Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Tattoo
Resident Evil 9 Reveal TOMORROW?!
Really Capcom?
3 ай бұрын
@calvinsmith1100 6 сағат бұрын
This is how the movies should have been. Paul w.s. Anderson should take some notes from this.😂
@RacoonCityPizza 5 сағат бұрын
@@calvinsmith1100 No joke man. I hope we get something someday. Although, Residence of Evil seems to be handling things VERY well. That's the only reliable films I think we will be getting for a long time...but one can hope that we get something worthy someday!
@animatrix-wn9bq 3 күн бұрын
Essa música me dava agonia quando eu jogava a noite, ficava tendo pesadelo 😢
@karpai5427 5 күн бұрын
The Ivy always falls over for me too.
@Within_Toluca 6 күн бұрын
@Billy_The_Kid- 8 күн бұрын
Great Pizza, Great service, clean bathrooms. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
@RacoonCityPizza 8 күн бұрын
@@Billy_The_Kid- So good it'll make an Italian cry.
@Within_Toluca 10 күн бұрын
Great username
@RacoonCityPizza 10 күн бұрын
@@Within_Toluca Thanks!
@zZiL341yRj736 10 күн бұрын
Yep all the trash version connects. Makes sense.
@RacoonCityPizza 10 күн бұрын
@@zZiL341yRj736 Mass majority disagrees. They are both great. Thanks for watching!
@ВладимирЗотов-п4ю 11 күн бұрын
Сериал Пацаны.. Зделайте Пожалуста..
@juanayon9713 11 күн бұрын
Never knew these existed.
@RacoonCityPizza 11 күн бұрын
@@juanayon9713 HIGHLY recommend them. RE3 and RE1 are a bit better than RE2 though. I have a whole set of the RE3 minis done as well, still working on RE1.
@MatthewBluefox 12 күн бұрын
Crimson Heads return? :( That's the only thing I would have loved to see eliminated from the first remake. The zombies from the original were just fine, and they could have beefed them up in the 2026 remake and skip the Crimson Head mechanic entirely. I can't wait for the giant spiders, the hornets and the hunters. :)
@RacoonCityPizza 12 күн бұрын
@@MatthewBluefox I personally LOVEEE Crimson Heads. I'd love to see them in the RE Engine.
@manticore4952 7 күн бұрын
The game was essentially punishing you for killing zombies.
@RacoonCityPizza 7 күн бұрын
@@manticore4952 Yes and no. In the general sense, yes, you are getting punished for killing zombies. But Resident Evil isn't meant to always be a zombie killer experience. It is a strategic game where you have to survive and think about when and where you want to dispose of enemies. The addition of Crimson Heads turn that dial up even more where you have to strongly consider on if it is worth it to kill this zombie or not. And if it IS worth it, you better be sure you have enough kerosine and a lighter on hand.
@starwraithspacemarine8605 12 күн бұрын
@muzza57 15 күн бұрын
I like the cat
@nikkeli3942 17 күн бұрын
They should definitely remake RE7. That game needs it bad
@RacoonCityPizza 17 күн бұрын
@@nikkeli3942 Maybe in 20 years lol. But not now.
@nikkeli3942 17 күн бұрын
​@@RacoonCityPizza More like 8-10 years. The game is already 7 years old. After Capcom is done remaking 5, 6 and whatever games they have in mind, I don't see why they shouldn't remake 7.
@RacoonCityPizza 17 күн бұрын
@@nikkeli3942 Because 7 is still a new title. It doesn't need a remake whatsoever. There are a ton of RE games that need it, not just numbered titles. I don't ever see that happening with 7.
@nikkeli3942 17 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza I don't think Capcom has any plans to remake games like survivor or outbreak files. Those games didn't sell that many copies so it's only logical they remake 5, 6, and maybe 0, CV or Revelations. It took them 18 years to remake RE4 and that game definitely didn't need a remake. So yeah it's only a matter of time till they remake RE7. Imo they should've stopped after RE2 remake.
@RacoonCityPizza 17 күн бұрын
@@nikkeli3942 I think you might be focusing on the wrong avenue of thinking. I see what you mean. But it took them this long to remake RE4 because I'm sure it was never intended until they saw the success of RE2 Remake. RE2R kicked off a whole new remake train. I don't see why Capcom would stop with numbered titles when they basically have gold at their doorstep. If Dusk Gollem is to believed, 0 and CV are being remade as we speak. I am iffy on him, but I defintiely belive CV is being remade due to fans' outcry. Outbreak is a game that fans are dying for - and Capcom knows it. Capcom isn't going to waste time and money on remaking a game that was already received very well and is still a modern game. RE7 is very modern. It isn't the age that defies the need for a remake, it's the gameplay and how modern it is. All of the Remakes we have gotten are of older games that have outdated controls. RE7 is very modern. It plays like it was released last year. When gaming eventually either a) screeches to a hault due to the inability to become more advanced, or b) keeps on advancing to where modern games will be viewed as outdated with controls...we won't see an RE7 remake. It's pointless.
