What Does JetBlue Do NOW?
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Are the A350 & 787 a Fire Hazard?
JetBlue Can't Win.
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The Last 747
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@IamDon675 44 секунд бұрын
If it’s Boeing, I ain’t going! Airbus only baby 🤟🏽
@Goofy_gobber3 6 минут бұрын
Come on Boeing be like Airbus
@eyaswoo1483 Сағат бұрын
Hooray! A bad news (who the hell cares if it's true or manipulated to be provocative) of China makes my day! -- a business demand for YTbers like you.
@manitw.4998 2 сағат бұрын
Engineers: “Sir this might compromise flight safet-“ CEO: *“I DON’T GIVE A SHETehhhhh”*
@rrwithsteve895 3 сағат бұрын
This video didn't age well. There's more whistleblowers coming out mentioning more defects and risks with other Boeing planes such as the 787s Two whistleblowers are dead and the current Boeing CEO (at the time of this comment) Dave Calhoun even acknowledged that "the company had retaliated against employees who have raised safety concerns." I like aircraft and I love hearing and seeing stuff all the time but at the same time what Boeing execs have admitted to makes one wonder, what are they not willing to admit.
@aarronhanson6248 3 сағат бұрын
Eygpt air has also ditched A220 due to engine unreliability.
@aarronhanson6248 3 сағат бұрын
A A220-500 will struggle with range and they will have to beat the Max 8 to obtain their goal.
@bradforddavis6497 4 сағат бұрын
You know how to fix this? Quit flying.
@markfisher5628 4 сағат бұрын
Flew on a Boeing from Shanghai to New Zealand I'm happy I made it back in one piece
@robby8558 6 сағат бұрын
Designed by a diversity hire.
@rickwensel2313 6 сағат бұрын
People, when are you going to wake up? Boeing doesn't care about civilians. they only want the massive amounts of Government military funds. PERIOD!
@Juanchistanchis 7 сағат бұрын
@kaialduwehri3255 8 сағат бұрын
They need to be shutdown and investigated
@soothsayer2406 8 сағат бұрын
yo bro this is their 2nd attempt..much like BYD's cars that came out in the early 2000s.....Watch out 10 to 15 years from now...don't be surprised if they start banning cheaper higher quality wide-body planes from Comac because of the contrived "Over Capacity" trope.....
@geoff1201 9 сағат бұрын
Boeing brought this on themselves.
@ct2586 10 сағат бұрын
I say lock up the criminals at Boeing. Its sad what they have done to one of America's great manufacturers
@tonycardenas7235 11 сағат бұрын
I was on Air India flight flying into India. The pilot failed the both attempts to land. The third time he overshot it and we slowed all the way to fence line basically. It was scary.
@niradnagrom2356 11 сағат бұрын
Next time I fly I'm making sure I won't be coming or going on a Boeing!
@martinheijden1418 11 сағат бұрын
If i was on a plane i would not even consider blocking the view 😂
@assafweiss8078 12 сағат бұрын
You "forgot" to mention another major reason - Flying Boeing at the moment is a major PR issue, I'm pretty sure this went into consideration too.
@kimmyk1 12 сағат бұрын
Is this by design? For years limited issues. Now every week. Explosions all over. Bridges coming down. Food plays destroyed one after another. Etc etc. unbelievable friends
@WhyWouldYouCareYT 13 сағат бұрын
Its not underpowered tho...is it? As much as you say it. Doesnt get more true? XD Its hasnt failed to take of or land a single time. did it?
@WhyWouldYouCareYT 13 сағат бұрын
Your doing as if taking of slower and climbing slower...would not be EXACTLY what you want as a passenger?
@WhyWouldYouCareYT 13 сағат бұрын
Yeah that might sound great. But in reality. That "leisurly" acceleration etc. Thats EXACTLY what you want when transporting passenger. The "lumbering beast" type of plane. Are UNDENYABLY the by far better flying experience for people. Like the difference between a sportcar...and a mercedes limousine. BOTH are powerfull. But one feels like you drive THE ROAD. The other feels like your sitting on a bubble of air.
@laxnative4622 13 сағат бұрын
The engines are Boeing's responsibility, even if they don't design or manufacture them. Boeing chooses the manufacturer and approves the cost, design and installation. It's an integral part of THEIR product.
@thevideoplayer111 14 сағат бұрын
Boeing is also hiring people that don’t know what they are doing!!
@debunker2673 14 сағат бұрын
Treated unfairly? My ass.
