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Top 8 JRPGs For C-RPG Fans in 2024
@wompoo7967 4 сағат бұрын
Tactical combat requires effort on the part of the developer, Dragon Age Veilguard show just how little effort they put into the game.
@jacoba6983 12 сағат бұрын
guess i was looking like a clown hoping for a return to more orgins rpg mechanics like but with impovment. like i liked how some spells used mana while others took of some of your max to stay active.
@arnijulian6241 12 сағат бұрын
Fallout 1 & 2 is S+. If you can past the old Isometric clank then you will realise it is up their with vampire masquerade. Mind I suggest new players play (Fallout new Vegas) as I can understand the lock out of the classic fallout games as they are not forgiving to player that don't know what they are doing.
@ubuu7 13 сағат бұрын
We like complex systems... so long as it's not as complex and convoluted as rogue traders level up cluster bombs to the face
@serijas737 14 сағат бұрын
We didn't knew how good we had it back then.
@LightningStrike1212 15 сағат бұрын
Complex RPG systems aren't necessarily a good thing. Complexity isn't necessarily interesting or fun in itself. Everything becomes a calculation you have to do on a spreadsheet, which just takes more work. It's not that I'm too lazy or dumb to get a grasp on these systems; I just feel that they're artificially stiff for no good reason. The most basic things like having high DEX to dodge are meant to simulate your character dodging an attack, but now that technology has evolved beyond a tabletop game, having the player actually dodge himself affords the player more control over the outcome of the game. I cleared a good chunk of Dragon Age Origins on nightmare difficulty. Most of the time it felt incredibly unsatisfying to be a sitting duck and not be able to do anything but stand there and tank damage. You have such limited options to counter play and defend outside of either tanking or stunlocking. Having real time action elements is also not mutually exclusive with complexity either. You can have your complex RPG elements on top of the action gameplay. It remains to be seen whether or not Veilguard has that complexity. For instance, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a good example of this type of modernization that keeps the depth of its classic RPG system and has a good amount of strategy involved in its fights in addition to the react and dodge combat. I think it's a great thing that every Final Fantasy game innovates on its combat system, unlike western RPGs which have been to the same tired tabletop DnD rules for the last thirty years. So it's a good thing that Dragon Age has evolved over the years. There aren't that many games that combine real time combat (where you actually actively react and dodge) with a special ability pause menu. The system that Veilguard is proposing has the potential to provide WELL ROUNDED gameplay that's not too stats/spreadsheet heavy nor too reliant on Dark Souls-style boss pattern learning, rather than "DUMBED DOWN" gameplay. The danger is that the abilities aren't varied/impactful enough so then it becomes more of a straightforward action game, but that remains to be seen.
@micshazam842 23 сағат бұрын
"war on RPGs" is such a hilariously over dramatic title. You don't make a 200 million dollar RPG and make it super complex, unless you want to set fire to your money. Larian is quite possibly an anomaly that won't be repeated any time soon. You can say that "there's an audience for it" all you want, but when big money is on the line, companies tend to be unwilling to take chances. They're not even happy when they earn back their spendings plus 20% on top. They'll whine about a project being a dissapointment if it didn't earn them every dollar in the world. I think it basically comes down to precedece: There is still a very shallow pool of evidence that complex, big budget RPGs can be huge successes, so it will continue to be considered risky. It's really just the same old AAA problem. People have understood this about mass market entertainment for decades. There's nothing new to say. Good thing smaller studios are here to save the day. I hear Skald is an awesome game.
@oldmanbanjo 23 сағат бұрын
Kid you missed the joke in the title :P No one's still got in the comments.
@naggoob Күн бұрын
There is a reason why I always seem to turn back to older games. Witcher 1, Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl and other old games. New games seems to be all about graphics and the apparence and ignoring the story, lore, gameplay and game mechanics. Not all new games but enough for me to barely buy any new games at all.
@ColossalSwordFormAndTechnique Күн бұрын
Gameplay looks like babysitting journalist mode like ff16 ☝️
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
I so want some game to come out with a difficulty mode called "journalist mode" or better yet 'Takashi' mode.
