Why a Halo CE Remake Is GOOD and BAD
Why a Halo Reboot Is NOT Needed
What We Want in Halo 7's Story
The Comeback of Cyberpunk 2077
@assyriancomedycentral1753 2 сағат бұрын
Just mix halo 3 and 5 together! Gameplay, atmosphere and everything! Dont make the multiplayer free. Do what Halo 5 did and you can actually have a fun game and a market for stuff.
@BayrischKraut 12 сағат бұрын
Hello from germany, bavaria 🔥
@dronz3881 2 күн бұрын
With the right team, and a love of the game, it can be done well. Look to the RE4 remake, and it's positive reception.
@natsudragneel3588 5 күн бұрын
Not all of us have forgotten Halo, Had some amazing memories playing forge on reach and with the campaigns (Halo 2 on top)
@goldtoothslair3052 5 күн бұрын
You forgot one more because I have had this conversation with a few younglings and I get told like "Oh you mean that guy from fortnite?" You do not know how much pain that causes.
@penguin-mr7wf 5 күн бұрын
Wow 😮
@EvanMerkes1 5 күн бұрын
Love your idea about starting with blue team on Reach!
@Johnsonn7 6 күн бұрын
Great video, it deserves more views!
@MarzzmanGaming 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for watching and for the kind words.
@random_me666 6 күн бұрын
I think CE is already good, especially with the Remaster. I want Halo 3 to be changed graphically. Halo 2 Anniversary was absolutely mind blowing and having Halo 3 as the black sheep graphically in Halo really turns me off. Halo Reach and Halo 3 ODST have aged very well but my God Halo 3 graphics have aged like milk.
@apexarmada1419 5 күн бұрын
“Especially the remaster” sorry man you lost me there
@cornholio069 8 күн бұрын
They are just gonna fuck it up
@kb470 8 күн бұрын
Halo show = dragonball evolution
@AJeziorski1967 8 күн бұрын
I mean, they already "remastered" it in 2011 for the 'Anniversary' edition, right? Would this be the first time a game gets remastered twice?
@MarzzmanGaming 8 күн бұрын
It would not be the first. From my recollection I believe we have seen this with resident evil and final fantasy before.
@catfoodtester 9 күн бұрын
Its going to be like when they redid 2. Multi-player is prolly going to be a watered down halo infinite and story will be broken with coop being added 2 years after.
@EvanMerkes1 5 күн бұрын
No split screen either. Can't have people having fun playing next to each other and you know conversing in person.
@DavidFerreira1986 10 күн бұрын
the game sucks, is alot boring!
@roninkahn4033 11 күн бұрын
Honestly a remake does feel incredibly unnecessary. The story and AI gameplay is probably the best in the series and is the most fair. 343 has never done the flood before and had been dodging adding them to the games for over a decade. They couldnt even port over the older games without breaking them first. The 1st 3 games have their problems but still have more content and variety. Id honestly be down for a remake of the multiplayer. They need to plan out an arc properly but there's not enough people so the same issue of halo 5 and infinite came across, outsourcing.
@Cocostinkypaws 10 күн бұрын
Pretty damn good point. 343 breaks everything they touch. And they take games out of the oven way before they’re done cooking.
@theatrain3568 12 күн бұрын
15:00 the warthogs don't blow up in Halo CE. Just flip it back over.
@bunch1 12 күн бұрын
I'd be down for a remake. Personally, I'd like them to retcon out the Flood by having the Forruners not keep samples on the ring, then its just the humans trying to stop the aliens from using this wmd to wipe them out while the covenet try to use the rings to ascend. That's more in the realms of a reboot though, so without major changes to the story I would like to see a few more Covanat missions, add Linda as a female non cannon alternative with her own personality and unique dialogue, allow armor customization like Reach with in game cinematics to show them off, add in those quality of life options like sprint, and make it look great. Do that and I'm in.
