@lismarcel Күн бұрын
I'm the one with ADHD in the relationship and the mood swings can be terrible especially when I'm stressed, but I'm also autistic, which, strangely enough, helps be on top of things because I love making lists, haha
@sophiecs-0652 Күн бұрын
@user-mx4bx3vo9r 2 күн бұрын
I can't fall in love at all, i try very hard too, no men rejected me, they just want a chance, but my body is rejecting everyone. One of my friend treated me very nicely but i couldn't fall in love at all, the day i agree to date him, he called me Darling, i felt loathing inside me, my body was denying it, like everything in me was not convinced at all, i finally told him in less than 15 min that i can't fall in love with him, i revealed it because he was my longest friend, but he told me i am attentionseeker. Idk i am not even angry at him, but i can't lie at all, i have met alot of handsome guys after he left and not even one can attract me, maybe they have pretty face, i will appreciate good looks but beside that i feel empty inside me. Seeing so many people like me, finally i am relieved that i don't have mental disorders. I don't even have any childhood trauma at all but i still can't understand why i don't love them, but i still have feelings for my parents, i feel compassionate toward animals and peoples with disabilities or weak peoples, childrens my heart soften when i see someone sad, or someone sick, but when it come to falling in love, i am biggest failure in this.
@AcousticJuice93 2 күн бұрын
sorry wasn't listening. Was staring at his perfectly manicured moustache.
@shawnalajame7888 3 күн бұрын
I lost my momma unexpectedly last night. I am totally fucking devastated. I am trying really hard to be strong for my family, my dad, my kids, my sister, her kids, all of us, but I feel completely shattered. Seeing her like that knowing she was gone from this place. What do I do? How can I find strength without my momma? I want my momma. God
@xax 4 күн бұрын
Your concerned and sad tone when acknowledging the speaker comes across as insincere and condescending. “Yeah 😞” “mmhmm 😔” It's very hard to listen to this because the conversation is not a therapy session. When you speak your tone is normal but it’s the little acknowledgements that get under my skin because it sounds like you’re acknowledging someone who’s opening up when that’s not the case. Just sharing some feedback because I would subscribe but it’s the first time I come across this type of interview style.
@ranidiaz4097 4 күн бұрын
This is so true.
@LH-fp8kr 4 күн бұрын
I am sure this man is intelligent, capable and a good therapist. But he needs to know, us ADHDers need something more stimulating to keep us watching....that 7 min. seemed like 3 hours.
@jamesalanstephensmith7930 4 күн бұрын
I have it. I'm easily distracted. I have to often screen out errant thoughts that seem to hijack my finishing something. As of late, I'm losing things all the time. I have a thyroid or parathyroid imbalance, which makes it worse.
@ahoneysuckle 5 күн бұрын
andddd she spoke about the importance of PRAYER! praise Jesussss! i relate to her sm! i was diagnosed with adhd when I was about 6, and i was recently diagnosed with cptsd at 19. I feel like hearing her story and her advice helped me better understand how to heal, i’m so thankful u had her as a guest
@marya6445 6 күн бұрын
Who else turned the playback speed to 2x? 🤣
@Gavz445 7 күн бұрын
I have never had anyone explain my problems more to me in my entire life, I learned more in 13 minutes than any therapy has ever gaven me
@aml8760 9 күн бұрын
Well done
@andrewcairnsmrkiplin 11 күн бұрын
turned it off at 3 minutes 20 got bored talked way too slow for my brain
@solus8685 12 күн бұрын
I've never even had a crush. I had interest in people but only because they had interest in me first, and my own feelings always leave super quickly and I get annoyed by those people because they don't lose interest.. I feel bad for being the way I am but I can't help it
@samr2021 13 күн бұрын
If this somehow reaches the Dr, I can't believe how validating this video was. Thank you for this video, your voice and pattern of speech is incredibly accessible and I will widely share this with my colleagues and friends.
