G-Fuel Tetris... Not too shabby
12 сағат бұрын
Contra... BEST NES GAME!!!
14 күн бұрын
Mario Paint... OUTDATED
2 ай бұрын
@tylerflint5447 9 сағат бұрын
Nice Atari cap. Bet your favourite is Jaguar
@The_Moronic_Company 9 сағат бұрын
Wish I had one!
@relaxxxrrr Күн бұрын
Good info and humor. Keep'em coming.
@sam_bibly Күн бұрын
i work for burger khing. we were about offer you a tremendous sponsorship. but then we heard what you saying about burger khing in this video. now we are charging you a tremendous amount and we well find you
@relaxxxrrr Күн бұрын
BK prices have doubled in 5 years. You're charging everyone tremendous. Used to be the best value, now among the worst.
@sam_bibly Күн бұрын
@@relaxxxrrr buddy i have two kids in private schools. we either have to raise prices or cut corners, which would you prefer? we're doing our best to provide a quality experience for our loyal customers while taking care of our own families. if you don't understand that or care about us as people we are happy to lose your business. you can go have a costco hotdog or whatever. i have bills to pay. just goes to show you who your true friends are in times of trouble
@relaxxxrrr Күн бұрын
@@sam_bibly Oh no, mr 'private school kids' need more money from us poor commoners. Costco? I can't afford no membership club scam box store. 2lbs of hotdogs at Walmart for $3, some beans if they're on sale. That's my life now, you tro11.
@Vallee152 Күн бұрын
3:10 IDK why you want to have to get up to do anything on the console with the six switches or change the cartridge
@Vallee152 Күн бұрын
The power and video cables are long for a reason
@The_Moronic_Company Күн бұрын
Okay thats fair. But you only mess with it once, just like turning on the system
@kalvinravn8431 Күн бұрын
You know more history about the console I grew up with in the very early 80’s. I was wondering if maybe there could be a way for a company to make the games a little more modern. I’m not talking this modern day stuff like PS9000 or Xbox next weird, confusing name consoles because they are to advanced for this old man but maybe like 8 bit or 16 bit versions of say Berserk or Pac Man or Pole Position. Heck maybe these upgraded versions exist but I’m too stupid and old to know about them. Great video as always and perhaps now that you have more subscribers someone out there smarter than me, it don’t take much, has information on updated Atari 2600 games…
@The_Moronic_Company Күн бұрын
I know some of the classic namco arcade games were on NES, like Pacman and Galaga. Pretty sure Pole Position was too. But others would indeed be really cool!
@randysmith7094 2 күн бұрын
LOL, Ebay on 5.25"...
@markracer3281 2 күн бұрын
@johnpenguinthe3rd13 2 күн бұрын
You aren't missing anything with the Fairchild Channel F... that thing is kind of horrible (there is a really good reason most people don't even know of it's existence). Of the 2nd gen 1970's consoles, Fairchild Channel F kind of sucks (I got one years ago for only $100 from a garage sale before it skyrocketed to it's current $400 to $800 price), the RCA Studio 2 REALLY sucks (granted, you can get one for about $80, so it won't break your wallet, but you aren't going to have a fun time with it. LOL), but I actually love the Magnavox Odyssey 2. Yeah, it looks like a weird keyboard and most of the games are rip-offs of Atari 2600 games, but A LOT of those rip offs are actually better. For example, Magnavox Odyssey 2's KC Munchkin and especially KC's Krazy Chase (especially if you have the voice module) despite being Pac Man rip offs are so much freaking better than the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man. Also, P.T Barnum's Acrobats on Magnavox Odyssey 2 is a direct rip off of Circus Atari, but I personally thought P.T Barnum was more fun to play. There are other examples. Also, really nice that the console comes with NORMAL joystick controllers (not a telephone pretending to be a controller. LOL) and the console hovers around an average price of $100 to $150 for a console that was actually tested and works. Also, There is the APF-MP1000 console... that thing goes for an average price of $700 and I am never paying that. LOL. I've seen footage of the 13 or so cartridges that were released for that thing. Yeah, only about 13. It bombed pretty hard when it released in the U.S. I am not impressed. LOL. If it were $50, I would buy it. But no way am I paying $700 for this console. It also comes with one of those "telephone's pretending to be a controller". LOL. But at least it has a joystick attached to it's number pad. It actually came out BEFORE the Intellivision (side note: I know the Intellivision was test marketed during 1979, but it was only test marketed in Fresno California only, which is why I consider Intellivision a 1980 release since it didn't get it's real nationwide release till 