@capecarver 31 минут бұрын
Bill Clinton isn't a very good man. But he nailed it with that observation. Great lecture.
@richardlynch5745 41 минут бұрын
I discovered you with "God and the New Physics" and have read just about every book since then.... Happy to see you on Royal Society on KZfaq... thanks for all your writings you have prodded me into some deep thoughts.... 👍👍 10:28
@Thaulopi 53 минут бұрын
How can a topic so fascinating be delivered so dully? OMG..
@miketkong2 Сағат бұрын
So is the universe an accident or not?
@anotherplatypus 2 сағат бұрын
If this dude switched to social science he would win a nobel peace prize for his abilities to demystify and inspire to the population... they would award it because he pointed at a guiding vision... it's almost unique to hear people that aren't either doomsayers or hopeful storytellers... lol can we clone him?
@trevorporter4776 4 сағат бұрын
Re Alien life and where are they ? Surely any life intelligent enough to travel vast cosmic distances would also send out scouts / drones to make first inspections. Having then examined whatever these scouting drones had to report back --- photos / videos / light and gas spectra etc the 'aliens' would notice just how cruel and selfdistructive our version of 'intelligent life' actually is. These reports may convince the 'aliens' not to come to earth any time soon. ( Let's not go to that planet for a holiday dad. If they treat each other like that what might they do to us ? )
@sarge-T.O. 4 сағат бұрын
My boomer parents had a combined income under 30k in their best years of the 80s. They bought and sold 4 houses in their life. Friends my age who actually own property didn't have a down payment saved until their late thirties and still live in that first home. The rest of us rent.
@premakau 5 сағат бұрын
ÑThe present scientists think they created this earth and the Universes yes universes because we know only one UNIverse. But there could be many many of them.. Lord Vishnu rules over 3 such Universes .. These new scientists appear on the horizon to undo theories , the previous generation formulated ..the present scientists' success is in undoing and negating/killing the living theories..in this method they will soon arrive on verge of selfdestruction...
@premakau 5 сағат бұрын
The present computer science has turned all scientists into orators ..they go on on endlessly like the galaxies ... Really the sky is the limit ..for the present scientists..
@premakau 5 сағат бұрын
I hail the mathematician who invented the theory of Probablity and included it as a working entity while it's being misused by the latest science degree holders ... This theory of Mathematics opened up a Pandora's box of calculations ...one of them is the quantom mechanics.. they are literally splitting hair that is electrically charged.. It has opened up a foolhardy set of people and theories to serve their ego.... Today's science is the Bhasmasura ...of Hindu mythology .. all cock and bull stories that have no moral lessons for a happy -live -together but to destroy humans and their successors and their efforts to find peace on this earth.. Quantum mechanics will achieve this very soon ...
@premakau 5 сағат бұрын
Then Noas will appear and save all species take them to a new world for future Inventions..humans will never learn the simple lesson of Live and let live but dig again / mistep in to Gods domain..
@1pcfred 6 сағат бұрын
I hate to break it to this guy but I will never use an EV ever. That's because the tech is too embedded in the product. Tech that's controlled by others.
@MuhammadSaleem-yq7em 9 сағат бұрын
What a great style !
@AdrianNunez-bh9hj 9 сағат бұрын
Is any skibidy rizzler here in 2024
@bokchoiman 9 сағат бұрын
Islam is outdated, as evidenced by all of the brilliant people making discoveries around the world who would be persecuted under Islamic law.
@ixeryx4029 11 сағат бұрын
Yap king
@sergekaznady8941 12 сағат бұрын
Anxiety and bad mood are caused by DEMONS inside of you. Seriously. To drive them out and feel happier, you need to pray to Jesus Christ and ask his to cast away demons out of you. And He will. Just talk to Him in a simple human language and in short phrases. Make a deep breath and exhale at the end of your prayer, and you will be cleaned. Do this every time you feel depressed. Demons do not stay in your body all the time. They just come and go. So, as soon as you feel something bad within yourself, pray to the Lord. IT WORKS! Trust me!
