@markmartin4793 8 сағат бұрын
They sell it with lower sodium now
@markmartin4793 8 сағат бұрын
For me it works because my kidneys are weak so the acids from training causes my legs to lock up but with the sodium bicarbonate it keeps the acid from building up in my legs
@HeyWattsUpCycling 12 сағат бұрын
I have not seen compelling evidence to show that riding at very lower power/efforts (ie 65% of max hr or less) instantly pulls fueling from sub cue, visceral, intra muscular or any other fat storage than the standard glycogen/carb stores first.
@jnatiw 15 сағат бұрын
Hey, Adam. Question. When it comes to the training aspect for durability, are we not trying to duplicate our best race efforts this way? For instance, if we set out to match or exceed our best three hour kJ output, I would be trying to beat my best three hour race. Same for two hour or six hour "training" rides. Seems like we'd just be trying to beat our previous bests. This seems counterproductive to my mind. Am I missing something here? Thanks for the great information, as always!
@DDai-qd8uk Күн бұрын
I like how you call him Gabriella
@rayF4rio Күн бұрын
If you are doing a 4 hr ride at say 65% the entire ride, should you skip breakfast, then begin eating carbs at some point during the ride, say during hr 2 or 3? If so, should carb intake ramp up after hour 3? Or should the 4 hr fatmax ride be ridden with zero carbs? Would the goal of these longer fatmax rides be to postpone carb intake further into the ride, as adaptation allows.
@richardmiddleton7770 Күн бұрын
Slow is pro!
@soysanto9939 Күн бұрын
Older athletes also need to dedicate more time to resistance training, stretching and balance exercises, and nutrition to counter the 1000 natural shocks that flesh is heir to.
@ohthatshim 3 күн бұрын
Question: why every single "science yapper" looks either like a Homer Simpson or like one of those worms from "Men in Black" when they clip a gentle age of say 45? Could it be that they dont actually know jack?
@ralfberndt3493 4 күн бұрын
When I do a 5/2 week, is weightlifting low or high intensity. Because my heart rate is in zone 2 but it is very challenging.
@Dakota.Covers 3 күн бұрын
I consider it an easy day if my HR remains in zone 2.
@mechthildhaeussler5736 5 күн бұрын
For me the worst part of being an older athlete (67 F) is the "permanent" damage any major training time-out will have on my life-long performance, fitness and therefore probably healthspan. Could be an accident (as recently), surgery (as currently), injury (my weakness since I was a kid) or illness (happening more often than before). Just have to lie there or sit around, knowing I am losing strength and V02m every day ... (Sure I do move the parts of my body that still can moved ;-). When back to training I need to be very careful, building up slowly, as a matter of fact so slowly that my progress might not even make up for the age-related "natural" decline and I will never get back to the performance before the interruption. Aging is a series of bad events you do not completely recover from.
@standUpForTurtles 6 күн бұрын
Consistency, consistency, consistency. I've heard this mantra so many times. Even though I thought I understood it I never managed to get past "but life". As a result I generally failed to meet even my modest training goals. Now in my late 50s with newfound motivation I'm training more consistently and can see the difference in results.
@davidhughson189 7 күн бұрын
One of the BEST interviews. The IMPORTANCE of face to face coaching! That why I like CTSTrainright! For 5 years!
@250txc 7 күн бұрын
Cyclists? Without doubt, these guys are the biggest PED cheaters of all sporting world.
@paulandriessen489 7 күн бұрын
89is the new21
@GravelRacer1 8 күн бұрын
Excellent advise. As an over 50 athlete, i have learned to listen to my body. If im feeling fatigued, I take an extra day of recovery. Sleep is very important, but so is nutrition. Mediterranean diet has worked wonders for my energy levels.
@CarnivoreDMD 8 күн бұрын
So I’m using the Dr Tim Noakes glucose titration method which is 10-20g per hour IF the athlete is in nutritional ketosis for a few months. I cycle in ketosis several days per week & only eat once & fast 48h per week on slow weeks. Many TDF pros are using ketones for a reason. 😮Thanks for the great information!
@CarnivoreDMD 8 күн бұрын
I add K citrate, Redmonds, Iodine & titrate 10g glucose per hour. I’m obviously no carb in general so I’m relying on a maximum Z2 efficiency which I’m seeing cyclical improvements recently. Love the podcasts
@CarnivoreDMD 8 күн бұрын
My work is 4d on & 3d off so I usually do 2.5h rides on those 3d. F= Z2 Sat= 1h Z2-HIIT’s 1h 30min cool down then Sun=Z2. Last weekend I found I needed more effort to maintain Z2! I expect this weekend to not be that way. My MHR cycling is 190, the same as it was 30 years ago. 😂😮
@scottheitmanmarinesurvey3557 8 күн бұрын
On the hard w/o day what is a good volume to shoot for. say you do 4x4 vo2 and then add some sst for volume. so how much volume?
