression on the Black Colour of Ancient Gods; Christ Black: an Answer to a solemn Consideration.- Other solemn Considerations.- Observations on Mr. Maurice's solemn CHAPTER VII. Hercules and Samson the same.-Etymology of the word Samson.-Muttra Hercules at.-The Meaning of the word Hercules - Hercules Black. CHAPTER VIII Black Nation of Buddhists in Asia. 1. In taking a survey of the human inhabitants of the world, we find two classes, distinguished from each other by a clear and definite line of demarkation, the black and white colours of their skins. This distinguishing mark we discover to have existed in ages the most remote. If we suppose them all to have descended from one pair, the question arises, Was that pair black or white? If I were at present to say that I thought them black, I should be accused of a fondness for paradox, band I should find as few persons to agree with me, as the African negroes do when they tell Europeans that the Devil is white. (And yet no one, except a West-India planter, will deny that the poor Africans have reason on their side.) However, I say not that they were black, but I shall, in the course of this work, produce a number of extraordinary facts, which will be quite-sufficient to prove that a black race, in very early times, had more influence over the affairs of the world than has been lately suspected; and I think I shall shew, by some very striking circumstances yet existing, that the effects of this influence have not entirely passed away. Page 40: [1] A great nation of Blacks formerly possessed the dominion of Asia, and held the seat of empire at Sidon. [2] These must have been the Cushites or Cuthites, described in Genesis; and the opinion that they were Blacks is corroborated by the translators of the Pentateuch. 3. The religion of Buddha, of India, is well-known to have been very ancient. In the most ancient temples scattered throughout Asia, where his worship is by et continued, he is found black as jet, with the flat face, thick lips, and curly hair of the Negro. Several statues of him may be met with in t h e Museum of the East-India Company. There are two exemplars of him brooding on the face of the deep, upon a coiled serpent. To what time are we to allot this Negro? The religion of this Negro God is found, by the ruins of his temples and other circumstances, to have been spread over an immense extent of country, even to the remotest parts of Britain. Page 44 Herodotus says that there were two Ethiopian nations, one in India, the other in Egypt. He derived his information from the Egyptian priests, a race of people who must have known the truth; and there seems no reason either for them or Herodotus to have mis-stated the fact. Memnon who was said to have been sent to the siege of Troy, and to have been slain by Achilles; and who was also said, by the ancient authors, to be an Ethiopian or a Black. It seems the Egyptians suppose that this Memnon was their king Amenophis. The Ethiopians are stated by Herodotus. Page 173 In all the Romish countries of Europe, in France, Italy, Germany, & c., the God Christ, as well as his mother, are described in their old pictures and statues to be black. God in the arms of his black mother, his eyes and drapery white, is himself perfectly black. The infant black. The Goddesses Venus, Isis, Hecati, Diana, Juno, Metis, Ceres, Cybile, are black. If there ader doubt my word, he may go to the cathedral at Moulins- to the famous chapel of the Virgin at Loretto- to the church of the Annunciata- the church of St. Lazaro, or the church of St. Stephen at Genoa-to St. Francisco at Pisa- to the church at Brixen, in the Tyrol, and to that at Padua-to the church of St. Theodore, at Munich, in the two last of which the whiteness of the eyes and teeth, and the studied redness of the lips, are very observable,-to a church and to the cathedral at Augsburg, w here are a black virgin and child as large as life :-to Rome, to the Borghese chapel Maria Maggiore-to the Pantheon-to a small chapel of St. Peter’s, on the right-hand side on entering, near the door; and, in fact, to almost innumerable other churches, in countries professing the Romish religion. A temple to Venus Melainis, or the black. At Corinth there was a black Venus. The Linghams in India, anointed with oil, are black: a black stone was adored in numbers of places in India. Oman Emperors, made of two kinds of stone; the human part of the statue of black stone, the drapery white or coloured. Page 174 There is scarcely an old church in Italy where some remains of the worship of the BLACK VIRGIN and BLACK CHILD are not to be met with. Very often the black figures have given way to white ones, and in these cases the black ones, as being held sacred, were put into retired places in the churches, but were not destroyed, but are yet to be found there. In many cases the images are painted all over and look like bronze, often with coloured aprons or napkins round the loins or other parts; but pictures in great numbers are to be seen, where the white of the eyes and of the teeth, and the lips a little tinged with red, like the black figures in the Museum of the India Company, shew that there is no imitation of bronze. In many instances these images and pictures are shaded, not all one colour, of very dark brown, so dark as to look like black. They are generally esteemed by the rabble with the most profound veneration. The toes are often white, the brown or black paint being kissed away by the devotees, and the white wood left. No doubt in many places, when the