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@user-ij9je7uy1k 27 минут бұрын
hold U.S. government bond rather yhan dollars。
@politischerbeobachter6854 Сағат бұрын
Ivan Illich unterstood the medical system already 50 years ago. He wrote the great book "the nemesis of medicine"
@nilosantos4862 3 сағат бұрын
Man you must sale to Elon Musk a health insurance with treatment for immortality treatment. He certainly will adopt
@dannysilva9935 3 сағат бұрын
Freedom of speech is an amazing thing
@skimshr 7 сағат бұрын
@Polksalad615 7 сағат бұрын
We arent suppose to eat meat, anyway.
@smimtiaz4556 9 сағат бұрын
Millions of people are praying to become an Australian
@juergenweidner1 10 сағат бұрын
I watched this documentary a few times over the years. It never gets old and the situation is only getting worse. I am in the UK and it is becoming miserable rather quickly. Especially, since a multi millionaire Prime Minister is threatening the disabled of all of the worse off in society. So awful, so awful!
@Dada_Plays_YT 10 сағат бұрын
Can't stop, won't stop...
@brock2364 11 сағат бұрын
2013 old outdated documentary
@Sir_Ray_LegStrong_Bongabong 11 сағат бұрын
actually they are not maximizing their shameless money in that way
@e4eleanor2816 12 сағат бұрын
Yeah, yous (mygov) may not care, but I do.
@e4eleanor2816 13 сағат бұрын
Looks like Mr Warren just hanged parliament with his power tie.
@reidarnilsen 13 сағат бұрын
We dont want you back, stay outside
@wabbit6653 13 сағат бұрын
I cant watch this documentary in peace without getting bombarded by 100s of commercials
@cindymichelle2200 14 сағат бұрын
I would totally buy ham if it wasn’t pink lol. Idk why they care So MUCH about if it’s pink or not … be grateful for what you already have … instead of being greedy.
@lanalorenzen 15 сағат бұрын
According to a surgeon on KZfaq, what we actually eat in the U. S. is primarily a Product. I never thought of it that way but he's right: We eat products, not food.
@maggiebernet1991 15 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this documentary! All by Design, all our levels of Governments are corrupt by design & choice, the Elite their Greed Profit Power Control is killing us, we pay our politicians to do so, why? Solution: We can govern ourselves by building the Bottoms Up Movement that is Global by working people for the working people, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai Truth Freedom Health - The ONLY way to Shatter the Swarm is by building the Bottoms Up Movement!
@ryanziller220 15 сағат бұрын
The response made by the boy about immortality and the need for eternal relief whilst sharing energy amongst other forms of life was mature as well as being simple. The response by men like Jose Luis Cordeiro and David Wood about the oxymoronic need for death to bring about more death to death is immature as well as being overwhelmingly complex. Something disturbing is the result of such incompetent people with wealth and status that a total war seems imminent.
@salbkbatlitec6584 16 сағат бұрын
Glad to be the first yo comment here..
@sushantpoudel651 17 сағат бұрын
wow its like a movie, we need similar videos like this, for cocacola and others. 🔥
@miriamm1914 17 сағат бұрын
I’ll just become a vegetarian😢
@andreelkaim5514 19 сағат бұрын
Why is it so difficult to abstain from foods that harms you? If you do so, perhaps they, the food industries will produce foods that not only will enjoy but the foods will be great for your health.
@pascaltran4398 19 сағат бұрын
Vous usurpez votre niveau de vie (~30%) par "le privilège insensé du dollar" (monnaie de réserve qui vous permet d'aspirer l'Epargne mondiale contre du papier). Q: quelle conséquences aura votre (relatif) crépuscule ? Damned question.
@DavidHoins 19 сағат бұрын
It was nothing but a false racist led campaign based on nothing but lies and the foolish fisherman and farmers fell for that baseless bs and we are all suffering because of the dinosaurs and racists that screamed for years they All knew very well what they wanted ànd happily voted for anf the Brexit moaners ànd the farmers still cry this isn't the Brexit we voted for 😅😅😅 and there will be no way back to the EU 😅😅
@chrisw8259 20 сағат бұрын
"We're not cowboys!" Says the farmer, over the clanging of the bells mounted on the necks of his herd of cows. 😂
@Caloy-ep6st 21 сағат бұрын
@Caloy-ep6st 21 сағат бұрын
@fredahwiwu5219 22 сағат бұрын
As a Kenyan i am appalled they start with you guys in the west then spread put to us .. the best thing is to leave the city and grow my own food because staying in town earning money only to get sick with cancer is not worth it
@AkPK369 Күн бұрын
Avoid ham
@raichandkulkarni4011 Күн бұрын
Food fraud and social fraud is very usual practice in Canada , specially ready to Eat product
@alikaraerik9332 Күн бұрын
COLONIALTY OF POWER. look it up in Wikipedia. We the people of the world we need to be more aware of why we have unreasonable prejudices against other cultures. Have a read of COLONIALITY OF POWER it makes sense.
@ralph95 Күн бұрын
Additionally you will own nothing and be happy!
@user-bk7pg1ny5l Күн бұрын
Will you mfers stop with the commervials?
