@GromMolotok 2 күн бұрын
This may be my favorite official setting that I'll never get to the table. Other than maybe at a con.
@bigfathubert1606 5 күн бұрын
@ASavageWorldsGM 4 күн бұрын
It isn’t anything very sophisticated but here it is: www.icloud.com/shortcuts/0d1e1ffe41fe4b68acd9fe7c60b4ed2a
@Hjorth87 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for the video. My online group is dipping it's toes in different systems (our pf1 campaign through 3 years imploded on player drama) and are getting through a Burning Wheel campaign, so I kinda wanna try Savage for our next experiment.
@eggsaladthegreat9257 15 күн бұрын
I really liked this one! I've always been interested conceptually in a Tank/CC thing, but haven't seen it in the few years I've been playing. Good stuff!
@vintoks 16 күн бұрын
Good stuff! Thanks for the build!
@spike315 16 күн бұрын
Build videos would be awesome! Going into the mechanics for sure but also I think adding some flavor to things, since SWADE is such a blank canvas
@mangedrabbit 16 күн бұрын
I would absolutely love to see more build videos.
@ericsplosions 16 күн бұрын
A couple of corrections, Defender is a Seasoned edge, and both arcane resist and fleet footed are background so don't work with the fighter edge, doh! Threw this together at the last minute last week so hopefully it didn't come off to jumbled...😵
@kalleendo7577 16 күн бұрын
@Shad0wchasers1 16 күн бұрын
Would love to see a bunch more build videos, I learned or was reminded about a bunch of game mechanics I often (as a GM) overlook and forget to remind my players about. A couple of (hopefully) constructive criticisms for your next outline: 1) Don't start out listing so many caveats, instead frame the build as what it is designed for, and let players adapt it to their own needs. For example, you could frame this build as a Fantasy Campaign fighter who draws enemy attacks away from their allies, and describe in general their methodology. Though I do like your commentary that a lot of the Fantasy Companion features are portable to other campaigns. 2) up-front two or three key interactions you're designing the build around, and mention the 2 or 3 important traits (skills, edges, abilities) the build needs. THEN break it down into sections, like ability scores, edges, and gear. 3) Slow down a bit. Each part of this video is helpful and educational, and has almost-equal merit to the rest. Don't rush so much like you're trying to get through each section in a hurry. Give people time to hear and absorb what you're saying. Illustrate your bullet points (the graphical sections where you show the text from the book are *super* helpful). If someone wants to speed up the video, they can literally do that by increasing the speed of video playback, but slowing things down doesn't work so well. For some of us, it makes it a bit harder to follow along if you're speaking so quickly. In general, I really found this video more helpful than a lot of the other videos where you guys pick a single topic and circle around it randomly. A "build" or "character concept" approach like this gives you a really good outline to build a discussion around, helps players by teaching them how they can use the game mechanics to emulate the story roles they might want to emulate, and helps GMs like me see how these rules are going to interact with our Wild Cards and Extras. The more structured your video, the easier it is for me to follow along and learn from, particularly when you bring graphics and lists to the party to help reinforce your points with visuals I'll see when I'm looking things up in the game books myself.
@Shad0wchasers1 16 күн бұрын
But definitely please make more build videos. This video and the video where you went over the Fantasy Companion arcane backgrounds *after having studied them* were my favorites you've done so far on this channel. The more structured and focused videos are easier to follow for someone with ADHD (me!), and give me an application for the rules you discuss which makes them easier to remember. I'm not too keen on the 'reaction' style video where you were looking at the Sci Fi companion book elements for the first time, and just giving instant thoughts on it. I much prefer when you take the time to look at how things interact and suggest improvements or best-use-cases for things. That's a big part of why I like the build video approach, you clearly exhibit a use-case for the rules you discuss and give the audience tools that are easier to use in their own games.
@ericsplosions 16 күн бұрын
thanks for the comments, yeah for sure need to frame the build with its more specific use from the get, good point. As for the speed, its something I have and need to work on more (as I also have adhd) , part of it is also we are aware that in general shorter videos do better so I try to balance out the slew of info with going faster but I take your point in that these kind of videos need to breathe more.
