LHON vision quest 2.0! it's working :-)
dosage update for June!
Ай бұрын
vision quest 2.0 MB mixing update
vision quest 2.0 month 2
2 ай бұрын
vision quest 2.0 day 30!
3 ай бұрын
vision quest 2.0  day 26
3 ай бұрын
vision quest 2.0 day 21 update
vision quest day 19
3 ай бұрын
vision quest 2.0 14 day update!
allz good
3 ай бұрын
dosing MB back down a bit
3 ай бұрын
no UA for me please
8 ай бұрын
I have COVID
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@simenjoy 18 сағат бұрын
get a smaller monitor man im telling you curved is best your neck will thank you ilove my curved sreen everithing is closer so easy to see and more imersive as well with a hidh resolution and low latency it helps a lot
@Danieltspencer 3 күн бұрын
Do you have plans to go to eye doctor to confirm improvements?
@TheGeneticHouse 3 күн бұрын
@@Danieltspencer NO. Eventually I will go to a eye doctor we are blind with LHON it is probable I will see a eye doctor in the future lol sitting back about 3 ft from the computer monitor being able to navigate to anything I want without leaning in is all the confirmation I need! When I did this in 2011 my vision did get better and the next time I went to my eye doctor we did the test and the VFT and all the different things and he said that my vision looks like it's worse lol so I personally do not need approval or confirmation from a eye doctor that my vision has improved in so many ways I can just see better! I feel I can read three lines on the eye chart which is a improvement from early February when I was at the Bascom Palmer eye institute for the LHON follow up gene therapy study to continue gathering information about our disease I read two and a half lines but my distance vision is improving a lot so maybe I could read four lines now idk but going through all the hassle of getting to the doctor for me impacting everybody else's schedule all the crap I have to go through it's totally possible it just is an inconvenience and to confirm for other people that my vision has improved still just based on my word because do I give every single person access to my medical records? How do I confirm. Watch the playlist vision quest 2.0 and just follow all of the videos along the way and I point out continuously on camera how my vision has been improving that to me is a lot better than a stupid VFT or looking at how pale your optic nerve is. I don't care about those things I want to see better if I think I can see better because I can't see better That's all the confirmation I need brother :-) but I get that everyone in our community I mean literally everyone is all about what the doctor says I'm not.
@Danieltspencer 3 күн бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse I understand that. I am also affected. I appreciate that you are trying different things. Unfortunately there are not enough human studies but there seems to be a lot of positive anecdotal feedback on methylene Blue. I appreciate that you have been posting videos for so long I started following you many years ago. I just think it would be interesting if after sometime you see substantial improvement and went for an eye check up and could say that you had an objective improvement from 20/X to 20/Y. Also, I don't know that this is actionable but you may want to look into cnm-au8. Seems very promising. You have been able to get into trials before. They are focusing on MS and ALS I think LHON could be a great candidate for that drug.
@moppymaps6147 17 күн бұрын
Are you still doing ozone for MS?
@TheGeneticHouse 16 күн бұрын
@@moppymaps6147 Yes I am. I should be doing it more to make the MS symptoms go away more but I am super busy launching a cryptocurrency and doing this plan to get my vision back The ozone part takes the most time in my treatment protocol so sometimes I skip it but I'm trying to do two rectal inflation ozone treatments per day
@TheGeneticHouse 17 күн бұрын
Hmmm making the video on my phone then cutting off the first part where I'm taking a drink setting up and cutting off the end of the video on the phone usually works but for some reason this just posted the whole video smh
@frankgrizzard Ай бұрын
Thanks for the update Mr B!!
@frankgrizzard 2 ай бұрын
Juices aren't good for you anyway
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
I’m not sure what to do. I feel like my vision is getting worse. Like you said the first few weeks was looking amazing.
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
Can you tell me more about your first couple weeks and how your vision was doing? When I was saying that my vision seem like it was getting worse kind of was like in this video I explain the glare and now it seems I can see through the glare so it did seem like it was getting worse but it was just evolving I guess not sure but I've never had any problems doing this so in the sense of it getting worse as a problem or something is wrong? I haven't had that at all like something is wrong nothing has been wrong so far.
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
The first couple of weeks, everything was just more detailed but that has kind of stopped and I think the visual static in my eyes has kinda got worse But I did go up to 10 drops two times a day but I have gone back to 5 twice a day
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
But I do have good days and bad days with my eyesight anyway
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414 yeah but what does all that mean? What are the improvements that you've seen and how so?
