Dusty LIVE from TikTok - June 19th, 2024
@florida9728 2 минут бұрын
Is she his sponsor? She’s deff the AH. I bet her friend likes her too🙄
@everlin88 31 минут бұрын
It's not about his wife not letting him have his dream, it's about making a life changing choice without talking to his wife about it.
@TellyourcatIsaidpspspsbyDLM 58 минут бұрын
When Dusty says “Malfoy bullshit” I cannot help but crack 😂😂😂😂
@nytekeeper6861 2 сағат бұрын
The words of wisdom that my parents bestowed upon me were, "Want in one hand, shit in the other. See which one fills up first."
@Muna0o0 2 сағат бұрын
Please keep posting I can’t do my home chores unless I’m listening to this
@slvva 2 сағат бұрын
I understand why he didn't tell her. Rejection from NASA would be understandably better than the rejection he expected from wife. He knew she wouldn't be happy about it and will cut his wings of hope. NTA. I feel sorry for him and I think he should do everything to reach this dream.
@arrowbliss2515 2 сағат бұрын
Story 2: Jeez, I can't imagine why Jane has no friends 🙄 I sincerely hope she takes the loss of her only friend as a wake-up call and realises how much damage her parents have done
@marisolr4254 3 сағат бұрын
NTA. He said the project he and his wife were gonna be done before this whole thing started. And she was gonna retire after her project was done. He did nothing wrong. He wants to do something for himself. He put his own wants and desires on hold for his family. She was totally wrong. OP NTA, Wife YTA
@WednesdayMamaMisfit 3 сағат бұрын
I mean he's turning 60. And this is leaving orbit??? I'm sorry but yeah if you made the call bys instead of with your family
@chantellejohnston5329 4 сағат бұрын
You should create a bullsh*t animation for your videos.
@anneelise9787 4 сағат бұрын
I would never let the person call me a girlfriend or celebrate anything BUT, to me, if no one asked or made it official, IT ISN'T. I can make a friendship with benefits work for years easily too, doing couple things and all. Won't be your girlfriend if you never asked me to. Thing is tho, i would make it very clear that we are not in a serious relationship
@foxxie_417 5 сағат бұрын
i hope liz finds this post and runs for the hills, and i hope this guy goes to therapy and achieves a learned level of empathy. the reply ate him up!!
@christophermabbitt2824 5 сағат бұрын
I think it may age me, but your advice @09:41 was highly reminiscient of the song "Popular" by Nada Surf! Anyway.. OP needs to pull his head out of his own rear end, and touch some grass, and perhaps learn what adult relationships look like before he ventures into another relationship.
@aprilfox9205 6 сағат бұрын
What a scumbag
@amandahayes4966 6 сағат бұрын
That would have been so dope. I would brag to everyone that he was helping NASA. NTA
@mabbdog3408 6 сағат бұрын
Just a couple things here. OP’s apology is very reminiscent of when anyone famous tweets something bad, or uses a slur, and apologizes saying my behavior is abhorrent.. blah blah blah. He’s not apologizing for being a certain way, He’s apologizing for getting caught up in his own BS. Secondly perhaps the title should have been “How should my (29m) girlfriend (28F) inform me that we are in a relationship?
@karlihannah1330 5 сағат бұрын
He knew he was in a relationship. Once someone calls you their girlfriend/boyfriend or is celebrating anniversaries with you, you are in a relationship. The only exception being if that person is a stalker and you are trying desperately to get away from them.
@MamaDisco1313 6 сағат бұрын
Another follower of A Tate
@dianebrooks1859 6 сағат бұрын
Just throwing it out there, there our programs out there where you can fly a plane in simulated combat. The main pilot has full control of the aircraft if needed, but you are definitely flying the thing no training required. My dad did it and he LOOOOVED it
@alissonvonderlane862 6 сағат бұрын
6:43 Agreed!