@leviathan9865 17 күн бұрын
holy new gen
@solidsnake3598 18 күн бұрын
I'll never forget this song
@calvinsmith1100 18 күн бұрын
We'll never get a resident evil like this 😢
@RacoonCityPizza 18 күн бұрын
@@calvinsmith1100 Check out The Keeper's Diary at Residence of Evil!
@evanbohn 19 күн бұрын
i'm gonna be patient. really patient. Europe and Spain ARE NOT two different countries. boring, over-long video. no argument of substance.
@RacoonCityPizza 19 күн бұрын
And yes, I am aware they are not two different countries. This was one of my first videos and was a mistake on my part. Thanks for watching!
@carloRX78K2 20 күн бұрын
And thats why i still like the subtle story of the classic trilogy with the exception of the remake of RE1 trying to connect it all for RE2 and RE3nemesis, it made sense the other remakes while better in atmosphere and story telling doesn't leave too much ambiguity and reveals too much.
@RacoonCityPizza 20 күн бұрын
@@carloRX78K2 I get that, I sort of feel the same way. But it's hard to judge it really. They had to build the story as each game released, whereas the Remakes have an advantage to where they can take already existing stories and add on to them. Them revealing too much is hard to judge too. We already know the basic story beats. But I will say I was pleasantly surprised by the connection between RE3 and RE4 Remakes. If they keep that level of connectivity together, we could finally have a more streamlined story. But the classics, while the stories are hit or miss with quality and continuity, are timeless gems. They are like a time machine to the past.
@GranadaElChico 20 күн бұрын
@jiggycalzone8585 20 күн бұрын
Waiting for confirmation that ouroboros and the mold are connected
@RacoonCityPizza 20 күн бұрын
@@jiggycalzone8585 Lol
@jiggycalzone8585 20 күн бұрын
​​@@RacoonCityPizzagreat vid man I'm into the ideas on how 456 connect to 789, I don't think it's plaga per se but the liquid probably connects to ouros and ouros has an undeniable number of similar characteristics to the mold-- especially bosses like Baker
@RacoonCityPizza 20 күн бұрын
@@jiggycalzone8585 Thanks a ton for checking it out :)
@Inblader 20 күн бұрын
I mean it’s easier to connect the series altogether now than it was before, considering they had no idea in what direction they were heading back then, which is normal. The series had no continuity yet, so when you have the full picture than the OG games didn’t have, it is expected to manage that. The contrary would have been disappointing. RE4 can now tease RE5 (and not a remake of it, this was misinterpreted in my opinion), RE4 is tied to RE3 with the parasite. Leon and Ada’s characters have more continuity between RE2 and RE4 than they had in the OGs where they felt like complete different characters.
@juanlilg2868 20 күн бұрын
That’s exactly what I was about to comment. It’s a lot easier putting everything together with hindsight
@RogueDragon05 20 күн бұрын
The reason that all the mainline games as well as their remakes are canon all at the same time is cause certain elements of all the different playthroughs are canon without concern for how they can all have happened at the same time. There will never be an explicit "This is exactly what happend" version cause these are all video games first and foremost. For example a "canon" version of RE1 would have Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Albert, Richard, and Enricho all tripsing around the mansion at the same time blasting away at zombies and solving puzzles on top of each other and yet rarely ever (in some cases never) running into one another nor hearing their life and death struggles or gun blasts and thats not including Lisa, zombie Forest, and Yawn. RE5 implies that Chris is the one that ruined Alberts plans in RE1 and thus earned his hatred, yet Revalations 2 makes it clear that both the "Jill Sandwich" and "Master of Unlocking" lines actually were said by Barry, this would imply that neither was locked up the whole game and both were activly exploring the mansion without encountering each other and doing all the same things over and over. See how ridiculous this gets? Just enjoy them as games cause even in games that don't give any real leeway in how the story unfolds like RE5 there is still plenty of "gameplay before story" moments. As far as the remakes making more "sense" I suspect that that has more to do with them being the preference for alot of younger and newer RE fans who think that tank controls are some sort of pagan mystism that requires you to sell your soul to Satan in order to work and that they have prettier graphics. If they are your preference thats fine but I see them as simple reimaginings of the same basic story little different then the Umbrella and Darkside Chronicles, they don't replace anything just give an alternate version of events and add new details.
