@zzcorrode 2 сағат бұрын
When I first saw the various buffs to ele in the last patch preview I got so damn hyped. It's just so unfortunate that it dropped right around the elden ring dlc and dawntrail, so I haven't had the opportunity to really dig into it outside a few strikes here and there It's also really convenient to swap to the aura share trait during specific fractals for near unlimited shocking auras for all your buddies
@slikskils1603 5 сағат бұрын
True ele mains avoid this cheese ease lol
@zyankaly 3 сағат бұрын
all 3 of them?!?
@ZoomZoom-h9o 2 сағат бұрын
I think we all played it the first time around some time ago, it's fine if u enjoy that sorta thing. Not my style. I'm master of all 4 elements, and ur not an avatar if u can only bend air (aang knew that)
@deuscosta2111 2 сағат бұрын
I would say it's still technically ele, but yea same for me also. And if you enjoy spamming, hell yeah ele has a spam build now too. Go ele! I still like my 4 elements and piano tho (just not for less please)
@MightyTeapot 5 сағат бұрын
Only good build in the game
@ZoomZoom-h9o 5 сағат бұрын
U could just git guder at ele that u don't need to quarter your attune swap rotations with a cheese build? Ik you're not gud at ele tho, so I expect it lol
@MightyTeapot 5 сағат бұрын
@@ZoomZoom-h9o Every ele build is currently pretty easy to play. Ele mains are so delusional they are even mad when ele has a really strong build lmao.
@ZoomZoom-h9o 5 сағат бұрын
@@MightyTeapot it's fine that u play it but dont cope on me, bro. lol I'm only saying it's like u use range and summon in elden ring and think u got gud. There's nothing wrong with it tho, ppl should play what they enjoy 😘 And no, not every ele build is 1/10 difficulty like fresh air. False equivalence much?
@xXimakidXx Сағат бұрын
@@ZoomZoom-h9o cringe, anyone who tells anyone else how to play elden ring is omega cringe. stop it
@ozirus3344 5 сағат бұрын
I’m so bad at the adps Specter (I really don’t know why it seems so easy), really glad this is back so I can use my aheal Tempest as adps
@missk1697 6 сағат бұрын
Precision food, precision infusion... Maybe it's better to just run assassin's amulet instead?
@SilhouetteGaming1 5 сағат бұрын
If you don't mind a lower dps number than absolute optimized it would work fine.
@leukos22 6 сағат бұрын
The alacrity variant is probably my favorite alac DPS build
@joro148 7 сағат бұрын
My favorite ele build i have played since HOT. Though i used to take arcane over water and switch between scepter and dagger.
@Blackbupf 7 сағат бұрын
Sorry couldn't hear you over my air overload
@SilhouetteGaming1 5 сағат бұрын
Just infinite air overload
@Rsjabber_ 7 сағат бұрын
But does it work in the most important game mode of all: open world?
@SilhouetteGaming1 6 сағат бұрын
Yep. works great on metas because of high AOE
@Sarlyx 11 сағат бұрын
What endgame? There is no endgame.
@NeonNow-ib4sh 15 сағат бұрын
$16 is too much for work anyone can do.