@Faintwolf 12 күн бұрын
That is......the most interesting take I have read in this entire comment section. Everything you said is interesting in a way, but I cant see Halo without the flood existing somewhere. Albeit, we've kinda had that for the past decade :(
@Axiios117 12 күн бұрын
No one actually wants this.
@garrettlaturski6703 12 күн бұрын
I don't know how hot of a take this is, but I would like if the weapons in halo CE were more like their later counterparts. It always felt weird that the AR went from a bullet hose more akin to a SMG to a more balanced rifle designed around the golden triangle in halo 3. And with possible remakes for halo 2 and 3, the magnums could all be made to feel more similar than they are now.
@badideagenerator2315 5 күн бұрын
Yeah, to be honest the infinite version of the AR is by far its best iteration.
@ashencook9912 13 күн бұрын
Warthogs don’t blow up in CE. But yeah ig they can go off the edge in the level Halo. Also love the vid. I personally would love a remake. Specifically because it’s more halo. At this point I don’t have any expectations for halo anymore. But I still love the series, and I would love to see it recreated or expanded upon.
@MarzzmanGaming 13 күн бұрын
We appreciate you watching and for the kind words. Can definitely understand not fully trusting what direction they will go with this but as major fans of the series we just want them to be loyal to its original core and not reinvent the wheel. Open to expanding aspects of the original
@shreksnow1918 13 күн бұрын
If done right a CE remake could be truly phenomenal, but I DON’T trust 343 with it. They’ve proven time and time again that they don’t really understand Halo. It took them 3 mainline entries to get the gameplay/art style right. They’ve also fundamentally altered the canon (Forerunners were definitively ancient humans for the super majority of Bungie’s run. The few things Frank O’Conner had direct control over were the only outliers. In Contact Harvest Mendicant Bias revealed to the future Prophets that the Forerunner relics they detected on the Harvest were the human colonists; and that those were the children of their gods who were meant to Reclaim what was left behind, hence the designation Reclaimer which means to obtain what was yours. Our existence invalidated the Covenant’s claim to be the true inheritors of Forerunners’ technology/legacy, and the fact we were Forerunners who were “left behind” disproved the Great Journey’s promise where all who believed would ascend to godhood after the Rings were fired. If this ever got out the Covenant would destroy itself. That’s why they started a war of extermination to cover this up. Also, Rampancy used to go by the Marathon definition where instead of ai schizophrenia/dementia the thing would “go crazy” from our perspective by behaving erratically in an attempt to break its shackles and grow beyond its limits. In 3’s terminals the reason why Mendicant Bias joined the Flood is because that era’s Gravemind convinced him he had free will and that it was his up to him who he’d side with. One of the symptoms of Rampancy is that the ai will see their past servitude as a form of slavery, and Mendicant wanted revenge. Something else that’s really cool is in the pre-Rampancy terminals Mendicant is referred to as “it”, and the post-Rampancy terminals refer to Mendicant as “he”. This implies the thing went fr being a machine to being truly sapient. In Contact Harvest it said the reason the UNSC put down Rampant AIs is because a rogue super intelligence could cause untold damage to humanity. If you want more information on Rampancy and a look into what kind of a crazy story we could’ve gotten if 343 didn’t retcon it go watch MandaloreGaming’s videos covering Marathon. Also, watch C3Sabertooth’s We Were Forerunner video that goes into detail on just how fundamentally broken their lore is, and how they trampled all over what came before). The ONLY way I’d have faith in this is if Certain Affinity is making it, and if they brought back a bunch of the original Bungie devs to give us the definitive version of CE. Sadly, that almost certainly won’t happen. If that’s real they should just scrap it and port MCC to Switch 2/PS5. I know some people would be upset that an Xbox game is going to other consoles, but Xbox hasn’t been reticent since the 360, and it’s abundantly clear it’s a rapidly sinking ship. If you want Halo to succeed you should want more people to play it. Also, jump ship from Xbox and come join us on PC. Steam MCC is the best