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
The colour black looks more bold if you know what I mean and I’m noticing items on top of the fireplace today has been an okay day so I’m think about sticking to 5 drops
@AKck-eu9bv 3 ай бұрын
How long have you had lhon
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
I lost my vision in 2004. It's been a little over 20 years I'm fed up with it Time to get vision back! :-) lol
@AKck-eu9bv 3 ай бұрын
Good and i hope you do with all the others with lhon. My son is 2yrs in. He's joined this Facebook group for people with lhon. The main question I see is gene therapy trails. Iam sure every year there getting closer on helping everyone with this
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
@@AKck-eu9bv Yes we are learning so much more about the disease over the past years and have been getting closer and closer to actual applicable gene therapy that fixes the mutation in our DNA stopping the free radicals from being created subsequently damaging the retina and optic nerve causing blindness. From being apart of the gene therapy study in Miami at the Bascom Palmer in 2010 - 2012 I know for sure that trial or natural history study is what it technically was and then all that information went out to the companies to try to make a available version of the gene therapy so people with LHON could get it as far as I know they were at Gen sight in phase four all previous phases were successful at fixing the mutation or preventing it from happening in our mitochondrial DNA and they were trying to go to market This part I'm not sure about looking into genocide and maybe talking to them would probably get you more info but the FDA shut that down and said they wanted it to be better. As a patient with I feel great understanding of the disease that is incompetent The FDA has absolutely fucked us. Smh lol they want more people to get more vision back after they receive the gene therapy. From everything I know and have studied and taking part in, that is just not the way it works. The mutation of the DNA will be fixed no more free radicals will be created because of it so no more damage should be done and any vision improvements I think of as a side effect of the DNA not causing free radicals that damage the body any longer I do not think we can control that . For someone who is affected or already blind to get the gene therapy and then get vision back IMO is a side effect or coincidence so to say of fixing the DNA that is why I am trying everything I can to fix the retina optic nerve the retinal ganglion cells and so on as well as using methylene blue to bypass the mutation and give electrons to complex four so that in complex 5 ATP can be made properly at the proper amounts making the mutation kind of irrelevant IMO but as of right now I personally do not have that much faith or interest in being fixed by a pill a procedure or someone else I have to do this period that is it.
@ArcadiaVirtual 3 ай бұрын
All good luck to you 👍
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
I’ve been doing 4 to 5 drops three times a day and I’ve been doing one to 2 minutes of red light therapy twice a day and I think the red light therapy has started helping more but I also mix my methylene blue with powdered vitamin C 😊
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
That is awesome bro! Thanks for keeping me updated. I'm interested to know if anybody is doing any of this what they are doing and any of their results if they have any. That is cool that you're using the vitamin c and dropping the methylene blue into some water with that in it that changes it to methylene white or methylene Blanco I have ruined my towel and my bathroom it is super blue lol so I'd be interested in trying that I have the ascorbic acid but I just haven't done that yet.
@simenjoy 3 ай бұрын
i have central vision loss and sugest you get a curved 27 inch maximum so evrything is near to read its easyer on your neck trust me
@TheGeneticHouse 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for the suggestion! My vision keeps improving with what I am doing so I may be able to just keep pushing my monitor back instead of needing to have a curved space I can put my face into lol I don't know what time we'll see I guess but I don't have $500 for a curved monitor right now anyways all my money is going to my cryptocurrency project :-)
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
That’s really good
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
Just 24 hours later and I read the clock from my seat at the table just absolutely fucking crazy I'll make a video tomorrow showing how much using the computer has changed for the better This is crazy
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse really that’s amazing
@anytime7414 4 ай бұрын
What have you been doing?
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
Nine different supplements I will be making another live podcast very soon going through everything but essentially I think I am negating the mutation cleaning up the garbage it causes immediately offering all the things needed to repair the body parts seems to be going well :-)
@anytime7414 3 ай бұрын
Okay, that’s good i’ll be waiting for that I have been taking the just blue methylene blue and I have been upping my doses of vitamin C
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414 Cool man I have just been using the methylene blue liquid in a bottle with the eyedropper and I put the eyedropper kind of against my upper teeth and drop down onto my tongue I am doing six drops three times per day so that is only 9 mg per day in total and the just blue has 30 mg in total per trophy. I don't know how high I will go with the mezzeline blue dose I am going slow upping it by two drops per dose each of the three doses per day and I don't know how high I will go I think 10 drops or 5 mg maybe enough or too much I don't know I was noticing benefit and improvement after doing two drops basically from day two of doing this I've been having results My vision is just clearer more vibrant it's weird I am also taking NMN a precursor to NAD and I am taking something called GG nobody can pronounce the name of this one but if you just type in GG everything knows what you're talking about lol it is the last two molecules in the long chain quinone of CoQ10 just from being me over the years I have always thought we have a problem with actually making CoQ10 the right way in the right amount That's just my opinion but I'm probably right lol so taking GG I am also taking L taurine
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414 I am also taking r alpha lopoic acid, lutenin, Cobalt - also a liquid eye administer the same way as I was describing the methylene blue right now I am using six drops or 3 mg twice per day. Apagenin - basically dried pardley in capsule form This one helps lower the levels of CD 38 something in the mitochondria that just takes NAD and throws it in the trash we need NAD complex one deforms NADH into like a little retarded gremlin releasing the electron that electron finds oxygen that becomes reactive oxygen species that leaks out of the mitochondria that damages the cell that leaks out of the cell damaging surrounding cells That's how we go blind it's bullshit I am stopping it negating it going around it fixing it fuck this disease lol
@TheGeneticHouse 3 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414 also after taking the supplements in the morning I do red light therapy after taking this supplements in the afternoon I do the red light therapy and after taking methylene blue and cobalt in the third session at night I'd do it again. I am using a red / near infrared light panel I just bought off of Amazon it was $38 and I just hold it in front of my face about 6 in in front of my face like if you are wearing a hat touching the panel to the front of the bill of your hat and then just look at the light for a few minutes I started with 2 minutes and I went to 3 minutes today I am doing 4 minutes and like the methylene blue and cobalt I am dosing up in time and amount seeing what is the best working for me.