@gorkarullan 12 сағат бұрын
Hype hype hype
@vernonbrechin4207 8 сағат бұрын
Some people, such as that above, have developed keen critically thinking skills. They can spot when others are trying to pull the wool over their eyes.
@patrickweston4131 13 сағат бұрын
That was great. Thank you.
@tmcb2000 14 сағат бұрын
It began with the premise that non-genetic mutation is only occurs where it doesnt cause 'unstuck' mutation but isn't that a itself a function genetic inheritance and natural selection? Or what have I missed?
@printpress6211 14 сағат бұрын
theodore roosevelt the man that applauded the slaughter of 600 muslim women and children in the phillipenes
@printpress6211 14 сағат бұрын
you have in the list one that aided the killing of jews and another who gave jews a land that they don't own , and we face the repercussions of both till this day
@stevencarr4002 6 сағат бұрын
Who gave the Jews the land they had in Medina? Allah?
@davidunderdown8100 15 сағат бұрын
One million planets the size of Earth would fit inside the Sun. 99.86 percent of the matter in the solar system is in the Sun, the remaining 0.14 percent is shared by ALL the outer planets. One thousand planets the size of Earth would fit inside Jupiter. Humans are the size of atoms on a grain of sand living for a nanosecond in the life of the Sun, a blink of an eye. The Sun is aging and changing. The Sun controls the Earth's climate, not us. Man's effect on the climate of the Earth is equal to throwing a rock in to the Grand Canyon. Natural climate change is unpredictable and unstoppable. Humans must adapt.
@vernonbrechin4207 8 сағат бұрын
Large segments of our population find comfort in immersing themselves in climate science denial echo chamber information sources that tend to convince their fans that all countering scientific data should be rejected as being corrupted. The claim, that the sun's energy falling on Earth is responsible for any changes we see, has been repeatedly debunked by the vast mainstream scientific community. These deniers have been convinced that only their tiny out-liner experts are worth listening to. They will never find citations for the following articles listed in their favorite denier sources. Climate change: How do we know (NASA) NASA measures direct evidence humans are causing climate change (CBSnews) Observational Evidence of Increasing Global Radiative Forcing (agupubs - wiley) The GISTEMP climate spiral 1880-2021 (NASA) A dire forecast: Scientists used AI to find planet could cross critical warming threshold sooner than expected (CNN) World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022 (Academic dot OUP dot com) Satellite data confirms globe is warming rapidly (Axios) Humanity is ‘cutting down the tree of life’, warn scientists Worst mass extinction event in Earth’s history was caused by global warming analogous to current climate crisis (News dot mnogabay dot com) Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines (PNAS dot org) What's Really Warming the World? (Bloomberg) More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change (Cornell University) Climate: What did We Know and When Did We Know it? (KZfaq) CO2 Concentration - Last 800,000 years (Scripps dot UCSD dot edu) Greenhouse gas (Wikipedia) Radiative forcing (Wikipedia) Americans are surprisingly rational about climate change, new study finds (KZfaq) Heartland's '6 Reasons To Be A Climate-Change Skeptic' Are Six Demonstrable Falsehoods (Forbes) Skeptical Science (skeptical science dot com) Typically nuclear power fans continue to assume that we have at least 20-30 years to turn this 'Titanic' around using their favorite nuclear technology. They have become masterful in excluding the following warnings from their consciousness. I urge readers to search for the following article titles. IPCC report: ‘now or never’ if world is to stave off climate disaster (TheGuardian) UN chief: World has less than 2 years to avoid 'runaway climate change' (TheHill) * This statement was made 5 years ago.
@user-xr6rh6jy8z 15 сағат бұрын
One of the basic aspect of life is the urge to procreate, to “Be”. And not to extend this analogy too far, did not the universe also share this “ urge”?
