Shoes | The Minimalists Ep. 433
Benefits of Rest in a Busy World
The Cult of Self-Care
3 ай бұрын
Letting Go Is a Sign of Maturity
Emotional Clutter (Audiobook)
The Shame Caused by Decluttering
The Fall into Consumerism
4 ай бұрын
@pbreedu 21 сағат бұрын
It is a hot day, so I am sitting and watching this in my underwear. I would take that off, but I have a roommate, so he might not be impressed with my saggy, old naked junk. Peer pressure is a factor. This video sort of addresses that, but not very well.
@debraisola9037 Күн бұрын
So many people searching for happiness But God!! Jesus the Way.. Truth.. and Life. JOY 😊!! FINALLY FREE. ETERNITY MATTERS 🙌
@ekaterinalisinaofficial Күн бұрын
Skin issues from rental clothes?))) Never heard of that 😂
@Nowshad82 Күн бұрын
Watching this my take is that the Fed, the US Treasury, and their coteries are the first right guidance for this documentary
@HeroicCoachingwithDan Күн бұрын
Some great points Paul is laying out as well as setting the notion that there are some nuances that need to be expressed. For example: A fasting insulin doesn't in and of itself measure for insulin 'sensitivity'. There is no blood test for insulin sensitivity. it is an educated guess or assumption. My fasting insulin and C-peptide are considered optimal, my lastest blood tests: Triglycerides: 110, HDL 82 (Tri/HDL ratio -1.3 supposidley optimal), Fasting Glucose 100 pre/pre diabetes, Ha1c - 6 - pre diabeties, C-peptide 1.6 optimal, Fasting Insulin - 2.9 optimal, and so on. You can see that I have insulin resistance or some metabolic dysregulation and inflexiblity. I am sharing this to give you a heads up that people need to work with a seasoned and expereinced functional metabolic practitioner to successfully assess and guide an individual towards optimal metabolic flexibilty. A much more valuable assessment would consider a fasting glucose tolerance assessment with insulin draw at each stage of the 2 hour assessment and instead of using the 75grams of pure glucose, one should consider using real food that would be their worst case senerio like a bagel with butter and cream cheese, or a 16 ounce fruit smoothie, or some real food carbohydrate source that mimics real life senerio rather than a lab rat assessment. Awesome -go get it. Dan Hegerich, 6x Cancer Survivor, Post Cast Host, Heroic Performance Life Coach.
@sema7197 Күн бұрын
Ill take rich, don't care about famous😊
@sajjadahmed6777 Күн бұрын
Amazing and meaningful documentary.(stress less life)
@sema7197 Күн бұрын
Finally ppl start seeing the light!
@sema7197 Күн бұрын
There is smart then there is wise, then is contentment, Happy fills just a moment, contenment goes with you everywere at any point.
@sharoncorippo4069 Күн бұрын
Do NOT take statins. It begsn killing my memories!
@JaimeBGonzalez Күн бұрын
Life is an empty cycle with no purpose. But not everyone is able to understand that.
@ArthurIstic-wf9js Күн бұрын
Funny how every minimalist has a a full camera rig and Mac to edit the footage as they drive around the world in a 60k campervan. Posting Instagram vlogs.. go live in a Brazilian favela where we can't hear your empty pseudo zen pontifications.
@raisushma7736 Күн бұрын
Thank you for this documentary, I think I'm even more comfortable in my skin, I love simple me, simple life and people. Lots of love and support to you guys, may your effort bring value and righteousness to people's lives.
@robin7623 Күн бұрын
Doctor placed me on statins , giving the normal blah,blah,blah reasons and at the time I was early 50's and still out running and cycling 18 year old , 27 years in my particular service that you had to be fit for on a daily bases ................... well stupid me thinking doctors know it all from A1 fit in 2014 , to pain and loss of muscle in 2016 to being admitted in 2017 to hospital as an emergency CPR at 137, could not pick up a tea cup and could have lost my's been a slow long eight years getting back to my former self and treatment continues but last weel ( may 2024 ) I was told to keep up my exercise of daily walking and light weights , actually have muscle back some I'm pleased with after my wife was planning on pushing a wheelchair and me thinking I was going to die. Statins are bloody dangerous and yes cholesterol should be left the hell alone to my thinking and doctors need to stop listening to BIG Pharm who frankley put the $ before patients
@Rips23 Күн бұрын
"They're are your belongings; they're what make you belong. -- They don't belong to me, I belong to them." --- The Gods of Money ,1981
@janeruthraphael4644 Күн бұрын
Donald Trump is a known malignant narcissist. I hope the woman calling in is not a supporter lol. 😂
@acooksla Күн бұрын
I have lived this way for long time, peace
@LP-tu8li Күн бұрын
Ooh Ryan below the belt with the mom joke
@barneycoffman6663 Күн бұрын
My MD pretty much got PO'd at me when I told him I wasn't going to take a statin. He clapped his hands together as he said, "If you fall over dead tomorrow, that's on you, not on me!" Also, I told him that statins were BS from Pharma, that 8 of the 9 doctors that keep lowering the level of cholesterol, were getting kick backs from Pharma. Plus some other things got mentioned....I've read a lot about this. He sent me to a cardiologist, I just told him that I was allergic to statins. He asked what they did to me, so I named off about 4-5 of the side effects. So he ordered ezetimibe for me, plus a list of foods to avoid and food that's approved. Both, as many in the medical field, have been brain washed by pharma, the AMA, AHA, FDA all because what Ancel Keys said in the late 1950's and early 1960's.....
