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4 ай бұрын
RPG horrorstories:  What a twist
lets play Fire Sauce Fever Dream
@PTp1ranha 12 күн бұрын
"Hey guys, I killed your characters- some of them twice over- so you could all marvel at my most favorite OC in real life! Best oneshot ever, am I right? Wait, where are you all going?"
@PTp1ranha 12 күн бұрын
When it rains, it pours. And yeah that DM was being a creep. And even if he didn't mean to be a creep, that was a pretty unacceptable breach and just another on the long pile of his lack of awareness. Bad news in either case.
@PiskaPopka-st1tl 22 күн бұрын
@DndNate-qs1fz Ай бұрын
Okay I have to say this I learned the game mostly by myself at age 9 or so, with some help from my first table.
@tobiasschmid9216 Ай бұрын
remembering the olden dnd days, like 1e and 2e, where it was a race if you could get the cleric high enough for revival spells before to many people died. there was no 'do characters die?' only 'do we have the level to afford death?'
@pandachantheking Ай бұрын
Oh gosh I am so happy that was before my time I get attached to my characters to much
@tobiasschmid9216 Ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking I mean... we did too, that was why it was so thrilling xD
@sashaljubchik6669 Ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 Ай бұрын
@kamidarko Ай бұрын
I've actually had the opposite problem of this so far. I'm playing a bastard bard in a game that has been going on over two years now, my first ever real pathfinder character. As it was my first I tried to make them interesting with the help of the dm by picking a subclass and swapping out a few bardic performances with others and in the end I am now a level 10 slapdash liar with a bluff so high I can lie to mind readers and a character that simply WILL NOT DIE somehow. For the last year and a half I have been expecting this fat drunken liar to die from any of the crazy things we have fought so I could try any other character and somehow he just always has a solution to a problem. I imagine I will be torn when he finally does drop, though he is a silly design with a made it up on the fly kind of backstory I have never been one character for so long.
@user-ps7ok8dt6y Ай бұрын
I suspect after dozens more failed assassination attempts Mickey will retire to live to a fine old age!
@pandachantheking Ай бұрын
That would be the twist of the game huh
@rpghorrorstories Ай бұрын
"BRTRAING" That reads like a sound effect. Like someone dropping a cymbal.
@pandachantheking Ай бұрын
Haha ups I need of change that huh
@Michaeljack81sk Ай бұрын
Haha, it sounds like they've accidentally walked into the plot of The Ladykillers! Not me specifically but the most dramatic character death I ever witnessed was our party ranger: We were infiltrating a ship and she elected to stay above to keep watch. Upon finding a crate of weapons the ship was transporting we decided to blow it up to create a distraction not knowing that in the next room was the ships gunpowder store... The resulting detonation caused the ship to split in half and sink, resulting in one of us drowning while making our escape but as the ranger was directly above the explosion she and her and her animal companion were instantly obliterated before their remains were launched several hundred feet into the air. We all agreed death saves were not appropriate in this case
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@sashaljubchik6669 2 ай бұрын
@kamidarko 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like the kid wanted to play Skyrim with how much he wanted to be the main character. Kids get used to the freedom of main character perspective from video games where you are always number 1 and then can't understand that ttrpgs are not exclusively from a single character point of view, everyone playing has a say and the world the dm crafts reflects all of them.
@diegolamanya345 2 ай бұрын
Unfortunately if a player insists on having main character syndrome, spotlight-hogger, murder hoboism AND disrespect for the gm's authority after being told many times to not do so. He either learns from his mistakes or you kick him out. There are not many other solutions
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
I do get that and I would agree. But since its a kid I'm pretty sure people are giving him the benefit of the doubt. If we were talking about an adult I'm sure that behavior would not stand.