@user-th7cw4dl3o Күн бұрын
To be fair, one of the reasons why developers move so hard towards action-adventure is that action adventure constantly gets more praise. Of The Witcher series, The Witcher 1 is the best RPG. The Witcher 3 is an action-adventure game with a visual novel component and is the most popular. Cyberpunk is an open world FPS with a visual novel component and did fairly well. Dragon Age Inquisition doubled the sales of Origins, and in that series only Origins is really an RPG. What we see time and again is that action-adventures simply sell better, as they are more approachable, more impactful, real time action is generally more fun, etc. Baldur's Gate 2, shocking, ruined the RPG genre, as it caused it to move from the Fallout-style "true RPG" where gameplay and narrative are weaved together, to... action-adventure with visual novel component. Baldur's Gate 2 set the mold for "RPGs" to follow - gameplay and narrative are separate, and gameplay choices either don't exist or don't matter, and the only relevant choices are the ones made during dialogues. Dragon Age Origins was the same. And by the way Dragon Age Origins was the Baldur's Gate 3 of its time - when it came out, that CRPG genre was legitimately dead. Mainly because the games weren't selling - Temple of Elemental Evil was basically a flop, Icewind Dale 2 was a flop, Van Buren got canceled, all of those games were flopping hard, because Final Fantasy was basically kicking their asses. Final Fantasy IX alone brought in higher revenue than the entire Baldur's Gate franchise did in its lifetime. It was more than quadruple the sales of Baldur's Gate 2, and even that was a flop compared to Final Fantasy VII's sales. In fact, Final Fantasy is why the original plans for Baldur's Gate 3 were canned and it was made into an expansion. Bioware had to face the realization that 3D and more action was where it was at - so they followed with NWN and KOTOR - both 3D, more action-oriented takes on a wastern-style RPG And now... all western publishers are having their asses kicked by Japanese action games. They see what's up. Every Japanese publisher is raising salaries as the western ones are forced to do layoffs to balance their stat sheets. The obtuse shallow complexity of the CRPGs of old needs to give ground to the deep simplicity of Elden Ring. Visual novels that don't star anime characters (i.e. The Witcher 3) are outdated and need to give way to me smacking Rathalos in the face. And western publishers don't know what to do, because they simply don't get it. Veilguard isn't the answer. Veilguard looks like a live service flop, even when it's not going to be one. They simply don't know what they're doing. The Witcher series holds all the answers you may want. Everyone saw what that series did and where its successes lie. Anyone who thinks The Witcher 3 is an RPG at all is the problem.
@nowayjosedaniel 18 сағат бұрын
They always ruin every series even in the early days. Just look at Baldurs Gate 3. It never existed. Divinity Origins 3 came out and called itself Baldurs Gate 3. It was so far removed from release date of 2 to 3, that it may as well not even be the same series. NWN1 was amazing. NWN2 was hot garbage. No NWN3. We especially see this in the RTS games. Remember EMPIRE EARTH 1 2 and 3? Rise of Nations 2? Company of Heroes 1 2 and 3? Dawn of War 1 2 and 3? The 1st game is always amazing. The 2nd good and bad, but overall worse or lost its soul but still hangs on. 3rd iteration is always utter and complete garbage that was completely ruined hy corporate executives and designers who had no idea why the series was good. For RTS games, it's an absolute. Look at Fallout 1/2 and then 3/4. Utter garbage when Bethesda grabbed hold of the IP. New Vegas is considered the best hands down among 3 & 4, and it was the only one NOT touched by Bethesda. Witcher 3 is the one exception, as that game was actually good.
@user-th7cw4dl3o 18 сағат бұрын
@@nowayjosedaniel The issue is that salespeople run the western games industry, and they care more about brand name and recognition over actually quality games. This is why they are getting blasted by Japanese developers. Because in Japan, creative people would found their own studios, or they would be given leadership positions, because the industry there is about creating awesome games. Western games industry is about "pushing product" and "earning your sales commission". There's the obvious question of whether anyone even wanted to make a new Dragon Age game, and from looking at the trailers... it feels like nobody wanted that, they wanted to make an action adventure game, but they had to give it the Dragon Age title... so sales people can earn their commission. In that sense, if the game is good, I won't mind. The Witcher series started rather complex, obtuse and immersive, and dropped all that through its lifetime, ending up with The Witcher 3, which was an incredibly casual, yet somehow great game. Definitely not an RPG. It's closer to Far Cry than Fallout. If they manage to deliver a great game, that's what it is all about. Although with Bioware who knows. The combat looks mid, and Bioware isn't what they used to be.
