Nynaeve al'Meara: Character Examination
Netlfix 3 Body Problem Highlights
Mat's Dagger on a Stick...
2 ай бұрын
@noahorakwue2653 3 сағат бұрын
Queen Nynaeve, The Raging Sun of Manetheran
@zakseridarian389 Күн бұрын
Loved the show and I’m really happy you and Laura covered this. Great work as always.
@LottaCoffee Күн бұрын
Zoe Strumpet clearly hasn't been exposed to North American culture. Beauty in all shapes here and lots of love matches between diverse humans.
@robsnow2099 Күн бұрын
I don’t plan on watching season 2, or anything….can someone tell me if Will’s character in the book important? Do the aliens use his brain or does the grain and peppers etc play a role?
@erink6436 Күн бұрын
The article is a personal attack because the viewers have shown that they ARE interested in seeing this actress and her love story. It’s not even a complete season and the number of views the first week was higher than the two previous seasons, and I believe some of the highest ratings of any Netflix show.
@thequeenmidas Күн бұрын
That was a very rude article. Period. The journalist clearly has her own issues she needs to deal with.
@chemputer Күн бұрын
Oh my god I missed this despite having a saved search going for anything they publish and news for them, THANK YOU!!!!
@roadtotarvalon Күн бұрын
Anytime!!! The chapter is great!
@ghost79ish Күн бұрын
Quick note on the language here. Sophon broken down,as far as I understand, is a reference to the root word 'soph' as in, philosophy, sophistry, sophisticated etc. KNOWLEDGE. And the end of the word 'ON' is the same as other particles like electron, proton, etc. Also, Netflix does a pretty good job of showing or telling us a lot of the stuff we might miss in the Chinese language. Like right when they find out about the san ti, they call them the san ti ren, "3 body people"... I'm sure there's a whole lot more, you guys probably get into it. Just wanted to chime in there before I forget.
@vanessarussell7048 Күн бұрын
Every time I hear mention of that article, it’s so shameful and disgusting. I don’t understand how the editor approved it for publication. Nicola is absolutely beautiful, inside and out. She’s a breath of fresh air and is a great actress
@Zaftique 2 күн бұрын
Lovely takedown, thank you for this! I would hesitate, however, when presented with "fat girls aren't realistic in romances!" to have as your immediate response, "but it's a *fantasy*!" That's still operating under the same harmful thought process, to be honest. There's nothing fantastical about it, I am an objectively fat woman who is celebrating 19 years with a man who can bench press me. Fat & happy & romantic & loved people exist! There is no fantasy, it's purely realism over here. XD Likewise with people who, when someone says "I'm fat," respond with "but you're pretty!" or "you're not that fat!" as though the fatness is a *character* trait. I'm fat *and* pretty, I'm fat *and* nice, I'm fat *and* I once moved a car that was in park, oops, because I'm fat *and* strong, haha!
@roadtotarvalon 2 күн бұрын
Absolutely 💯 I may have failed to explain it, but I meant that in response to the author talking about how there are people of color (Queen Charlotte) in the show. It's fantasy.
@Zaftique 2 күн бұрын
@@roadtotarvalon Fair! :D And honestly, even _then_ it's not 100% pulled-from-the-ass fantasy, there were POC movers & shakers out there - just vexingly few. -_-
@Jamama4 2 күн бұрын
I think there is so much that is attractive about Nicola, including her appearance. I wonder why an "attractive" man can't choose the partner he prefers.
@vintagesoup79 2 күн бұрын
Honestly, the Spectator has said MUCH, MUCH worse!. Boris Johnson was it's editor FFS. Yes, Nicola opinions on Palestine might be part of this. Sorry, but the fact she's also a working class, Irish girl is a factor. The Spectator is disgusting, but sadly a lot of politicians and journalists want to associate with these people and get an invite to their garden parties.
