Kingdom Hearts Light Up Keyblade
@Frosted_Alexis 7 күн бұрын
this is like so bizzare and cool at the same time its so interesting that these were release such a long time ago and i just found out about them
@CorporateZombi 10 күн бұрын
My recommendations: Elite dangerous £5 (although you should have picked this up for free from epic games store) Assetto Corsa. £1.54 Upload VR humble bundle £8 Viveport infinity subscription for one month £6 X box game pass ultimate $1 trial War thunder (free) Grip combat racing (if you like wipeout) Dcs (free) Pinball fx2 vr £3 Star wars squadrons £6.99 The lab (free) Hell blade senuas sacrifice £2.49 Maybe american truck simulator or euro truck simulator for £1.50 Dirt rally 2
@CorporateZombi 10 күн бұрын
1:01:30 If you want the serious Sam games, then the upload VR bundle on humble bundle is better value. You get 3 serious Sam games, gorn, tentacular, and the Talos principle all for about £8. And the games redeem on steam anyway.
@CorporateZombi 10 күн бұрын
55:16 I know that the $3 hitman world of assassination part 1 base game does NOT include the VR mode. So be careful buying this from steam. Double check whats included in the version comparison infographic. The £23 and £37 deluxe versions do include the VR mode. I cant be sure if the "bundle" that is about £17 includes the vr mode either. So you literally can go wrong with this one.
@void-citizen 10 күн бұрын
Subnautica is one of the most amazing pcvr games... I also recommend Jet Island. Ror2 is great, Alien isolation and portal have great easy vr mods. If you have at least a 2080 play high on life with uevr... it's WAY more amazing than trover. Older games like electronauts go on sale all the time sometimes low as a dollar.
@gamingisinsession 10 күн бұрын
Void coming up clutch, I'll wait for the older games. I have a 3060 GPU I uevr, you say? I gotta do a lot of research before August 7th haha
@CorporateZombi 10 күн бұрын
Video title: How to not trip over your PSVR2 cable. Adam seriously talks about running the psvr2 cable through your clothes and have it come out your zipper to plug in to the PC or PS5.
@gamingisinsession 10 күн бұрын
That's a good idea! I love it. I need to wear a apple big mac pro while doing it too
@CorporateZombi 8 күн бұрын
I think it might actually work... Provided you put your pants on backwards. 😂 That could be the part that you just don't mention. Act like it is perfectly normal to have the zipper at the back. Oh my, I think I may have just accidentally invented a new clothing line of zipper-at-the-back VR pants. Ha ha Actually you may be able to get something suitable from the website where you got your Rez infinite sex swing!
@CorporateZombi 8 күн бұрын
I know a guy who can sort you out with a big maccle vision pro. Lol
@CorporateZombi 10 күн бұрын
The PSVR PC Dong-ler, will it be plug and play? Maybe... Once you have your own display port cable and Bluetooth 4.0 adaptor, and have the Sony app running in the background. 👀 Oh God, I almost can't wait for the inevitable backlash following what may prove to be as tricky as the PSVR breakout box to set up.
@gamingisinsession 10 күн бұрын
Im gonna rip it a new one. Can't wait.
@CorporateZombi 13 күн бұрын
I want in on your Battlezone shenanigans! I'm reinstalling it on my PC now! No need for a key because I have it already! I remember it made me motion sick in 2018, so I wonder if my beefier PC and presumably beefier VR-legs can handle it now.
