@CainSuzuko 12 күн бұрын
As an unhealthy ENTP or an ENTP that heavily uses the type's shadow functions, I approve of this video.
@PaulRamone356 16 күн бұрын
Shit, im at the bottom now, this is so accurate. Im too skillful for my own good. Im a dark place, im retreating to a place no one will ever find me, and i lie for free load and past bad deeds is creeping near or not, shit im not sure.
@user-ui6kx7jl4k 18 күн бұрын
she is INFP-t
@user-mn6li2yv4d 28 күн бұрын
When I was doing therapy my therapist asked me ( what are you scared of ?) I am always scared of myself because I feel within me there is a dragon if unleashed it can burn everything including me. Yet lately I am recognizing that it might only be what I tell myself and the beast has to to learn to ahow itself to argue with the world and decide the good and the evil.. It is exactly feels as if I learnt to hide an enormous potential just to fit in in a tiny world.
@user-mn6li2yv4d 28 күн бұрын
I have no desire to lead or to follow. But I know exactly when " I need to lead ".
@Nnn_k Ай бұрын
Mohamad … Jesus were also an INFJ figures who definitely changed the way world works
@azmendozafamily Ай бұрын
Not going to Tumbler should be the standard mode for humanity.
@bananabreadloaf Ай бұрын
Hmm if only I wasn’t so lazy haha My goals are much smaller than this due to knowing how much time and energy it would take to enter politics. I stay out of that mess, it’s so draining. I don’t even like to keep up with the current political leaders and voting. Because I know if I let myself think about it I won’t be able to stop halfway and it absolutely dominates my thoughts and life, because solving just one social injustice isn’t enough, once you start you have to finish. So I try to keep my thoughts on my personal life and how I can solve my own problems, since the world has a never ending list of huge problems. I don’t like starting things I can’t finish.
@motz0cheeeow_rex Ай бұрын
I see this a lot: people critiquing myers-briggs without proper knowledge of myers-briggs.
@sinovuyobudaza7167 Ай бұрын
People always say that GOT should have done a better job in showing Daenerys decent to madness. But I always knew that she wasn't mentally stable from the first season. There were many instances when her actions seemed noble but felt sus to me. So when she finally lost it, I was like, there it is. It took her long enough.
@abdearahmanboda8731 Ай бұрын
True points But disagreeing with the whole gods talk or quote And because of being a muslim actually even if I have such tendency ,my religion disciplines me And for God's sake come on people you're forgetting the moral compass every Infj have ,they may become like this IF they grew in poor environments and bcz of mental illness(es) ,and ultimately we just...... want ......peace
@Denebreus Ай бұрын
Been INFJ my whole life, evidently. Now I'm 60. Given the information of late, my past now makes more sense. And it's been a helluva ride...so far.
@jablacksheep3351 2 ай бұрын
INFJ's unite, 😆 🤣 😂
@ansumuth5626 2 ай бұрын
Omg...that intro gave me goosebumps
@TeaRiker 3 ай бұрын
You're entire argumentation consists of: "actually, nuh uh", "i don't think so" or "this isn't important". If there's actually something to the MBTI, you've done a god awful job at defending it
@TeaRiker 3 ай бұрын
btw, the MBTI is just an american cultural phenomenon. In europe (I live in germany), no one ever brings it up as something important. No recruiter uses it. Not even instagram girlies identify with it. And, more importantly: It plays no role in psychology research or therapy.
@TeaRiker 3 ай бұрын
No psychologist uses the MBTI. The big Five predict can predict a person much better then the MBTI. This should settle it.
@SHGogo-df5jr 3 ай бұрын
I'm not saying that its useless, but what about neurodivergent ppl? Things like autism fundamentally change how ppl's brains work, if a personality classification does not account for this then it needs to be updated.
@jobko88 3 ай бұрын
All I wanna know is why are people scared of MBTI
@BoudicasRevenge 3 ай бұрын
I think the scariest thing about being an INFJ is that with the right (or wrong, depending on how you look at it) series of circumstances one can go from one extreme to the next good or bad.
@CaptainJeanLucPicard 3 ай бұрын
I am just your ordinary next door neighbour who don't want any conflicts around me. Just want to beleft alone to live my life. I am no Daenerys, Jon Snow or Hitler. But, We INFJ people need to embrace the darkside in order to protect ourselves from being taken advantage of by others.
@who4251 3 ай бұрын
This can not be good for my ego..
@CBAD687 3 ай бұрын
One day I was talking with some friend about something and she asked me - " why do you think you have the right to take decisions on others behalf ? " And my reply was -" because I know what is right for them " And she smiled -" every one have the right to think for themselves and chose there actions, even if they did some mistakes it is up to them " she said At that time I was like " Wait... What??? " I couldn't believe her..Is It really okay to just let go of people and let them do whatever they want?" But now i know. all I can do is just giving them some advices and set them free.
