Erathata - My New RPG - Part 01
Find every roleplaying story HERE
What is Paizo doing? Should I???
When Elden Ring sparks creativity
Preparing a campaign in Eberron 02
The Art of Assassins Creed Valhalla
Creating Magic Items
2 жыл бұрын
@truthseeker4470 10 күн бұрын
1:10:07 DMs section: you sum it up nicely: "Don't be a dick." That's rule zero. That's it. And I wholeheartedly agree to leave at home the politics, real-world religion, and other social issues. There's plenty of other places for that.
@Honkin_Chonker 21 күн бұрын
If you don't understand why something was the way it was. Maybe do some research before making a video...
@faelreklaw8837 24 күн бұрын
I started at 3.5 with the books in my native language. Loved Dnd from that moment but hated the thosound skills and the stupidity of it. Seemed to old school. When 4th came instead of the Greek i bought the Eng ones. Back then the world was in a HUGE pc mmorg hype train. Wow, Line age, Mu some Conan etc. Every week soemone was making an mmorg from warhammer to barbie. I am a gamer but i hate mmorgs. Never liked them, no story,stupid clicky fight,grindy and people ruin the immersion for me. In contrast with my vitriolic hate about mmorgs. 4e tried to mimick and ride that wackon but still i think its the best edition cause of its simplicity and i cannot see myself going another way. As a Dm i want a deep story and grid map combat. If we see 4e as an mmorg we can also see it as another tactic game like xcom ,Shadowrun, Final fantasy tactics, fire emblem. The system has the tactic element, I have to infuse the story. And boy i love tactic strategy games with good story.
@yubeluchiha 27 күн бұрын
This video needs a update ❤ because I can’t find the identity of ad&d 2nd edition vs 5e you can tell 5e is more video game focused like playing a jrpg or mmorpg as for 2nd edition i find more to players that never play video games and less combat and it needs outside game resources to make playing 2nd edition fun
@matthewnewman3813 28 күн бұрын
Enjoyed the content, and give or take the manner it was given. A bit abrasive, yes. Some constructive criticism, lose the hand gesturing in the videos. Visionally distracting from your verbal narrative. Takes the literal eyes of your audience away from your actual discussion. Thus losing your audience. That's just the instructor in me pointing out some helpful adjustments for you. I of course realize how old this video is, but maybe you'll see it and adjust your future content for the audience. That is all. Thanks!
@AllThingsLich 26 күн бұрын
appreciate the feedback but I'll keep doin' me. Keep doin' you good sir! Rock on!
@kennethslayor8177 29 күн бұрын
I like the lore and settings of AD&D and 3.5E. I wish the old material was actually available yet, and I don't mean on Ebay.
@christopherjbutler 29 күн бұрын
I had a copy of Deities and Demigods with the Melnibonean Mythos and Elric before TSR got sued and they removed that character.. 1E is the last time I played, and I loved it. Tons of materials in the attic still. My 11 year old son asked me out of the blue about it and wants to play D8D.. Going down the rabbit hole now, and I was NEVER the DM, always a player... That will be changing.. I have some work ahead of me :)
@andycates7923 Ай бұрын
Be the change you want to see in the world? This guy built a game system from the ground up, and its amazing! I implore anyone that watched this to share it with people that might like it.
@GreeneZonee Ай бұрын
Ive missed your uploads! Glad to have you back!
@AllThingsLich Ай бұрын
kind of you to say. Appreciate you. Good to be back.