@printpress6211 16 сағат бұрын
seems astonishing that in addition to being racist, Voltaire is a liar as it seems he never met one of those he was describing, at the time islam was in many of these countries with education centers , hospitals , great great architecture , irrigation systems etc. which is something practiced by the occupants of the place not by a colonial power as the west always does and takes away its machines when leaving
@Bnryzombie 17 сағат бұрын
This is why i hate special relativity. SPACE IS NOT FLAT
@arthurfleck1554 17 сағат бұрын
They were all GREEKS and PERSIAN, non of them were of arabic descent!
@Metal_Master_YT 17 сағат бұрын
The holy grail of chemical reactions...
@GeorgeW-zb7en 18 сағат бұрын
First absorption.
@madmikefoetwenny55 19 сағат бұрын
If you entered a black hole, you would have only one destination after you were ripped apart to the quantum particle, which would go splat on the outside of the center mass.
@Korvilon 19 сағат бұрын
Honestly, I think there's an external factor in play with the act of observation. For some reason it makes me think about spiders, when I look at a spider in my house, it knows right away to stop moving. It shouldn't know Im looking right at it, its eye sight is terrible and cant see me from that distance. But for some reason they always stop moving as soon as I turn my eyes on them. I bet there's something with the act of looking that we don't understand. I'm probably wrong, but like, food for thought.
@Rico-Suave_ 19 сағат бұрын
I loved Dr. Daniel Dennett, very sad to hear about his passing, I would have loved to meet him, he was my absolute favorite, an intellectual giant, a legend, true sage, heard he was also very kind gentle person, huge loss to civilization, I will watch tons of his lectures in the next few weeks in his memory, I made a playlist of his lectures and interviews for myself to work through, listening to Dr Dennett lectures would be my idea of Heaven 1:14:33
@tairdudeusa7981 19 сағат бұрын
Fusion is a 66-year-old scam. It produces a lot of money, billions of dollars, but produces no electricity. How long is this scam going to go on?
@vernonbrechin4207 8 сағат бұрын
Actually the research efforts began during the 1950s. That is often downplayed in current promotional pitches for current experimental machines. Many sales pitchers are hoping to attract private investors in the efforts that they are immersed in and many of those investors fail to seek out critical assessments. They typically don't understand the full story and are easily snowed by the experimenters. In the case of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) the vast majority of its funding has always come from U.S. federal reviews that are targeted towards the nation's nuclear weapons program. The project managers have always been masterful in obscuring that fact when they present NIF to the press and the general public. NIF has always been a thermonuclear weapon (H-bomb) design and training research tool. The December 5, 2022, experiment announcement included a weapons related target material to measure the effects of the prompt fusion neutron flux upon that material. Most nuclear fusion presenters have become masterful in focussing upon the desired future goals while not mentioning the huge array of difficulties encountered since the experiments began.
@davidtomsett 20 сағат бұрын
I thought that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light?
Yer Mum
@bestremixes4482 21 сағат бұрын
Brilliant presentation! Incredibly complex info discussed in a simplified and highly entertaining way. We need more scientists like him!
@landoflittlerain 22 сағат бұрын
Too bad we don't have a massive fusion reactor in the sky that gives us energy for free or anything.
@benjaminmccabe2116 22 сағат бұрын
Is this a talk about climate change or fusion ffs 😢
@uclassc 23 сағат бұрын
Our neighborhood squirrels eat anything but when someone dropped a carton of MacDonalds fries they didn’t touch it they didn’t recognize the fries as food at all
@yutinghsieh8046 Күн бұрын
@cromdesign1 Күн бұрын
I wonder what the person their focus has got to do with it. Filtering what gets in and gets processed. Listen to or watch nature. Or focus on pain and making stories about what others are thinking. When one forgets the body temperature and feels 'bad'. Difficult...
@davidtomsett Күн бұрын
I think there must be even smaller particles that exist that we have not discovered yet.
@bobster000 Күн бұрын
At 9:57, why do you put a Dog in Box A when Bob puts in a £1 coin?? I can't see any explanation for this! Rule 2 on the screen in the corner talks about what happens if both of them put in £2 coins, which explains the result in the bottom right corner. Why have you put a Dog in the top right corner ??
