Starfield Has No Soul
8 ай бұрын
The CRUSHING Disappointment Of MW2
Bonelab Has TERRIBLE Design
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"Difficulty" is Deceiving
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What You Might Not Know About VRChat
Open World Games Suck
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@djsplatterchannel7222 3 сағат бұрын
I’m so glad patch 4 and other patches fixed almost a lot of the problems mentioned in this vid
@christianhaddock6778 6 сағат бұрын
lazy bitch of a mom, just like his mom then
@supaflytoon7684 Күн бұрын
I played over 3K hours in Destiny on Xbox and after buying Destiny 2, booting it and playing for less than a month I quit. The only thing that I missed were my raid mates. Game was just crap, I am actually happy that Bungie f***ed it up even more over time. P.S. I remember being the only one who didn't have Gjallahorn in our party, so when doing Crota raid I had to be the one with the sword :p Oh how I loved the sword play ever since. Also everyone always wanted a decent sword bearer so I met many new people thanks to that, until I finally got "Gally" and realized that (with sword) I was the one with most fun out of all of us running raid every week. P.S.2 I also LOVED Iron Banner events, guns and visuals to wear as badge of honour ;D
@rawcressitor Күн бұрын
Sounds like someones an actual retard and hasnt fully played the game before doing a review
@tsarbomba9695 Күн бұрын
Is your momma still single 😂?
@robbmorrison7759 Күн бұрын
I genuinely find the complaints hilarious if you just stopped being impulsive and let Halo end with 3 you'd all be much happier all the developers had to do was half ass a janky halo game with a really dumb story and slap slap Halo on it and you all eat it up then you literally bitch about you're impulse for nostalgia if you wanted the old Halo then fucking play it good lord star wars marvel reboots everyone hates them but you'll pay money knowing it'll be shit then you can't understand why these companies ruin your cherished memories it's fucking simple money they created a halo clone slapped halo on it and made out like bandit's because nostalgia is like crack to you all
@tsarbomba9695 Күн бұрын
Combat in uncharted is unbeatble tomb raider combat is kinda trash in comparison the enemies and the environments to fight them is simply better cause it's always a thrill tomb raider it's always meh and i played all uncharted and new tomb raider games its clear uc is clearly superior no disrespect for tomb raider
@FirebrandAL 3 күн бұрын
Starfield was fine. But mostly forgettable. I enjoyed it but there wasn't anything about it that made me feel like I wanna see more. Neon ruled, loved the concept of that casino on the moon, like there's some cool narrative stuff strewn in but it was mostly just kinda a standard issue FPS but like just really reall big
@EllisHudsonn 3 күн бұрын
I just beat the game for the second time and I agree with everything you’ve said , I miss farcry 2 tbh
@sausig773 3 күн бұрын
Okay, this video has helped me understand a vital component about some of my favorite videogames that I've been wondering for over a decade. Why have I found that some games have a great online fanbase with very friendly players, while others have the most insane toxicity you can imagine in such common instances? Bear in mind I'm talking generalities and personal experience and there isn't a single theory that answers this question, but more like a bunch of reasons that gather to make more positive, kinder player bases and interactions. My long running theory was that PVP makes a game much more likely to be toxic for a start. I take monster hunter and deep rock galactic as good examples of fanbases where co-operation and advice has been common in my experience. Whereas online PVP shooters tend to be some of the worst environments online gaming has ever had to offer. A second one is that having good methods of communication and information sharing help hugely. Again, deep rock galactic has one of the best features for this in the laser pointer tool. Even without a mic, anyone can point at a rock that needs mining and say "look, over here!" or warn of a big enemy stomping around that others should focus on. It's not infallible, and doesn't compare to discord voice call outs etc, but it doesn't need to. I can jump into a game with randoms and expect at least some co-operation. Compare this to any team v team shooter where you get bullied in a voice call, and I think anyone can agree with me that deep rock's community is much more likely to be positive overall than a rainbow six siege, or overwatch. The new requisite your video has made me add on is about difficulty and AI. Difficulty and smart enemies that require inventive solutions have a habit of uniting a playerbase, even when co-op isn't really involved. Most people who fought malenia in elden ring when it released were playing solo, at least until they got tired of her and wanted to win. Everyone remembers the united frustration at her fight, and the memes that came out from it. I also have always remembered a sense of community in monster hunter since my first entry played, 3U. The player base at the time I played it was so small that I recognized randoms who were regular and had an informal group of people I would play with without ever using voice chat or discord. In my opinion, people who really love a game tend to have a respect for other players of the game, especially when you can see their hours and have similar time committed to the game like them. When you were at G-rank and doing endgame stuff, you knew how much time it took to get that account and every other person at that stage in the game had committed the same time to the game. The comparison I make is it's like a less serious form of getting your driving liscence. It's a time-consuming process, respect on the road should come naturally for most drivers because everyone else out there has made that effort to be able to drive too. Of course, the risk of death or accident helps inspire respectful driving too, but still. That respect breaks apart when the game doesn't have much detail or interesting play in it. People start to disrespect the game and see it as a waste of time, therefore not caring for the rest of players they meet and making their time worse too. Depth and interactivity are vital to keeping people engaged and the playerbase overall welcoming. You respect new players too for the fight they have ahead to learn to deal with specific difficult enemies or scenarios. AI emodies that. Players talk about specific enemies in games like they're people and sympathize with other players for having to put up with the same shit they've dealt with having to learn.