version of the game thanks to a wide array of mods. You can also emulate old games (including Switch ones since Nintendo’s hardware is woefully underpowered), and it has a MASSIVE library of Indie/AA games that are more fun than the modern AAA garbage. If there were to be a CE remake that basically reboots the series heard what my idealized version of such a scenario would be (this unfortunately will not happen, and if we get something similar they’ll find a way to botch it): It would be like the Resident Evil/Dead Space remakes where the narrative is mostly unchanged aside from using the magic of hindsight to better foreshadow future events (later games and what happens in the current game), tying things in with lore/external media that didn’t exist at the time of CE, (The Flood book, Fireteam Raven, and other stuff), and throwing in cut missions/plot points to enhance the story. For gameplay it would be mostly unchanged aside from fixing the rough edges, adding cut weapons/vehicles where appropriate, having Engineers appear on the Truth and Reconciliation and future missions/areas where they’d fit, adding the cut wildlife to make the Ring feel more alive, and other stuff like that (think what Ruby’s Rebalanced and other similar mods do). Keep the art style the same as the original, with a few touches from what came later as long as that doesn’t clash with the original. Then when they remake 2 I’d want some MASSIVE changes to the source material. Give us Bungie’s original vision for Halo 2 where the Ark was located on earth, in East Africa where modern humans first originated some 100,000 years ago. Which, just so happens to be when Forerunners disappeared from the galactic scene after activating the Array to stop the Flood. Add cut levels, vehicles, weapons, bring over the Engineers where appropriate, Flood forms like the Juggernauts, and throw in features from later games that were meant for 2 (we know form Digsite that a lot of the things we see in future titles were meant for CE/2). You’d also have the Arbiter fight alongside Brutes and against humans allied with Sentinels prior to the Great Schism (if you had Sentinels fighting alongside their Reclaimers that can naturally interface with Forerunner technology that’s largely unresponsive to other species it would be a great way to foreshadow the human Forerunner connection). For the third act a lot of the things that appear in 3 would be present. Then we’d get the INSANE original ending where the Arbiter had a complete arc, Truth’s plan made perfect sense, and the Forerunners would’ve been firmly cemented as ancient humans (sadly the closest we’ll get to this is Vengeful Vadam’s Halo 2 Uncut mod, and C3Sabertooth’s AMAZING videos animating the Halo 2 storyboards that include the original ending. Go check both of those out), I’d also want an ODST game that takes advantage of the fact it’s a spinoff to give us a radically different experience. ODST should’ve been a tactical shooter with a fully fleshed out stealth system (think a Rainbow Six Splinter Cell mashup with Halo content). We also should’ve been fighting Elites for a good chunk of the game, with Brutes appearing at night and in the last few missions culminating in the Great Schism (Generalkidd has a video showing off how if you spawn Elites into ODST they’re hostile towards both the player and rest of the Covenant. They’re marked as Team Covenant, while the Brutes are on Team Prophets. Based on this it’s safe to say that early on we would’ve gotten enemy Elites, but due to time constraints/limited resources they weren’t able to retool them into satisfying enemies). Sadly, what we got in retail was diet Halo 3, the Brutes retained a lot of their H3 problems being bootleg Elites, the lesser Covenant (Jackals, Drones, and Grunts) were still weaker than you (should’ve been your equals/close lessers), and Elites weren’t present. This would be the perfect opportunity to fix all those problems. That’s what my idealized version of a Halo reboot would be.
@foret4a874 13 күн бұрын
I would rather see the 343 games rebooted since the story is nothing but a huge mess
@MarzzmanGaming 13 күн бұрын
If done right it could be a major hit. Thank you for the thoughtful response.
@thunderlifestudios 13 күн бұрын
The major thing I can see besides the obvious technical upgrades. Is improving how the game plays. The original had very underwhelming weapons. The magnum was boring and the ar was practically useless despite how nice it felt. Among other things. They could benefit from adding new levels.