@Michaeljack81sk 2 ай бұрын
Congratz! I'm really looking forward to the livestream art. Your little rats are absolutely adorable too :) As to what to do with that ball of absolute chaos? I think maybe he just isn't mature enough to play yet
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
That cold be the case I know that not everyone matures at the same time. It would probably be better to have a teacher teach Druid dnd since they are trained to deal with kids 😅
@Michaeljack81sk 2 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking Hmm, you just made me remember something! I started playing aged 13 but it was a school DnD club and the DM was a teacher. Maybe thats why it was so easy for us all to sit up and pay attention, even though he was pretty easy going we instinctively saw him as an authority figure
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
@Michaeljack81sk yeah for young kids it's easier to do what authority figures say and not just randome strangers.
@souldragin5497 2 ай бұрын
congest on 500
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Thank you I'm so happy 😊 💜
@Lucas-i-dont-really-know 2 ай бұрын
​@@pandachanthekingYou deserve it!
@MogofWar 2 ай бұрын
DM pitted the players against each other. He's a hypocrite for being upset. Something tells me he wouldn't have been as upset if his preferred side won the fight. Did the DM also tell the Cleric and Paladine to withhold God’s miracles? That's not the way the Prophets of the Old Testament or the Apostles of the early Church proselytized the faith. If they had powers borrowed from God and they wanted to convert people, they SHOWED IT... And they didn't quiz people of their faith before using their gifts to help people. So this fictional religion that's basically Christianity with the serial numbers filed off is what the Holy men are supposedly practicing, so why is Calamari head with the Hellspawned powers the one acting like he's actually read the Bible? I cannot help but think, the DM's plan he whole time was for his holy men to win the fight and set the players straight and he's jusr pissed because they rolled all their dice in the open and his highly competitive friends were honorable enough let the dice fall where they may. (And maybe he assumed the Cleric and Paladin were more min-maxed than the other two.) Anyway if the DM really wanted this to be the moment Druid began yo doubt his religion, he needed to take a different approach entirely. Like not telling the Cleric it's a good idea to piss on the rock... If I were the DM and I wanted the Druids's religion to be a false one, I'd do two things this DM failed to. I'd have the "Forces of nature" that gave the Druid his powers randomly switch out prepared spells and cantrips, replacing said spell with one from the Warlock spell list. Every time he gets a prophecy and obeys the voice, would be trigger for when this, he could of course change his spells back at the spell preparation phase of his next long rest, or he could choose to keep the spells he's not capable of preparing himself, with the exception of one, he'll wake up every morning with Eldritch blast... The second thing I'd do is create little sites where the Druid perceives good spirits but the Paladin would perceive the ground as deseecrated rather than consecrated. Either Detect Good or Detect Evil will detect their respective alignments when cast on these sites. So the if the Paladin chooses to detect good presences as is in the Paladin's, he'll also detect good, but he'll by default detect the evil presence and will only detect the good one if he chooses to look for it. Not expecting that he will... If the Cleric desecrates or vandalizes the site, I'd tell him he senses the evil of the site growing. Or I might even go "Roll a Wisdom save" and if they fail a DC of 15 I state "At the very beginning of your attempt to desecrate this site you suddenly feel the impulse to do so completely leave you... as if taken from you, the evil presence grows slightly stronger." And, continuing this theme at the great rock, there would be a boss fight... See, with or without the kind of build up I would have gone wirh, a large holy site for the Druid's religion needs to have some kind of event that evidences what the DM is trying to convey. For me, some kind of Lovecraftian monster stepping in from the 5th dimension to beat the shid out of an impudent Cleric who just pissed on his stone, would do the trick. Also, when the Cleric pisses on random "unholy" objects, that's when I'll randomly replace spells on his spell list with Warlock spells. Also I would make the monstrosity self-evidently evil and make sure the Druid knows that something is very wrong. But anyway DM was full of it because he didn't have any kind of bossfight or supernatural event planned. He just thought that there just not being any supernatural occurrence would be enough to convince the Druid that his religion is jusr hooey I guess, or the DM was just a jerk who was engineering the half-wipe of the party and was going to blame it on the players no matter what happened and that would be the end of the campaign because every possible outcome was to be contrived as having "Ruined it."