@TheFreepie 16 күн бұрын
It was the Tests video where you mentioned a tank build video ;)
@havasigabor9986 22 күн бұрын
Except for superheroes, SWADE is just enough for anything! Reasons? Watch the video, all my tought were mentioned! ;)
@Jetwolf 23 күн бұрын
@claudiolentini5067 23 күн бұрын
I don't have the most experience with SW, although i really like it, but i feel that the rulebook could focus a bit more on *How* to create mechanics for a setting, like you do in this video Like on how to create rulesets, how to adjust exsisting edges, how to create new edges, that sort of things
@mrmaster9801 23 күн бұрын
This is one video I was waiting for, because sometimes I feel to be one of the few who thinks that a game should be perfectly playable and enjoyable with just its core book and it's good to see that other people think it this way. Don't get me wrong, it's good to have many choices at your disposal, whether they are adventures, settings, companions, etc. Not everyone has the time to craft a campaign all by themselves and those works are (supposedly) done by professionals, hence better than the average player's. That's great, but sometimes you risk to be encumbered by all those books out there (aka over abundance of manuals at the table, it doesn't matter if their are paper or virtual ones), not to mention the cost (quality has its price after all). And sometimes it sucks when you buy a manual just for those 20 pages you are interested in. That's why I love Savage Worlds. It gives you the freedom to choose whether you want to go core manual only or head for the valley of the 100 manuals, keeping the quality of the game intact whatever choice you make. As for me, I play a fantasy and a scifi campaign. For the former I use the core book, the fantasy companion (mainly for Powers, magic items and bestiary, with setting rules a close second, but I could avoid the Powers section if I had the updated SWADE core manual) and PSW Bestiary (since I play in the Realms, those monsters look closer to their D&D equivalent, but I plan on making a serious comparison among them and the one in the FC). For the latter, I only have the SWADE core manual and the old Interface Zero 2.0 manual (pdf received for free during the pandemic, but I only used it as a reference for gear, Hindrances and Edges). I'm waiting for the Sci-Fi Companion to be available for us non backers, because I'm expecially curious about gear, spaceships and related rules (I love spaceships ^^) and of course Hindrances and Edges to add to my list. No setting manuals, as you can see, I prefer to use those of IP I like and to either tweak them to SWADE (if they already have their rpg) or to Savage them (if they don't have, at least to my knowledge, an official rpg).
@GromMolotok 23 күн бұрын
A lot of great reminders and suggestions. Not that it'll stop me from buying interesting settings, of course.
@ASavageWorldsGM 23 күн бұрын
I agree. I love reading settings and use them when need to provide deep flavor and feeling for a game.
@gaidenn3937 23 күн бұрын
You keep saying no need for a setting. Everything has a setting (even homebrew). You just don't need a setting book. 😃
@ASavageWorldsGM 23 күн бұрын
Of course you are right! I was optimizing my words a little too much by dropping the "book" part.
@AegixDrakan 23 күн бұрын
I run my Fantasy game using just basic SWADE and some homebrew additions of my own (I made some free abilities the player gets at certain ranks depending on their Arcane Background, or if they don't have one). It's going quite well. There's no need for more than that, really. SW is so flexible and modular that you can easily homebrew up anything you need. I'm actually making spell scrolls and other fun consumables as rewards, for example. :P
@AegixDrakan 23 күн бұрын
A sum-up of my Arcane Background homebrew stuff: Gifted casters are now "adepts". They pick an Element/Focus. If they don't have any around, they cast at penalties. If they have an abundance of it around, they cast with a bonus. Their abilities reflect their "cast a lot" nature, or lean more into their chosen element, making them basically into Benders. Wizards get abilities that let them more freely mess around with trappings and modifiers (Can change the trapping for slightly more PP, Can tack on up to +2 in Modifiers on a Raise, a separate pool of PP for modifiers only, etc). Muses (Bards) can give an ally a non-acing d4 they can add to a roll, and get bonus effects depending on how their spellcasting dice (trait + wild die) numbers line up (Whether they're both even, both odd, or different entirely). Divine casters can sacrifice their Wild Die until their next long rest in exchange for a very potent action, depending on the god that empowers them (so, Vengeance would let them retaliate against someone that harmed an ally by retaliating with skipping straight to damage as if they got a raise. The healing goddess lets them nullify one instance of damage, no matter how high, etc). Enchanters (Weird science) get that "artificer" edge for free, where they can pre-cast spells during rests and crack them open at will later without a roll in combat, and in fact get to make and maintain a few free ones. And finally Fae Pact casters have Wild magic that fires off anytime they crit fail, or Ace a spellcasting roll. The higher their rank the more reliable the Wild Magic gets (ie, the more unpleasant results are removed from the table). Edit: Forgot non-casters! They get multiple choices of abilities, from "spend a benny to cleave/ricochet the same damage they just dealt to another nearby enemy" to "Here's a d6 Critical Hit die you can add to any damage roll once per session (can be invested in to make it better)" to "You can survive an additional wound and ignore a wound penalty." to "You can choose to make an attack into a Test on a Raise"
@rommdan2716 23 күн бұрын
I like to piece together a mech ruleset by using the size chart, Arcane backgrpunds and Edges, haven't done play test but it's a nice exercise!