1980). Finally... Then there is the Bally (later renamed Astrocade). Pretty much the Neo Geo of the 2nd gen 1970's consoles. Looks cool, but the price keeps me away (it ranges between $250 to $450, depending on the seller. Cheaper than the Fairchild channel F and APF-MP1000 right now, but still a bit pricey. But if I ever get some extra money together, I will consider buying it). Side note: Yes, the Atari 2600 rocks. Definitely the best of the 2nd gen 1970's consoles due to the numerous games it has. In conclusion (this is a freaking essay. LOL) my two favorites are Atari 2600 and Magnavox Odyssey 2 (both of them are a lot of fun). I hate the Fairchild Channel F and I have an intense dread for the RCA Studio 2 (it's worth getting one just for the curiosity of it, but it's a HORRIBLE time when trying to play that thing. LOL) and I will one day get a Bally / Astrocade and I am NEVER getting an APF-MP1000 (not for freaking prices they are asking for).
@The_Moronic_Company Күн бұрын
Cant forget the Coleco Vision! Except they are expensice aswell now 😮‍💨
@IDreamOfGaming 2 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention the one version that you have, the 'vader' all black one.
@The_Moronic_Company Күн бұрын
I had it originally in the cut, but the video was getting too lengthy, so I cut it out. I also mentioned the Sears Tele-Games consoles, but that was alse cut.
@IDreamOfGaming Күн бұрын
​@@The_Moronic_Company love your videos
@SnockyDocky42 2 күн бұрын
Actually the first console is the magnavox odyssey
@The_Moronic_Company 2 күн бұрын
Yes, but I talked about the first to use ROM carts. The Magnavox Odyssey didnt use ROM cartridges, instead the cards just told the console what to play
@Jarod_Schultz 2 күн бұрын
I didn't know your girl was disappointed. Sorry bro. LOL
@Jarod_Schultz 2 күн бұрын
There are controller adapters for the 5200 that allow you to plug in a 9 pin controller. The games are pretty good. They are like 2600 games but with slightly better graphics.
@brunospfc8511 2 күн бұрын
NIce TV bro !
@Pangloss6413 2 күн бұрын
This feels like a KZfaq video from 2009 and I love it
@JayTheComputerGuy 2 күн бұрын
My grandpa actually owns an original intelivision that broke on him a while back that fortunately I got to play on a 70s console tv! In his unfinished 80s basement when I was younger! He keeps everything so when I was looking through some stuff I found it! When I go back I hope I can get some pictures
@some1-1038 2 күн бұрын
Sure, the comsole may be "intelligent", but it should be named Mattel StupidIdeaVision
@johneygd 3 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that those controllers are not detachable either. What makes me most disappointing about this console is it’s claim to be 16bit because eventhough it does contain a 16bit cpu, it only could function like a 10bit bit due restrictions inside that cpu chip. While the graphics are slightly better then the that of the atari 2600, but it’s resolution were much lower and most games didn’t look or sound all that impressive, especially not compared to later 8bit systems. Eventhough there is a homebrew game called space patrol wich does show some parallax scrolling wich really does mimic 16bit graphics pretty well. I also do like that fact that 1bit pcm can be done on a stock console without that need of that clunky ugly voice module peripharel. Also i really really do like the second revision of the intelevision because of it’s cool smaller white design with detachable controllers, it’s definitely a must have. I own mine with nintendo games and a few sega games among other ones on it. I definitely recomment buying the intelevision 2 with nintendo and sega games for it in case you are a huge nintendo or sega fan. I just love my intelevision 2😁👍
@ShapdCrusadr 3 күн бұрын
I owned one of those and had it until about late 80's. I owned quite a bit of games for it but did borrow some from a school class mate and cousin. I owned a Atari 800 which I still have it even to this day. I owned a Mattel Intellivision, Texas Instruments TI-99/4A, Commodore 64, Playstation (1st One). Then I started getting more interested in gaming on a desktop computers and phased out of console gaming for a while. Then owned a Playstation 4 for a while cause my desktop PC was having issues and hardware had to be sent back for replacement. At the time I was playing Final Fantasy 14 and wanted to keep playing while I waited for replacement parts for my computer. After my desktop computer was fixed I kept the Playstation 4 for a while longer cause it had games that was not available for PC. But since those games I wanted to play started to come out for the PC too I started playing the Playstation 4 less and less. Ended up selling the Playstation 4. Now the only thing I still own is the Atari 800 but even that has not been powered on for multiple decades now.