@BerryAnimat 3 күн бұрын
The is stupid your telling one of your reasons why this game isn't halo is because it doesn't innovate is just having to high of expectations for any game and about the cut scents taking inspiration is an another reason why the game sucks? you are just hating this game just to hate the game.
@user-rt9oh3je3d 3 күн бұрын
Am I the only one that loves this game? Lol
@leestefan2999 3 күн бұрын
Joined at the launch of Forsaken. Its uniqueness deserves recognition coming from all kinds of FPS, even if it probably isn't right now. Had my fun doing raids with friends, agony playing against toxic sweats in Crucible (not that I enjoyed being there but some unlocking requirements compelled me to), dozing off farming strikes more than I would love to. Menagerie was truly fun, Whisper of the Worm mission was unforgettable, Gambit was ok. I kind of remembered grinding the game all over 2 more times because I wanted to unlock the other 2 classes. When I heard about sunsetting, I felt it was ridiculous, so I just finished with my annual pass and didn't subscribe to Beyond Light. I'm glad I did the right thing to stop. Then again, if they don't cut out much of the old contents, I wonder how big a data centre in every geographical region they'll need to support the entire Destiny universe all at once. I had my fun, left at the best time. There's only good nostalgia left, apart from the ultra grindy nightmare, no big bad vibes.
@alohaemeli 4 күн бұрын
U'r probably the funniest game reviewer I've bumped into. I had to sub!
@skabonga69 4 күн бұрын
un so tired of this destiny doomer mindset ignoring everything good and just saying "well should have been there from the start" is so boring get over your self
@Mynt.mp4 4 күн бұрын
6:57 they tell you that you need to pop them open on the VERY FIRST LEVEL its the big board that tells you "Gacha Capsules"
@notanangel 4 күн бұрын
I appreciate the raw honesty throughout this video, a majority of destiny creators don't have the backbone to say anything negative about the game or Bungie themselves, so this was extremely refreshing. coming off the FInal Shape high, seeing the same old dripfed seasonal content in this new episode solidifies this being the final expansion for me, too. I don't know why I feel sadness about it knowing just how terrible Bungie has treated its players for so long now, but its there. hope you enjoyed TFS!
@theonewhoknocks2809 4 күн бұрын
And the armchair devving over vaulting content idk man if they could make it like MCC IMsure they would have made it so they can easily be downloaded I honestly don’t think it’s that easy you’re saying it like you’ve done it before or something
@theonewhoknocks2809 4 күн бұрын
lol cmon bro you’re gonna glaze tf out of D1 then say something like the DeathBringer Quest was tedious when D1 had the MOST TEDIOUS quest with Touch of Malice and the exotic swords quest. A lot of rose-tinted glasses when it comes to your takes on D1 and the whole comparison of seasons to whole content drops is also a bit disingenuous but you still made other agreeable points that everyone kinda knows about the game already.
@user-gs2wc6rd3k 4 күн бұрын
I guess ill just wait 4 years for this game to get better. Just like no mans sky and fallout 76😔
@goncalovaladares1744 5 күн бұрын
Tell me you are a casual without tell me you are a casual
@Pen_Slinger 5 күн бұрын
I think that Cabal arc was meant to be the next DLC for the original game, cuz if you explore Mars you'll find a few locations that were clearly meant to go somewhere were never used, one of them no doubt meant to lead to a Raid location. But I suspect Activision pulled the same crap they pull with Call of Duty and pressed a gun to Bungie's head to make a new game and heavily monetize it to feed their greed.
