@dmitryreshetko9 21 күн бұрын
that very Poland which with hyena appetite had only six months before joined in the pillage and destruction of the Czechoslovak State.
@soledadnegrete836 Ай бұрын
@catnap387 2 ай бұрын
Very enlightening and enjoyable. More of these lectures about Ukraine need to be taught and understood
@paulschrum4727 3 ай бұрын
I disagree with Anne @9:58 (and following 10 seconds). The US and GB were sending defensive weapons, especially Javelins and NLAW's as fast as they could fly them there starting in late January 2022 precisely because they thought Ukraine had a chance. Yes, we were skeptical (evidenced by Biden's offer to get Zelenskyy out of Kiev), but we had been training them for years, and we wanted to give them what they needed to fight back because we knew they would fight back.
@vf220a 4 ай бұрын
Probably Marci in need for reeducation in primary school ? Full scale example of incompetence with selfish arrogance.
@JJ-Cool15 5 ай бұрын
Anyone else always see Sam the Eagle (Muppets) when Mark Hertling is interviewed???
@afkfromk1 6 ай бұрын
Ukraine is a part of Russia. Greetings from Norway
@JosuaKylie 6 ай бұрын
Quite ignorant and often also openly incompetent claims by this everything else than objectivly judging person. And she is even surpassed by this person rising fully stupid questions. However the interviewers manage to follow at least a halfway acceptable line. My central point: How can it be, that an alleged professor of politology does not even mention the MINSK AGREEMENTS and their role in the whole conflict even ONCE? Russia followed more than eight years of military build-up in Ukraine by USNATOEU, accompaigned by a true civil war against the separatist regions in the east and many more openly aggressive acts of the offical Kiew - Under these agreements and in expectance of the obligations Ukraine aggreed to in these papers. Selenky admitted in german magazine SPIEGEL on January 2023 that HE decided to dirch these agreements. Furthermore during 2021 there was a lot of openly antirussian (and even antidemocratic) legislation in Ukraine - and not to forget the Black Sea Incident in June 21. Not to talk about the tremendous increase of pounding civil aereas in LPR und DPR by ukrainian forces in the last 2-3 week before the Russia startet her SMO. Not to mention the very deep entanglement of USNATOEU secret services in creating a fully astroturfed "ukrainian civil society" - what is proven by TV Series "Servant of the People" and what could be seen on almost every 2nd politically relevant website like Myrotvorets. InformNapalm etc. till today,,,. The most offending claims of Shevel however are her belittlements of the ukrainian ultranationalism and truly existing Fascism predominantly in western Ukraine. This has clearly historical roots and has covertly been supported by US all the way down to the 1920s...
@martinmart481 8 ай бұрын
This women was trying to deliver some suitable for US version of Maidan, but absence of any knowledge about it , make it so childish and laughable!
@martinmart481 8 ай бұрын
This women has no idea about Eastern Europe. It’s so laughable what she is delivering , that even Ukrainian media cut many things from her article about Maidan, which will make Ukrainians raise eyebrows. Ukrainian or Russian child knows better about this time then this “professor”.
@airtc777 8 ай бұрын
It's all nonsense!!!! She doesn't know anything!!!! Damn fake maker!!!!! "Beach"!
@Gettingback997 8 ай бұрын
Thanks for a great conversation
@drewmcmillan3462 9 ай бұрын
Why is everyone so mindlessly in line with the worldwide fake news propaganda about a Russian war against Ukraine ?? It is actually Zelenskyy’ Ukraine U.S. UK and NATO’s war against Russia. There has never yet been any Russia’s war against Ukraine… Every intelligent person knows it, and if you do not know it by now, I sincerely believe you never will…
@NeoCynic1 9 ай бұрын
A crying shame that a war's first supporters, like this despicable neocon, are never its last victims, like this despicable neocon should be.
@shadetreader 10 ай бұрын
Ukraine, Russia, and the US are infested with fascists.
