Stop Remaking The Crow
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Gamers, Beauty, and Capitalism
Did The D&D Movie Deserve To Flop?
Why is Anime Fan Service Dull Now?
@bobdole4916 9 секунд бұрын
The problem with all of this is that who wins and what the extent of their abilities and powers are is entirely dependent on the writer. Just look at every Marvel vs DC crossover comic. And as a very small thing - many of Batman's utility belt items are mechanical, not electric, so, Electro doesn't get that automatic win against his belt.
@pantslesswrock 34 минут бұрын
I really feel that with the new Star Trek and Doctor Who, we are actively seeing that turn happen right now. If you haven’t seen Angel or The Maestro yet, check em out
@RubeusArchos Сағат бұрын
I feel all genders and relationships should be included. Great video
@xddlct9549 Сағат бұрын
i think these points are great, Batman can't compete physically, but idk if Spider-Man can handle some of the mental abuse of Batman's villains for example a lot of the Joker's more vile plans would mess up Peter mentally, and Batman usually is beaten thru that mental torment not so much the physical torment
@darter9000 Сағат бұрын
I could see Joker seeking out the power to cross dimensions just to get back to Batman…
@midascantmiss8210 Сағат бұрын
I also would say that Christopher paolini’s magic system in the inheritance cycle (eragon) is a good example of spells through language and how physically draining they can be to the health of the caster .
@ZaiDrizzleDrop Сағат бұрын
1:03:33 DUDE I LITERALLY SAY THIS ALL THE TIME. Its such a backwards kind of mentality. I grew up knowing kids who's parents let them play hyper-violent games where you mow people down and DECIMATE human beings with machine guns and bombs, snap a dog's neck, stab people, etc. But those same parents would cover their kids eyes if something sexual or (FEMALE NIPPLES) appeared in a movie or something. Its the exact same thing with media involving LGBTQ stuff, like how localized anime will remove hints of a character being gay (like you mentioned in the video about Japan's art and sailor moon). But for some reason the violence, HARMING PEOPLE is perfectly fine. People (at least in America), don't flinch, heck they even glorify violence, cheer it. But they are so prudish when it comes to the human body, sex or queer topics. Don't question the violence, question a character's perfectly normal sexual preference. I've had conversations with friends where I said "It would make more sense if the character was gay with how he's written." and they go. "Dude, why would you even SAY that?!" (Kingdom Hearts) But meanwhile the series involves so many crazy concepts, yet they are stuck on the characters being gay or queer. Americans, or maybe just humanity is so damn weird. Accepting something thats far worse, but making a taboo of something that's perfectly fine really. Sorry if this was hard to read, I tend to have a lot of frustrated thoughts stuck in my head that come spilling out. Like I've honestly been concerned about my friend group because despite us all being in our 20s, they still say things like "If you do X your GAY!!" or if I mention that I romanced a male character in Baldur's gate they'll go "WOOOOOOAAAAAH, FAAAAAG!!!" and like, I love these guys, we have a ton of fun, but this bothers me. I feel like this is stuff we did back in middle school...why do we care about someone's sexual preference? Are we really doing this? Are we really gonna be those guys that shame someone just because they are gay? Its frustrating.
@nothinginteresting7558 Сағат бұрын
....Moral Orel. That's it.
@gh0st-fox 2 сағат бұрын
There's a lot of complete baffling nonsense about her takes, but one thing that keeps sticking out to me is why does she think she *has* to skip optional content? If she likes the tower portion of Mt. Pyre for example, it's right there. She can just do it anyway. There's no time limit, the objective isn't going anywhere, it'll be fine if she takes a detour to do something she likes. But she acts like it's the game's fault because there's another path that's faster and like it's forcing her to take the most direct path through the game, when that's something she is *choosing* to do.
@jodinsan 3 сағат бұрын
I disagree with how quickly you brushed aside the fight between Scarecrow and Spiderman. I think Peter would have a _much_ tougher time against the fear toxin than he would against Mysterio's Illusions. At a certain point Peter learned to trust his 6th sense when dealing with the illusions and Mysterio goes down pretty much like he did in the movie. Now under the effect of the fear toxin, Peter's Spidey-sense would likely get kicked into overdrive. Constantly. He would have to find a hole and go comatose for a day or three before finding a way to inoculate himself much like Batman always does. Bruce and Peter are similar in terms of determination and willpower but Batman still comes out ahead in this. Spiderman very much is driven by his fears and the Scarecrow toxin would very likely be incredibly effective for this reason. Not saying Spiderman couldn't beat Crane, but it would honestly be quite the interesting story.