@LP-tu8li Күн бұрын
TK wish I could express myself like you! Wow
@LP-tu8li 2 күн бұрын
Your hair looks great Ryan!!!!!!
@LP-tu8li 2 күн бұрын
Why is Ryan pretty much gone now?
@LP-tu8li 2 күн бұрын
Oops I spoke to soon. I understand.
@jaceksciezka3215 2 күн бұрын
One day we have to stop buying stuff. Only food in moderation will be permitted. We will make so many people happy. The chain of people engaged in producing not needed stuff will stop working and will be extremely happy doing nothing 😊
@reynachavez608 2 күн бұрын
This video gave me all the answers I have been searching for…
@aliettienne2907 2 күн бұрын
22:36 Minimalism is the way to go this lifestyle should be highly contagious 😁. Building minimalistic homes is perfect for our planet Earth and it is also perfect to shape a healthy state of mind. 😎💯💯💪🏾👍🏾
@wendellrider1212 2 күн бұрын
@Mr_MrsMagill 2 күн бұрын
I'm a diabetic with high cholesterol due to eating lean red meat, whole eggs, avocado, hard cheese, nuts and dark chocolate. Found this very educational thank you
@ShaneHarderPhoto 2 күн бұрын
I’d love to see a minimalist with children.
@monarch8188 2 күн бұрын
Minimalism is good for productivity, but not for creativity
@chemicalx3353 2 күн бұрын
everyone lives in flight behavior and no one experiences what life has to offer. become aware of how big the subconscious has become, make sure that the underwater iceberg turns over so that it surfaces, live your life because you are life and can make your own choices. By fleeing you live the programming and you are lived because you are constantly in survival mode. people shout too much and few recognize that they themselves are the problem. life is worth a whole life, this cannot be expressed in money, certainly not because money is worthless, it holds back everything that has to do with life. but people would rather put money on 1 than themselves, you have to look around you, people are being murdered for something that has no value. you take a life because you consider your own life worthless when you put money first. Money doesn't make you happy, if it doesn't already, people don't think about what would make them happy and then have the balls to chase their happiness. freedom is security, knowledge is power and discipline is needed to be able to act on this. and then you have a harmonious life with all that is. but people want to have it but don't want to do anything for it. and that doesn't work either.
@abokwu 2 күн бұрын
@leontx4211 2 күн бұрын
Worth thinking about life this way, but what's meaning of being minimalism, just because things add no value then we should abandon them...or minimalism is just like another fashion things or new religion
@lazzy2012 2 күн бұрын
Anxiety is stealing from tomorrow’s happiness
@JonM-ts7os 3 күн бұрын
Wtf is up with the hugging come on weird.
@0p3nh4ym3r 3 күн бұрын
34:20 "You can't ever get enough of what you don't really want"
@tost1989 3 күн бұрын
It is an opprtunity for single or couples with grown children. Imagine to live in a tiny house with three teenager girls. No thanks!
@thegamingrelish9272 3 күн бұрын
There’s no cure for anxiety just ways to make it easier
@jacquelinecarter5744 3 күн бұрын
How can one have normal LDL & HDL but have high total cholesterol? Can’t seem to find anything specific to my question online (not that I can understand anyhoo!). Thanks
@circa_76er 3 күн бұрын
I like fractals.
@ryan_hakes 3 күн бұрын
18:23 What you will never be told to ask in Public Education.
@OksanaLeon 4 күн бұрын
I love how they sell me idea of minimalism, selling me smaller houses, books. assuring me that it will make me happy. Everyone wants to sell me something Everyone is still making profit. Pathetic world.
@quietowl1246 4 күн бұрын
This is the second time viewing this documentary. I’ve got rid of 70% of my stuff since the first viewing and I’m still not done. Can’t recommend enough.
@isabelfonseca3982 4 күн бұрын
I live alone in a small house, with two smal bedrooms, a Kitchen/dinning room/living room. Many people tells me to build another room, and I do not understand for what. As time goes, I have been getting rid of more forniture, I love to clean my entire home in an hour hahahaha. I don't pay cable, or fix telephone, I have my tv since 10 years ago, which I won in a raffle. Don't own a sound music thing, My only vice is clothes and shoes and even so, I don't think is too much. Love the documental.
@MariaOdJezusa 4 күн бұрын
Thank You :).Wonderful :). Less Definitely Mean More. Warm Greetings.
@top10502 4 күн бұрын
If high cholesterol is not bad for heart and don't Clogged arteries what is bad and Clogged arteries
@Catlady_7 4 күн бұрын
I’m panicking mine is 298 I eat healthy 🤔 blood pressure is 120/75
@itsoracle 4 күн бұрын
it is woo woo though, no scientific basis
@SusiesRepeat 4 күн бұрын
The corporations don’t want you to know about minimalism. What if everyone found this the corporations would go bust.
@Paypos1991 4 күн бұрын
I am in my early thirties and i can say i lived my whole adult life as a minimalist without knowing that. My inspiration always comes from my religion as a Muslim i do my best to avoid been lavish and greedy We are not what we have we are what we do Also the recent events in Gaza showed me that i am on the right way. We are here on earth for purpose btw it has nothing to do with money and just have to look for it.
@jacquelinepirotta 4 күн бұрын
beautiful humans. :)