@1964_AMU Күн бұрын
Thanks for explaining the acronym behind OCA2 : Ocular Albinism 2. Blue eyes is a mutation that started 18 000 years ago and is an albinism.
@gustavorabino9353 Күн бұрын
The whole climate BS is so absurd, we have nuclear fission already to solve this issue NOW. Even if we developed nuclear fusion in 20 years it would be too expensive to use it, we need to use the money to build nuclear fission reactors now so we can have a future to further develop fusion to decrease its costs. How can society be so ignorant to have the solution for the last 40 years and put in in the freezer and create a problem where there wasn't any.
@vernonbrechin4207 8 сағат бұрын
Nuclear power promoters tend to be in love with their favorite technology and continue to assume that we have 20-30 years to turn this 'Titanic' around. Many have immersed themselves in climate science denial echo chamber information sources so as the reinforce their deeply held beliefs that the climate concerns are BS. They, like the vast majority of Earth's 8.0+ billion humans, have become masterful in excluding the following warnings from their consciousness. I urge readers to search for the following article titles to learn some things that they will never find on their comforting climate science denial websites. IPCC report: ‘now or never’ if world is to stave off climate disaster (TheGuardian) UN chief: World has less than 2 years to avoid 'runaway climate change' (TheHill) * This statement was made 5 years ago. ---------- Climate change: How do we know (NASA) NASA measures direct evidence humans are causing climate change (CBSnews) Observational Evidence of Increasing Global Radiative Forcing (agupubs - wiley) The GISTEMP climate spiral 1880-2021 (NASA) A dire forecast: Scientists used AI to find planet could cross critical warming threshold sooner than expected (CNN) World Scientists’ Warning of a Climate Emergency 2022 (Academic dot OUP dot com) Satellite data confirms globe is warming rapidly (Axios) Humanity is ‘cutting down the tree of life’, warn scientists Worst mass extinction event in Earth’s history was caused by global warming analogous to current climate crisis (News dot mnogabay dot com) Biological annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction signaled by vertebrate population losses and declines (PNAS dot org) What's Really Warming the World? (Bloomberg) More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change (Cornell University) Climate: What did We Know and When Did We Know it? (KZfaq) CO2 Concentration - Last 800,000 years (Scripps dot UCSD dot edu) Greenhouse gas (Wikipedia) Radiative forcing (Wikipedia) Americans are surprisingly rational about climate change, new study finds (KZfaq) Heartland's '6 Reasons To Be A Climate-Change Skeptic' Are Six Demonstrable Falsehoods (Forbes) Skeptical Science (skeptical science dot com)
@Ryan-mq2mi Күн бұрын
Shouldn’t you guys be promoting some radical left-wing ideology or something? It’s bizarre to see you not doing that. Makes you wonder.
@karlschmied6218 Күн бұрын
I think "information" has ALWAYS a physical representation.
@raimundscheucher5912 Күн бұрын
I begin to understand why we do not have running fusion power plants: too less Monet (30 Billion in 70 years is a joke) sponsoring the wrong approaches. A very tricky way to hide that fusion is not wanted. The german approach with the 2nd Generation is the richtig one. It is already working but does not get enough attention/money so the Neid Apotheke decade to slowly find the working point for operational power plants. If they spenden up an the experimental power plant breaks, there is no more money for a new one.
@vernonbrechin4207 9 сағат бұрын
It is common for people to pitch the projects that they work on, or have become fans of, as being the best approach. You are referring to the Wendelstein 7-X machine which has broken some records. Typically, the pitches emphasize one set of parameters while not mentioning other key parameters. Most fans have no interest in seeking out critical assessments. Perhaps you were not made aware that this machine is not intended to generate electrical energy and it has never employed fusion fuel to achieve the records that were widely broadcast to the naive public. They experiment with hydrogen plasmas, not D/T plasmas intended to generate 14.1 MeV neutrons. Most pitches focus upon the future goals rather than upon the details of the announced experiments.
@Meh-1.618 Күн бұрын
this dude is great
@drshailendra001 Күн бұрын
Wonderful! you are ...simply Great!!