@ninjahedgehog5 2 сағат бұрын
"the real winners of the gold rush were the ones selling the pickaxe"
@IonizedCarthage 3 сағат бұрын
@IonizedCarthage 3 сағат бұрын
@Sharie_mabari 3 сағат бұрын
I'm sorry, I just can't celebrate this because I don't understand how anyone working on that movie couldn't have seen how every decision they were making culminated in an awful-looking movie. The lack of contrast, the lack of strong lighting, the stiff movements due to lack of motion blur... how someone didn't tell them to pivot to a different style after seeing the washed-out scenes I'll never understand. And Disney is unlikely to continue experimenting with their art style, seeing as how well this went.
@heww3960 3 сағат бұрын
This is long term a big threat to the big studios themself, when small groups or even just one person can create a big movie or game etc. There are trademarks, so i guess they will try to live on that. But without trademarks, i dont think the big studios will survive long term. AI is making the big studios redundant. I dont agree that ai is killing creativity, it is doing the opposite, when everyone in the whole world can with a prompt become a artist, programmer etc. No skills, no big money is needed, just unleash your creativity (as long as the program is not to censured)
@carlamoss89 9 сағат бұрын
I don't understand how Paperman came out beautiful using basically the same technique like 10 years ago, yet this looks so odd. They went too far with it, I think. And it's not just the higher ups, I don't like to put these animators and artists on such a high pedestal. Yes, they are talented, but everyone makes mistakes. They don't always make beautiful things. This is coming from someone who used to work with these people, so I am aware of the effort that is in these films. But treating them like these all-talented beings who can do no wrong bothers me, it's so common in the industry. Let's call a spade a spade.
@Sharie_mabari 3 сағат бұрын
I agree with this completely. Apparently nobody on that team had eyes. I just can't celebrate what they did here, it doesn't mean they're not talented, but every decision made for Wish was a mistake.
@rameezraja10f85 11 сағат бұрын
Search The glass worker you will be overjoyed.
@rayb1111 11 сағат бұрын
It's almost an insult to compare Gibli with Disney. Lol Gibli has a completely diffrent dimension!
@IonizedCarthage 12 сағат бұрын
@IonizedCarthage 12 сағат бұрын
: P0:40
@cronoluminara6911 17 сағат бұрын
11/10 loved this movie so much and great job
@tobiassoar 18 сағат бұрын
Thank you for this video. I entered the world of animation not long ago and found myself working on two very big name spin offs as a Production Coordinator. The client is happy with the show, it's doing really well on KZfaq but we've had a brutal schedule with a small budget and, best of all, my entire team got laid off. What a time to be alive. I believe humanity will win, artists will win, and the "reverse bubble" will even out. But right now people like me are now jobless and struggling to find a job.
@mkabilly 20 сағат бұрын
I'm not exactly in any creative industry professionally, so take my opinion with Macao's entire salt production, but... I'm kinda bored about the whole AI discussion and more worried that artists will stifle innovation with their resistance to it. The problem, as pointed out in the video, is not AI, it's management -- as it usually is. Big Hollywood studios don't realize they're shooting themselves in the foot -- and the same is happening to the AAA gaming industry. AI will replace artists as much as Photoshop did: not at all. It'll ensure the industry shrinks before it flourishes again -- and I don't even think that's necessarily bad. Big studios spend huge budgets on poor creative endeavors and uninspired sequels. These aren't selling as well, and investor money is drying up. It's only natural they try to cut costs as much as possible in the most stupid way possible. We don't have artists calling the shots at these companies; we have management. Management will not fire itself to cut costs -- even if that's the most intelligent thing to do -- it'll fire the artists, not recognizing the whole company exists solely because of talented artists with inspired visions for great Art. I see the current AI situation as the perfect opportunity! The new generation of artists should strive to build their own studios and leverage incoming technology to be able to make incredible pieces of art with a nimble team, not work for Disney. Indies will definitely not have the huge budgets big studios will, but is that even a bad thing? Wasn't it that limitation breeds creativity and necessity is the mother of invention? Machine Learning-based AI will _never_ have vision and will always have to draw from previous creations. Artists, on the other hand, usually have more vision than even technical skills to complete it. AI can be the hammer to help here. Idk, I feel like studios going for AI, specially at the moment, when it's not that great yet, are shooting themselves on the foot. Let them burn and die. Let's use the same tools they're trying to use to replace artists to finally create the pieces of art we envision and surpass the art-based business models of old. Trying to prevent the use of AI is the single best way to guarantee only Disney will be able to use it. They're the ones that hold the money and power right now, anyway.