@TheGeneticHouse 5 ай бұрын
Watching this back the audio is horrible I will never do this without the headset again smh
@anytime7414 5 ай бұрын
How long was you blind before you took idebenone?😊
@TheGeneticHouse 5 ай бұрын
9 years it's been 20 now
@anytime7414 5 ай бұрын
Mines been6 i’m waiting to see how you get on with the methylene blue have you started taking it yet?
@TheGeneticHouse 5 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414 no I have not started taking it yet I have so much going on and so many things that require chunks of money that if I start doing any of it all at once I will be in bankruptcy court lol but I have found I think the right product for us is the size of a cough drop throat lozenge and you break it into four pieces and just let it dissolve between your upper gum and cheek for like maybe 5 or 10 minutes and then the methylene blue is in you haha I will give all the info I have coming up at the end of the week in my podcast. I am interested in reaching out to the owner of this company to do a interview maybe but I think methylene blue is better and I will be taking it and I will be using the liquid because I can see enough to measure but also I have found something we do not need to measure at all and it doesn't stain everything blue lol
@anytime7414 5 ай бұрын
That sounds good I would be worried about getting the methylene blue everywhere lol but I think I would still be willing to try the drops
@TheGeneticHouse 5 ай бұрын
@@anytime7414for the life of me I can't figure out why LHON never heard of methylene blue and it delivering electrons to complex four of the mitochondrial energy transport chain That's why we all take Idebenone my simple mind says it's because it's blue and we're blind and we have to measure and mess lol My logical mind says it's all profit driven the company who first secure the patent on Idebenone tried to lock it all up around the world on the open market so we have to wait until they can provide it after doing studies and getting approved by national foundations like the FDA things like that and they'll make a boatload of money fuck them that doesn't make any sense at all to me it's a synthetic of CoQ10 sounds pretty safe I've taken a lot of it it's safe but I think because of profit it's been taken from us methylene blue will never be it was the very first prescription to treat malaria by the FDA it's super grandfathered in to where it can be a open market sales or a prescription
@TheGeneticHouse 7 ай бұрын
Here is the link for the NMN I bought and am taking. renuebyscience.com/product/slc-nmn-200-acid-resistant-capsules/
@TheGeneticHouse 7 ай бұрын
Methylene blue
@anytime7414 8 ай бұрын
I appreciate your research
@anytime7414 8 ай бұрын
Should I take a nitric oxide supplement?
@TheGeneticHouse 8 ай бұрын
I am looking into it but seems promising I have a lot more research to do lol
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Somehow I left the mute on I will redo this tomorrow smh
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
That was really good and open a bet a lot of people could relate thanks
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
For sure man it was a little tough going through all that but I think the important point was don't do like I did and go through it alone talk to somebody your family counselor something like that it helps maybe a pain in the ass to get to a point where it helps but you'll get there. I saw your comment while I was live earlier but not until I was pretty much done I got to figure something out or I can see those while I'm sitting back. :-)
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse That’s why it’s good for people to hear stories like this when I first started losing my eyesight I was drinking way too much and got really sick was in hospital for five days
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@anytime7414 ohh thumbs down! Lol I've never been a big drinker it has helped because my parents own a bar in my teenage years and I kind of saw what drinking did to people and made them act like and I'm a drunk retard lol
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse and this year will be five years blind but only the past week or two my eyes have been feeling dry do you think I should get some drops
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@anytime7414 Yes definitely! Dry eye sucks! Lol
@rameshbijjam8224 Жыл бұрын
My daughter suffering LHON
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
I am sorry to hear that. But there is a lot of research and trials and going on and there has been a lot of pretty great achievements and some people being able to get varying amounts of vision back in different trials mostly with gene therapy I believe. How old is she if you don't mind me asking?
