Friday the 13th Game Review - PS4
@Chestnut-Rose-Orange 3 ай бұрын
A true Jedi? The kidnapping Jedi or the coup de gras Jedi? I'd be no Jedi; either. No; you meant the "don't love a little boy" and "tell him a life support machine killed his father" when they burned his father alive and left him for dead when their father obeyed the law to execute traitors called, Jedi, irregardless of their age. The same Jedi double binding his fathers and his fathers kids minds causing them to schism from trauma; by saying to their father, his father's allegiance was to belong to the law, to democracy; and then, calling their father a monster for obeying the law against them calling Jedi traitors to execute; while calling him a monster for using, force to meet force, when others initiate attack first strike and not doing the ridiculous thing and just let them kill him without a fight. Like how "no Jedi" but acting just like Jedi, Ahsoka, kept seeking out and attacking Baylan, Ahsoka dishing out unlawful extradjudicial attacks without the rule of law. The same Ahaoka who denied being a kidnapping; coup de gras'ing; child assassin cult member and "not information is given to deem it a lie pubishable by death" on sight; as a Jedi. The rule of law did not confirm or deny any evidence or issue warrant to execute. Like killing an alleged terrorist and never following with whether the allegations were true. Or drowning or burning a person and going whoops, guess you weren't a witch. Onto the next bonfire and feast of burnt meat? Why lie to the little boy? Oh! Because they kidnapped him to train them to hate and kill their father. Right, Luke and Leia?
@canjian1783 4 ай бұрын
Was Sati "The One" in The Matrix after all? Perhaps..... All the characters in The Matrix represent either key archetypes or smaller aspects of an individual psyche, major ones being Neo the ego, Smith the shadow, Trinity love, Morpheus the mystic, The Merovingian a cynic/sophist, The Architect the rational intellect, The Oracle the empathic heart, Mifune the warrior etc. Their power and influence in essence, if not reality, have to die to liberate Sati the child/spirit. Neo's battle with the machines is the ego's psychological war with the despotic nature of social institutions personified by the agents who defend those institutions i.e. the individual separate egos of others. Neo's victory over Smith at the end of the first movie is NOT enlightenment, that doesn't occur till the end of Revolutions and the liberation of Sati, it is merely Neo becoming "woke" in the parlance of our time, he is still in The Matrix attested to by him being asleep at the beginning of all three movies, and his seeing everyone in The Matrix ultimately being taken over by the devil incarnate i.e. Smith, who he is compelled to do battle with. Neo chooses to continue fighting but physical and psychological exhaustion make the end inevitable, thus reconciling the apparent contradiction of having both a fate and choice. Neo's final sacrifice as The Saviour of mankind, ultimately defeats Smith and humanity is Redeemed fulfilling the prophecy of The One and the end to "the war in heaven".
@rasowye1139 5 ай бұрын
*Hindu's Sanskrit Shlokas used in The Matrix Revolution movie* ‘ *Navras*’ is a song from The Matrix Revolutions soundtrack by goa trance band Juno Reactor, composed by Don Davis and featuring vocal elements by Lakshmi Shankar and Azam Ali. The song contains an adaption of the Asato ma mantra found in the *Hindu* sacred text the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, section I.iii.28, used in the soundtrack of the movie trilogy The Matrix. The name Navras might refer to the notion of nine rasas (nava rasa) in Sanskrit aesthetics. *Lyrics* Asato ma sad gamaya (From untruth lead me to truth) Asato ma sad gamaya tamaso ma jyotir gamaya (From darkness lead me to light ) mrtyor mamrtam gamaya (From death lead me to immortality) -Brihadaranyaka Upanishad Asato ma sad gamaya Asato ma sad gamaya tamaso ma jyotir gamaya mrtyor mamrtam gamaya **The women’s lyrics (**1:45**-**1:59**) remain unknown.** Umasa Detore bappaï iyo Dessare bae gae iyo Nanana sulle baghu gabbaï iyo Dessare bae gae iyo Umasa Detore bappaï iyo Dessare bae gae iyo Om shanti shanti shanti Om shanti shanti shanti Om shanti shanti shanti om… (Let there be peace everywhere. Shanti means peace in Sanskrit) Om adityaya namoh namah (Prostration to Him who is the son of Aditi / God of gods) Om adityaya namoh namah Om adityaya namoh namah … Asato ma sad gamaya Asato ma sad gamaya tamaso ma jyotir gamaya Narayanaya vidmahe (I offer my respects to Naarayana ) vasudevaya dhimahi (I meditate on Vaasudeva ) Tanno vishnu prachoyat (May Vishnu give us enlightenment) **The women’s lyrics (**7:08**-**7:22**) remain unknown.** Umasa Detore bappaï iyo Dessare bae gae iyo Nanana sulle baghu gabbaï iyo Dessare bae gae iyo … Om shanti shanti shanti Om shanti shanti shanti Om shanti shanti shanti om… Jnani manasa saha (When the five senses and the mind are still) Buddhis ca na vicestate (and reason itself rests in silence) Tam ahuh paramam gatim (then begins the Path supreme) Ya ya ya ya yada yadaya Ya ya ya ya yada yada yada yada Yada yada yada yada yada..