@followfairy2708 4 ай бұрын
This is making me question my life goal. not that I will gone change it but I'm going to try to not end up like hitler at least! 😊
@charlielondon722 4 ай бұрын
Realizing I'm infj and I had a relationship and thought I loved a covert nacacist but being infj the second time I gave them time I perceived their facade and into their soul, which ain't great but hey we were given eyes to see and oh boy do we see😇🙏❤️
@PrincessAdim 4 ай бұрын
Hey kid. Come back. Your videos are good. I see you only have 4. But I think you’ve a lot more left to say.
@MomsRavioli 4 ай бұрын
I can become Hitler? Please don't flatter me...
@mister-zen8491 4 ай бұрын
At a certain point, when we go 'no more mister nice guy/gal', even the most divine of omniscient beings won't know what we are going to do next.
@crazy_desi 4 ай бұрын
As a teenager, I legit felt that I was a villain, mood swings would lead to intrusive thoughts and craziness but after that phase, I feel more peaceful. Parents, if your teens are infj, they need help, else that will be the beginning of a villain story lol.
@crazy_desi 4 ай бұрын
Look back and you'll realize we all hv literally manipulated others to get things done our way without them knowing or feeling offended by us. That's just crazy and scary as hell. Usually tests ask if I follow other's leads or if I just go my way like a rebel, the answer is neither, I legit make them turn their way into mine without them knowing. Are we making use of their innocence? yes, but do we intend to do that? no. It just happens. Damn we are the villains.
@crazy_desi 4 ай бұрын
The world is lucky that we are lazy procrastinators, else everything would hv been kaboom long back ago.
@CaptainJeanLucPicard 4 ай бұрын
Your voice is very captivating. Is it you or some website voice / AI voice or voice actor. Your voice is very charismatic and captivating.Very peaceful, calm and collected.Are you calm and collected?
@CaptainJeanLucPicard 4 ай бұрын
The world we need cannot be built by yhe people who are loyal to the world we have - that is quite an insight.
@CaptainJeanLucPicard 4 ай бұрын
So I have a choice - to be Jesus Christ or Hitler. Good to know.
@TheFirstManticore 4 ай бұрын
There are only a few people in any country who know the MBTI categories. In any case, one person cannot lead aprart from the spirit of the age. The successful leader will be a part of that spirit, and hopefully will have some balancing virtues as well.
@user-tz7rv8bd9z 4 ай бұрын
@mistwitch8795 5 ай бұрын
What happened to you?
@GuideUsTitus 5 ай бұрын
Ya know, four years ago when things were collapsing, I did not imagine things getting worse than that. Nowadays, darkness has equal footing to the light.
@ShivaG.o 5 ай бұрын
Not every infj is dangerous,only 1% of all infjs are capable of becoming either Hitler or budhha
@ShivaG.o 5 ай бұрын
Infjs who smoke weed like button ✅
@Montanero 5 ай бұрын
A good advice for fellow INFJs: stay away from anything near the occult. You know and I know. Even Jung knew. Staying near the Light of the Eternal One (i.e., God, Allah, Elohim) is your chance of a getaway ticket from the dark side. You’ve been kindly reminded.
@julianjpantoja4603 5 ай бұрын
While Vox's video might not be the most accurate source on the subject, your analysis of the subject is equally as biased and does not try to aid your argument with concrete scientific evidence. As it stands, the scientists, researchers, behavioral psychologist and other experts on the subject have come to the consensus this personality model is less than legitimate and quite unreliable. It might have some value as it can help certain people to understand or come to terms with their ideals and behaviours, but self-attested tests will always be biased towards the test-subject. I don't think this is a good scientific model, because it is not based on current science or any understood psychological model, and if it is it misunderstands those principles. This is why a lot of experts call it pseudoscience. And obviously there is also the ethical dilemma of classifying people into categories, which always goes well as history has shown
@kylereidhass7333 5 ай бұрын
I think about the questions posed in this video a lot. Discovering that "I am an INFJ" (identifiers of any kind, even ones I embrace, are hard for me lol) was one of the most formative and healing moments of my teenage years, and almost a decade later I'm drawn back to MBTI research as I continue to struggle with "coming of age." If my observations and feelings are correct, we are a community of extremely misunderstood people. Thank you for the video! Definitely resonates.
@SugarFreeENTP 5 ай бұрын
This was an interesting presentation on the negative aspects of the ENTP. Open minded to a fault, charismatic/persuasive, and always pushing the envelope. Upon contemplation I believe the first man was an INFJ and Eve- I have no doubt that she was an ENTP.
@Jalanea_ 5 ай бұрын
I would say these types of INFJs are those who believe that power is in control rather than trust.
@jrhprs 5 ай бұрын
Entp be like:
@speaktruth9989 5 ай бұрын
10:31 interesting
@sharperhawkeye5556 5 ай бұрын
I think one of the worst things an infj can do is find out they are an infj lol. Imagine finding out what you always did subconsciously and fixating on your abilities consciously...I think it can demish the introverted intuition and possibly drive the infj insaine overtime.
@joshcalligan5562 5 ай бұрын
Daenerys is an ENFJ. Jon Snow is the INFJ. It’s in the official site of MBTI. Why spreading false information ?
@uhm...6432 6 ай бұрын
Don't stray too far away from the light guys