@robertoalano7146 2 күн бұрын
Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior of my life. No one can separate from the love of Jesus Christ . He is real .jallelujah
@tmcge3325 Ай бұрын
Here, not my opinion but the very word of God....by multiple prophets! READ and VERIFY John 17:15 kjv So, no such thing as an early exit called rapture. Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43 and 47-50...Matthew 24:3, 13 and 29-30. He is Clear! End of the World. John 6:39-40, 44, 54 and 11:24 Clear again Last Day Paul doesn't teach anything differently....He tells us Last Trump! 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 and Revelation 11:15-19 kjv Last Trump Look at 1 Thessalonians 3:13 and 4:13-18 - at the end, when the Lord returns. The Lord tells us, after tribulation Matthew 24:29-31 kjv. (after tribulation) 1 Corinthians 1:7-8 and 15:24 and 51-58 kjv. Revelation 18:4 kjv. "My People" - are you his people? I am!!!!! John 16:33.....Matthew 24:3 and Endure to the end verse 13. Paul tells us the exact same thing 2 Thessalonians 1:4 "in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure" You will have tribulation and you will die! John 16:33 & Hebrews 9:26-28 So, we have Matthew, John, Paul and the very Son of the Living God and now that the truth is posted, you will block me. Before you block me, where is this early exit called rapture....as you read above, that day, end of the world @ the Last Trumpet. No early exit. Peace
@thetower8553 Ай бұрын
Indeed. And for the longest time I was on the fence leaning towards the "pretrib" position. But the first resurrection was the first biblical teaching to put everything into perspective for me. Most pretribbers believe they have some special status in the kingdom and speak of the so called "tribulation saints" aka those who missed the rapture as though they are second class BUT the bible teaches "Blessed and righteous is he who has part in the first resurrection: on such the second death has NO power, but they shall be priests of God and will REIGN with Christ 1000 years" - Rev 19, Speaking of those who were beheaded for their testimony of Jesus and refused to worship the beast. Throughout the new testament the bible consistently teaches about the last day and resurrection on the last day. And the final nail in the pretrib coffin was the often twisted verses of Matthew 24. Here Jesus himself says after the tribulation is when he will come and by his angels will gather his elect.
@tmcge3325 Ай бұрын
@@thetower8553 The rapture and pre-trib folks have no scripture....it just isn't there. remember, Revelation is all in chronilogical order and I do not know if you fully understand Deuteronomy 16:16...best to research and lean that verse and why. Peace!
@mountuplikeaneagle Ай бұрын
You need to make a decision, The choices are, (1.) you can believe doctrines of devils, doctrines , traditions, denominations of man or( 2.) You can believe God's perfectly clear word which is When Jesus returns on the last day immediately after the Tribulation he will bring with him all the saints(souls) in heaven since Adam, they will be resurrected, moments later all the Christians still alive on earth will not taste death but will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye and be caught with the rest.
@mountuplikeaneagle Ай бұрын
According to God's perfect word the Holy Bible KJV It's impossible for the rapture to happen before the resurrection of the saints/church. Paul(the Holy Ghost) said a very simple thing in Thessalonians ch 4 The DEAD in Christ shall rise FIRST then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them, so shall we ever be with Lord. READ MATTHEW CH 24:29-31 READ MARK CH 13 READ LUKE CH 21 READ JOHN CH 6 READ REVELATIONS CH 20 There are two resurrections, the first is the resurrection of the saints (souls) that will return with Jesus on the last day immediately after the tribulation. They will be resurrected into their body of flesh and bone. The second resurrection is the lost(damned) sometime after the millennium. So no matter what anyone says, even if an angel appears to you. even if 100 of the great Bible teachers of all time hold a huge meeting on pre-trib No matter how many stupid charts etc someone brings up and teaches for hours. No matter how many more movies about left behind are made. IF AND ONLY IF YOU PUT GOD'S PERFECT WORD FIRST AND THE FINAL AUTHORITY FOR ALL MATTERS. IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR ANY RAPTURE TO OCCUR BEFORE THE RESURRECTION OF THE SAINTS/CHURCH WHO WENT TO HEAVEN THROUGH DEATH. AND THAT IS THE LAST DAY WHEN JESUS RETURNS WITH THEM IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE TRIBULATION MARK CH 13 IN PART: THE RESURRECTION AND THE RAPTURE : WHEN? 24But in those days, **AFTER THAT TRIBULATION**, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, 25And the stars of heaven shall fall, and the powers that are in heaven shall be shaken. 26And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. WHERE WILL THE ANGELS GATHER THEM FROM? 27And then shall he send his angels, and shall gather together his elect FROM THE FOUR WINDS, FROM THE UTTERMOST PART OF THE EARTH(THOSE WHO ENDURED THE TRIBULATION)(**RAPTURE**) TO THE UTTERMOST PART OF HEAVEN(SAINTS FROM HEAVEN **RESURRECTED**).