@StarDust-rz8zq Күн бұрын
İ know those big companies kicking wasted potential (very creative) poor artist and hiring souless robots instead but i think it will turn aganist them bc i believe ppl gonna miss real artists. İ believe ai always stay souless bc its nature like this.
@pawanrohidas1163 Күн бұрын
Now they arent even hiring role specific artists just put on 3d visualiser and make them do everything in the pipeline
@DreddMeister Күн бұрын
It's not just about the platform. The problem is their rush to exclusive content. Executives want to use the old model of tightly controlling their IP and are doing so by controlling every step of production, creation and distribution. This exclusivity model is splitting the consumer base and leading to a lack of quality control as they are now forced to churn out low par content to justify their investments and acquisitions. It's also leading to a lack of quality control as there are no external distributors that are determining what content there is an actual demand for. The shareholders and executives are raking in money and the creators are suffering. What is the worst is this an abysmal oversight by the very people whose very job is to understand the distribution model and should be fired. We're seeing an imbalance of power with ALL the power in the owners of the content and the people who control the money and NONE of the power in the creators and employees.
@DreddMeister Күн бұрын
This is not capitalism. It's hyper-capitalism and it's going to get worse as long as AI is in the hands of a small group of people who wield excessive amounts of power who only understand money and nothing about value or the real world.
@Myokuju Күн бұрын
I just want to point out, Lobo was not a villain. Little Jack horner was the Villain, Lobo was the Antagonist.. Every villain is the antagonist, but not every antagonist is the villain
@10-OSwords Күн бұрын
What do you mean by animation? You seem to be mainly talking about movies, which I would be glad to see them die forever they suck. I do however watch a metric ton of adult cartoons...which have a problem getting more than 2 seasons (which I hate) but they keep dropping new shows like Smiling Friends, Doomlands, Hoops, Teenage Euthanasia, Fairfax, Fairview, Lower Decks, Solar Opposites, Birdgirl, Krapopolis, Little Demon, Ten Year Old Tom....................I could really go on, there are TONS of new adult cartoons. So what exactly are you referring to?
@NoTheRobot 22 сағат бұрын
TV has it worse honestly. Everything is already outsourced, including many of the shows you mentioned. I’m centering this discussion around the feature animation industry but it applies to much of the industry at large, particularly the AI topic
@yanderegabby_18 Күн бұрын
Not an animator, but I am an artist and an aspiring animator who's working towards a bachelor's degree in visuals arts/animation. I also have years worth of writing experience and am currently working on comics in regards to my character lore and storybuilding. When I make my own animated series based on said story and OCs, it'll 100% be indie/KZfaq, mainly because I don't trust big corporations to steal my rights to my own characters and not treat my show with the care and respect it deserves. With corporations, you have very little control, but when your show is Indie, you have ALL the control and can steer it in the right direction. I don't want my passion and years of worldbuilding to be swept under the rug by greedy corporations, so my stuff will be Indie. Less popular sure, but I couldn't care less about fame rather than my passion and love for the stuff I have worked on Part of me wants to lose hope and give up because of how bad everything is and is getting nowadays but something won't let me, and I think its that same passion I was talking about before
@eze3572 Күн бұрын
Should we consider AI relating to the art industry similar to autotune in the music industry? If so..we all know that outcome 😅….
@Ravuun Күн бұрын
Creatives in all industries are facing these AI issues. I think it really shows how little artists are valued in our society, since companies can't wait to lay us off. I sorta feel like there's a bit of the "get a real job attitude" going on in the background.
@NoTheRobot 22 сағат бұрын
@technautic-music Күн бұрын
Some great points. No more A.I. Real jobs for real humans from now on. Thanks.