@orianaparkinson660 6 сағат бұрын
As someone who was adopted by my dad, unfortunately a lot of kids who know this have used that line. I said it to my dad (step) and I regretted it immediately. I still apologize for it 20 years later
@sianpinnell6155 7 сағат бұрын
You mum needs therapy he died. He’s gone. Leave him out. We had the same. But we don’t include him like this
@theemodragon4303 7 сағат бұрын
It’s an “Am I the astronaut?” story!
@littlerainbow44 8 сағат бұрын
To me this is 3. It sounds like there are still needs from their children. I'd be mad at my husband, and he'd be mad at me. And we don't have kids and I actually would move for him. But I'd want to be consulted.
@Nak3dTalk 8 сағат бұрын
This came out a week or two ago why do I keep getting updates on old stories
@crysclemence 9 сағат бұрын
I would watch Candy's true crime podcast!
@AdamsonDesertLand 9 сағат бұрын
I'd be ready to find food truck girl "lizz" and warn a girl the dude is delulu!!!!
@tiffanyweaver3355 9 сағат бұрын
😅wow that’s was amazing!!
@TeyannaIngram-wd1ri 9 сағат бұрын
Sounds like you married a drama queen, Karen.
@cynthiaguzman7130 9 сағат бұрын
I would have supported my partner 💯.
@paulalynch6746 9 сағат бұрын
My husband and I have been together for over 30 years, I would not take that away from someone I love.
@elainemorgan6205 9 сағат бұрын
Wow. Hippies? You are so right. We worked really hard to raise adults. I always said we were not raising children because I had no desire to have a 30 yo child. Also because my Sister passed and her 2 really struggled because she let them do as they pleased and get away with everything. Thankfully BOTH of mine know consequences and have had hardship they worked through. These poor kids are doomed.
@Ladiofthewoods 9 сағат бұрын
I moved several times for my ex-husband. After 15 yrs of marriage I went back to school and got my degrees, my dream job came up and he let me know, in no uncertain terms, he would not be moving for my career. He is absolutely not NTA and his wife certainly is.
@ZooKid13 9 сағат бұрын
NTA! I don't like cake either. I asked for a cheesecake multiple years instead of a traditional cake and NEVER got one. If the m others want a cake then why the hell should OP have to choose the flavor. OP choosing the flavor is a blatant way for mom to try to force OPs hand. Just make the damn cake and get OP what he actually wants. Why is it so hard to listen to OP? The actions by the parents are selfish and not caring. Making a cake for others just to uphold others expectations? Their own image? What is so wrong about not having cake? I wonder if there has been cake smashing, trick candles or other tricks played on OP or other family members with cake too. OP is definitely wrong for being a brat about the gift at the end but overall is still think NTA. If the parents actually cared about OP they would respect his wishes and grant this simple wish for their birthday.
@wheeled_adventure 9 сағат бұрын
OP is a scumb bag, like dough type
@angelmoonie 9 сағат бұрын
They already raised their family. Why is she holding him back more?
@funnyfoxbird 10 сағат бұрын
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Y’all mean to tell me that your partner stops becoming your partner because your kids moved out. You no longer have to discuss potential big changes in your life with your partner?
@vmarieeee 9 сағат бұрын
You’re acting like he was packing his suitcase when his wife walked in and that’s when he told her. He’s lived most of his life for his family (it sounds like) and the wife immediately not even letting it be a consideration is TA. It’s been his dream since forever. He’s had kids and now grandkids and if i were the wife and knew how much he loved and wanted that job, whether he discussed it with me before applying or shortly afterwards I’d never stop him from chasing that dream. And it’s not like he even got a response back when he talked to the wife.
@funnyfoxbird 9 сағат бұрын
@@vmarieeee he doesn’t have to be in the act of moving. Your partner is your partner and you should always discuss the big changes that you’re considering. It probably would have worked out much better in this case to have her on board and figuring out how to make all of this work. This idea of “you already lived your life for your children” is already a weird thought, people should be living their lives and figuring out how to still do things for themselves and also for their children. So I personally don’t understand why people are treating this as if the only thing he should’ve been doing is sacrificing, and now he gets to do anything he wants without consideration. He still has a commitment to his partner to that didn’t end because the children grew up. I absolutely communicate with my partner the Big, Small, and potential things in my life.
