@stefan-georgfuchs9618 5 күн бұрын
Hi, no more love for LI ? Last vid is 4 months old..All the best
@tomwithuhn9472 7 күн бұрын
100% appreciate your take on Legions Imperalis. Since GW will likely ignore the bad game design choices, I hope the community eventually comes up with a “community FAQ” for more fun LI games with your mates, outside of tournaments.
@rakshithanand8262 9 күн бұрын
Don’t forget that Primarchs are not Infantry, so Russ gains WS9(!) on the charge and thus can only be hit on 6+ even by other Primarchs at WS8.😊
@zdron07 9 күн бұрын
solar aux ultra pattern at full 20 sections and 10 command is 130 lads, id though medics in two
@ArnolddeGans 10 күн бұрын
Would love to see this info with pictures of the bases ... As a total newbie, I'm having a real struggle to figure out how this all works
@ratelmike8825 10 күн бұрын
Evening Hearesy. My son are now delving into the devil of the detail. Question i had for you regarding HQ/Command Squad. Now the starter set description lists two command squads. When we look at the section on building a formation. A single HQ detachment is listed for the compulsory requirement alongside 2 x cores and a single support. So would the 2nd command squad availablen in the box set.....is that used to make another formation?
@Mericaball 10 күн бұрын
I hope that 30k appeals more to the thematic minded players. It is reasonable to assume that anyone picking this game up is going to care more about building a reasonable, lore accurate force rather than power-gaming to the point where no one is going to want to play against you.
@cutfromstone754 11 күн бұрын
Love your videos man
@ratelmike8825 15 күн бұрын
Evening Hearesy. We've just bought the starter set plus the battlegroups for the Astartes and the Solar Auxilar. I justvhad a question having looked at the main rulebook. Data cards for units not in the rulebook do we need to buy the other book or is it best just to get the datacard packs? Appreciate your feedback
@Hearesy 15 күн бұрын
Either or. I’d skip the cards and get the book - everything in one place!
@ratelmike8825 15 күн бұрын
@@Hearesy appreciated
@alexandredenis3714 21 күн бұрын
Hey ! Love your content for heresy in general ! Will you do the flyers for marines and auxilia in imperialis ? Take care !
@starslayer2438 21 күн бұрын
Since I like to have a diverse miniature collection and prefer mixed-arms, avoiding three of the four main pitfalls is easy. However, trying to be less efficient on purpose is really hard. I may happen to run one or two suboptimal units because they are pet units of mine. But beyond that, purposefully replacing strong options with weaker ones just feels so bad to me.
@starslayer2438 24 күн бұрын
Glad to hear that Volkite Culverins work in multiple roles and are actually good. Because the way they look and the way they are carried makes a squad of Marines with them look really awesome. And they come in the same box as the lascannons, the other great weapon option!
@sharpe4239 25 күн бұрын
Great video - thanks 👍 Any chance of similar for knights?
@starslayer2438 29 күн бұрын
I built my first Contemptor with melta cannon and fist with melta gun. It just made sense to pair such similar weapons. And the short range felt less of an issue, since I want to get close to punch stuff with that powerful fist. Seems like I unknowingly hit one of your recommended loadouts. My second Contemptor is supposed to be more anti-infantry, but I wasn't sure about the loadout. After watching your video, I think I will go with plasma cannon with fist and plasma blaster. Didn't realize that it works so well against high armor infantry. And the big plasma cannon on a dreadnought just looks really cool.
@stanislavgolikov9495 Ай бұрын
Wouldn't making some sort of Malcador siege tank build also make sense? Puttings demolisher cannon as hull mounted and packing all other slots with heavy bolters. So we can possibli hit building that we are trying to storm and infantry inside it?
