@jacklawsen6390 Сағат бұрын
What does it profit a man to build a large church if they're all losing their souls?
@ginnyperfater5932 5 сағат бұрын
America is Babylon
@ScottBehman-lv7vn 9 сағат бұрын
The only people I know of that set aside the first Friday and First Saturday of every month dedicated to a Holy Mass to make reparations to Our Dear Lord who suffered so horrendously for us and His Dear Mother whose heart was pierced, bc we, God’s children have been so disobedient, so ungrateful and continually blaspheme His Holy name and continue to sin against holy purity.. I see all the Traditional Latin Mass Churches are packed every First Friday and First Saturday for Reparations, to appease God’s wrath ag a corrupt world…. We always pray for conversion of the world to Christ, as only He is the answer, no human can fix this. It’s interesting that the 2 groups fighting Israel and Palestinian Muslims are the ones who reject Christ as their only hope for salvation.
@ericmartini2980 10 сағат бұрын
It's amazing how off the rails Eric has gone
@vendradi 10 сағат бұрын
Oh! They doing the same thing over there (UK) that they doing over here (US). Hmm!
@EL-nt2zn 10 сағат бұрын
We Trust & Obey the Word (Yeshua)...the Whole Word Genesis to Revelation. We Keep Covenant Ezekiel 20; Yah gave His 7th Day Holy Sabbath and His Holy Feast days which are Sabbaths that may Fall on any day as a Gift - see Exodus 23/ Leviticus 23. We eat according to scripture - see Leviticus 11. Read your Bible, people say "what does it matter what we eat?" Tell that to Adam and Eve who got kicked out of the Garden/Paradise.
@cathy5040 11 сағат бұрын
The majority of pastors today quote Roman Catholics in their sermons. They also encourage unity with the Roman Catholic Church which preaches a counterfeit gospel. The great falling away is here. Pastors have forgotten the reformation and the martyrs. Pastors have zipped their lips and have failed to warn those in the pew about the perils of Roman Catholicism. The seeker friendly church is also dangerous. We are living in perilous times brothers and sisters.
@ScottBehman-lv7vn 12 сағат бұрын
Some of my friends here have a totally incoherent interpretation of Scripture, as well as history. Nobody ever interpreted the scripture in any way that incredibly thinks God wants us to support an ethno state of people who literally Hate Jesus Christ, they hate Christianity ( they are using the same tactics on Christains in last several years as they did to the Palestinians) they make conditions intolerable to drive them out. Do you know what happened to the 13% of Christians that lived in the West Bank not very long ago, only 1% left. It was settlers protected by IDF that forced them out. Church’s and Christain cemeteries are regularly vandalized & our Clergy are attacked walking down the street… if you have on or are carrying any open and clearly seen symbol of Christ you will get spit upon… it’s not a tiny % that liars try to say….it’s laughed at and defended by many in Bibi’s cabinet and many, if not most of the people. Camera’s are everywhere and they know who the offenders are, but nothing of any significance ever happens to them. I had a friend from US who was not aware of this and was in a Feast Day procession with the Cross and he was spat at. Shocked that anyone would do something so degrading/disrespectful, as the guy & his buddies( about 10 of them laughed), he handled it the way any American would. He flew into them like a brama bull & slapped the crap out of them, throwing them around like a rag doll. Nothing happened to the disgusting instigators, he was told he had to leave. I can give you a history that I’ll bet 99% of you don’t know, bc you have been manipulated by your Anti-Christ public education. But going back 2k yrs those that hate Christ have never been our friend, they hate you, but laugh at how easy it is to fool the ignorant goyim.
@ImCarolB 13 сағат бұрын
Vermont is my home state and I now live in Maine. All my 72 years, New England has been a difficult mission field. Churches are tiny and few, and the main denomination has gone very liberal. A Christian friend in Vermont has been telling me about great things in the church he began going to a few years ago. There is always a long list of new believers being baptized. That's something we've never heard of! Praise God.
