J.K. Rowling Natal Chart Astrology
Jordan Peterson is NOT an Individualist
Ayn Rand is NOT a Conservative
21 күн бұрын
Modern Media as Monstrous Reflections
Thought Experiments Are Stupid
Napoleon Natal Chart Astrology
Adolf Hitler Natal Chart Astrology
Monsters, Evil, and Power
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Conscious Consumption
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Thinking About Thinking
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@rongoteus4037 4 күн бұрын
Amazing video. I agree 100%. I think pride month should celebrate the differences and nuances in people but it doesn't always seem that way. It seems to me like we're antagonizing the straight/cis people (especially online). I think that's why conservatives really hate us.
@capolot5 4 күн бұрын
imma wait until i finish the video to criticize everything you are saying but imma let you know now its gonna be a lot ok after a painful 35 minutes im done with the video and before i say anything i just want to say im gay alright im just going to start with the events first pride parades are just dumb in my opinion not only are there highly inappropriate there just useless when you said you barely even saw anything bad there still was bad shit as much as you don’t want to believe you are celebrating a sin while also shitting on a whole religion in this video i could talk about the fact that your speaking on a subject your not really qualified in YET cause you said you would read the bible and i hope you do but your “sigh of sexual liberation” is really just sad you can’t get mad at me for saying what im saying cause as a society we need to call out the bad in society and get it resolved the fact you were able to dress like that in public and think its okay is just crazy especially around kids how are we as a society supposed to have hope for the future when kids can look up to people like you and you contradict yourself when you say “what happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom” and at the same time your going to happily bring your sex kinks out in public in an act in “sexual liberation” no offense but you are thee worst part of society and someone that should not be looked up to lets talk about the lgbtq community the t in lgbt in trans which takes common sense and logic and completely throws it out the window i don’t really need to explain why you can’t change genders and its absolutely baffling that if there is more than 2 genders is actually a debate in modern society made by the leftist is crazy its also just fucking with our children’s heads and changing the views on a very impressional audience the left will never leave normal people and children alone and imma talk about pride flags for a little bit i think there stupid like really stupid especially sense theres so many variations of them why do you think you need a pride flag why do you even need a flag its just another piece of useless gay bullshit if the lgbtqia+ community is what the future holds no wonder this country is fucked these people do not need to be looked up to trans people are delusional drag queens that do it infront of kids are definitely groomers people that believe in more than 2 genders are also delusional none of these people would ever be able to fend for themselves the fuck are you guys gonna do if christ is real you would regret everything you said yall for some reason really want everyone to except you can you see yourself in the shoes of a normal person not saying your not normal but when i say normal i mean straight cause us human as well as every other living organism is natural suppose to reproduce with females are only goal as a species is to make a family but me personally i like guys and don’t want a family as a straight male but i except the fact that its not natural to fuck guys but to sum up everything that has been said if we keep going in this direction society would collapse and pride throws common sense out the window and you do want to here it but your views are wrong crazy that people like you actually think what your doing is right your sexual orientation should be just left as your sexual orientation there is no need for any of this and if the lqgbt community is getting criticized can you really blame them for it?
@capolot5 4 күн бұрын
im too tired to read what i wrote but i’ll come back to this tomorrow
@Kasperanzaa 4 күн бұрын
If only words could replace bricks, and your mind was as erudite as a crane is tall, buildings could've been constructed instead of this utterly meaningless, totally nonsensical, absolutely idiotic, hideous wall of text.
@jackspedicy2711 4 күн бұрын
god told me in my dream you should paypal me 20 bucks
@ToeJoe123 5 күн бұрын
7:27 really scared me lol
@Kasperanzaa 4 күн бұрын
sorry lel
@isakmloyeni920 5 күн бұрын
Stay blessed
@ClaireLizX3 7 күн бұрын
binged the series, really fun to see the progress being made!!
@Kasperanzaa 7 күн бұрын
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it
@88Theodor1 8 күн бұрын
Leo makes wild claims about "levels of consciousness" that he's reached and there is no way to verify any of it and if you question it in any way you're gaslighting him 😂😂😂.
@WillowstormDragons._. 8 күн бұрын
Amazing! Hope that this amazing channel can go far ❤
@lunamariahawke9320 11 күн бұрын
This looks very good! Love that black/white/orange design, it totally fits with the ski glasses. As for the inside of your head: you can also use the taping method with the tape to make a pattern, it is not just for the outside ;D
@toddbryan5818 12 күн бұрын
Have you played Bio shock before what is your opinion on it?
@Kasperanzaa 12 күн бұрын
Yes, I have played it before, played through it twice. But only the first two. Didn’t even finish the 3rd one (Bioshock infinite). I love it! It makes me feel like I’m in a special world. I love the city, the art deco aesthetics, and the individualistic characters. Sander Cohen is my favorite and Andrew Ryan was cool too in the beginning. If there was a Rapture I would move there. I’m guessing you’re asking cuz the game disproves Objectivism? I mean I don’t know. The only reason Rapture fell was because of the drugs ADAM and EVE, but any city would’ve fallen if there was a drug like that, especially if the people there had no respect for virtues.