@JoaoTakada 23 сағат бұрын
eww, whats that brother
@Pixxloon Күн бұрын
unlock all
@RainDropUp Күн бұрын
"Ahem, sorry, I blacked out for a second there." 🤣 Yeah I'm not a fan of fishing either, so I guess I'm cancelled too. :x Q1.) World restructuring... /sigh, well. I'll preface by saying that since some disappointing lack of attention to WvW years ago, I've made sure to invest my game time equally across multiple modes, that way one single point of failure won't turn me off the game like it nearly did. WvW has a strange vibe now, at least for those of us who have been veterans to the game mode forever. It just feels... so far removed from what it used to be. I remember the days before megaserver, when WvW was still linked to individual servers, and we'd get blitzed "late at night" (EST) by Jade Quarry or another server with a strong presence in OCX/SEA timezones and we could just pop out to Lion's Arch, call out in map that we were massively outnumbered, "come pvp with us"! And I'd zone back in to home BL, and like 20-30+ people would start popping in next to me to come and save garrison. It was a great feeling, knowing the PVE-focused players would still pop in and give us a hand, and we all had more fun for it. That's all gone of course, but I just mention it as a reference point for just one instance of how fun it was in the old days. Now, hmm. I think it was a questionable decision for them to add an additional tier. I know this was a tough call; without the extra tier, there was strong evidence that queues would be high, but I think ultimately they should've gone with that instead of the population spread as thin as it is. In my current matchup, my "team" is just a ghosttown after a certain point in the day, and our holdings get steamrolled for hours, and no one rallies when I throw my tag up to pugmand. So on the whole, I'm pretty disappointed in it. Unclear if removing the extra tier would help or make things worse, but, there it is. Q2.) A lot of others in the comments have already shared a few of my theories, one I don't see below yet is that I think Mabon aspected himself and didn't actually die. He had a lot of time to put plans into motion while knowing he was getting influenced by the kryptis, if you do some of the plot-related collections, it's clear he has a lot of reservations about Isgarren, and it really did feel like the narrative was building him up to be a major lead for the plot. I'm putting some serious faith in the narrative team that was actually leading somewhere other than a quick death to provide emotional backdrop for Zojja's ascension. Plus, as another clue, the kryptis that was influencing/possessing him was Asthenes, which literally translates to "weakness/opposite of strength" or even "a sickly lack of strength." Mabon was the wizard of the bastion of strength; I don't see him folding to the likes of that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ we'll see!
@Tillionz Күн бұрын
I thought the spear beta was better than the last weapon beta. Idk what people are talking about. Also fishing is amazing !!!!
@traveling.down.the.road56 Күн бұрын
I'm jealous that you finished your Envoy II collection. I started mine over a year ago, but then due to real life issues, I had to drop out of my static Raid squad, and I haven't been successful in getting back into another static Raid squad, so I can finish the last several Raid related Crystalline Heart collection items, and then do the few Fractal Crystalline Heart collection items. I have been building up massive quantities of all currencies, and I have already purchased the 6 Gifts of Craftsmanship with the Provisioner Tokens, so I'm hoping that once I finish the Envoy II collection, I'll be ready to craft my Legendary armor immediately, but I'll have to look at that step again, to make sure I have everything I need. Congrats on getting your Envoy II finished.
@coffeedart_gw2 2 күн бұрын
Resident fishing expert, haha. Thanks for the shoutout mate! For WvW restructuring, it has been good and bad. Good as in, now you don't need to pay gems to transfer servers (that may be full or near full) to play with the guild you like every relink until the server actually has room for you. Bad as in, the matchmaking is scuffed. I did not enjoy reading the wvw blog post when they outright asked ocx/sea (non-prime time) guilds to basically leave their chosen alliances to get better matchups. It shows that after so many beta restructuring events, they failed to consider ocx/sea time zones. I don't want to end the comment on a negative thought, so I will say this, I am optimistic that Anet will refine the matchmaking algo and can see that they are committed to do doing so. My personal outlook overall in regard to WvW is very Positive, which is mostly because of the amount of updates we have received for WvW this year including rewards/vendors update, getting support players the contribution bags that they deserve and overhauling the entire system even when server hopping must have made Anet non-trivial amount of income in the old system.
@jteen00 2 күн бұрын
I also rotate my mains. Before EoD, and the new log in reward system, I would pick a class and log in with that to do dailies. This would progress until that character naturally got around 80% map complete. I would grind whatever was left until 100%, and then change my main. I think I have 7 or 8 toons at 100%. After they hit full comp, they got parked at a location. Not a chest. So my necro is in HoT and I do daily Chak and AB with him. Ranger parked in EoTN for DS...ect
@ozirus3344 2 күн бұрын
Q1 - I pretty much only WvW when I need something. I have the dailies and weeklies so that it gives me a slow drip of Clovers. But I was from Tarnished Coast and joined a WvW guild so I’d say my experience is pretty good so far. I don’t even really run with the guild I’m just there for the match up. I think a lot of solo players should try joining one that’s gets advertised. Q2 - I actually wish they’d take the bold position of treating SOTO as a fever dream beta for this new content style. But I will say I thinks we’re gonna find Sorrow. I think she was Kodan? And now we get to go chill with Kodans.
