Has The LGBTQ Movement Gone Too Far?
Joy Reid Defends Gay P*rn For Kids
@antonyouten5447 35 минут бұрын
Before the twelfth amendment. Both parties put 2 candidates each foreward. The vice president was the one out of four who got the second most votes regardless of party, the president getting the most.
@timbean7849 51 минут бұрын
government sponsored racism exist when the only difference between a hate crime and freedom of speech is who it offends
@tomford3018 Сағат бұрын
This guy sounds too stoned to even understand what he is learning.
@shawnarcher9565 Сағат бұрын
we where taught all of this stuff in grade school in the 1960's for pete's sake.
@BPF80MCar-vi1pg Сағат бұрын
Blacks have no culture
@johncotter2008 3 сағат бұрын
It's great to see that people are finding out the real history of the democrat party. They are evil.
@ThatGuyyApollo 3 сағат бұрын
I went to the grocery store and maybe got like 15 items and it was 124$ and it was bare bones essentials that I picked out the ones that were on sale or combo sales too. She’s not wrong, it seems like every time a democrat now is president, everyone is broke and bills are too high, but your paycheck never goes up.
@HammerJammer81 3 сағат бұрын
Its refreshing to witness the moment folks realize their minds are enslaved to propaganda. Very noticeable here.
@ThatGuyyApollo 3 сағат бұрын
Back then being a democrat or a republican wasn’t as extreme as it is now. So being a republican with a democrat vice president wasn’t as odd as it would be today. That’s because today instead of relying on the values of the candidate, everyone just blindly votes for their party even if you get someone terrible like Joe Biden. Because the voters know that now they’ll just hire and appoint staff of their same party. But like I said back then parties weren’t as big of a deal as they are now. Think of people like Franklin Roosevelt and John F Kennedy? Both Democrats, but loved by the entire nation for their genuine values and good leadership. Especially me as a history nerd raised in Florida, I naturally have republican views but I strongly believe that FDR and JFK are the two best presidents ever in my opinion.
@_.Username.Not.Found._1 3 сағат бұрын
What they fail to leave out (and is an extremely important part of history) is how the democratic and republican parties switched ideologies, starting around the great depression and leading up to the civil rights movement. At the time of the civil war, the majority of republicans were the north and the democrats were the south. This held true right up until about civil rights, when the racist dixie democrats felt betrayed and flipped republican. Go look at the election maps from say 1880 until 1960, the south was firmly democrat. They even voted for George Wallace in 68 (the man who stood at the doors of the University of Alabama in protest to desegregation). From that point on they were firmly republican. Even Texas was predominantly Democrat until the 70s when they fully flipped to republican. All because the republicans were now the party that aligned with their values.
@bhight100 3 сағат бұрын
I hate democrats and i hate that PragerU keeps making me defend them on this topic. PragerU is only right in final results about the civil war, in order so far of what ive watched, the KKK was fpunded by democrat General Forrest to defend southern cotizens from continued torture, murder and rape from union soldiers, when racist took hold in the KKK, he ordered it be disbanded and cofounded the NAACP. Two, the civil war, (wrongly named that since by all real definitions, the seceeded states were by all legal definitions their own nation) was not over slavery, confirmed as much by all involved at the time, the supreme court in United States V Jefferson Davis 1867, the corwin amendment that nearly passed wothout any Confederate states, the 4 union slave states and all Union taken territory explicitly exempted by the Emancipation proclamation and more. Three, Lincoln was an avid racist who supported his home state Illinois' laws banning blacks emtirely, he proposed deporting all minorities, including Natives from America and had to be threatened by England to not execute an entire Native American Tribe over an unapologetically fabricated claim. Four, Lincoln was adimately opposed to integration. He was very open about his hate of blacks. Five, those "new rights for the newly freed slaves" include being raped and murdered randomly.
@salliehodge1812 3 сағат бұрын
@GenX_-um2ct 4 сағат бұрын
It’s not black culture it is the lack of black culture. Culture is the customs and traditions handed down from primarily your parents. A lot of black homes only have mom in the home. How else do you think that turns out?