@RacoonCityPizza 20 күн бұрын
@@RogueDragon05 I get what you mean. But what I like about the Remakes is that we DO have a definitive story. Some small things, in particular the A/B Claire and Leon story in RE2R, can be a little questionable. Everything is however is perfection. I don't think Capcom is using the word "Canon" correctly here. Ivy monsters are NOT the same. Locations are different. Some events are 100% removed or reworked. Sure, the same story beats are more or less there. But I like that the current games are focusing more on consistency and detail.
@RogueDragon05 20 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza Like you said even in the remake of 2 there are inconsistencies and all the remakes have completely abandoned elements as well. But like I said enjoy what you enjoy. I'm just glad that Capcom seems to be more opened to keeping the originals alive then previously thought with the old school PC releases on GOG recently, and I hope we can see some modern console ports soon. Hell would be great if they added them as DLC for the remakes even.
@Nathan-Croft 21 күн бұрын
That's why i like that KZfaq started recommending smaller channels. So many unique takes, I never thought of this, although it's obvious, because the story became more important in modern gaming than before
@RacoonCityPizza 21 күн бұрын
@@Nathan-Croft That means a lot to me! The video about the Plaga and Mold being related is an old video and, to be honest, isn't the best quality. But you can also read soem of my replies here if you're interested in that. Trust me, I have a lot of other videos planned that are a bit more unique than this ;)
@Nathan-Croft 21 күн бұрын
@RacoonCityPizza Funny you mentioned the black substance poured on Ashley being connected to the mold, because yesterday I watched a Resident Evil remake analysis called "How Resident Evil 4 remake deepened the lore" or something like that, denouncing this connection, although I don't remember how.
@absolutions6108 21 күн бұрын
Does R2 work on the PS5 controller to aim? It doesn't seem to work using an Xbox controller, it doesn't recognize it as being a button at all
@sherif956 21 күн бұрын
Ok srsly this Netflix show like..literally theyre usin the EXACT same story premise as the lance reddick one,except tht the MC in question is not weskers daughter but james marcus like..aughh,srsly ive seen lazy rehashes but this is too much,thts a level below lazy i cant even find a word for it..smfh,like im fully convinced netflix higher ups have legit been lobotomized to b THIS stupid,ive seen infants smarter than this ! Like guys ur literally usin the same formula that got u to cancel ur 1st show after just one lousy 8 episode season ! 😂honestly id rather see the 0 movie set in Johannes roberts universe,least tht has some decent stuff tht makes it bearable in my humble opinion
@RacoonCityPizza 21 күн бұрын
Couldn't of said it better myself! It is RIDICULOUS!
@sherif956 21 күн бұрын
Normally id agree,but the plaga is actually prehistoric and its place of origin is unknown,like it was found in spain sure,but whn adam saddler found it,it was already encased in ambe,sucha process requires least 10 million yrs of inactivity,while the megamycete is like a few thousand yrs old give or take,as in the plaga came 1st before the mold,u know wt I mean?
@RacoonCityPizza 21 күн бұрын
Nope, mold is ancient as well. Look it up. ;)
@sherif956 19 күн бұрын
@RacoonCityPizza yes the mold is ancient but it's only a couple 1000 yrs old,I looked it up,but the plaga is prehistoric,as in it existed way before humanity itself,may have even been the 1st stable organism progenitor has created since primordial earth whn life itself began
@RacoonCityPizza 19 күн бұрын
@@sherif956 According to the wiki - "The exact origins of the Mold are presently unknown, though anthropological and architectural evidence in Eastern Europe suggest the Black God supercolony lived for millennia." So the age isn't known. And even if the mold is indeed younger than the Plaga, it still doesn't chsnge the idea that it could accelerate the growth or strength of the Plaga.