@CoolClearWaterNM 10 ай бұрын
More of a re-write than a write. CIA organized coup removing the legitimate government? Didn't happen. People of Donbass being slaughtered by the Ukrainian government? Didn't happen. So many things that were well known (and part of the permanent record) before February of 2022 didn't happen. Minsk agreements? Didn't happen. This is just like Palestine. Slap, slap, slap, slap, slap until you get slapped back, then cry 'foul! dindu nuffin!' People voting to leave Ukraine. Didn't happen. People voting to join Russia. Didn't happen. So much total BS to support the most corrupt, least democratic government in Europe. The record is there. Why the hell would anyone support Ukraine?
@christinamuzzu6414 10 ай бұрын
Just discovered this fantastic presentation - thank you for this important clarification for us non-Ukrainians who have grown up hearing next to nothing about this country, not by accident. The speaker really sheds light on Russian people's (no, NOT just Putin's) complicity and active efforts to steal from Ukraine, both literally and figuratively. Silicon Curtain now also has several excellent interviews with art historians and curators that confirm the very long history of colonialist paradigms.
@johnsnowkumar359 10 ай бұрын
She is a genius. She is also up to no good, most likely. In 1932 and 1933, the United States should have set up food camps in every district of Ukraine, Japan, Africa and Asia. The average lawmaker of European national origin will want to feed Europeans. She should have set up many food camps in all places where there was hunger, most likely. No local leader, communist or Democrat or Republican would have stopped her from setting up food camps in rural areas of Ukraine during a holodor (famine) most likely. Action speaks for itself. She is up to no good. She should have tossed out chocolates to the children of Tokyo from the window of her aircraft windows in 1949. She is up to no good. For instance, I had once decided to open a food bank in south east Oklahoma City, Has she ever done that?
@yuryodesa7564 11 ай бұрын
Russians are all putins
@xushenxin Жыл бұрын
I don't understand. Why this Mitter guy speaking with British accent? It is very insulting. You speak American, Indian, Chinese, French, Russian accent, but do NOT speak using British accent! Especially in public!
@Kavala76 Жыл бұрын
One minute searching the internet will reveal that Mitter was born in Cambridge, grew up on the south coast of England and was educated at Lancing College and King's College, Cambridge. What accent would you expect him to have? Why does it upset you? SMH
@Gettingback997 8 ай бұрын
“ This Mitter Guy “ is very crude talk
@gordeaux2006 4 ай бұрын
He is British
@yp77738yp77739 Жыл бұрын
Who was this idiot, first war in Europe since WW2. Suppose this “eminent” historian forgot about Serbia.
@Ian-vj5pv Жыл бұрын
How can you reconcile bestial and barbaric murders committed by bandera followers, including Babi Yar and Wolyn 1943 AND official kijev's cult of banderra and commanders of upa, ss galitzien etc?
@davidrave563 Жыл бұрын
Ane is a criminal globalists
@Larkinchance Жыл бұрын
What happened to the adverb, "unprovoked" ... Ukraine emerged as a multi-ethnic independent state, not through revolution, but as a result of the 1991 Soviet collapse. This alone made it a family matter. The 2014 US backed coup set Ukraine on a course for Ukrainian nationalism at the expense of a large ethnic Russian population that were now Ukrainian citizens. This war on its own citizens was cultivated and supported by the US as a strategic opportunity to engage Russia indirectly. This war was provoked. I hold the minority opinion in the West that Putin did the right thing. The US did not make it a secret of its plans for Russia and if Putin had waited until Ukraine had achieved NATO membership, It would have been too late. Ukraine has been treated like a pawn by the US. This war did not have to happen!. Siding with neither Russia or the US, two nuclear armed world powers engaged conflict with no talk of diplomacy is the most dangerous course in world history.
@user-xq1wz3tp5z 5 ай бұрын
I tend to agree. The catastrophic mistake was when Clinton Administration, having inherited commendable relations with sundered Russia from G.H.W. Bush Admin ... pissed it away. Russia is Not a natural enemy of the US. Clinton Admin abandoned Russia to a more severe economic collapse than the Great Depression. Still, Putin attempted to be a cooperative friend/ally, until W.Bush(43) Admin invaded Iraq(Libya,Syria) on false pretenses, unilaterally abandoned missile control treaties ... DETERMINED THAT GEORGIA AND UKRAINE WOULD BE INCLUDED IN NATO. * * US declined to negotiate with Russia while 200,000 Russian troops amassed in December'21 (Stoltenberg&Blinken refused to reconsider that NATO might be perceived as a threat); then in March/April when Ergodan hosted Putin & Zelensky who came to agreement, US + U.K. told Zelensky 'No Agreement, make war'.
