Why I Now Believe in Muhammad
Ten Reasons Jesus Came to Die
@sugami82 11 сағат бұрын
Muslims claiming Islam is the upgrade from Christianity would be claiming that a warmongering pedophile (false) prophet is an "upgrade". Sounds like a huge downgrade to me 😂 If Christianity is Windows 95, Islam is Windows 3.1 installed on a cracked Mac full of viruses 😂
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
I don’t think the superman punch was funny at all. I excuse DW for thinking it’s funny because he’s an ex-con, psychopath, but regular people should not find humor in it. It should be appalling for non-psychopaths .
@la8076 11 сағат бұрын
David Wood going on a crusade in London
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
Issa is so likable probably because he thinks and speaks more like a Christian than a mos lim so i wonder if regular mos lims see him as super cringe.
@NuwanW 11 сағат бұрын
Bedankt en ook voor AP voor het omrekenen naar Celsius!
@johngibson7307 11 сағат бұрын
I think gaza would make a great parking lot for isreal and that literally any were else other than the ancient land of isreal and the usa would be a great place for Palestinians to live 😂 maybe move them out to the uk they seem to really love them there
@Get_YT_Views.593 11 сағат бұрын
Choose positivity, always. 🌟
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
Issa is so likable probably because he thinks and speaks more like a Christian than a mos lim so i wonder if regular mos lims see him as super cringe.
@user-vy7tr4qr4w 11 сағат бұрын
Am a Christian maronite (Catholic) from Lebanon, I pray for peace of Jerusalem and for peace between Lebanon and Israel one day soon God willing...unfortunately, hizbollah in Lebanon is at war with Israel, and continues hatred between them...as a Christian, I cannot hate or fight...the fight is for the lord...I believe we can make peace with Israel, with Syria, and peace among ourselves us Lebanese most importantly...in Lebanon, since the war started in 1975, since Palestinians declared war on us Christians, they wanted to conquer Lebanon and attack Israel from our Lebanese land....since then,our Lebanese community was so split to so many different fractions...we need a miracle in Lebanon to make peace among ourselves first..God willing...peace and love are what a Christian is..not hate and war like Islamic way unfortunately..God help us
@sugami82 11 сағат бұрын
Issa is way too consistent and reasonable to be a Muslim. Are you sure you're not a secret Christian? 😂
@Grave22LP 11 сағат бұрын
This is like looking at the zoo when you come across an odd hybrid specimen. This man is an oxymoronic existence - Descendent from the Blood of a historically oppressed people but a member of a billion man death cult that promotes Racism against those very people. And somehow believes in that hateful ideology. How does that even compute?
@CaFe73100 11 сағат бұрын
Allah is not blessing islam. Because Allah does not exist 😂
@technofeeliak 11 сағат бұрын
No no no... 52:40 we've seen and heard enough to know... Islam is not about being well behaved. It's about conquering. So long as they're in the minority they'll be polite. They'll be brutal when they want to make a point. And when they rule over everyone it's a nightmare. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.
@user-vy7tr4qr4w 11 сағат бұрын
Eesa,is the name of our lord: jesus, in Arabic..quran sais: eesa the son of mary is: the word of God and his spirit....wow..thats the only thing I agree with written in quran...thats what we Christians say: our lord jesus is the word of God,and his holy spirit...I wish Muslims understand that...anyway, your guest eesa seems to be a nice and gentle man..his good side is the Jewish side of him I guess, if I may say..Nice and decent guy..God bless
@anulire 11 сағат бұрын
Man. At first I thought AP cloned himself and put hat on his clone 🤣
@TheWhiteTrashPanda 11 сағат бұрын
Great to see Issa again.
@pioneer61 11 сағат бұрын
11:10 soo their whole argument here is that all disabled people should die? that's strange
@shlovaski8393 11 сағат бұрын
The book of mormon first book 19 chapter has only 34 I’s not 38.
@sergiums385 11 сағат бұрын
Do you really have to say "tick tock time to rock"? It's worse than listening to the beatles.