@gsestream Ай бұрын
if your salvation depends on works of your own, then you must be talking your own. or maybe ask God how the dream during death (young and old) needs to be interpreted in Spirit. not under law judgement. God paid for all. so your dream must be false.
@user-qr7nm3wb3v 2 ай бұрын
1Thessalonians 4:14-17
@jamesSmith-fl5wv 3 ай бұрын
This isnt my home...my family is just here. Lets go family! Our King Jesus Christ is coming so soon!
@samwestover9953 3 ай бұрын
John Nelson Darby invented the false doctrine of the Rapture 1830-1833 AD and popularized it in 1850 to which it infected us today. Get educated about what will happen in Gods time frame, not in man's time frame.
@rev3182 3 ай бұрын
Hi, first time here. I have heard many dreams and visions regarding the rapture and not one has mentioned anything about being aware of a new body however I have had reoccurring dreams in the past that deal with a body transformation. I would become aware in the dream of being surrounded by unnatural darkness other than a soft glow that came from my belly area and I would reach above me and beg God for His strength. Then I would be zapped, almost like with a lightning bolt from above which super powered every single cell in my body like dynamite going off with power in a really really good way. At this point the dream would normally end until the last dream. All went on as usual yet this time after I was empowered I saw a small pinprick of light in the darkness above and watched as it came down, taking the form of a long sword that landed in my right hand. Just then an evil looking troll like creature came out of the darkness, I flicked the sword in his direction twice and he vanished. Since having those dreams, many years later, I have heard from other believers that they are of the mind we will be here for the darkness and Jesus will come like a thief in the night then and empower us to fight in a much more powerful way to rid the world of evil and help those on earth. I dont know what's truth in this matter, I only know what I have been shown in dreams and I have had more than one dream with darkness on the menu, filled with demons and being safe and protected, like a fortress. Whatever comes, if overwhelming, immediately pray for strength. And if we remain after the rapture then know that yes it could be for sins yet it could also be to help others. Scriptures imply many saints will die during tribulation. Whatever may come, we can do this life as we were created for these times. Hallelujah!
@wwj14 4 ай бұрын
q. post trib won't/can't answer! How much baby food are you stockpiling so babies dont starve in the trib? starvation is very painful for babies! NONE? why? meaning you don't really believe in the post trib, it is just an academic game to you!
@thetower8553 Ай бұрын
This does not in any way debunk the post-trib position which is actually biblical. If personal questions are the only proof you've got I don't know what to tell you.
@judgmentiscoming4690 4 ай бұрын
Scripture doesn't even teach a pre trib. 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 which speaks of a taken out of the way, while those left behind will be destroyed with the brightness of his coming..2 Peter 3:10-12 As he comes as a thief the earth and works in it shall be burned up. Rev. 20 tells us he returns After the final crisis on this earth which is enforcement of the mark, the saved are resurrected and those alive will be caught up with them. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. Not anytime before that. People say we're not appointed to wrath, which we're not, that only means he wants us to be saved so we won't receive it along with the unsaved. His people are promised protection from it. Zephaniah 2:2-3. Not to be raptured.
@howdydoodey3872 4 ай бұрын
The rapture thing is a hoax, made up Christian nonsense.
@plainwhitepaper3898 4 ай бұрын
Matthew I3:4I-43 Tares are removed the righteous remain. According to Christ we want to be left behind.
@lisaball6561 4 ай бұрын
I sister. I just clicked on your post. I love that the joy of the Lord is your strength. You are beaming with His love thank you. I am more of a warrior, soldier and I really appreciate your sharing the dream and your prayer. Thank you. Lisa🙏🙂🌹
@borntwice-bibledoctrine9134 4 ай бұрын
Oh thank you, OH! mis-directed one? Thank you, now i don't have to read the Holy Scripture any longer. I just have to wait for your next video.. Awesome.. Which means Christ Jesus died for nothing.. All, we have to do is wait for your guidance... fyi, people can't read the Scriptures any longer.. I guess you don't know how "Grace" works... He choose's you.. You don't choose Him... No works required..