@shnargru 3 күн бұрын
The graphics were better, the games were better, the controllers while different has much more inputs allowing for completely different games. Years ahead of everything else at the time
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
And behind in other aspects. Cart slot on the side? Yes, more inputs on the controller, but you really didnt need that many for games that simple, and that Disk alone makes it one of the worst controllers. The only directional input thing on a controller worse than the Intellivision Disk is the Sega MasterSystem D-Pad
@Cheeselord83 3 күн бұрын
It's beyond me how that thing survived at all. It was a hunk of junk and the controllers were horrid.
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
What confuses me even more is how people defend it lmao. Like how tf do they like that controller! Atleast the ColecoVision had detachable controllers!
@johneygd 3 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Companyand the colecovisipon controllers were just slightly better because they use a stick rather then a stifty wheel.
@kalvinravn8431 3 күн бұрын
Battery part gave it away but I was waiting for you to say it had a different color or I would’ve been stumped.
@popehentai 3 күн бұрын
where does it go? on the side. because your tv was a 200 pound behemoth. a piece of furniture, and this likely sat on top of it next to the antennae. Your channel name is definitely apt.
@thweetiebird 3 күн бұрын
Nice video. That console always sucked. Do you know about the Intellivision Amico?
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
Such much so that I bought the games lol
@thweetiebird 3 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Company nice 😎 you should do a dedicated Amico video!!
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
@@thweetiebird i have. Its somewhere in my list of videos
@olivercharles2930 3 күн бұрын
I like your humor. Less reverb on your voice would be nice though, it sounds like you're on the other side of a warehouse lol
@darthagent6 3 күн бұрын
Personally, I would say Gimmick! is the best NES/Famicom game with Castlevania III (the Famicom version) as a close second. Consider getting a Famicom with a NES to Famicom cartridge adapter. Sure, you have the shorter controller cables, but you’ll now have to ability to play Japanese games as well (which are often cheaper). If you really want the best all-in-one version of the Famicom, get the Twin Famicom which has a built-in Famicom Disk System.
@josephsitek793 3 күн бұрын
Atari and their always embarrassing shitty graphic can kiss my ass. Intellivision had bad controls and confusing gameplay? Son, you need to get older...or smarter. Have a dislike.
@olivercharles2930 3 күн бұрын
Everyone used atari for good reason
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
I would like to see your hands if you like that controller bub.
@ExpEcer 3 күн бұрын
Intellavision was the greatest console ever created you don't know shit only a pro knows how to use those controllers once you master it it's better than anything on the market even today and in the far future!
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
You cant even spell it right 😂
@olivercharles2930 3 күн бұрын
Literally no one used the intellivision
@ExpEcer 3 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Company Both of you haven't played Demon Attack, beauty and the beast and burger time if you did your lives would change immediately then you would thank me because you realized that this system and it's games should be held like a national treasure their should be federal laws against the destruction of the intellivision to protect it like an endangered species! If you don't want your intellivision just send it to me! Don't you dare hurt it!
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
@@ExpEcer the fuck 😂😂
@ExpEcer 3 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Company It's ok dude it's only something intelligent people understand
@brianstraight9308 3 күн бұрын
Had one of these when growing up. It was fantastic. Shut-up.
