@OmegaDoesThings 5 күн бұрын
The funniest thing I keep forgetting is that Golden Sun achieves transparency effects by rendering that sprite every other frame. So if you're watching this in 30fps, the pink tornado is freakin' invisible.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 8 күн бұрын
Finally, we got to the photo section! And you found the information I told you about! Congrats! And yeah, the info was the relation between Bob and the Captain. BTW, the Captain is also related to a character in Hotel Dusk, aka Rosa Fox. In fact, at the beginning of TM, if you talked to him again when you're told to go look for Jessica, he tells you about his wife Rosa. I do disagree about the possible guitar minigame. It would've been such a fun experience. Instead, we got a whole load of nothing, which honestly feels like a cop-out. At least the Wii game went with a different excuse: it was an excuse nonetheless, but at least it was sensible. Also, since you've terminated the session, I've got new advice to give you. First of all, be very careful with crane #3: it can permanently be missed. What you have to do is such: you'll be going downstairs in a hall full of people. DON'T TALK TO ANY OF THEM. Enter the rooms on the side, find the crane, and then get out. Secondly, at a certain point you'll have to go to the clocktower. Before that, though, return to the photographer cottage and inspect the objects with people's faces on it. There'll be new info on them. Ah, and of course, don't forget to inspect every nook and cranny of Lake Juliet: there's a point of no return after all. You got all of that, Agent? ... In any case, I've said my piece today. See you next Thursday. Bye!
@OmegaDoesThings 11 күн бұрын
It appears that the replay cuts off prematurely, and unfortunately roughly 3 hours of footage is trimmed off the end. (Edit: I've found out that KZfaq only saves roughly 12 hours, which is on me for not knowing in the first place, alas. Perhaps the ending is something that is better left to the player anyway haha) As such, we're regrettably missing my reactions to the end of the expansion, which can be summarized as: - people cry, I cry. I don't make the rules, I just follow them. - spoilers, and a really neat fight - Thanks to everyone who worked on this game (I actually watched the 30-40 minutes of credits) - Thanks to everyone who tuned in - I hope you'll join me in the future!
@OmegaDoesThings 14 күн бұрын
As I fully anticipated, stream was ended by the thunderstorm. It is no less disappointing though 😭
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 17 күн бұрын
Let's be honest here, if we're talking "suspension of disbelief", you really should've started with the RAS. I mean, that thing automatically connected to the DAS, which, need I remind you, wasn't even conceptualised back when Sayoko was still alive! And yet, that bracelet just connected to the DAS like it was meant to be! Excuse me?! But yeah, anyway, the water scan analysis is a very clearly deus-ex machina. There is a reason Richard made it, but the timing is way too convenient. Guess that's what happens when you decide not to include the water quality test kit puzzle because you didn't want to use the Joycon motion controls. 08:09 Actually, there's a deeper reason for the Fox surname, but I'll tell you next session. Though, I guess now I know your type/jk 14:37 THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING, TOO! Like, c'mon, guys, I know you're still kids, but you can't be that clueless! 15:18 Bullseye! Yeah, the can is near the black gate at the road you just passed through. Also, at 17:43, you missed another can near the wooden bridge. 19:13 If I remember correctly, the game is supposed to take place in California...? Like, in the original games, Ashley spent her childhood in Seattle but after the murder she went to live in the fictional Liberty Town. The game manual of the Wii game states that the journey between that city and Lake Juliet is 4 hours by bus. Then again, there is actually a Lake Juliette in Georgia, so maybe that's where the place is. 23:44 Correct once again! To be more specific, once you'll recycle ten cans, you'll get the golden token! Of course, if you find them... Anyway, this time, I explained a lot more than my usual. I hope you don't feel like I'm backseating you. Please tell me if I am! See you next Thursday, Omega. Bye!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 22 күн бұрын
Welp, I'm massively late this time. I guess it's what happens when you have two evenings where you and your theatre company take the stand, lol Anyway, God, every single English speaking LPers who did this game always freezes when they arrive to the password section. The tension as you flipped the last photo was palpable, I tell you XD Though, I'll be honest, this game is very much a mindfuck sometimes, so it wouldn't be completely inaccurate. Anyway, that password is truly weak, we can agree. Now that I think about it, I never tried to decipher the text of Michael's message, maybe I should give it a try. Ah, and btw, your assertion about the phones actually matches with the Wii game: Richard also had a cordless phone in his room and Jessica called from there in the original. I reckon the new team didn't want to make two of the same object when one would suffice. Before we part, one question. Have you decided what to do for the third LP? Or do you want to keep it a surprise still? Also, next chapter is when you finally reach the diner: don't forget what I told you! See you next Thurdsday, Omega! Edit: NEVERMIND, I got my answer! XD
@OmegaDoesThings 22 күн бұрын
Yup, will be starting with Minecraft, and the next series that finishes will be replaced with KH. So I'll definitely be doing both.. eventually haha
@jasonwas_here 29 күн бұрын
this isnt paper mario, wth!