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
catholics have always been antisemitic. The whole religion is based on removing the Jewish roots of Christianity to form a new religion. This is why they replaced the easily pronounced he Hebrew name with English names especially the name of Jesus. They are the ones that separated the Bible into old and new. Before it was just “the holy Bible “, one book. They are the ones who have repeatedly persecuted and run off Jews from catholic lands. The holocaust is just a more well known and wider scale event than the smaller pogroms that happened before the holocaust. Catholic leadership like the moslim leadership supported the holocaust knowing full well what it was and its intent. Catholicism is not Christianity. I have known a number of ex-Catholics and every one of them said what made them leave Catholicism was reading the Bible. This is why bible reading was once forbidden by Catholics and mass was done in Latin. Even to this day, bible reading is still forbidden in some strongly catholic countries but in free non catholic countries, it’s not encouraged. Mass, rosary, confession, etc are encouraged rather than bible study. If you read the Bible you quickly see Catholicism is not Christian.
@Nehauon 11 сағат бұрын
I feel like SNEAKO is just trying to find his belonging, and way in life.
@user-vy7tr4qr4w 11 сағат бұрын
Min: 108, why do them white Catholic guys hate jews ????!!! Am a Catholic myself, I never ever can hate anyone especially our Jewish brothers and sisters...I don't understand that...who are these guys ???!!!! You cannot use the word: hate to anyone, in a Christian sentence..!!!
@Weebgamer236 11 сағат бұрын
I don't get it what is Isa? Is he even a Muslim? even if he is Quran only how those he go around the minor marriage verses? I am confused?🤲🏾🤲🏾
@edwarddill6605 12 сағат бұрын
Anyone who wants a 2 states solution for the 'Palestinians' who are Arabs and already have 21 states, then please take them into YOUR country and give them a state there.
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
They refuse to take them.
@railyntempey 12 сағат бұрын
As a Christian, I would ask: "What's Your response about the paradox or contradictions about You and the bible that people usually talking about?"
@Zaxon-Anglo 12 сағат бұрын
Is I am, always putting the J had’s before the A ham’s whilst reading hmmm….Y ?
@kariarabellalassauniere402 12 сағат бұрын
Ben Shapiro proves that if you just look grumpy and speak fast enough, you will be seen as intelligent. Sam Harris on the other hand proves that you can say any batshit insane crap and get away with it if you just say it calmly and slowly enough. The best disinfectant is sunlight, Hunter Biden’s laptop was a nothing burger, they should have had a hearing and shown that laptop data in detail so everyone could see there was nothing there. If Hunter had baby corpses in his basement and Joe Biden knew that, then he shouldn’t be the president. Donald Trump does pose an existential threat to American democracy, the only job the media has in this respect is to report the facts.
@shabazmashishabaz 12 сағат бұрын
@shabazmashishabaz 12 сағат бұрын
Qurani Shaitani IsLami 666 Makari Nafrati ZabarZana KatlokataL GanditaRin Talim NT Homenti Talim Qurani Terizam Kabza Geg Taba He
@babooshcat4129 12 сағат бұрын
47:00 Muhammed himself wasnt a stranger to cursing people, that's the example he set for the likes of salafis [2600] sahih muslim
@VarnoSlimm 12 сағат бұрын
Pray for the souls of Muslims that passed at Mecca? 1. It's already too late. 2. They already made their choice.
@baby91scg 12 сағат бұрын
30:12 not cheering at all but maybe they should listen to how protective allah has bees lately. And snap out of islam.
@isaakleillhikar8311 12 сағат бұрын
This is fascinating. So this is the cristalisation of the myth of the perfect preservation ? Mazar Kazi who was an American from Baluchistan was one of the ones who started the myth, at that time a family in Egypt decide that the Hafz Coran is supposed to be the print Coran text that is supposed to be this one Coran on the earth talked about. And it was in the 80s. This means Ben Laden and the Alkaida main people didn’t have that Coran. Ahmed Deedat, Shabit Ally and Zakir Naik did not have that Coran and had a different one, they knew they were lying., Yasser Kadhi, Mazar Kazis son, were told this lie.
@GThomas-qq6mp 12 сағат бұрын
It is hypocrite to first laugh about the superman punch and then blame nick for doing exactly the same thing.