@sarahbell8886 14 күн бұрын
I'm sure the beginning was helpful and impactful, but the double tap skip is helpful
@jimgreen3041 14 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@theviolinvoice4173 14 күн бұрын
It makes sense that many risk-taking, dopamine-driven, creative people would leave everything sail to The New World (America) in the last few hundred years. It makes sense that our rates of ADHD are higher. Maybe it's why we innovate in movies, science etc.
@Roxie767 15 күн бұрын
My mom died last week and even right I still can’t believe that she is gone 🥹🤦‍♂️🕊️
@Effoff027 10 күн бұрын
I’m going through the same, it’s sickening, I’ve never felt more alone. I’m so sorry for your loss
@abuhuraira5013 15 күн бұрын
You know YOUR channel has an problem like Seo that's why you are not getting more views, subscribers etc.
@jan-martinulvag1953 15 күн бұрын
The horror and the torture of going through the stored experience's consciously later in life is the only thing that works.
@jan-martinulvag1953 15 күн бұрын
Getting you to the present by getting you into the body? To transcend is to forget your ego, your body and language.
@markfuller 10 күн бұрын
I disagree with the wording of that, or the absolute implication. In some ways you're right. But, in other ways not. The only thing that's real is this present moment. Everything else is a story we tell ourselves. But, it can be rough to realize that. Our conscious experience (in the 5% of the mind) _emerges_ from the 95% subconscious. It emerges about 1/2 second after the fact (Libet, Vago). So, we tend to practice identifying with what emerges, the subconsciously-generated story that has emerged repeatedly, endlessly for as long as we can remember. So, you'r right that facing that can be rough. It's like a "security blanket" being taken away (familiar, trusted). It can be hard to realize it's not real. But, it can also be instantly liberating too. Over-identifying with the story (which your way of saying it might sound like) can overlook the relief that it's really not real. But, you're right that we can't just say it's not real and forget about it. There's more practiced identity with the story that needs to be understood (how it affects us, why we identify with it, how we do it). IMO, it's something in between. The reason I wanted to say something about this is that EFT/Tapping is really good (like EMDR). It's like Emile Coue's autosuggestion, but _emphasis_ (tapping). It's been long-proven that autosuggestion works. EFT/Tapping is similar. You basically tell yourself (while tapping it into yourself) that you know what's going on, your anxious, sad, whatever because..., "I'll be ok. I know what's going on. It will pass." It really works. (The chakra stuff might be baloney, I don't know. But, autosuggestion works, and the tapping seems to make it heard more by the subconscious.). So, there are things like this that make integration less horror & torture. What's being dealt with is more like realizing it's not real, not realizing horror & torture. (But, yes, there can be "there" there that isn't as easy as saying "it's nothing." It's something in between.).
@jan-martinulvag1953 10 күн бұрын
@@markfuller The present is in the mind and the past is in the body stored as trauma/stories. You have to heal the body or kill it. What you say is a story, so its real to you right now in the body. If going through trauma makes no sense then living with trauma makes no sense and we can do collective suicide. To bring humanity to another level we have to suffer through it. And the suffering is where the creation of light takes place. Jesus did it and you have to do it too
@markfuller 9 күн бұрын
@@jan-martinulvag1953 My concern is "we have to suffer though it" can turn into a new identity of one who is carrying their cross, identified with the past (rather than accepting that it literally doesn't exist, and we're doing it to ourselves). I've known people (and done this myself) who move on from "unseen forces" affecting them from the subconscious to doing it to themselves as proof they're integrated (or not repressing). No doubt shadow work is difficult & necessary. Just saying "the past doesn't exist, I'm doing this to myself" doesn't make it so. But, often delving into the trauma, recognizing how it affects you can turn into its own new identity (of who I am). From my perspective it's the ego. We think of ego as boisterous, glam, overt, successful with hubris. But, the ego can get just as much supply from being the victim, identifying with past trauma, wrongs, shames. The implication is "it should've been different. I deserve better. If only..." Craving what isn't clinging to what is (which is impermanent). When we've practiced this for years/decades, it's not that easy to say "oh, that's what it is." But, the ego is sneaky and can turn shadow work (cross bearing) into "who I am" too. Ego's about control, being the explainer of one's largely narrated existence. "I'm special, successful, good looking, envied" is not that much different from "I'm special, wounded, suffering, carrying a burden most wouldn't." It's a way of being someone we're not. (We're not the past.). The 2005 movie "Revolver" (Ray Liota) comes to mind right now.