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
Hope you’re feeling better do you know where I can buy idebenone
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
I am feeling a little better today some more energy and my lungs don't feel so cut off. I am on day five of taking the antiviral so hopefully this all goes away soon lol I do not have anywhere specific to buy any online just do it Google search and I think Google will show you a couple available idk it's hard to find now and more than three times the cost is when I took it back in 2011 smh I need money haha
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse Hopefully you should be all good by Christmas and yes that’s what I’ve noticed it’s very expensive
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@anytime7414 yeah it's bullshit! I knew this is where we would be all the way back in 2011 when I found the study from San thera pharmaceuticals on their brand name for Idebenone called Catena and it has switched brand names like four or five times since then robaxone or some shit I don't know but I want to call the companies that are selling it right now online and basically do what I did with purity products the vitamin company where I got all my vitamins from back in 2011 and call them and call them and call them and then next week call them a bunch more lol and try to work out a deal where I can get a promo code for us with LHON and they will get a discount and the company will see our LHON promo code and prioritize our orders over just any random order yours gets filled first! No more hearing about bullshit delays and people can't find it you take care of my people and my people first and I will send thousands to you lol hahaha you got to play the game right lol
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse so true I even tried to email the people that make it no reply yet
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@anytime7414well my method is call every single number you can find for the company $1 million times everyday until you get to the CEO lol
@BluesBrethrenofPolishPeoplesR Жыл бұрын
All the best to you. Have you heard of paleo-keto for autoimmune issues? Wish you to get much better.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Thanks brother! I am feeling a little bit better tonight just took more antivirals going ahead to bed hopefully tomorrow I feel even better. Yes I've heard of all of the different diets it's not that I wish I could because to me all that food is disgusting lol probably just because it doesn't have sugar in it I need 3 lb per day haha but it just is not really feasible financially ability to get the groceries cooking all that stuff but what a really comes down to is financial means. That's one reason I want this new channel thing I'm working on to actually work lol and I could buy all new pills vitamins and Idebenone and try to get more site back but everything keeps coming back to money time after time through my life I've tried to start a new job a new career whatever it is every time I just get more disease so back on the ladder haha
@WilliamRedfield1528 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the information. I realize you made this video 11 years ago, but I just saw a doctor panel that said 900mg in different times of the day is the best way to introduce the antioxidant effect. The doctor explained that it's effectiveness is based on how long you introduce the chemistry into your system as opposed to just the amount of 900mg. Try taking 300mg at 3 different times of the day. Here's the link to the doctor panel: m.kzfaq.info/get/bejne/fLqcoMmH0ra8c5c.html
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Hey thanks for the comment! I know this video is super old lol The world of idebenone has changed a lot in its availability. To go back a little further in the history of where did 900 come from San thera pharmaceuticals did a study 11 or 12 years ago using 900 mg there was only like eight people in the study and that study has changed how we can get the pills that might help save our site or like me regain some site but now it is triple the cost it was in that video and it's availability is almost none. That one study has changed everything for all of us. Smh I experimented with different milligrams per day and I found 1500 mg per day worked best for me I think that is probably a better idea than listening to a doctor who's listening to the info out of a study that is so small and insignificant from almost 15 years ago or so from the other side of the planet I just don't see that as something to base my actions on maybe good info to work from but not base my actions on but the way pharmaceutical company the prescription world the whole medical everything works it's now going to be a prescription so... I do like in that video how they are kind of straight up about that the 900 should be split throughout the day. Keep an eye on the channel I am doing some new things like starting to work on doing live shows and working on setting up to do interviews with other people with LHON and put their story in the KZfaq record books haha it would be nice to build a bank of a couple hundred interviews where we go through our story talk about what we've been through how it's affected us and our lives and our family different things like that and kind of document each person's experience with LHON. I hope to go live a little later today and show off some new things I've been working on I've created a deep fake AI clone TTS lol and I've started making videos for this other project I'm doing I'm going to play both of those today hopefully
@kawarthahillbilly Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this video brother! My son has recently been diagnosed with lhon and has lost most of his sight. This has been very inspirational for him! Once again thank you so much
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Yeah no worries man :-) I am currently still making videos this video you have commented on is from a long time ago haha I am still making videos :-) Tell your son I said stay positive it can be a fight but there's no better person than us for it... Right
@JP-ry6xv Жыл бұрын
That's another great question! What does everything look like to you when you lose your vision?
@JP-ry6xv Жыл бұрын
Is one eye better than the other ?