@gamingisinsession 12 күн бұрын
Let's dew it, can't wait man. The ONLY thing I am looking forward to regarding PCVR for PSVR
@tomtelfer5969 14 күн бұрын
Sony just gave you a golden opportunity for your podcast. I don't even have a PSVR - but Adam is a loose cannon, which makes him interesting, balanced by Alex who is his handler. I like what you guys have to say about the games - don't care what platform because the takes are honest. I buy games on Meta store from your reviews here. You guys have a familiarity that makes us feel we know you guys, compared to every other generic podcast that feels generic. Your viewership numbers are languishing because of being locked into a dwindling buggy ideology. The opportunity - embrace the PC adaptor and start playing those PCVR games, and better yet - UEVR games. Your viewership will expand, and Adam - who from time to time has epiphanies - will hopefully embrace all whole new world of steam games which are on sale all the time. I know that speaks to you Adam. As a former marketing exec - my advise - embrace the gift you've been give by Playstation to expand your audience. And VR IS EVOLVING AND FLUID - DON'T GET LOCKED DOWN TO A PLATFORM IDEOLOGY -IT WILL ALL GET BETTER OVER TIME. You can't control Sony, and what consumers purchase, But both of you can control following market trends and growing your audience by being the only PSVR Headset podcasts that reviews PCVR / UEVR Games. You guys could be the Howard Stern of this space. You don't need to reinvent the wheel - look at the viewership of colleagues - what videos are getting most clicks. Then Alex be Alex, and Adam be Adam with your reviews. Sorry for the rant, but I can't stand seeing wasted opportunity and talent.
@CorporateZombi 13 күн бұрын
Steam games are on sale a lot that is true, but I don't know if anyone can convince Adam to drop more than $2000 on a UEVR capable PC! And what then? There are so many unreal engine games, how do you pick what to review and play? And then there is the time. Faffing around with settings, moving the camera in UEVR, fiddling with Sony's pc app (which I'm pretty certain will be terrible, given their past pc application record) It's all going to be too much for someone who just likes to find 20 minutes to play C-smash. BUT, I would follow these guys to whatever podcast they choose to do.
@gamingisinsession 13 күн бұрын
I love the dedication and thought......Alex my handler? Preposterous. You might have something about the change in philosophy.....maybe it's time to expand. The good news we disagree about everything seemingly so it will lead to good master debators! Glad you find some usefulness in our content, if nothing else I hope it is entertaining. Always feel free to join!
@tomtelfer5969 13 күн бұрын
@@CorporateZombi I'm thinking about it from the perspective of a fan and a business person. Nothing is better than making something you love your job. They have hundreds of hours of "at bat" experience as podcast performers, and they could capitalize on that by adding something new to their repertoire. I would enjoy listening to both of them start a new journey and evolve with the technology as it develops. I'll go along for the ride, and I'm sure there are others just like me. As far as google analytics goes, they'll need to get on schedule of producing content and updating more regularly, maybe change the branding from PSVR2 the Podcast to something more inclusive for search, as well as promoting on different platforms. I've watched the explosion of other VR content developers in the space, and I still prefer their personalities, format and reviews. Again, I don't own a PSVR - I like their analysis and Adam's brutal honesty and how he puts his heart out there. Dude is authentic, unpredictable, and funny. Alex is the perfect counter-balance. Don't want these guys to fade away with the PSVR. And selfishly, I want more content from them - at least bi-monthly if not weekly.
@wp9002 9 күн бұрын
FYI: Kirstie Alley is dead. Dec2022.
@gamingisinsession Күн бұрын
@@wp9002 NO!!!!!!!!!
@shafedog247 15 күн бұрын
For the first time I’m completely agreeing with Adam. PSVR2 players want that sweet console ease and convenience. We do not want to buy a PC to use this headset especially with fewer features. PSVR2 users like that simple plug and play method. We do not want to play on PC at 15 FPS on high setting and then settle for 72 frames at ultra low settings.
@OverExtrudedPhysicist 15 күн бұрын
Welcome to the dark side shafe.....or as most people call it: the RIGHT side
@CorporateZombi 17 күн бұрын
When it has been this long since a podcast, I start to wonder if they have started a new podcast and told noone, lol!
@anasproduction4488 17 күн бұрын
Which balls you want to clean 🤨
@CorporateZombi 21 күн бұрын
Can you believe it has been a year since I was on this excellent podcast, will they invite me back? I did end up buying walkabout minigolf on psvr2... not day one though! And Ironically about a week before it became a PS Plus Premium Game doh!
@CorporateZombi Ай бұрын
Did you guys go to Disneyland just to make your Happy Fun Land VR experience more relevant? That right there is dedication to the psvr2 cause.
@markmoriwaki3158 Ай бұрын
Get a clue…do you live with your mom
@gamingisinsession 12 күн бұрын
I don't live with mine, no. I visit my friend's often though. Does that count?