@sherif956 19 күн бұрын
@RacoonCityPizza well ur technically correct,tho if u RLY want a juiced up plaga thts basically a world ender: mind u this is my theoritical approach after witnessing what the plaga can do,and wt ik of progenitor Inject the "amber" aka the thing tht made saddler scared af,and the thing tht made martinico,mind u tht particular sample did alot of srs damage even whn encased,so imagine wt it could do if its inside a livin host,thn inject said subject with copious amounts of vanilla progenitor virus straight from the flowers (somethin nt even albert wesker can survive),the subject will remain alive thanks to the amber after it fully assimilated the host,and thanks to progenitor it will evolve beyond anythin at such insane speeds,since progenitor is the agent tht created life itself in REs world,can't get any purer than tht,the result would be somethin only albert wesker or lord spencer dream of becoming,but thts just my theory 😅
@RacoonCityPizza 19 күн бұрын
@@sherif956 If that worked, that'd be insane! I think it'd be cool if there was some sort of connection between the leeches in 0 and the Uroboros in 5. Perhaps a tiny little bit in there, maybe Wesker took inspiration from James Markus. It's probably just a visual similarity, but ya neve know! I think they REALLY need to hammer down on Las Plagas in 5. If memory serves me right, one of the first known instances of Las Plagas was in Africa. Not related to the specific location in 5 though, from what I remember. Maybe Wesker saw some remenants of it and that's what propelled him forward to find some - which is why he sent Ada in RE4.
@Tri_Nguyen_ 22 күн бұрын
nah I cant accept remake jill
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@Tri_Nguyen_ I like her. But I feel like I can't quite have a full opinion until we see her more.
@dopekingcoco 22 күн бұрын
Absolutely W video man I’m subbing
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@dopekingcoco You made my day!
@Mike.Knight69 22 күн бұрын
There was nothing difficult to understand about the original resident evil timeline literally almost everything is recorded and dated within all the games files and little side notes along the ways. Lot of the story was told in the scenery as well I felt it was up to the player to figure out what happened in these rooms or city streets left in disarray
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@Mike.Knight69 Never said it was inconsistent or difficult to follow. But gameplay alone makes the current games feel more streamlined. Going from fixed camera angles to over the shoulder in 4 was a bit interesting. These games all play the same, and RE4R alone had more connections to previous games than the original RE4 did
@GrayWolf5000 21 күн бұрын
Exactly. I was just born when the originals came out. Only played them when 7 came out and I was 16. I didn't have any issues understanding the originals and never thought they were inferior in that way to the remakes
@RacoonCityPizza 21 күн бұрын
@@GrayWolf5000 Agreed. They are amazing, always will be. But there are even more details I didn't mention in the video. Example, Rita's name is shown on a RPD desk. She is in outbreak as well.
@newmobils8294 6 күн бұрын
​​@@RacoonCityPizza Actually that's irrelevant to the game stories connectedness you're just talking about the familiarity of the gameplay which also exist in the originals as all of them were fixed camera angels until RE4
@RacoonCityPizza 6 күн бұрын
@@newmobils8294 My point is that it isn't just a straight forward story where there are only references to the previous game. These Remakes are sprinkled in with clever Easter eggs and connections that the older ones didn't have. Yes, the original games before 4 did play the same. But we are seeing these Remakes where ALL of them play the same. When we eventually get a CV Remake, and possibly even a 1 or 0 Remake, those games will feel a lot more streamlined, due to all of the games up to that point playing the same way. Even 4 and 5 (and especially 6) feel way different than even 7 does. So we could potentially see a world where every RE game plays essentially the same. I'm not dogging on the OG games by any means, I play them all the time. Love those games. But the Remakes do indeed have more connections.
@Lubble- 22 күн бұрын
Uhh nope the black liquid isn't the mold at all, it's just an accelerant for the plaga, why would a remote village in Spain have fountains and pools of mold? Just a big no I'm afraid
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@Lubble- Check out the video I made and you'll see.
@Lubble- 22 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza you reference how they're close.... That's it, if it was the mold then that would be referenced more, they wouldn't intentionally link it to Village and then not reference it at least, even a name drop would have been ok, it's said that the black liquid is something to accelerate and enhance the liquid but in no way it is said it's actually related to the plaga.... The plaga are physical parasites, the mold is a fungal like mass....I like the idea and the theory but it's 99% likely they're not the same
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@Lubble- The general idea is that the mold in RE8 wasn't what caused the people to turn into monsters. That was the Cadou parasite made my Miranda. The mold helped, but wasn't the cause. Both locations in 4 and 8 are relatively close, and the mold and plaga are both stored underground. I don't find it hard to believe that the black liquid in RE4R is either the same mold from 8, or a slight variant of it. We see variants of parasites all the time, same with viruses.
@Lubble- 22 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza if it was a jar of black liquid with a note next to it then yeah sure, but to say that Salazar had pumps of the stuff in his castle is a bit far fetched, even if it is a strain of the mold it's not the exact same strain that Miranda has controlled, so by that logic you may as well say the common cold is linked to the mold and t virus..... Again it's a cool idea but it's incredibly unlikely otherwise there would be more emphasis on it
@RacoonCityPizza 22 күн бұрын
@@Lubble- What exactly makes it unlikely? The mold and liquid do the same thing: they accelerate the growth of a parasite. They both have similar but different hive mind type of control.