@RansomMemoryAccess Күн бұрын
We both have a perspective on RPGs that spans a similar length of time, but I still don't agree. Action combat can be argued to be more immersive and realistic, and therefore more conducive to role-playing than tactical combat, which is more of a strategy system. Crafting, for example, became popularized in MMORPGs where it served as filler content and a grind to retain player engagement. Complexity or slow-paced systems don't inherently enhance role-playing focus, and streamlining for accessibility isn't a myth. BG3 is an outstanding game that offers excellent value for money, building upon the beloved legacy of its prequels and attracting a significant following among D&D fans, and thus it should not be held up as any definitive proof that debunks all myths. EA/Bioware are more nakedly motivated by short-term commercial success and ideology that has partially counteracted the former, while Larian has achieved success because they have built up a very good reputation as gamer-friendly over high production value deep RPGS that uniquely cater to a niche market. It is niche, but that doesn't mean that it can't expand.
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
I agree on most of this, especially about EA. I've gotten some really intelligent comments on this video so I may do a follow up discussing them.
@richtheunstable3359 Күн бұрын
Had the PS version. It had issues loading and eventually became unplayable. Was stuck on a level at athel loren if i remember right. A doomwheel would annihilate my entire army single handedly. Didnt matter what i threw at it hammerers with great weapons. Slayers that never wounded on worse than 4+. A treeman, my knights would charge it with lances. All would die
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
Yeah, so that was the whole issue I raised in the video. If you check some of the other comments on this video, you cannot beat the Athel Loren fight. Which is crazy frustrating. You've got to go help the dwarves and then circle around. That Skaven army is too big.
@richtheunstable3359 Күн бұрын
@@oldmanbanjo they didn't need the rest of the army. The doomwheel would defeat me all on its own. Not sure what happened to the game after that. Would be nice to play it again one day and take the correct route.
@swaruppal8410 Күн бұрын
dragon age origin could be future of crpg
@Rystefn Күн бұрын
All the things trying to capitalize on the success of BG3 will also have stripped out mechanics, though. They'll try to ape the aesthetics, but actively resist the idea of making an RPG an actual RPG, even though gamers are so fucking hungry for that. See also: The industry thinking Dark Souls was a super niche thing until Elden Ring became a huge hit, then was followed by a bunch of shit-tier imitations calling themselves souls-like.
@shoff29 Күн бұрын
Honestly, if Ubisoft could make the game worlds, and Bioware could make the story in those worlds, that would be one hell of a combo lol.
@nowayjosedaniel 19 сағат бұрын
I want Ubisoft to never touch any Games I care about. They are horrible and already ruined Settlers long ago.
@shoff29 18 сағат бұрын
@@nowayjosedaniel horrible is very extreme. There are a ton of amazing Ubisoft games. But even in recent years, and basically forever, they have build amazing game maps and level layouts. Whether it’s a recreation of real place, or their own location, they do amazing job.
@euphoricdespair 17 сағат бұрын
@@nowayjosedanielThey are hit or miss. They get hate for things that shouldn’t be, though, for sure, like how much hate Shadows got because of a black dude.
@nowayjosedaniel 13 сағат бұрын
@euphoricdespair I try to stay out of the whole obnoxious culture war stuff in gaming. For the most post it seems most people raging at AAA do so bc the protagonist isnt some brown haired white dude. On the other hand there is now quite a lot of indie and smaller studios who do absolutely clownish levels of forced woke-ism for character creation to the point of men almost being erased by the devs (Palia, for example, if you hit random will always be a female or trans woman.) And another stardew valley type game from indies where there are 4 ultra chad sexy white men to romance among a diverse cast (only 1 of every non-white man) but all the females are ugly af normal looking people and only 2 white women out of a big cast. The game screams at you "You arent allowed to play this and oggle sexy characters unless youre a white woman or gay man." Then there's also that racist stereotype of that black woman lead with the same half-shaven haircut found in every video game staring a female protag. It ironically has become racist meme in itself. Such a stereotype copypasta reappearing in game after game after game. So the over-preachy anti-white-male "everyone-is-trans-right?" woke crap DOES exist in some indie games but isnt really there in AAA. But the anti-woke crowd is also awful raging bc a character is black or female. It's all so political in a context that really shouldnt have politics in it (video games). Plus the Disney stuff is getting a bit out of hand. Hyper uninteresting movies and clearly an agenda to try to appeal to the woke crowd for extra profits. So it is there a little in AAA I'm sure. But then some things arent even bad like Ms Marvel or Strange Worlds but the anti-woke lunatics REEEEEEEE crying racism against white men or whatever. Conservative youtubers are so repulsive too. Probably more so than the repulsive wokesters who cancel innocent ppl. It's all just so cringe.