@80ldDusty Ай бұрын
hello, I was wondering. Does the mighty coconut make changes or update different games. I seem like when I play the game in the hard mode, there different?
@gamingisinsession 12 күн бұрын
Oh yeah, hard mode on each level is a beefed up harder course but in the same theme as the general level. So really it's like 2 levels in one!
@CirqueAlvis Ай бұрын
The face of a proud cleaned ball owner at the end right there
@Destity11 Ай бұрын
Did you play Madison ?? You can die in a few of the sections. Adam started the game and was too petrified to continue so he never got to those parts of the game.
@CorporateZombi 17 күн бұрын
The hung verdict is somewhat appropriate though 😂
@CorporateZombi Ай бұрын
Not sure what happened to Alex's mic on this one. Volume keeps dropping massively.
@CorporateZombi Ай бұрын
I think you can die in Madison. You can die in 1951 to the creature (although you can just avoid it). It sends you back to 2022. I find it hard to believe you were never jump scared! Really? I already got jump scared quite a lot, and I'm only half way through! I think the puzzles are good, but I think the puzzles in last Labyrinth might be better. The puzzles in madison seem more obfuscated by the need to use the camera everywhere to get to parts of the answers than actually cerebral. I think once you have done them once youll know what to do, whereas in Last Labyrinth you'll probably have to keep thinking about the solution.
@CorporateZombi Ай бұрын
I would play demeo with you! But I might need a heads up, to stay up till 3am!
@stewpiddonkey4668 Ай бұрын
@RxPharmacytech 2 ай бұрын
Nice Video! System Critical: The Race Against Time is known as the Hardest VR Game of ALL time but System Critical ll is a waaay easier for sure! 🦾
@shafedog247 2 ай бұрын
I got you Adam…. Just walk up to this woman and ask her if she can identify fabric just by touching it. Have her touch a sleeve and say “do you have any idea what’s in this shirt?” No matter what her response is, if she says she doesn’t know or if she says cotton/poly etc, just say “I’m hoping it was made of boyfriend material” boom you’re in.
@jaybratt 2 ай бұрын
Hey BIG HAIRCUT... your name is no longer Big Tuna... henceforth you shall be known as BIG HAIRCUT
@CorporateZombi 2 ай бұрын
Adam, you could maybe get away with the Janitor outfit if you can deadlift like Anatoly! Here let me clean...
@indigoisleproductions7086 2 ай бұрын
Adam - Don't listen to Alex. Being that direct at the gym will lead to massive shutdown. Too forward. Instead, (and this is gold) make a series of small comments to build familiarity.. Over time, this leads to her getting to know you. i.e.. "Can I work in on next set?". These are tough, but give a great workout", "How many reps can you do?" "You have good form - I have to try that". Women like compliments, but don't overdo it. This is a mating dance. That can lead to asking for suggestions (another "touch" to bring awareness and let her know you exist). "Heading to grocery store after this - looking for fresh produce - my store sucks -suggestions?" "buying a birthday present for my mom - no idea what to get her? What do you think". This takes place over several visits to the gym. But it's baby steps brother. Last bit of advice - don't put her on a pedestal. Woman like men that are confident, and have stuff going on. She needs to know that you've got a life outside the gym, and that you're a happening guy. You've got to be a 10 to get a 10. Finally, make sure you're janitor outfit is clean, and that you have a nice mop. Professionalism, my man.
@gamingisinsession 2 ай бұрын
YO! See, YOU need to be on the podcast. Actual, true advice and game plan. Unlike my "partner" who does nothing but imagines me in a janitor outfit and laughs inconsolably. What a nerd. I'll keep you posted, I like this plan. Playing for the long move imo
@bgreen999 2 ай бұрын
Who's the pretty little girl on the left with the short hair?
@gamingisinsession 2 ай бұрын
You should see the pretty girl behind the camera. Hint: it's ur mum
@thomastelfer3767 2 ай бұрын
Waiting for more videos….
