@washedfeet Күн бұрын
Learn Jesus' words! His words are "the words of eternal life".
@annestansell2515 Күн бұрын
I think "incuriosity about Bible literacy" is key. Many if not most evangelicals grew up in church and did the things their church beliefs asked of them, but they are yet to have either a personal relationship with Christ or if they do, have not taken adult responsibility to study scripture properly (How to study the Bible with Both our Hearts and Minds. Jen Wilkin). This makes them stuck on cultural beliefs rather than scriptural accuracy. They go to culture because they don't know how to understand the Bible which tells us about God and informs us of our place in the body. BTW When people start talking about White church evangelicals, they are just beating the latest cultural drum which is neither, scriptural, accurate, or even Christian.
@enricoabrahams5061 Күн бұрын
24 minutes in I like what's she's saying about what God designed before the fall and what happened afterwards, but the thing is a young earth creationist view versus an evolutionist view isn't just about science, it's also about how we think about sin. If a church teaches evolution then it can only teach the fall as an allegory and not literally, which leads to a more Jungian or Jordan Peterson interpretation of the fall, followed by the accusation that "you take the bible too literally" and that's a whole different paradigm from what the Anglican lady is very sensibly and biblically talking about What we believe DOES matter, our beliefs have consequences for how we act in the world and the values we formulate behind those actions
@ejt3708 Күн бұрын
Galatians 5:22-23 (KJV) 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
@ejt3708 Күн бұрын
Galatians 5:19-21 (KJV) 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are [these]; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told [you] in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
@conniekline9881 Күн бұрын
Alisa, thank you having Costi on your show. It was wonderful to hear his testimony and the unpopular steps he took to follow Christ, truly risking many relationships. I have been listening to Costi’s KZfaq videos and found them helpful. God bless you both.
@JS-jy4pf Күн бұрын
No you can not be gay and a Christian, if your gay and have a gay partner your a false Christian, if your going to church and reading the Bible and repenting and turning away from your homosexuality and your sin and loving the lord with all your heart then yes you are a Christian
@aaronmichaels807 Күн бұрын
Lord Jesus, the worthless, annoying, obnoxious , tiresome waste of time it is to get into all this debate, question, and arguments. They rob the simplicity, the rest that true gospel has, truly all this brings me to the book of Hebrews, the Israelis going on and on, or 40 years, wasting time, the chapter ends with a promise of rest, its this gospel rest I am talking about. The rest Christ told us about, the rest he gives, the simplicity, the easiness and restfulness of it all.
@michaellejohnson6502 Күн бұрын
I find it interesting that whether JUNIA or Junias was a man or woman, the text (Romans 16:7) is clear that she/he were counted worthy or ‘well known among the apostles’ not designated as a female per se as Phoebe was in verse 1-2…It is debatable that JUNIA was a female as some manuscripts indicate Junias and varies depending on the translation. There were many biases in the translations from the original HEBREW; despite the Roman/Greek references and translation into English. Women need to Stop trying to usurp the Rightful position of the man as “the head”…There were 12 apostles and 12 tribes of Israel led by MEN and reiterated, Named and inscribed on the gates and foundation walls of the city of the New Jerusalem In chapter 21 of The Book Revelation…
@margaretfriesen7405 Күн бұрын
What a relief to find a couple of conservative Christian women who don’t support Trump! 😊
@matthewashman1406 Күн бұрын
Is it just evangelicals that are deconstructing or Catholics as well. Because i never hear of of Catholics deconstructing.
@ejt3708 Күн бұрын
2 Timothy 3:1-5 (KJV) 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
@Mr.Surprise.715 Күн бұрын
@whiskeredtuna Күн бұрын
I mean when one says Christianity is toxic I can’t help but laugh. It’s literally revolutionized the world for the better! They generally go a rant about Christian nationalism so usually respond with wait until you see un Christian nationalism I think even Richard Dawkins has seen enough of that through woke-ism.
@ejt3708 Күн бұрын
"DRILL, BABY. DRILL" is literally toxic and shouted by many Evangelicals. Don't confuse that with Christianity.
