@magicsinglez Күн бұрын
I speeded up your already-speeded-up video, speed, 2x, the video was still too slow.
@albinscott Күн бұрын
This video was quite a journey... Thank you, Marshie!
@lavlavnder Күн бұрын
not you cheekily putting the last kaliodsaur in the yuck section before replacing it with the right quest
@cuecrunch Күн бұрын
7:40 pretty sure vampiric blood was in March of the Lich king which came before nathria
@thecheezeiestofmen2355 Күн бұрын
Yet another marshterpiece
@thecheezeiestofmen2355 Күн бұрын
Yet another marshterpiece
@oliverklozov Күн бұрын
These videos have been amazing, and doing them prerelease is giving me hopium for all the quests I've kept.
@ShuckleShellAnemia Күн бұрын
Command the elements goes into Yuk tier for being oppressive and boring in Duels: The hero power was passive: you cannot overload. So the deck was just point cards at your opponent’s face until they explode, and you didn’t even interact with overload as a mechanic, which imo the unlocking the mana crystals on the first reward was the most interesting effect of the deck in constructed.
@ShuckleShellAnemia Күн бұрын
Your philosophy is interesting. You want the requirement to have synergy with the reward. I always felt that it was way more interesting to make the reward strong enough to warrant building your deck around 2 different synergies.
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
Thats how it works with waygate, the reward is busted but also flexible, you can do a lot of stuff with it. Lets you build to activate it but also leaves room for a way to make use of the reward. Rise’s rewards are inflexible, strong but you must build for recruits. To make the reward worth it your deck has to be recruit focused, but to activate it your deck needs to be mostly 1-costs. Each side is too demanding, they need to have more synergy.
@ShuckleShellAnemia Күн бұрын
@@MartianBuu yes, I know the strongest quests work that way, I just mean as far as how cool or interesting a card is, it’s better to make it choose how much you want to devote to completing the quest vs how much you want to take advantage of the quest’s reward.
@juridicopable Күн бұрын
34:59 i remember really enjoying the corrupt combo deck from Darkmoon Faire in Standard, but it WAS pretty bad (my deckbuilding didn't help either)..
@Bob_Bobinson Күн бұрын
not putting the demon seed and defend the dwavern district into yuck is a cardinal sin
@CountFab Күн бұрын
I think that The Demon Seed is actually a super interesting card, that I would love to just be jank. Unfortunately, Crystalliser lets you complete the quest with no downside, and Giants (or the 0 mana 4/4 from Titans) let you fight for board, so with a good highroll you even beat aggro.
@Raigaara Күн бұрын
The tier list was solid, but for the yuck tier it should definitely have been lore walker or millhouse in the first slot
@haroldlabarre9990 Күн бұрын
The queen marsh is underated, the card got a huge buff, and its kind of an aggro deck with late game potential with raptors and you can make them charge with the 5 mana rhino for a potential burst. It got some good tools over the time but people didnt noticed mutch
@LukaLukonators Күн бұрын
nooo my corrupt the waterinioo....
@fam3871 Күн бұрын
If Corrupt the Waters goes in Yuck so does this tierlist 😤 Why does bro hate consistency 😞
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
I love that you came to the short to say this 🤣
@ph1lny3 Күн бұрын
Some thoughts on these: I think my favorite version of Seek Guidance is the "oops all minions" version. Was a fun deckbuilding challenge, and using Abbess made getting your wincon off much more trivial than the conventional list (at the cost of binking yourself hard by not running any spells). I liked that QL Shaman had two approaches: heavy burn, or plop big stats with spores/echoes. My favorite part of Bazaar was the weird interactions like Secret Passage to only require one burgle spell to complete, plus I liked having (at least conceptually) consistent face dmg that trades the infinite dream of Spectral Cutlass for being easier to highroll and fight aggro boards and being much less susceptible to weapon hate. Huge rant because Caverns Rogue was the reason I got into Wild: I think Caverns Rogue now is pretty easy to pilot, but back then you had some unusual lines and routes back when it was in rotation. I remember in high elo discussion there was consideration of mulliganing quest and coining Brewmaster as ways to survive early game against aggro. I actually tried mulliganing quest when playing Getmeowth during barrens meta and beating his Odd DH, though it helped that I got secret passage to find it pretty soon after. The archetype was my first legend in Wild too, I did a little mix of stuff I picked up from Chinese offmeta players and some of my own ideas. Back then, Caverns was really bad, requiring you to play 5 of the same minion, getting 4/4s, and Sonya recently got gutted so she was bad post-quest. I found pen flinger helped get quest done consistently at a time when you needed three bounces for flysail. It goes without saying, but with how tedious quest completion was you rarely had enough bounces left (unless you ran bad cards like ferryman) for charge to lethal opponents, so I opted for a secret package with Hanar. Post-quest, Hanar made scary boards with summon secrets, and cheat death was a scuffed shadowstep. The other thing I ran was recurring villain+Umbra as pseudocharge. I was so excited when it got reverted and getting octobot+field contact. It actually became kind of skill-intensive again. Oh, and it was actually really good v aggro because of flinger and t5 0 mana sky pirates + broom thanks to octobot.