@nowayjosedaniel 13 сағат бұрын
@shoff29 Ubisoft, in the context of ethics, is absolutely horrible. Outrageously evil and ruinous to the entire gaming industry. But sure if you like some of their games, no problem. I just cant even stand to purchase any bc they are so unethical and ruinous. And I am sorry but any company who ruins Settlers and has always-online DRM for singleplayer games is horrible. Fluck them to hello.
@adam.maqavoy Күн бұрын
So not just me than..? Loved BG1 & BG2. Wish these companies who stick a *Franchise sticker* over it and saying its a success. They lack good writing and the divinity games clearly showed this.
@charlesroy9881 Күн бұрын
So, if I understand your points correctly, game devs don't actually hate RPGs... So called "old school" RPGs are victims of corporate mandates and the studios are forced to do what they can with what little resources they have. I feel that the title of the video and the way you talk about the issue are a bit inflammatory and doesn't take into account the context serrounding this whole franchise (and the whole industry frankly). The way I see it, there is no big conspiracies like game devs hating their fans or hating old school games. Most simply don't have the time or money required to produce, much less innovate, on what has come before. If we add the various decumented debacles with the Frostbite engine and the way complex systems simply don't trenslate well into multiplayer (an EA requirement for all games during the 2010s), we get a more complete picture for the Dragon Age identity crisis. As for Baldur's Gate 3, that game was an outlier because of Larian's unique corporate culture and the fact that their leadership are also developpers. One more thing. Even if we disregard all of the factors I've outlined (and all those that have been omitted for bevity), games that use old school systems are not inherently better or "more of an RPG" than those who don't. The're simply different games that are all part of a loose genre and as such, they should be judged by their own merits. If we start to deem a game "worthy" by the purity of its systems or by what it is not, we will always find it lacking. Anyway, thats my two cents. Thanks for reading ! =)
@Dsaysalot Күн бұрын
I really like this point because it tries to flesh out the nuance of the situation- something that criticism/praise of this new game seem to lack. Whenever I hear people wish for DA:O again, I roll my eyes. It’s never going to happen simply because that game would never sell. Period.
@b003 Күн бұрын
Loooooooved Pillars, if there was another I'd pre-order it.
@ANGRYWOLVERINE2060-ft2nc Күн бұрын
You are right about the decline. David Gaider said it will take awhile before the influence of BG3 is felt. So basically 5 years from now is the earliest we can see if BG3 had an effect. Games already in development like Veilguard when BG3 came out won't be influenced by BG3 but games after that may. I said may . Some developers will resist changing as they feel BG3 was an anomaly.
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
Yeah, and I wasn't even a huge fan but it proves a fundamental point about game design these scummy executives in suits refused to believe. And I hope that's well...going to lead to some improvements.
@lordwark7364 Күн бұрын
DA4 is trash that much I clear I will still buy it and I will hate it.
@RealKeetz 17 сағат бұрын
I'll play this at a friend's house to see what it's about. Ain't buying squat until I see that it's good.
@dereka5017 Күн бұрын
Honestly, now I just want a remaster (NOT a remake) of Origins and for the Expedition 33 game to come out. What a disappointment. I'll wait to see if the story is worth diving into. If so, I'll pick it up, because I still like action RPGs. But it's not Dragon Age to me.
@Darkmagician923 Күн бұрын
anything EA touches goes to trash bin, just in case you didn't notice
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
Oh I definitely did. That was the whole undertone of this video :P
@shoff29 Күн бұрын
There are plenty of exceptions. But they definitely miss a lot.
@noonenowhere877 11 сағат бұрын
@shoff29 Nah they don’t miss. They just slowly remove the mask after the first game release.
@lionmanasdfg Күн бұрын
It sucks that rpgs have been getting shafted for the last decade by this logic of "it will not sell because its complex to play", however I just want vailguard to be well written and thats all honestly. Unfortunetely that does not seem to be the case judging from the marvel-esque dialogue form the preview.
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
Yeah, I will still play it for the 'content' probably when it comes to gamepass. But...I have about as much hope for it gaming wise as I do for Disney Starwars.
@BlackBlazeGaming Күн бұрын
Art style reminds you of Lies of P? In what sense? LOP is very eastern, and DA:V is very western. I think the comparison that comes to my mind more closely is like a hero shooter or even a more generic, less stylized version of Dishonored.