@Remox1738 2 күн бұрын
Just gonna leave this Here for the Algorythm
@SilhouetteGaming1 2 күн бұрын
Hell yeah brother. 🤙
@daegraith6524 2 күн бұрын
1) I don't play enough WvW to have an informed opinion, so I'll abstain from answering, lol 2) Hmm . . . so, based on the comment that Janthir is going to explore the "moral ambiguity" of the Astral Ward, I'm guessing we'll be asked to release the Titans into Tyria--or be asked to ignore something devastating, or do something awful that'll "restore balance" to the natural order of Tyria. Because there's that portal we closed up in GW1, right? I'm betting it gets opened or something. Or the Astral Ward could do or ask /us/ to do something equally heinous that creates a net good for Tyria (the world), while creating localized devastation (for the lowland Kodan? Possibly also for the Ash Legion (per Malice's appearance) and for Kryta). Or maybe they'll do something less cliche. Regardless, I'm expecting that I'll have a little bit of a bad taste in my mouth about the Astral Ward after this next expansion. Also, I feel you on the fishing. I get that some people love it, but I don't understand why xD I'd rather be fighting something cool than doing another "chase the bar!" minigame.
@xandervandam4508 2 күн бұрын
Q1: I was in a good wvw guild: Mirror of lyssa. Weirdly enough most tags on that side were public and actualy captured the whole map. At some point we had 3x the amount of points the other teams had. Q2: I think that the titans will turn out to be demons banished by eparch and not accepted by tyrians.
@incosto6036 2 күн бұрын
BTW why dont you use open world xp bonus from loging out in wizards tower? Its basicly free spirit shards. Is for questions 1) I am not really happy with wvw restruction becouse in i end up in a situation where my world is extremely overpopulated compared to other 2. So there is always a giant queue for EB and on a side world its hard to find big scale battles. Pro side for me is that i always get bonus pip for my world succes but at the same time its take more time to get weekly wvw achives. Other worlds are struggle to flip castles and tower and after flipping there is a race to counterflip it from my world player. 2) I expect pretty local down to the ground story. Something like: the world is ok so we just fix some local problem with Joko wibes to storytelling.
@yourfavoritesteve 2 күн бұрын
Looks like I need to go back and pay attention to the SOTO story so I can answer your question. 😬
@xSlickGod 2 күн бұрын
Always gotta run through story first on reaper 🫡
@phxsisko 2 күн бұрын
As an OG GW1 player, I still enjoy GW2 from time to time since I am in a guild that still plays here and there (casual). I like the fact that it's not a giant power creep from expansion to expansion, this way, when I come back, I can still participate until I can grind the new content. Even without the subs, I do wish they were a little less greedy on some of the paid content (farming tools) because that's where I have a hard time convincing someone they need to spend about $20 for in-game tools just to farm resources. That's one of the reasons I didn't even upgrade my Necro until recently (thanks to the Janthir Wilds pre-order I got unlimited tools for my necro now). My main is a Sylvari Revenant. I wish Arenanet would fix a crash that happens in GW1. Using RTX cards in the ice lands causes a game crash when you die and resurrect at a shrine. Sucks because I wanted to go back and revisit my character recently, but with the constant crashes on newer hardware, it just wasn't worth it. Still, i'm overall happy with Guild Wars in general and I still enjoy my time in Tyria. See my channel for a ton of streams to prove that point lol.
@Davidrunz 5 күн бұрын
Uhh, am I tripping? 28k dps is nothing to write home about for a dps class...
@SilhouetteGaming1 5 күн бұрын
This video isn't really serious, more for entertainment than for actual content. The build still works and is pretty fun, I could play it better and achieve better numbers lol this is an older video
@Davidrunz 4 күн бұрын
@@SilhouetteGaming1 ah ok, all good first time I come across a video of this channel haha
@SilhouetteGaming1 4 күн бұрын
@@Davidrunz no worries bro hope you stick around! I will be doing updated builds once JW comes out.
@330DKNY 6 күн бұрын
15 step rotation is definitely not an easy dps rotation.
@SilhouetteGaming1 5 күн бұрын
@330DKNY I mean it's pretty easy still, and super effective.
@coffeedart_gw2 6 күн бұрын
For the story I stick with my main character because that way at least 1 character has all the stories done and if I need to go back and re-do the story for achievements, I know exactly which character I can do that on. As for the homestead, the most exciting feature that I am excited for is the instant gathering! I also don't see myself playing around much with decorations but that will depend on how the system actually works. Good luck on your Zero to Hero Episode 16!