@carlopez3 29 күн бұрын
@ranman800 29 күн бұрын
It's papering time 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥
@jasonwas_here 29 күн бұрын
@OmegaDoesThings 29 күн бұрын
Then Mario papered all over the place
@jasonwas_here 29 күн бұрын
paper mario? i like rock mario better
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
The alternative title for this episode should be "Dissing Ashley Stays" because holy moly did she just tear apart John (and her father, but that's on par for the course)! Ashley be like "I might not wear shades, but I know how to throw some" and I love her for it. Her interactions with Matthew are really cute in this part. Both the dog talk (even though it's a pity none of them is a cat person T_T) and later Matthew shielding himself behind her back. I have more to say about their bond later, but for now they are really fond of each other even though they just met. Just like with D! ;) (And btw, when you were heading towards the covered bridge, Princess was actually following Aah and Matt around. If you'd turned, you would've seen her.) Lastly, I truly liked the scene with Richard, it's hilarious! (The jumpscare jingle gets me everytime.) But I also live the more somber moments when Richard recounts how he regrets not being there the night of the murder, or how he actually ran away from home himself. And if you remember what one of the origami in the mansion said, you can kinda surmise why... That said, one detail of the conversation irks me, but it's spoilerish, so I'll be quiet. Just one word of advice. Look carefully around the plaza for other cans and remember to recycle them for the coins! That's all for now. See you next Thurdsday, bye!
@IndustrialParrot2816 Ай бұрын
Yep crump has Eggman vibes
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
Omega: This is the part where I entertain the game because I positively know where to look. Ashley, scoffing: Yeah, sure, I've heard that one before. *A few moments later...* Omega: Where the HELL is Matthew?! Ashley: And there we go again! Just like with the scales and coins... You really need to stop jinxing yourself, Agent, lol. Though, I can't really say I'm more observant than you since I've only just noticed that the title cards of every video are a play on the DAS acronym. And here I thought you were just flexing your vocabulary. Congrats on finding your second empty can. Now you just need not miss the one on the lake shore. One thing about this cottage: while optional, I'd like you to return there at the end of chapter 5 to re-examine the photo and the newspaper clipping showing people (the two on the upper level, to be clear). There should be new dialogue about them, but no LP this far has gone back to look at them. Also, just for your information, the photos next to the Crusoe family pic all showcase characters from the Hotel Dusk game. A cute Easter egg. I don't really have much to say about the plot, except that I don't really appreciate Ash trying to convince Matthew about his uncle goodness. She doesn't even know the guy! That's really it, truly. Welp, see you next Thursday, Omega. Bye!
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
I was hoping someone would notice the DAS joke in the title! Congratulations on being the first to mention it haha
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
@OmegaDoesThings In retrospect, it should've been obvious since the episode "Decorative Aqueous System." The moment I read it, I went: 《Who talks like this anymore? Seems kind of pretentious.》But at least it was pretentious on purpose.
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
@@ultimatefanficwriter5016 To be fair, I _do_ indulge in grandiloquent pretensiousness when the mood strikes :V (I was, unsurprisingly, in theater and enjoy many roleplaying games)
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
Welp, guess I should apologise for sending you on this wild goose chase, then. I was sure that can was meant to be recycled, but oh well. That said, my sources DO state there is one recycled can near the boathouse, so maybe you can check at the start of the next chapter. And, btw, you never return inside the boathouse after this point. Actually, while we're at it, do you want me to give you the list of where the cans are? It's a pity you didn't choose the alternate dialogue options, but it's fine, anyway. Congrats on clearing the boat puzzle so easily, though. See you next Thursday, Omega!
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
Nah, it's cool, I think I'm fine with going in blind on the cans. Will keep an eye out for the one around there though haha. I was super stoked when I got the boat hooked first try, so it was worth going back anyway haha. Thanks for watching!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
1:17 Ash, for the love of God, he's being nice to you. Can you tone down the sass a little bit?! I swear, you can be such a pain when you want to... Anyways, you have to admit it's pretty funny how your intuition alternates between being spot-on or completely missing the point XD (no offense, of course). It'd be fun to see how you'd go about it in the Ace Attorney games since you mentioned them... How ironic that you mention AA just when I'm approaching the series again. You're a mind-reader, Omega, I'll tell you that! Also, yeah, the AA case with the Nessie lookalike is from the first game (case n. 4, to be precise). Also, about the Nessie of Lake Juliet, you can actually see it in the game. You can find it by going behind a statue on the shore of the lake and taking a photo with the DAS. A question for you, though... how does the RC boat minigame play? I ask because it always seems like the controls for the boat are very unresponsive (by which I mean, the boat doesn't seem to move smoothly) and I can't tell whether it's by design or not. Also, I too thought, "WTH is Monokuma doing here?!" when I saw that bunny. Not to mention, it also looks like a character from Persona 2, so my mind went through some major whiplash, lemme tell you... Ah! One thing, though! There was actually an empty can inside the boathouse on the desk. Maybe consider reloading to get it, just saying. Oh, and there's also supposed to be one on the lake shore, so keep your eyes peeled. That's all for today, I feel. See you next Thursday!
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
Dangit, as I was listening back to myself saying "I wasn't looking for cranes" in editing I went "crap, I haven't been looking for cans either", so I might reload and redo that part (but at least I've been using separate save slots at each major save point, so at least there's not too much to redo 😅) Also the RC section was kinda gross. The boat wasn't particularly maneuverable, the level geometry limited the approach angles, and there was no reverse (IIRC anyway, that's a bit I may have forgotten in the moment but the vid can confirm/deny). Like, sure, from a hydrodynamics perspective maybe that boat _can't_ reverse, or at least not quickly, but from a gameplay perspective that might have been one of the least fun boat sequences I've done. I just got _really_ lucky on the time it actually hooked lol
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
@OmegaDoesThings So it was like I suspected... no wonder the movement looked janky! Though I'm not quite sure why the developers went with that route. Realism sake, maybe?