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
I think the colour pallete and the new trend that Riot games and co have popularised of this sort of 'goth cyberpunk feel.' But I agree with your that dishonoured is probably a better comparison (even though the colour pallete is different).
@Xontor23 Күн бұрын
This is what you choose to comment. Imagine that
@benjaminb4407 Күн бұрын
It's still an RPG, just not a tactical one
@rayman30000 Күн бұрын
U be farming for days that you want
@rayman30000 Күн бұрын
Non fuck hard core player miss this game less fun I will not be buying the new dlc 😤
@gongal Күн бұрын
All todays audience want is a game where you are allowed to choose who to fuck with and what deviancy should be applied
@Matthew209100New Күн бұрын
I hope they reboot this game
@mon0lithic629 Күн бұрын
"Almost all tactical RPG elements from previous DA games" Ah, you mean the ones people barely used? The games post-Origins were nothing but action RPGs dressed in the decaying corpse of CRPG systems. For fucksake, the ONLY reason why you would ever switch from the protag to other characters is either to use a very specific skill or if the protag is dead. Honestly, I can't imagine why anyone would want them to cling onto archaic designs of the previous entries considering how raw they were EVEN at release and when they would simply not handle the completion from ACTUAL CRPGs, like Larian or Owlcat games.
@nowayjosedaniel Күн бұрын
Capitalism ruins everything it touches. The more Capitalism, the worse it gets. So when gaming went from a million dollar industry to a billion dollar one, it got worse - not better. Easily predictable.
@claragudelhoff8407 Күн бұрын
The more I see and hear about this, the more I think I'm going to hate it. Personally, I liked Inquisition and Andromeda's open world. It's not really any worse than the one in Skyrim. I like revisiting places and checking if I missed something at my leisure, instead of chasing from one mission to another (which you were still able to do in both games if you chose to). I wasn't bothered with the loss of the strength/stamina/dexterity/magic point system. It never made that much sense to begin with. You were still limited to the character class you chose at the beginning and straying away to far from it with your points just created a weaker character. I felt pretty superfluous and arduous. But I wish that they had kept the combat action assignment from Origins, The one in Inquisition is just too limited and the companion AI sucks a lot of the time. If there is one thing I'd say BioWare is bad at, then it's not Open World's but companion AI during combat. Here I am, facing a giant, while Varric is trying to go Mano a Mano with the thing, Blackwall is threatening a bolder somewhere and Vivienne has gone off hunting critters in the distance. The art style looks terrible, it's not dragon age, the combat looks atrocious and only being able to bring two companions is plain dog shit. It's going to be DA level layouts with more colour, welcome back to a never ending series of the same tube shaped dungeons, now in technicolor.
@crzyces1693 2 күн бұрын
This reaching for the largest audience thing is constantly screwed up by studios and game journos. A huge reason for this, in my opinion, is *THEIR* age groups and the demographics they associate most with. Ei. if you are a dev who lives in an ultra liberal area with a bunch of 20-35-year-old hipsters you are going to to think an excessively large portion of the population is LGBTQIAP+. We all know the 7% of the US is queer is a ludicrously high figure, but not to them, because 20% of the people they know may identify that way. Same goes for games. You ahve all of these 20 and 30-year-olds making games whose parents don't play AAA games all that often. Most of their parents are in their 40's and 50's, grew up conservative, worked hard, played sports, and took up different hobbies. On the other hand, move to a different area in the US where people grew up with a bit *LESS* money and a heck of a lot less ski trips and beach outings over the Summer and you might see 1 out of every 2 *FIFTY* year-olds playing games. I'm 49. I work 45-50 hours a week, have a 14-year-old son, lift weights 7-9 hours/wk, play basketball/walk/run another 7 hours or so weekly, and still get in 10-30 hours of PC gaming per week (over 450 hours in 2 runs of BG3 ;^). Literally everyone I grew up with who played games as a kid still does. We might only buy 3-5 games per year, but that's moreso because they have made it abundantly clear that straight guys are not the target audience...even if roughly 80% *OF $50+/Core/Competitive Multiplayer Gamers* are indeed men, the majority of whom are between 25 and 45. Avg gamer age is 38 (not including mobile) according to the NPD group, and that was in 2017, so I would assume it has gone up a little since then. Just looking at the sales of Baldur's Gate 3 should paint a pretty obvious picture that if you make games that appeal to people who have been playing sicne *before* Baldur's Gate 1 was released, we will buy the games, and oh my gosh, if you make the game look and sound good, younger players will fall in love