@markfuller 9 күн бұрын
@@jan-martinulvag1953 Another really good movie (but requires watching it a dozen times to get it): 2001 "Memento" (Guy Pearce). He has (or affects having) anterograde amnesia (unable to make new memories). He incessantly narrates to himself (who he is, where he came from, what he's doing) through notes, tattoos, a police file that has been so edited that it's more about him (what he needs it to be) than what the case was actually about. I think it's an absolutely perfect depiction of how we do it to ourselves (and how impossible it is to see it). It's all broken up in out-of-order vignettes. You really have to watch it a dozen times to see what's really happening. He's on a righteous crusade, but toward the end (which could be the beginning of the film, and various pieces throughout) he's confronted with what he's actually doing. There is a moment where he could step away from it, accept reality, but _deliberately_ chooses to keep doing it. It's familiar. Who would he be if not who he's narrated to himself all that time? He edits a polaroid note to himself in a way that he knows is a lie, to keep it going. There's really a lot of parallels in that movie to the normal human condition. It's told through anterograde amnesia which was brilliant because you get to see someone compulsively explaining themself to themself (through external means. Everyone's doing that in their head. But, you get to see it with someone who can't keep it in their head). He compares himself to "Sammy" who was more like the buddha with blissful momentary existence. Lenny (the subject of the movie) looks down on Sammy as a failure because he didn't have "a system." Lenny is maniacal about his system, and how he's going to beat this condition (in a way Sammy didn't). But, Sammy was happy (blissful), not trying to have something he couldn't. Lenny was lying to himself to convince himself he was in control, making the present moment be something it isn't (making the past be something it isn't).
@cyborg1275 15 күн бұрын
Then explain all the rapes in India and "everywhere else".
@cyborg1275 15 күн бұрын
Then explain all the rapes in India and "everywhere else".
@John-yj9oo 16 күн бұрын
My son is 20 years old and I feel he’s been acting strange and I’m worried but don’t know if i should call the Ambulance so they could take him to the hospital 🤔
@jasminel505 16 күн бұрын
This just explained me in a nutshell 😳
@sandpapershark1745 19 күн бұрын
I wish I could fall in love, I hate turning people down that actually care about me. Sometimes I wish I never existed so they wouldn’t fall for someone who couldn’t fall for them
@Artux_F4n 18 күн бұрын
I wish I just could feel it... I thinked that it was weird... That I was weird... I really wish I could feel it... At least once...
@ChrisWhite.fishing 19 күн бұрын
This video was instrumental to tackle my issues.
@1ChiBull1 20 күн бұрын
Lost my mother today, she was always there for me - i wish i told her more often how much she ment to me
@phomelloelton2037 21 күн бұрын
My girlfriend’s mom died on the 9 June 2024😢
@Bruce991 21 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed last year. I can’t believe how much I matched all of these. I’m 35.
@livingimprovements4382 22 күн бұрын
Im 45 and have always struggled to achieve in most areas of my life, despite coming from a high achieving family etc. Recently we have been discussing the likelyhood my son has ADHD (something his teachers, family and friends have commented on). I argued against it saying he is just a normal teenager but i began to realise that was because that was my experience. Since then i have realised he is very much ADHD and so am I. Just yesterday i sat down at my desk with a list of 5 things to complete, touched on about 22 different tasks and completed none, that pretty much sums up my entire life. I never understood why all of my peers succeeded in their careers while i failed despite being intelligent and hard working. I avoid medication for most things but i am excited to get a diagnosis and be able to have tools i can use when i need focus to help me get to where i want to be. This was a great video to watch.