@Sean-nb6sj Ай бұрын
I run two units of ten for my raven guard, I play big games
@ratelmike8825 Ай бұрын
Good morning. Really enjoyed this video. My son and i are just starting in Legion Imperialis. Picking up the starter set and the new Battlegroup set at the end of June. Catching up on your content on what we should purchase next. Points wise what does the starter set give one for both armies? What would you recommend in expansions.
@Hearesy Ай бұрын
Thanks! Great to hear. I think at this point id recommend picking up what you think is coolest, but i would definitely point you in the direction of the dreadnought box for marines and more leman russes for guard!
@ratelmike8825 Ай бұрын
@@Hearesy my local shop managed to secure that new preorder for me for both the Battlegroups for Astartes and Solar Auxiliary. I do believe these two kits include what you suggest
@toooldfortwowheels2048 Ай бұрын
I fall i to this trap evwry bloody time wiith Cataphractii, "oh ill just stick this in, or that, or this" 5-600 points later 🤮
@vineheart01 Ай бұрын
I'm greatly, greatly confused at the Inferno Gun being A tier. Had it had the old Torrent rule to give it some more range and some strong angle-game i might agree, but its SO SHORT and a Warhound getting that close to infantry is usually bad news. I struggle to even get the Infernus tanks to get any worth and theyre way cheaper for an AP1 version of that gun
@vineheart01 Ай бұрын
"Gamesworkshop somehow always misvalues a reroll" oh boy aint that the truth.... 40k in the past is absolutely covered in GW giving some armies rerolls everywhere almost for free, and it baffles me. Sure i'd rather 3+ to hit vs 5+ with rerolls but thats about it, if i hit better than 5s if i can get a reroll it easily outscales better BS.
@vineheart01 Ай бұрын
Flamers might be decent now that we got Dracosans, since as far as i can tell you can disembark when a transport Marches...for some reason....but i still think theyre best as just "extra bodies" since you cannot avoid buying them, might as well use them.
@horuslupercal9936 Ай бұрын
Great show! Much appreciated!
@ratelmike8825 Ай бұрын
Just came across your channel. I always thought Imperialus was the right scale for Horus Heresy with seeing the full size of these battles with titans, armour and aircraft. I also like 28mm so it's a hard decision between Age of DARKNESS or Imperialus
@coreyr.1012 Ай бұрын
Seems good
@Fortunes.Fool. Ай бұрын
I’m still doing another masters, I’ll be done in December, but I bought a bunch of SA to build into an army because I think everyone will play marines. I have no time to build everything but I appreciate your thoughts. It sounds like SA assault options are great but their transport options aren’t good, so maybe that was meant to balance marines’ transport capacity? Maybe they wanted this to be an army that relies on good positioning to achieve good combat results? Thanks for your thoughts, I got a mishmash of SA kits from Amazon to build up assuming there are local players here in the DC area.
@matthewstratford177 Ай бұрын
Baneblades are great models but play wise not so good, pt for pt lemons and macadamias put out more devastation and survive longer.
@matthewstratford177 Ай бұрын
Have a question about sponsons. The rules state 1 laz cannon shot for sponsons ( each tank having 2 sponsons ) and 1 shot for a hull mounted laz cannon. So would you only have 2 shots total as per the verbage in the rule book. Or 3 as logically you have 3 of the same weapon.
@matthewstratford177 Ай бұрын
They should really add a points cost to legion traits. At 35pts for a basic marine base they are already too cheap when compared to 30pts for las troops
@Greg5560 Ай бұрын
Do you lose anything from a unit if you add an artificer armor consul to a terminator unit? Like adding a master of signals into a unit of tyrant seige terminators?
@davidwasilewski Ай бұрын
Why not do both? I’m sticking with Legions. I think we need to take into account it’s not a complete game yet. Super heavies, artillery etc only just appearing on the scene now.
@chitzkoi Ай бұрын
Mantic Forge Fathers absolute shit on the Votann for execution of the space dwarf aesthetic. I run my vintage squats alongside them and the compatibility is perfect.