@-TICAL- 2 ай бұрын
Do that to me
@OfficialMummyCat 2 ай бұрын
I think what i hate about vr games is that you never truly run fast the walking and running if running is available is so slow. I hope they make a fast moving game someday
@OfficialMummyCat 2 ай бұрын
It sucks that you need to have ps plus to play when on all other platforms you don't require subscription
@618thrift 2 ай бұрын
Resealed edition
@Bicky-ej5yk 2 ай бұрын
I thought this was gonna be a how to video. Wtf just happened? 😂😂
@dennisrogers6786 2 ай бұрын
Why are single players being alienated? Some of us hate multi-player player games, but perfer single player. Multi-player games are developed by lazy developers as just use boring maps, no story line and no AI, easy money for them. Trouble is when there are no one to play, they become useless
@fulldivegamingpodcast 3 ай бұрын
So close to 500... But why did it recommend me this old episode instead of a new one? 🤔
@shafedog247 3 ай бұрын
Adam would rather spend $10 on Cici’s pizza and have diarrhea for 20 hours than spend quality time in a great title like Legendary Tales.
@CorporateZombi 3 ай бұрын
I'm loving Akka Arrh, you can play it with the controller trackpad, and that is probably the only way to do well on it without going "balls-out" like me. I hope Jeff Minter eventually adds direct mouse/trakball support in the playstation version like the PC Version; because this game absolutely rocks using an arcade trackball which is how I play it. Currently the work-around I'm using requires me to plug the trackball into my phone with a USB-C OTA adapter and use two android apps (panda mouse pro and PSPlay) to remote play control Akka Arrh in PSVR2 through my phone with the trackball. It's very very cool though! The final 2 levels are totally bonkers because all the graphics change to classic Atari pixel characters from robotron etc.
@nuviaj56 3 ай бұрын
@Black_kankute 3 ай бұрын
@CorporateZombi 3 ай бұрын
Do not review Akka Arrh until you have tried all the control schemes. The two button and trackpad control scheme is absolutely transformative! It's so much faster! ❤ I love it!
@shafedog247 3 ай бұрын
Ok Adam, I got you….contact the dev of Cactus Cowboy. Have him just make a new skin of his game that has the cactus cowboys look like turds and have them take on rolls of TP instead of the worm enemies. Also the game should play like Splatoon but instead of color it’s just everything getting covered in shit. Title it Turd Burglars.
@NatBratt 4 ай бұрын
I have heard of uncanny valley. I think I first noticed it in the movie A.I.: Artificial Intelligence. Loved that movie! And now I want to watch it again...
@jaybratt 4 ай бұрын
8:37 YES!! You are what we in the business call... a HATER
@bgreen999 4 ай бұрын
If you listen to this at 1.5x, Adam sounds like Ben Shapiro
@CorporateZombi 4 ай бұрын
53:00 Im looking forward to the second game in the series: Poop Tube Number 2.
@CorporateZombi 4 ай бұрын
51:00 I bought the PS4 version of Akka Arrh when I realised Jeff Minter had made a new game. The PS5 and PSVR2 version is a free upgrade. The VR version is MUCH better than the flat version in my opinion. Its eye blindingly trippy as you would expect on the later levels, so give this one a chance before writing it off too quick. The game becomes trying not to use bombs they give you ever and trying to efficiently target the threat enemies without using too many of your bullets. I'd call it somewhat like missile command wrapped around a point, with pods that act a bit like the 'men' in defender. Btw, i think tempest is ace and i would love to see that come to PSVR2 too! Fully expecting Adam to hate the procedural "music" though which is very distant from the tempest 2000 soundtrack! Note: you must try playing this game with a controller and with the controls set to track pad and shooting set to X and bombs set to another button. It's a completely different and much better experience! This game needs mouse support! Im surprised that they didnt implement the motion controls to control the cursor or eye tracking.
@CorporateZombi 4 ай бұрын
37:00 in Cyube maybe make Astrobot and come out his astrobutt?
@CorporateZombi 4 ай бұрын
And hope this isn't the only way we see Astro bot on PSVR2😢
@CorporateZombi 4 ай бұрын
Yes I've heard of uncanny valley, it's where the Polar Express (2004) runs through!
@thomastelfer3767 4 ай бұрын
I’m hooked. Love watching Adam struggling with the duality of wanting AAA games while battling his inherent cheapness and won’t open his rusty coin purse to reward starving developers. Dude is classic. If I were king, I’d make him my jester.