@toddbryan5818 12 күн бұрын
I just wanted to know what you think of the game because you're an objectivist that's all but if you pay attention Andrew Ryan actually when against Objectivism as he nationalized Fontane futuristics, acted like a dictator and rejected free trade.
@Kasperanzaa 11 күн бұрын
@@toddbryan5818 Yeah, that’s why I said he was only good in the beginning.
@toddbryan5818 11 күн бұрын
Basically Andrew Ryan is capitalist Max Stern.
@Litch016 15 күн бұрын
Your discord server link expired
@Kasperanzaa 15 күн бұрын
Oops I forgot to update my description, there is no discord.. I’ll make a new discord soon
@furry23440 17 күн бұрын
# im a furry 🐾
@willallen9419 17 күн бұрын
I heard “I feel like” and left.
@sethc27 18 күн бұрын
Click on the video to see how much you could misrepresent Jordan Peterson, and it's a 10/10. You either don't understand what Peterson means or your making strawman arguments.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
I bet you didn’t even watch the video like everyone who clicks on it
@sethc27 18 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa I mean you're technically right, I listened to it on the way home this morning from work but the video only 12 minutes long so wasn't a big sacrifice of my time. But for example I have no idea where you get you're interpretation of his view on sacrifice, what you describe as a trade off is pretty close to what he would call a sacrifice which is basically giving up your present for a better future.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
@@sethc27 Yeah we’re in agreement in this respect
@haydenstockton5782 18 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaaif you’re in agreement with that, then you agree with JP. He never says sacrifice yourself for its own sake, he says sacrifice the worst parts of you for the growth of the best parts of you. It’s a selfish act that simultaneously makes everyone else’s lives better for having a better version of you to deal with.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
@@haydenstockton5782 Fair enough, I guess I agree with JP in this specific way of phrasing
@pumkinsocks-ig6jk 18 күн бұрын
I appreachiate this video. I have always viewed Jordan Peterson as more left winged than rigth, as he seems incredibly openminded, empethatic, accepting og gay marriage, and was an aetheist for a long time. But for some reason, he appears to have become more rigth winged lately, even seemingly becoming borderline Christian, which have been incredibly surprising. I dislike speculating, but I think his change in beliefs and percpective might even be due to the substancial critism and backlashed him and his family have faced from the extreme left. He is and have always been a very emotional person, and I think that having went through so much in his life, as well as being sent death threats, his family as well being sent death threats, all the backlash, as well as pressure, propaganda and over-intellectualisation. I enjoyed this video, though I do disagree with your statement that you either have to be an individualist or to join the Christian church. Personally, as a very indivualistic person, I don’t just think «Life is about me having as much pleasure and enjoyment and fun as possible». I do totally think that, but I also think «and to help other people do the same thing.» Though I totally see the individualism argument, I don’t think of the greater good as something involving a higher power or something we have to learn, but rather something we are born with because we deeply care about eachother, because we are all connected to eachother, not in faith, not in chist, but in the fact that we are human beings, and we care about eachother. Now we might be connected though the universe or spiritutually, we don’t know, I certainly don’t believe that any religion can come as say they know the answer because religion is made and gouvernment by humans, but at the end of the day we don’t really need to know the answer anyway. People have this belief that the only thing that keeps people from being completely selfish, egotistical and evil against eachother is due to punishment, wether that be punishment from god or punishment by the people, which to me goes to show how sick this society really had become, where we constantly abuse and delete eachother into losing complete trust in eachother and kindness. Look at kids. If you take a kid and that kid is loved, and when I say loved I don’t mean shower them in materialistic things and spoil them, I mean truly love them by making sure they know they are always welcomed and always loved and that they are a unique and beutiful human being. And of they do something mean to another kif for instance, you explain to the kid that they hurt that kid, and I can guarantee you that this kid, unless they are born with a very rare genetic psychopathic disorder, they will feel bad instantly for that kid. They don’t have any built in religious beliefs, ethical viewpoints drilles into them, but kids simply don’t always know that they are hurting other people, and when they realise, they feel so bad. And they don’t gain anything from it. This is what empathy and kindness is. It’s not about boosting your own ego through charity or acts of kindness just for clout. Kindness and empathy is what makes us human, which is what Atheism itself should be all about, belief in the human spirit. We all just have that natural ability to really care for eachother, and we are all born with it. (The overwhelming majority of us who isnt born as psychopaths or sociopaths). If someone does not have this ability and they are not one of these two things or any other rare condition, they have experienced something terrible in their life, typically in their early childhood that made them lose contact with that side of themselves, snd they need immidiate therapy surrounding it. I know it gets overwhelming, espechially up there in the US where there is seemingly about to start a civil war soon due to political differences. (Im from Norway), But I am such a fighter for kindness, as I think that kindness, to truly care for others while also caring a lot for other people is what brings an individual true furfillement in life. It’d the reason why psychopaths/narcesistist are never happy btw, it’d because they lack the lost important aspect about being human which is to truly care for someone, to truly love someone not as a possesion but as the beautiful individual they are, though it’s very difficult to explain to someone who doesnt have that ability. (Not that I know wether you have the ability of true kindness or empthy or not, it was just the impression I got from the video when you talked about egotism and saying that life is only about seeking personal pleasure and furfillement which is something I really disagree with) To put it this way; there is a reason prople help people who is starving in other countries, or spontanous charity donations, it’s