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Yes my left eye is the bad eye My vision in that eye is about 20/700 and the vision in my right eye the good eye is about 20/300 before taking all the vitamins and pills my left eye was almost completely black and unusable My right eye was 20/600. I think most of us have differences in the way we can see out of each eye I think it might have something to do with the fact that we lose vision usually one eye at a time and for whatever reasons environmental you drink too much whatever it is maybe the second eye gets affected more but I don't know and I'm not sure that's known or going to be known
@JP-ry6xv Жыл бұрын
Just some general questions for anyone who has been lucky enough to gain some patient back. Have you got any flutters or flashes of light throughout the day? Have you taken any idebenone? If so, how many milligrams a day? Any other vitamins or therapies that could help? What was your vision like before? And what is it like now after you have gotten better? Have you lost any color vision? And have you been able to get it back? How long was the duration of having the Blindspot or scotoma?
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Here is a link to the My vitamins page on my website everything I was taking back when I got vision back. Over two years I took about 16,000 vitamins and 1500 mg a day of Idebenone. What about you guys everybody?
@ak2697 Жыл бұрын
Cool this looks great
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Thanks yo! Only 25,000 more steps to go lol
@ak2697 Жыл бұрын
Good luck with everything man
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Thanks A K do you have LHON? Starting to get things more put together and they are moving faster might get to doing interviews and hearing more about other people's story here on the channel if you'd be interested
@ak2697 Жыл бұрын
No my son does. He was diagnosed a year ago. We where at the hospital and found your channel and been watching since.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@ak2697 well.. I'm glad to have you! Thanks for watching a bunch of my videos if you watch like the first 20 videos I posted on this channel it could give some direction and hope :-) I got about 35% of my vision back by taking those vitamins and I'm sure you've heard of it by now Idebenone. Like I say in my latest videos I'm getting set up too do interviews round tables and get people's story on the record things like that so we'll be more active in bringing the community together in different ways soon enough..... But I have my vision lol Because LHON is such a rare disease I want to try to use my channel so people can put their story and their history in the history books so if they're great great grandsons search the internet for why the hell they just went blind maybe they will find their great great grandpa's story and bring so much more understanding :-)
@ak2697 Жыл бұрын
Will do. Yes my son has been taking idebenone after his diagnosis not sure how long it takes to work but we will keep on it.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@ak2697 I think it is awesome he is on it already! Would you tell me a bit about him? I went blind when I was going to turn 21 the next month smh My 21st newly blind was fun and interesting hahaha
@shellygaines111 Жыл бұрын
Since you have multiple sclerosis are you able to work? My job requires walking and I have multiple sclerosis and it's very hard for me to walk around my facility. I'm not sure what to do.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
No I am not working right now, but that is not totally because of multiple sclerosis. I am legally blind and it is very hard to get somewhere to go to work because I've moved to a area where there's no bus lol My walking is pretty good now that I've done so much ozone and been able to work out so much over the last couple months I've really been focusing on working out my legs squats lunges calf raises hamstring exercises glutes just trying to work every muscle in my body from the hips down lol The only reason I have trouble walking is my body is just not strong enough because all muscle all fat all everything went away because of multiple sclerosis it just ate my body away and I have had to work for over 5 years now to get a body back. When it comes to walking like I said I am blind as well so my mom complains all the time so I walk sideways? Sometimes I'm trying to dodge invisible objects lol and walking next to someone who can see is difficult because in their actions and their mind every step is with intention because they can see fully what's in front of them and where they're going and what their brain is telling their body lol but having an extra thing to pay attention to next to me makes me wonder a bit kind of trying to stay out of their way I don't know where they are going we're just on a sidewalk why are you moving lol but I would not see it to be a problem for me to work in a warehouse or something like that after a bit The first month would be really really tough but I would build up the strength needed in my legs because doing squats and lunges in your garage doesn't exactly translate to real life lol but as long as I keep doing ozone and keep working out my legs my energy my strengths overall through my entire body gets more and more and I am able to do more. Have you watched any of my videos on doing ozone for MS?