@SilhouetteGaming1 6 күн бұрын
@coffeedart_gw2 it's being worked as we speak. It's looking pretty likely that envoy 2 is on the menu 😎🤓
@nd6886 7 күн бұрын
It would be interesting how much a sales drop JW will have.
@SilhouetteGaming1 7 күн бұрын
We will see. To be honest I'm kinda excited about JW. But if the content is problematic then a lot of people will lose faith that arena net can deliver.
@887L 7 күн бұрын
I quitted GW 2 around 2020, same events, boring questline, and I got finally rid as the long time NPCs were dying, one after another. Now im playing WoW, so I just wanted to put my reason here why I quitted.
@alemaoBOSS 8 күн бұрын
howdy, if you have get tired of this format or if you have the time the community would really appreciate guides made by you, you're really good at it tyvm, much love from brazil q1: reeeeeeeeeeally excited about it, they've been huge parts in other mmorpgs so anet definitely have a potential with this feature q2: i havent even completed the whole story, missing lws4, ibs and eod but yeah i use my very first char to complete story, after that i cant see myself replaying story with other characters
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
What topic would you like a guide on? Builds? Content? Let me know!
@opz.3920 8 күн бұрын
2) Mainly been on Me Thief for like 7k Hours... or more.. so I figured best to have the one to complete all Story content on. Harder back in the Day, but now that I have multiple builds to choose from or work around... makes things a little more doable with Thief.
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
Ah that's how you got so good at spectre. 7k hours
@opz.3920 7 күн бұрын
@@SilhouetteGaming1 Lol I wouldn't say Good. LOl there are people that do WAY better xD. But I guess you can say I get around. ;)
@senysenyseny 8 күн бұрын
Warclaw gonna be able to climb cliffs \o/
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
We'll see. I'm here for it!
@MesmerAloofly 9 күн бұрын
8+ hours of daily play time is not normal nor realistic
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
Current playtime is 1.3 hours x day. Some days more, some days less. Only 141 hours over the past ~106 days.
@karnmattu3586 9 күн бұрын
I just picked up Soto and eod from the sale, so I feel like I’ll have enough to play without buying JW. I do feel the game really incentivizes you though to buy the newest expansion if you want the top of line meta builds, (I was feeling this with the weapon mastery and the new relics when I didn’t have Soto) As for my story character it’s definitely reaper. I’ve been playing reaper so long that I feel it has taught me bad habits that end up hurting me when I try new classes 😂
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
I am split between reaper and thief on this next one. Thief is really a class I haven't sunk my teeth into yet so I will probably rock thief.
@runvior 9 күн бұрын
1) I wouldn't say I'm excited about homesteads, but I'm interested. It seems it will be a decent place to kill some time in with decorating when I have nothing else to do and some time to kill. 2) I tend to use different characters to complete expansions first on. For EoD I did it on my Rev and for SOTO I finished it on my engi unless my mind changes I think I'll be finishing Janthir first on my Ranger since I have really gotten into Untamed recently.
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
I haven't messed with untamed hardly at all! I might bust out the ol thief for JW. I want to get into more pvp aspects and I think thief would be fun. Also I think thief spear is going to be strong lol
@Remox1738 9 күн бұрын
The homesteads are cool and i am gonna Check them Out, but i think im Not really gonna interact all that much with them, really excited about some new Bosses and Maps though.
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
I'm definitely hoping the new bosses/raid are good.
@jteen00 9 күн бұрын
I like the idea of the homestead. I don't really have much in the way of farming nodes unlocked. However, this made me look into it. Whoa, that's expensive.
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
Oh yeah I'm super behind on my home instance. I don't have any of the buyable nodes
@incosto6036 9 күн бұрын
1) I think i ll mostly use it to farm home nodes, if there will be some nive collection of ports to fractals and strikes i will may be run them from home. 2) I got 2 mains 1 for spvp to try to finish my goal to get 200 wins on all classes and 2nd for pve content and wvw. I change my main character time to time and mostly clear storyes with my current main character.
@SilhouetteGaming1 8 күн бұрын
Yeah I think I cycle through characters too. I'm not sure if I can be bothered with soto for another time. I need to do more spvp