@Larkinchance Жыл бұрын
Respectfully, Ukraine emerged as a multi-ethnic independent state, not through revolution, but as a result of the 1991 Soviet collapse. This alone made it a family matter. The 2014 US backed coup set Ukraine on a course for Ukrainian nationalism at the expense of a large ethnic Russian population that were now Ukrainian citizens. This war on its own citizens was cultivated and supported by the US as a strategic opportunity to engage Russia indirectly. This war was provoked. I hold the minority opinion in the West that Putin did the right thing. The US did not make it a secret of its plans for Russia and if Putin had waited until Ukraine had achieved NATO membership, It would have been too late. Ukraine has been treated like a pawn by the US. This war did not have to happen!
@mikhailskliar3347 Жыл бұрын
2013-2014 Revolution of Dignity was about Ukraine joining the European Union, as then-president Yanukovych promised to pursue as a matter of policy. The vast majority of Ukrainians broadly supported this revolution. "Ukrainian nationalism" overtones in this societal movement were from those "nationalists" who know better that if protests fail, the next step will be the prosecution and the attacks on freedom. This happened in Russia after the 2012 protests that Putin attributed to American incitement (a complete lie, by the way). Current anti-Russian sentiment in Ukraine results from the 2014 and 2022 genocidal war waged by Russians. In this respect, Ukrainians are but one nation in the union of anti-Russian sociates that learned the lesson of Russian Imperialism the hard way.
@Larkinchance Жыл бұрын
@@mikhailskliar3347 All due respect, it was not about joining the EU. It was about Joining NATO, a military alliance hostile to Russia. Right or wrong Russia's reaction was predictable. The US's participation is not about Ukraine, it is a geopolitical opportunity to weaken Russia and as it turns out, the EU another pier competitor to the US. They don't care about Ukrainians any more than they cared about Afghani or Iraqi, Libyan or Syrians. Ukraine has the misfortune to be a pawn between to world powers. The first casualty of war really is the truth.. In following this terrible war is that both sides portray themselves as saintly. This is the most dangerous war in history because both countries have heightened the spector of nuclear weapons...
@dwl3006 Жыл бұрын
Zelensky's Servant of the People was not an accident. He was groomed for that role and the geniuses behind that show figured out how to make a political ad campaign that subliminally groomed the Ukrainian national consciousness while also profiting from a popular television series. (Zelensky admits as much by implication in one of his interviews)
@yvonnejoseph4841 Жыл бұрын
How unethical to talk about individuals in this way on...shocking and you should be ashamed of yourselves for such low standards of professional practice.
@Aussie-Mocha Жыл бұрын
@Skimeric 6 ай бұрын
If you're referring to that one moment where they were discussing the Russian central bank minister, I think it would be naive to assume that people don't judge those in places of power, even if they may not be there by choice. If you are a public figure, you will be judged publicly. That's just life. It's not even a matter of ethics...
@ericwillis777 Жыл бұрын
Their system, who are they ? Only a minority of kleptocratic autocrats "own" that "system". It's just ruthless gangsters, with the "cover story" of being a government !
@mikeklein4949 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@mikeklein4949 Жыл бұрын
We blew it in not demonstratng determination to resist autocractic bullies by allowing Putin's siezure of Crimea.
