Digimon Pendulum Color Review
The ULTIMATE Digimon Tier List!!!
Digital Monster Color - Overview
Vital Pet - Digimon Mod Review
Vital Hero Digimon Review
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@emuemu8428 5 сағат бұрын
Am I dumb or did the video only cover up to the number 2 on the list?
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
The devices are in order of release, not rank. The Digital Monster X is the one ranked first.
@user-wg3fw2ff2q 16 сағат бұрын
Is it possible to convert a digimon x2 to a digimon x3?
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
It is not.
@NZaid1087 2 күн бұрын
unrelated to the shell, are buttons and face bit swappable from the color to the 20th?
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
Yes they are, though the buttons may not be a perfect fit they will still work
@MaxiRSilva 2 күн бұрын
So, does this work with the first vital bracelet? Mine is the yellow one tha was for preorder and came with the greymon blue demo dim (only 1 digivolution line) and the imperialdramon dim
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
Yes, it works with the original release.
@shimashima2910 3 күн бұрын
Hey ! Thanks for your video :D Do you know were to get the english digimon X v2 red gold or purple silver ? I've search but I don't find...
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
eBay is about the only option, you'd have to get the Korean release (it's still in English)
@housinengi9512 4 күн бұрын
i tried to join the server. but i dont think im allowed in as it kept stating i have an account with said server. which is odd as i never seen nor heard of this server at all. and any alts were just to help test discord streaming and i tried to dm the mods and such but since i wasnt truly part of the server it went deaf ears
@Rygertyger 5 күн бұрын
what are these little holders?!?
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
It's a beta link, a model of A-Com
@ilhamaqil2609 5 күн бұрын
Hello there i know iam quite late but want to ask as iam confused do the pen20 have all pendulum line except the exclusive? i do go to the website but still confuse hope someone can tell thank you in advance :D
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
Normally they have between 120 and 130 Digimon per version, and the specific Digimon for each version can be found here: humulos.com/digimon/pen20/exclusives/
@ilhamaqil2609 Сағат бұрын
@@humulomon ouhh i see thank you very much!
@primarchguysmith5321 9 күн бұрын
Do you have videos on how to mod in a rechargeable battery? I’ve been looking everywhere for one since I’m fully modifying one for my best friends birthday
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
I do not, sorry
@jakeoruru2475 10 күн бұрын
I'm concerned I have a decent collection DM 20s complete set of Xs and now the three current color pends but I never use gloves handling mine, are the buttons going to go bad quicker?
@humulomon 3 сағат бұрын
I wouldn't worry about it at all, I normally don't wear gloves when handling my devices and have only ever seen one device with any problems, specifically the Japanese Red Digital Monster X. Not sure if gloves would have helped there either, as that device just smudges like no other. Only reason I have gloves on for this vid was because I had some cuts on my hand that I didn't find visually appealing and didn't want that to be on camera haha.
@jakeoruru2475 Сағат бұрын
@@humulomon Thanks so much for the answer I never expected it woooo!
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
Forget these shells. I want a full metal beyblade. In the OG style, none of this metal masters garbage.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
They already made a vpet for adults. Its called a flipper zero, it is a literal digivice capable of containing artificial intelligence, and it seemingly makes you cry. Also i use it to cheat at every battle in both online and world that i play and theres nothing your digirom encryption or mod team can do about it.
@humulomon 12 күн бұрын
You seem to have your life in order, congrats!
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@@humulomon 😂😂😂 I really bet you thought this was more clever than it was, because you actually took me seriously. Didn't I tell you making an ass of yourself as a community leader was a bad idea? Did you not think that wouldn't come back to you?
@humulomon 12 күн бұрын
Drat! You got me, I never should have crossed you and now I am paying dearly for it.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@@humulomon Your weak jokes are hiding a sad man child who's parents didn't show them the love they deserved
@humulomon 12 күн бұрын
I appreciate that, thanks for the encouragement.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
Dont get any of them, because if you do, and you join the digimon online community, youll get run out by pedants and whiny brats. Safer for your sanity when the main community entry point isnt a genuinely terrible person.
@humulomon 12 күн бұрын
So true, can't believe that guy.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@@humulomon That you're here replying to comments you can just as easily block or ignore tells everyone everything they need to know about your true character.
@humulomon 12 күн бұрын
Blocking people would be rude, I would never do that to someone.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@@humulomon I have just as much time as you do champ.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@@humulomon Go ahead and take that heart as your cop out.
@AleksVin 16 күн бұрын
the arduino thing i downloaded looks different, what do i need to do?
