5 жыл бұрын
STIHL MS 462 C-M vs Husky 365
5 жыл бұрын
5 жыл бұрын
The BIGGEST gum yet (not MTM 62SX)
MTM 62SX Must fall all the trees.
Road side log retrieval and milling.
Tikka T3 CTR 135gr. Sierra MAGIC!
Never work a day in your life.
6 жыл бұрын
Tikka T3 CTR @ 100 yards
6 жыл бұрын
@fredrickolsen838 2 күн бұрын
My favourite Simpsons episode was when Marge told Homer that his boss called to say that if he didn’t show up to work on Friday, then don’t bother coming in on Monday. And Homer responded “woohoo, 4 day weekend!”!!!
@Brian-qg9bm 2 күн бұрын
"Women are more agreeable..." lol! Ha Ha Ha! He must not know many women! I think there's a difference between agreeable, and conformist. Seeking the perception of safety, going along with the herd or functioning on externally provided incentives or inducements, isn't the same thing as agreeing. Fear based thinking is a slippery slope. Truly, we have a problem defining "success" in the western world. It's entirely possible to be a billionaire/giant in your field and still be a miserable failure as a human being, who leads an empty, meaningless life. People spend their time trying to "get ahead" with no idea what that even means. People "want it all" with no concept of what "it" is. What "load" shall we carry when true meaning isn't a thing outside one's self? Giving yourself reason, or understanding the real reasons reason to be content in life, seems far more important than seeking external validation. Our society likes to quantify. It only sees people, men in particular as potential revenue streams and not much else. We're as disposable as the consumer goods we work for, use and throw away. If that's your metric for self-worth, you'd have some reason for feeling "disenfrenchfried". As long as one functions as an effective cog in the revenue machine, you'll be perceived or labeled as having value, regardless of the condition or state of you and your actual being. Right there, we've failed in our humanity. So, WHAT IS SUCCESS? That's where it comes back to the real reason men first sharpened sticks, left the cave, slew the mammoth and ran the gauntlet of saber toothed tigers while carrying slabs of meat on our backs - Caring for others. That's the load we need to carry. You can't effectively do that if you're miserable in your own skin. The job gives you money, which gives you options and material potential, but that only gets you to the door. If you're content with just a loin cloth and a sharp stick and you can find the joy in living with just and only that, you will have achieved what none of the serial divorcees in Hollywood or Wall Street have done. Regardless of career or other superficial things, if you can let go of your ego and stop being reactive, can you possibly become truly successful. Employment pays the bills, which is good, but truly being content in the moment, every moment because there is only ever one moment, the eternal NOW, makes it possible to be content in life and, however clumsy you might be at it, this makes it possible to truly love, which asks nothing in return. Only then do you have possibility of being loved, in return. Holding yourself accountable to THAT is what really matters. NOW your life has real meaning.
@deefromott 4 күн бұрын
smart guy
@kyrareneeLOA 4 күн бұрын
I'm not here for the politics, Jordan is fascinating.. His talks on radical honestly and addiction is wonderful I love his directness and perspective. I am here for the psychological aspects. So many statements are quotable.
@JohnSmith-t7g 5 күн бұрын
1. Be fruitful and multiply 2. A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich 3. Husbands, love your wives 4. do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline
@LetsGo_Brandon 7 күн бұрын
You know, this was far easier pre-COVID when you could afford to live on your own without being in the upper echelons of society. Rent is 4x the price it was 5 years ago, what are we supposed to “get out there and do” as the younger generation stuck living with parents? It seems that this is the preface to socialism/communism, lack of personal ability, motivation, and purpose. That’s when the government will swoop in and decide it for you, when we’re most vulnerable, and incapable.
@yolo3004 7 күн бұрын
5:19 this is the motivation that I need
@yolo3004 7 күн бұрын
this speaks so much to me
@oscarrounding3881 9 күн бұрын
Jordan Peterson is a man that is lost in a tangent.
@caleuxx9108 14 күн бұрын
Disagreeable (mostly men)..... vs..... Agreeable (mostly women).....
@rocker8692 16 күн бұрын
Im someone whos had depression for 25 years,i love this guy.I guess the decision i made after 25 was to support myself,be a man,realize i am alone in this world,and with no education,its hard to make ends meet in this world.Espacially since Joe Biden and the deep state are destroying America.
@psychcowboy1 29 күн бұрын
Don't trust anyone who tries to tell you they have figured out the meaning of life.