@seanuh60 Ай бұрын
Fun video. I was looking for help understanding how many guns could go in each squad and sgt load outs to help magnetize before my rule book is delivered.
@seanuh60 Ай бұрын
I like the videos. But pictures would definitely help me stay focused while I’m distracted by painting.
@cutfromstone754 Ай бұрын
Great video and thanks
@alexalbiston5675 Ай бұрын
Yesss yesss, I am watching this for ‘good’ 👀👀
@johnalbers6153 Ай бұрын
My next game I am dropping 8 Siege dreads in pods...it's gonna be a riot
@vineheart01 2 ай бұрын
Warp missiles were basically outlawed immediately in my group. One shot weapon that can effortlessly take out 300pts or even more and only real way to fight it is to kill the shooter first somehow. Being on a Reaper, thats kinda hard. I feel like it should retain the Engine Kill to justify the one-shot, but only ignore Void shields. That way its LIKELY to really hurt but not literally auto-kill (unless youre me and always fail 2+ single die checks lol). I already basically self-impose a 10pt nerf on my auxilia planes. Even before i put them on the table i had a feeling they were a bit too good for 85pts. Now, they do die fairly easily if Skyfire finds them, but the way they move makes it pretty easy to skirt around ranges and not get hit by those skyfires. Agreed on the Leman change, ditch armorbane. I'll probably start doing that already. Comparing the two big guns i am kinda baffled the vanq exists...its not only better reach and ap but it also has armorbane for some reason. Only penalty it has is Anti-Tank so if it hits infantry for some reason its AP0.
@AdoringAdmirer 2 ай бұрын
Fuck, I bought 5 of these thinking i could build a squad from them, now i see you need 10 minimum and I feel stupid.
@kristianjensen5877 2 ай бұрын
Heavy Flamers and Multi Meltas need to get close to be really effective. *Armillus Dynat has entered the chat*
@dmcdraws 2 ай бұрын
Just to make sure I've got it right... as they have Line, they can be taken as a mandatory troop choice?
@Harem__King 2 ай бұрын
Says we’re not going to talk about best weapons. Entire video talks about best tanks and waste of points
@pads-zr9ln 2 ай бұрын
Is there no heavy support video, theyve been fantastic but got to get my tread head on
@pads-zr9ln 2 ай бұрын
I think im goung to have to work on my paint acheme if im painting 60+ of these guys
@collinnicaise7806 2 ай бұрын
Just found your channel today and it makes for great listening while painting LI models. I look forward to binging the rest of your videos while I paint my minis!
@calebfaires9782 2 ай бұрын
Would be interesting to compare the conversion beam option to that of the Direwolf since they both fit in that same 1500 point game range.
@bryanallen3939 2 ай бұрын
I feel that these guys with multimeltas or Volkite culverins in a salamanders list would go hard
@rolotoure 2 ай бұрын
Am i the only one spotting the thunderhawk gunship at 150 points as insane OP. Volume of fire so it can kill infantry, skyfire it can kill air, tutan killer weapons and armour bane weapons. It has 25 inch movement with flyer, 2+ save with jink and as a flyer massivley reduces viable wepaons to shoot it down. And transprts 8 stands even if bulky with assault transport. For 150 points. And you thought solar axillia flyers were broken lol. Its objectively better than a warhound titan in speed, fire power and matches it in durability. And its less than half the points and a transport
@Hearesy 2 ай бұрын
It isnt OP because its still fragile for its points and doesnt have that many guns for its points, really. its really good though as it does a lot of stuff!
@juliangonzales3490 2 ай бұрын
I literally been holding them one at a time. I will definitely try this next time. Thanks for the idea.
@kieranweller8523 2 ай бұрын
Currently playing night lords with 4 preads w conversion beams or Melta cannonfor Anti Tank
@Vroomerz 2 ай бұрын
Pick a color, your favorite color, or a color you like. Paint. Win.