Azj-Kahet Main Story -  War Within Alpha
@MrLemmiwinks91 19 сағат бұрын
Glad I checked out of the story long ago, Metzen isn’t going to fix the train wreck that is the current WoW story.
@mathewwells1151 23 сағат бұрын
unpopular opinion but the jailor had mad potential, the whole company just went through alot that year...
@pseudopathicus2524 Күн бұрын
Are there any more parts on wod? 🥲
@Nobbel87 Күн бұрын
Yeah this playlist has what youre looking for
@pseudopathicus2524 20 сағат бұрын
@@Nobbel87 🤍
@KaldonisPondo Күн бұрын
@Nobbel87 I think a lore video on Aelthalyste would be really neat! She has been in WoW lore - named - since the WoW RPG & Classic! How neat! Maybe the lore video could touch on things like The Cult of Forgotten Shadows, more Netherlight lore, and Forsaken heritage. I know it would have alot of talking points that have already been said in standalone videos of their own, but i think she is a neat, underrated character that has been with us Forsaken through it all.
@KaldonisPondo Күн бұрын
@Nobbel87 I think a lore video on Aelthalyste would be really neat! She has been in WoW lore - named - since the WoW RPG & Classic! How neat! Maybe the lore video could touch on things like The Cult of Forgotten Shadows, more Netherlight lore, and Forsaken heritage. I know it would have alot of talking points that have already been said in standalone videos of their own, but i think she is a neat, underrated character that has been with us Forsaken through it all.
@desisbled Күн бұрын
okay, im back when there are playable forest trolls. See you in 30 Years Guys :D
@laertesindeed Күн бұрын
I'm worried how they are going to integrate the story of earthen into the wider world...... because all the lore I read from vanilla until now suggested to me that the Earthen in purely stone forms were never supposed to be the permanent or intentional goal for life on Azeroth. They were always written to be a plan B, a temporary method of getting the old gods under control and then the normal plan for default fleshy dwarves and elves and tauren etc could be the long term goal for mortal souls. So isn't it possible these two NPC earthen in the starting zone are doing something incredibly unethical..... and forcing magical souls to be imprisoned in stone earthen bodies when they should have been free to go start in titan flesh bodies like Orcs and Tauren and Humans and Elves? And where do these magical souls come from before they were put in those runes on the wall? Did the Titans create the magical souls? Did cosmic team Life make those magical souls? Did cosmic team Light make those magical souls? Did the World Soul inside Azeroth make those magical souls?
@fllintvancleff2110 Күн бұрын
Crazy how they cannot eat food , because , you know , they are made of stone, but they don´t have racial against poison ? bleed ? disease ? you know , something normal dwarves resist against when they use STONEform , and those STONE dwarfs have nothing linked to that , another nit pick i have against them is that they have normal ´´hair´´ instead of the og stone beard that wrath earthen had .
@harrydalgleish8464 Күн бұрын
Man where Is all the decent races players have wanted for years not crap allied races that are pretty much the same as we already have I want vrykul race
@alessandroseverino8222 22 сағат бұрын
Simply put Blizzard can't be arsed to make all the rigging of different body shapes. So far the Kul Tiran Human had the more "unique" animations while the rest are just reskin... They diden't even arse themselfs to give us the nightborne like the npc of suramar
@Christian2k02 Күн бұрын
you sooooo know when emberthaw and ebyysian left they not finding more dragons THERE MAKIN THEMMM OOHHHHHH
@brandoncastellano1858 Күн бұрын
Hey Nobbel, been watching your videos for a long time but I dropped off around BFA to go play classic. Im finally coming back to retail for war within but I’ve missed out on a ton of lore. Is there any videos you recommend to go through? I’d like to understand what’s going on with Anduin and such. Stopped around 8.2 and haven’t touched retail since. Thank you!
@Nobbel87 Күн бұрын
I'm gonna do a welcome back, here's all you need to know for war within video. For now, i'd recommend this one:
@brandoncastellano1858 Күн бұрын
@@Nobbel87 thank you so much!
@brandoncastellano1858 Күн бұрын
@@Nobbel87 thank you. Watched it!