@TeensierPython Ай бұрын
2ed is the best ed
@thatgamingkiwi1630 2 ай бұрын
I like AD&D 1e, reason one being that I've always adored 0 to hero type games and 1e is perfect for that, since characters are way weaker than modern editions but can end up snowballing at high levels. Monsters feel actually dangerous because of this, meaning players have to be creative in the ways they deal with them. It also helps that 1e isn't as min-maxy as the other editions, there's not really any "builds" per se, you just roll up a character and go with what you get. 1e is also way more sandbox-y than other editions due to the emphasis placed on map traversal, the dungeon, and the dozens upon dozens of random factors like monster encounters and treasure. There's also tons of optional rules too, throw out the ones you don't like and mess around with the ones you like. This makes 1e feel like a toolkit and gives both the DM and players tremendous creative freedom. Some more miscellaneous points are that skill checks don't exist meaning the players can just roleplay their actions. After all does it make sense for an acrobat to randomly critical fumble something he's been trained for years to do? Also combat is short and sweet since there's not really any class abilities, 5e combat in particular drags on forever due to how many abilities the classes get. The dungeon part of the name is actually the primary focus, as the editions went on it felt like dungeons kind of got backseated in favor of sweeping narratives. Last point I have to make is in the initiative system, you can actually perform combos with your team mates since initiative is for the whole group rather than the individual, meaning if you want to do something that hinges on another player's spell or action you won't get screwed over by turn order.
@tdorf67 2 ай бұрын
skills came out of BECMI then picked up in 2nd ed
@xersys2556 2 ай бұрын
my issue with 5th edition is how they handle magic items. whats the point in saving up all this gold if I can't buy a cloak of billowing for my bard?
@Murph_. 2 ай бұрын
Most people say XP, not exp. Also, in AD&D, most of us that played it had house rules... so stats and race didn't HAVE to have restrictions. As a player, you had to have a story for your player if you went outside the rules, but the rules were supposed to be guidelines, not rules.
@kevinbrennan-ji1so 3 ай бұрын
Dude likes his own voice, to be sure.
@jacksonweaver79 3 ай бұрын
Always love your videos just bought the book
@WJstudios04 3 ай бұрын
Do the same video on Sauron's armor, this is awesome. You should do more of these.
@BanjoSick 3 ай бұрын
You forgot Holmes Basic, B/X and BECMI. Three editions, that you just don't mention.
@BanjoSick 3 ай бұрын
1st Edition AD&D is my favorite. It tries hardest to be realistic (vain attempt) and has this kinda thinking mans approach. Everything that came after that was kinds just trying to make it more palatable. OD&D is also great since it has the best magic rules (especially illusions).Holmes Basic, I never tried. BX is very modular, like it. BECMI I have never tried. 3rd is great because of the clean up and unified action resolution (d20) but sucked otherwise. 4th is below consideration, just so awful. 5th is just toothless and boring with bland bad art and boring overpowered characters.
@lucaricciardi8253 4 ай бұрын
Omfg another talking zombie! C'mon you are unbearably slow in double speed!
@dynestis2875 4 ай бұрын
For my first Eberron Campaign which I'm prepping now, I chose the Soulmonger from Tomb of Annihilation as the campaign's main issue, set in a Warhammer-style Hive City The campaign will take place inside this gargantuan city with it's innumerable levels and districts, aswell as the toxic industrial wasteland surrounding it. Think of toxic bogs and broken down machinery, infested by undead and dangerous mutated wildlife underneath a darkened sky blotted by sickly unnatural clouds.
@BaldursGate2Jonaleth 4 ай бұрын
I've got to question your authority on pre-3e d&d. It's clear you've scanned through a few of the books and maybe talked on some message boards, but you're getting some facts just flat out wrong. Unearthed Arcana allowed 1e dwarves to play as clerics. Ravenloft was introduced in 1e, not 2e. The Forgotten Realms campaign setting was released before second edition even came out--it wasn't inspired by dark sun, spelljammer, and planescape. You're also overlooking a few of the bad things about those editions. 1e had strength restrictions for female characters, and had a table for race relations. Most poisons in 1e and 2e were save-or-die. The primary ability score generation method in 2e was 3d6 (though it provided other options). And how can you mention the supplements in 3e but ignore the SPLAT of 2e? How can you treat B/X and BECMI as footnotes when the OSR community is largely supported by those players?