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
@@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Generously, could be realism. Having done software dev for a while, could also just be poor implementation. On the third hand, could also be the devs wanted it like this arbitrarily. On the fourth hand I don't think I tested pushing the briefcase. On the fifth hand, I think I bumped into it several times without movement. (Guess I have extra hands now, call me Doc Ock)
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
"Your rich father was abducted and held for ransom? That stuff happens in movies, not in real life." - Ashley Mizuki Robins, who met a ghost at 13 and whose father built a machine that can fucking alter and create memories Like, I love you, Ash, but please shut up. You have no room to speak here. Honestly, Matthew running away from you is karma for being a dumbass. Anyway, we now meet a lot of new people. Like Ryan, who's the embodiment of "Stranger Danger" if I've ever seen one. Or, like Elizabeth, who at 16 already dreams of being the fusion between Regina George and Hanna Montana. I'm kinda sad that you didn't choose to lie about Ashley's age, since I've only seen people pick that option: in the Wii game there was the same choice and it led to a funny scene later. (Also, regarding Elizabeth's age, keep in mind that she's 16... for reasons that I'll have to vent about later down the line). Also, Matthew and Ashley can't hide for shit from suspicious people. Like, why don't you guys just CROUCH?! It's a miracle the shady guy didn't notice you before. Anyway, that's all for today. See you next session, Omega! Bye!
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
That first bit, I don't think I say it this part of the session, but next week there are definitely words to the effect of "Ok I guess having a rich dad is pretty plausible compared to someone who, in _2006_ , is the daughter of two acclaimed cognitive scientists working on technology more advanced than we have now" and I can't remember if I mentioned the ghost lol
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
@OmegaDoesThings (Side note, it's actually in 2005) Yeah, I mean, is Matthew's story a bit shaky? Surely, the kid is being very vague with the details. But is it far-fetched? HELL NO! It's way more probable than anything of what happened in Two Memories! I can only imagine that if D was watching over her in that moment, he'd be facepalming HARD.
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
@@ultimatefanficwriter5016 I thought the first one was '05 and the second was a year later
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ай бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings Nope, two years have passed since Two Memories, hence why Ashley is 16, when in the previous game was just one day shy of 14. Aka TW is in 2005, R takes place in 2007.
@OmegaDoesThings Ай бұрын
@@ultimatefanficwriter5016 Ahhh, so it's actually '07 (Two Memories in ACR is '05, but I got the gap wrong. Thanks for keeping me accurate haha)
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 2 ай бұрын
Richard be out there being a worse father than Gendo Hikari. We hate to see it. I'm joking, of course, but c'mon man, you invited your daughter here! Don't ditch her again when even your coworkers suggest they go to the lab in your stead! Also, yeah, the whole 'proving you innocence' is kind of dense. I can kinda excuse the watch because Ashley could've picked it up anywhere on camp to Tommy's eyes... but like, the pawprints, you dumb rockstar! THE PAWPRINTS! Also, since you now know what the RAS is for, here comes the complaint. The TAS back on Wii!R was an independent device that acted as a virtual lockpick. But here, the RAS needs the DAS to operate and it. Doesn't. Make. Sense! The RAS was built by Sayoko before her death, and at that time, the DAS didn't exist, nor was it being developed by Richard, so how would the two items even connect in the first place?! They really shot themselves in the foot when they decided against designing the RAS as a Joycon because that actually had buttons on its own. Whatever, I'm done venting about it. Anyway, stranger danger approaches Ashley with bad vibes! What's going to happen now? Well, you'll see next session. See you next Thursday, Omega, bye!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 2 ай бұрын
Richard Robins, father of the year, everybody! (The fact that Ashley didn't murder him on the spot is indicative of the fact that she is much kinder than most and then some). Also, the fact that he invited them for a cookout with his colleagues... damn, Richard, you really wanted to have a foolproof way of evading conflict escalation. Ah, btw, Omega, are you familiar with Kingdom Hearts? As in, do you know the plot and characters? I say that because in light of certain parallels between the two series, I thought of making jokes about it in future comments. If you don't know, though, it's gonna be useless, so I'll refrain from it. Anyway, about the can recycler. You have to know that there's a little sidequest around it. You practically have to recycle ten cans to get a special reward from the gumball machine (aside from the one you found in this video). Three can be bought in the guesthouse by clicking on the mini-freezer, and the others are scattered all around the Lake Juliet area. I don't think I'll be able to guide you because I only really know the general area where they are, not the exact spot. So, good luck to you. One more thing: I won't bore you with all the differences between remake and original, but I do want to mention the RAS. In Wii!R that bracelet was actually a Wiimote, and in the PAL languages it was called TAS (True Another System). RAS is instead the original Japanese name and stands for Reboot Another System (it's not a spoiler since the game never tells you what it stands for). Honestly, I'm disappointed with the new design because not only have they missed the chance to put a replica Joycon in the game, but because the bracelet RAS makes NO sense when you learn what it can do. But I'll touch on it when the time is right. Just know that your Bluetooth joke is both apt and infuriating to me. That's all. See you next Thurday!