@wayneburchell6346 Күн бұрын
I've heard Preston Sprinkle talking his views in the past and they seemed sound. Is there anywhere where someone has gotten together those on different sides of this argument and gotten them to thrash out what the disagreement is? Something like a 'Four Views on Homosexuality in the Bible' or maybe a debate between both sides. It is confusing for those of us on the peripherals who have little direct experience, but would tend to favour side B over side A and wonder why terms are changing and how people who on the outside, but interested are supposed to understand them?
@frederickswartzendruber9099 Күн бұрын
People without the Spirit do not accept the things that come from the Spirit but consider them foolishness and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. Ex-vangelical thinking is unbelief
@bskec2177 Күн бұрын
Learning to lie about Slavery in Scripture. Leviticus 44-46 - (44) And as for your male and female slaves whom you may have -from the nations that are around you, you may buy male and female slaves. (45) Moreover, you may buy the children of strangers who dwell among you, and their families who are with you, whom the beget in your land, and they shall be your property. (46) And you may take them as inheritance for your children after you, to take them as a possession, they shall be your permanent slaves. So, when this creator says human trafficking is illegal, she is lying. It is illegal to kidnap and force a fellow Israelite into slavery, but everyone else can be bought or sold. That is definitionally human trafficking. When this Creator says slaves go free after 7 years with gifts, she is lying. That only applies to male Hebrew debt servants, not slaves from other peoples, or women slaves. When this Creator says slaves where protected from mistreatment, she means that murdering them comes with a fine of 30 shekels to their owner. Technically, that's a form of protection. In fact Exodus 21:20-21 says that you can beat a slave as hard as you want, as long as they don't die for at least three days, and not suffer any punishment at all, because that slave is your property. So the law protects them (barely) from being murdered, but not any form of mistreatment short of that. Another lie. Then on to the new testament. It's one thing to tell Christians to be good slaves, but Eph. 6:9 is instructions to Christian clave owners. This is a direct endorsement of Christians owning slaves. And Again in Timothy 6 :1-2 Slaves are ordered to honor their masters, and honor them even more if those masters are Christian. Direct endorsement of Christians owning slaves. Christian apologetics is all about telling people the Bible doesn't mean what it says, and doesn't say what it means.
@LeRoiDansLeCiel Күн бұрын
I believe there is nowadays an emphasis on intellectual stuff (rise of christian apologetic), when clearly, the bible express that faith is a matter of the heart. I discover Apologetic some years ago, and I love it, but I believe that the gospel itself and alone is powerful to save lives. I see lots of people spending their time arguing with people, and some times people convert, but I would say that most of the time, they don't. Why is that? The bible answer that. However, bringing the gospel such as Ray comfort is doing, or as christians from pakistan, china etc are doing is in my opinion exactly how Jesus asked the disciples to do it: go, share the good news, and miracles will follow". Im not against apologetic as I said, but I feel that there is such an emphasis on those intellectual arguments, lots of debate, while Jesus never said to us to do this, but to bring the good news. So don't forget: share the good news, and yes, if you can in "bonus" use intellectual arguments to do it. But don't use only intellectual stuff, because Jsus dit not do that. Nor John the baptist: "repent, go and sin no more, for the kingdom of God is near". 💁‍♀
@GarciaM1968 Күн бұрын
I'm sorry, where were all these crocodile tears at that time when so many white evangelical churches openly endorsed Trump? Please.....
@GarciaM1968 2 күн бұрын
Her assertion at 41:40 that saying "white MAGA Evangelicals" is a racist act so portrays how the MAGA falsely claims victim hood. I just cant......
@aLilBitchfr 2 күн бұрын
I don’t trust anyone. I am a loner who lives in the woods and I’ve never felt love.
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
Alisa - I understand that Deconstruction is a liberal method gone too far, but it is abundantly clear that billions are being stumbled by Evangelicals for their un- Biblical positions. The interactions I am having with Trump supporters demonstrate their tragically mistaken understanding of even the simplest scriptures. It is right to challenge them to read and defend their understanding of the Bible, but instead they habitually just focus on their lusts for money, pride and power. People get it. It's toxic.