@megatronjenkins2473 2 ай бұрын
I once had a large pet rat named George, he liked to climb the bars of his cage. At night. When i was sleeping. Miss that lil guy. He was a good rat.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah one of the boys lives to do that to. Gift is a huffy little guy but he is so cute
@megatronjenkins2473 2 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking I'm now an indentured servant to a Feline Overlord, and I happily and willingly serve her!
@megatronjenkins2473 2 ай бұрын
Pizza or Chinese.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Uuuu Chinese is alweys so good for any sort of hangout ! 😋
@megatronjenkins2473 2 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking sesame chicken is my, well, jam, lol!
@Nikolith 2 ай бұрын
500! Very well done, comgratulations. Also, pet rats! I love those little guys, very cute pets.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much I am so haply 💜
@tomatorv8 2 ай бұрын
Now you're 2 subs away from 500 great job
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Yey it's so exciting
@Michaeljack81sk 2 ай бұрын
Ouch, what a crapshow! I agree with you, DM is an ass for nuking the whole group even worse for claiming "Skill Issue" because that's plain insulting, but Wizard is just as bad for dissing the DM so badly after making a mess of the order. A simple "Sorry bro, I screwed up but I'll make it up to you next time" would most likely have defused the whole situation If they're both gonna behave like this and neither can find the courage to apologise I think the rest of the group are better off without them. *Edit* pet rats? Ooh! Rats are adorable!
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Yeah the situation could have been so easily diagnosed and its so sad that it wasn't. Yeah I have 3 boys now. Ratatui, Hernando and Gift. They are so cute ill probably post them in a future video
@Michaeljack81sk 2 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking Awesome! I can't wait to see those little guys
@megatronjenkins2473 2 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking 👀👀👀👀
@tbgold07 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like a great character. Last VtM I played was LARP before the pandemic. Love playing Lasombra.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Thank you so much. LARPing sounds like so much fun i hope I get to do it some day
@legacyofboom56 2 ай бұрын
I love to play a gnome with a silly name that's very serious
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Yeah that would be such a fun thing, it would probably bring joy to my face every time. I played a goblin who's name was Plushy and he was in a mafia style game
@alfonsovallejo2665 2 ай бұрын
I'm glad you are doing these horror stories. Please, don't become a cringey attention seeker like the other youtubers, I used to like Crispy's Tavern but he began to make a lot of cringey acts and dumb jokes, now he is unwatchable for me. Stay as you are, like a calm friend gossiping.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
I'm happy you like my videos. Don't worry I am not planing on changing anything about my videos or my personality at all.
@Stealth_Fire 2 ай бұрын
Welcome back! Good luck with moving. I moved last year AND the year before that and it was the wooooorst, so I feel your pain. And, I mean, as a DM I get keeping secrets from some players while other players are in the know, but the way it was handled in this case was so so so bad. There's ways to do it that don't dissolve your entire campaign.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah I totally agree you can definitely have some stuff known to half the party but it should not make both sides unhappy playing
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Oh yeah I totally agree you can definitely have some stuff known to half the party but it should not make both sides unhappy playing
@cyruscrompton8221 2 ай бұрын
Looked up that big funny word! I got no results, so you probably nailed it
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for checking I didn't find anything eather but I am always worrying I might miss something
@PiskaPopka-st1tl 2 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ love from JJ😂
@user-ps7ok8dt6y 2 ай бұрын
Welcome back! DM really is an ass for only telling Cleric and Paladin the backstory, he turned them into problem players without their knowledge. Shame they lost Paladin over it This could have worked really well if nobody was in the know and Cleric and Paladin had been allowed to be nicer
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
Yeah I totally agree it could have been a super fun game
@zomx-hj7mt 2 ай бұрын
Personally I'm glad that cleric and paladin we're just causing problems with their party members for no reason
@evilauthor9953 2 ай бұрын
I didn't base the character off it, but I did borrow names from a TV show. Leading up to the game, my fellow players kept warning me not to give my D&D monk a family because the DM would just kill them. Talking to the DM, it sounded like the families had died in previous campaigns because the players had hidden plot important items that the villains were looking for at home with their commoner families. So a week before session zero, I asked for permission to expand my family. Gave my monk cousins, childhood friends, and added more complex relationship dynamics between my monk and her sister. I borrowed the names, but everything else was original collaborative work between my DM and I...and in the end, most of my family lived.