@williammontgrain6544 4 сағат бұрын
@sardonicsunrise6341 4 сағат бұрын
For alot of us history the loser of the presidential election became the vice president, so it was quite common in the 1800s for the president and vice president to be from opposing parties.
@RaLeaChaddle-kq9gi 4 сағат бұрын
Low level reaction. I've watched thousands.
@williammontgrain6544 4 сағат бұрын
Racial segregation kept old redneck culture alive among southern blacks through isolation.
@williammontgrain6544 4 сағат бұрын
The redneck culture he talks about which southern blacks inherited from their former slave masters was one of overbearing pride, taking offense at small perceived slights to said pride, and a disdain for hard work and scholastic achievement. That was the culture of southern whites at the time and by default was the culture southern blacks were taught in the early antebellum south.
@DocStasia 4 сағат бұрын
You also need to consider that since the 70's and 80's the CIA was running narcotics in the projects too. The evidence has been out there a long time on these things. Get them hooked, keep them in poverty. They've kept history from you. The democratic party separated during the civil war. It was fractured by those who wanted to free slaves and the Jim Crow Dems. Lincoln and these Northern Democrats became Republicans after that. I don't understand how people have been blind to what they have been doing. This is why they want CRT to become the new narrative.
@amandamiller7895 4 сағат бұрын
Prettiest couple on KZfaq
@marlinderwall8873 5 сағат бұрын
The best thing for everybody would be segregation.
@karie431 6 сағат бұрын
People of America, we have been so lied to.
@sbielec30 6 сағат бұрын
They call him “Landslide” Lyndon B Johnson… in 1948 he registered names from tombstones 🪦 to win his Senate seat.
@romanteni 6 сағат бұрын
Africans speak VERY proper english and pride themselves on education and being intelligent. Only the US blacks make the excuse that its their "culture" while they can't even speak properly and proud of it.
@colong1158 6 сағат бұрын
Listen ;Black culture , white coulter and any other worldly culture put it aside and keep your eyes on Jesus.The culture of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only and correct culture. Trust me you can't go wrong by Following the teachings of our creator. So repeat this prayer "Jesus save me". That's all ,He will then send the teacher (Holy Spirit ) to teach you the way of life .
@brutonano9521 6 сағат бұрын
Race , culture, income etc......in the end it was you all along because the world is in Chess and you make your own personal moves. Your soul is in your keeping alone.
@thearchitect817 6 сағат бұрын
The Dems cater to African Americans but not to bolster up. They’re policies are to suppress, oppress and force submission onto the demographic. Welfare, food stamps etc. are the result and it’s primarily to keep them under boot heel. The term “black people” was a racist term to devalue a human. It was a description of creatures that hid in the jungle and impossible to see at night. The Spanish actually created this term to describe and subsequently translated into “black people”. Every time a darker skin toned person uses this term, it credits racism as a necessity for ignorance. “White people” another racist term is a loose translation created by taught racists but actually came from Native Americans. They described European invaders as “white face, Ghost face, white devils”. Unfortunately there is/ was documentation showing that Lincoln was hesitant on his wants to create a bill to free the slaves and was even noted in the EP / emancipation proclamation.
@Itisinthename 7 сағат бұрын
The richer the language, the richer the thoughts. Save yourself the trouble and teach yourself and your kids Greek. Even if you are slow-minded your thought process is far superior to that of an English speaking genius. The treasures hidden in the etymology is by itself mesmerizing.
@gregeberhardt4229 7 сағат бұрын
They can't go back into their communities and start speaking normal...they are now uncle Tom's, or acting white. Understand misery loves company, and if you want to change, be it get educated or quit smoking or drinking...the people around will attack your efforts...most subtly. Offer free smokes or drinks...when hanging out even knowing byiur trying to quit...or taking you away from studying to hang out.... This community is rife with this behavior.... Until you remove yourself from the community and find people that speak like you want to, have the same goals... failure is inevitable!!!