with the titles too! The big problem for AAA publishers and devs is that games like that take a lot of writing talent. They take a lot of system design gifted individuals coming together as a team. They actually mean the companies *HAVE* to actually be inclusive in their story telling because the systems are integral to experiencing the story, and if 75% of gamers are paying attention to said story and realize they are being talked down to, as opposed to having their beliefs questioned they are instead being told they are just _bad_ it gets pretty off-putting. Writers have to start doing crazy things like keeping the lore straight, knowing the history and geography of the franchises they are building their game in (which the people at Bioware obviously do not which is made obvious by the racial demographics which simply do not track with what was established in DA 1 and 2 along with Gaider's 5K or so page DragonAge "Bible", but hey, who am I to let continuity come before all of these nifty racial and skin tone choices (I'm not white btw, which should not matter but needs to be stated before someone comes in with the _"Oh, poor straight white guy is threatened by people with a little melanin or Asian, they should just fit the established skin tones of the areas, plain and simple; maybe they explain it by Tevinter using a mass breeding with slaves and conquered lands, but somehow I'm guessing it will just go overlooked and taken as the norm bc...*"The Message").* So this ends up being one giant cop out. A lot of dev teams don't want to put in the thought it takes to make a great RPG. A lot of studios know that deep RPG's don't make the best live services, but a single player action RPG that already has a combat system that appears pulled directly from an MMO might. I'm certainly not playing (A live service MMO ARPG-lite) but the $350-$500 bucks a year I spend on video games doesn't mean anything to them anyway. Why would it when there are generations of tikTok kids with no concept of money coming into their 20's now ready to buy games and dump into live services on a weekly basis? Yeah, except the one big flaw here? They need to have the latest console or semi-up to date PC. They have to have the money for the games or the disposable income to spend consistently on them. And, most importantly, they still have to be interested in the games, and this might be insane to think, but my son (14) and I like a lot of the same games. From Deus Ex (1, Human Rev and Man.Div.) to Madden to Baldur's Gate 3 to Skyrim to Descenders to CoD to Wrath of the Righteous. I'm all for cultivating the kids. We want our families to to keep doing things that had a positive impact on our lives which we also enjoyed, but to try to bring in a _"New Modern Audience"_ at the *complete* expense of the already built in fan base is *INSANE.* Do some real market research; did Pillar of Eternity or Divinity Original Sin 2 sell worse than bigger named titles because people did not want to play them, or because people didn't know they existed? Did people think they were dated because of the graphics? Would another $5M in production budget and $5M in promotion have added $20M in sales? $35M? An additional $100M for BG3 resulted in over $1B in sales, so again, the audience is still there, but they all weren't 35+. Who'd have thought? I mean if you make a really good CRPG with modern graphics, then promote it, you get the older fans and appeal to a younger _"modern"_ audience that actually *DOES EXIST.* Go figure.
@nowayjosedaniel Күн бұрын
It has nothing to do with them being liberals or anything dealing with American politics. Obsession with american politics is part of American brainrot. This is just Capitalism working as intended. Now, the western indie devs definitely have severe American brainrot and obsession with american politics and woke culture has taken over a lot of (now middle aged) people's minds. But that is already almost over entirely anyway. Cancel culture is dead. Who cares. The irony though is you seem to have the worst americam brainrot and politics of all. No one is out to get you bc youre straight and this makes no sense in the context of this video. You need to calm down and stop watching partisan american politics propaganda slop.
@gaymer6689 2 күн бұрын
Rpg just means roleplay game, it’s about the game being story based not about the combat systems, give the game a chance to actually be released or just say you hate it, you’re allowed to hate something for no reason
@davideassis87 2 күн бұрын
RPGs are all about combat, that's why we have so many systems with so many editions.
@mrcookies409 Күн бұрын
I don't even think characters have items and inventory.
@gaymer6689 Күн бұрын
@@davideassis87 they can be, but that is not inherent to the genre
@gaymer6689 Күн бұрын
@@mrcookies409 source? because that sounds like bs and people are trying to find any reason to hate an unreleased game
@mrcookies409 Күн бұрын
@@gaymer6689 source: the gameplay reveal. Where is the characters inventory and what items were they wearing? What items did the monsters drop? That you could find in the environment? Any of the damage control interviews that talks about it?