because they genuinely care. They just care. And it’s that love that is so strong, sometihng I can’t put to words, but it’s really the most beautiful thing in the universe, and it truly saddens me when I see people who have lost contact with the part of them that makes them human. Nevertheless, I enjoyed this video. It was fun from hearing someone who has a different percpective, and though very certain you have the answers, you don’t, noone will have have the answers ever of a 100% moral truth, but we can try get as close to that as possible through critical thinking and openmindedness. If I was you I would try to challenge your viewpoints a bit, something that one should never stop doing of course, anf if I could give you one request, I would Ask you to strive for balance rathe than «you’re either on our side or their side» because out of the 100’s of ideologies out there, to say that one is completely rigth in every single way and that everyone else is wrong, then you’re just as foolish as the christian extremism have been over thousands of years, battling against other religious groups like children fighting over he has rigth to the number 1 playstation controller, resulting of countless of death of beautiful people due to their own disability to see the other guy’s viewpoint. Again, no hate here. It would warm my heart if you really read through this whole thing. I appreachiate you and yeah, I hope you’ll be openminded to what I’m saying here. Im a really big fighter for empathy you see. I make sure to take care of the well being of animals, seing hurt dogs is one of the most horrible things ever. I don’t even kill insects, and it’d not because I am afraid of punishment, because I don’t believe in a higer power, but it’s because I genuinely care about this planet and the animals on it. Because I just do, because it’s a part of being human and the beauty of it as well, and without it we become misserable. (We’re also animals). Thank you for your time
@SixHexSix 18 күн бұрын
Kindness and caring for others is great and all, until you encounter people that will exploit you for being that way and see your compassion as weakness. Unless you integrate your shadow, you will be unable to even see how others could take you for everything and leave you to die and never think about you again. You see everyone being some degree of how you are at the moment and that is simply not the case. Just knowing the evil you are capable of doing is enough to see it coming from others, you don’t actually have to be evil.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
Big speech, no real content, only clichés and narcissistic pretenses of empathy and love.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
Kindness and empathy are not virtues, or at least, virtues that don't rank highly and often get in the way of rationality. Empathy is also a false projection of our own feelings onto another person. We can't actually know what someone is truly feeling. We must take their word for it when they express their feelings. And all "empaths" are covert narcissists.
@pumkinsocks-ig6jk 17 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa I was actually being incredibly respectful and said some really good things. However, your firm belief in your own moral superiority completely blinds you from the things I try to communicate, not to mention your egocentric worldview which shines through very clearly. The fact taht yo you call me narcesistic is incredibly ironic, concidering the video you made litterary praised selfishness. only caring about your own pleasure and avoiding pain, rather than helping other people, which to me sounds much closer to narcesism than the things I said. The wikipedia definition of narcesistic personality disorder for example: "Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek too much attention and want people to admire them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others." Judging by everything I have seen from you so far, you're full of these qualities. I do not have a big ego unlike you, I care about other human beings deeply, and even if I disagree with them I am willing to hear them out, and if I disagree I will say state so in a respectful manner.
@pumkinsocks-ig6jk 17 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa I completely disagree. But let's rather use the word compassion then. Compassion for other human beings. I understand by the way you act and the things you say that you have been deeply hurt before, and Im sorry to hear that. You've been hurt, abandoned, misguided etc by people you love and therefore lost your ability to empathise with other people through compassion, which is a common defence mechanism. We are not enemies, I just hope you'll get in contact with that again because that empty feeling you feel all the time is not because you lack materialistic things etc, you need love
@SixHexSix 18 күн бұрын
You say there’s no meaning in life, then you go on to say the meaning is to feel good and have fun, which is what hedonism is. It’s comfort that a hedonistic person is chasing, and discomfort that they run away from. Also, you can only choose to do so many things, everything else gets sacrificed. Jordan talks about how by choosing your path sooner rather than later, you get to choose your sacrifice, rather than it being forced upon you. When you embrace the inevitable pain and suffering in life, to accept it voluntarily, it has a psychological effect that is far better than to avoid those things and to resist them. His message is essentially individual responsibility and telling the truth. Seems like you have to find some reasons to discredit him entirely so as to avoid the core message. Everything you do matters. Every action and word you produce ripples to the ends of the universe and through time. You wouldn’t make a video like this if there was no meaning and purpose inherent in doing so.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
Why does KZfaq delete my comments... Not everything we do matters to the world. Only what I do matters to me. To believe that my tiny being sends RIPPLES through the universe and time sounds funny, delusional, and grandiose. And I made this video cuz it's fun to make videos.
@RkLJackets 18 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa "Only what I do matters to me" Do you not see the fundamental problem in that statement? Nothing you do matters to, at the very least, another person? Are you implying that whatever the consequences of your actions, only the ones that affect you are what matter, and they are the only things that should matter at a fundamental level. The logical conclusion of that line of thinking is what causes the most heinous sufferings of the human condition. Murderers murder because that is what makes them happy and they don't care about the consequences to other people. That is an extreme example, but that is the logical conclusion of your argument in this regard.