@alexmaziarz7496 7 сағат бұрын
Wake up we are brothers
@dont_know_anymoreum797 7 сағат бұрын
A part she didn’t add in is that the first slaves in America weren’t just Africans but also Caucasians and between the 17th-19th century the US had several thousands of white slaves. A historian named Alan Taylor explained how while in 1620 slaves in America where often called “indentured servants” that most where forcibly transported into their servitude and that the slaves brought through being “indentured servants” were often orphans or criminals (petty and high crime alike). Another fact is that the slaves sold to Europeans during the transatlantic slave trade were often already slaves to their sellers and often time where prisoners of war captured by different tribes. Additionally, once slavery was abolished there was a push to send the freed slaves and their descendants/families back to Africa But was met with backlash from abolitionists and black Americans as they believed it was on their best interest to stay in America and push for citizenship. And Britain and France tried to go by navy to stop the transatlantic slave trade. They were able to get Denmark to abolish I’m 1803, Portugal to restrict their colonial trade in 1810, Sweden agreed to abolish in 1813, Spain in 1820, Japan in 1590(official slavery was abolished), Canada 1834, Mexico 1829, Jamaica 1838(formal slavery abolished and in 1845 introduced indentured servants), Brazil 1888 so on and so forth
@denisebutcher7717 7 сағат бұрын
Tom McDonald songs that are not so political Buttholes 😂 I’m sorry 😳 Gang Gang ❤ Church 😢 Cloned Rappers 🤔 Heart Emojis ❤❤
@redwave198 7 сағат бұрын
In those days, candidates did not choose running mates - the individual who lost the election automatically became VP
@johnfoster3736 8 сағат бұрын
Bing! And the lightbulb goes!
@BevBu 8 сағат бұрын
There's a lot of Republican propaganda. Democrats are currently fighting against fascist Republicans. Propaganda is how authoritarian governments gain and keep power.
@Nicky2Chains 8 сағат бұрын
People talk about the “switch” in party philosophy, but they are the same. The Dems use the black man now like they did before. The plantations are now inner cities, and the cotton are now votes. Harsh to say, but it is what it is. “But what about the black politicians who are democrat?” I refer you to Samuel Jackson’s character in Django Unchained
@user-nd8le9px4g 8 сағат бұрын
Africans and Muslims are a problem. Do NOT leave out the Muslims.
@justincook844 8 сағат бұрын
During Lincoln's time the V.P. was not selected by the president. They were the person who received the 2nd most votes for President.
@steveneff7879 8 сағат бұрын
In the days of the civil war, the vice president was the guy who came in second.
@Olorin884 9 сағат бұрын
I'm a white dude and I wish Thomas S was my grandfather.
@noriccrome6251 9 сағат бұрын
You are not ignorant nor dumb in any fashion. For you are willing to learn the truth for yourselves. That is a sign of high intelligent. Remember Democrats want you to believe whatever they say. One conservative taught me something that I now do. He said to me, read it for yourself.
@lesw3803 10 сағат бұрын
@lesw3803 10 сағат бұрын
Trades is where it’s at!
@lesw3803 10 сағат бұрын
when the Welfare system was created by Democrats, one of the requirements for a family to get benefits was that there was no “father figure” living in the home.
@nerdimmunity7672 11 сағат бұрын
People in East Anglia in the UK still say “l be” “you be” “we be”
@nerdimmunity7672 11 сағат бұрын
Thomas Sowell is the greatest living thinker
@kettch777 11 сағат бұрын
Footnote for those confused as to why the VP was a Democrat when the President was a Republican--Back then, the way the Vice President was chosen was not up to who won the Presidential election. Rather, the loser in the Presidential election would become Vice President. In theory, this meant both parties were represented in the executive branch. In practice, it just meant that all the losing party in an election needed to take power was for something to happen to the President. Andrew Johnson's obstruction of Republican priorities after Lincoln's assassination is a large reason this was changed so the party winning the election got both positions, so the agenda the people voted for would be upheld even if the President died in office.
@PikeBishop1 11 сағат бұрын
Culture is made and sustained by the people who embody it. Blatts are the problem, we create absolute sh!t culture wherever we are.
@andrewbardash1549 12 сағат бұрын
It’s infuriating the more you realize you’ve been lied to by our government, both sides.
@jerseyf8985 13 сағат бұрын
Watch WHITE SLAVE TRADE. So black Americans or just the black race in general can learn about WHITE SLAVES. Or white slaves in AMERICA that’s forgotten and OWNED by BLACK SLAVE OWNERS in AMERICA.