@tahnadana5435 2 күн бұрын
i think if developers could make a traditional RPG mechanics accessible, people would still play it, the problem is that most big devs are lazy, aliens dark descent feels like a natural evolution to a real time with pause CRPG, im so sick that everything is X COM now, baldurs gate was real time with pause, and the last one is another X COM, devs like 11 bit stuido also is awesome on making complex mechanic felt simple, dragon age goes? i think when you started something as one thing than you continue to do it as such, maybe add to it, but you dont just change format to things just so that dmb people would love it, thats just lazy, only japanese games does that, because their games suck ass... example FF 7 remake
@Rystefn Күн бұрын
Real time with pause was literally just a janky stopgap they crammed into BG1 and 2 because they thought gamers were stupid with a low attention span and couldn't stand to wait long enough to do actual turn-based combat. It's the kind of watering down the RPG genre this video is complaining about. So when you think about this video and the thing about Joe the Truck Driver being too stupid to play a real RPG, understand that it's you. You're Joe the Too Stupid For Real RPGs guy.
@AstroGastr0 2 күн бұрын
this was such a good video! subbed! ✨
@oldmanbanjo 2 күн бұрын
Thanks dude. Glad you enjoyed it!
@user-ef5ug6jx5n 2 күн бұрын
RPG games mostly appeal to white men, and thus must be destroyed like everything else white men enjoy, because racism and sexism is bad. Also RPGs allow player choice, and modern (((game devs))) hate player choice. Player choice allows room for a wrongthink. And (((THE MESSAGE))) can't handle people who do a wrongthink.
@michadomeracki5910 2 күн бұрын
Modern games are so shieut :D ah unbelievable. Guys we need to become serious and just play normal games that is Indie are older games. The only triple A games I played in the last many many years are: RDR2, Borderlands 3, Anno 1800 and I am affraid that it might be it, it might be all, I didn't count BG3 I mean Larian isn't triple A. 3 games wow huh? Guys I repeat: Indie, older games and niche genres. I have started playing Age of Wonder 3 and wow is the game great. Strategy fantasy turn based gameplay with good qualities is what made late 90s and early 2000sso cool. If I would pick the best product from that time it would be Heroes of Might and Magic 3. A big ammont of content with dlc and infinite replayability and here we are now, Age of Wonders 3.
@emcee8990 Күн бұрын
Not considering Larian a Triple A company is just wrong, it literally a 500 person development studio with people all around the world, it even has more people than Bioware or other EA studios
@szneka12 2 күн бұрын
After terrible, zoomerified BG3 my expectations are non-existent
@oldmanbanjo 2 күн бұрын
Yeah, but at least BG3 know RPG systems. The fact EA just were like "uhh, no make it an action game" is just so stupid. And we all know they did it for 'modern audiences'
@nowayjosedaniel 2 күн бұрын
After playing NWN, BG3, then Underrail, and then ATOM RPG, I am almost done with indie crpg's and their overwhelmingly poor design choices. BG3 wipes the floor with Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2, and all indie crpg's. That pretty much makes it top tier crpg, even if you didnt like it personally. At least my plans actually work and the game responds to my actions. Like Fallout.
@Adanu191 Күн бұрын
If you think BG3 was terrible, that says more about you than anything else. At least people will see you as a troll easily.
@nowayjosedaniel Күн бұрын
@@Adanu191 I get the feeling "zoomerified" means allowing gay relationships or bear sex. I dont even know what else it could mean. Also 5e is pretty zoomer woke in general where everyone is a unified raceless superhero at level 1, so I dont really see how this is a problem. BG3 is as true to 5e as it can be, while being better than 5e too. What more can you expect from a game based on 5e? Also to be honest, BG3 is way more serious and way LESS zoomerified and woke than most of what I see about 5e on twitter. For example, there are no trans companions or offensively clownish wheelchair bound ironman stereotype trying to fit some inclusivity quota while flying around a dungeon shooting missiles in a medieval setting. All the characters seem to fit the world they live in, so no cringe 5e self-inserts from modern western hyper woke narcissists. So way better than most 5e.
@nowayjosedaniel Күн бұрын
What is so zoomerified about BG3? I am open minded to criticism of the game.
@oldmanbanjo 2 күн бұрын
Am I right? I really think EA have misjudged completely what people want. Bonus points for anyone that gets the reference in thumbnail.