@Collinity 16 күн бұрын
We need the Vital Hero Screen and Sprites into a Digivice like the X (THey look so good)
@KichiMiangra 17 күн бұрын
"Which Virtual Pet should you get?" Me: >:) "Which one SHOULDN'T I get?" Funny story: When I a kid in the 90s Me and my sister each got an original tamagotchi. We loved them, but my parents didn't as we didn't really know how to take care of them and were sad when they died but ALSO my school banned them so my parents had to take care of them during school hours (Because the whole family was too dumb to manipulate the clock I guess...) Needless to say, once the batteries died my parents refused to buy more, claiming that they were special japan-only batteries and we couldn't find them in the USA and were veeeery against buying anything similar to a v-pet for us again. By the time I discovered Digimon my folks were savvy to what the digimon vpets were and not only could we really not FIND any locally, but my folks just plain did not want us to have any more vpets. The closest I got was a Frontier D-Scanner I was able to get my grandma to get me years later from the internet, and learning it was vaguely "Tamagotchi-esque" my mom wasn't super pleased with the gift, and a few years later she gave it away to a kid she was babysitting while I was in summer school (Something she did frequently with stuff she viewed I didn't need/use anymore) and it's honestly hard to find another one for a decent price that functions. As an adult I live with my parents helping out on the farm, but I now have money and can buy whatever vpets I want with a little shelf displaying my Tamagotchis and Digimon.
@GUNRIR 18 күн бұрын
wich one has gigi-mon and guil-mon?
@ZX-Gear 20 күн бұрын
Okay. If Digimon can have a revamp with their Digivices,can we have one for Megaman Battle Network and their PETs?
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
@DT-yo4qi 20 күн бұрын
This is cool! but what i'd actually love to have is the functionality of the classic V-Pets in my wrist, plus with the awesome sprites of the vital bracelet (at least, most of them). You know, as a wearable V-Pet more than a sport-like digimon toy.
@Gibbon420 21 күн бұрын
I just learned about this toy today, having not really keeping up with digimon since the 90s. I gotta say I got some horrid whiplash learning how much more the device with Wizardmon in it was. Devastating. 200+ bucks for a vpet it unreasonable....I hate scalpers :( I just wanted my little magic buddy.
@B-Man-69 24 күн бұрын
Just a quick question, does the 50+ victories in Pendulum Z to evolve Agumon / Gabumon to their Kizuna forms, does repeating one quest area repeatedly until I reach 50 victories count?
@ShinobuSensui1 25 күн бұрын
hi..after getting a treated egg does it make sense to get one if the treated digimon dies and leaves another treated egg will it be even stronger? or just leave him once?
@LainWithSweetTea 26 күн бұрын
I snagged wing guardians preorder and am super hype~ may also grab metal empire if I get chance before they ship out
@NeonNomad747 26 күн бұрын
Now aint that a show. Awesome collection
@MarcelloVanic 28 күн бұрын
Wind Guardians roster might be the best ever on a vpet
@Rainchaser007 29 күн бұрын
My first was a DM20 and while I LOVE the big roster, it's hard going back once you've gone X, lol. 😭 Like, I want to merge aspects from many of them.. I'd love a device with big rosters like DM20, the depth and gameplay of X, but with multiple expandable rosters like Vital, more tech capabilities and quality of life features like the BE (and ability to mod 👀).. 🥲 Sigh~
@puchiperez1113 29 күн бұрын
Gorgeous Shell! 💙
@HootingLance Ай бұрын
I realized thst my childhood fav vpet was the deep savers pendulum cycle, so I can't look at any pendulums without seeing them as inferior and ugly. But the chances of them getting a re-release are low, lol, so Im going to get a pendulum colour when it comes down in price
@MarcelloVanic Ай бұрын
VB is a classic example of Bandai modus-operandi. Great ideas completely killed after short period of time . I don't even want to give my money to them anymore honestly .
@stupidsk8r999 Ай бұрын
Didn't realize I'd stumble upon an absolute legend today
@StarkMaximum Ай бұрын
Virus Busters is probably my favorite field, but I'm really not too hot on Gammamon (I like Gammamon himself but most of his evolutions I'm mid on)...so...hm.
@Moraidos Ай бұрын
He's van damme?
@derroes Ай бұрын
how is your pendulum color in english?
@humulomon Ай бұрын
That's how they come. Check out the review video on this channel for more details.
@Zypherfox1 Ай бұрын
i got my digital monster from Walmarts app. 😆 nice breakdown but id have the vital hero on the lowest rank.
@kringhetto Ай бұрын
DMX series is for me! Color devices so far are... not...
@B-Man-69 Ай бұрын
Just wondering, will you ever update the site with Digivice ver complete evolution guide?
@humulomon Ай бұрын
I will not, it's a pretty straightforward device and doesn't have much of a need for a guide.