@Kasperanzaa 18 күн бұрын
@@RkLJackets Well I do take into account other people, and as I said, and Ayn Rand said, we shouldn't sacrifice people to ourselves. So I'm not implying murder. I'm just saying what I do has more of an impact on myself than on the world. If I didn't exist, the world would be pretty much the same.
@rutababelyte7790 17 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa be careful with that point of view. You can really hurt people if you don’t see your own power.
@Kasperanzaa 17 күн бұрын
@@rutababelyte7790 Yeah, that's a good point actually. Reminds me when JP said we're all like nodes. 1 person affects 1000. And 1000 affects a million. A million affects the whole world.
@langhans156 19 күн бұрын
Your video proves me right again. Atheists are just like Theists. They want to convert you with nonsensical bullshit, just like the religious types.
@Kasperanzaa 19 күн бұрын
Converting you to what? I'm telling you to pursue your happiness, and your response is to say that I'm converting you? AHAHAHAH Don't pursue your happiness I guess. Sacrifice your life to someone or something I guess.
@langhans156 19 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa You want to convert people to individualism. Peterson wants to convert people to religion. You are doing exactly what you accuse Peterson of. You give two choices (a false dichotomy). You should live your life with a healthy mix of individualism and collectivism. Btw. Living your life as if everything were a business transaction will lead to an empty life. Maximizing pleasure and avoiding any pain will make you unable to cope with life. You seem to have lived a very sheltered life until now since you don't know that to live means to suffer. Don't worry, you will get to know this fact too. And since you will be avoiding any pain until then, you will be unable to handle it.
@Kasperanzaa 19 күн бұрын
@@langhans156 What's wrong with living a "sheltered" life? Am I supposed to be homeless, destitute, or fighting in a war? Isn't this what the Western world aims to eliminate? Why should I deliberately pursue pain? How does living mean to suffer? If life is suffering what does it matter if someone chooses to pursue pleasure or pain? If life is suffering, why don't we end it then? If one can't be happy, why bother at all?
@langhans156 19 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa There is nothing wrong with living a sheltered life, it just means that you don't know much about life yet. Btw. the strawman was unnecessary For instance, training your body without reaching pain is pretty pointless. You will only have minimal muscle growth if you have any at all. Don't worry you will come to know the suffering part of life. Just because to live means to suffer does not mean, that life only offers misery. You should stop thinking in absolutes. You are needlessly limiting your own thought process.
@Kasperanzaa 19 күн бұрын
@@langhans156 And you do know much about life? What's your criteria for knowing about life? How do you know what I know? How do you know I haven't suffered already in life? What do you know about my pain? I wouldn't consider exerting physical effort to achieve muscle growth "suffering." I'd consider it a calculated cost someone pays to increase the size of their muscles, and in many cases, is a pleasurable cost one pays. Exercise releases endorphins, and going to the gym boosts self-esteem. Based on this definition of suffering, I have suffered, and everyone else has suffered. When I made my fursuit, I had to exert effort beyond my comfort zone. If one is logical in their thinking, they must think in absolutes. Otherwise, they will contradict themselves. And contradiction is what limits the mind, renders thinking useless, renders the mind pointless. Yes, life is grey, but the details of life are always black and white, ones and zeros. Anyone who says otherwise is an intellectual mystic, computer programming would be impossible, and the idea of making sense wouldn't matter.
@hrodebertcoad9848 20 күн бұрын
Your video is too long when the difference is pretty straight forward. Conservative ideology is based around the core idea of ordained authority and superiority. Ayn Rand believes in hyper-individualism, even if it's to the complete detriment of everyone else. Which, in a great testament to Rand's ignorance, is ultimately self-detrimental as well.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
Your comment is too short.
@hrodebertcoad9848 20 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa lol
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
@@hrodebertcoad9848 lel
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
You're the one that's ignorant. If individualism means everyone pursues their happiness, how is it to anyone's detriment? It's to everyone's benefit. Like what are you talking about? All other philosophies ask you to give something up, asks everyone to give something up, which would be to their detriment.
@hrodebertcoad9848 20 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa It's not hard to imagine how focusing solely on individual "happiness" (not the accurate term, but whatever) would end up with most individuals engaging in practices that would undermine other individuals, creating an overall toxic society of one-sided dealings. To believe that exacerbating such ideology to its extreme would somehow be beneficial is absurd.
@toddbryan5818 20 күн бұрын
In my opinion atheism leads to nihilism Nietzsche warned about that you advocate for morals with atheism who cares at least Max Stern was honest as he believed in no God so do whatever you want as killing someone has no consequences no hell no anything and Peterson is an atheist not a Christian.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
Okay, you need to write better because I can't understand what you're saying. Nietzsche did say that it leads to nihilism, but it's also something that can be overcome. Without God or the threat of hell does not mean you have no consequences. Killing people has real consequences that will not work out in your self-interest. Plus, I think it would be creepy if the only reason someone didn't kill was because they were afraid of hell. There was plenty of slavery and killing in the Bible. How do you think modern Christians figured out slavery was wrong? Was it because of the threat of hell or because slavery is actually wrong?