@technofeeliak 12 сағат бұрын
Okay... so the opening statement from your guest makes it clear he's in the safe world of academics where it's all theory and no practice. He's talking about being a student of counter-terrorism and how he's had a "powerful" experience talking to people of different backgrounds. He's even bought up the two-state solution. Like that's going to happen. So, 4:28 into this, I'm thinking you're either going to educate him or you're just going to waste everyone's time. Anyone who calls themselves a leftist is the enemy of logic and the natural order. Including feminists who don't want children (our future). Including extra rights for black people and gays. Forcing us to celebrate them, give them funds and resources for being black, and have to endure them taking our jobs as well as browbeating us. That's what this knucklehead is all about when he declares himself a leftist. A tool of our enemies. A tool!
@Switch78 12 сағат бұрын
Lmao.. Sneako is such a buffoon. He got HOOOOOMILIATED! Punched in, face by a they/them. I'm dying laughing. Deus vult brothers!
@Switch78 12 сағат бұрын
900 dead at haj. Hmmmm. They are the most blessed to die in mecca. Let's hope they weren't blessed to hell or annihilation for dying in sin kissing a rock. Islam would give up, and die if the leaders were booted out of power. They control and still, force Islam by the sword with religious police in Iran and an army to enforce their power. The populace especially women hate Islam and many are praying to jesus in the mosques because they are threatened with death if they leave Islam for Christianity.
@technofeeliak 12 сағат бұрын
Could be worse... could be butt-man and rubbin'.
@justhair17 12 сағат бұрын
Tbf, Catholicism (that is, proper Catholicism, not the Fuentes version) as a state religion is insanely based and it could fix the problems America faces
@Kalypso24 12 сағат бұрын
Is that the so-called "Integralism"?
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
Been there done that, it’s essentially why Christians had to escape Europe and come to America.
@ZeeBeam-RapArtistfromSou-sj8wc 12 сағат бұрын
Mate... awesome Video..... Never seen Vocab before but such a cool dude.... sort of reminds me of John Belushi (Jake Elwood)
@justhair17 12 сағат бұрын
I dont understand why Nick hangs out with Sneako. Yeah, they both hate the jews, but Sneako is literally a muslim and islam is by far the biggest threat to the civilised world.
@stst77 11 сағат бұрын
Catholics and moslims are friends. They both have a common enemy-Protestants and Jews.
@josephcouch7651 12 сағат бұрын
Great video keep spreading the correction so our Muslims friends can seek the truth and be saved from the Great deceiver, liar condemned to satin Garden of flames for eternity
@xydoit2024 12 сағат бұрын
Ali Dawa is a gay
@citizenghosttown 12 сағат бұрын
So, a drug-addled celebrity millioniare with a history of abusing women now claims to be a Christian. It's a shame that he's not an American citizen. Republicans would run him for President.
@romyclips6479 12 сағат бұрын
The irony of an MMA fighter named Jake "Shields" just standing aside while his buddy takes one in the face is not lost on me. 🤣
@toniomiklo2406 12 сағат бұрын
It puzzles me why you would have this guy on for 3 hours plus. But whatever.
@VitorEmanuelOliver 13 сағат бұрын
What's the issue between D Wood and Mike Winger?
@apologeticsroadshow 12 сағат бұрын
Winger is a nerd.
@Nehauon 11 сағат бұрын
@@apologeticsroadshowgreat summary
@ibrahimsd8995 13 сағат бұрын
These evangelical bird brains 😂 think they so smart and high iq Reality is they follow a polytheistic faith thats in shambles And can’t explain their core belief called the trinity 😂
@GThomas-qq6mp 13 сағат бұрын
42:18 was the funniest
@Seevawonderloaf 13 сағат бұрын
2:32:30 in a way showing Islam in this way of only waging defensive jihad makes it harder to combat islamism because when islamists kill people for their religion, Muslims in the west or others think that they are only ‘resisting oppression’ which is a common comment i receive when discussing dharmic genocide in Pakistan. I remember majid nawaz from the uk talking about how he became radicalised after hearing about the srebenica genocide in serbia. It concerns me when Muslims don’t realise there are many who violate others in their name (I’m not claiming issa does this ofc. He’s been very fair)