@ericthered.147 8 күн бұрын
I started with the Training Bible and hand written diary and plan. 1998ish? I started putting data on Training Peaks as soon as it came out. I think I lost data when they switched platforms. Otherwise, I have data going back decades. That is the key as Joel discusses consistent aerobic and strength training. This August, I am competing in my 5th (in last 6 years) "Breck Epic" 6-day mtb race in Colorado at age 56.
@edmo1982 8 күн бұрын
Everytime I want to quit my job for having more time for training, I remember the three Joe Friels priorities.
@robertthompson5501 8 күн бұрын
Wow. I thought I was just lazy but after a couple of days off I would come back strong. "What me worry!" At 70yrs I am oldest OG under the barbell at local YMCA. "Take it easy. But take it!
@Foxtrottangoabc 8 күн бұрын
Another top vid . Joe friel gives great advice . 7 day week the way to go , even professionals have to socialise and all friends and family live in a 7 day week world. KISS keep it simple and consistent
@bobbullethalf 11 күн бұрын
The couch and TV or being active? I take being active.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
You could have both if you want?
@CarnivoreDMD 12 күн бұрын
WAS a semi pro triathlete in the 1990’s. Then a dad, business owner & had metabolic syndrome, NAFLD, arthritis, obese, sleep apnea…..eating raw Mediterranean diet.. then a kidney stone. Went KETO & regrew meniscus, & reversed ALL DISEASE. My max HR is the same now as it it was in 2001. Zone 2 70%, HIIT the rest 3x day. KetoVore. Red meat & avoiding plants has COMPLETELY changed my life & vitality.
@225rip 9 күн бұрын
Same here age 71, high A1C and Capp but ket0 for 4 years now and much better. Cac score 1000
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
I see numbers, % signs, acronyms,, excuses, and stupidity.
@scarred10 4 күн бұрын
All total nonsense,nothing can regrow meniscus and you cannot reverse arthtiris.Furthmore the med diet is the most proven diet for health,you didnt get any kidmey stone from diet,dehydration is a major factor
@gcostagcosta 12 күн бұрын
Consistency is the key
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
True, as long as what you're doing "constantly" sends the proper adaptive signal to your body that aligns w/ your training goal. Nowadays w/ all these online self proclaimed experts it can be hard to figure that out.
@gracewhite1601 12 күн бұрын
I use coconut water
@oldnatty61 12 күн бұрын
Conventional endurance training is the worst choice for older athletes. Consequently make sure you understand this and know why you're doing it.
@johndavies7626 12 күн бұрын
What is a better choice for older athletes?
@oldnatty61 12 күн бұрын
@@johndavies7626 Some Form of shorter duration higher intensity circuit training mixed w/ lower intensity recovery days. Doesn't mean you can't bike or do some other form of endurance training. Just can't build a program around it.
@johndavies7626 12 күн бұрын
@@oldnatty61 build a program around?
@oldnatty61 12 күн бұрын
@@johndavies7626 First this is just an example off the top of my head. This is for a fit advanced trainee. Everything is scalable. You've got to start where you're at and build up slowly. Also, there's 1000 and 1 ways to do this. On m and f do. (Squat x 15, pull-up x 5, push-up x 10) x 10. On t walk. On w short to medium bike interval workout. th walk. s or sn longer hard bike.
@oldnatty61 12 күн бұрын
@@johndavies7626 I did?
@philipvitkus2109 13 күн бұрын
Consistent weight lifting can be achieved through 3x week commitment to work out in a fitness class at a gym.
@philipvitkus2109 13 күн бұрын
"Science"- repeatable observations- does not prove anything evolutionary - anything with the theory of evolution.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
"Science" is a modern construct designed to replace commonsenses.
@philipvitkus2109 13 күн бұрын
Even Jesus was a peripatetic teacher. 😊
@gybx4094 10 күн бұрын
Yup. He walked everywhere, never riding horses.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
Very good!👍
@philipvitkus2109 13 күн бұрын
Consider walking with poles (Nordic walking-trekking), walking with weight vest.
@gybx4094 10 күн бұрын
Yes. I use old bamboo ski poles. It engages my upper body and it's safer, especial up and down hills. I put weights on my ankles and wrists.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
Weight vest? Yes! But!, remember 1 lbs. at the end of a limb equals 5 lbs. on the body. Poles not so much, unless you need 'em? Instead look to Dr. Schwartz and Steve Reeves. What mad Superman so super?