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
Oh shit my bad. I should delete this video and make a new one praising it because some random guy gets nostalgia from it
@olivercharles2930 3 күн бұрын
Nostalgia goggles
@thomaslance5428 4 күн бұрын
In the thumbnail, you kinda look like a Domino's Pizza employee lol.
@The_Moronic_Company 3 күн бұрын
Ironic considering i do in fact work at one
@iamgeorgesears 4 күн бұрын
You just embraced the GOOD AVGN from way back then. Loved it.
@louk9978 4 күн бұрын
You make the worst videos I've ever seen. You're like 17yo and trashing consoles that were pushing technology long before you were around to use them. If you don't enjoy it get a different hobby
@Alpha-Trion7 4 күн бұрын
I enjoy playing centipede with the track ball controller. Or robotron with the dual controller setup. Killing the centipede on the lower part of the screen in one motion (and pressing the fire button one time) with the trackball has to be one of the coolest thing I've done on a home console.
@kongahb 4 күн бұрын
@kalvinravn8431 4 күн бұрын
Took a bit but figured it out a half a second before you revealed the answer
@kalvinravn8431 4 күн бұрын
Holy cow I guess the old saying that you’re never too old to learn something new is true! I’m 52 and never knew they used Intelligent as part of the name for the console! Yeah I’m about as smart as a sack of hammers…Great Video!
@johnpenguinthe3rd13 4 күн бұрын
Want to know what's even more absurd? The Atari 5200 launched at around $269 around November 1982 while the Colecovison (it's direct competitor) launched at around $179 around August of 1982 ... almost a $100 difference. On top of the Colecovision being almost $100 cheaper, the Colecovision came with the better pack-in game (Donkey Kong on Colecovision is so much better than Super Breakout on Atari 5200) and the better controller (Colecovision controllers in general actually work) and Colecovision had better looking graphics in general (there is a lot of debate as to which console was more powerful when it came to graphics. Regardless of specs, there are a lot more Colecovision games that look so much better than Atari 5200 games). Also, It didn't help the Atari 5200 that the Colecovision had it's legally dubious Atari 2600 cartridge adapter released for it several months before Atari themselves did one of their own for the Atari 5200. In other words: The Atari 5200 was so freaking screwed. If the crash hadn't happened, Colecovison would have stepped into first place eventually and crushed the Atari 5200 pretty hard due to all the things I mentioned.
@sam_bibly 4 күн бұрын
intellivision amiico, talking boutique, yo. yelling at the haters like i'm tommy tallerico. i'm unique, tho, you shouldn't speak, bro. yeah, movie theaters going extinct, so?
@sam_bibly 4 күн бұрын
"i want to know what they were smoking when they came up with that decision...." cigarettes. it was the 1970s.
@Pangloss6413 2 күн бұрын
This was around the time that Terence McKenna perfected the process of growing magic mushrooms also
@Roger-fs5yo 4 күн бұрын
I'd still play that thing if I had one💁‍♂️ Hey the Nerd just posted a new video to🤟
@Zobbster 4 күн бұрын
Quality review lads, keep 'em coming!
@kalvinravn8431 5 күн бұрын
So is this G Fuel a vitamin drink? Is it full of caffeine?
@The_Moronic_Company 4 күн бұрын
Its kinda like an energy drink, but with no sugar. Its got alot of caffine
@kalvinravn8431 4 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Company ok that’s good to know because I’m 52 and don’t want to release the best that was hooked on original Monsters all day and almost became a diabetic.
@destructodisk9074 5 күн бұрын
This episode lives up to the channel title 😂
@Blue-tj1hh 5 күн бұрын
@dbzfanatic278 5 күн бұрын
I have that exact same shirt. Cool vid man
@kalvinravn8431 5 күн бұрын
Smells like a dryer sheet!!!😂
@PiriPie-rez 5 күн бұрын
If you can’t stand the graphics of an Atari 2600, get a colecovision!! Best system of the early 80s imo
@The_Moronic_Company 5 күн бұрын
Theyve gone up in price lile crazy though!
@PiriPie-rez 5 күн бұрын
@@The_Moronic_Company yea they’re worth as much as a a saturn or virtual boy or 3do nowadays ! :/