@Neville8787 Күн бұрын
As someone who is entering the 3D modeling space, A.I both intrigues me and scares me. On one hand we'll probably have helper robots in the future which I'm all for, but on the other hand I don't think A.I. Is too far away from being able to 3D model objects. Which will completely ruin my career in this industry.
@traditur_ Күн бұрын
We'll see A.I automate jobs for a while. Then the power grid will break.
@chrisf4268 2 күн бұрын
I totally disagree with your war on ai. It is like horse and buggy drivers trying to prevent the adoption of the internal combustion engine. This technology will only get better and you can put up all the artificial barriers you want, but you will not stop the inevitable. Put out a better product and you will have a job, if you can’t do that you don’t deserve have your work protected.
@unrealredist4124 2 күн бұрын
Team before 👇
@mrtiredeyes 2 күн бұрын
I think this opens it up to a total overhaul. I'm writing a book series aimed at being adapted into an animated show. I think everyone else should do the same--there are plenty of independent creators and small studios already doing it.
@fkdump 2 күн бұрын
Modern slavery
@PotatuToaOfPotatoes 2 күн бұрын
You are incredible
@PotatuToaOfPotatoes 2 күн бұрын
@MettaKing 2 күн бұрын
You mean the ‘west’ animation industry? Laughs in anime
@NoTheRobot 2 күн бұрын
You don’t think AI is going to affect the anime industry?
@jasper3648 2 күн бұрын
I love this :)
@sarahhenry3607 2 күн бұрын
I think your entire videos argument is based more off a desire for better quality animation, not story.
@sarahhenry3607 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn't totally agree to the view on illumination. Their stories, despite being "cookiecutter" in terms of animation, are not devoid of story, or strong characters with development.
@sujimatsubackupaccount194 2 күн бұрын
Another ai bad with no proof. Your logic is as sound as when the 2d artist thought cgi would kill 2d animation . An look 2d animation still exists. Your video is as truthful as joe bidans ads. Meaning its not honest or accurate
@NoTheRobot 2 күн бұрын
Did you miss the part where I said AI itself isn’t to blame?
@pavelpospisil5918 2 күн бұрын
I thought that was for a pill ad 😂
@Belliferous 2 күн бұрын
Tbh this is a GOOD thing. Hopefully with AI we will stop getting softcore pedo porn and other degenerate “content” when I try to take my family to see one of your movies. My 12 yr old daughter got to see the ad for that garbage tennis porn movie. What a treat that was 😂. Animators can get bent, no one cares
@sismith5427 3 күн бұрын
Maybe Disney sacking almost all their 2d animators a few years back was a mistake.... who could have guessed
@heavyflamerheresy2581 3 күн бұрын
Im pretty sure alot of carpenters got laid of when new machines came
@silenciothequiet3471 3 күн бұрын
Sorry to be that guy but someone has to say it. Mediocrity is killing animation. Hollywood and big animation studios are just the spearhead of that mediocrity and animators are guilty of being wilfully ignorant of the nature of business and corporations to. Most pro animators are just chasing status and material security just like everybody else and they got trapped, like many other professions before, by corporations that understand that without money and a market there's no industry, so they cornered the market and now dictate the terms. I read "artists" squealing "I am not good at business, this is not my job! I just want to create!". Seriously do you think that working in an assembly line is creative and fulfilling? Big animation shops are just assembly lines that used to guarantee job security and a status as the "creative guy/gal". I have been surveying animated movies and series because i have young kids(they are great critics) and I am an illustrator\author, the quality of the storytelling and esthetic suck nowadays. All I see is stories, storytelling, artworks trying to be the next [Fill_The_Blank] , it's just trends after trends to the point it has become so generic and bland. It's like every studios are trying hard to become the IKEA of animation.There are so many issues in the world worthy to be explored that the lack of originality and pertinence in animated production is astounding. I laughed when people say AI-generated artwork is so good, I can always tell when it's AI-produced: it's so polished and bland, like a good corporate product service. One of the big problems with animators is that they lack... creativity. Creativity in artworks, business models or production, yet there are so many tools now to automate the nitty gritty parts when producing animations for public releases. Another pet peeve of mine is that animators, like pro programmers(my former profession), work hard to live in the bubble of their dream job that it cut them off from actual opportunities that are not in the realm of corporate studios. There's no royal path to become successful in any profession but if you spend so much