@catrinastars Күн бұрын
So all new earthen pc are awakened bound to Azeroth? Nice attention to detail.
@Yui714 Күн бұрын
I'm so excited that we can finally play as Dwarves in World of Warcraft! This is something they should've added to the game from the beginning imo
@abeard1 2 күн бұрын
POV: you are gay or trans in Blizzard
@mokarokas-1727 Күн бұрын
@abeard1 Күн бұрын
@@mokarokas-1727 you are so precious and unique
@mokarokas-1727 Күн бұрын
@@abeard1 wut? I guess you're trying to make a joke, but what's the punchline?
@abeard1 Күн бұрын
@@mokarokas-1727 lmao
@mokarokas-1727 Күн бұрын
@@abeard1 I guess you don't even know.
@Saf_Ibn_Sayyad_Bacon 2 күн бұрын
@rhuulu110 2 күн бұрын
I wonder if picking different jobs for your backstory yields different colors of that starting armor?
@lynk5207 2 күн бұрын
guessing we need to hit exalted again to unlock them
@Jack_Nimble42 2 күн бұрын
I think I'd rather play final fantasy xiv online at this point, after more than 15 years playing this game, it's starting to feel a little repetitive. Not to mention its starting to feel awkward having a 4k character wearing a 16 bit outfit, you know?
@Fishybowl10 2 күн бұрын
The grass is always greener. Ffxiv is a great game, but every mmo is repetitive. Play the universe you enjoy playing in because after playing wow since vanilla and ffxiv since realm reborn, it’s really the same in repetitiveness and grind
@alessandroseverino8222 2 күн бұрын
​@@Fishybowl10 dunno. The very repetitive bits are the endgame. Let alone ff14 let you do 1 character for all. So no need to repeat the same rep grind, endgame gear have a pity system rather than endless grind. Plus... If a mmo with a subscription tell you to take your time, enjoy other game too... That mean they're confident on their product rather than the costant "buy 6 month for this month!"
@jtech8873 Күн бұрын
Heavensward and Shadowbringers are 2 of the best stories I’ve been told in a video game. There is a reason FF14 has as big as a player base as it does. Wow crushes it gameplay wise but ultimates are the most fun I’ve had in a mmo.
@Nortrin Күн бұрын
Bye, we won’t miss you
@mitracia12 Күн бұрын
You do you. After I'm done with the story of dawntrail I'm unsubbing asap. No way I do the repetitive boring 450 tomes crap again. Absolutely burnt out of their shallow endgame since ARR.
@SirZeu 2 күн бұрын
nobble i assume we don't care about spoilers. me: ain't im out. sorry
@mokarokas-1727 Күн бұрын
Why did you click on the video covering their starting experience on alpha anyway?
@SirZeu Күн бұрын
@@mokarokas-1727 because starter zone are typically inconsequential to the greater story and while i don't mind spoilers for their starter zone i don't want any for the story overall.
@HawkknightXC88 2 күн бұрын
Much more expanded on than the BFA Allied Race Starting Zones but I wished it could had been bit better atleast with more quests and stuff kind of like what Blizzard did with the Pandaren, Worgen, Blood Elves, Draenei, and Goblins in their starting zones.
@smoogieboogie1694 2 күн бұрын
It'd be cool if they revamped the other Allied Race starting zones to have some more meat like this one.
@needsanameedit4982 2 күн бұрын
Would love to see a clip of all the /silly and /flirt lines once they are fully added, not expecting anything too out there like the original Worgen because of the scandals/lawsuits but it might be decent enough.
@alessandroseverino8222 2 күн бұрын
diden't they remove the /flirt?
@mokarokas-1727 Күн бұрын
@@alessandroseverino8222 No, only some of the spicier lines.
@alessandroseverino8222 22 сағат бұрын
@@mokarokas-1727 i can only facepalm to that "choise", they truly want to cleanse everything for that good boy pr status...
@mokarokas-1727 21 сағат бұрын
@@alessandroseverino8222 I mean, some of them were literally zoophilic and stuff (from a real world perspective anyway), and the game is rated ages 12/13 and up... Wow's playerbase has grown older, but their official target audience remains the same. There are certainly less understandable things you can facepalm at instead.