@user-yy4sf6vl4r 22 күн бұрын
I can't even focus in this short video
@hardboiled2000 22 күн бұрын
How much is adhd assessment? i have a gp referral but im stuck in NHS waiting list for years. I want help quicker
@sa7828 22 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@abuhuraira5013 23 күн бұрын
Hello dear, i see every video your video quality really great and you have a lot's of subscribers but your channel has some problem that's why you are not getting more views, like and comments. If you solve this problem, your video will be reach on the top search result KZfaq and google
@JamesFJohnson 24 күн бұрын
Psychedelics definitely have potential to deal with mental health symptoms like anxiety and depression, I would like to try them again but it's just so hard to source out here
@RicardoSilva12299 24 күн бұрын
I’ve been researching on psychedelics and it’s benefits to individuals dealing with Anxiety, Depression, ADHD and from my findings, they really work and I’ve been eager to get some for a while but its been difficult to get my hands on them.
@CarmenOrtiz440 24 күн бұрын
The Trips I've been having really helped me a lot. I’m now able to meditate and I finally feel in control of my emotions and my future and things that used to be mundane to me now seem incredible and full of nuance on top of that I'm way less driven by my ego and I have alot more empathy as well
@Rogerseegren271 24 күн бұрын
I was having this constant, unbearable anxiety due to work stress. Not until I came across a very intelligent mycologist. He saved my life honestly
@ThomasReinhardt773 24 күн бұрын
​@@CarmenOrtiz440 I feel the same way too. I put too much on my plate and it definitely affects my stress and anxiety levels. I am also glad to be a part of this community.
@AlbertoTorres894 24 күн бұрын
​@@Rogerseegren271Does he deliver to various locations?
@BrownGeorge-pw2xo 26 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with ADHD 18 years ago as a teenage. Spent my whole life fighting ADHD. I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Not until my mom recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 6 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.
@Ronkaja 26 күн бұрын
Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.
@Bastianbishops 26 күн бұрын
Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Germany. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them
@SusanaGomez-mp8sk 26 күн бұрын
YES very sure of Dr.alishrooms. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@NicoleCtirad 26 күн бұрын
100% agree I used to have Psychosis and paranoid thoughts like "people thinking about me talking about me etc. Very odd behavior after getting off Adderall from 7-16. Antidepressants at 18-29. 31 now. I took way to much, but took about 20g of Gold caps (Psilocybin containing mushroom) I analyzed my entire life. The emotions that came out helped me understand behavior etc more. Wont ever need to do it again because I'm happy and contempt forever, but I wish more people did this to alter their perception of reality. Would help with healing much trauma
@TomSanders-qv8bv 26 күн бұрын
How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta
@chuckchuckerson5364 27 күн бұрын
Holy sh*t. Is this video a test?
@castlemason3961 28 күн бұрын
Did anybody else have to watch this 4 times, because of the ADHD Squirrel.
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
*drkyles1* is the handle
@Bavubuka 28 күн бұрын
Oh lord that's me. 😢. What to do??!
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
*drkyles1* is the handle
@JordanLefevre 29 күн бұрын
I thought I should share this here, it might help someone going through a tough time. Late last year I lost my parents in a car crash I was 23 then. It was really the darkest time of my life. I mean my life was completely shattered. My parents where all I knew I only had two friends and that's all the support I had after the accident. I was suicidal for a while, I cut my hand twice and somehow God still kept me alive. I think it was around October when one of my friends Jane booked me a therapist online Dr. Bruce Stewart, cause I really didn't want physical therapy, didn't want to feel like crap telling someone my problem in person. He completely changed my life. Within the space of six months my life has changed I'm better and very hopeful for my life and future. This is a wake up call to everyone out there, seek help if you need it. Therapy isn't bad, these therapist will do everything to help you get better and if you ain't sure which one to use I'll recommend Dr Bruce my therapist Reach him on IG at .mentalhealth_bruce I hope you heal from everything holding you back. I'm rooting for you
@yoya4766 Ай бұрын
Something about the Northern accent just sounds thick. I can't listen.