@Acebell72 4 ай бұрын
Love the mention of Fringe :)
@truefractal2659 4 ай бұрын
Thank you, this really helped me!
@Novcheck 5 ай бұрын
Im working with Loke Battlemats and their rpg assets. These are basically sticker you can reuse and create every (2d birdsight) terrain and map you need. Would have helped me a lot if someone told me from the beginning!
@rondyreeves4772 5 ай бұрын
2nd AD&D remains the absolute best. I play 2nd Edition with some 1st Edition mixed in (Assassin and Monk) and it’s still a blast. 3rd was a disaster, and 4th and 5th are ‘meh’ imho. I very much dislike Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro, and I dislike what they’ve done and are doing to the game. Yeah it’s more popular now and that’s cool, but to me it’s lost its soul.
@jacoblunney805 5 ай бұрын
Mate, you've single-handedly changed my perspective on creating and running a custom campaign. Thank so much! Ps. You never say "Umm" or "Ahh" between breaks in your speech. HOW?!?!
@AllThingsLich 3 ай бұрын
just slow down
@michaelk8537 6 ай бұрын
Super helpful
@stefane1915 6 ай бұрын
@zantharian57 6 ай бұрын
08:00 - lmao those aren't bad things in 1e, it makes total sense in the context of the rest of the system.
@Rogelio_007 7 ай бұрын
Great video. Felt like I was hanging out having a beer while you explained gear.
@DunkeysLongLostSon 7 ай бұрын
11:45 Ravenloft was first released as an adventure module for 1st edition (I6 Ravenloft), created by Laura & Tracy Hickman
@tri-ox9508 7 ай бұрын
I was 12 when my best friend to this day introduced me to AD&D. (First Edition). We don’t play it as much as we did back then, but we are both 54 now and still play this edition to this day. Whatever edition you like and are familiar with is your edition. ;).
@AllThingsLich 7 ай бұрын
very well said.
@SpookyTimeDnD 8 ай бұрын
This is a great video dude
@AllThingsLich 7 ай бұрын
@celtwarrior7851 8 ай бұрын
Always remember what Gary Gygax said about AD&D. Use what you want and make your own world. The DM truly makes the rules. The rules are only guidelines. We didn’t use race limits, class limits or anything like that.
@mikep6263 6 ай бұрын
Same here. And we took it one step further---want to play a halfling illusionist? Go for it. We were in it for the fun of playing the game and not trying to be faithful to one person's interpretation of "how it has to be". It's a game after all, and not a historical reenactment.
@celtwarrior7851 6 ай бұрын
@@mikep6263 Exactly!! That’s how most of the people I knew in the 70s and 80s played it. I agree with you. It made it so much more fun.
@Demonskunk 8 ай бұрын
I’ve been enjoying 5e the most out of all the editions because it feels like it attempts to marry the best parts of 3/.5 and D&D Basic. The rules are simplified so you don’t need to understand an algebra textbook to play the game, but feats and subclasses add more uniqueness to your character so they feel more personal to you. I’ve also been hating 5e because the 8-encounter-day balancing is trash and makes the players goddamn invincible if you’re not giving them all of the requisite encounters, and as a GM that’s super frustrating.
@Demonskunk 8 ай бұрын
I think 4th edition is the most *pure* form D&D ever took. It didn’t *pretend* that the game was about anything other than combat. Look back at 3/.5. Sure there were options for non-combat, but there weren’t very strong rules for them, and the classes that were built around non-combat were generally considered to be garbage because they couldn’t fight well. Most of the supplements and expansions added things that would be useful in combat, etc. I’m not sure, but I’m pretty confident 4e looked at what 3/.5 players liked (build crafting and tactical combat) and pushed that forward. Also it was very popular, as far as I can tell. It brought a lot of people into D&D because it was simpler to understand and had less fiddly bits.