energy and resources (skills, time) to get a 9-to-5 job maybe you are after something else? I don't have a roadmap or want to give advice on how to succeed in creative endeavours but I would only say this, being able to sell your artwork is as much important as producing unique and outstanding artwork. The greatest known and successful artists always had a firm control on their work and process, they devised ways to make it work for them first. Business is part of the creative life. Instead of wasting energy in chasing short-term and thankless jobs, animators(or any creative professional out of work) should spend their energy in working on their own artworks or production, and band with like-minded animators to produce and release quality projects as much as possible. How many hours\day\months are spent on fruitless job applications? Imagine spending that time in improving your skills or exploring through new art...If you your personal work is that great and on line, you will be found. I want to finish with an example of best business practice that stuck with me, it comes from the... restaurant business(I cook from scratch everyday). I have always been obsessed with why some restaurants suck and some thrive, even in time of recession. I know food is basic human need but it still doesn't explain why people are willing to save money,even in time of recession, to eat and drink in an expensive restaurant, and I am not talking about the swanky venue in some fancy high street or district. I am talking about the restaurants that don't even spend a dime on advertising but still full at every shift, only through word of the mouth. Although they are all different, they do share one single trait, they control as much as they can the whole eating experience: venue cleanliness, quality of the ingredients, cooking skills and recipes, al the way to the quality of service. It's hard work for a profit-only driven person but it's a way of life for the restaurateur who has found the right balance between passion and financial reality. The one that left a strong impression on me were these small Japanese restaurants that would do everything themselves every day: from making the rice noodles from rice grains to picking the seafood at the crack of the dawn and they are booked all year long, even if they are stuck on a remote island but still got a Michelin star. There are ways to generate indirect incomes to sustain your artistic endeavours between jobs: setup a life drawing course twice a week, you'll be surprised by the number of people who want to learn how to draw live from pros( meetup or FB(Meta) are great for that) and people who would love to pose(it's liberating 🤷‍♂️) ; some would love to learn how to produce a short animation over 6 months with a pro, and I could go on and on but my point is there are always ways to sustain yourself if you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, know your real artistic skills and willing to engage with the real world. Sorry for the long and raw post but it's a topic I have pondering over for a long time...
@renflowergrapx 3 күн бұрын
As a designer with over 15yo experience and someone who just recently found the courage to work in the illustration, as it was my dream-job, I feel so discouraged. I feel like nothing makes sense now. I wish we didn't need to work to "survive" so that we could be creative as part of our lives and not as a NEED.
@XanderZ0ne 3 күн бұрын
Feeling this so much right now
@mangoweasel 3 күн бұрын
😮 wait noooo i wish you did more, i was very invested in what you were saying!
@EriccsonVerschon 3 күн бұрын
Corporations are on a serious power trip right now. Just look at what Adobe's trying to do their customers. It's insane. I feel bad for you guys. You deserve a lot better than this.
@djanitatiana 3 күн бұрын
Left out the biggest poison in the well - woke films killing audience engagement. All Hollywood has to do is fire the ideologues and start giving mass audiences what they want but the Igers and his bosses at Blackrock etc prefer to double down than ever admit what they did to their IPs. Which means the rank and file have to carry the pain of enormously dwindling revenues. Eventually Hollywood will drop woke and return to what works but it's going to cost a lot of jobs before that happens.
@danielyun1958 4 күн бұрын
With an excessive resources and not much of their time
@JB_inks 4 күн бұрын
This is so lazy. You copied bits from another KZfaq video and you're holding a mic in your hand. Try harder, dude
@dustintaylor5773 4 күн бұрын
It simly looks like a book you read children for bedtime. The star is like the rainbow fish scales it stands out and makes the child reader more engaged.
@Nova_the_starcatcher 4 күн бұрын
I wish this was a better movie, because it could have been - the concept art and original story concepts were great but then story as old as time, upper management came in and over commercialized the plot
@yuji-itadori98 4 күн бұрын
Broski was a cylinder