@toddbryan5818 20 күн бұрын
That is what I’m saying without God there is no morals in the universe my argument doesn’t prove or disprove god it’s just saying that atheism is not practical look at Joseph Stalin for example since everybody is just a bunch of meat bags who cares I’m on top and I can do whatever I want no consequences Hitler was also an atheist too not a naturalist atheist but still he thought there were no consequences for his actions.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
I don't think Hitler or Stalin acted in their self-interest or seemed very happy. Yes, everyone is a bunch of meat bags, and as meat bags they are wonderful to spend time with, not kill or hurt. Killing and controlling people is not very smart. The idea of going hell is not a real or convincing consequence, unless you're a fool, but the real reality is always presenting us with obvious consequences.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
Also, you don't realize how much evil has been perpetuated from the belief in God and the threat of burning in hell. And this evil is especially horrible because it was done out of faith and whim, not out of rationality or logic, so it cannot be argued against or improved upon.
@toddbryan5818 20 күн бұрын
Yes, I do understand but before there was Christianity there was Pagan religion which was much more barbaric and violent then Christianity the Greek gods and Norse gods for example had no morals and there is historical proof Jesus got crucified and a lor of the places mentioned in the bible were real and are real Tacitus recorded Jesus and he got crucified during the reign of Tiberius
@toddbryan5818 21 күн бұрын
What is your view on libertarianism as I am a paleo libertarian because Ayn rand doesn't like libertarianism for some strange reason?
@Kasperanzaa 21 күн бұрын
Great question! I'm not entirely sure how she doesn't like libertarianism. It sounded like she said it off the cuff by calling them "hippies." I think it's because libertarians don't have an underlying philosophy making them seem pretty wacky and incongruent to her. Many libertarians are complete pacifists when objectivists would actually approve of war in some cases. Some libertarians are anarcho-capitalists, but Rand says we need to have a state for capitalism to function. Libertarians without a philosophy can end up as mystical Christians or indulgent, whimsical hedonists, while Rand was insistent on rational self-interest. In other words, libertarians are pretty surface level when they only focus on politics. Rand, like other philosophers, are deep because they focus much more on metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Rand only upheld capitalism because she believed in egoism. And she only upheld egoism because she upheld rationality as an absolute and that reality is what it is, not what we want it to be.
@toddbryan5818 21 күн бұрын
I think the answer has to do with Murray Rothbard as he was the founder of the libertarian movement and created Anarcho capitalism and Rand and Murray have met him which caused Rand to hate libertarianism because there are anarcho capitalist in the movement.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
@@toddbryan5818 Yes, that too. Unfortunately libertarians didn’t use her philosophy as a foundation.
@hyperreal 22 күн бұрын
People have to distort facts about Ayn Rand in order to criticize her.
@culturalliberator9425 22 күн бұрын
Almost as if she's a libertarian or something. Who believed in Capitalism to the max.
@hyperreal 22 күн бұрын
She is not a libertarian. She called them “hippies of the right”.
@culturalliberator9425 22 күн бұрын
@@hyperreal She was a hard core capitalist. HARD core. Yes, she liked law and order but she thought you could have both. She opposed the left on basically everything except religion. Come on. She is a Conservative Libertarian. Aka, she wants little state and free enterprise. She was very much so on the right. News flash, the right had women on it. It's fine that not every woman agrees with you. Most of them hate my guts, then again, everyone does. Edit: Seriously, just read her wiki article. Even that doesn't have the faintest clue she's anywhere on the left.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
Yeah, but if you think critically you’ll realize that she’s more progressive and the left and right are both regressive in their own collectivist ways.
@culturalliberator9425 20 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa I agree. She's holding hands with Teddy Roosevelt right now.
@Kasperanzaa 20 күн бұрын
@@culturalliberator9425 What is progress? Have you asked yourself that question?
@ZaneWulf 22 күн бұрын
He's so cute! Great job man!
@ZaneWulf 22 күн бұрын
You're doing 10x better than what I'd do for real! Great job so far! You have great (human) legs btw 👉👈❤️
@Kasperanzaa 22 күн бұрын
Lol thank you! <3
@baselastor6314 22 күн бұрын
I once had a friend who I thought had the appearance of someone virtuous and sensible, but they made many bad choices in their life which led to much strife for them. I agreed to rent a place together with them, only to find out that they were completely unreasonable and really quite aggressive for no reason. This makes me think that you've got a point in saying we should judge people on their choices, if I had done that with my friend, I would have saved myself from a lot of unnecessary stress and abuse. Maybe I gave him too much credit just for having the appearance of someone who is "on my team".
@Kasperanzaa 22 күн бұрын
Yeah definitely, judge people based on character and mind, not group affiliation. I'm sorry your friend turned out to be a jerk.
@zeogold 22 күн бұрын
You forgot to mention that ayn Rand is a narcissist who thought that anyone who didn't see the world the same way she did was an idiot.
@Kasperanzaa 21 күн бұрын
I didn’t forget because I never intended to say that. But I did forget to mention how dumb KZfaq comments can be.