@MathewRYF Ай бұрын
I've returned to this video in-part because I'd love to see a Pendulum X Color that takes notes from the PenC and the Digital Monster X. I have a deep fondness for the X-Antibody digimon if only because it was a combination of interest in the VPets AND the X-Antibody that I got back into Digimon in the first place.
@TapeManX2 Ай бұрын
😢 Not the Vital Hero because you’ll enjoy it but then the “ok” button breaks
@HyperSolarix255 Ай бұрын
I think it’d be incredible if they made a Digimon game that somehow incorporated the real life Digivices. Being able to send your little pet to the big screen would be so fun.
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
That exists. I'm surprised humulos didn't mention it.
@laitama Ай бұрын
wow they made digimon tamagotchi vpets???? I had no idea!!!111!!
@Atmatan_Kabbaher 12 күн бұрын
Since 1997
@andybaton3906 Ай бұрын
I had my wife test the DM20 as her first v-pet. She found it complicated and difficult. The concept of overfeed and % of victory for fights and poops which makes you sick so quickly. Sometimes she does not go beyond the champion stage. I made her try DMX and things were much better. The level system was understood directly, the cold mode made her experience more pleasant when she was busy and the zoom on the face helped to better understand the creature she was seeing. All this to say that for a total beginner DMX is really the best.
@Almosawy94 Ай бұрын
need Digimon X color
@TheZeroNeonix Ай бұрын
My biggest pet peeve with the X devices are how they do not respect your sleep at all. The latest stage Digimon go to sleep at midnight. Every morning, at around 7:00am, as soon as anything results in the screen turning on (usually being poop), it'll start doing its daily "dice roll" thing, where it beeps a lot until either you push a button or a certain amount of time passes. That gives you a maximum of seven hours of sleep. If you try going back to sleep after that, good luck. You'll be getting random encounters every ten minutes. Additionally, they do this thing that most modern devices do, which drives me crazy. They'll evolve in the middle of the night, and make a bunch of noise doing it. You could mute the device, but that's a good way to end up with a dead Digimon. So what I ended up doing was freezing it over night, changing the time to 11:59pm the next morning, so its age would actually go up, then correcting the time. This is manageable, but a bit of a pain. So far, the Colors are the ones I like best. The latest they fall asleep is 11:00, and they wake up at 8:00, which actually gives me enough time to sleep. They still have a habit of evolving at 3:00am, but I can be confident I will wake up before they do, or at least not long after. So muting them isn't a big deal. Additionally, their age is actually based on real time passed, rather than just going up by one each time the time changes to midnight. So it actually reflects how much time you've spent raising it, it's not easily abused to get a high number, and you don't have to do that time manipulation stuff to get their age to go up if you freeze them before midnight.
@JoshuaPAMployee Ай бұрын
The perfect one for me is the Wind Guardians Color! Soon! Very Soon!
@MagicBox_67 Ай бұрын
Regarding the future of Digimon V-Pets, I actually contacted Bandai of America just last week. Instead of something like "Where's the Digimon X-3?!", I tried something more tactful: Why were the Digimon and Digimon X product pages removed from their website, and did they have plans to restore them? My logic being, since these devices are still readily available on storefronts like Amazon, customers would appreciate having access to the product info (and the PDFs of the manuals) from an official source. Of course, I received a very predictable and expected... "Unfortunately, we do not have any information regarding the listings at this time. Please keep an eye out for any changes! At this time, we are busy cooking up some new exciting projects for Digimon in the future! Please keep a look out on our social media for any updates that may come your way. Thank you for your continued love and support for the Digimon world!" ... which is PR speak for "We have no news, no promises, and if we ever release anything in the States again, don't call us, we'll call you." Oh, well. At least I tried!
@rotolotto Ай бұрын
DMX colour complete so we can all collectively nut
@kleefirestar Ай бұрын
@mabilleaudrey2154 Ай бұрын
Do the pendulum color will be harder to obtain than other pendulum over time ? I want a pendulum so bad but the only one I can afford are pendulum Z (not all) or color... And for new digimon in DMC, there is Shin Monzaemon who wasn't here before. (Or I never saw him before?)
@humulomon Ай бұрын
Yes, since the devices are only available via preorder they will become increasingly difficult to find.
@thetokutickler Ай бұрын
The Pendulum Z is the best device as long as you LOVE Apocalymon
@Lemondalorean Ай бұрын
Can i ask if the freezing options is only on the x or there is other digivice that can do this?
@kira516 Ай бұрын
Pendulum z and and pendulum 20th or some that i don't remember
@humulomon Ай бұрын
Every device in this video except the DM20 the VB have a freeze option, but the VBBE can just be turned off when you don't want to raise it.