@user-dk8lo6fw3u 3 сағат бұрын
I see what you did there with the quick reveal at 52:14, Mr. Nygma. What have you done with Anthony❓
@richardbayen3665 4 сағат бұрын
I think a much more interesting scenario is Superman and Spider Man switching villains
@TGo-n-Roscoe 4 сағат бұрын
Great video, I’ll definitely be back.
@P326Star 4 сағат бұрын
One slight correction - Rowling is a Blairite, not a Thatcherite. That’s why she believed (like other Blairites) that she can be a bit casually bigoted and still be considered to be on the “good team”.
@matthewglenguir7204 4 сағат бұрын
Goddamn it. I recently started watching Lily and then saw this video. Another good ol'reminder that everyone is flawed
@MatLembu 5 сағат бұрын
crazy hour of spiderman wank
@markfrey6664 5 сағат бұрын
Twenty bucks says Harley might develop a crush on Spidey
@resistancepublishing 5 сағат бұрын
There are no such things as “bad themes” as you say. Only bad execution of those themes
@mr.weirdness5970 6 сағат бұрын
I remember watching someone critique Lily Orchard’s Steven Universe video and there was one thing Lily did that invigorates me and just further proves your idea of bad media criticism. Now I have barely seen the show and have no current interest in it, it just annoys me. Lily was making a critique about filler episodes, which of course is the specific guidelines of “Episode that does not move the story forward in anyway” Ignoring the argument that there can be good filler episodes and the importance of certain filler episodes (specifically, as a reprieve from heavy story developments) she based her argument arc by arc, with the episodes being important to the story as blue and filler episodes as orange. The thing that bugs me is that one arc had a filler episode selected as the last episode of the arc. …then why include it in the arc? From her argument, she is saying that the arc finished its story the last episode. She is making an argument that the arc ends on an episode that doesn’t move its plot forward… because the last episode was the last important episode for the arc? It was such a deliberately dishonest move that made it clear she was lying to make a point. And that was discounting the fact that apparently, some of the filler episodes actually had small but significant story moments. Like the wedding episode that ends with the gem invasion. If the gems are the main plot, then the wedding would be filler, it because the wedding episodes ends with the invasion, it’s an important episode because it builds up to a significant plot development. For comparison, imagine if an anime beach episode ended with one of the party members getting murdered. You can’t ignore that.
@Jackson-CEO 6 сағат бұрын
the internet is a vast place and you can find anything to fit a narrative... as a comic book reader 34 years now the business doesn't make sense. try taking a page out of manga and make it a genre so the business doesn't suffer because if not the industry will be dead in the next 10 years
@ArmaBiologica35 7 сағат бұрын
Huge countries that have thousands of years of history like Mexico, Egypt, China, Saudi Arabia, Peru, Greece do not have wizard schools of their own? Hogwarts is the one that sends out the invitation letters and apparently they take in Scottish and Irish students as well. Do the other schools get to choose which students from which countries they take? I´m Mexican so if theres a Mexican wizard kid, do they go to the American school and have to deal with the language barrier of english to get their education or do they go to the Brazilian wizard school and have to deal with the languaage barrier of Portuguese to get their education?
@DavidMajors 8 сағат бұрын
I loved Sense8. I thought it was beautiful and brilliant. And I think the fact that Sense8 only got two seasons was a sign of the line they are ready to cross. Not to mention Lily and Lana Wachowski being the ones behind it.
@713majesty 8 сағат бұрын
One of the reasons why I love Catra is because she’s problematic and that’s what makes her real
@banansa4778 8 сағат бұрын
Spiderman vs batman villans: "Oh, lawd!!! why doesn't he shut up!?!?!" Batman vs spiderman villians: "*batman places hand on shoulder* Heh... Im in danger...."