@Deadmancrawler 22 күн бұрын
I pray that the resident evil outbreak remake comes. I love the original outbreak games and it was full on horror survival. Seeing alyssas name on 7 was shocking 4 me. And hopefully it was kevin on the radio
@_random3906 11 күн бұрын
Agreed. It was so underrated considering back then not many people played in the online mode.
@DaniloLuizdeCastroLuizdeCastro 22 күн бұрын
this is bullshit
@RacoonCityPizza 21 күн бұрын
@@DaniloLuizdeCastroLuizdeCastro Thanks for watching regardless. :)
@servingzombies 23 күн бұрын
Man, I want an outbreak remake, atleast bring it to the psn catalog.
@RacoonCityPizza 23 күн бұрын
@@servingzombies Outbreak could literally be their highest selling RE game if they did it right.
@RacoonCityPizza 23 күн бұрын
Hey everyone, I realized after the stream was done that there were two problems: - My video was frozen throughout half of the stream - The "starting soon" screen during the small break I took didn't loop These issues have been noted and will be fixed next time. Thanks for watching!
@Daringloki 23 күн бұрын
I want them to remake resident evil one for many reasons, but the main reason is a Canon where everybody escapes and then also give us a reason why Wesker hates Chris so much. We only see him interact with Chris and Veronica the first game and then resident evil 5 that’s literally it. We don’t have any more interactions with him and even in Veronica he hardly interacts with Chris.
@RacoonCityPizza 23 күн бұрын
I personally think one of two things. 1) Wesker hates Chris for some reason that does indeed need to be explored, or 2) He hates ALL of the S.T.A.R.S members just so happens that Chris is the one he always crosses paths with. He does cross paths with Jill in RE5 obviously, but he kept her under his spell not only as a way to use her, but to tourment her as well. We even see that PTSD play out in Death Island.
@Daringloki 23 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza mainly I want to see a real ending where all the characters survive keep the other endings in the game or mention them for an Easter egg or something, but like give us a real ending, cause it’s literally impossible to get a real ending in the remastered version of the game and it’s beyond annoying that you can’t get the real ending and I have only gotten most of them. There’s six other endings I have not gotten. I’m just saying the game will look amazing in the RE engine. I hope it’s the next game but I think that code Veronica needs a remake more. They should save the first game for the 30th anniversary, but at the same time, I think Re9 should be next.
@RacoonCityPizza 23 күн бұрын
@@Daringloki I agree with all of this 100%.
@Daringloki 23 күн бұрын
@@RacoonCityPizza if they do remake this game for the 30th anniversary, I want them to change some things but keep the formula to the original but if they do this, I want them to put the fix camera angle in the remake of this game. Keep the puzzles loyal to the originalthings like the defense items and make the knife a little more broken. Make it like the resident evil to remake can break some ideas in there Capins if you listen and read these comments, it’s a look at them.
@donkaz9592 25 күн бұрын
These concept arts need to be realized into a Hollywood blockbuster movie
@deltavagen9796 25 күн бұрын
1:40 omg jill is so hot
@Forget1987 26 күн бұрын
@Forget1987 26 күн бұрын
The hunter western scene was good
@Forget1987 26 күн бұрын
I give it a B
@Forget1987 26 күн бұрын
It wasn't bad but better than the nextflix crap
@furrycheetah 22 күн бұрын
Netflix will go bankrupt
@Forget1987 22 күн бұрын
@furrycheetah yeah the latest I watched from that shit streaming service is the new Beverly hills cop 4 and I honestly haven't watched shit else
@furrycheetah 22 күн бұрын
@@Forget1987 To be honest with you,I never downloaded that app or watch it at all
@ohinianahiuhki9088 26 күн бұрын
Nice video, man! I'll stick around for your next content! 😁
@RacoonCityPizza 26 күн бұрын
Thank you! It'll be a little better than this, but I'm still having to kind of throw things together. So it'll be a week or two until I can get a little more settled down.
@RacoonCityPizza 28 күн бұрын
If you're wondering why I posted this, there has been a bit of confusion when it comes to the controler for the GOG RE game. I made this to share to others and to remember it myself. 🙃
@servingzombies 28 күн бұрын
The hunter was great
@RacoonCityPizza 28 күн бұрын
I loved it. Was the best part to me.