@ginomartell4237 7 ай бұрын
Hey I have a question! Can your offline mother base resources be stolen???😒 Jeez bro talk about beating a dead horse, we get it...fuck... other than those 10 reiterations insulting our intelligence... good vid. Damn, you remind me of Ocelot telling me wtf an enemy gunship is and that it can cut a man in half...
@ModernGamerTV 7 ай бұрын
Hahaha! Offline is safe and not at risk to PVP
@kimchiwasabee 8 ай бұрын
I,for one,declare this m0vie to be part of the malevolent deception. Change my mind. 🤷‍♂️
@rray5506 9 ай бұрын
So they unplug from the matrix to experience the real world, but what if the real world is a matrix?
@GREATBOYITA 9 ай бұрын
How did you manage to play with these soldiers?
@syz911 11 ай бұрын
Consciousness is the only thing that is real in the universe.
@samukelolanga7113 Жыл бұрын
I came across a theory that said the Oracle controlled the whole thing. All the events of the trilogy. And she did it by giving them Candy. The same way the Frenchman gave the woman a cheese make her horny. She made Trinity fall in love with Neo and Neo to feel the same. That way Trinity would go into the Matrix to save Neo and Neo unlike his predecessors would In turn choose save Trinity and break the cycle of starting the Matrix over... Thus The Architect saying "You played the dangerous game!" To the Oracle At the end of Revolutions. Cementing that it was her plan all along.
@eldenring_ Жыл бұрын
seven years later and still useful
@avace917 Жыл бұрын
Interesting. The only criticism I've ever heard regarding this movie is that someone didn't understand it. Literally just one person. Now the SEQUELS are a whole other story but the Matrix is probably one of the few movies that I've seen get tons of praise and I actually agree with it
@p5rsona Жыл бұрын
I used to get annoyed at how socrates claimed he didnt know anything but I realize now how true that is. Its like the people in the matrix claiming they know anything when its all based on assumptions. deeper you go down the rabbit hole, the more unsettling it gets. the world is already made up of batteries, people so dumb they just dont want to think and get used up like batteries by the system, which tends to feed primarily on negative energy. I think if I was given the same option as cypher, I would do the same. reality is just too depressing.
@godlikeexcellence1201 Жыл бұрын
they have holes in the back of the scull just like Elon Musk wants his device to be, we need to stop him or we will end up in the Matrix for real. I don't want to eat a fake stake, even though it would taste good
@Xenon777channel Жыл бұрын
According to youtube, people are very interested in the 18:09 to 18.26 section of this clip... hm, " awakening ", " enlightenment " (..?). Nah, it's a tried and tested field already. Buddhism was banned in Joseon Dynasty Korea, for example, as " a sham ". See the work: " Various treatises concering Buddhism " or " Various arguments against Buddhism " as a piece of literature at that time, as one of the main works behind the government's complete banning of Buddhism, including no monks allowed near the Capitol (capital). Considering that 18:09 is so popular, ok, then people are thinking " how can I become enlightened " or " how can I achieve an awakening ", similar to Neo in The Matrix. Ok that makes sense, people seek the truth, so then they check Buddhism, check hundreds of movies, check interviews Etc. Etc. Theoretically, to achieve a real enlightenment, then we have to stay within hard facts, and Buddhism isn't known to be a factual religion. It has some concepts of Karma, reincarnation, although the " enlightenment " is more like spacing out in a trancey way, they don't acquire any new level of truth, they just " space out ". The simulation theory in The Matrix is similar to entering a game, like if we created a super-real VR game 200 years later, which has been addressed in other discussions & videos, such as: " 2016 Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate: Is the Universe a Simulation? " However their central idea [in the 2016 MIT Harvard Etc. debate] is that the entire universe is simulated more or less from the point of the start of the universe, which was 13.1 billion years ago according to our measurements. So it's like the simulation started back then with the laws of physics and finite x amount of energy and matter (our universe... with '60 Petaflops' of energy, a finite amount, not infinite). That's not ' a game ' it's just like " hitting start " 13 billion years ago, then that's all. And if that's true, it's like, " so what "... what's the difference? There's two worlds, the other world is separate and 'above us' or 'alongside us' for 13 billion years!. ?. In The Matrix they can exit and enter the world like every day, so it's very different. There will probably be some unhealthy kids 200 years later inside a VR simulation which forget that they are in there, then someone needs to turn off the computer, and they are suddenly outside of their VR after 1 week or 2 weeks in the VR。 A good video on the topic of the game-like simulation, is " What If the Earth Does Not Exist? " by Riddle. Available in youtube. However, the more serious concept, that a simulation started 13.1 billion years ago by our measurements, which simply runs & that's all, could possibly reach evidence sooner or later which is discussed in the 2016 panel debate, i.e. some sort of sensitive instruments which measure " cosmic energy particles " which tear the fabric of spacetime, so those instruments reach evidence that there is a spacetime, which can in fact... be torn.