@HotDogTimeMachine385 9 сағат бұрын
Imagine not understanding the X-Men are about minorities
@Slitheringpeanut 9 сағат бұрын
This entire whining diatribe is assuming that critic channels are much bigger than they are. This is a fallacy. At most they have a few hundred thousand who share the various channels. The VAST majority of viewers, the ones that are deciding whether or not to view a production, don't watch any of these channels you're complaining about. They're just not happy with the state of entertainment. That's it. You can lie and make up all the reasons you want, but the truth is most people are just not happy with the low bar that Hollywood has been trying to feed them.
@natbatlightwood5288 9 сағат бұрын
Even before Rowling went full blown Terf, i'd fallen out of love with the series. I have no idea what even happened. I re-read Philosopher's Stone for the first time since the movies ended. And i was excited for Chamber of Secrets as it was my favourite one, but i never even reached the fourth Chapter. I couldn't put my finger on the why, but the enthusiasm was just gone. On the plus side, it was probably a good thing. Because literally a few months before she went full blown Terf, i'd discovered the Indie Book community, specifically the M/M fantasy genre (adult fantasy) and i have read books that have arguabley left a greater impact on me than Potter ever did and that is a truly amazing thing. Even my mum has listened to the audiobooks simply because of how much i enjoy these indie books and my mum is not a reader. I will treasure the memories i made in the Wizarding World growing up, but the stories simply do not hold up, be it the plotholes you could drive a damn plane through, or the constant dumb shiz she tried to retro-actively include after the fact for some brownie points, the stories just don't have the charm they once had for me. And in regards to Rowlings real world self, as you said my boycotting it makes no difference in the grand scheme of things its far too late and far too big an IP for a boycott to realistically make a difference to her, but i feel better know i am at least no longer supporting her. This was a great a video by the way.
@MataNui. 9 сағат бұрын
I don't know enough to argue whether or not it's a fop, but X-men 97 had multiple seasons ordered up front. It was gonna get multiple seasons whether people watched it or not. This is a common practice with TV shows.
@Fauwkes 7 сағат бұрын
Seasons of tv get ordered before they even premiere.
@Dru2037 9 сағат бұрын
Batman would get murdered just fighting Kraven.
@TrueZero2 10 сағат бұрын
Regarding the HM talk around 1:10:00, the issue with HMs in my experience wasn't that they were there, it was that there were so many of them. That '24 move slots' comment loses steam when you realise that in Gen 4 you lose 2 full Pokemon worth if you want all of the HMs on as few team members as possible. Throw in the fact that you can't remove them the normal way (I know it's to prevent softlocks) and that some of those moves just weren't useful in the long term, it causes unneeded friction.
@paulyhart 10 сағат бұрын
Batman is basically a mid tier bad guy in Marvel.
@dassadec 10 сағат бұрын
Oh god imagine Bats somehow does win his first run against Spiedys foes.... Do we think he survives 2 seconds when the Sinister Six form..... Lol
@ageridthesilverdragon4440 10 сағат бұрын
wait there was a twist with Zeug... the kiss is legit the only thing i heard about the lightyear movie
@napalmholocaust9093 10 сағат бұрын
Never trust someone who says "indeed". Only thing worse is "indubitably".
@kurathchibicrystalkitty5146 11 сағат бұрын
Another fantastic video, and thank you so much for including the little section at the end of comics to read! f I may make a suggestion for future videos, how about the history of queer characters in manga/anime, or in animated shows? 😄 I have a modest collection of queer books: Legends and Lattes, Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series and Monk and Robot duology, The Raven Tower [Ann Leckie], the Avatar Kyoshi duology, Dragon Pearl and Tiger Honour [Yoon Ha Lee], Cemetery Boys [Aiden Thomas], Can't Spell Tea Without Treason [Rebecca Thorne]; and graphic novels/manga: Nimona, The Girl From The Sea, Witch Boy trilogy, Always Human, The Princess and The Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Crumbs, Mooncakes, Across A Field of Starlight, The Magic Fish, The Prince and The Dressmaker, and Wish and Cardcaptor Sakura omnibus editions. Oh, and Feet of Clay and Monstrous Regiment, can't forget Discworld. There's a bunch of webcomics I read that have great queer rep, too: Seven Days in Silverglen, The Prince of Southland, Novae, Be My Villain, O Human Star, and The Last Dimension. All except O Human Star are still on-going. Also, the phrase 'straight as an arrow' is very confusing to me because arrows go all bendy-bendy when you shoot them. I wonder how many people who use that as an analogy actually use bows.