@raymondmay2136 Жыл бұрын
There is no stupid question mid way on why journalist can not see it all! But the rest and Shevel were excellent.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
The Russian Efforts to cut Donbas area Troops off from more NATO supplies and end the Conflict without needless suffering was interrupted as the Azov Guys began to act in a Ruthless manner in Mariupol. The Force that was dispatched to move to cut the southern Route to Eastern Ukraine off, lost their support as Troops were diverted to deal with the actions of Azov. The Group who had penetrated to the area of Vozensensk were abandoned to find their own way back, as the Azov were shooting everything that moved in Mariupol. The Interviews with Residents, reveal the ability of Azov to commit Atrocities. But Kyiv was worried about the Bucha event, that has yet to be investigated by impartial sources.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Rana Mitter appears to downplay the effects of the US assuming that Taiwan is indeed a Colonial accessory of the US economic System, appears to hinge on the BRICS Association putting the US Economy out of business? If China and Russia along with the Global South becoming trade associates is dismissed the entire concept of capitalist Exploitation remains as some constant reminder of the powers of Colonial Empires, and Gunboat Diplomacy. When does mutual respect for other Nations become a part of Human interests as we regard other Nations? Or is Military Force providing cheap goods from less powerful Nations the prime objective? Conversations about the future of Capitalism appear to be limited, but apparently related to the US regard for the BRICS Group?
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
@@arisnotheles Just because the use of capital has been around for 6,000 years, there is no actual secure reason to continue to support that system. As Investors are drawn to a Gold Backed Currency, the US Dollar and the Euro appear to become as insignificant as Mongolonian Stock after the demise of the Golden Horde. Skip your superior attitude, please? The US Investor Class assumed they were incapable of failure in 1929 as well.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Should the rhetoric indicate the $50 billion worth of weapons donated by the US, before Russia intervened? The presence of NATO Forces displaying weapons and tactics in Romania and Poland, before Russia deployed Troops to reinforce their Western Borders, appears to demonstrate the US was involved since 2014 in provocations and the $22 billion of IMF funds were apparently used to stuff the Pockets of Oligarchs like Rinat Akhmetov with a few Billion before He departed for the Netherlands. Continuing the use of the terms like "Russia's Invasion of Ukraine" or "Russia's War on Ukraine", appear to demonstrate a propaganda slant that does little to advance any discussion of the conflict? The "Defense of Capitalist Exploitation" appears to be another blatant form of clickbait that does little to advance understanding of the situation. If you desire actual debate about the conflict, the use of Propaganda style terms appear to diminish actual conversation? Tarzan hates Nazis....
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
George Masons proposition of a Bill of Rights, appeared to have the first two amendments enter into an argument that lasts to this day. The parade of propaganda producing people who appear selected to embleeish the statement, "The Full Scale Invasion of Ukraine", appears to accompany the efforts of Wall Street to contribute to the US Government Budget that feeds an institution that a couple former Presidents warned us about. The US Invasion of Vietnam as well as Iraq were created by Propaganda that has since been revealed as Colonialism and exploitation. The Use of the term Intervention by Russia as the US poured over $50 billion worth of weapons and Training into a Corrupt Nation that was purchased with around $22 billion from IMF Funds, seems to avoid the facts that surround all Colonial Invasions? Is Russia attempting to protect the area of Donbas that they have rebuilt after invasion by Western Europeans once again? Is the culture and heritage of the Ukraine area not simply the victim of Empires seeking to expand their influence? Look at the eyes of Women who now are in the middle of this Conflict, and see if the effects of Conquest and invasions by every Empire previously assumed to be the ultimate, has inflicted countless harm on the Women of the area between Europe and Asia? I suggest the beautiful eyes of Olena Tsybulska.... But there are countless examples. The Babuska with the Russian Flag was a good one....
@roseblue3368 Жыл бұрын
Its not the russian ukranian war, its the russian war on ukraine just with that it denotes you only look to russia not ukraine
@dwl3006 Жыл бұрын
so the Ruso-Japanese war is now the Japanese war on Russia according to you?