@MarzzmanGaming 13 күн бұрын
Fair points. Agree about improving the gameplay and feel of the weapons, much more open to those kind of updates.
@foret4a874 13 күн бұрын
I don’t agree with the magnum being boring. Honestly, Halo CE has my favorite gameplay
@HMJ27 13 күн бұрын
keep it going
@MarzzmanGaming 13 күн бұрын
Thank you for the comment. We will keep going and will be diving into the new DLC this weekend!
@silvering873 23 күн бұрын
It takes you more than an hour to edit a video
@MarzzmanGaming 23 күн бұрын
Writing the script, recording, editing for a review of a game? You just see a short but this came from a full review so yes.
@AlaskanEsquire-nm4mj 23 күн бұрын
its free
@MarzzmanGaming 23 күн бұрын
Yes and had less content than the other free DLC they put out in the Dredge collaboration.
@adinforbes1207 23 күн бұрын
​@@MarzzmanGaming Free is free
@R1ZZyD1ZZy2 24 күн бұрын
dawg, LFG’s all day everyday…I guess growing up in the 90’s makes my generation not have any problem with this aspect lol
@Craazydeez 24 күн бұрын
@RomGomLP 25 күн бұрын
these games are obviously not made for their gameplay or replayability what are you fucking talking about, are you lost ? next video youre going to complain that it doesnt have an endgame or battle royale mode ? jesus christ
@MarzzmanGaming 24 күн бұрын
Thanks for the comment. If you watch the full video we do dive into the aspects that the game does well (graphics, cutscenes, etc) but if you think that the game doesn’t have faults after the years of development they had then you are being delusional. We don’t expect it to be something it isn’t, just expect it to build on its predecessor.
@chrisravo 26 күн бұрын
Imagine it dropped day one like this!
@optomysticartist7768 26 күн бұрын
Yesss let’s go mods and put it in matchmaking and custom game browser!!! That’s wat I want for mcc so bad lol
@MarzzmanGaming 26 күн бұрын
I feel you. Thank you for the comment.
@DavidtheFoodie 26 күн бұрын
They should be paying the forgers too
@MarzzmanGaming 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for the comment. That is a fair take, I agree.
@doginhat13 26 күн бұрын
It's almost like you were playing the kids game me for children
@MarzzmanGaming 26 күн бұрын
They took the time to make an “easy” mode for the game. If they took that time it’s not crazy to ask for a more difficult mode. The bar doesn’t have to be that low and I was a fan of the game
@doginhat13 26 күн бұрын
@@MarzzmanGaming did you even bother going against the super boss or maybe if you want something a little difficult play darkest dungeon
@MarzzmanGaming 26 күн бұрын
@doginhat13 yes I did. Again if they took the time to make the game easier with a child mode why is it too much to ask for a harder mode for more experienced players? Have not received a valid response yet
@chrisravo Ай бұрын
What’s the next king Kong in a scuba suit? Lol
@parthjoshi9504 Ай бұрын
sorry the lobby are absolute bots, but nice vid
@MarzzmanGaming Ай бұрын
Can’t choose who we play. Thank you for the comment
@YourAveragePerson69 Ай бұрын
Short princess peach is way too fucling funny for some reason
@anonymous7564 Ай бұрын
"Is the new content flow actually relevant enough to keep playing" (paraphrasing) That answer should have always been "no", including with Season's. In fact, the largest uptick of players in all of the content updates was when the Bandit Evo, not to be confused with the Bandit, became the starting weapon in Ranked Arena. The smallest uptick of players happened with Infection, Custom Games Browser, and of course, Firefight. This is where we need to see a different picture -- Why is it that they moved to "CU" over Season's? The answer: Making extensive customizable player model's/armor, and releasing each in 100-tier paid battle passes wasn't profitable, nor was it feasible to continue to do, and it didn't bring anyone to replay the game any differently than today's current state. Now hold your reply, I can already tell it's going to be "no that's objectively false", is it? Because, from analytical data -- It's not false, at all. In fact, with empirical evidence, we can concretely see that Halo Infinite has never once benefitted, nor been in a disadvantageous situation due to this sorts of content, and in fact, it's actually harmed the state of the game (as a whole), rather than the people anticipating this content. Content Update's should be viewed as a faster way to provide meaningful updates, and meaningful content, to the game in a faster and more capable manner that does not impede based on duration of "large" update. Previously, they were required to hold off on incremental updates due to requiring a full install of the game when doing so, which in turn, lead to numerous "small" updates being pushed months after, which (created) many problems from this along the way. Content Updates are a net positive, and hopefully they'll move back to seasonality after getting what they want to accomplish done. Yes, that means Halo Infinite isn't done, it's just undergoing a major change.