@OmegaDoesThings 2 ай бұрын
I only really played/finished the first KH, and it was at least a decade ago, so references might mostly be a miss I'm afraid haha. I think I have the remakes of 1&2 on... PS3? So I might get around to it eventually.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 2 ай бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings Ok, good to know. Guess I'll just find some more recognisable ways to make memes out of the plot points of this game.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 2 ай бұрын
And so we finally start the sequel! I'm really curious to see what you'll think of its plot. One question to begin, though. I'm curious: what did you think of the original Another Code R? Did you enjoy your time with it? I've heard most people thought it was slow as hell and a pain in the ass. I'm playing it myself in these weeks, and I'm enjoying it a lot, but that's probably just me loving the series. That said, the thing I said about the photos won't really come into play until much later, so don't worry about it. Just remember you'll be in a diner. Also, speaking of permanently missable content, crane n. 3 of this game is also part of this list. Without spoiling too much, you'll find it in a big house: when you'll be going down (put a pin on down) the stairs, you'll find three people waiting for you. DON'T TALK TO ANY OF THEM. Go instead in one of the rooms to the side, and you'll find the crane. You'll find this crane a lot later in the game, but keep it in mind. Also, I just wanted to tell you that you missed some extra dialogue with Dan. It's nothing major, though, he just tells you that he has a five year old daughter and that the guy singing the Lake Juliet theme is the owner of the diner in the resort (and he also wrote the lyrics). Don't worry, you did good in buying everything on the shelf, you'll get some cute extra dialogue from Richard out of it. There's also another collectable in the game, but I'll tell you when you reach the right moment. That's all. See you next Thursday, Omega!
@OmegaDoesThings 2 ай бұрын
TBH I mostly don't remember the original, or rather, I remember it didn't really have the same vibe I got from Trace Memory and was kinda "eh" about it at the time. There are a number of potential contributing factors as to why I might have thought this including but not limited to: - the main plot not picking up as fast - not being isolated on an island (like, sure, it's a campground but it's a public location with a routine bus and communication with the outside world) - more people being around (when Trace Memory literally has five characters you directly interact with, three of them are missing for like 90% of the game and one of them is a ghost, vs. Another Code R we've already just about doubled it in chapter 1) It's a thing of "the first game has a lot of mystery and tension the entire time, but the second feels less dangerous", I guess? Maybe I'll come to a different conclusion this time around haha.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 2 ай бұрын
Ok, first off, congratulations for clearing Two Memories! Now you only have the sequel left, and I think you'll enjoy it, especially because it can get quite philosophical in certain points. You'll see when you get there, though, I don't want to spoil. Though, before I get to the rant about this finale, one word of advice about R. At one point, you'll be asked to examine some photos in a diner: START FROM THE FIRST FROM THE RIGHT! The information provided by that photo is permanently missable, so you have to be careful. Anyway, about this finale... god, does it suck! Not even the improved farewell scene between D and Ashley can fix this mess! First of all, the discovery of Sayoko's true killer is gone because of the removal of the recap sequences. Like, I already despised their removal since they were linked to the theme of "treasuring your precious memories," but that final question is a slap in the face. In DS!TM, Ashley had to dig into her memory to find out the truth about that night, which played like a recap sequence. And it was a tense as hell moment because Bill held Richard at actual gunpoint, and he was motivated to shoot the moment she would reveal the truth. Also, that was the climax of Ashley's arc in the game because for the first time she took the decision to seek out the painful truth OF HER OWN VOLITION (before, D had to persuade her two times). So this resolution is just bad, insulting, even! 38:45 Also, HARD disagree on this. The remake actually messes up this whole tragedy, mostly because Henry got the shaft. I don't know if you noticed, but never during the playthrough, you came across a memento or a note or a letter from Henry himself. Everyone else got a voice (even Frannie and the mine workers, who weren't even mentioned on the DS), but his was taken away. Do you recall the typewriter in Lawrence's secret room? In the original, there was a letter stuck in it: Henry's last letter before killing himself, wherein he explained to his daughter (who would never receive it, btw) what happened that fateful night. Not only does that thing give insight into the painter's remorse over those two accidents, it also revealed just how far gone Thomas was, since he planned to frame that murder as a suicide for his brother who lost his arm in war. Then in the cave D remembers the rest of the conversation and we just see how manic Thomas really was, all his anger because he felt that Lawrence preferred his older brother, since he and his family were allowed to stay in the mansion and Henry was finally able to paint better than ever with his left hand... while Thomas failed as a novelist and steeped in anger and resentment. All of this was only told to you at the end of the game, after time and time again where Henry was put in the worst light possible (for God's sake, Marie's letter said he would swing knives at people randomly!). And then you discover that the last thing D saw, the mark ETCHED on his ghostly form, is the lonely hand of his uncle, trying to save the last thing of his brother's family. And that was way more of a suckerpunch there because it actually EXPLAINED shit. Also, I'm pissed they cut the entire convo in the cove where Jessica tried to leave the daughter-father duo and Ashley said "Fuck no, we're ALL going home together and you're staying with us because I'm tired of losing people!". Like, sure, this Ashley never even thought of letting Jessica out of her life, but it still was a touching moment (and it shows again that family isn't just the conventional way you think about it). Also, last thing, at 50:22, that's actually a plot detail carried straight from the Wii game... it's just that it doesn't work here because in Wii!R Ash had a new DAS based on the DSi, since the original had been left to rot on the island together with the ANOTHER device. A pretty careless mistake, if you ask me. Anyway, I'm done, peace out, see you next Thursday.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 3 ай бұрын