@gabrielleduplessis7388 2 күн бұрын
I also agree that this article from what people have been saying about it. (have not read. Do not want to encourage her click hate). I already talked about Nichola in my first response, but this not give men any due credit. I feel bad that so many toxic men getting the spotlight ruin it for the good men out there. And this doesn’t give Luke any credit either. To say that he would never fall for someone like Nichola because of her weight (and she’s not fat) is ludicrous. What the f’ do you know? Men are attracted to many forms of women like women are with men. A lot of that attraction is emotional attraction too. Yes, he and Nichola are friends, but to say he could never be attracted to someone like Nichola is just crazy to me because we don’t know him. Jeez.
@gabrielleduplessis7388 2 күн бұрын
As a woman, I am always surprised how some women can be this backwards and vindictive towards other women. But then I remembered something. Women have been taught to compete with each other for generations. They were taught to compete for the male gaze. And as a society, we have not fully let that go. However, we are getting better. I also noticed through the season discourse, many are doing what Cressida told Eloise of society pitting women against each other. People are dogging on Eloise, Marina, and Penelope, even Kate and Edwina more than ever and the rest of us are trying to meet in the middle. It is one thing to critique and express frustration. It is another to hate on people for petty reasons. Nichola does not deserve this. Just because you disagree with someone’s politics does not mean you have to demean and diminish them based on their weight and looks. She is objectively beautiful and attraction is subjective. Like who you like, just don’t bash on them.
@erikbehaeghel 2 күн бұрын
Nicola Coughlan is more sexy than the skinny models on the catwalk real woman have hips and breast
@Paradoxx87 2 күн бұрын
I've never even heard of The Spectator, after listening to this and seeing the comments, i'm glad i've never heard of it. After researching Zoe Strimpel, i can see why she feels inferior to a force like Nicola. That is because she is significantly inferior to someone like her.
@kikidevine694 2 күн бұрын
Most of the people who are in positions where they make the production decisions are going to be Gen X.
@DonniTom 2 күн бұрын
As a conservative I agree with you about Pearl. Icky. Ew.
@DonniTom 2 күн бұрын
Omg! Zoe Stemple is probably the same size as Nicola!!!! Irony. Nicola is 10 times more attractive and her goodness shines bright.
@thequeenmidas Күн бұрын
Exactly. Sounds like she was projecting her own insecurities
@DonniTom 2 күн бұрын
The writter of article is not ruining it for me. Her opinion doesnt rank high on my importance scale. Does the white perfection AI world include Japanese Anime? Honestly, i think the heavy sexy season 1 with two stunning leads attracted the fan base who is watching the series for regency soft porn fantasy world. I will have to google zoe
@erykaton170 3 күн бұрын
Nicola Coughlin is a beautiful, brilliant, clever, kind woman, with a wonderful wit and sense of humor. I have seen pictures of her where she looks jaw droppingly sexy. Any man would be drooling at her feet. I also see her wearing what she wants, and rocking fashion choices that I wouldn't have anywhere near enough courage to put on. So rock on Nicola, let the miserable people keep being miserable, and keep living your best life! You look gorgeous darling!
@ouchie63 3 күн бұрын
@sandratcunha 3 күн бұрын
Zoe Strimpel should save some money to buy herself a mirror...
@DianaW3431 3 күн бұрын
I did see this covered by another Bridgerton content creator. I don’t think you can attribute this person’s opinion to right wing politics. Plenty of conservative people I know would think this is a stupid opinion. Whatever you feel about anyone’s politics shouldn’t cause you to body shame them or call them ugly (although I have seen people on both sides of the political spectrum do that; I think it says more about the commentators as people than the person they are disagreeing with.) In the book the season is based on, Penelope is supposed to be “pleasantly rounded.” So Nicola Coughlin is perfect for the role. In addition, Nicola is very attractive.
@bruceleeroyii907 3 күн бұрын
How did Tatiana have super strength? And if they could give it to her, why not just give more of their followers the power and wipe out all the scientists? So many brilliants things in this show yet so many that are just dumb. The Santi have so much power but only use it in ways to help the story move forward
@melissaisloud7404 3 күн бұрын
The Spectator needs to be boycotted until they fire this troll and the people who okayed this article.