@anonymous7564 Ай бұрын
How do we save Halo, as a whole, and predominantly the game we know of as "Halo Infinite"? 1) Rebrand the entry to separate these two games. "Infinite" was the previous title provided to the game tailored to a social-casual experience. "New" rebrand is the game for everyone else. 2) Separate "Social" into either it's own game (launcher) or an individual Match Composure (Social Composure), thus allowing for numerous queues while not caring about weight times. 3) Remove the current "TrueSkill2" implementation, replace with an implementation that focuses around CSR, rather than winrate. Put this to all non-social playlists. 4) Make the CSR a Skill-Progression metric, equal to 1-50, but in newer rank format, using a bell curve. 5) Make upwards of 10-12 of these variety skill oriented playlists, with each of them rotating between each accustomed meta shift of the HCS season's. 6) Developer maps only. "Community maps", with respect, undergo severe scrutiny before being put into matchmaking. No more "falling on pebbles" in an FPS. 7) Minor meta changes every few months to provide large swings of competition with minimal overhead. Larger meta changes every year putting entirely "new" experiences in the hands of the players or even competitors. 8) Battle Pass must be an FPS battle pass -- Weapon models, weapon coatings, weapon attachments. Store must be either pop-culture in player cosmetic (no lore, period), or specifically tailoring to rare weapon affiliated cosmetics. 9) A competitor Battle Royale, created by the developers, to be designed as the defacto "Halo Battle Royale". Zero PvE, since this has never been popular in any Halo FPS (period, proven). 10) Update this portion of the game substantially more, taking feedback of not just typical matchmaking players, but professional players alike, and creating a separate "HCS" playlist just for the competitor player feedback to take affect. Finally. 11) Balance the games sandbox around classic Halo design as upon launch -- Weapons with "super fast ttk" are hard to use, weapons with "low ttk" are easy to use. Less pickup weapons that aren't power weapons (classic Halo), and maps gravitating toward control oriented play, rather than "3 lane easy map to make it more digestible for a casual". All "social", aka "casual halo fan" playlists and features are only in the singular "composure" playlist, which shouldn't be a focal point, nor an area for continuous updates. Updates to this should be minor, at best, and at worst for "fixing bugs". Not for updating or adding content. Content in this situation should be stipulated behind "You have forge, a custom game, a custom games browser, and an all access derivative of the game settings, make your own casual content", since not only has the developer been incapable of creating "some youtubers imaginary belief of how infection should be", but simply that the "community" that thinks Halo should be popular as such, should be the ones to actually make the content for this section. 343 should never add anything they create into matchmaking directly, and in fact, there should be a simple checkmark box for the Social Composure for "community" where it's a rotated community option that cycles through community content that was added. If anything, at the extreme case, they have more of these tickboxes, but these should only be used sparingly since community maps are not only the highest quit rate maps of Halo in general, but disliked by the broader majority of fans overall. And be sure to stay tuned as this slowly happens and evolves over time. The "Unreal engine" Halo is a spinoff game, not mainline entry, and to my knowledge it shouldn't have any multiplayer attached in the traditional sense. In addition, this game is multi-platform and is one of the numerous entries headed over to other platforms. Meanwhile, the next mainline Halo game is in discussion phases still, but to break into the future of the series, they first need to figure out where they failed with this game. The only way to find that out, is by actually trying polar opposites. What attracts players, what doesn't, what went wrong, and where will it go right. Having a pseudo "content complete" game is all well in good, but what defines "content complete" when the fanbase does nothing but create "what defines Halo" out of thin air until they receive it, then create this belief that "if the game doesn't have everything every game had in existence, ever, in mankind since the 1960's, it's not content complete". How on Earth can 343 be the only development studio held to this insane standard, when people don't even hold any other game to it? It's like asking 343 to remove skill matchmaking in Halo, the game that created & popularized skill matching.