@commandercaptain4664 8 ай бұрын
BECMI is my preference. The restrictions listed in the video are bonuses to me, helping certify D&D as a specific fantasy. The further AD&D got in editions, the more micromanagey and codified it became on its way of failing to become a universal fantasy engine, which I’d rather play instead. Skills just felt like ability checks with extra steps. 4E is possibly the greatest edition…. of Chainmail ever made. But honestly, who still plays 3.0 exclusively? It wasn’t long before 3.5 replaced it, so only that should count as 3E.
@affordable.forces 8 ай бұрын
interesting approach! gonna test it - right now we are adventuring in the Underdark. thank you!
@gene8447 8 ай бұрын
"5e is a little one dimensional." A LITTLE?
@roberthornibrook6344 8 ай бұрын
5th edition feels more meant for video games whereeas 2nd edition (my fav) seems more suited for tabletop.
@Satori2046 8 ай бұрын
Nice video !
@danielmartinontiverosvizca7325 8 ай бұрын
13:53 that's a misconception the rules state: [All attacks of opportunity happen before the actions that trigger them...] so, you can't trip someone who is getting up, because is prone when the AoO happen
@PatriceBoivin 8 ай бұрын
Little correction, I6 was introduced during AD&D 1e but just before the avalanche of 2e books.
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 8 ай бұрын
Honestly the only thing I’ve noticed that’s extremely different and all the additions how much dark vision is handed out like candy in fifth edition
@smokedbeefandcheese4144 8 ай бұрын
It’s funny we went back from 5 to 1 because they still want to call it D and D 1
@AarontheOkayestDM 8 ай бұрын
When you stand up in 3e/3.5e, the AoO takes place before you stand up, so you can't knock your foe down with that AoO, after the AoO, the stand is completed.
@simob7862 8 ай бұрын
Interesting talk. I guess I cut my teeth on 1E and the biggest take home mindset here I would ascertain would be "Creativity" and "individuality" Now 1E at time time was crossed with Role-master from ICE and home brewed a lot. Cost effective and approachable to young people. I missed 2E except for the Boxed Set Campaigns. Like the night Below and the Underdark. 3E/3.5 I got into DND big time and spent a fortune on books, and everything else, I also played a lot on weekends, I was working full time and had a bit of disposable income. I never got into 4E. After purging all of my gaming material, Harley, then getting married and a house I left it for a long while. 5E also didn't really do much for me, but I would say it was the best version. About 8 months ago I played Alien & Blade Runner RPG I love the system & one core book was all you needed. I really like the NEW game Critical Role is putting out Dagger something. Play mat, Card Based, one book for core rules. the interesting segway here would be RIFTS RPG ok so the Fantasy Games was a bit awful, but the Area Books, I had one called the Eastern Territory, and I used it to run 2 years work of Campaign back in the day. Shame Wizards couldn't like do stuff like that aka Campaign complete adventure pathway that doesn't feel like you been ripped off.
@mukst1o 9 ай бұрын
1e/4e are the worst ones.. 4e takes it because of course 1e has being the first as a merit that could take it even to top1 5e is probably the best considering mechanics and presentation.. 2e was too crunchy... 3e was great but also a little too crunchy... PF does 3E better But 5e is absolute trash regarding official settings, as wotc decided settings arent a thing anymore... 2e takes it regarding settings None is amazing... I will be forever eluded by why is it the most popular and by so much Without the community, the game is unplayable... (one that just find a book and try to learn it is doomed to horrible games at least for a while) Without the commynity and older editions, the game has no setting, no cosmology, explanations for how things are as they are, spell levels, gods, monsters, society, culture, guilds, factions... If D&D is the community around it, ok, its a good game. If D&D is what wotc puts out now, its garbage (and 4e was worse)
@frons79 9 ай бұрын
3e brought us the d20 system and removed all the clunky rules of previous editions!