@NoorAhmed-nk2jq 3 күн бұрын
Not only is Nicola very beautiful, the story of this season is a friends to lovers trope, so not one built on physical attraction alone, how can anyone call themselves a journalist and miss such basic concept? That said I am quite certain this author's problem with Nicola is not her looks but rather her advocacy for Palestine, she is just using the idea of "oh the actress is not suitable for the role", no doubt knowing it would hurt Nicola .
@abcbandb 3 күн бұрын
Even outside of fantasy, chubby girls pull hot guys all the time. This article smacks of political genda, fashion industry propaganda and repressed eating disorder--the author really should pursue some mental health counseling.
@julesc3089 3 күн бұрын
Nicola is a very beautiful woman! Just because she is not a size zero does not mean she is FAT. She is cute, and she is funny, intelligent, and alot of men do find her attractive! As a matter of fact, she has a voluptuous figure. She attacks the actress for her support of a ceasefire in Gaza! She doesn’t have to agree with her, but that’s her right to support what she wants!
@MIchelle4reel 3 күн бұрын
The Spectator has an agenda and that is an anti feminist slant to keep women on the hamster wheel of fitting into one box. They want us to fight and ostracize each other.
@finnjones9979 3 күн бұрын
Nicola is absolutely beautiful...I don't get the criticism
@iamrachelrach 3 күн бұрын
Ok you guys have points but the series is based on historical romance novels. The rules get broken so the main characters get their hea. Now period dramas should have a little more accuracies but it's all fiction at the end if the day. It's definitely financially motivated 💰😢
@carolbriscoe9337 3 күн бұрын
I like your scenario but I've 2 questions. In the book, all 3 girls have Aes Sedai rings, as an accepted. They show these rings to various peoples on their travels for assistance. If they don't return to Tar Valon for the accepted test, neither Elayne nor Elayne will have rings. Then, Elayne is given the angreal to assist with Dream Walking. If you can some how include these points in your scenario, I'm then happy and accepting of your revisions.
@MeredithHagan 4 күн бұрын
a) Strimpel is a Zionist and like the vast majority of people from BOTH Irelands, Nicola is openly pro-Palestine. b) EVERYONE should read Sabrina Strings’ incredible book “Fearing The Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia.” It thoroughly traces how modern Western fatphobia can be directly connected to the transatlantic slave trade and how black bodies were othered in order to justify it. Because as gross and disgusting as fatphobia is in North America, it is still far, far worse in Europe.
@JacobTemplar 4 күн бұрын
I never heard of pearl Davis until now. And omg. As a dude I can’t understand how women can say the things Pearl does. Like I agree that women should be able to choose whatever they want so I guess if you wanna be subservient to someone have at it. But geez, I want my wife and daughter to exist in a world where they can be strong women
@vale1554 4 күн бұрын
The actress has been very open about her stands on Palestine 🍉 so I wonder if this is also why she’s a target of this women’s article.
@MeredithHagan 4 күн бұрын
Oh there is no doubt in my mind!
@TheDelikizzz 3 күн бұрын
Oh for sure!
@toki1965 4 күн бұрын
Boris Johnson is a former editor of The Spectator, need I say more? It's super right wing, this kind of article is exactly what we expect from them. The same type of people in the US are criticizing Taylor Swift right now.
@bilosdiogee410 4 күн бұрын
I’m a 50 year old white dude. Watched every season of Bridgerton. If S3 ends the way I hope it does, I’ll love it.
@bilosdiogee410 4 күн бұрын
Searching for this article
@sandratcunha 3 күн бұрын
It's bad. I found it online and it's bad. Almost as ugly as the woman that wrote it (yeah, I looked for a picture lolol)
@conormacthiarnan4491 4 күн бұрын
The rand elayne relationship makes it so complicated. I thought if her and nynaeve went to the tower and got sent by Suane before Elaida shows up things would work out. It would also give elayne a big character moment with the test as she hasn’t done much in the show so far
@Frogface91 4 күн бұрын
Loads of "fat" women find love with thinner men, and Nicola is objectively beautiful, even if she's not your personal cup of tea. The Spectator is a far right rag.