priests have new-painted the images, they have coloured the eyes, teeth, ,& c., in order that they might not shock the feelings of devotees by a too sudden change from black to white, and in order, at the same time, that they might furnish a decent pretence for their blackness, viz., that they are an imitation of bronze: but the number that are left with white teeth, & c., let out the secret. When the circumstance has been named to the Romish priests, they have endeavoured to disguise the fact, by pretending that the child had become black by the smoke of the candles; but it was black where the smoke of a candle never came: and, besides, how came the candles not to blacken the white of the eyes, the teeth, and the shirt, and how came they to redden the lips? Page 399 the ancient Egyptians, the masters of Thebes, were Negroes- or, that they were black, with curly heads. In aid of this theory, are consider at ion of the forgoing pages will show, that we have found the black complexion or something relating to it whenever we have approached to the origin of the nations. The Alma Mater, the Goddess Multimammia, the founders of the oracles, the Memnons or first idols, were always black. Venus, Juno, Jupiter, Apollo, Bacchus, Hercules, Asteroth, Adonis, Horus, Apis, Osiris, Ammon,-in short, all the wood and stone Deities were black. The images remained as they were first made in very remote times. They were not susceptible of any improvement; and when for any reason they required renewal they were generally made exactly after the former sacred pattern. I once saw a man repainting a black God on a house-side in Italy. Page 449 Some years ago I was informed, by a friend, since deceased, that he had seen a church (I think) in the Netherlands, dedicated to the Black Virgin, à la Vierge Noire. I have no doubt of the fact, though I have forgotten the place. Here we have the black Venus and Ceres. To make the thing complete, we want nothing but a church dedicated to the Black Saviour; and I we cannot show this, there is scarcely a church in Italy where a black bambino may not be seen, which comes very near it. If Pausanias had told us that the infant Jupiter which he found in Arcadia had been black, we should have had all we required; for he had before told us, that Jupiter had the title of Saviour, and Statius tells us he was black. Bacchus and Osiris are the same person, and that person has been shown to be the sun; and they were both black. Bacchus and Osiris are the same person, and that person has been shown to be the sun; and they were both black. Page 521 In the course of the work she says that the Egyptian Sphynx was black; and, what is very extraordinary, she says the same thing of the White Sow of AlbaLonga, calling her Keλavn. Jupiter is called Ethiopian or black. Page 434 The figures in all the old caves of India have the appearance of Negroes. to prove not only the extreme antiquity of the caves, but also the original Negro character of the natives. Dr. Pritchard has most clearly proved, as I have stated in Book V. Chap. XIII. Sect. 2, that the ancient Egyptians were Negroes. He observes that "the Greek writers always mention the «Egyptians as being black in their complexions. Herodotus, who was well acquainted with the Egyptians, mentions the blackness of their complexions more than once. Page 59 In my Essay on The Celtic Druids, I have shewn, that a great nation called Celtae, of whom the Druids were the priests, spread themselves almost over the whole earth from India to the extremity of Britain. An early individuals of the black nation. The learned Maurice says, " Cuthites, i. e. Celts, built the great temples in India " and Britain, and excavated the caves of the former." And the learned Mathematician, Reuben Burrow, has no hesitation in pronouncing Stonehenge to be a temple of the black, curly-headed Buddha.
@jaymathew8431 2 ай бұрын
What music is playing I’m the Beginning
@davidvincent2758 2 ай бұрын
1700 never
@robertthompson7270 2 ай бұрын
Fascinating collection of old photos, a bit spoiled by foolish mistake in heading at start claiming India had cameras 150 years bofore the rest of the world. Maybe they did. Are cameras mentioned in the Vedas?
@bhavinranashikharadventure 2 ай бұрын
@kedarmoroney9929 2 ай бұрын
Mughal’s empire is not our history. Most of the images and clips are of Mulghal and British.. Who are the lutere and nothing else.. Mughal aur Angrezo is desh ke gaddaro ke sath milkar desh ko luta hai..
@donnydarkoh777 2 ай бұрын
Half the signs in English at 10:07
@donnydarkoh777 2 ай бұрын
Love the steam tech at 7:39!
@rajaam620 2 ай бұрын
Full of venom.
@cosmichealth3907 2 ай бұрын
Not a single fat person
@Rus-bw2oq 2 ай бұрын
Nonsense, photography in Europe itself began in the 19th century
@lokeshramareddy1049 2 ай бұрын
No doubt why Muslim and British invaded and occupied India
@jagathfernando6433 2 ай бұрын
@israelnathanael8914 2 ай бұрын
Our Queen Nachiar
@amalkantiray9346 2 ай бұрын
One or two photos should have been avoided.
@p.k.rajagopalnair2125 2 ай бұрын
So precious these photographs are they speak of India's great culture and heritage. India is so great a country. We are proud Indians.
@MS-favours_2456 2 ай бұрын
photography invented in 1822 😅😅😅 not in 15th century 😅😅😅
@FRieza207 Ай бұрын
@MS-favours_2456 2 ай бұрын
😮 fake...
@MS-favours_2456 2 ай бұрын
the photography was invented in 1822. so, how is possible ? 😅😅😅😅
@user-cb3bf6ql7v 2 ай бұрын
Mostly there are 60,000 temples demolished in mughal era😭, britishers 💂are way better than mughals👺