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@dblackout1107 Ай бұрын
I feel kind of gaslit too because my parents don’t think anything’s wrong with me so they just say “you’re normal” and then lecture me relentlessly and ask why the hell I can’t clean my house or complete some task like retitling my car after an accident. It took me a year to fill out the paperwork to get the car road legal again. I just drove my other beater car. My friend has very overt ADHD and he goes “you don’t have ADHD” basically because I’m not loud, kinetic, and miss what people are saying in a voice chat like him. But then my whole life I’ve struggled with motivation. I have a mechanical engineering degree and my passion is producing music. So obviously I’m not stupid or lazy. But I feel stupid and lazy. I can be looking straight at someone, they’re looking at me and talking, and my mind will go blank and my inner dialogue will be like “this person is talking to *you* right now and you are literally just thinking about how they’re talking to you rather than listening…why? I don’t know…..anyway keep nodding and say yeah at the end and try to see if you can grasp the gist of what they were saying before they finish talking”
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@twishaghosh8101 Ай бұрын
All of this comment made me feel so seen, and finally, I am feeling I am not alone with this feeling!
@revenga7 Ай бұрын
He’s so borinnnnggggggg
@Annnabannanna Ай бұрын
No, because this is my EXACT situation. GCSES I got pretty much all 8's and 9's (A's and A*). Primary school was the top of class. I'm currently in Alevels, no study skills, no interest in subjects, no drive to study. I used to just be able to understand concepts, were smart, etc, exams would be a walk in the park. Now with alevels, it's horror. I cannot focus in class, I want to study, but just end up on my phone, or distracted. I used to go library for 8 hours a day, did NOTHING. I told a school counsellor, and she said i was just distracted. I also mentioned that amybe i should get checked for adhd, and she said she had adhd, but the male symptoms, and she said I don't give off ADHD... I was also told by a lot of people that it was because I lost my mum the year prior, why i couldn't study. No, i know it's not that. It was a little at first, but then, I knew it was something else. I went to my gp, and he didn't even see me, he just told me to write a letter with my symptoms and send it to him. I did that, and i was told i don't meet the requirements, what...I was never seen at all, he just sent my shabby list of symptoms, isn't he supposed to ask me questions and stuff.... It's beena year, I keep forgetting to write back on the online nhs account thing about reevaluation. So frustrating becuase I know there's something wrong. I have alevels right now, not a single ounce of stress, which is scaring me. I'm supposed to be stressed and studying and all, but I'm not even stressed, but I stress sometiems, but it doesn't drive me. This whole talk literally is me. GCSE's were my PEAK!!
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
*drkyles1* is the handle
@bobsmith8472 16 күн бұрын
Friend, it only gets worst. Like you, I breezed through lower education. I could get As while reading novels in class. As and Uni made me feel incredibly dense. My suggestion, find a partner that'll help you maintain focus. That's how I finally completed uni.
@Annnabannanna 16 күн бұрын
@bobsmith8472 yeah, I'm starting uni in october. Ill make some friends in my course and see if that works. For college, i made some friends and studied with them, but it didn't work because when i was stuck on something, they couldn't really help, due to them not doing my subjects. Hopefully it does work. An defo thinking of going back to gp and discussing. It's genuinely ruining my life. Like the way I'm not able to do anything within deadlines. Like signing up for government stuff, and all sorts of legal and important deadlines. I ended up missing the deadline to vote :/
@DiamondBarRancherGal Ай бұрын
I'm having a very hard time to even listen to this video. When I watch a movie with my husband, I crochet, just so I can say I was busy, instead of trying to explain the plot of the movie. It's no fun. I'm 60 and kind of feel like I need to see a doctor, but I haven't because I'm not working and don't feel a great need for medication.
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
*drkyles1* is the handle
@user-xs5hc5mq1c Ай бұрын
thank you! what's the solution tho? besides med and therapy (can't afford either) how do i help myself? I'm starting uni in few months and i barely made it out of alevels alive please help
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
Let me guide you to this specialist whose psych trip will blow your mind, he has been my guide for some time now he's got shrooms, Lsd, Dmt and other psychs stuffs he's reliable also and also ship discreetly
@Eddington451 24 күн бұрын
They're on Instagram
@JamesFJohnson 24 күн бұрын
@CarolNgobese Ай бұрын