Well, would you look at that an Omega session that lasts more than half an hour. Colour me impressed. *clap clap clap* Jokes aside, you're nearing the end of the DS remake, as you surmised: and yes, even that had seven chapters, it's just that the order of events here was altered. Ok, so, I have a lot to say about this section of the story because, boy, things start going downhill from here on. Like, it isn't like I want a 1:1 reproduction of DS!TM, but the way Recollection goes about it just feels rushed to get the climax. As you said, the reveal of Richard blindsided everyone in the original because you had no reason to mistrust Bill. In the DS game he was very cordial, if a bit cold, towards Ashley, so you bought his crap: here, between hearing his thoughts and the wrist holding, you kinda figure out something's amiss. Though at the same time, I don't find so aggravating because I've seen newcomers truly believe that first guy was the Dad they're looking for. Like, maybe the game wants to address something about parental figures who aren't good to you. Plus, to me, the whole pretending act actually gives an insight on how Bill views the ANOTHER project and Sayoko. In DS!TM that was only brought up in the final confrontation. Where the remake loses me, though, it's during Ashley's acceptance of this new guy as her actual father. Like, no doubts about that, Ash, seriously?! I mean, one memory of the night of Sayoko's murder was enough?! In the DS game, she DID remember his presence at home that night... but it was a moment where he was cradling Sayoko's corpse and whispering apologies. So, of course, she misconstrues the situation. She doesn't truly realise her mistake until she sees their family photo. And like, the photo was right there. There was no need to rush or drag out the conversation, Richard could've simply pointed at the frame in his room and be done with it. (Also, you're right about Richard's design: he was completely different in the original since he was a tall, blonde man like Bill. I'm mixed on the design because on one hand this Richard looks much better than the old one, but his similar appearance to Bill was also meant to bring home the fact that the two of them were foils.) And then there's the whole ANOTHER sequence, which is really... bleh. First of all, congrats for figuring out the solution to the selfie puzzle, I've seen so many people get stuck on it! Second of all, I think the whole sequence of events is that in order to restart the download of the source code, Bill needed to activate the device and the DAS was the only key which could have been plugged in, since he was kicked out of the system. Hence, he manipulated Ashley to get the download going. But I'm not an expert on computers, so I could be wrong. Anyway, the ANOTHER sequence. Ugh, so much was lost in the new version. Like, back in DS!TM, Ashley was actually scared of finding out the truth about her mom, so she hesitated. It was then that D helped her by urging her to find out the truth and have faith in her father in one of the recap sections usually found at the end of each chapter. (Side note: I am SO pissed that they removed them. They were crucial to the themes of the narrative!) And then Ashley sees the manifactured memories: she's scared and D comforts her, so she analyses the true memories and can finally hug her dad. Here, instead, D does nothing at all, not even a basic "I'm here with you" when she gets scared the first time after seeing Richard's altered memory! Also, why don't we hear Sayoko's voice during the replay? Ash says she heard her mom telling Richard to protect the project and their daughter, but to all accounts, there's no voiceline in that reproduction! Anyway. That's only a part of the upcoming rant, but I'll save the most aggravating part for the next video. See you next Thursday, Omega!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 3 ай бұрын
And we're back with another episode of "Omega goes on a wild goose chase, forgetting the the linearity of the game" feat. Ashley and D. Ashley: Not this again! D: Please, just kill me now. Ashley: D, you're already dead! D: I don't care. Please, someone put me out of this misery. You know how to make me laugh, Omega, I'll give you that. Anyway, we're nearing the end of the game, but I still believe you'll need at least one more session before you finish Two Memories. The endgame of this part is quite long, lemme tell you. Some little notes and opinions on my part about this section of the game: ● I really love Lawrence's character and the revisited version of his room only strengthens his character: the fact that his room is full of pictures of both his estranged son and the two grandchildren he raised himself like sons is a profoundly delicate touch. Everything about this room speaks on the sorrow of a man who was oppresive towards his son and now is trying to make amends with the children Leonard couldn't raise. This untrusting man who lost his wife due to mistrust tried to be better, and he did... but the harmony he created is now in shambles, only a far-off memory: I think it's very telling that after Lawrence was able to trust again, Thomas would no longer be able to. ● Secondly, maybe it's my biased perspective, but I believe the usage of WW2 as a backdrop for the tragedy of the Edward mansion kinda explains why the first AC really resonated with Europeans. Like, the legacy of that conflict still impacts this continent: *a lot* of the books I grew up with talked about the Resistance and the Holocaust (and, if not that, the racial segregation in Italy and Germany). ● Now, confession time! For the longest time, having read the crane in Lawrence's room, I was convinced Leonard died in Spain at the hands of the Spanish flu... but then I checked the dates, and that disease only started around 1918, while he died in 1916. Though it appears there was a typhus epidemic in the US that year, so we can surmise how he could've died. It could've been a tragic parallel on how Leonard died while succeeding in escaping the war, while his two sons would survive the trenches but remain traumatized forever. ● In actuality, you could've looked the fountain from the connecting passageway, but you have to be very close to the ledge for the prompt to appear. ● Don't worry, you didn't miss anything special in that secret room. The clipped newspapers are merely about the mining company, and the boxes can't be opened. Though that is a problem because there was supposed to be something else in that room, aka Henry's last letter, and the fact it was cut drives me insane (and worsens the plot), but I'll reserve that rant for the right time. ● Anyway, don't worry about the zoetrope mishap, I can see why you were led to think that you had to take an object from another room... since the original DS game forced you to backtrack to the Art Room to find the item needed for the zoetrope puzzle. Anyway, that's all for now. See you next Thursday!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 3 ай бұрын