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
You should turn the notification bell on my channel on I'm going to do another video maybe a little later today or very soon about ozone and something gross lol What you only find out on your own nobody at the doctor's office tells you nobody in their videos tells you smh haha
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
All right Brian, I had to edit my whole comment due to the fact I am a moron. Lol I was trying to school you on VGA cables compared to DCMI cables before I listen to the entire video. Lol seems that you know the difference. Apologize for that. However, I was stating that I’m getting all excited to get back to KZfaq and I’m even more excited for you getting back as well. Looking forward to future interviews you will do etc. Definitely need to get in touch with my friend Juan from my RP life on KZfaq. He has lots of experience doing what you’re trying to do. And the coolest thing is when I first met him he wasn’t too knowledged about the stuff. And then he went completely blind and surpassed me. I have to order a new tripod for my camera, also, I’m going to look into that mouse you talked to me about. See if I can order them both at the same time.Until the next video.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
That mouse is called: Microsoft comfort optical mouse 3000. You have to buy it on eBay or Amazon some type of place where a person can sell a thing not a business I don't think any businesses sell them anymore lol Yeah man well I'm thinking is for the interviews basically let you tell your story in your words and kind of try to draw some things out of you just simple follow-up questions but try to keep the interview / story moving I guess lol so I want to interview hundreds of people with LHON affected and get their story out there in their words so everyone can learn more about how this affects our lives. Like this video I was trying to plug in a damn monitor cable well in my video today I'll update you on what happened lol My good eye won't line up with the bad old and the bad hole won't line up with my good eye lol
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
Now this is one of those tests that absolutely drive me bonkers! Nothing more frustrating than trying to look at a single target when you can barely see it to begin with. While you're trying to stare at it, your eyes drift off with you, not even knowing it's happening. Then you got to try to find the target all over again. Then they have to restart the test. Whenever I do test like this, it feels like Chinese water torture. All the power to you, Brian. I know there's worse tests and I'm sounding like a baby but.. I just could never enjoy those type of tests. Rather go to the dentist. Get my teeth drilled. Lol p
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Lol I get what you mean with how frustrating some of these tests can be I have something called inter-nuclear ophthalmologist it's because of multiple sclerosis there is a lesion to a specific neuron that controls left - right eye movement and for one of the eye tests we have to do all the damn time is look up into the left at the dot or star or cross different pieces of equipment have different things but it's always look up to the left so they can take a picture of your optic nerve I can't do that it drives me freaking nuts and every person does not have a clue what into nuclear ophthalmoloplasia is and how it works and I basically am in tears trying to explain to these people I cannot look up to the left no matter how many times you tell me to do it or move that little thing you driving nuts lol it's hard because a lot of these tests really are not hard The hard part on us is getting the people administering the test to understand anything and it's like they flat refused to even listen A to z okay your test is done I'll get the fuck out next lol that doesn't really help us...
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
Hopefully, you don’t have to do that stupid peripheral test where they put the dots of light. You have to click the button each and every time you see it. I’d rather them poke and prod my eyeballs and do that frustrating stupid test. Lol
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Yeah I hate that one lol The test you're talking about is a VFT visual field test shows you like a map of where you can see and where you can't see so I guess it's important but it is annoying lol The one in this video is new easy to use and high-tech The one at my doctor's office here in Seattle is like a giant salad bowl a lady moves a light around the backside of the bowl and she pops up the light and determines whether or not you saw it fast enough kind of inaccurate lol
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
It would be awesome if you figure out something soon. I think it’s great that you’re uploading these videos. I’ll keep the faith that one of your next uploads will be good news that your vision is going to be restored. I pray it all works out.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Thanks man I appreciate it, I think what we're really up against in one day being able to get a shot get our vision back and be able to drive and do other things like we used to again but that is going to take my absolute favorite thing ever TIME... YEAH I RECORDED THESE VIDEOS BACK IN 2011 I THINK BUT AFTER I PUT IT ON KZfaq SOMEBODY TOLD ME THAT I SHOULD NOT BECAUSE IT WILL GET THE STUDY SHUT DOWN SHOWING ALL THAT EQUIPMENT AND STUFF SO I PUT THEM ON PRIVATE AND SCROLLING THROUGH ALL OF MY OLD VIDEOS REMEMBERED THEY WERE ON PRIVATE AND THE STUDY IS OVER SO HAPPY VIEWING LOL YEAH I WAS JUST SCROLLING THROUGH KZfaq VIDEOS LAST NIGHT AND SAW ONE THAT SAID HAVE A THOUSAND FOLLOWERS AND 300 HOURS OF WATCH TIME YOU CAN JOIN THE KZfaq PROGRAM AND HAVE ADS ON YOUR VIDEOS AND MAKE MONEY... LOL I NEVER WANTED ADS ON MY VIDEOS WAY BACK IN THE DAY BECAUSE IT WAS JUST FOR US AND OUR VISION AND MY STORY OF TRYING TO GET VISION BACK BUT every damn video on KZfaq has ads it's just a part of life you have to wait like 2 minutes to watch the video you want now lol so I need a little over 600 followers and I have over 600 hours watch time since my channel was created and $75,000 views Tell everybody to subscribe lmao
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
When I hit 1000 followers I will give my secret formula to get vision back. What I took what I think it did for me what I think I should take now