@fam3871 Күн бұрын
ngl it wouldve been cool if you added the related cards to the screen like nether portal
@Banelock Күн бұрын
Open the Waygate in goated is a crime. Probably bottom 2 in regards to how fun it is to play against along with the rogue Ungoro one but at least that one was bad so wasn't played as often. Not being able to play around the random generation , reward being a spell so you cant dirty rat it , the deck completely revolving around this pretty early noninteractive OTK , and to top it all off the recent versions (which were nerfed thankfully) completely stopped even pretending that hs is a 2 player game and started skipping all the opponents turns with the infinite turn combos. If you ask me its yuckier than all the things you put in yuck.
@trixmtll1393 Күн бұрын
The goated quest for me was raid the sky temple for mage. It was the first and only quest I opened and owned for a long time lol. I always enjoyed value and random decks.
@ZAYKONN Күн бұрын
A weird memory I have with Unite the Murlocs was of when it came in a Tavern Brawl specifically for it, I had came back to HS after a break so that expansion was still fresh. I swear, I looked at Megafin and said "This is just Neptulon", because I remember back then that Neptulon used to fill your hand with murlocs, but apparently one day he got nerfed to just 3 or 4 murlocs and then they gave that effect to Megafin. It's kinda fucked up seeing a nice card get changed just so that they reprint a new card with the same effect a couple months later.
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
Nep was always 4, its never been nerfed. That was just a lot of refill when he came out.
@Nexusv3 Күн бұрын
As a bad player who could only get to legend in the trivial system using questline pirate warrior, I feel attacked.
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
Im sorry 😭 The fine print of that statement is first Legend is still hard and getting to Legend with any specific deck doesnt take away from the achievement. Even playing a comparatively easy deck is still playing a turn based strategy game that can be done well or poorly, so good job! The way the star multipliers work for returning to Legend is the part that ruins this system for me.
@emilydopicadinho7803 Күн бұрын
I have a fun story, one of my favorite cards was King Phaoris, because I always liked to play with cool bad cards, and the funniest thing was that I was playing with shaman with a lot of trash cards in it, I don't remember what reduced the cost of my minions but I played OMEGA MIND and King Phaoris agains't a full board and pulled a Il'gynoth with an Elemental Destruction in hand, was the most unnespected, satisfying and Omega mind otk ever, so to this day that card still goated for me.
@essurio Күн бұрын
Lakkari Sacrifice needs to play itself when discarded, and would have been so much better back in the day, when that effect didn't just kill the enemy.
@gldenkappa5359 Күн бұрын
i have only one question: why “mid” isn’t in the middle of tier list?
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
Its in the middle of things I have a positive opinion of and a negative opinion of.
@essurio Күн бұрын
For next april first I want a tier list of all daily, weekly, and event quests.
@tayxsl Күн бұрын
Man, questline mage in standard was definitely the most amount of times I just conceded
@peshomighty5051 Күн бұрын
Makking mummies is like soo easy to do and your reward is a heropower that makes a 2/2 minion. To easy. So yeah. About galvadon and librams it should be in standard(the core set) Yeah give paladin hey no matter what expansion you can still play 5mana dinosaur battlercry get removed by your opponent. Like atleast give it elusive. Darn.
@DJarr216 Күн бұрын
Your outro is how i feel about twist currently. There's like a handfull of decks with near infinite resource generation and mana cheat and the rest play like they're stuck in 2018
@lucaslorencini3453 Күн бұрын
To complete the tier list arc, we need a tier list tier list, so you can rank the ones you had the most fun doing
@kbreviews7785 Күн бұрын
In wild history, my favorite deck used to be odd taunt warrior with dr. Boom hero card and fire plumes heart, what a time
@badwalter_ Күн бұрын
i wish they made more of these, as someone who only plays standard currently i feel like i missed out
@goliath5122 Күн бұрын
Worst tierlist
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
@Begeru Күн бұрын
Activate the Obelisk felt so broken to me back in the day. I think it was hated so much because players felt punished for reducing their opponent’s health, since that allows them to heal it back and progress the quest.