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
@@gybx4094 "I put weights on my ankles and wrists." So you simulate planet Krypton's conditions? I wonder what the out come of that would be?
@gregripp 5 күн бұрын
You should train with your goals in mind. Train with a road racing bike if you are going to road race bicycles, ski with your race skis if you are going to ski race (the right ones for your event obviously). Hike with the gear your going to carry on your hike. Weighted baseball bats, ankle weights are appropriate for using weighted baseball bats (why would you?) in sport and ankle weights could screw with your gate. A high intensity resistance training program may be the best all-around training method for older athletes. Consider reading Body by Science by Doug McGuff and John Little. They will give you an in depth explanation of the science of exercise. And remember, recovery makes you improve.
@scottheitmanmarinesurvey3557 14 күн бұрын
Word. Then there's that 70-year-old guy that competes in American Ninja Warrior
@EastbayGolfer 14 күн бұрын
Our ancestors moved a lot , true, and the life expectancy was like 40.
@joehamilton464 6 күн бұрын
Irrelevant. Life expectancy has changed mainly because of improvements in medical care and disease control.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
I think it was less than that?
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
@@joehamilton464 Totally relevant!? Exactly his point.
@MatzeMumpitz Күн бұрын
And now think how old they could have become if they had had the living conditions of today.
@cyclingfreak56 14 күн бұрын
Where’s the science?🤔
@scottheitmanmarinesurvey3557 14 күн бұрын
Did you even listen? 23:30
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
"Sciences" is a creation of our hard work putting our kids through school. You want to be fit? Leave science alone. Use what our Grandparents gave us. Common sense.
@MojoGene 5 күн бұрын
Where's the science, indeed. This is a 30-minutes waste of time. It could have been summarized in 30 seconds -- getting old is affects performance, dig in your heels and get off your butt and you will slow the process down.
@Gabrielle4870 15 күн бұрын
The concept of taking 10,000 steps a day as a fitness goal originated in Japan in the 1960s. It was popularized by a Japanese company called Yamasa Tokei Keiki, which produced a pedometer named "Manpo-kei," meaning "10,000 steps meter" in Japanese. The number 10,000 was chosen primarily for its simplicity and appeal rather than being based on scientific evidence. Over time, this goal has been widely adopted as a standard for daily physical activity, although individual needs can vary.
@gordonv.cormack3216 14 күн бұрын
But 10,000 was a pretty good guess. Arguably, you get almost as much benefit from 7,000, but 10,000 gives a bit more.
@philipvitkus2109 13 күн бұрын
I'm an athlete with aging muscles, I've always said.
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
Anybody still eat Wonder Bread? This is a great example of what I'm talking about. "10,000 steps." In the '60's you buy a "Manpo-kei" pedometer made by Yamasa Tokei Keiki. Today (2024) you still chase those 10,000 steps, and you track it w/ a Fitbit by Google. Yet, very few are fit?
@oldnatty61 6 күн бұрын
@@gordonv.cormack3216 "Pretty good guess" for what?
@gordonv.cormack3216 6 күн бұрын
@@oldnatty61 Pretty good guess for how many steps you need to achieve most of the benefit. Arguably, you get diminishing returns after about 7,000 steps, so the extra 3,000 provide less benefit. Diminishing returns and all that.
@dan-312 17 күн бұрын
I am on the carnivore diet, so it's night and day difference on my long runs if I have at least 1 gram of sodium and potassium per hour since I dont store it through carbs like others.
@DEXVD 19 күн бұрын
Isn't a pull without the shrug movement a deadlift?
@frankkurzawa 21 күн бұрын
Dr. McCoven minimized the importance of replacing Calcium (Ca) during exercise because Ca is in only very small quantities in the extracellular fluid. Two decades ago I received advice from an exercise nutritionist who expressed a very different view about Ca replacement. He made the point that Ca plays such a critical intermediation role of a variety of metabolic processes (such as muscular contraction), that the body will do anything that it needs to do in order to keep blood Ca levels constant. During extended exercise, significant amounts of blood may be pushed into extracellular fluid (ECF) from porous capillaries. So over time, particularly during long training sessions in our hot Texas summers, significant amounts of calcium may eventually be sweated out. Happily, the body has huge reservoirs of Ca, but sadly the largest such reservoir is the Ca that makes up our bones. So after years of sweating in long hot training sessions, it is actually possible to develop osteopenia or even osteoporosis. In light of this, my nutritionist recommended adding about one-half gram Calcium in each water bottle. I have been mixing Calcium into 4.5# containers of hydration mix and recovery drinks that I buy for 20 years and my recent DxA scans show my bone density remains in the upper 90% of individuals my age (69 y.o.). I also used to do heavy squats (which should help with bone density) but other issues have kept me from doing those squats for almost 20 years. In contrast, my good friend Mike, who has been bike racing since he was in his early twenties, was told by his doctor when he was 55 that he had the bones of an 80 y.o. woman. Ten years later he broke his hip as result of an other wise minor fall when he slid out in a corner. I realize that two anecdotes don’t constitute data. But I’m glad I’ve added that Ca to my regimen years ago. Parenthetically, about the time that I started adding Ca to my water bottles my previous high propensity to cramp completely cleared up. Coincidence? I don’t know. Also, I’ve been careful not to overdo the Calcium due to the danger of developing kidney stones.