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse I know what you're talking about, on my channel. I'm getting close to a thousand subscribers already. Yet, that is not stopped. Good old KZfaq from putting ads on all my videos already. I have a few videos I made. They get a lot of views. And KZfaq took full advantage of this. My wife was checking out my videos one night and told me that there was ad after ad. And I had nothing to do with that. So whether you sign up or not, they're still going to put ads on your channel. Lol. I made a vow to myself a while back that I was not going to do ad revenue on my KZfaq channel. It wouldn't be much money anyway. KZfaq doesn't pay nor want to pay anybody crap!! Also, I like making KZfaq videos and I was planning on starting up again as soon as my daughter starts school. The last thing I'd want to do is end up feeling like it's a job and making myself hate it. I don't know about you but when I edit my videos it literally destroys my eyes. I get I grains galore!! And that's even wearing sunglasses while I'm doing it. And using TalkBack or narrator or Jaws and zoom text. That was the main reason I stopped making videos in the first place. Took a lot out of me just to edit a video. I know you'll get up there and subscribers once my channel hit 500 or more. I started getting a lot more of views. And even though I don't upload any videos for the last year, I still make sure I always reply to every comment I get. I'll usually get about 3 a week. Perhaps, down the road. You and I can make a collab video together. We tend to have a lot in common from what I can tell. Brian. I think it would be fun! Just keep doing what you doing.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 I totally get what you mean when you say when you were doing editing it destroys your eyes lol being that close to the screen and having to focus in on a little detail so you can click on that or just move forward one second in the footage sometimes can be impossible which makes you stay closer to the screen for even longer lol I'm not exactly sure what you mean by destroys your eyes I think it means a little something different to all of us but maybe try using eye drops before during and after your editing maybe your eyes are just getting dry from staring at the screen having your eyes open so you can see the detail. Zoom text, if you are using magnification on the computer and you can see well enough to use that you need to buy a Microsoft comfort optical mouse 3000. They just sell them on eBay and Amazon sellers stuff like that they don't make them anymore but it can change lives! Lol it is just a mouse like any other but where your thumb rest there is a button and that button controls the magnifier it pops up when you hit the button and pops off or goes away when you push the button again so if you can see where you want the mouse on the screen and you can move the mouse over what it is you want just click the button and the zoom will be just like zoom text and then he can read what you want click on it and then zoom out move the mouse again to where you want to read after a couple months you will get good at it and using a computer can be like a ballet lmao
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 I would love to do a collab with you. I am working to figure out stream yard and being able to do live call-ins so we can do something like that but I have to get my computer reset back up at my new house and figure all that crap out lol
@myvisuallyimpairedlife5674 Жыл бұрын
I shave every other day. I am the complete opposite of you. Had a full beard by the time I was 12. Lol Kind of funny though, before I became blind I used to shave blind in the shower. So after my visual impairment and my optic neuritis/LHON everybody used to question me how I had such a perfect beard and trim line. Heard it so much I thought I’d make a KZfaq video about it and I did just that. On my channel I have a video on me shaving in front of the camera. One of the best videos ever did. Because believe it or not it’s probably the most common asked question to me about my blindness. No joke!! I had a dentist appointment two weeks back and my dentist asked me how I shaved my beard so evenly. And I replied was I have a KZfaq video on that. Lol go check it out I told them. It’s one less thing I have to explain.!! If I did not have a beard I would totally use a straight edge. I would go so old school that I want a 1950s Gillette and a nice bristle brush and a shaving puck. I actually enjoy shaving but my wife and my kids will not allow me to shave off my beard. Maybe one day! Another great video Brian. Even though I haven’t been commenting in your other past videos I still watched each and everyone and listened very carefully to everything you had to say. hope you’re enjoying your week my friend.
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
That's good you have a video explaining how you shave! Lol it's also a question I've got since 2004 basically lol but I didn't really need to shave until 2013 haha
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Thanks for continuing to follow me and as always your kind words it's encouraging my man.. thank you
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
My mum has LHON and she started off with pain in her knee but now she has been struggling to get up and downstairs do you think it could be a mess
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
Hey man sorry to hear about your mom's pain. There's no way I could know if that is multiple sclerosis. If this is actually something you're concerned about I would see a neurologist and possibly get a MRI and investigate from there :-)
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse Yes I will tell her thank you
@fastcashforex Жыл бұрын
Hi Brian! Have you heard of the Coimbra Protocol? It’s ultra-high-dose vitamin D regimens
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
I have probably heard of that in the past but I can't recall it specifically. I don't know what high dose vitamin d would do for me? I'm doing pretty good
@rosendo7745 Жыл бұрын
🌹 𝐩яⓞ𝓂𝓞Ş𝐦
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
I have LHON is there any supplements you could recommend if I’m going to drink alcohol I should take before or after
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
I do not believe there is any supplement you should take before you drink alcohol so that you don't have effects from alcohol. Alcohol affects our eyes after a night of drinking the next day how do your eyes feel? My eyes always feel like they are swollen after drinking. For us the best thing to do is stay away from alcohol as much as best we can. Smoke is also bad for us Don't smoke cigarettes! Or like what I used to do drink beers all night with friends around the campfire lol
@anytime7414 Жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse yeah I’ve had LHON for 4 years now and it’s like my eyes are just getting so bad and yeah my right eye does feel swollen LOL
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
@@anytime7414 so that could be like a sign from your body when you drink it hurts me and I don't like it lol I think it's been almost 4 years since I've had a drop of alcohol and then it was three beers I was wasted lol when you don't drink.. it's like.. you just don't haha but you have to make the first choice and action not to so you can get there :-)
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
This started in 2019 not 2018 I've been mining a little over 3 and 1/2 years not four and a half smh time is a hard thing too grasp when you sleep with eye pain for like 6 years straight lol
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
86 minutes longest treatment yet
@JP-ry6xv 2 жыл бұрын
I have been diagnosed with LHON not too long ago and I was just wondering if you would be willing to talk with me to see what your experience was like.