@Yahleel-cq9ci 6 ай бұрын
Its time in the name of Jesus Christ that we start believing in I Just Dont Know Jesus
@Abboud-Kadid 7 ай бұрын
This is my testimony brothers and sisters: I used to live in darkness. I was searching for acceptance because I was angry at the world, but now I have eternal peace within, and I am not afraid of tomorrow. God has enlightened my heart. Because of the Holy Spirit residing in me, I have become a better family man. Salvation is a free gift and is available for everyone. It isn't based on our deeds or acts; it is based on the Blood of Jesus Christ on the Cross. His precious Blood paid for all mankind before and forever. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God." (Ephesians 2:8).
@ram09568 7 ай бұрын
Jeremiah 16:14-21
@luciusbuildzz 8 ай бұрын
Look like Chinese Tommy Sawyer
@spiroclimb2523 8 ай бұрын
Man, when God takes Hus spirit from this world, people are going to be brutal and their sin will fully show.
@LoneStarHomestead3 8 ай бұрын
This is total fake. God's chosen people don't need fake warnings from people like this. These kind of lies will send you to HELL. So many so-called prophets are listening to demons talk to them. It's very easy to see these people for the fakes they are.
@Doglovergirl99 8 ай бұрын
@jeremiahkirby6552 9 ай бұрын
After the rapture of the FEW and the lukewarm left and they will show true nature as The Restrainer is taken out and the pestilence comes down. They will give up many!
@user-or8ir2zq6m 9 ай бұрын
I heard on Sidorus' program that the rapture is 10 years away.
@MiguelRain-un6qu 9 ай бұрын
Need your email for your help mum❤🙏😘
@jennylee4461 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, for your prayers! I’m sending you my love and light! God bless you! Amen ❤️🙏💡😇
@Kog_media 10 ай бұрын
The rapture as presented is a false teaching. The rapture in the Bible are for those who died… not the living! Consider that Yeshua clearly stated that the tares will be gathered first, then burned. The rapture doctrine is actually recent starting in 1840’s… and it is part of the Great Deception. We will all see Yeshua coming out of the Eastern Sky… if we survive through the great tribulation… so study your Bible and show yourself approved. Those who are “left behind” are the surviving remnant body of Christ what were “hidden” in the “ wilderness”… and interestingly all of them are those who reaped the harvest for the kingdom of God… until the desolation of abomination… the antichrist 2.0 who is Nimrod (Gilgamesh), the first King of Babylon (Babel) among men… and he is also the last king among men who will subjugate all of humanity and kill most people. Nimrod walks among us today, currently living in the Vatican waiting until the Devil evelates him to dictator of the fallen world. I would recommend you listen and learn, separating false teachings of men and demons from the Bible. The KZfaq channel is “ Unlearn the lies” is 100% biblical. Another KZfaq teaching episodes are from the late Rob Skiba as he breaks down the “ mystery” of the return of Nimrod and the occult and Freemasons involvement to bring back Satans children through demonic deceptions and technology. What we “see” is the Great Deception being pulled over our eyes, minds and spirit. Read your Bible… and those who promoted the false rapture doctrine will go to hell, unless they repent now!
@dunamis333 10 ай бұрын
@RandyRoth-mo3lz 10 ай бұрын
It's really simple. Jesus said, My sheep hear my voice, and the voice of anothe they will not follow. Jesus said that He comes after the tribulation...Matt 24:29-31. If you believe in a rapture, what voice told you about it? If you teach a rapture, you teach the opposite of Christ. If you teach the opposite of Christ you are an anitichrist. John tells us that there are many antichrists, and they they come from within the church. If you repeat a lie, even though you thought it was true, you become the liar. The foolish virgins are told, "I know you not" and the door is shut to them. Don't forget that the dead in Christ are in heaven, and return with Christ when He returns. The living are alive and REMAIN Paul directly warns us of false teachers who teach "our gathering unto Him..." is "at hand".... (imminent) without the man of perdition first revealed... 2 Thess 2:1-3
@KJ-ci3hm 10 ай бұрын
Around the beginning of August 2023, God gave me these words. To all believers in Jesus Christ, "WARNING, there is a final push by the enemy to discredit the Pre-Rapture of the body of Christ," We will not go through the tribulation period. Jesus promised to take the believers to his Father’s house in heaven. The Rapture is our hope, so look for his coming and PURIFY YOURSELVES, for he is pure. John 14:1-4 1 John 3:1-3 John 17:24
@user-jw3uq6ok3y Жыл бұрын
Please study the word of God for yourselves and know that there is no pre trib
@user-ub9hx6xw1g Жыл бұрын
Благодарю вас Мишель за сон! Слава Богу Отцу и Господу Иисусу Христу и Святому Духу! Аминь! Помолитесь за меня и за папу Александра и за маму Раису и за брата Ивана и его жену Аню и за близких и родных и за коллег чтоб были восхищены с Господом Иисусом на облаках ! Аминь!🙏
@spiroclimb2523 8 ай бұрын
I will pray!