@ScottBehman-lv7vn 13 сағат бұрын
Cindy I hold & others who point to Romans 11 and don’t read that in context with what Elsa Paul says. The Gospel in proper context does not say opposite things. The same Paul who said in 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15 that the so-called Jews who rejected the Lord Jesus and killed the prophets, they do not please God and are an enemy to all mankind, ( hostis hummani generis)… so let’s look at Romans 11:29… you should know that the word “ irrevocable “ has ALWAYS been understood by the exact meaning of the word in Greek, it’s root word in Greek is uetavota, which literally means “ to repent”, “ to regret “. The word is not to be understood as a legal term but as a personal resolve, literally meaning , unrepented or unregretted. Hence the meaning in Rom. 11:29 is not that God can’t revoke His gifts or calling, nor can it mean the status of Jews in old covenant is permanent since OT and Gospel are crystal clear that the OT Mosaic covenant is legally revoked and replaced by Christ’s New Covenant, which applies to Jew and Gentile….. what Paul is clearly saying in Rom 11 is that God neither regrets nor will He arbitrarily take away His gifts and calling to Jews even tho most of them rejected Him because , as Paul explains in verses 30-32, Gods mercy still extends to all Jews who put their faith in Christ( “ the Deliverer”) and willing to repent of their sin in the New Covenant in Christ. The way some of you Prots are interpreting this is a heretical endeavor and no one in history of the 2k yr history of the Church would ever hold that. That a sad result of the schofield cult in the 20th century that the non-Christian poster boy for gluttony & sloth, John Hagge poisons peoples minds with. It’s sick and a total rejection to Our Lord’s Gospel. Every Prot must know that God does not care about your blood lines or DNA after the coming of Our Lord ( they were only chosen thousands of yrs earlier so Jesus could enter the world thru a tribe dedicated to His Father and to maintain a pure blood line for Jesus to be born thru, fulfilling the prophecy) . Jesus made it perfectly clear to the Jews when they were bragging about their “ chosen” lineage. He mocked and rejected that notion and told them in no uncertain terms. It’s very troubling that some of you do not know that Israel can be a land and people of faith. Our Lord makes it clear that He is referring to Israel as those faithful who follow and are obedient to Him. Our Lord puts no stock in land, this was always God’s frustration with the Jews, they were always more concerned with things of the world, land, money, power, etc and not focused on the heavenly Jerusalem and cleaning up their inner self, doing penance, conquering sin in their life. Sam Shamoun does a great job going thru old and New Testament on this. I’ve never met anyone who knows the Bible as well, with possible exception of Robert Sungenis who has done complete exegesis on every line of it ( multiple volumes). but Sam seems to have the Bible completely memorized and with complete exegesis knowledge. Go to Shamonian dot com if you r interested. Pax Christi Est!
@user-pc6jb8rg9r 13 сағат бұрын
What if the husband divorces the wife and he is not a Christian and she is, what does that leave her to do? 😢
@lisav6583 14 сағат бұрын
Candace is the best! Love her
@rmac1199 14 сағат бұрын
Andy Stanley is the Georgia Pastor he is talking about
@williammiles459 15 сағат бұрын
What Eric doesn’t understand is his own participation in “apostasy”, deterministic Gnosticism. We should spend at least the same amount of time criticizing ourselves. I am decoupling from said Gnosticism.
@bolt4694 16 сағат бұрын
Knowledge doubles every eighteen months. Too bad wisdom doesn't.
@bolt4694 16 сағат бұрын
Perversion followed by insanity. Exactly what is happening today. The last stages before God Brings down nations. We are under judgement.
@joannfuhrer3114 16 сағат бұрын
Once the church walked away from Christ's prescription for salvation as Repent of your sin, and Believe everything He said (It's written between the covers of The Book), the devil moved right in. Unfortunately, we made room for him in the pew.
@crestitabell3045 18 сағат бұрын
So what do we as believers in Christ do? We should become involved & become active in promoting our values and at the same time become active in our government leaders who should we vote. I actually appreciate what young Charlie Kirk is doing because he’s influencing the younger people to understand their purpose & goal in life what should their future or goals that they want to accomplish, when they reach the age of mature adulthood.
@crestitabell3045 18 сағат бұрын
Eric& Charlie it’s the end times we believers in Christ should understand all what’s happening now that deception is so prevalent because that’s how the devil works to deceive & delude the people who are not really walking in the Lord.
@Lioness1499 18 сағат бұрын
Bunch of crap. All I am hearing is two men pushing their research and the books they have written. I do not care anything about the people they are talking about. These were mortal men with the same access to God and the Holy Spirit that we all have.
@Smarty2able 19 сағат бұрын
Coming apostasy? It already happened...What? I saw this coming years ago.
@RisaHolland 19 сағат бұрын
@alisoneng 19 сағат бұрын
From the onset, the host is full of himself. Stark contrast to the gracious & poised Rabbi Schneider. Respect! And a fan! ✌🏻
@juhanipitkakari5999 20 сағат бұрын
No-one can conquer our true Christian nation, the Kingdom of Heaven, because it's not of this world.
@oldmanonamission8055 20 сағат бұрын
Has no one read Jeremiah 31:31-43? Jesus was the last sacrifice to bridge the gap between God and sinful humanity. There are no more sacrifices people. Isreal getting it all wrong yet again. God keeps warning them and they fail every time.