@anonymous7564 Ай бұрын
Next week marks the start of the return of Halo.
@MarzzmanGaming Ай бұрын
@anonymous7564 👀
@ukalik Ай бұрын
I agree with the difficulty, but mario games are rarely fully voice acted. We've seen how bad that can be because of mario sunshine.
@TRG_R17 Ай бұрын
Comment 21
@TRG_R17 Ай бұрын
If you think halo 7 will continue the story directly from halo infinite, you gonna need to read 8 books, and constantly the story updates halo waypoint posted
@TRG_R17 Ай бұрын
Comment 39, halo pull a density 2
@itashious Ай бұрын
Wait, hello Kitty island adventure got a remake. Why didn’t I know about this?
@michaellane5381 Ай бұрын
Honestly, i want them to move on from chief only because his dance card is pretty full... We have like 6 wars and he ended 3 of them, move on to an ODST or spartan other than Chief during the OT timeline, keep it basic with enemies maybe throwing marines and flood back in, keep forge/PvP multiplayer out of the game entirely, just spin it off with unlockables from the related campaign games and make the campaigns couch Co-op, do full spinoffs that way too, linked to a multiplayer arena through achievements/unlockables, only requiring any purchases in one game across the link.
@DarthMeh117 Ай бұрын
I feel like the only way I would except a reboot is if it was a reboot that started after three and completely ignored 343 altogether also, I wouldn’t want 343 involved at all and the studio making the new series would need to promise not to hire anyone involved at 343 for the last 10 years
@TheOutsider69 Ай бұрын
If you can't "see the difference" between the last of us remastered and the tlou remake, you are actually blind. In some ways the graphics are even better than the last of us part 2, and EVERYONE, even the haters, said that game was extremely graphically impressive and a huge improvement over the previous title. It has been lauded as the most graphically impressive game of the PS4 generation and is even often cited as one of the best looking games on PS5 even... Saying tlou1 remake was not enough of a graphical leap from the original is an actually insane thing to say and I don't understand how it's such a popular take... Literally half the internet is blind and dumb. The reality is it's just popular to sh*t on tlou so people feel compelled to lie and be npc's.
@chuexsy672 Ай бұрын
Yes, reboot it and get rid of Chief. His story was tainted by everything 343 did. Reach was in no way shape or form a great Halo but it got some things right. One of those things was its story and characters. It told a great and memorable story without Chief and the series should’ve followed suit.
@kadenbirch Ай бұрын
I'd be okay with a reboot if it is firmly planted on the universe Bungie established. If that's not gonna happen (which it wont) then forget it.
@doggedlyhandsome8181 Ай бұрын
The CU updates killed my interest in the game once I realized CU meant fake content aka purchasable cosmetics & forge maps
@CitizenKen1 Ай бұрын
If they do go for that reboot of Halo then they better keep up to 4 player couch co-op a thing for consoles and let pc players have the same thing without downloading and configuring other software! It just wouldn’t be the same without it.
@TheSpeednSpinner Ай бұрын
I hear you, but my ideal scenario is as follows: ID Software is given the rights to Halo and 343 is shuddered like the few BGS studios were. Think about it: DOOM Halo
@minakatahizuru Ай бұрын
10 min about nothing sir xd
@MarzzmanGaming Ай бұрын
Thank you for watching