@josephhernandez3836 Жыл бұрын
"There is no spoon."
@HolahkuTaigiTWFormosanDiplomat Жыл бұрын
@MetalGear_Markie Жыл бұрын
Why do people who have never played the games make these videos.butchers ever name
@johnmacdonald194 Жыл бұрын
We are in thee matrix just start from sumeria were it started on clay tablets then speed jus then you see everything rising annd fallin superfast shows its the matrix
@t.f.t.6 Жыл бұрын
Do you know why I always get x0.2 reward ?
@potatopc9205 Жыл бұрын
I always back to this channel just to re watch this mgs story and so far the only game that dont mention here is metal gear acid 1 and 2
@youngstickz 2 жыл бұрын
I use that same song for when helicopter arrive
@bradleyborg9889 2 жыл бұрын
Why in the fuck would you record this entire video right outside of quiets enclosure with that fucking music blaring, and your shitty ass mic…
@ch355_ 2 жыл бұрын
i know that the film sows heavy doubt, but neo *is* the one. he did ultimately end the war and save zion.
@ch355_ 2 жыл бұрын
this is a great intro to the matrix, and i enjoyed watching it. i do have a difference of opinion on one topic: the interpretation of the film with regards to jean b (never can spell his name). he did not like the way the film interpreted his work, and i think that is because the film (and ultimately all 3 films certainly do this) reject his conclusions. i don’t see it as a hollowed out copy of his book. i see it as commentary that his book is mostly empty. i think the films are a hopeful rejection of nihilism, and they make more than enough references to his work to ensure that there is no confusing their rejection of his philosophical conclusions. anyhow, that’s my attempt to explain it, and hope it makes sense. best wishes to you.
@RobertMartin2112 2 жыл бұрын
What is with the horrible audio and the background music? WTF?
@KahosSaint 2 жыл бұрын
Only trash considers Portable Ops canon.
@LucioClashLucius 2 жыл бұрын
_Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious._ The perception of reality is an activity of the consciousness of extreme importance. See reality as it is. Without the filters that prevent us from seeing the real and making decisions based on the real and not on the “desert of the real”. Take the red or blue pill? This is the question! *_Being_* in the Matrix and *_not being_* in the Matrix. *Minds that have the potential to be freed from the Matrix.* *Don't think it is, know it is!* _Free your Mind._
@maggiewzng 2 жыл бұрын
anyone who hates on this game is so warped into their close minded perspective on the plot that they forget what the game is actually about. like damn, druckman does such a great job of making the game so difficult to see who should be justified that people just resort to giving up and saying the game is shit. personally, i am on ellie's side because even though abby was further ahead on controlling her violence, i feel like ellie had more purpose in her actions as it made sense why she killed the ones she did, even if it meant more deaths. i used to be so hung over on the cliff hanger ending and so mad about it, but overtime, I kind of realize that it was the perfect place to end off. Both parties finally realized their cycle of violence and began a series of change. even though they lost everything, it was time to restart anyways.
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
So true, usually when people bash on the game I ask why, if they state good criticisms that are valid then that’s totally fine. But most of the time they don’t provide any real criticisms or stuff that is actually true or valid. The game isn’t perfect of course but you should know why you dislike it. It’s good to see a comment on this that isn’t just “I simply can’t like the game” vague commentary.