@allentomkowiak1565 2 күн бұрын
What does Donald Trump have to do with being a Christian? The man is running against an evil party, with evil destructive policies far worse than his own. Look at the hostility towards God, our faith, our children, our culture, and the country coming from the administration in power and the party it belongs to. Is that not reason enough to support him? Why does Donald seem to exist in isolation in our minds. There is another side. This is a battle. It's not Trump or some perfect, wonderful alternative. I'm not asking the man to be a spiritually leader. He just has to be a lot better than the other team. This obsession with Trump is strange. You have a government that is a sham. It lies about everything. It's evil to the core, and we're obsessed with opposing Trump as some form of virtue signaling - while the other team runs wild through the society. The Bible is full of flawed men who God chose, who were a lot better than the other side. Would you take King David with his flaws, or the oppression of the Philistines or Midianites? Moses, or his opponents? Even God has sided with flawed people over worse people. So we're talking in code. What shows the world that you're a good Christian? Trashing Trump and voting for Joe Biden? If you want one guy to win really bad because the other guy is awful, why is that bad? I just don't get it. You must conclude that the Democrat agenda is better. How does Trump become some kind of test of someone's faith? I hate to be political, but it is such a relevant question. Were we not believers before he became a politician? If your faith is so fragile that everyone around you has to support your political party or you lose your religion, you never had it to begin with and you will not make it. Satan will huff and puff and blow your religion down if it's that fragile. Let's face it. The people are deconstructing because of personal disappointment with God. They did not find what they were looking for. So we need to point people to Christ, Christ! The real God and stop using politicians, and other Christians as some kind of distraction. Their faith didn't deliver the results they wanted. That's the real issue.
@ejt3708 Күн бұрын
TLDR. Please use scripture to back up your words.
@lcraver4797 2 күн бұрын
I have had a similar background to Anne having grown up in a Pentecostal church, then eventually ended up in Anglican circles (I'm in Canada). I was heavily involved in Intervarsity Christian Fellowship in my college days. No question I have come to lose the liturgy and Holy Communion at Westminster Abbey in 2016 was a high point in my Christian experience. The bad news is we also had to leave the official Anglican church as it's now ultra-woke and this had the effect of driving my children (now in their 30s, then in their early teens) away from Christ and the church. I don't tell them that I pray for them daily though I do particularly since the passing of my wife a little over two years ago. Like you I am disturbed by the term "White Evangelicals" since to me it speaks something foreign to the gospel though I am certainly white and evangelical.
@Longe 2 күн бұрын
Good videos, HATE the ads interrupting the dialog! Have them in the front or in the back. Mahalo!
@gunzandrabbitz 2 күн бұрын
I tried to find Anne on Twitter now X, which Anne Kennedy is she?
@mattkennedy198 Күн бұрын
@revannek is her handle
@jenniferoutlaw1975 2 күн бұрын
Falling/walking away is always a heart issue. Unfortunately, people don't want to be honest and admit we just don't want to live out the Christian faith for a time or anymore. If we would just admit that instead of trying to make excuses/reasons for it, and start platforming it, at least it wouldn't lead others astray. Then the door is left open to being restored, if possible.
@13hills 2 күн бұрын
Hi 👋🏼 I know this video is years old, but I don’t see anyone in the comments with this perspective of mine yet so I figured I would reach out and share it. I had essentially the reverse situation happen to me with his story. I was locked into a an evangelical world view for 13 years, and got very into theology and AW Tozer etc, in some of my later years of it I began pondering ideas like hell and speaking in tongues, etc, with an open mind. I later was healthily deconstructing the impressions upon me which had shaped my understanding and the places that was rooted in. I prayed a similar prayer for God to show themself to me and make me more aware or this Presence. I had also just gotten into the idea of meditating and clearing my head. Weeks later at a worship and prayer night I meditated on these worship songs and let go of all of my concepts of God and surrendered all my fears and guilts, then received the Spirt as many call being baptized by fire. The pieces 🧩 clicked in my head like aha moments where I saw the connected dots of Eastern texts on the chakras and westernized ideas of eastern world views like the Holy Spirit and the correlation between them. Something like being baptized by the Holy Spirit and filled, born again, being extremely similar to the description of a kundalini awakening. I experienced this, and I don’t see the contradiction between these understandings. I wasn’t trading in one view for another like he said, this spiritual reality unfolded before me through surrender to the True God and One Spirit of Christ. I later questioned my various beliefs and have come to see it’s all talking about the same thing, the Love of Christ/God expanding our reason and logic into a higher consciousness of Love and knowingness us interconnected and One with God and each other. Would anyone want to converse on similar experiences or have any thoughts on these eastern texts and the Bible actually being the same message or us being transformed by this higher way of being?