@averagenewtlover 23 күн бұрын
we have the same headphones
@Hikari__Rose 24 күн бұрын
This has got to be, by far, the best 'furst' (haha) fursuit ive ever seen. Makes me a bit more confident about making my first fursuit lol ;3
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Thank you! And yes, be confident in your ability to create!
@Foodude 24 күн бұрын
Furry detected, opinion rejected.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
@devinhaney8109 24 күн бұрын
Moses knew what his sin was . . . it was the use of force when told not to. The same was true for Abraham, the willingness to sacrifice his son when instructed. Which God didn't let him follow through with. Also, in both instances God spoke with them directly, it wasn't an idea that popped in their head. God was in fairly consistent communication with them.
@Kasperanzaa 22 күн бұрын
Right, cuz talking to an abstraction in your head, a figment of your imagination, is the same as talking to a human being.
@gugagaagaa8394 24 күн бұрын
God using force against moses is not hypocritical as God is not bound by the same morals set for humanity. He has every rigth to do what ever he wants.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Sounds like God is a tyrannical narcissist and psychopath
@gugagaagaa8394 22 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa i find it extremely funny when random people like you think they can debunk thousands of years of theology with some KZfaq videos by reading some Wikipedia and mabey getting majored in psycology 🤣🤣
@Kasperanzaa 22 күн бұрын
@@gugagaagaa8394 I find it extremely funny that random people like you haven't debunked thousands of years of theology with some KZfaq videos and Wikipedia articles. And maybe getting a degree in English because you can't spell.
@gugagaagaa8394 19 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa I cant spell that well in english because its my third language but cope how ever you want🤣
@ReDSoXSwAgG 24 күн бұрын
Concerning the story of Abraham being told to sacrifice his son. This story is about being willing to give up everything to God. Since Issac is Abraham's promised child, what God is really asking of Abraham is to give sacrifice what he cares the most for. This is a picture of God giving up his only son Jesus Christ to save the world (John 3:16). Not only was this testing Abraham's faith, but also Isaac's. Although typically the story protests Issac as a child he was in his 30s at the time. They both displayed unwavering faith in God allowing his seed to be blessed among the nations. (Genesis 22:1-19) The direct connections to Jesus crucifixion is not accident or coincidence. God the father(Abraham) offering His son (Jesus Christ). The hyperlinked nature of the Bible is no accident. If you consider certain passages as contradictory, i would suggest to seek the scriptures with a humble heart that God through his holy spirit would guide you to answers. Peace and love brother!
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Lol why do you assume you already have the answers and you're expecting me to find YOUR answers? "Just be humble and see the good in sacrificing your own son." I guess my Luciferian pride is evil for thinking that's crazy. There's a lot of contradiction in regards to the concept of Force. But that's okay, religious people are of faith. They don't need to, and shouldn't have to, come up with reasons for why they believe what they believe. They're fine not knowing. Happy in their ignorance. Lol
@ReDSoXSwAgG 24 күн бұрын
In the Bible story, God told Moses to "speak" to the rock. This was important because instead of following God's instruction, Moses smote the rock. Moses smote the rock because he was frustrated with the children of Isreal because of their murmurings. Also worth mentioning, he said "hear now rebels, lest "WE" fetch you water out of this rock?" Usurping Gods authority over the miracle. (Numbers 11:2-13) This is important to the story because that rock was actually "Christ" not just any ordinary rock. (1st Corinthians 10:4) This is a picture of the Jews crucifixion of Jesus in the gospels.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Okay, fair enough. Why doesn't the story just have Moses hit Jesus instead of rocks? And he "smote" the rock because of some kids? This seems silly. I haven't read the Bible, so maybe my question would be answered once it's read. I feel like the Bible needs a modern, updated version with relatable characters and better symbolism. Plus, Moses was stranded out in the desert with all the Israelites... They don't need God or faith or any of that nonsense. All they need is reason, to use their minds, to build a new city in the desert or navigate their way to water. Like what is the actual problem here?
@bradoalfredo5203 24 күн бұрын
The irony of a boy in a halloween costume intellectually critiquing Jordan and Andrew is hilarious. You clearly struggle to understand metaphors, sarcasm and hyperbole. Force is absolutely necessary to protect but also raise a human without animalistic, compulsive; instinctive behaviour. For one to claim they live a life without faith they are either deceitful or naive. Do you believe in climate change? Do you believe in outer space? Do you believe the atom has a nucleus? If so you’ve never experienced these things and are going off faith in science/someone.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
My original desire to genuinely respond to KZfaq comments is fading rather quickly
@Rellikan 24 күн бұрын
I'll have to look at the rock story. But you can't expect God to behave like a rational human being. I think that'a where Jesus is supposed to come in. The whole point of God is that he is isn't human so he doesn't need to explain why 2+2=5 now. Everything else you said is pretty much right. There's no real way to find out if separate gods divine 2+2=3 and 2+2=5 in direct opposition of each other. I suppose this is the realm of god wars and whoever is the supreme forceful god that decides. Also God could punish the people directly if they incorrectly believed in certain things. Perhaps a priest lied and fabricated 'truths'.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Yes. People believe in God because they actually don’t want the truth.