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
This Guy spouts complaints about Russian News sources, while Western Media never seem to dare to visit Donetsk. Western Media as well as US State Department lies seem to be abundant.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like all the rest of the Western propaganda? Confusing Russia removing Electric Trains from the logistics of the conflict with terrorizing Civilians, appears to be a way to overcome the fact that if the US had not delivered $50 billion worth of weapons to Kyiv, the fighting may never have happened? The ability to probe where the US gets cheap goods from and why Russia and China appear to shelter those nations from exploitation, appears missing from the conversation? The conflict that Victoria Nuland and Saakashvili kicked off had US CIA support since 1950, as ex Nazi Soldiers were dumped into Ukraine to help promote Bandera Supporters of Galicia. But we never seem to ask the difficult questions now do we? The US killed around 6 million Vietnam Citizens, as the effort to exploit that Nation for Anaconda and Chase Bank was conducted for over 10 years, That was called an "Intervention".....
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Like the slideshow failure, the Western Fiat Dollar seems to be sliding into an economic ditch, with no bottom. The pathetic attempts to present a Russia Bad / USA Good image appears to be losing ground faster than money? The Ukraine Conflict appears to be as important to Jamie Diamon as the work of Hitler to exploit Caspian Oil for the Krupps? Capitalism appears to be losing?
@RimaFair Жыл бұрын
"Plokhii", translated ftom Ukrainian, means "bad". Im a Ukrainian and can tell you, that guy lives up to his name! And his opinions are truly nationalistic, rather than fair.
@romapupilla3794 8 ай бұрын
You are false ukrainian, You rather kinda soviet pro-russian bot, just saying bullshit about very kind and good-natured person, famous historian
@RimaFair 8 ай бұрын
@romapupilla3794 and you sound like a poor little pupil Mowgli, unable to analyse the world around him.
@catnap387 3 ай бұрын
ruZZian troll
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Unless the Crackers begin to address the fact that Putin announced an alternative loan program, to free Nations from the US Colonial efforts, the discussion is worthless? US domination of world trade and the regulation of values by the SDR system, now faces a direct challenge. That appears to be the core argument between the former Colonial Empires and the Colonies? Until that basic question is addressed, and the ethics of forcing Nations to hand over resources at gunpoint are resolved, the discussion will wait till the BRICS Summit in August.... Nations with well over half of the resources available on this fragile planet, will meet in Durban South Africa and stand in opposition to the domination of the Fiat Dollar. Respect for their stand seems to be needed?
@alexnovo8844 Жыл бұрын
According to various web sources, comm'l terms of f16 purchase deals vary widely. It's true that Ukraine currently wouldn't be able to afford any of them, though.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
The available resources to continue the Industrial demise of the Natural elements of our environment, are now within the BRICS Group of trading Partners. Acess to those resources is apparently becoming more expensive as the BRICS Group now has attracted Nations who represent over half of the available resources on the planet. The fact that Capitalist Nations exploit resources until they can not obtain another ounce of profits, is what appears to define a difference between the Capitalist and Communist Nations. The Commies have resources and they have attracted friends. The Capitalist Nations of the G-7, appear to desire to take the resources by force. Like Hitler being advised to exploit Caspian Oil, the concept appears to be a threat to the Russian Empire? Hitler learned a valuable lesson as the Russian Troops approached his Bunker. The US should refer to that harsh lesson and refrain from making the same mistake?
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
The General assumes that a US Military threat inside Germany, is going to assure that the US will always be able to control German political directions. The US sabotage of Nordstream appears to undermine any authority the US had ever had in Europe. As the US deteriorates economically, from dedicating support to Military Bully tactics in the various locations the US desires to exploit economically, the ability to continue to exert force to influence political actions is diminished. The World will not change overnight, but the clear demonstrations of the end of US influence that began to deteriorate as Truman became President, now are becoming a bit more visible. The ability to take money from individuals with force, is called theft. The ability to steal from other Nations with a Foreign Legion, has been called Empire.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
Historians should be capable of noticing how many returning Russian Soldiers were employed in Donbas as the effort to reconstruct the area after Nazi occupation, in 1945. The economics of operating Mines and Industry that was suddenly left without a sponsor to pay to keep the area operating, Kyiv appeared to have no spare Change to offer. But when Putin announced that a new BRICS Bank would be offering IMF style loans, the US began to arm Kyiv. The affair is economic, and the $22 billion the INF provided, appeared to leave the country in suitcases and Fiat Dollars in the pocket of Oligarchs like Rinat Akhmetov. Installing Saakashvili as Odessa Governor appeared to be an asset to the US like the CIA Former Nazi soldiers who began to sneak into Ukraine in 1950. The Historians pick the stories they want to describe. Viking roots like Persian, Greek, Mongolian, Austrian or Polish heritage shaped a very well mixed population. The ability to appeal to the desire for the return of Galicia, or the Golden Horde, seemed to be simple? The events on March 16 2021 that the NATO Forces demonstrated in Poland and Romania, appeared to get Russian attention, as did the NATO Artillery falling for 8 years on Donbas. The Russians started deploying Troops along their Borders after the NATO mini Operation Barbarossa was noticed. Historians appear to say what they are supposed to say......