@commentsforthealgorithm 3 күн бұрын
I find Nicola to be stunning also my bf hasn’t really dated thick girls in the past but he also said she was attractive (he was tuning in this current season)
@gwendeexeter9881 2 күн бұрын
Many would consider me "far right" . Even I would have a problem with others thinking it was impossible for a "fat" person to find love with someone traditionally attractive.
@Zaftique 2 күн бұрын
You don't even need to put quotes there - by every metric, I am fat, and I'm on year 19 with a gentleman skinnier than me who can hoist me over his head without breaking a sweat. :D We exist!
@Frogface91 2 күн бұрын
@@Zaftique Oh don't worry I know you exist! I put the quotes because I don't really think she's fat tbh, defining fat as overweight in this instance (and that highlights the problem with the word fat being extremely subjective). Edit: I just realised that overweight is also subjective 😅🤦🏽‍♀️ I think she looks like she's at her perfect weight!
@livechilllife 4 күн бұрын
I’m flabbergasted why are we still talking about women’s bodies? These reporters or whatever we are calling them are so ridiculous. Women of all sizes and races are coveted and pursued by all types of men every single day. In that regard the show is very realistic in reflecting what goes on in the world. I don’t hear people talking about her insipid sisters, who don’t have a brain cell between them, but because they are slim, no one talks about them being married.
@TommasoBarbaresi 4 күн бұрын
Hi, interesting questions. Shall we see some important Sitters in this third season? Maybe discussing with Siuan or Elaida, such as Pevara, Yukiri, Talene or Saerin?
@NicoMmyhr 4 күн бұрын
Remember Rafe said in the interview he did one year ago when he introdused Avi, Ben and Chiad that he sat on the set of the Test and that they had just filmed for S3. I agree with your wories as i to have had them.
@roadtotarvalon 4 күн бұрын
In that interview (it was for Jordan Con) he said they just used it for season 2 and a little bit of S3, so we shall see!!!
@maxsilva11 4 күн бұрын
It could easily be that there are Coup scenes that take place there - or that the wonder girls use it as their TAR meetup spot, replacing the Stone.
@markgibson6654 4 күн бұрын
I really enjoy listening to your well reasoned, articulate reviews analyses, and speculations. Thank you.
@roadtotarvalon 4 күн бұрын
You're too kind 💜
@jeffbachman2949 4 күн бұрын
I have to also disagree they're week at original stuff. Having rewatched GOT recently they added original stuff of their own from the beginning that i think is great stuff. Both of then have also written some really great novels and films.
@jeffbachman2949 4 күн бұрын
I don't understand the final 3 season thing. Season 6 has imo some of the greatest episodes of TV ever made and is highly acclaimed by the majority of critics. In fact besides the final season the enture show is critically acclaimed with very high scores. I believe season 6 even won critics choice for best drama
@jeffbachman2949 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely did for me
@jeanmichaelmeme 5 күн бұрын
I don't really see how their accepted test would work after The coup. They could be back to the tower and leave before Elaida who was already on her way get there. Midway Egwene would be summon by the wise ones and they'll indicate her quicker way to Moiraine, Rand and Lan
@marcosulzgruber6849 5 күн бұрын
I think there's a minor error where you say Siuan tasks Nynaeve and Elayne, as I remember she only tasks Egwene and Nynaeve to hunt the Black Ajah and they in turn recruit Elayne to join them. On the bigger point I agree, going back to the White Tower seems like a waste of time at this point, also I find Egwenes Accepted test pretty boring anyways, so please cut it. I do have one question, that could be a SPOILER about it thought: Verin gives Egwene the Stone Ring Ter'Angreal right before her testing, do you think she does this on purpose and tried to kill Egwene?
@roadtotarvalon 4 күн бұрын
No, but I think she did it and could use that as plausible deniability. She could say that's why she did it.