@Rellikan 24 күн бұрын
Andrew Tate is right. The part that makes him right is when he says "to a degree". Which he says in your clip. If someone is wrong about objective truth and they apply force on people trying to correct them then they win. Tate is a huge pragmatist a.k.a. what people would say "living in the real world". If you have a truth claim and you cannot use force in self-defense of that truth claim then you lose/die. "To a degree" said by Tate qualifies as inclusive of belief in our ability to see objective truth.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
People who use force are losers. Your comment fails to take into account my explanation for how Tate is wrong.
@mojowasabi8823 24 күн бұрын
Andrew tate is kind of a loser but in this case he isnt saying the person is actually right when they use force.. but if you cant stand up and defend the truth then the truth wont be heard. He also wasnt making fun of engineers... he is saying that bad ppl who are strong wont care about their knowledge when push comes to shove. Which is true to a degree.. where he is wrong is that if you are strong but dumb you wont know whats right and wrong in life and will be easily duped. So theres pros and cons to both.. so teaming strong people with smart people is what is best @Kasperanzaa
@baselastor6314 24 күн бұрын
oh shid, he got the blue eyes
@adonaiel-rohi2460 25 күн бұрын
How rich are you dude? You wearing a cheap costume claiming to know more than a guy who has experiential knowledge being a capitalist.
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
actually, my costume would cost a couple thousand dollars
@funtimefoxy0317 25 күн бұрын
I can't wait to see your videos in the future, you seem awesome and your videos sound awesome too! And so what, we are all a bit screwed up in the head in our own ways, right? I bet your channel is gonna be GREAT!
@Kasperanzaa 24 күн бұрын
Thank you very much! :3
@Swaaaat1 25 күн бұрын
Well. I someday will take the time to watch your videos.
@caztheboneeldritch7089 25 күн бұрын
Yeah, Jordan Peterson is wrong about a lot of things
@Kasperanzaa 25 күн бұрын
that's why he makes for great criticism
@alephnull6457 26 күн бұрын
Yeah, I'm not gonna take a furry defending capitalism seriously. You sir are a meme.
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
Welcome to the circus.
@Octuly 25 күн бұрын
I'm a furry and I fucking love capitalism lmfao why is that so hard for you to comprehend??
@alephnull6457 25 күн бұрын
@Octuly It's not hard to comprehend, it's just übercringe.
@Octuly 25 күн бұрын
@@alephnull6457 How is it cringe? What do you want furrys to be? Anti-capitalism?
@alephnull6457 25 күн бұрын
@@Octuly You're such a goofball.
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
Y'all need to watch Peter Schiff, another person like Yaron Brook who actually understands finance better than Sam Vaknin, DEFENDING THE 1% and is essentially saying what I'm saying but 1000x better. Link to Video: kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iL9ghZN_1a_IgYU.htmlsi=lWft_qxR15C9sBYt Thank you
@Healthycow 26 күн бұрын
Peter Schiff doesn't have enough bitcoin.
@charliem5254 27 күн бұрын
And this one time a fury is right? And then you woke up.
@warriordx5520 27 күн бұрын
No he is not lol xd
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
He actually is
@warriordx5520 26 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa Uneven distribution of wealth is a zero sum game ????? Are you crazy
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
@@warriordx5520 not if the pie keeps growing
@warriordx5520 26 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa yeah right "growing" with all the inflation and market crashes and reset of wealth to the already wealthy The pie grows slower than the growing distribution towards the rich basically a pie that gets bigger but they take more % of it while commoners like you and me get to have shit for fucks
@warriordx5520 26 күн бұрын
@@Kasperanzaa the capitalist system is a simple thermodynamics problem. The rich are heavily favored the more money they have. the poor just get shit on. It doesnt matter who is the "ruling elite" its just natural law of any "free market"
@Mothy_the_Furry 27 күн бұрын
So cute😊
@Mothy_the_Furry 27 күн бұрын
Wow it turned out beautiful!😮 keep going! I olso work on a fursuit at home😊
@Kasperanzaa 27 күн бұрын
Thanks! Awesome, keep working hard making your own fursuit :3
@Healthycow 27 күн бұрын
Vaknin says a lot of dumb shit in this but when he is talking about people inheriting wealth. He's not meaning your dad left it for you. If you invested right at the peak of the 2008 financial crisis, you're a millionaire today... Like I am. It was a wealth transfer from young to old. You weren't able to reap those rewards. You weren't able to inherit the wealth of society. What we live in...is actually closer to feudalism then Capitalism. Here in Canada, I defy you to earn a million dollars in 10 years as a regular person without government intervention in asset markets. I used to be like you. But I'm 37 now and I play for team evil. You wanted profit? Pfizer shares during government mandates is a good way to make riskless money. The government has your back. Investing in the wake of 2008 was the same. Capitalism isn't broken. Our constant interventions however... Gold reveals these lies for what they are.