@malphasblackwing420 2 күн бұрын
I wonder what the intro for Earthen DK’s is
@craig3850 Күн бұрын
Same as the other allied race DKs , you go to Bolvar and do them quests.
@chasegetson1125 2 күн бұрын
@blackrose8418 2 күн бұрын
Goldshire Moonguard gonna get even more interesting
@splashmok 2 күн бұрын
bots in the comments 😭
@muncherofbiscuits Күн бұрын
They brought out the ones with the last 2 brain cells remaining lol
@f.w.3823 2 күн бұрын
Theory: I mentioned in the past the Idea that the Crystal could have served a similar purpose as the Old Gods. That is was sent by the forces of the light to "infect" and manipulate the nascent World Soul of Azeroth. With that in mind it could be possible thatAzeroth itself drew upon the energy of the Crystal in order to survive Sageras last attack. The energy thus drained could cause the Crystal to darken similar to the early stages of a Naarus demise.
@danielmcdonnell7308 2 күн бұрын
how far north are you?
@KaldonisPondo 2 күн бұрын
Would it have been the end of the world to have Wrathion be inbred? To have Wrathion - a monster - mate with his daughter? I think it would paint him as a better, eviler villain and would let Wrathion become a newly relatable character for some fans; Inbreeding exists in the real world.
@VexingLive 2 күн бұрын
Bliss read this and said “nah we should fire Christine golden” wtf man
@The04Damian 3 күн бұрын
Thanks so much for narrating and reading this. Beautifully done.
@MeeSeeksAndDestroy 3 күн бұрын
the "demon within" is Clearly the fel energies personified. its the DEMON part of the demon hunter, in a similar manner to a "beast within" that worgens have, the wolf to the man.
@ololadin91 3 күн бұрын
Still proudly wearing the "gift of N'Zoth" on my main 🫡
@alexidiculamathews7822 3 күн бұрын
Ilidan was killed by Arthus right?
@Christian2k02 3 күн бұрын
God i freaking love these videos so much!!!
@galicredstone 3 күн бұрын
I did this a couple days ago, immediately when I hit 35. No fear of levelling in the Scenario itself, it only gave me 1/3 of the level iirc. Great tabard reward, and a pretty cool scenario.
@johnsummers2943 4 күн бұрын
One day we will get to playbad Gnolls i just know it.
@daangoes121 4 күн бұрын
Despite his flaws, king graymane is based
@mysubscriptions5619 4 күн бұрын
Awesome!! I love mana wyrms :D
@Shovelchicken 4 күн бұрын
Doesn’t magni communicated with Azeroth through songs and feelings kinda sound like a naaru?
@Beargrin89 4 күн бұрын
The more I learn about the earthen, the less interested i become in them as a playable race
@CaptainFancyCat 4 күн бұрын
Yeah, this isn't a good sign of what's to come. Just more cringe writing ahead.
@Mindontcompute 4 күн бұрын
the voice acting hurts.
@xKroniKx 4 күн бұрын
Is the voice acting a placeholder? Because wow I couldn’t stop laughing at how bad it was
@SchubertAloysius 4 күн бұрын
Is he a priest, paladin or a DK?
@Nobbel87 2 күн бұрын
Priest..well...battle priest i guess
@SagittariusSisyphus 4 күн бұрын
6:49 made me think about Aulë's creation of the Dwarves in Tolkien's The Silmarillion: He is ready to destroy them once Eru (the equivalent of God) finds out the Vala created beings on his own, but they cower in fear and Eru stops him exactly because if the Dwarves would have been just things able to move then they wouldn't feel fear.
@Boomken76 4 күн бұрын
1:46 if this is supposed to be something they have been doing for some time WHY did they make the NPC sound like a failed actor?
@louiseturner7201 4 күн бұрын
i like your additions in the subtitles :)
@FranciscoSilva84 4 күн бұрын
Nice video thanks 👍
@Liskenstein 4 күн бұрын
i really hope they wont be a playable race