@lookintheshed382 17 сағат бұрын
Yes, as always Israel getting it all wrong yet again. Israel doesn't listen to God. They are always believing their own way. They think because they are God's people he won't punish them, but he will.
@christinagrund2728 23 сағат бұрын
I don’t trust Jack Hibbs anymore because he defends Mike Johnson. No one is perfect, but the blatant lies Johnson has told, and his duplicitous actions show his true character . If Hibbs really was his friend he would call him out on it. It gives me no pleasure to say this, I thought Jack was a man of integrity. The same for Franklin Graham.
@troyhenry6111 Күн бұрын
Their misrepresentation of atheist is honestly off putting
@Donny23242 Күн бұрын
CS Lewis would not have been Pentecostal .
@MrClawson99 Күн бұрын
Islam is poison.
@surrenderdaily333 Күн бұрын
Some of us have to be selfishly "focused on our own trajectory" as you put it because we are too unstable, weak and unsure of who we are and how to proceed in any direction without losing our way and getting swept up in the tide in the wrong direction, so I disagree with that assessment. And I AM NOT COMPLICIT WITH EVIL. I'm disabled. That is not a victim statement, it is very real. Everyone has different gifts in the body of Christ. Just because some of us can't do certain things doesn't mean we are somehow less than.
@digitalwilderness3633 Күн бұрын
Why Can’t American Christians Change Their World or Even Themselves? I blame “Good Parenting” Link: content.instructables.com/FDP/93IO/LW7U0G7J/FDP93IOLW7U0G7J.pdf “Good” parenting, as is done in our culture, is in opposition to good health, good time management, and longevity. Parents rewards good behavior with bad things. These habits are carried into adulthood and then passed on to future generations. Rebelling against our culture would be a good thing. Our culture encourages us to squander these two most important assets. (PDF includes sermon notes).
@ajdogcurr1 Күн бұрын
The only hope our country has is for it to first wake up and turn to God and pary for salvetion.
@nutherdisciple Күн бұрын
well said Michael Youssef! Thank you
@nutherdisciple Күн бұрын
our calling TODAY is to be the salt and the light, that society needs, speaking the truth in love...
@nutherdisciple Күн бұрын
actually we do care, speaking the truth in love, yes, speak the truth, but I speak the truth because I love you.
@ezimm Күн бұрын
Please do not put Candace Owens up on display as an example of Christian righteousness. She is quite treacherous and calculatingly twists truth. She is anti-Semitic and speaks about issues she knows nothing about. It’s disappointing to see this on TBN
@KC-eo8uf Күн бұрын
"Get up and get over yourself". Loved this interview.
@ABStoll-xi3li Күн бұрын
I am a born again Christian from Germany. And I do think it is our christian duty to take in refugees. There are criminals among them that need to go in prison, but ai can not accept that you criminalize all of them. People in Germany are leaving the church at the moment because there had been sexual abuse over years and noone took responsibility in the church. So,please please don't say immigrants are raping girls. It is criminals of all bachgrounds do that. The church very often is not an example of love of Christ. This is why people are leaving it. I am a Christian but I strongly disagree on the Statements being made in this video
@billjenkins2503 Күн бұрын
The reason the Church is dying in England is that the Church leaders have abandoned the concepts laid out for a Christian lifestyle and instead have adopted popular world view in their administration of the Church. You have to have b%lls to be a true Christian in this day and age. Develop a close relationship with Jesus and your belief and the Church will soar. Look to the Bible for ways to live a Christian lifestyle.
@ggpmf Күн бұрын
Jesus never focused on the government..how to answer that?
@sherievostad5000 Күн бұрын
Johnson/Boehner-it all adds up now-marshmallows under pressure
@user-zp2lv6yj9n 2 күн бұрын
" The church of Christ " , I neen not hear anything else .
@adesign3755 2 күн бұрын
Mike Johnson is a fake Christian! Clearly
@lgq704 2 күн бұрын
Very few American politicians are true Christians, all democRATS, and most Republicans are satanists.
@jaypatrus4077 2 күн бұрын
This pope is wishy washy …. He’s not decisive
@sherryfout6113 2 күн бұрын
God knows, you all keep trying to figure it out. Be still and know that he is God. Love you both but I sure would love to hear you talk about all that God has exposed and that he’s in control, Gods will be done
@joshuamitchell5481 2 күн бұрын
America is Sodom and Gomorrah. Billy Graham was right
@joshuamitchell5481 2 күн бұрын
I am 71 would vote for Mickey Mouse before I would vote for jo baden
@joshuamitchell5481 2 күн бұрын
Johnson is no leader
@joshuamitchell5481 2 күн бұрын
Prayers prayers prayers for Israel