@dante22222222222 5 күн бұрын
its just a bland, boring, outdated piece of shit that felt like a constant chore to play.
@SirioSXGaming 5 күн бұрын
Same feeling, after compete the raid going to finally sunset destiny for good.
@N0lRE 5 күн бұрын
I invested thousands of hours between two consoles on D1 and played it since the beta most fun I've ever had on any game, was beyond hyped for D2 and what I got was the biggest disappointment in my gaming history to this day. I can't express what I'd do to go back to the golden age. I really hope they turn it around with D3, but all I can do is hope.
@MightyMurloc 6 күн бұрын
I'm a casual resident of Conspiracy Theories, but, even from a skeptical view, this is VERY believable.
@pastorsleep 6 күн бұрын
yea this game is absolutely garbage witch is sad because the actor of castillo is really good
@markrichardson-cx9cx 6 күн бұрын
Exactly! And sadly spot on:(
@raymondanderson871 6 күн бұрын
Great video but I still want a titanfall 3 best fps campaign I’ve played since halo 3 probably in my opinion
@irrelevant7656 6 күн бұрын
FC5 is a masterpiece compared to FC6
@SpaceBound-1 6 күн бұрын
Worst part is that I started playing it after bg3. The quality hit was unreal.
@cashnelson2306 7 күн бұрын
Kinda telling that every clip of a youtuber advertising this game is someone not worth watching
@TheParagonIsDead 7 күн бұрын
This dude obviously hasn’t played very much 😂 don’t listen to this dude. I have 200+ hours and it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played.
@initialise21 3 күн бұрын
Then you are a delusional clown
@benjaminbenjamin8392 7 күн бұрын
the weinstein joke i have to subscribe.
@DeadNastyRust 7 күн бұрын
Funny they ruined destiny and 343 ruined halo
@EdwinRodriguez-pl1jc 7 күн бұрын
Interesting how lots of these Far Cry 6 reviews act like their choice of gameplay is the only way therefore being a one tone game. This guy literally saying he wants to play the game as fast as possible so obviously there will be lots missed. 🤷🏽‍♂️
@roach2110 7 күн бұрын
Never let this guy cooked again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@mimapaws 7 күн бұрын
@Tentri 7 күн бұрын
I just love how this is the big game for Xbox's "no loading screen generation"
@averycase4556 8 күн бұрын
Halo infinites campaign is 343s best halo game by far and everyone who says otherwise is a hater. Story was great obviously not perfect but super good so I think halo need to chill out
@zackwilson1703 8 күн бұрын
Saying these games are all the same is one thing but the fact they get worse and worse is disappointing. I replayed 5 last year just for fun, mainly cuz I hadn't been playing and shooters and something about clearing bases and checking them off was a satisfying switch up for some casual fun but this game is so much worse than 5. They might as well have scrapped hunting all together, the hunting and animals in this game are horrible like they never even tried
@zackwilson1703 8 күн бұрын
Even not changing the formula, if you enjoy running and gunning and clearing bases it has the potential to at least be fun. Not a great game or a serious one but it could be fun, however the very disappointing part is the overall quality of the games just continues to go down. Yeah it's just another farcry at this point but its a new map, had the animals not been so janky and buggy and just garbage in general, the AI that seems to get dumber and dumber, the downgraded fishing from what it was in 5. I could continue but it seems like it shouldn't be that hard to at least compete with the last game. This was just thrown together lazily without a care about the gamers who used to love this franchise 😢
@ztiwwa 8 күн бұрын
Boy ovaries. 💯
@dimapamp89 8 күн бұрын
Это правда!
@MajorBuckyy 8 күн бұрын
I love how you mentioned flow, and then Mirror’s Edge theme kicked in 😂
@rapden18 8 күн бұрын
When i actually think about it, it’s criminal how much money ive spent every year for 10 yrs😂 fking hell
@ogmastercuz__1410 8 күн бұрын
I can’t respect anyone that thinks dead island was garbage
@samedkurteshi3244 9 күн бұрын
Oh it's that racist dude again
@realduox 9 күн бұрын
Destiny has the same problem many mobile games have. If you take a break you have to spend hundreds to dollars to catch back up. I'd play the new destiny expansion right now if I didn't still have to pay for all the older content.
@JohnQuatro 7 күн бұрын
You don’t