@Kasperanzaa 27 күн бұрын
Oh... I didn't know he meant investments when he said wealth was inherited. But that still doesn't explain how wealth was transferred from the young to old. Investors not only help themselves, but they expand and grow the economy, which essentially boosts the wealth of everyone. And frankly, the young don't have anything to begin with so I can't really imagine what kind of wealth transfer really happened. Rich people are usually very old and that's the way it should be. But yes, I agree with you that we are closer to feudalism, closer to USSR in the 1980s than America in 1776, as Sam Vaknin said in the interview he had with Richard Grannon. But I still think today's generation is doing much better than past generations regardless of the degeneration of capitalism. My main criticism is that Sam Vaknin is blaming capitalism when he should be attacking the loss of capitalism. To say capitalism is zero-sum makes zero sense.
@Healthycow 27 күн бұрын
​@@Kasperanzaa So another way to put it. When I entered the job market the minimum wage was $7.00/hour. Stocks back then were pennies on the dollar today. Your earnings at minim wage are no way comparable to mine. I could afford a two bedroom apartment by myself making $7 an hour. Today it's tough to do that at $20 an hour. ...so... Where do you get money to invest? You will never catch up to us. Neo feudalism in action.
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
@@Healthycow Yeah, I know what inflation means for rich people. If you watched my video you would know. I heard Sam say this. I didn't disagree with this. This isn't revolutionary or hard to understand. Sam acts like he's so clever when he says, "Inflation is essentially another tax on the poor." "Look how smart I am" "You have such a thick skull" "Rich people are taking advantage of you." Blah blah blah, I already know this. No, people are getting screwed because money is being overly printed by the government, not because of your age and class. Your age and class are fine. Plus, the middle class, our democracy, voted for these leaders that printed this money, so honestly, we get what we deserve. Capitalism and rich people are not to blame. Government intervention is to blame. That's what Sam Vaknin doesn't understand. Capitalism is the algorithm of anti-government intervention.
@Healthycow 26 күн бұрын
​@@Kasperanzaa I agree with the general statement, however. You have to take a look at who is making these decisions. It rapidly turns into generational warfare. It's people of my generation, and people of my parents generation. It doesn't matter if you live in the United States, Europe or Canada. With every single little "event" that happens. We choose as a society to offload actual buckets of money to "solve" the problem. It equates to little more then buying votes... But they're buying those votes with your money, not with mine. My generation will inherit what the Baby Boomer generation has now. Class warfare among millennials is just starting. Anyone graduating now will never amount to anything. I can basically make that as a blanket promise. Until you dethrone the people like me that took extreme advantage of all this government money printing. You will never be able to buy Exxon Mobil Corp at $31, like I did. To do what I did will cost you $120. And your risk profile is extreme compared to mine. We know exactly what we're doing sadly. Think of how many people didn't get any covid vaccines, but then turned around and told you to...simply because we own the stock. If other people didn't buy it, we wouldn't have doubled our money. We had our allies in media creating a nonstop fear vortex, and our allies in media removing opinions that would damage our holdings. By the way, I'm a graymuzzle furry, so I really do mean it when I say I used to be just like you. :3 I now play for Team Evil because Team Evil is winning.
@Kasperanzaa 26 күн бұрын
@@Healthycow You’re a furry too? :O That’s very good. But yeah I think I agree with what you’re saying too. Maybe when the boomers finally die and we inherit their money, things will be better. But oh well, life isn’t really fair. Some people win and some people lose. I try to count my blessings, regardless.
@user-te5yj4jc2r 27 күн бұрын
I’m a minor. One of the issues that I am most concerned about is climate change. I try to eat less meat, especially beef, and walk to and from school when I can to reduce my carbon footprint. I do agree with your point that under laissez-faire capitalism there is always good potential to innovate something new that can serve the world well and make a ton of money because we have free will, but I’m not hopeful for a breakthrough like any of that for fighting climate change will occur any time soon, despite the pleas I hear from climate scientists that it has to happen now, because I believe the brutal truth is that people in the US have freely chosen to keep living in a way that flagrantly contributes to climate change in the name of tried-and-true economic growth. The best I can hope for is if people have a change of heart and do their part before climate change becomes a catastrophe for everyone.
@Kasperanzaa 27 күн бұрын
Climate change is inevitable so forget doing anything to prevent it. If we are heading for catastrophe, don't be a sucker by trying to prevent it. If we're not heading for catastrophe, don't be a sucker preventing something that's already preventable. Live your life to the maximum. Drive a car as much as you want, and eat as much meat as you want. Don't sacrifice your happiness. Laugh at the morally self-righteous leftists as they give up their happiness to feed their narcissistic grandiosity. Human beings shape the environment to suit their needs, they don't adapt with the environment. Who cares what the environment is doing honestly. That's why we have air conditioners and heaters, irrigation, and electricity. Capitalism, economic growth, and innovation will protect us from the climate. Abandoning economic growth and capitalism will make everyone poorer, less innovative, have less products, and put us at the mercy of the environment. Read by The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels by Alex Epstein. Beware of the climate alarmists. They are trying to induce fear in you so that they can better control and manipulate you the same way religious people preach the apocalypse from their Bible. If both the left and right were serious about positive change, the last thing they would be doing is scaring people.
@s4nder86 27 күн бұрын
Climate change only exists in media owned by people who want to enslave you. If you didn't read the news you wouldn't have noticed a thing. You're also too young to remember they've been fearmongering for more than 50 years now and been wrong every single time.