@vmarieeee 9 сағат бұрын
@@funnyfoxbird i think it’s pretty obvious based on how shocked he was on her reaction they don’t communicate potential changes until it can be set in stone. Sure she was shocked and freaked out that’s fine, but her immediately not even giving it a discussion is an AH move, especially knowing how rare that opportunity is and how he missed out the first time. You’re communication with your SO is great but it’s obvious that’s just not how they function, bc i’m sure with them being together for so long he would have known if simply applying would have been an issue and would’ve spoken to her about it beforehand
@tup97 10 сағат бұрын
I've totally been there... Luckily it wasn't that long before he went 'I didn't realise this weas a relationship' after we took weeks away, was at each others places regularly, going to each others individual activites as support... What is it with some men...
@tohrurikku 10 сағат бұрын
There is a Koren show on Netflix that goes along a similar vein where the main character always dreamed of being a ballet dancer, and when he retired he secretly started to learn how to dance. I would not be surprised that there was at least a part of OP that knew his wife would not approve and kill his dream, and that is why he did not tell her.
@mangamegbe 10 сағат бұрын
I’m with Candy.
@shannen7917 10 сағат бұрын
NTA. I would be thrilled if my husband went for a dream like this. I would only be upset if a commitment had been made without my input and a long-shot application is in no way a commitment in my opinion. I’m sad for OP that his dream got squashed without her really taking the time to consider it. I wonder if it would have been different if it had been a decision they made together to apply?
@cathybrookeburt2616 10 сағат бұрын
No reason op couldn't or shouldn't do this & follow his dream. What makes him an AH, is dropping this bomb out of the blue to her. She was God smacked. Zero conversation about being an astronaut for 20 plus years & then just dropping it on her. The woman AKA Grandmother is in shock.
@DaniGamerWarrior 10 сағат бұрын
@@cathybrookeburt2616 It was an application, not an acceptance. Such a thing wasn't something he even thought to be possible. Now that he knows it was and that he couldn't go to his wife with his dream will grow resentment towards her for the rest of his life. She should have been supportive, he was for her job.
@14hoursahead 11 сағат бұрын
I thought NTA until he said that he withdrew the application when NASA asked for more I for without telling his wife AGAIN. For goodness’s sake, I get that she was mad initially but when it became a real possibility he should’ve kept her updated. So at the end of the story I say YTA or ESH.
@DaniGamerWarrior 10 сағат бұрын
@@14hoursahead she was wholly against the idea of him going though, what you describe is a damned if he does, damned if he don't. He's doing what she has ultimately wanted. If she didn't want that then why did she give him the cold shoulder for two whole days for the suggestion of going for the job?
@vmarieeee 9 сағат бұрын
I feel like she would have been even more mad knowing he got a response bc then she’d also know that he’d probably end up resenting her for not letting him go. The way he ended it is kinda lucky for the wife bc she has no clue and doesn’t know she’s the sole reason he turned it down.
@14hoursahead 8 сағат бұрын
@@vmarieeee it makes sense that she was against it if they’ve barely been apart for decades and she was blindsided by the news. I think he did her a disservice by not giving her all the information. Then again, I’m assuming based on his surprise at her reaction, she might still have given him a blanket “no” without considering what it means to him.
@14hoursahead 7 сағат бұрын
@@DaniGamerWarrior she was also completely blindsided by it after decades of them barely spending any time apart. I think that we need a lot more context because had she known it was a possibly for-sure thing, she might have really thought through what it meant to OP and come around. Then again, if they’re at the grandparent stage, she might have been looking forward to their time together differently than OP. Either way, they’re adults with a long-standing relationship, children and grandchildren, which is why I ultimately think he should’ve continued communicating what was going on.