Here I am again, as usual, to comment and suggest. But first, I have a bit of important news because this past Monday, I finally got my DS copy of Another Code Two Memories, which I am enjoying a lot now that I have it in physical form. This means I now have the complete original duology for DS and Wii! Go, me! Anyways, onto the commentary. 04:07 Oh, yes, the classic trope of the tragedy of miscommunication, wherein people could've been saved if only said people had taken the time to talk to each other. Never gets old, just like Othello's corpse. 11:57 Out of curiosity, are you a philosophy major? Because that mention of Cartisian dualism and "Cogito ergo sum" brought me vehemently back to my high-school days, but I don't think you US people study it in high school. 13:18 THAT'S WHAT I SAID TOO! Like, c'mon, it's a basic feature of every point and click game. Why do they only allow you to do it 3-4 hours into the gameplay?! Anyway, one change I appreciate from the DS original is that the keys combining is used for entering Lawrence's room, instead of Thomas'. A bit of tragic symbolism about the disruption of fraternal harmony is always appreciated. 15:53 Ah, yes, the (in)famous stamp puzzle... which I resolved instantaneously because I also played TLoZ: Phantom Hourglass, where one of the puzzles is identical to it. You're wrong, though, Omega. The stamp puzzle isn't in Lawrence's room. It's in *Frannie's*. Here in the remake it has been replaced by the dolls (which also adds elements from the puzzle you find in Henry and Marie's room, which consisted in some little robots playing instruments on a carillon). That said, I like how the great grandfather quarter has been decorated with a picture of his son: in the DS iteration, it was in the music hall, where the piano is. Also, while we're sharing memories (very in line with the game, I see) about the puzzles, I'm really glad they kept the zoetrope because I have a special connection to it. See, I first played Another Code in September, because the reveal on the Nintendo Direct had piqued my interest: that thing had me shouting in frustration because to activate the zoetrope, you have to find an hand-drawn paper to put inside. Problem is that the object is located all the way back to the Art Studio, and the old Edward mansion was one really long corridor, which you have to backtrack... and I had also forgotten said paper even existed. And yet, all of that animosity vanished when I started my third university year because I attended Cinema History lectures: the first lesson was all about the precursors to conventional cinema and then the teacher showed us a picture of a zoetrope. I was like, "Oh my god, I know what that thing is!" And so now I'm quite fond of the magical little tin. That's it for today. See you next Thursday!
@OmegaDoesThings 3 ай бұрын
I actually have a dual major Bachelor's degree in CompSci and Cognitive Science, so Philosophy isn't far from the mark! Pleased to bits someone got what I was going for with that haha
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 3 ай бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings Wow, cognitive science? That's so cool! I would love to see how you would approach Persona 5, then, since it's a game steeped in that field.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 3 ай бұрын
Since this chapter is so short compared to the others, I'll just focus on the two most important moments from it. 23:00 This. This moment right here. This is what makes the entire remake for me. Two children who are left to grapple with the hard truth of death and repressed traumas and find a spark of solace in each other. I'm so glad Recollection made D and Ashley's friendship much more poignant and heartfelt: in TM it always felt more like D helped Ashley significantly more than the opposite, but here the two show actual (platonic) chemistry as protagonists. Like, Ashley's whole goal in this chapter was only to reunite with D. Her friendship overshadowed even the worry for Jessica: this is how strong their bond is. I've seen people complain that they removed the scene where she was distraught upon learning about her mother's death, making it look like Ashley wasn't all that devastated. However, I'd reckon that in this scene, we actually get to see her finally processing that (while before she was on a quest and probably wanted to return to her dad ASAP). She isn't crying only for D, but for herself, too, for both of their stolen childhoods. The first time I actually saw this scene I was quite harsh on it because we don't hear her hiccups and sniffles, but I've since come around it because this minimalistic approach enriches the little gestures like D tenderly smiling at her. Also, in general I also appreciate that they kept Thomas' murder a secret (at least for the characters) for much longer than the DS iteration: there, said murder was the first thing D remebered and you got to explore the Silver Bird Room during the 2nd chapter and, to top it all off, the ghost didn't even react all that much to the shocking news (which is a consistent for 90% of Two Memories D). This D, instead, is scared when approaching the scene of the crime, freezes when staring at his own dad's blood, he actually looks the part of the traumatized haunted boy. Anyways, yes, this chapter is the best in the entire recollection, and the remake was worthy even just for this, even though I have my grievances with the final product. 24:50 Btw, I don't know if you noticed but the name Kyle Hyde is the same one for the protagonist of the other Cing famous saga (Hotel Dusk and Last window): I do think it's simply supposed to be an easter egg since the two series exist in the same universe, not an actual fictional character written by somebody. Maybe the parents were fans of his works, and so they named him after the fictional detective Anyway, with this I've said everything. See you next Thursday!
@OmegaDoesThings 3 ай бұрын
I had a suspicion that it was a Hotel Dusk reference (because I knew it was the same studio and artstyle) but wasn't lucky enough to play it back in the day haha
@katsbreez 3 ай бұрын
I have started this game with so many gamers looking for someone with an enthusiastic vibe. I think you might be the one.🤗 I'm a little ahead of you in the story, so I'll plan to rejoin you when you catch up!