@vls3771 2 күн бұрын
Its listed that penticostals are the most immature emotional group. I have to agree most need career planning advice/ relationship guidance / financial planning advice/ the young teens going through puberty need solid sex education and common sence guidance free of false guilt and overly complicated religious rules that confuse the issue ..sadly the above is often replaced by pseudo Religious indoctrination that is not only non relevant but damaging its like throwing a young adult into the ocean who cannot swim and saying " here just believe this and you will be ok" instead of being trained how to swim . Its a poor substitute and proven to be dangerious
@davidmills5518 2 күн бұрын
How can you judge other different denominations if you don't spend time with them.
@vls3771 Күн бұрын
​@davidmills5518 You dont need to spend time with other denominations with the topic chosen above its clear the subject of sex education is terribly overlooked in most religions as a whole there are now many specialist phycologists helping individuals out of religious confusion and false guilt today My sister is one of them ...
@NorahAmmann 2 күн бұрын
God's rainbow 🌈 red faces the Lord. It has Indigo and purple faces the people and the earth. Adoni help us put the indigo back into the rainbow and flip it back to you. We need the face of our Creator.
@anthonybarber3872 2 күн бұрын
You go girls!
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
50:00 Alisa - I understand too well. And it drives people out of every church. Both Gay Churches and Trumper Churches (there are practically only two options now) are very angry (and passive/AGGRESSIVE) with those that don't agree with their politics. Neither believe the Bible. All want to fix it to adapt to their flesh. Trusting elders is dangerous. You are right to say that they should be able to explain the "tough" parts of the Word. But really they all fall away when you understand it is without contradiction (2 Timothy 3:16-17).
@andyickes7436 2 күн бұрын
What's up with your hatred of Donald Trump. You slam him almost every episode. I certainly don't consider him my Savior, but he has certainly been a friend to the Church.
@davidmills5518 2 күн бұрын
This is about the church not politics.
@davidmills5518 2 күн бұрын
As a Christian right now I am not sure who I am going to vote for. I don't vote party I want to vote for as close to the faith as possible, but knowing that no man is perfect so neither nominee perfect that's why I m at a cross road of my vote this time.
@allentomkowiak1565 2 күн бұрын
You don’t think there’s any difference between the two parties? You look this government we have?
@annb9029 2 күн бұрын
I will vote for Trump to have lower food prices and gas prices we’re not electing a pastor, he’s a flawed man but at least the economy will get better plus the Biden regime is out to destroy religious freedom and force child sec surgeries that Trump wants to stop and trump wants to protect women Biden wants men in the women bathroom
@annb9029 2 күн бұрын
Low food prices is what I want back
@MarkDouglass-dt9ky 2 күн бұрын
Alissa is the most beautiful woman on KZfaq, inside and out. It gives me hope for America that there's a woman such as she living in this once great nation.
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
Can somebody read James Chapter 2 and Chapter 5, then tell me how Evangelicals can put their faith in a rich man?
@allentomkowiak1565 2 күн бұрын
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
@@allentomkowiak1565 "LOL!" can be so toxic (Matt 5:22). Do you believe James 2 and 5 or are you dismissing it?
@danielhinz3880 2 күн бұрын
Who the. Bleep are you? Do you have a candidate that isn't suffering from dementia? Who will keep America great instead of invaded?
@allentomkowiak1565 2 күн бұрын
We don’t put our faith in men period. Our faith is in God, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being rich. James 2:5 was admonition against showing against showing favoritism. It wasn’t telling us to reject people based upon their wealth.