@ZaWyvern 23 күн бұрын
"you don't have to buy a setting for gear"... Me running Savage Rifts... 😅 Savage Pathfinder seems to be a good setting to transition players coming from D20 space.
@ASavageWorldsGM 23 күн бұрын
For fans, Rifts is more than a setting...it's a way of life.
@ZaWyvern 23 күн бұрын
😂 Very true
@JonasSusara 23 күн бұрын
Best advice ever!
@TheOctopod-nc2ob 25 күн бұрын
Hmmmm ill have to check it out
@GromMolotok 25 күн бұрын
This has been worth every penny of the KS so far. Looking forward to you picking it apart when the final draft is released.
@JonEnge 27 күн бұрын
I decided maybe a month ago I want to do a sci fi SW game. Googled it and saw this was kickstarting for next year. AGH! So long! lol. Love this deep dive, this reminds me of my HS days when we took stuff from all the books to use in our games (but these rules are undoubtedly better!) Thanks for the deep dive, looking forward to the deeper dives!
@danielcaetano5251 Ай бұрын
Hi! A video about using Savage Worlds Adventure generators would be awesome. Thank you for your work.
@2manyhobbies857 Ай бұрын
Cannot wait for your deep dives into this one.
@JohnnyDoom Ай бұрын
Back it early, back it often.
@Onionkid99 Ай бұрын
More options, more monsters! Always good stuff
@IdiotinGlans Ай бұрын
I get a lot of Dragonlance vibes from your campaign, which is good since I want to offer Savage Worlds as one of alternatives to 5e, once I finish a campaign in that, includig for Dragonlance games.
@RecklessFables Ай бұрын
RIP headphone users when the opening music hits.
@ASavageWorldsGM Ай бұрын
My apologies; obviously missed that in the mix this time.
@whitestagg Ай бұрын
Running combat as a new SW GM has been an awful and boring slog. This type of video helps you break out of the D&D mindset.
@mattoneill1351 Ай бұрын
That was one of your better videos. Thanks. More like this. I do better with short content on topics. I'd love to play in your game someday. I thought about it and another recomendation I have is to give the Wild Cards the Nerves of Steel (an edge name I don't like) and this ignores a wound penalty so you don't have to spend bennies on soaking but still keep the villian, who often at a disadvantage due to action economy, effective in the final combat.
@atticusrussell1642 Ай бұрын
I have had groups of extras do group rolls in melee against the pc’s. One fighting roll and add their exact number minus one for gang up (up to four of course). They only get one damage roll however, but often get to roll it at that high of a bonus. It’s messy, but it’s quicker than rolling individually for twenty extras in a scene and then having to wake your players up to tell them when they should soak. High level play also has the same potential of time bloating that some other RPG’s do: as fun as it might be to have four actions a round by your villain doing lower spirit/fear/frenzy/taunt, just try to keep it simple.
@AegixDrakan Ай бұрын
Quick Encounter Combat is really a godsend, honestly. That and minimizing Mook rolls by having them all do the same thing so you get 1 trait roll and maybe 1-2 damage rolls.