@TonyGoodnight 21 күн бұрын
Hello, I do think there is some good info in the post. bit I just don't feel like some of the research that was mentioned fits my experience. My training tends to be longer training rides of 3-4 hours and sometimes much longer. Due to how 2023 COVID infection affected me I feel like I'm starting over getting my fitness and endurance back, mostly due to energy recovery feeling and Garmin body battery numbers. Even before Covid, I noticed that I sweat a lot even on 70F training days similar to the 90F days lately. During a 4 hour outside session with an an IF of 0.75 to 0.8 at session, I'll get done and be about 5 lbs lighter than the start. Just before starting I'll drink about 500ml of mix and then about 4x24oz bottles of mix during the rides. Each bottle will have over 1000mg of Na and about 400 calories. My sweat test showed I loose 3345mg of Na and 1.82 Liters of sweat per hour at 77F. In general if I do not avg at least 1 bottle of mix per hour and drink considerably more mix as soon as I get done, the cramping will be unmanageable and cause damage to muscles all over such that it will take days for the various muscles to recover. As I mentioned I'm starting over to get back to the fitness to be able to ride 300-500 miles / 20-30 hours per week so I can comfortably race RAW Race Across the West or East for 650 to 930 miles straight through during mid June. At this point it may 2026 before I'll be ready to race that and 2025 before I can competitively race a 24 hour Ultracycling race. For those ultra endurance athletes who are heavy sweaters and high salt loss individuals, constant intake of fluid and electrolytes are critical during training and UltraCycling events!!!!!!
@ytnsanw 21 күн бұрын
Pretty sure this is the individual who asserted that Mark Cavendish would not finish a stage of the Tour de France, much less win one - or 35!....
@Foxtrottangoabc 22 күн бұрын
Great podcast with the Doctor. A goldon nugget if great quality information 👍
@shepshape2585 24 күн бұрын
I don't know why so many people don't get it or don't want to get it. I've been using polarized training for years, which only uses 3 zones, and I do the vast majority (80-90%) of my training in zone 1. Once a week I go out and hammer some hill repeats or some sprint intervals, but that's it. Endurance zone, zone 1, or zone 2 for those who use 5 zones is just that, and if you can't keep your testosterone in check for the benefit of your overall training, then don't complain when the 60 year old guy drops you because his overall aerobic fitness is greater than yours. By the way I've had that happen on so many occasions I can't even count. Guys think they drop you on a group ride because they went hard for a few minutes, and they look back and see you on their wheel just tooling along and they can't believe it. Then, when they've burned their matches, I come off their wheel and leave them behind. I train to improve my overall health, but I'm not out there to waste my time. I want to get the best results from all the time I spend in the saddle. Also, I don't want to get burned out because every ride is a sufferfest and I no longer look at my bike as a fun thing to ride, but more as a torture device. Keep your ego in check, train the long hours in zone 1, do your intervals once or twice a week, and you'll see the vast improvements.
@Ehsender 25 күн бұрын
Needed to hear this right now. Thank you!
@SteakandChains 28 күн бұрын
Hydration starts from the moment you wake up not the moment you start your sport or activity
@SteakandChains 28 күн бұрын
Hydration, i’ve been doing it over the last month and it has worked great for me. I have been fasted for four days now with no performance issues in Zwift. Thanks to keeping myself hydrated properly. Feel free to pop in on Saturday morning Eastern time.l where I will be doing over 100 km fasted to prove that hydration is as important if not more than fueling for performance
@dailydriven2356 29 күн бұрын
Any notes?
@cesarhernandez2592 29 күн бұрын
Great conversation! I look forward to part 2!
@GummeeH3 Ай бұрын
Best way to develop a smooth, efficient pedal stroke? Race track. Next best? Ride fixed on the road with a small gear. AMHIK