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
@@allentomkowiak1565 You Biblical noobs don't understand. James CHAPTER 2 and CHAPTER 5. And "there is absolutely nothing wrong with being rich"? You've never even heard of camels and eyes of needles? You've got some excuse to blow Jesus off too?
@tgm2474 2 күн бұрын
[8:05] The syllogism seems to be valid. But it's hardly sound. P1: It is wrong to intentionally kill innocent human beings. "Wrong" is never defined, but seems to count on an objective standard that has not been demonstrated or appeals to subjective moral intuitions. P2: Abortion intentionally kills innocent human beings. As soon as you say "intentionally" you are making judgments about what is in the mind of a person, which you cannot assume. Abortion will end the pregnancy. That says nothing about intent to kill a fetus.
@xinosaj 2 күн бұрын
There is no "white evangelical church." It's just a category created by pollsters - they poll people, ask their religion, their ethnicity and who they're voting for. If they're white and they don't attend Catholic, Orthodox, LDS, or "Seven Sister" churches, they're evangelical. It's an artificial category.. Places like Wheaton College or Trinity Evangelical Divinity School don't have anything in common with places like Bob Jones University or Pensacola Bible Institute. (These styles might overlap a bit at Liberty University and the SBC, but I suspect fundamentalists just borrow some evangelical trappings to give themselves more cred,) The tales of trauma come overwhelmingly from the fundamentalist arena. Even so, I see a great deal of ingratitude toward parents in the exvangelicals I know personally - usually because the parents were of humble economic means and didn't give them the lifestyle they wanted.
@Riebill 2 күн бұрын
I am still in the middle of viewing this video lol… but I wanted to say something about the white evangelical comment, because it would seem that some have very different views on that wording. I am with you in that if we hold to the core beliefs and tenets of Christianity we are All just the church- - - with the recognition that certainly where we Worship is going to look different neighborhood to neighborhood, even region. But I think folk like Dr. Eric Mason, Preston & Jackie Hill Perry as well as members of the Jude 3 Project would be able to perhaps shed needful light on this topic. I do love your channel/podcast and glean from it. Continued blessings be yours.
@awesomeness1414 2 күн бұрын
@stephenmac191 2 күн бұрын
I’m black but the church I currently attend is mainly a white church. In my experience, for blacks who may have views that people may consider as a white conservative evangelical view, blacks won’t necessarily be called White, but will be asked “why are you following a white man’s religion”. My comeback is usually “Christianity came from the Jews and grew from the Middle East, etc).
@charliedontsurf334 2 күн бұрын
One of the first Christians was the Ethiopian eunuch baptized by Phillip the Evangelist (Acts 8:26-40). The Apostle Matthew is said to have traveled and died there.
@-RM- 2 күн бұрын
I agree. No ethnic group owns or has jurisdiction over Biblical truth. The one Truth (Jesus Christ) stands outside and above all ethnicities.
@ejt3708 2 күн бұрын
I am very glad for all the churches in Africa that have pushed back against the Libs from American churches. I am so sorry that you havebto experience that kind of neo-racism from anyone.
@user-jn6dy4uu4n 2 күн бұрын
🤣🤣🤣God ffs the clut more like people can't deal with their own sins so they pawn em off onto someone who just liked to listen if you can't teach your kids you should be banned from having any
@davidmosesperez 2 күн бұрын
Certainly the kind of 20th Century Evangelicalism that Alisa Childers and this channeling pedaling - it's absolutely TOXIC.
@charliedontsurf334 2 күн бұрын
Can you give specifics? Because insistence on the resurrection is a non-negotiable otherwise, Christians are the worst off (1 Corinthians 15:16-19).
@doubtingthomas9117 2 күн бұрын
@@charliedontsurf334 yeah, I am interested in hearing the specifics of this as well…
@davidmosesperez Күн бұрын
@@doubtingthomas9117 - well I attempted to answer, but ALISA CHILDERS erased it. it certainly contained my 21st century intellectual opinion, of course, as her whole channel contains her 1980s biblicist apologetics opinion (that she calls "truth"), but she erased it. Funny tho, how she doesn't erase my original comment, then leaves your questions "unanswered," as if to allow me to appear to back down from answering your challenges. That's a typical motivated gaslighting move that evangelicals are so skilled at.