@ShuckleShellAnemia Күн бұрын
Is that why MarkMcKz calls it toxic quest
@R2C2_ Күн бұрын
Just a friendly reminder that Paladin, despite all its sins, is the only class who hasn’t had a quest be at least tier 2. Just putting that out there.
@narkle9723 Күн бұрын
Once you're done with all your tierlists. Make tierlist of all the tierlist videos
@clovergannon Күн бұрын
Could make an argument for all of them being in yuck for turning every game of Hearthstone into involuntary games of solitaire when they get played against you.
@musiccommands8615 Күн бұрын
So based. Can't wait to Martian to blow up so we can get a Tier list of Martian Tierlists
@guapopescado88 Күн бұрын
Wonderful list martian. On another note man its so sad the state the QL warlock is in. For all the good it provides the meta it should be buffed to be a tier 1 deck again. The meta is in the best state when all of the control decks are being suppressed for the health of the game. Less dissruption more inevitablity. That is a good meta.
@MartianBuu Күн бұрын
Real and true
@dannylight7022 Күн бұрын
this must be an ironic comment, thats the most untrue statement about hs ever... Game is not fun when you know you going to lose no matter what you do... Playing control decks feels like that when you face Demon seed warlock... Its just bias on your part, warlock is broken and somehow you are not happy.... game will be even worse if they will balance the game towards people like you. Control players will stop running dissruption cards if combo players will stop playing free win decks that win no matter what you do....
@mattsonepiece- Күн бұрын
“Good meta is when control bad.” What a boring statement. All three should be in a healthy balance, theres been an influx of disruption cards because there’s so many must-be-stopped cards in combo decks and the like. A healthy meta is not one where you don’t have to play around disruption and can reliably get your combo off without any sort of negation or disruption effect, just about every single card game has these mechanics and hs shouldnt be exempt from them.
@mattsonepiece- Күн бұрын
@@MartianBuuMarshy nooooo! Please tell me you were saying real and true to only the first half of their comment; I thought you hated people saying boring blanket statements like “aggro should be bad” or “this deck shouldnt exist” blah blah blah.
@Bob_Bobinson Күн бұрын
@@guapopescado88 people are falling for this bait lmao
@angelalawter2663 Күн бұрын
This list was GOATed. Huge nostalgia vibes when you talked about some of the old quests. Mt big wish is that someday making mummies can be good. That's all I want. I wish I was better at homebrewing because I would make a deck for it even if it was bad.
@sathrielsatanson666 2 күн бұрын
Well, comparing Queen Marsh and Paladin Questline... Paladin QL wins because the reward is stronger and that's why it was run in an actual competitive deck.
@sathrielsatanson666 2 күн бұрын
I agree with Kibler, all the quests are Yuck design-wise
@vitordarksider 2 күн бұрын
I also hate The Demon Seed for what it did to Darkglare, but not only that, ever since then the majority of GOOD Warlock decks in both formats all have to do with self damage (discard being the only big exception). It cemented Warlock as a combo class, making both aggro and control strategies unplayable in comparison.
@bingus2464 2 күн бұрын
Standard open the waygate was fantastic, honestly goated, too bad its broken outside of that limited card pool.
@bingus2464 Күн бұрын
Especially the eye for an eye tech people would do to counter the ice block and the counter tech with a one off voodoo doctor
@milessiegfield5323 2 күн бұрын
I remember really getting into HS during the Corrupt the Waters reign. I had been playing a lot of solo content up to that point like Dungeon Runs and the whole League of Evil arc really cemented my love for the game. Fun times... I also spent a lot of time trying to really bump up Awaken the Obelisk and Making Mummies but those did not pan out so great. Someday (tm)
@Discerned_ 2 күн бұрын
My favorite card is brazen zealot. Is it goated, very cool, pretty cool, mid or yuck?
@MartianBuu 2 күн бұрын
@Discerned_ Күн бұрын
@@MartianBuu 🥲 thank you.
@NeoTiamat 2 күн бұрын
Man, Raid the Sky Temple would be so much better if it discovered. It may be my favorite quest...but it really is so darn bad.
@NandkumarKhobare 2 күн бұрын
OMG thank you for these rankings, keep 'em coming!
@SeanH80 2 күн бұрын
Ultimate Quest: Get Marshie to enjoy Wild again Sadge I feel really bad for enjoying HS when Marshie isn’t, even though that is such a non-Marshie-approved sentiment
@MartianBuu 2 күн бұрын
Watchoo playin right now 👀
@SeanH80 2 күн бұрын
A little of everything! Some Reno, some tempo, some combo, feel like the mode is OK. But I haven’t been playing it constantly for years shrug
@lighterraptor7607 2 күн бұрын
Tier list time! More pls :D