@OmegaDoesThings 3 ай бұрын
Much appreciated, welcome aboard!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
I'm awfully late, but here I am to give commentary and advice! This section is pretty barebones when you really think about it because it really just gives you one puzzle (one of the few which has actually been kept from the DS original): however, it works as a perfect buildup for what's to come in the next chapter. Though, I miss the old kitchen which had interesting tidbits of Edwards lore. The scene where Ashley finds the newspaper about Sayoko's death is also vastly different from its counterpart on TM, though in this case (and I mean, in THIS case) it's a narrative change that actually makes sense with the intent of this new version. But I'll refrain from talking about it until you've come to the right moment. Talking about changes, I really do love the confrontations between Ashley and Mr. Douchebag: in Two Memories it really felt short-lived and not impactful as it should have been (I do know it's for different reasons, but still...), but here the drama of it all is way more palpable. Though, I can't help but laugh at D's face through the whole ordeal because it's just so funny and exaggerated and it also clashes with him remembering of Thomas' murder. That's it for now in regards to the story. One little word of advice for you next session, since I've seen multiple LPers getting confused in the beginning of chapter 4... and since this is a mystery game, I'll give it to you as a riddle: the words of the one who got away will guide you. That's it, really. Ok, then, I've said everything I wanted to. See you next Thursday, Omega!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
I can only imagine a scene like this when you were going crazy searching for a solution. Ashley: How long is this gonna continue? We've been going on circles for at least ten minutes now. D: I don't know, maybe we should drop a hint. Ashley: Like what? "Look at the table, for the love of God, look at the table"? D: ... I was thinking more on the line of "Maybe I should look around a bit more." Ashley: Ugh, but there already IS a hint system! D: Come on, it could be worse. Ashley: How so? D: It could always be the reflection puzzle from the original. Ashley: ... You know what, you're right. That was WAY more a pain in the ass than this. Anyway, YES, you found the case of the gun! So many people just missed it on their playthrough even though it's an important piece of information! It's also curious that its location was changed from the Gold Bird Room to this secret place. Aside from that, from what I recall, the coins puzzle is also randomised, though I don't remember if it's the weight or the combination that changes. Well, now I'll just wait for the next part to see your incoming reactions. See you next Thursday!
@OmegaDoesThings 4 ай бұрын
I thought so! I checked a couple LPs after I finished editing because I *thought* the coin combo might be random, was pleasantly surprised it was. But yeah as far as the going crazy, I realized I've been trying to play it like an escape room and forgetting "no, they sometimes really want you to check things in a very specific order" haha
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
@OmegaDoesThings Yeah, Another Code Recollection is fairly linear in comparison to other puzzle games (its original iteration included). They probably wanted to reach as wide of an audience as possible by making the puzzle not too complicated. Which, I mean, it was also the intention behind the DS game
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
Wow, you surely made the "navigation in the library" puzzle harder on yourself there. 😂 Though, you aren't the first one who cleared that part with just one candle at their disposal, so I suppose this remake still somewhat holds a candle (ha) to the original. Now, I, too, don't know why piano puzzles are so frequent in the point and click adventure genre, maybe it has something to do with its presence in the 1st Resident Evil? What I CAN say, however, is that the sheet music puzzle peeves me for a spoilerish reason, so I won't disclose. I'd also like to talk about the meeting with dad, but it's best to keep it for another time. I have two other suggestions for your next session, though. First, after the room you closed the video on, there's another one. Inspect it closely before leaving it, there's an object to examine that many LPers missed. It's important so you better check it out. Secondly, don't be led astray by some updates on the characters' page, outside of the start of a new chapter, the text doesn't actually change, it's just the profile image/the relationships lines/the name which does. Ok, I've said everything, I think. See you next Thursday!
@OmegaDoesThings 4 ай бұрын
I have a sneaking suspicion I know exactly why the sheet music annoys you (given that I'm currently editing the next bits), and I'm hoping I found what you're referring to in the next room. Thanks for tuning in!
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
9:42 Actually, you're right, the safe's code does change depending on the save file, I checked in another walkthrough. 23:26 To answer your question, the first doll you get triggers D's memory and his comment that they were hand-made by Frannie, but then it diverges by describing the specific doll you got.
@OmegaDoesThings 4 ай бұрын
Neat! Thanks for checking that out.
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings You're welcome, I'm here to serve. I can't wait for the next part
@ultimatefanficwriter5016 4 ай бұрын
37:40 Actually, there was. In Two Memories/Trace Memory, you could find these blue DAS/DTS cards that contained information penned by the dad, either about his life on the island or details of the Edward family, depending on whether you were on a first playthrough or New Game Plus. There were 8 of them, but now they're 14 because they needed to put information about both these topics. Anyway, I'm glad I've found someone who seems very attached to this niche franchise, I'll surely see the rest of your playthrough. Just one word of advice, though: at the beginning of each chapter, actually read the updated character bios because this game has the weird and irritating tendency to put info that isn't told you in the story inside those bios. So, do yourself a favour and read them. It won't take much of your time. (And it also provides a better insight into Ashley's mind since they're written from her point of view.) Anyway, to the next part I go!
@themexicanattacker1503 4 ай бұрын
@AngeloGene 5 ай бұрын
Dont know why, but YT recommend this vid to me. This used to be my childhood game. I almost forgot about it. This is very nostalgic.
@OmegaDoesThings 5 ай бұрын
Always happy to help induce nostalgia haha. Planning on releasing more on Tuesdays!
