@piersoncassady5769 19 сағат бұрын
Ikutsuki really feels like the Geppeto twist in Lies of P for some reason, and I don't know why?
@TheEccentricJester Күн бұрын
I think what most disturbed me about Mona's human form was that it was a grown ass man. Like, I always pictured a human Morgana as around 13 at oldest. That cat is a child and you can not tell me otherwise.
@zedekiahcouey2090 Күн бұрын
23:25 i was waiting for this!
@chimecho2964 3 күн бұрын
14:27 I remembered Haru solely because of her lack of screen time
@ajflink 3 күн бұрын
I do wish there was an option to carry over stuff from Persona 5 or Persona 5 Royal (i.e., mainly Confident Rank and relationship with female party members). They could do some minor changes giving the game your personal continuation from Persona 5. Just small and optional stuff, though. Or something like Persona 3 Reload where having only the party member that the protagonist is in a relationship with in the party may trigger unique dialogue. For Strikers, it could hinting at how their relationship went between games without being explicit about anything. Persona 5 Royal on PS4 was coded to detect if you have a vanilla Persona 5 save file on the console. So, this is not out of the question, unless it would be a pain because Persona 5 and Strikers seem to be made on different game engines. I believe P5 and P5R is some custom engine while P5 Strikers is on Unity. So, that may have killed that possibility.
@RaoulDuke-cs2wn 4 күн бұрын
Note on ikutsuki, I was really honestly still reeling from aragaki's death to really think about it. In July I started to agree with yukari's questions about the kirijo group. And didn't trust mitsuru and her father....and then Mr kirijo died for these kids....think about that for a minute..wow a wealthy businessman who's stake is to fix the mistakes of the past he didn't HAVE to throw himself into danger there...but he did it for everyone I was SHOOK.
@firecatgaming4280 4 күн бұрын
Wait, what about maciya
@gamer-san8923 4 күн бұрын
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Eternity awaits.
@gamer-san8923 4 күн бұрын
The arcana is the means by which all is revealed. Eternity awaits.
@xani666 5 күн бұрын
After Persona 4 twist I instantly was suspicious about him. Too normal and nice in comparison to everyone else
@imnotcalamari6547 5 күн бұрын
As someone with ASD I was able to sympathize with futaba as a character and her experiences are pretty similar to my own and how she is portrayed is pretty accurate to my own experiences
@ag9953 7 күн бұрын
I think the point of the Strikers villains in relation to those in the original is that anyone can be a villain, that the people who were ruined by the villains in the first game could just as easily become villains themselves if they lost themsleves in their despair, the villains in Strikers were victims of the evils of others, and they failed to rise above that, becoming evil themselves.
@ag9953 7 күн бұрын
The jails lowkey are better in both theme and structure than palaces.
@YinToYang2020 9 күн бұрын
As a gay man. Kanji was a breath of fresh air especially since I was around 18-19 when P4 first released and still learning about my own sexual orientation. Now that I'm older and see how poor the gay jokes at his expense aged. It’s kind of a weird then and now effect. Because back then even after I came out I didn’t find the tent moment offensive and saw it as a played for laughs moment but maybe its because I was used to the fact that I could easily see the situation with some of my own friends in a casual manner. But now I see how toxic and painful it really is especially with more and more negative portrayals of the queer community as these monsters. The funny thing is as much as I loved Kanji as a character...ironically he was my least used party member. I more often Yukiko, Chie, and Naoto or Yosuke in my party for most gameplay situations. Which sucks because I feel 4 had a very diverse and unique cast of characters but gameplay wise there was definitely a focus on who was best for most situations. Yukiko for healing, Chie for strong damage and the occasional Galactic Punt, Naoto for Hama and Mudo skills, and Yosuke for more balanced aspects.
@aesthetic_life809 9 күн бұрын
3:24 yes!
@The-Random-Hamlet 10 күн бұрын
If possible, seeing you do a look at of P1 and 2 would be cool.
@bobross2404 10 күн бұрын
p5 strikers gameplay was unbearable for me. i could not get past 5hrs of playtime before being bored and mentally exhausted
@jamesnall6462 11 күн бұрын
I know I'm late on this one, but that story with your friends helping you during your struggle kinda hit home when you got to the part where you mentioned your group's Ann taking photos. Being autistic, I often had, and continue to have, trouble getting out and being part of my friend group beyond seeing each other at school or work, and as such, I have few memories of them beyond that. I also have always had an aversion to taking my picture taken (I've never been sure why. It just makes me feel awful to have someone aim a camera or phone at me and snap a picture). So the pictures I do appear in with friends and family are few and far between. Nowadays, I somewhat regret this; for a lot of my closest friends whom I fell out of contact with, I don't have anything to remember them by beyond my memories themselves, which have begun to fade. It makes me wish I had pushed myself when I felt uncomfortable doing these things so that I could have a few mementos (haha funny) to remember them by.
@joshkarn1951 11 күн бұрын
One of the reasons i dismissed Cold Steel until playing this year was i expected it to be very cringey, especially with the tachi wielding rean. was surprised early on with how much i liked rean and thoroughly enjoyed the CS arc, and am extremely hyped for Kai
@Koregame 12 күн бұрын
Damn thanks for your hard work on this video. Just beautiful and very insightful. Damn Persona 3 always makes me cry.