@leonpgut 11 сағат бұрын
Nice video, I'm all in support of it. I noticed an inconsistency between two of the statements made though: 9:04 "Batman and Robin were giving off that vibe [...] Wonder Woman and both her group of Amazons and her sorority girls at her local college were really, really giving off that vibe." 12:35 "His rant about how Batman and Robin are clearly doing all sorts of things behind closed doors, and Wonder Woman and her sorority girls [...], were not really backed up by any evidence at all. And he didn't seem able to handle the concept of a woman with female friends."
@lazynerd3211 12 сағат бұрын
spiderman would leave Gotham clean bill of health. he returned to new York and it's a hell hole after batman leaves. 5 new villians will show up and all the villians would have more money. 😂😂
@tuojiangoman3228 12 сағат бұрын
There was a whole thing published at the end of the Golden Age about how comic books were “seducing the innocent” because the author thought that Batman and Robin were homosexual. No, his problem with that relationship was not that it was pedophilia, it was that it was between two males. On the one hand, this proves the homosexuality in comics is nothing new. On the other hand, it shows bigots’ skewed priorities perfectly.
@therexbellator 12 сағат бұрын
As a cishet white guy I hear everything being said and I agree with a lot but I also encourage people to take a step back and look at what's being said here: On one hand, there is the content creator's acknowledgement of the historical prejudice that LGBTQ+ people have suffered as a result of negative media portrayals in capitalist society, and on the other the content creator seems to be equally unhappy that such portrayals are being watered-down into bland inoffensive portrayals. I don't know about you but even though there's room for criticism of our capitalistic system, even if Rainbow Capitalism is inauthentic, it seems to me the latter is at least a step in the right direction compared to the former. I don't know if using John Waters' subversiveness is the right way to go either. His subversiveness came at a time when America was still waking up from the post-war "golden era" of Ozzie and Harriet and Leave it to Beaver. It was a reaction to that pristine, saccharine portrayal of the cishet nuclear family. Real life, for average people, was a lot messier. His work along with a lot of 1970s cinema was an attempt to shed light on the ugliness and inhumanity that existed just under the surface of our modern world. But I think returning to that subversive / deviant portrayal nowadays would do more harm than good. Even this video essay demonstrates that when an authentically queer creator creates something, such as Love Simon's author, their own work is ridiculed by the LGTBQ community as not authentically queer. That's a problem. I think part of the problem is the human desire to reduce everything to a simple idea and stick it into a container but the LGBTQ+ experience is by its nature messy because of its intersection of race, ethnicity, culture, sex and gender norms. It just seems to me the most rational and practical thing to do is to continue to encourage "Rainbow Capitalism" as a convenient if half-hearted ally, support LGBTQ+ creators and their work, don't gatekeep. Is there room for improvement? Of course. Criticize but don't attack or demonize creators as many in social media are wont to do. Capitalism has issues but the fact is it is the predominant economic system the world runs on; the same capitalism that made it possible for the Hays Code to exist is the same one that eventually led us to gay, queer, and trans representation in mainstream media to the point where its banal and uninteresting. Maybe it's not authentic but neither was Ozzie and Harriet.
@rotten2thebit221 13 сағат бұрын
Tim Drake was straight as an arrow!? Some of these people never read his comics lol
@rotten2thebit221 12 сағат бұрын
Also for me personally it’s a red flag to say Batman and robin gave off queer vibes Bruce was in his 20s and dick was 10 at the time, the book Seduction of the Innocent said this because it was incredibly conservative and homophobic
@AC-dk4fp 13 сағат бұрын
Pretty much all Gilgamesh references are rooted in ignorance but this video's really takes the cake for having no idea what its talking about. Enkidu doesn't get redeemed he starts in a state of innocense and then gets sexually seduced into sacriligious murder and killed off for the crimes of the villain protagonist. Gilgamesh is the 1/3 demon in the story so only a tiny bit of research could have actually made a semi relevant point.
@thanatos997 13 сағат бұрын
What happens if Alfred is used instead of Batman