@pandachantheking 2 ай бұрын
That is so good to here a happy family surviving a dnd campaign! Congratulations
@ko-biso2771 3 ай бұрын
@awayaccathrowaw9601 3 ай бұрын
Fells like what happened after the sessions is the bigger horror story
@megatronjenkins2473 3 ай бұрын
0:23 "Your besht? Lozers whine about their besht, winners go home and fukk the Prom Queen!" Sir Sean Connery
@RubyGalaxyYT 3 ай бұрын
Came across here by chance by reccomendations list. I do watch/listen to a lot of rpg horror stories so that probably has something to do with it. This video gave off some quiet and relaxing vibes. Very nice.
@awayaccathrowaw9601 3 ай бұрын
Out of all the familiars and magical creatures I am still partial to a crow or a raven familiar.
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
Oh yeah that is so classic!
@awayaccathrowaw9601 3 ай бұрын
Mage the ascension without other books like werewolf, vampire or the mummy, was probably the most fun I ever had in an RPG game.
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
I have never played Mage I will put it on the to do list
@awayaccathrowaw9601 3 ай бұрын
@@pandachantheking It is an old game, I'm not sure how well it aged. But i do remember there's a problem with dice mechanic (something about better stats translate to worse outcomes, but i might be misremembering things) and I personally find mentor trait a bit of an pitfall especially when the Storyteller (DM) is not familiar with the famous person you picked or is bad at impressions. Other than that I loved thinking about how the magic mixes and what are its limits. Just a heads up.
@awayaccathrowaw9601 3 ай бұрын
Gnomes in folklore (If i remember it right) were minor earth spirits that could freely move through soil or something. Gnomes went from monsters to playable race (species), to monsters, and back to a playable species. Previously relied on spells or stealth because of small size and less dexterity than the hobbits. Now the DM of the story would probably make them exclusively inventors and alchemists.
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
Yeah they would probably fall into the Artificer class mort of the time huh
@megatronjenkins2473 3 ай бұрын
Only 8 (including mine) Likes since you dropped this? But why? Good story. Well, entertaining story😅😅😅
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
It happened i still need to figure out what's the perfect length for my videos to do well
@servaI. 3 ай бұрын
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
Hahaha cut I think it's cute ? I don't really think it's something to be upset about
@mentalrebllion1270 3 ай бұрын
Nice! A dnd friend of mine (we have played at many tables together now and still are in multiple tables together) and I decided to make a sibling pair of characters. We really have been wanting to play as siblings because our irl dynamic is pretty much like that and so the banter would be fun to do in game too. Recently we got the chance to make them. They are a brother and sister set of fairies. Both are clerics but one is of the order domain and the other is of the trickery domain. Really looking forward to playing them soon! They were made for the occasional one shots our regular dm runs in his homebrew world during special events and/or when groups are going too long not being able to play their regular game (adjusted tyranny of dragons module). Basically we put a call out on the server to find out who is available and the multiple tables mingle and we run a one shot with who can. Good system! But yeah, this friend and I finally managed to have sibling characters. Looking forward to being chaotic! lol (can you tell which domain my cleric is of?)
@pandachantheking 3 ай бұрын
Oh I definitely think you are the trickery domain. And that sounds like such a fun concept to be honest
@megatronjenkins2473 4 ай бұрын
It's ok, I'm an unreliable commenter, on an unreliable comment schedule.
@pandachantheking 4 ай бұрын
It's oki I look forward to your comments they are fine