@ZakarutU 13 күн бұрын
Well, I'm from the west as well as my entire family and I was born and raised in a country where the culture doesn't exactly punish you for being loud and I still don't like Ryuji. Above all of his unlikable personality bits and actions, what I really can't stand about him is how badly he treats Morgana. Almost all of his grievances and insults to Morgana are completely gratuitous and unprovoked, he also calls Morgana useless when in reality throughout the entire game Morgana is a hell of a lot more useful than him both in and out of combat, in both story and gameplay, like they're not even remotely, not even minimally, not even a little bit close. There is no possible comparison, man. Know your place. He treats you (the protagonist) very well and from that alone you may think he's the perfect best friend ever, but when it comes to the entire team, the guy gets in the way many more times than he helps. And if you don't consider the usefulness of him and just take the social and best friend aspects, Junpei (FeMC route) and Brosuke are still better, at least for me. Not only does Brosuke carry out the investigation almost by himself for most of the game, but he is also a loyal and caring friend and he has a bare-knuckle duel with you at the end of his social link. True friendship. I also loved Kanji, Yusuke and in general all of the Persona boys except for Teddy and Ryuji xD I don't hate them tho, I just don't like them.
@MakotoYukiOfficial 13 күн бұрын
Late to the party but whatever Speaking about Battle Hymn of The Soul, at around 1:35 to 1:40 you can hear the old percussions, seemingly re-recorded Also, how funny it is hearing you mention Moonless Gown, it's not in Reload Also, I don't necessarily agree with all your opinions, mostly because a lot of them are just nitpicks (think Jin standing up after being defeated type of thing) that don't affect the experience much What I will say, most of the musical changes made to some arrangements absolutely do feel like they were made not to re-use FES tracks (like Aria of the soul, it's fine to have it be consistent throughout games imo)😊 Speaking of consistent, the logo of the game is consistently NOWHERE to be seen at all in the game, instead you get that (imo) basic and forgettable font everywhere, I wonder why
@fra3708 14 күн бұрын
As someone with childhood trauma that led to years long gaps in my memory, and abandonment issues, Morgana actually was one of my favourite characters (after Sumire). Having someone that (to me) makes it feel like you are never alone and gets to experience the game with, since he also goes with you to different activities you can do on your own, makes the game more enjoyable to me. When morgana was gone I was very upset and when streaming the game to my friends i just kept saying "Give me my cat back! >:c" and made me actually kinda sad, scared of what if Morgana didn't come back? luckily he did haha. I love your video, I actually never thought about this whole thing before but you're so right about his self-image and the childlike behaviour. I relate a lot to Morgana and I'm glad for this video!
@TwistedLullabies 16 күн бұрын
It's simply Peaksona 5 Strikers
@finntownsley5144 17 күн бұрын
Of the male ones it would have to be Akihiko Sanada. I'm Scottish and, to be honest, that might have something to do with it, he isn't super far off what is considered the masculine ideal here. Sotic, honorable, fairly reserved but also good and punching shit.
@nillk2168 18 күн бұрын
19:50 gorgeous, but only if main protag would be fem : D
@nillk2168 18 күн бұрын
2:18:18 - when Meguro not aroud
@nillk2168 18 күн бұрын
can we look forward to P4 analysis, or we first need to wait for remake?
@strawderp 19 күн бұрын
Will you be doing an analysis video on Yosuke as a character soon?
@thomaswhite5122 21 күн бұрын
they let my boy say fuck 10/10
@yeontanseyebrows5588 21 күн бұрын
God the comparative Persona Jojo analysis would be amazing, I know my brother would be so excited to join me in watching that. Woyld absolutely love to see it
@jsc6x751 22 күн бұрын
There's so much about this I really enjoyed and felt I wanted to interact with it's hard to know where to begin. Quality stuff! As someone who only fully played through Reload, the "Living With Determination Dorm Arrange" motif going into the last stretch to the final fight really did hit me. Finding it was called "Living With Determination" actually elevated it, because that Dorm Arrangement only plays after you have made the decision to fight against all odds. "Determination" has a really sorrowful feel, and got used so much for character death that I associated it with tragedy and connected it with characters having moments where they could not find their way forward. So when the Dorm Arrange leads with those familiar chords and then suddenly kicks in the percussion that first time, I felt in the music it was expressing everyone's resolve not to let this be the end. I agree with so many of your points, particularly how Reload seems to emphasize accessibility and narrative clarity. I've only read and heard secondhand about FES's more hardcore aspects, and while I definitely see what they accomplish from the ludo-narrative and immersive perspective, I understand they may not seem fun for everyone, so I appreciate there being a version allowing more people to enjoy the story. I was really impressed how thorough you were when it came to the music. The original tracks definitely seem more "raw". I do wonder how much has to do with general modern audio production trends, since I feel I've heard complaints about excessive normalization and less dynamism a lot.
@jsc6x751 22 күн бұрын
*apologies for abbreviating "Living With Determination" to just "Determination", which I didn't realize immediately was a separate track's title.
@gamestop15 22 күн бұрын
Don't get me wrong the original is amazing but when it comes to ai party controls yeh nah I'm srry but i want to balance everyone out including Shinji
@gamestop15 22 күн бұрын
It's like how is Shinji say "only an idiot would think about the past, people usually charge in like a damn fool."
@sorrychangedmyusername3594 22 күн бұрын
bum girls representing