@volodymyrshtoda3498 Жыл бұрын
Lord Jesus told me right now that i have to say to you, Michelle, for you throw away your make up and earrings, for Holy Spirit may completely fulfill you, and for you may not to left behind the door That Day, please, be wise, i am only a littlest servant of the Lord Jesus, this is not my will, but the Will of God Almighty, bless you
@lindajohnson3659 Жыл бұрын
It was a beautiful prayer 🙏🏻
@jimmyzamorano9849 Жыл бұрын
Romans 6:23 (King James Version) For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
@AlienGuru33 Жыл бұрын
You are reincarnation. You are already home. What you are seeing is what is happening to the world. Nothing to do with you. Keep up the great spirit.
@nocomments5029 Жыл бұрын
Bye, have a good time in heaven. You know who’s also going to heaven during your departure, nasa. I’d shoot them down if I had anti air missiles.
@beppiek Жыл бұрын
@pmd467 Жыл бұрын
Umm, (Sir/Ma'am) just 1 more thing 🤔. Thank you my sister for sharing your experience. We can't imagine how desolate and tragic it will be to be left here without those we love..Baruch HaShem (ברוך ה') 🙏🕊 ♥️
@drdarrylschroeder5691 Жыл бұрын
Hello - No one will be left behind because there will be no Rapture. The Second Coming was already on 5 June, 1941 when the Winds of Truth Great Writings of the Truths of GOD were presented at Glastonbury (available from the WOT Trust). Blessings - RevDrD
@issuesthatmatter2825 Жыл бұрын
The sacrifice of Christ benefits all truly repentant sinners who have sincere faith and trust in Christ, but this benefit is conferred as God automatically baptizes all true believers in the Holy Spirit, which places them "into" the Body of Christ (1Cor.12:13) and that "Body" is the Church (Eph.1:22,23), with the result that all believers are "IN Christ" (2Cor.5:17). Being "in Christ" is the place of justification (Gal.2:17), redemption and forgiveness of sins (Eph.1:7). What's more, Paul teaches that a person who is in the body of Christ, has died to the requirements and condemnation of the OT law (Rom. 7:4,6) and thus, anyone who is not in the body of Christ remains condemned by the law (Rom.2:12 ; Gal.3:10-11 ; Jas.2:10). There is no other place, than in Christ's body, for those spiritual transactions in the NT. It will only be people "in Christ" (and in his body), who have been crucified with him, who have died and been burried with him, and are made alive with him (read Rom.6:1-10). For anyone to be saved, God places Jews or Gentiles "in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross" (Eph.2:16)... and that one body of reconciliation is the Church (Eph.1:22-23). There will never be any other way to justification, reconciliation to God, redemption, resurrection and eternal life, than by being "IN Christ," which is in his body the Church ...and anything else is another way of salvation (and really, another gospel) than is found in the Bible. It would take some major explaining to tell how a person could be "in Christ" but not in his body (the Church). If the tribulation saints are not in Christ's body, then how are they saved? Consider especially verses like Romans 12:5, which says, "so in Christ we who are many form one body." Paul says explicitly there that being "in" Christ means being in his "body", and he uses those two ideas as being inseparable. Biblical Christianity can never advance any other way of justification and redemption, other than being "IN Christ." So, the pre-trib notion of a group of "tribulation saints" who are saved and redeemed during the tribulation, but yet are not part of the body of Christ (the Church), is actually a contradiction in terms, which rests on very shabby theology that undermines the biblical doctrine of salvation. The true situation during the tribulation will be: there will be Spirit-baptized saints who are "washed ...in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev.7:14), so, they are blood-bought and justified saints; they will be born-again Christians "who obey God's commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus" (Rev.12:17), and who "remain faithful to Jesus" (Rev.14:12). And very crucial for this discussion: note those saints who "die IN the Lord" during the Great Tribulation (see Rev.14:12-13 with 6:9-11) ...remembering from our previous discussion, that being "in the Lord," or "in Christ," is precisely the NT description of a believer who is part of the Church, the body of Christ! Thus, there is no possible way that these tribulation "saints" can not part of the Church. They must be. The corporate body of Christ first came into being when believers were first baptized in the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 1:5 & 2:1-4). Since then, every true believer is automatically placed into the body of Christ by the Baptism in the Holy