@mrmaster9801 Ай бұрын
These sound good advices, though I must admit that I've used only some of them (group rolls, quick encounters, Resilient rather than overhigh Thoughness). Coincidentally, the ones that I used take advantage of the options available in the core manual, which means that the developers did their job well. As for the one about inviting players to take a decision within a reasonable time, I've started using it back in my 5e days, because sometimes we had ridiculous situations were thinking about the next move in combat would take almost the same time as the combat round itself. I now put a time limit when deciding what to do in combat (from 30 to 60 sec, depending on the situation and including talking with the other players). The one about MAP is a new and cool one, but I think that players who like to optimize the results will always take some time, no matter how quick we try to make the game go ^^". Finally, as my personal suggestion, I can add that I've always skipped minis in favour of drawing on the map or using generic tokens. Picking up the right minis among dozens of them can consume quite a lot of them, but drawing enemies and PC on the map (we use Pathfinder Flip Mat Basic Terrain with wet markers) is far quicker and easier. Going beyond that (drawing combatants can make the drawn room confusing), we now use generic plastified tokens, where we can write what's needed and then, after wiping the writing out, they can be quickly used again. Hope this may help someone out there ^^.
@GromMolotok Ай бұрын
Quick Encounters are quite possibly the most important tool in the GM's box for keeping the game moving. Not just combat either. They're invaluable for when the players decide to color outside the lines, for keeping a convention game from going over its time slot, and a whole bunch of other things I'm not thinking of right now.
@aprozach Ай бұрын
This is one of the best videos I've seen you do! I may or may not steal this idea for my campaign. A question. How do you keep the fantasy feel while still keeping the pulpy FFF of savage worlds?
@ASavageWorldsGM Ай бұрын
The fantasy feel in Savage Worlds is obviously different from D&D. Players never become "gods." I think I take the approach of keeping sense of encountering new wonders and unusual events/creatures even if the power level doesn't continue to ratchet up like in D&D. I like the concepts from "The Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master" where he talks about defining secrets and fantastic locations as part of the prep for adventures.
@aprozach Ай бұрын
@@ASavageWorldsGM that makes a lot of sense! The power creep in D&D is one of the reasons why I stopped playing it. Thanks for the video and the added information!
@miked.9364 Ай бұрын
Wow. Just Wow. Stupidly overpowered McGuffin....check Getting McGuffin way, way too early...check GM leading everyone around with silliness...check Hello 1989 Not glad to see you again. Here's a Gm trying to explain his campaign and bombing so bad it's laughable.
@spike315 Ай бұрын
Grateful for your content Carl!
@spike315 Ай бұрын
@JohnnyDoom Ай бұрын
Do they get a greater-wish if they find the 7 dragon eggs? Wait, wrong show
@windmark8040 Ай бұрын
Would like to hear more session and campaign recaps and insight. Great stuff!
@GromMolotok Ай бұрын
We usually switch GMs when a campaign comes to a natural end point. (Or when the current GM gives up, but that's a different topic.) So I haven't experienced quite what you describe here. However, I'm currently running Godbound. This is as player-driven a setting as I've ever seen. It's definitely keeping me on my toes. No matter how many hooks I throw at them, they often come up with yet another option. So I have to have at least loose plans for many variations. And quantum ogre-style shenanigans have to pop up, moving something I do have outlined onto the path they've chosen.
@spike315 Ай бұрын
Doing the stuff!
@Flashkeg Ай бұрын
I ran rise of the runelords for pathfinder 1 and big issue is it doesn’t scale well as levels get higher and that becomes very difficult as a dm (my +20 to stealth etc). I want to run rise of the runelords again since it is so great but with savage worlds since I think it will avoid that issue.
@AegixDrakan Ай бұрын
I'm adopting that Crit Fail rule, because my table REALLY gets those often enough to suck lol.
@spike315 Ай бұрын
Great video very helpful
@sleadaddy Ай бұрын
Huh. I thought 1 PP per target for selective was already how it worked!
@spike315 Ай бұрын
I am looking at the bubbles!