@flygirl4eva165 14 сағат бұрын
Maybe boyfriend at the top should take a pay cut! How ‘bout that? Boeing wont last. Quality started going south when the first 737s came online 30 years ago. The aircraft would start doing what it wanted…..turning. Pilots were complaining then.
@Railandairyoutube 16 сағат бұрын
Both Boeing crashes had absolutely NOTHING to do with them. They both had maintenence issues. Lion Air 610 and Ethiopan 302 happened due to a problem with AOA sensor; one was inadequatly fitted, the other was faulty due to shitty maintenence. The Alaska incident was Boeing's fault, yes, but it was fixed in under 1 month for all 737s and 787s in the world. Boeing. Is. Not. Evil.
@Thewalrus0275 18 сағат бұрын
Imagine chomping at the bit for information about windowshades on a japanese airplane 😂😂😂 get a life!
@temujin0911 18 сағат бұрын
who in their right mind would want to fly in a plane made by the chinese... if their cars breakdown so easily at least you can still walk away from it... not sure if you can do that on a plane at 25000 feet...
@jimadkins4772 19 сағат бұрын
Good video
@hildavieira9463 19 сағат бұрын
@kathemhajk2810 20 сағат бұрын
its good enough for the chinise when they get red of boing and airbus. how many planes that would bee? after 10 years everything will bee changed.
@GG.823 20 сағат бұрын
The dark side of boeing is "what is maintenence ?"
@mobymoby274 20 сағат бұрын
It seems that the Congress committee has every right to question boing CEO, Asking him about the safety measures that were not taken into account of several issues like this one. Yet, he made 33 million dollars last year.
@krutoyslon3479 21 сағат бұрын
What about MCAS
@ipdavid1043 22 сағат бұрын
nope...and it ain't safe at all
@finnishgovernment2583 19 сағат бұрын
It's not normal tape
@Goodscratcher_YT 22 сағат бұрын
Unfortunately the mcdonell douglas management will drag embraer through the mud just like boeing
@souvikcseiitk 22 сағат бұрын
People who travel by train 🚂😊
@cashflownpv 23 сағат бұрын
Typical parochial short term myopic Western view. Just like how no one wanted solar panels, cars, ships, HSR, 5G, cell phones, etc from the Chinese in the past. Fast forward a few decades later and here we are-the West hates Chinese tech so much that they take protectionist measures because they can't compete. As the OP stated no one wants the C919. You know what I say no one wants it yet. Give it some time and they'll eat the naysayers lunches in regard to aviation as they have with other industries.
@tanvt8924 23 сағат бұрын
Yeah no one wants it! Who wanted to kiss goodbye to their life by flying with boeing 737 max?
@libturdcrusher1776 23 сағат бұрын
Liberalism is a mental disorder. America needs to get back to normal. Those racist old white guys from the beginning of America up until the early 90s weren't so bad afterall!
@otoonshd8792 Күн бұрын
The Max is offically McDonald Douglas's child/creation. Let's see the exploding doors like that of the dc10's cargo doors Spoilers not deploying or deploying randomly like that of the dc 8 variants when pilots would select rhe oilers to the armed position with the intention of them deploying upon touchdown, however many cases of spoilers to deploy midair. Due to a 2009 or 2012 order from American airlines (I forgot the year). Boeing scrapped their new narrowbodied aircraft to make an extended variant of the 737. Similar to how McDonald Douglas management would very rarely put resources into making new models, which kinda explains why the dc10(1970) and md11(1999)are similar despite appearing almost 20 apart. Compared to to boeing who in that 20 year timespan had different aircraft to compete in the aviaton market. What's next landing gear collaping issues of the md 11?
@user-rg7vs7qh8m Күн бұрын
12 whistle blowers first 2 died an untimely death
@richiet3841 Күн бұрын
When it is determined that cause of fatality was lack of the safety system, then Congress will be blamed. Its inevitable.
@tomasgeraldis Күн бұрын
Embraer is stable, comfortably positioned in its market, boeing is in chaos mode, no money to buy embraer, also the deal is not possible considering the terms that were agreed upon when embraer was made private in the 90s
@tomasgeraldis Күн бұрын
Boeing need to focus on itself, fix its own problems with the MAX and 787 programs
@emmettkennedy8388 Күн бұрын
1:30 have yall ever been through SEA airport? The traffic getting in and out is terrible. I once waited 3 hours in the bus for the traffic to lessen. Mind you it was 2:30 AM
@calvin_hk Күн бұрын
What's the point in this story ? Lol