Spirit (1Cor.12:13), so that all believers are "in Christ" (and this must since the Acts 2 day of Pentecost include all Old Testament saints, as well as tribulation saints). Redemptive union with Christ, in his body (the Church), has always been God's plan for all believers of all ages. Paul says that Jesus is the Savior of "his body" (Eph.5:23), and it would take some major explaining to show that he is the Savior of anybody else. Anybody who is not part of the body of Christ, therefore, will not be saved. Jew or Gentile, there is no other provision in all of eternity for the salvation of sinners other than by being in the body of Christ. So, unavoidably, since there are saved people on earth during the tribulation, the body of Christ, the Church, must be present on earth at that time. Since the "Church" is clearly on earth during the Tribulation, there is no reason to say that the Church is evacuated just before the Tribulation begins. Obviously, those who "die in the Lord" during the tribulation will be part of Christ's body, the Church, and they too (like all who are in Christ) will rise at the first resurrection and be raptured (1 Thess.4:16-18). Thus, the rapture must follow the tribulation, during which those tribulation saints "die IN the Lord." Gal 1 8-9
@Pilarfire Жыл бұрын
oh my godness...... everyone here has a rapture dream. 1000 versions..........But... it's a mystery, no one will see, only the Bride of Christ and there will be so few. There is a real virgin and a foolish one. The world will not recognize it and will miss it. Read your Bible, 1 Corinthians 15:52 in an instant we will be changed.....and taken away. no one will fall down and scream, it will be perfect
@brisadelcastillo2840 Жыл бұрын
Acts 14:22: Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through MUCH TRIBULATION enter into the kingdom of God. kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iNpgf5VzlbDOdIE.html kzfaq.info/get/bejne/iL2lps2Is9-anX0.html
@variousbirdspecieshahaha Жыл бұрын
I can’t find one single online Christian that can place their right palm on the KJV and say these words once only-> I refuse to tell lies online. 🤔Matt.24:24
@papajoefortner1817 Жыл бұрын
🙏 Friends I have a New video on the prophecy of the Pope's. Please go to Papa Joe Fortner or shockwaves of the end times or The watchmen series with papa joe Thank you and God bless you all 🙏
@justrandomweeb3558 Жыл бұрын
To be honest I have no idea how to feel,I keep on seeing other Christians my age ,older or younger saying they see all these visions and I feel as though I'm a horrible Christian I've been repenting and whenever I read my Bible my head feels blocked, usually when reading it I'd feel a sense of comfort or peace in my head but nowadays I don't feel that anymore.
@oyiniwa3981 Жыл бұрын
I had a dream about being left behind, it was a very terrible feeling even after waking up from the dream
@WildWoodlandsSW Жыл бұрын
Very lovely message sister. I also had an after Rapture dream,and a lot of what you said resonated. I didnt know where i was,and was trying to leave. It was a town or city,and everything was in confusion,chaos and particularly,as you said,without compassion. I was trying to find out where i was but nobody would help,and there was all kinds of crazy things happening,and noise,but mostly that everyone was for themselves,and noone would help me. I then heard a voice from somewhere,saying Davos 2030. I then found an alley,which led out into the countryside,but i knew it was a zombie alley,and there was spaghetti lying all around,which I somehow knew was from zombies. I felt i was protected and went down the alley,and escaped. It was a very hellish vibe,as the Bible says the wicked will be turned into Hell. Davos is a small Swiss town where they hold the G7 meetings i think,and is very posh and pretty. It was the opposite in the dream. God bless you. Maranatha Lord Jesus 🙂🙏
@chrismalibumicro6913 Жыл бұрын
All our prayers are answered ❤🙏 Amen
@god563616 Жыл бұрын
I had a open vision of all the times I've preached on social media in the past , and I seen myself typing ,putting up parallels of what's happening now In our society compared to the scriptures in revelations and people were saying, your crazy and not taking it serious, then in a flash I seen one of my old best friends who was once a Christian but is heavy into New Age practices now and she was looking at the TV and it was chaotic all over the place and I could see in her heart subconsciously she knew what was happening, suddenly in her mind she thought of me, she went to my social media page for information and my picture was up but I was gone. I was raptured up. I seen a sea of alot of Christians social media pages were up but they were physically gone, raptured up already. Repent now, Accept Jesus before it's too late.