@arunagreen8119 Ай бұрын
Im a woman and I'm loving all these lectures! I've had a bad time recently and I'm realising I need to be less agreeable. You also need to be responsible to not take on others responsibility! Haha I've taken on too much in my life being eldest of 6 kids. Girls just wanna have fun don't they, and Shania Twain says " the best part of being a women is the prerogative to have a little fun". We need our fun as we know our responsibility. This is so interesting thanks and definitely rings true for me. I'm in my 50s by the way and yep been through loads. I'm listening to Teal swan too.
@timw6928 Ай бұрын
No thongs?
@JustinBobby-di9zt Ай бұрын
Women also self author all the time
@veronicalopes8948 Ай бұрын
I am in contact with Elon Musk he is in contact with you he got good heart in him very rich guy feels good about him thank you
@tyleroneal8507 Ай бұрын
The point of life is to keep it together long enough you can afford to get blasted on benzos and booze for a full year because you realized your daughter is going to have children that look/act nothing like you but will carry your name and legacy.
@mathspace-grab Ай бұрын
7:14 Something interesting... that's what new Simpsons writers didn't get it about the show. Those family values were the key.
@mihaimitablindadtp8556 Ай бұрын
I think I feel this when I go to the gym. Sometimes you do the bare minimum and kind of feel bad because you could do more, and then you go some days and you just push you limits and it's hard but you feel great after.
@unknowuser1843 Ай бұрын
Dude I honestly love that sound
@dimitrifyodorovickaramazov Ай бұрын
Rights rights rights! 😂
@Guys_Love_Each_Other 2 ай бұрын
"Responsibility" is the big purpose of life Jordan
@SujayJoeFreedan 2 ай бұрын
5:35 GYM
@adelarsen9776 2 ай бұрын
I use a MS460 and also ADI 135gn.
@AlexSwan 2 ай бұрын
Ha nice one mate. Good combo. I've started loading that same projectile for a 300WM. Goes really well! Cheers
@adelarsen9776 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexSwan 300 Win Mag ? That'd be scooting along.
@JeffDoerr 2 ай бұрын
The king of the long winded word salad I'll take forever to get to my point. Each individual will determine what's important in their life and what they feel gives their life meaning. Childrearing anchors you and gives your life meaning? Whatever floats your boat. But there are alot of advisors that aren't right wing Trump loving Christian theocracy women subjugators that you could get much better advice from. This dude is educated way beyond his intelligence. 😮
@PaulMarceau 2 ай бұрын
Well Worth Watching. Thank you for uploading. I heard this message before, but never got it. It is almost as if I had to learn it from experience. Only then do I truly understand the message. Unfortunately it is probably the same for a lot of people.
@adelarsen9776 2 ай бұрын
You still alive ? How's the 462 ?
@AlexSwan 2 ай бұрын
Still going strong! My favourite saw. 🦾
@adelarsen9776 2 ай бұрын
@@AlexSwan Yeah, I have a 460 but I want to upgrade to a 462 with all the fruit.
@adelarsen9776 2 ай бұрын
Edited post. The 462 is a great saw.
@beenishgill9952 2 ай бұрын
Meaning of life, have relationship with The Holy Trinity, it is that simple Mr Pearson.
@tyronesilkypatrickmcfitzer1575 2 ай бұрын
Fuck this argument. I been metaphorically lifting heavily beyond my threshold for years now and it’s only ever allowed me to be open for life to kick me in the dick over and over. When rich assholes like Peterson, other figureheads and our govt. maintain their position over the majority (lower class) by telling them how to live and continually moving that goal post, us poor bastards need to rise up and make the difference for ourselves. Going into debt for school, Hard work, staying committed to one job, none of this bullshit is gonna cut it anymore.
@Sociology_Tube 3 ай бұрын
perterson's audience of Men like to hear things that make men feel like victims of a female, black dominated, gay dominated hispanic Power System.
@dimitrifyodorovickaramazov Ай бұрын
Does that mean men feel threathened by Netflix? 😅
@zhiyuanli1689 3 ай бұрын
@Zaid78765 3 ай бұрын
The fact that we can get access to such phenomenal information for free is incredible
@MotivationWorldCollection 3 ай бұрын
@johnizitchiforalongtime 3 ай бұрын
Jordan Peterson, you're so spot on with this. "RESPONSABILITY". I got off track, Divorced. My first marriage went down the tubes over mental illness, why, i don't know. 9 yrs in a mental health institute to get my head on straight, meds were required. 7 yrs on parole, got married again in 2005. 18 yrs later another divorce. I lacked responsibility. She had 4 kids, all grown up on their own, all were very intelligent and successful each. Me, never had a family like they had. My parents, especially my dad said, "They will learn". Looking back on this really threw me a loop. If you neglect to train your children, someone else will, probably in the wrong way.