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah man no problem just look me up on Facebook we can message there My name is Brian Aston
@JP-ry6xv 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds good thank you very much
@JP-ry6xv 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry, is there anything that you can tell me that is specific to your account your profile picture or city because there is a few of the same name.
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
@@JP-ry6xv sorry bro you found me before I saw this lol Good talking to you Josh
@JP-ry6xv 2 жыл бұрын
Reaching out would be a huge help and I would greatly appreciate it!
@TheGeneticHouse Жыл бұрын
The best way to contact me and talk is on Facebook using Facebook Messenger my name is Brian Aston easy to find
@bobray7790 2 жыл бұрын
DMSO is anti viral and gets into every cell easy to buy online. vitamin c IV is prob the best anti viral know to man. it has brought people back from certain death with viral infections and sepsis.
@bobray7790 2 жыл бұрын
try DMSO and high dose vitamin c IV helped me a lot when ozone was not working well. now ozone is helping me more.
@robbiepmusic 2 жыл бұрын
Holy shit it like when i have scoliosis
@ak2697 2 жыл бұрын
welcome back
@fastcashforex 2 жыл бұрын
I hope everything is okay with you Brian! I don't see new videos for you anymore! is the Ozone still working for you?
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
Yes the ozone is still working for me it's great! I don't have any MS symptoms anymore. I am pretty much completely healed from falling off the truck and breaking four ribs I'm back to my workouts I'll make another video here in the next couple days I found a tripod I've been missing for years! Lol
@fastcashforex 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse I am glad you are healed. do you have a video about the amount of ozone you started with and how long it took to notice improvement? My MRIs say i have MS and just got my ozone machine today and used it one time expecting a miracle!!
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
@@fastcashforex I guess how fast it would work would depend on a few things. What ozone generator are you using? Is it a medical ozone generator or one that just uses air from the room to make the ozone? What treatment are you doing making water and drinking it or doing rectal insufflation? How long did you do it for? What settings did you have on your ozone machine - meaning what gamma is it set at there should be a chart that came with the machine that tells you what airflow 1/4 LPM and where to put the settings on the machine and what gamma that is. I do rectal insufflation hooked up straight to the machine do not use a bag. The machine is set at 34 gamma the airflow is 1/4 lb and the treatment is 2 minutes long. Allow 1 hour in between treatments so your body can absorb the ozone. Week 1 4 treatments per day Week two three treatments per day Week 3 2 treatments per day Week 4 1 treatment per day Then I have been doing once per week as maintenance but hearing that MS may be caused by Epstein-Barr virus I do a treatment as long as my body will let me most everyday so last week I was doing treatments for up to 45 minutes this week the body says you can only do six lol MS definitely seems exactly like what I've been saying it is for years at least in part caused by a virus the home ozone equipment that we use is not enough to kill all of the virus in our bodies but I believe when you do have symptoms of MS that is because the virus has multiplied and taken over and started to do its job attacking myelin in your central nervous system now why is this virus program to attack our central nervous system Milan idk why is covid program to attack the blood cells or your lungs they do whatever the fuck they want viruses are crazy lol So if by day three doing four treatments per day you're not feeling close to completely normal keep going you need more ozone to kill more virus!
@fastcashforex 2 жыл бұрын
@@TheGeneticHouse I am using promolife 03elite with oxygen concentrator. I used a bag of 750ml for rectum insufflation once a day ⅛ oxygen flow and 40 ozone concentration. This is my second insufflation since I got the machine! I haven’t made ozonated water yet! I don’t feel any difference yet!
@TheGeneticHouse 2 жыл бұрын
@@fastcashforex hey man everything sounds good but the amount or number of times you're doing it I just don't think it's enough using the bag may be more cumbersome than just hooking up directly to the machine you can give that a try if you want it's instead of hooking up the bag hook up the hose. For multiple sclerosis my protocol to get rid of it all is four times a day for a week three times a day for a week two times a day for a week once a day for a week and everything should be gone by then so maybe give doing it more a try