@user-pn6xd1tp4c Күн бұрын
That is democracy !!
@pew_pewcsgo Күн бұрын
48:16 song, anyone?
@skyxabba 21 сағат бұрын
AXIS & Dragon 1 maybe or Return to Oz ...I thought about the music😞sorry
@_Gam3r Күн бұрын
imagine paying $1,400 because you smuggled illegal meat across the border
@GregoryJByrne Күн бұрын
There is a reason the Antichrist Jews & Muslims don't eat pork. Your being invaded by the 12 Antichrist tribal religious/political nations of the middle far east using wars & rumours of wars to flee Noah's cataclysmic tidal tsunamis the new moon is going to pull out & around the planet east to west. every 40 years when mercury & venus are in a major conjunction. First one will be in 2033. Come to Jesus his New commandment united us all & new covenant warned us all about these the birthing pains of this the millennium of climate change end times due to the precession of the Great Years millennial alpha omega equinoxes when earth's orbits cross the magnetic equator separating the fermie cells of the Sun's OOrt cloud magnetosphere. Mystery of the 7 star crossings.
@angryfirefly Күн бұрын
If the computer and the internet are any indication then we have to imagine that AI powered goods/services will progress to the point where it becomes affordable to the point that it becomes accessible to the average person. That means that, while there may still be concerns about how people will earn a living, there should also be considerations on how AI will enable individuals to avoid needing to pay for what they'll one day be able to produce for themselves. For example, there may come a day where robot nannies are so affordable, no one will ever have to pay for childcare ever again.
@blueexpresstv5401 Күн бұрын
Evil will ALWAYS win. Good just gets a respite every once in a while.
@TheOneanjel Күн бұрын
I'm actually surprised that nitrates are even allowed in foods still. We've known this problem for decades. My mother had colon cancer and later learned that it was attributed to her love for processed ham. She would take it daily as a lunch to work. That's not what killed her though what killed her is pancreatic cancer which was the result of eating too much processed sugar and carbohydrates. People need to inform themselves and start shopping the perimeter of the market where they'll find more whole unprocessed Foods. Stop cooking the heck out of your vegetables anything raw whenever possible. Eat lots more fruit. And try to limit meat. Avoid any dairy especially cheese. How to be healthy is a common sense thing nowadays I think. Yet we still see people killing themselves and their children with processed package and fast food. I think that in 40 or 50 years we're going to see parents being prosecuted for putting these diseases upon their children once Society has sufficiently been informed of how dangerous these processed packaged starches and stats are for us. At that point the one thing that will probably still not to be banned is meat from local organic farmers. While I myself personally am a raw vegan, I did used to eat meat until becoming a vegetarian prove to me that I felt better and had much better digestion and zero gastronomical problems. When I had cancer I learned about raw veganism where you do not process your food in any way or cook it. And that is the only truly healing diet that is used around the world.
@apparentbeing Күн бұрын
Let's outsource all the work to China, what could possibly go wrong
@tirzhaprinsloo2774 Күн бұрын
Are the Switzerland people mad to tax a person if he/she wants to throw thrash in a bin. what are their intentions do they want the paper in the streets. ? If you want a city clean then there must be bins to throw it in.
@cojack7470 Күн бұрын
I get halo vibes from the music.
@christopherjoseph5018 Күн бұрын
Practical jokers
@Bonserak23 Күн бұрын
Living in a big American city and seeing the beginning of this with the rubbish police is crazy 🤣🤣 idk maybe they are like the "Safety crew" officers in Portland.
@Short7905 Күн бұрын
We only just started talking more about the govt being corrupt only when trump brought it to light. All evil will be exposed. The govt believes in murdering innocent babies, division and men wearing dresses. Sounds evil to me.
@yahooprana2742 Күн бұрын
It's just heartbreaking to watch and listen to this and understand that it's impossible for us humans to experience a truly blissful, happy life, unencumbered by the duty to "serve" the greater good, which in reality is not good at all.
@PowerhousePearson 2 күн бұрын
Economy is made up and money is also a made up human construct. Both can be changed and fixed to help everyone on this planet instead of destroying peoples lives
@allykhan8594 2 күн бұрын
Fractional Reserves can only exist in an Interest based banking system, thus can only exist if there are Debts, without debt it cannot function. It is something that will collapse eventually, and the main causality will be U.S National debt (and other large national debts), this will devalue the idea of electronic money and paper money; created money foundation was based on the notion it represented real assets, when that link is totally broken, this economy of playing cards will fall. Never keep large deposits or cash, buy assets such as Gold, silver agricultural land. Banks are restricted to create money by Fractional Reserves, as the name implies a certain amount of money must be retained and a certain amount of money loan out. The commercial banks cannot just create as much money as they want (this is incorrect), at the same time this must be reported to the Bank of England and in turn the data is made available to the money markets. The banks and government have tried to create a balance of how this system ought to work. To create money with no control will devalue the currency and have inflationary impact and bring a country down, the idea you create money just because of need for welfare projects, military spending etc when ever you need it has its repercussions. It is simplistic to have suggested that by the presenters.