@davidmosesperez Күн бұрын
@@doubtingthomas9117 - well I attempted to answer, but ALISA CHILDERS erased it. it certainly contained my 21st century intellectual opinion, of course, as her whole channel contains her 1980s biblicist apologetics opinion (that she calls "truth"), but she erased it. Funny tho, how she doesn't erase my original comment, then leaves your questions "unanswered," as if to allow me to appear to back down from answering your challenges. That's a typical motivated gaslighting move that evangelicals are so skilled at.
@sparaxisblanc2473 2 күн бұрын
I don't understand why you don't understand. Christians often present themselves as the good guys, so when Trump became popular among them, for a lot of people, it's like reading a book where the classical hero suddenly decided to team up with an unrepentant pimp. And as for using the excuse that Christians are sinners, if you see all the justifying of sin in the church and all the enabling of abuse, it makes people wonder why they should even try Christianity since it doesn't even appear to solve its core problem. Who buys soap that can't clean?
@cpsddun 2 күн бұрын
They were never Christians to begin with. It's biblical.
@ericestrada5150 2 күн бұрын
As a complimentarian, my wife and I believe in standing on the word of God. We have attended churches that were more liberal in stature and have seen abuses by women in leadership as well. We have left churches that spiritually abused people on both sides. I love God and I love my wife dearly and I personally want to please God and follow scripture rather than culture. It's only in the last few years that we really decided to stand firm on complimentarianism. I've worked in a mainly 90% women's field and I've worked in a male dominated field and have noticed a huge difference between women and men and how they approach and or deal with issues overall. So in my humble opinion men and women compliment each other in their definitive differences. The saying "can't judge a philosophy or a teaching on its abuses" is so true. btw, in my largely female dominated workplace, I often experienced women touching me inappropriately (without my consent) and repeatedly spoken to in highly inappropriate behavior (sexually) by women and in fact I was one of the very first men to report such behavior and then laughed at by female superiors. They told me I should appreciate it because I'm a man. I did not appreciate it no matter who the woman was because I love my wife and want to honor her.
@mesireee 2 күн бұрын
I'm loving the Lord for as long as I've got air in my lungs. What he has done for me is beyond comprehension. I constantly receive $225,000.00 monthly and I only have God to thank for everything, how he's changed the narrative from penury to abundance. Thank you Jesus A C 13
@MohammdEx 2 күн бұрын
Hello how do you make such monthly?? I'm a born Christian and sometimes I feel so down of myself because of low finance but I still believe in God A.
@mesireee 2 күн бұрын
Thanks to my co-worker (Alex) who suggested CHRISTINE EVELYN MACKIE
@mesireee 2 күн бұрын
She's a licensed broker here in the states and finance advisor.
@mesireee 2 күн бұрын
After I raised up to 525k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.
@JacekPaprocka 2 күн бұрын
I've always wanted to be involved for a long time but the volatility in the price has been very confusing to me. Although I have watched a lot of KZfaq videos about it but I still find it hard to understand.
@pianoatthirty 2 күн бұрын
If "god is everything" then, in reality, "god is nothing". And if "all paths lead to god" then there is no "path". If people actually read the Epistles and the NT Gospels it's clear as day that Jesus' teaching is not compatible with other religions. But all these New Age teachers are banking on people not actually reading the Bible and seeing it for themselves.
@kristiwerling4574 2 күн бұрын
I went to highschool with Anne! Can't wait to listen to this discussion!! Thank you for having her on the show! ❤😊
@lifeinthe80s 2 күн бұрын
This is hilarious. Should be a comedy channel
@1437gks 2 күн бұрын
Calling out ingratitude, disrespect, and projection in the deconstruction/exvangelical phenomena or pushing back against the toxic disdain is not necessarily gaslighting. In fact, it may be the necessary "speaking the truth in love" that prunes for healthier fruitfulness.
@VIOLET2819 2 күн бұрын
The discussion about the issues the Exvangelical's have with their parents is interesting considering that the 5th commandment is to "Honor your Father and Mother". Exodus 20:12, I see it a lot with people who are miserable and have made poor decisions seem to also be angry and out of relationship with one or both parents.