@cotovantre 3 ай бұрын
Women know what they have to do.. but what if the one job thats given for women, isn't something you want to do? I've never wanted kids. I'm 28(F), and have basically lived a life parallel to the lowest value of man (no job, can't get out of bed, no shouldering of responsibility). I'm still career oriented, but doing things towards that, but still. I sometimes wonder if I should just be channeling my inner femininity, even though growing up the idea had always repulsed me. I know apparently Jordan mostly has male viewers, but this dude's my favorite person to listen to. It's nice to know more about the male perspective on things too.
@lewisdob8031 3 ай бұрын
I'd recommend searching for his daughter's and wife's videos. He makes appearances there too. He'd obviously want his daughter to have her best life so maybe you'd gain something from their conversations.
@raymondndyahurira9237 3 ай бұрын
@ismaelhall3990 4 ай бұрын
A great man we all should learn from.
@bMacTV 4 ай бұрын
@oren5889 4 ай бұрын
Thanks internet Dad! How anyone can hate this man I don’t know.
@PMCMANUS 4 ай бұрын
Not a typical comment here, but anyone who possesses an able body and stable mind, good health, and some financial independence should ideally consider relocating to a remote or off-grid living setup that is as self-sufficient as possible. Nothing drastic has happened recently in America or the world but where things are heading based off of the world conflicts and economic changes such as the American federal government's release of the central bank digital currency, etc., the overall political climate in America and the world is skewing towards being more globalized and controlling, and things are bound to start taking a turn toward the worse with possible economic crashes, etc. in upcoming years. This is of course a highly speculative judgment, but the open-minded, honest and stably intuitive are of course aware of the global shifts taking place toward a concerted corralling of human civilizations and possible depopulation. The way affairs are heading are highly, highly unnatural for the human species and the best way to defuse autocratic political power is to totally disengage from being dependent on international and delocalized resources (and not voting for Trump if you're decently wealthy, etc.); otherwise you probably will just end up living vicariously through the upheavals that are going to take place. Anyone who would be receptive to a radical pivoting to an ascetic lifestyle and is inclined in this direction are the main targets of this comment. If you can tolerate trading current everyday conveniences and luxuries for a more difficult and menial life supplemented by meditation, reading, and simple pleasures of living in closer connection with the Earth (and you're not consciously or unconsciously aligned with the elites' agendas), I personally think it will drastically pay off in even 10 years' time in comparison to where the world is going to be headed even though it may not look like it right now (although no one will be exempt from what will happen); however there is still time to make the changeover. Over the last 150 years, we've accomplished remarkable things, but need to reel in our capabilities and apply them correctly to make human civilizations sustainable in the long-term. Unfortunately, governments are not willing nor really able to exhibit total transparency and honesty needed to make such a process happen gently or smoothly, so things will likely turn really ugly. The best and only way to begin harmonizing with the will of the planet is to initiate the change yourself, since the government will certainly not do it for you and has lulled you into a degradable sense of security that is slowly being swept out from underneath everyone so that we're all desensitized to the changes that are happening. The best preventative measures to this trajectory are to keep turning inward, encourage other people to turn inward, and simply disengage as much as possible from those who are unreceptive to doing so. Blessings
@blixasice 4 ай бұрын
My thought process on everyday things are very much like Jordan's. Certainly on a simpler scale comparatively. Now I see why so many people just dont get me. Im thought of as negative and overthinking.
@anukrite.rajvanshi 4 ай бұрын
I would've given anything to have teachers like you around in school, Mr. Peterson. You're absolutely amazing!
@jcbanbury 3 ай бұрын
❤ same
@vanmax1363 4 ай бұрын
This is such a brilliant talk. I could listen to him for hours on end. He makes so much sense. ❤
@danieldpa8484 4 ай бұрын
Not interested anymore in meaning - I just want to generate enough assets to walk away from a toxic job whenever I please. The world is disgusting, society is horrible and everything is getting worse and worse. I’m fed up with women, with my family, with the company I work for as they are morons. I hate the news and people in general.
@jcbanbury 3 ай бұрын
Same. Every word you say is true. SO fed up
@Trrippy_Shades 4 ай бұрын
Bless Peterson's mind
@levelhickbros 4 ай бұрын
“They can sell responsibility, nobody is selling it” 4 years later comes Andrew Tate.
@FrancieMoon9 4 ай бұрын
Thank you for helping me understand men more! I had a tendency to see men as being manipulative and somewhat like sexual predators. As I learn more I understand the truth!
@FrancieMoon9 4 ай бұрын
I am female but I first learned about you from a group of college-aged males. They were very impressed with your ideology. I am as well!
@kocerarif 5 ай бұрын
Men must choose women who are appraciative of the reaponsibility they assume. Most women do not deserve a man to assume the responsibility of her.