@romapupilla3794 8 ай бұрын
US didn’t begin to arm Ukraine This is false statement
@romapupilla3794 8 ай бұрын
Rest of your statements just a propaganda conspiracy narratives
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
NATO Weapons land every day inside Russia. That seems to indicate that Kyiv is simply a US Proxy Dupe.
@margiedavidson1685 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your services to our country.
@sciencetechnology9167 Жыл бұрын
Людей нужно учить. Сами они ничего не поймут. Например : Ответ россиянам, которые заявляют, что они Русь, просто Маасковская... Гийом де Рубрук, посланник французского короля Луи IX к монголам. Отчет брата Вильгельма Рубрука о его поездке на восток в годах от 1253 до 1255: K северу от Перекопа лежит Русь, в которой всюду леса, она протянулась от Польши и Венгрии до Танаиса (Дона). Эта река является восточной границей Руси. Роджер Бэкон, английский философ, Великое произведение, 1266-68 r. А к северу от Кассарии (Крыма) расположена великая Русь, которая простирается от Польши, с одной своей стороны, и тянется к Танаису (Дону) ... А на восточной границе Руси с Аланией, куда приходят купцы и прочий люд, идущий из Венгрии, Империи, Польши и Руси, есть поселения, где на кораблях переправляются через реку Танаис. Именно поэтому, настоящая Русь, как тогда, так и сегодня - від Сяну до Дону Миф разрушен ☝ Сразу после завоевании Ростово-Суздальской земли, которая в те времена называлась Мещерой, хан Батый закрепил большую часть Мещерского улуса, ставшего неотъемлемой частью Золотой Орды, за своим братом Чилаукуном и его родом. На территории Мещерского улуса Золотой Орды в течение 1238-1239 годов хан Чилаукун переселил четыре рода: ширинов, аргынов, барынов, татар. Общая численность переселенных в Мещерский улус тюркских племен составляла 60000 человек. В то время, когда местное финское население насчитывало около 50-60 тысяч. Именно из этого конгломерата финских и тюркских племен впоследствии появились московиты, которые сами назвали себя в XVIII веке русскими. Никакой "России" в 1710 году не существовало, это ещё было Московское царство. Московиты, до конца 18 века ещё не европейское, а азиатское государство, условную границу между Европой и Азией перетянут с Дона , где ее признавали тысячелетиями на Волгу, а позже и вообще в середину северной Азии на Урал только под конец 18 века. Московиты узурпировали имя России. Они не славяне, а монголы и финны. Московию от орды освободило Крымское Ханство. "Россия" - владелица краденной собственности.
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
This certainly sounds like propaganda ? The apparent efforts of the US to weaponize LNG, appear to be what the conflict began around? The Sanctions based on lies are as difficult to uphold as the Yellowcake Images....
@danielhutchinson6604 Жыл бұрын
The propaganda appears to be disputed by the released documents, appears to be demonstrated as phony? The Documents appear to show that the Government has lied to support Wall Street Profits. The intro appears to demonstrate a failure to understand that Russia is defending themselves as NATO Weapons are currently hitting Russia, as well as Donbas targets. The Power Sub Stations that were providing power to Rail Systems, was a strategic effort to stop the use of Electric Trains. The Distortion of facts that make it appear otherwise are as phony as the words of Governmant Leaders who attempt to sell us Yellow cake.