@DaniGamerWarrior 6 сағат бұрын
@@14hoursahead You say blindsided, but it states in the story that she not only knew about his dreams about this but that he had applied for it years prior and couldn't get it due to eyesight. Also, he supported her in her investment goals through the marriage, I think he deserves his moment.
@razredge07 11 сағат бұрын
No partner gets to unanimously overrule another partner, especially when it involves chasing dreams. Discussions are required to explore available options, potential compromises, and/or offer reasonable explanations on why further pursuit isn't feasible with the option to renegotiate again in the future. You certainly don't throw a huge fit and try to crush someone's dreams with such ferocity. OP was still in the information gathering stage, which is harmless and non-committal. If anything, it's in OP's partner's best interest to let him go through the screening process, especially if the odds are against him. He'll forever shelve the idea if NASA themselves said "no." On the slim chance NASA says "yes", he's at a point in his life where most of his adult obligations are completed, resolved, or can be safely put on hold. The only real issue is OP's partner's discomfort. Partners often endure a little discomfort for the things that matter greatly to one another. OP may want to ask why his partner's discomfort matters more than his pursuit of a dream in a responsible way.
@ZGrrrl8 11 сағат бұрын
@DaniGamerWarrior 11 сағат бұрын
NTA, and the wife needs to realize that her reaction might make him resentful towards her for the rest of his life. He's basically given up his dream because she wouldn't have it, that's terrible. I feel awful for him.
@laurascott2989 11 сағат бұрын
Thank you! I came here to say the same thing. If enough resentment develops, the marriage will definitely be in danger.
@altoidsours 9 сағат бұрын
@@laurascott2989 Well what if he relocated them and/or left for a year? The wife could build resentment and the marriage could be in danger anyway.
@DaniGamerWarrior 6 сағат бұрын
@@altoidsours one year for his own goals is a small price to pay for his happiness after so long supporting her and her investment goals through the years.
@shandean8352 11 сағат бұрын
It’s sad that he withdrew before finding out more about the project. A year isn’t that long and they’re financially stable. If I was the wife I would’ve asked about how communications with loved ones on the outside would be handled. Would there be conjugal visits, or is physical separation from loved ones a psychological part of the experiment? I would find the whole thing exciting!
@funnyfoxbird 10 сағат бұрын
I don’t wanna yuck anyone’s yum but at a certain age we should be able to enjoy retirement together. Not take a year off of the relationship to chase a fleeting dream.
@vmarieeee 9 сағат бұрын
@@funnyfoxbirdit’s 1 year not eternity 😂😂 also he’s not “taking a year off the relationship” there’s so many ways to see each other and make sure to stay in touch in order to keep a relationship thriving. taking a yr off would be him leaving and never communicating with her again until he returns
@shandean8352 7 сағат бұрын
@@funnyfoxbird When does someone chase a fleeting dream? When they’re young and raising children? When their absence would negatively impact almost every single relationship you have with friends and family members? Retirement is the perfect time to chase fleeting dreams and be apart of a scientific experiment. A year is nothing! This year is already past the halfway mark. Being clingy and demanding is a terrible way to show someone you love them
@ShootingStarStudio 12 сағат бұрын
11:41 I disagree on politics and interests with some of my best friends in the world. The entire time I’ve been friends with these people, we’ve never held that against each other-you have your worldview, I have mine, don’t force it on me, and we’ll be fine. Having people in your circle who see the world differently than you is a good thing in my eyes because they see things you might not see from your one perspective.
@ms.tdorsey3490 12 сағат бұрын
NTA. He helped build her business and now that he wants to do something for himself she shut it down, that's AH move. He did all he was suppose to do for his kids. He is allowed to live his dream at this point....since you both would "retire" before that even began. Hopefully this won't create resentment towards her...because she happy but she made sure to block his moment to shine.
@autiejedi5857 12 сағат бұрын
Agree totally wirh Candy. NTA