@AngeloGene 5 ай бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings Alrighty then! Will tune in. 👍😁
@gizlioyuncu1444 Жыл бұрын
@JinJoxx 2 жыл бұрын
Hi! I was just going back and looking at the other winners of the Mumbo Jumbo 1 chunk piston house challenge from back in the day. Just to reminisce and I wanted to see who else was still active. Cool to see that you're still making Minecraft videos!
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
You betcha! Don’t have as much time as I’d like these days, but it’s still very much one of my passions and I hope to get back to it soon.
@JinJoxx 2 жыл бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings I feel ya. Minecraft is the only game I can still come back to after years and years. But life gets busy. Well, I'll stick around to see what you do next! I went back and watched some of your redstone videos, and I thought they were excellent. I'm looking forward to seeing what you do next!
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
Additional Notes: 5:23 - It's the "Starlight Celebration" ya donut! 7:19 - A very clear shot of the two Lalafells in pots I missed mentioning.
@Alduin_OMEGA134 2 жыл бұрын
really good stream 👍
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad you enjoyed it, the next one should be even better.
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
I only just noticed I wasn't streaming any of the desktop audio (because that was another thing I changed during the Minecraft recording). Setup has been rectified, can say with absolute certainty there will be no further audio issues in the next stream. My apologies for the inconvenience.
@Alduin_OMEGA134 2 жыл бұрын
your videos are great, and also nice name
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
Much appreciated! I see you are an individual of culture as well.
@Alduin_OMEGA134 2 жыл бұрын
@@OmegaDoesThings haha i got it from the best
@Willyboy 2 жыл бұрын
Nice content, continue like that 👍
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@lewisdunkfan7790 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, can't wait to see more
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
Much appreciated! I'm planning on adding smaller showcases as I hit major technical advancements, so there's definitely more planned haha
@MikeMood 2 жыл бұрын
3 years late but you are SUPER underrated man! Keep up the amazing videos!
@OmegaDoesThings 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks, I really appreciate that! Keep an eye out, I'll be releasing a vid in the next few days (just as soon as I take a good thumbnail haha)
@OmegaDoesThings 3 жыл бұрын
The other bridge inspiration: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solkan_Bridge Molecular Assembler Tree: imgur.com/a/DWsUd Would like to note I got the Solkan Bridge's origin *wildly incorrect* in the vid. I found the image when creating the bridge (a year or so ago), saw the associated article, and my fishbrain only remembered bits and pieces during the recording. It is a bridge in Slovenia, and reconstruction was started by the Italians following WWI (thus explaining why I thought it was built in or by Italians/Romans). My sincerest apologies for the inaccuracy! Also forgot to talk about the side rooms despite very clearly mentioning that I'd discuss them, will detail that as I begin (or after) construction on them. I've got some cool concepts in mind for the entrances and layouts.
@OmegaDoesThings 3 жыл бұрын
Update, figured out that something changed in my settings and OBS unbound the microphone capture from the microphone. I just had to rebind and add and that was it. Once again, my apologies, next stream I'll be sure to check that first. -Welp, due to unforeseen and (yet) undiagnosed technical issues, apparently none of my commentary made it. I have confirmed the mic works fine and my OBS settings are (theoretically) unchanged, so not really sure what went wrong. Going to poke around windows and OBS to see if I can get a culprit, maybe do an unlisted test stream to verify the new settings work, and then continue from there. Apologies for the failure, please enjoy the gameplay regardless.-
@OmegaDoesThings 3 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately mic cuts out around 4:10:46. Need to see if I accidentally toggled the mute and failed to turn it back on. Apologies for the audio loss. Edit: That was exactly what happened, notable moments at following timestamps: 4:13:09: "Oh that stuff actually *does* hurt!" 4:18:25: It's that Asari I mentioned/"It pays to pay attention to lore, the sisters are bad business and she drew her SMG on me." 4:26:42: "Is that a gunship in the background? I should get the missile launcher." 4:29:37: "I warned you about that Asari bro." 4:31:29: "Why wouldn't you put a weapon locker before the gunship fight?!" 4:37:53: The Volus "Biotic God" 4:54:15: "Oh, I guess it's going to dump me straight into the mission..." 5:01:34: Waffling, but then Assault Rifle get! 5:08:10: Realizing the Mattock is my new favorite weapon on this playthrough. 5:24:03: The dawning realization my squad is glitched out somewhere and I'm about to die for certain. 5:25:32: The actual Praetorian fight. 5:36:03: "Nope" *bang* "Nope" *bang* "Nope" *bang* 5:37:57: You ain't done yet!/Surprise! 5:52:35: "Hey wait a second, I need your ship upgrade young lady!"/"Ah wait, you're locked into your loyalty dialogue."
@12ax7sRock 3 жыл бұрын
Its a pretty good house. theres just alot of frame drops
@OmegaDoesThings 3 жыл бұрын
Regrettably, this time there was an outright crash as opposed to last time's "broadcast lost". Not sure if hardware or software issue, but I think that's it for the stream tonight. On the plus side, clearly switching the wifi band worked wonders for bitrate, not nearly the level of pixelation we had with yesterday's stream, and the movements are way more dramatic too.
@OmegaDoesThings 3 жыл бұрын
Due to technical difficulties, it appears the stream has ended prematurely. Gonna attempt to get part 2 going presently. Edit: Due to further technical glitchiness, the second stream happened but uh... was stuck on the Playstation "Broadcast Paused" screen for a good majority. So the *real* second one will probably happen tomorrow.