@nowayjosedaniel 2 күн бұрын
AAA has hated and despised every genre its greedy tendrils leech onto. Capitalism ruined MMO's. It ruined CRPG's. It ruined or erased almost every genre, if we're being honest. Indies are hit and miss, but mostly miss. They're often no better when it comes to greed, except when they cant get away with the same levels of greed (but they would if they could), but they often have really awful or cringe weird design decisions. Take underrail or atom rpg for example and compare it with Fallout 1/2 or BG3. The latter allow you to actually do your plans and the world reacting appropriately, while the former have excessively limited choices for any action and clownish design walls.
@EyesOfGehenna Күн бұрын
Not sure, I guess we'll see with the sales but I feel like a lot of people will still accept bs and pay for it. It won't be as successful as projected but it will still sell I think.
@nowayjosedaniel Күн бұрын
@@EyesOfGehenna Most gamers are likely hyper casual, so they probably really do want EZ mode ADHD mtx riddled crap. A large minority dont, but I think theyre overshadowed by the hyper casuals and literal children who demand super shallow braindead lizard-brain-addiction mobileshit. The latter will just eat up whatever they see is the CurrentThing. Real gamers are in the millions and a massive market as well, but they arent required for success bc even a good portion of them will decide to give bad games or bad monetization a try.
@oldmanbanjo Күн бұрын
Yeah, and it will also definitely be on Gamepass at some point.
@Dsaysalot Күн бұрын
I think the game will sell well. I think most modern audiences want an action rpg and something that mechanically is easier to play than a strategy game. But I don’t think that is new at all and a thread of game development that has been followed for a while now. I also don’t think it is a ‘slight’ to DA:O fans. I don’t take the shift personally and don’t really know why others do?
@StoneTitan 4 күн бұрын
I liked the game back in thee day, but it was unpredictable how the dice would go. I might still have the box for it with thee book with all the monster stats in my basement. While I recall also playing Dark Omen my memories of that game is more shaky. To me Skaven talk like they do in this game more so than how they talk in Total War or Vermintide.
@civrev 5 күн бұрын
It'll never happen, but I wish we could experience EverQuest with the original 1999 client. The Titanium client is okay, but the original client was legendary.
@oldmanbanjo 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, it was. But I think there are huge issues running it on modern system. Also, there is a skin for P99 to make it look like the original client.
@sterlingcampbell2116 6 күн бұрын
This game is trash. It's even worse than D3
@oldmanbanjo 6 күн бұрын
I wasn't a huge fan of D3, but I'll be honest D4 has made me re-download it.
@cedrikthibert7033 6 күн бұрын
It is a disgrace that this is a Diablo game.
@cedrikthibert7033 6 күн бұрын
Dungeons are uninteresting.
@cedrikthibert7033 6 күн бұрын
It is super boring. Boring loot and too much affixes that are the same.
@rept7 6 күн бұрын
It wouldn't be so bad if the replacement was more obvious. Personally, I still want most of the sociability, character customization, and challenging group content of a MMO, I just can't vibe with the build metas, rotations, and community emphasis on efficiency over all else. So I should play... Umm... Maybe MonHun Wilds when it releases? Also, there is a third type of MMO content but it is highly dependent on the game itself having good systems: Challenge videos. OSRS has some crazy ones and I get some enjoyment from the odds and ends in other MMOs I don't play.
@oldmanbanjo 6 күн бұрын
Exactly. It's so funny you mentioning OSRS challenges. I actually had a section talking about how that sort of content was the future for MMORPGs. But I cut it because I thought the video was too long and people would get bored. I more or less completely agree with your line of thought though - I think if we get a new mmorpg its going to come more out of these type of things.
@Minalkra 7 күн бұрын
I missed out on the early MMOs as I was dirt poor (and still a teen). Got into WoW during the open beta and played for years. Haven't touched it in over a decade. Grind isn't my idea of a good time, neither is gear score. Neither are elitists that eat, drink, breathe and live a game. If you're trying to give me a schedule of 'play', it stops being play and becomes work. And you'd better pay me for that. EDIT: Decades to over a decade - it's been more then 10, less than 20 so ...
@oldmanbanjo 7 күн бұрын
Some of the old ones are still worth getting into as 'chill games'. Old school runescape is good with a cup of tea in the evenings. Ultima Outlands is totally free a bit more intense but a nice game. Everquest can be chill, but you need friends: something I've been trying to put together on this channel for ages, and never get around it.
@szneka12 7 күн бұрын
I'll happily play vanilla WoW until I die
@oldmanbanjo 7 күн бұрын