@maggiewzng 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV fr like having genuine discussions abt this game is so fun, and rn im just really really excited for the movie to come out. I hope they release like a dlc (similar to left behind) before they make a possible part 3 becasue i do actually really miss this game
@robertwojtalski8533 2 жыл бұрын
My personal favourite dialogue in the movie… from when Morpheus was taking Neo to the Oracle. Neo: “so the Oracle is never wrong?” Morpheus: “ try not to think about it in terms or right and wrong. She is a guide… that can help you find the path.” Woah … that’s deep. Masterpiece of a film!
@emj6724 6 ай бұрын
One of my most favorite of all time films I continue to watch it over and over again 20 years later your review is phenomenal and I really like your accent please keep the content coming🎉
@NerdyGamerReacts 2 жыл бұрын
Subbed, be it that I'm about to hit the endgame, the mission I'mma do takes me to the secrets of Horizon Zero Dawn, in some cave, I saved this video to watch after I complete the story, I'm so hyped, it gets better by the minute, loving the gameplay, story, and themes! 🙌😀
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
It’s good you’re playing it / experiencing it in time for the sequel - such a beautiful story and game - hope you enjoy it
@NerdyGamerReacts 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV Holy mackerel that final battle was INSANE! Bout to do the Frozen Wilds DLC now, brilliant game, ready for the sequel! 🙌😀
@troyhayder6986 2 жыл бұрын
How do you know its real??? Your mind makes it real!!! Massive, idiotic contradiction... How do i know this movie is bull??? My mind makes it bull!!!
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Do you know if it’s a bullshit movie or do you think it’s a bullshit movie? Also to what extent do you think you were free to reach that conclusion? Lastly, why do others reach different outcomes to you? Simple choice or variables beyond our control….. Dig deeper with your questions, you’re actually unveiling stuff as opposed to dismissing or observing what you think is idiocy
@troyhayder6986 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV its a contradiction by definition...and the whole premise of the movie was a mesculine trip... And a virus is not the cure for a virus And antivirus does not farm viruses And the purpose of life is not to die but to reproduce, which is what smith does...but if the purpose of life was to die and the machines are alive and it is purpose that binds them, drives them and defines them, this movie would never exist in the first place because the machines would just top themselves... Its called broken logic...and a program wont even compile let alone run with logic like that...
@troyhayder6986 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV and platos allegory has nothing to do with waking up in an exact replica world that follows the same rules with the only difference being a war with machines that shouldnt exist because they break their own logic...
@troyhayder6986 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV how do i know its real??? My mind makes it real??? Bull... If my mind makes it real and i cant tell its real, how can i ever tell anything is real or even that statement...
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Because reality isn’t as objective as you think it is. What’s reality for you is different for someone else. Sure there is some semblance of reality at some basic core level but other than that it’s different.
@troyhayder6986 2 жыл бұрын
I will grant you it makes more sense than the bible, in a retarded understands nothing about computers or philosophy kind of way....
@AgentUltimate7 2 жыл бұрын
This video deserves more praise, it was an incredible essay.
@cryptomaniac9435 2 жыл бұрын
My whole life people look at me like they fear me, cause they know, I know something that they don’t want too believe. Stay blind then….
@ephxiaa 2 жыл бұрын
my brain interprets pizza rolls as "good as fuck"
@Pakanahymni 2 жыл бұрын
Celtic is pronounced with a <k>, keltik
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Sincere apologies and thank you 😊
@Pakanahymni 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV No need to apologize, just figured you might want to know! It's not intuitive at all.
@karunakingdom4253 2 жыл бұрын
The truth about us =
@toddaulner5393 2 жыл бұрын
I do not remember ever smelling anything in my dreams. You?
@TreeHairedGingerAle 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video. It's incredibly thorough; and as for the message, of knowledge needing to have a beneficial purpose -- the thriving of everyone -- else it is useless....I fully agree! Ted Faro, however, was not really worried about 'the innocents'. It was an excuse on his part. A form of gaslighting. The subtext is that his ego could not withstand the thought of his name being attached to his horrific mistake, made in greed and in arrogance. If the Apollo archives had survived, he would have forever been known as Ted Faro: The man who destroyed the entire world. And he was willing to withhold the sum of human knowledge from future generations, with all its potential, in order to avoid that infamy. _Even though he wouldn't even have been around to see it._ His example is contrasted brilliantly against General Herres, who humbly accepts his infamy, and even makes an official apology for the archives. And, Elizabeth is of course the example of someone wielding technology altruistically. Faro was *that* toxic, and, I feel like it's a comment from the game itself. About the type of person, lacking in maturity and compassion, who cannot be trusted to wield technology to any good result.
@PiastTorun 2 жыл бұрын
What the fuck don't dumb down movies, "have metrit" my ass, oogga booga caveman logic.
@randomantics3934 2 жыл бұрын
anyone that went into mgsv thinking venom was big boss is stupid the poster showing naked snake thru to venom all say big boss under them except the venom pic that didnt state big boss under his pic
@Puppy_Puppington 2 жыл бұрын
I’m do mind blown rn. That gameplay. Wtf. Since when can you actually play with one of your squads?!?!? How do I do that?!?! Wow I feel stupid. I just realized it was probably “theatrical” MGO gameplay trailer.
@Puppy_Puppington 2 жыл бұрын
50:58 actually.... the 2nd vial in the case never burned or BROKE in the fire... that’s not the 3rd one. That’s the 2nd one. Listen closet and you’ll see that it never broke like the first vial. Why would mask boy show up with the third just to show it? No he picked up the 2nd. The 3rd was somewhere else or used on someone else. Who knows. Maybe quiet idk
@ThisGuy1219 2 жыл бұрын
This film *fucked* me up I loved it. I was at a truly impressionable age when I saw it and the concept of “beneath reality “ and deeper perception really struck me. The nature of truth and reality, it’s still stuck with me. Fukkin legend movie. Funny enough, a few years later, baritone introduced the idea of looking beneath the underneath. Again, deeper perception. Fun stuff.
@backforward2007 2 жыл бұрын
She or he doesn't not have even that. Major Kusunagi never have a human body she or he was a full machine since childhood. He or she have forgot how being human feel like. The puppet master like the major because major is the opposite of him or she
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Recheck the story - the shell is the body where a brain and spinal cord is put in place, thus implying it was an organic / living human being put into another shell.
@RoyalDelux 2 жыл бұрын
The NYT criticizing the movie's depth is just a program/agent attempting to defend the integrity of the simulation. Keep looking at the womxn in the red dress.
@yohanone 2 жыл бұрын
Hochi1w here!
@kishawnlewis4635 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t objectively judge this game, whenever I think of the ways in which the game deliberately shits on everything and everyone that loved the original. I have to take a shit back on it.
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, Perfectly fine to not like it especially if you have your reasons. But it wasn’t trying to do fan service or tell us a story we envisaged or wanted to get. I don’t think they were shitting on us. Rather tell us a story about really difficult topics. But I can’t go as far as to say I didn’t like it I actually really liked it. But I respect your opinion, the game has been quite polarising among its fans. Thanks for commenting anyways appreciated.
@pumpkingamebox 11 ай бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV It's fine to tell a story about difficult topics. God knows we need some of that insight nowadays. But as you can see, they showcased it in such a way that completely shut off the players attention. In the same way as one cannot persuade another by antagonizing them, a story can't trample on things the reader finds important, especially not in such an unsightly way. The game was trying to send a message. But it was so forceful in its delivery, there was no one left to hear it. Apart from people like you. So I can't say it was a good game or story. I believe the game would have been received a lot better if they removed any ties to the first game. Same universe, different story.
@ShadowHumor 2 жыл бұрын
This game sucks, next.
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
I’m curious as to why you think that. Thanks for the comment anyways
@rayvonvelez3129 2 жыл бұрын
I feel bad for Smith. He talked about wanting to be free in the 1st film. But that never happens. Like he says we're not here cuz we're free we're here cuz we're not free. Meaning Smith is being forced by his program, his purpose to stay and face neo. Waiting for neo to make the choice to sacrifice himself and to fuse with Smith. But Smith doesn't know this. Thats why Smith says it's not fair, neo gets to have a choice but Smith doesn't get to have a choice and is forced by his programming to fuse with neo and sacrifice himself with neo for peace.
@ModernGamerTV 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with everything you said but the Neo bit. It’s not that clear, did Neo really have a choice to? Fighting wasn’t the answer….. 😉
@rayvonvelez3129 2 жыл бұрын
@@ModernGamerTV right now its just a theory of mine. Maybe in resurrections it will be explained what actually happened in the 3 films. But that's why I kinda enjoy the 3 matrix films. It let's us theorize what actually happened a little bit. It's pretty fun. But good videos man I'm gonna check your other videos out👍. Interesting stuff.